UNIT 10 & 3 - Vocabulary

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UNIT 10: THE AGE OF SPORT, text, vocabulary

PARAGRAPH ONE ubiquitous (adj.) a proliferation (n.) totally (adv.) dedicated (to) (adj.) personality (n.) alike (adv.) PARAGRAPH TWO self-made (adj.) an athlete (n.) a means (n.) to seek (v.) supreme (adj.) PARAGRAPH THREE crucial (adj.) untold (riches) (adj.) via (prep.) a fee (n.) saturated (adj.) again and again (adv.) PARAGRAPH FOUR a public limited company (n.) collectively (adv.) prominence (n.) hence (adv.) in demand (adj.) to convey (v.) credibility (n.) authenticity (n.) to mirror (v.) an agent (n.) PARAGRAPH FIVE to unify (v.) truly (adv.) not only that, but... just about (adv.) on the contrary (adv.) middle-distance running PARAGRAPH SIX however (adv.) disquiet (n.) vast (adj.) sheer (adj.) besotted (adj.) to stage (v.) overpaid (adj.) ..from one... to the next... overexposure (n.) satiated (adj.) ultimately (adv.) disillusioned (adj.)

Translate to English. Televizija velikom broju ljudi omoguduje pristup sportskim dogaajima diljem svijeta. Televizija u potpunosti mijenja sport, gotovo uvijek na gore. Sve veda popularnost sporta se odraava novcem koji ga okruuje. Manchester United je dioniko drutvo vrijedno oko milijardu funti. Ovi veliki sportski dogaaji spajaju sportae razliitih rasa kao nijedan drugi dogaaj. Sport je sveprisutan. Dok je sport nekada bio namijenjen zabavi i amaterima, danas je predmet ozbiljnih ulaganja. Uspon sportske zvijezde se odraava usponom tvrtki kao to su Nike i Adidas. Uz popularnu glazbu, internet i multinacionalne tvrtke, sport je jedan od kljunih imbenika globalizacije. Sport vjerojatno ini vie za ujedinjenje naroda nego je za to ikada bio sposoban ikoji politiar. Advantages and disadvantages INTERNATIONAL SPORTS EVENTS advantages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 disadvantages

UNIT 3: EAT-SLEEP-BUY-DIE, text, vocabulary

PARAGRAPH ONE share (n.) interest rates (n.) to soar (v.) Dow Jones (n.) vast (adj.) wealth (n.) to purchase (v.) PARAGRAPH TWO prosperous (adj.) drained (adj.) given (prep.) to hassle (v.) a gadget (n.) congested (adj.) PARAGRAPH THREE benevolent (adj.) deprivation (n.) poverty (n.) merely (adv.) consumption (n.) to go bust (v.) a retailer (n.) stalemate (n.) to go into stalemate PARAGRAPH FOUR relentlessly (adv.) chronic (adj.) yearning (n.) to satiate (v.) obesity (n.) to diet (v.) a refugee (n.) the exploited (n.) a cash crop (n.) PARAGRAPH FIVE a sweat shop (n.) mindless of (adj.) devoid (of) (adj.) oblivious (adj.) impact (n.) to muster (v.)

Translate to Croatian and explain the meaning. Share prices are flying high, interest rates are soaring. We have no time for anything other than work, which is ironic given the number of labour-saving devices in our lives. As a leading economist put it, consumer societies are 'in need of need'. Need is the miracle that keeps the engines of expansion turning relentlessly. Translate to English. Trebali bismo imati koristi od svih prednosti bogatog drutva. Osim ako novac ne nastavi kruiti, gospodarstvo propada. Sreivanje duga ne znai otpladivanje istog, ved samo pladanje kamate. Zahtijevamo jeftinu hranu, bez obzira na injenicu da je potpuno liena okusa i da je proizvedena primjenom kemikalija koje truju tlo.

Advantages and disadvantages GLOBALIZATION AND CONSUMERISM advantages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 disadvantages

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