Warzone Resurrection - v1.2 ENG

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Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection Beta Rules v1.2 March 2013

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Welcome to your copy of the Beta Rules for Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection. They are designed to give you a flavour of this exciting 28mm skirmish game. Please be aware that they are Beta Rules and so far from the polished and complete offering we will make available in a few months time. At the end of this document you will find some cards to cut out. Obviously the real thing will be much more interesting and of the highest quality. Please give us your feedback on the Facebook Forum. Very shortly we will have our warzonegame.com website up, which will include a beta rules test forum. We hope you enjoy. The Prodos Games Team P.S. And a big thank you to all on our forum for their feedback, Rob Alderman and Kim Rapson for their help on this.

1. Rule Variants for Card Use:

Basic Game Rules - Cards are limited to resource cards. No other cards are required for this version of the game. - The number of resource cards that each player starts with is dependent on the relevant players hero choice and also how many squad commanders are in their control. For example: Alakhai is a close combat hero, so starts with 3 resource cards, whereas Dr. Diana is a tech hero and as such, starts with 4. For example: Alakhais army also contains 2 units of Undead Legionnaires, each led by a Necromutant. Each Necromutant will allocate a further 1 Resource card, which can be used by any miniature in Alakhais army . Your resource cards can be used in any of the following ways: A. Add a third action to a selected model. B. Add Heal (4) to the selected model (can only be used once per Wound Effect). C. Activate a Squads special skills. D. Activate a Heros special skills. For example: Player 1 Turns to Burn one resource card, thus giving one model a third action. Player 1 could have chosen to Add Heal (4) to the models characteristics for this turn and may still choose to at any point during the game, by Turning to Burn another resource card. - The result of using resource cards does not stack. For example: Player 1 cannot Turn to Burn one resource card to give a miniature a third action and then Turn to Burn another resource card to give a fourth action to this miniature. Equally, Player 1 cannot add Heal (4) to a miniature, and then turn to burn again to give the miniature Heal (8). Player 1 can choose to Turn to Burn 2 resource cards and give a miniature a third action and also give the miniature Heal (4). Advance Game Rules - Card deck: Each player creates a deck with a minimum of 35 cards including Strategy, Tactical and Gear cards. - Maximum 5 cards in any players hand at any time. - You may draw up to 1 card every turn and must add this card to your hand. If you find you have more than five cards in your hand, you must discard cards until you have 5 cards. - Only 1 strategy card can be in play per turn (regardless of how many players there are). - Only 1 tactical card can be in play per squad. - Only 3 gear cards can be in play per player. - The number of resource cards you start with is dependent on the relevant players hero choice and also how many squad commanders are in their control. For example: Alakhai is a close combat hero, so starts with 3 resource cards, whereas Dr. Diana is a tech hero, so starts with 4. For example: Alakhais army also contains 2 units of Undead Legionnaires, each led by a Necromutant. Each Necromutant will allocate a further 1 Resource card, which can be used by any miniature in Alakhais army.


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Your resource cards can be used in any of the following ways: A. Add a third action to a selected model B. Add Heal (4) to the selected model (can only be used once per Wound Effect). C. Activate a Squads special skills. D. Activate a Heros special skills. E. Play Strategy/Tactical/ Gear cards. For example: Player 1 Turns to Burn one resource card, thus giving one model a third action. Player 1 could have chosen to Add Heal (4) to the models characteristics for this turn and may still choose to at any point during the game, by Turning to Burn another resource card. - The result of using resource cards does not stack. For example: Player 1 cannot Turn to Burn one resource card to give a miniature a third action and then Turn to Burn another resource card to give a fourth action to this miniature. Equally, Player 1 cannot add Heal (4) to a miniature, and then turn to burn again to give the miniature Heal (8). Player 1 can choose to Turn to Burn 2 resource cards and give a miniature a third action and also give the mi niature Heal (4).

2. Dice and Rolls

Warzone Resurrection uses 20 sided dice. These are referred to as D20 throughout this document. If there is a number in front of D20, then that is the number of D20s that should be rolled (i.e. 2D20 = Roll 2 20 sided dice). All tests in the game are done by rolling D20. One Die to rule them all Reroll You may only reroll once (no rerolling a reroll). If you do choose to reroll your dice, you must stick with the rerolled result, even if it is worse! All dice rolls are only counted if they land on the table. If a dice happens to roll off the table, it must be rolled again (this is the only exception to the no rerolling a reroll rule; i.e. rerolls that land off the table must be rolled again). Rolls of natural 1 are always successful. Power shot Targets that have been hit with a roll of a natural 1 cannot take an Armour Test. Rolls of natural 20 are always a failure. Fumble Any miniature that rolls a natural 20 may take no further actions this turn, nor spend resource cards to gain further actions this turn. In order to pass a skill test you must roll equal or less that the relevant skill value. For example, if the model has a Range Skill of 12 after any modifiers, you will have to roll 12 or less on D20 to successfully pass. Modifiers to skill checks follow the following mathematical principle: first multiply then divide, add then subtract (i.e. (2x2)+2= 6). For example, Alakhai has movement 5 and wants to Engage, then uses the Strategy Card Rage (adds +3 to movement). He will therefore Engage 13 (5 x2 for charging +3 for strategy card).

3. Model Height and Facing Area

You may measure any distances (i.e. movement, shooting) before engaging in any actions. This is commonly referred to as pre-measuring. Measurements are done from base to base (not from gun to model). All of the miniatures in Warzone Resurrection have a Facing Area in games, which is defined by the base that the model is standing on (or in the case of large vehicles that do not have a base (such as the Grizzly Tank), use the footprint of the vehicle)) and the models height (to top of models head (or in the case of vehicles, the tallest point of the miniature)). For example, the Facing Area of an infantry model will usually be 30mmx32mm (the width of the base x the height of the miniature). This makes solving line of sight a lot easier. The minimum Facing Area (to take into account some models may be kneeling etc.) is (unless otherwise specified): o Small Bases: minimum Facing Area Height 1 o Medium Bases: minimum Facing Area Height 1.75 o Large Bases: minimum Facing Area Height 2

Minimum Area for Small Bases =30mm

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. The Facing Area dictates the Line of Sight; if you can see models Facing Area you can shoot at the model

In this case the Model Area is partially covered.

In this case the Model is fully covered.

4. Shooting and Line of sight

A models ability to shoot is defined by the models Range Skill (RS). If the target models Facing Area is partially covered, the firing models RS is modified depending on the type of cover. (Light cover: -2 modifier to RS. Heavy Cover: -4 modifier to RS. Intervening models (that are not within 1 of shooter): -4 modifier to RS). The COVER MODIFIER IS CUMULATIVE. Therefore, if a target model is behind heavy cover and there are intervening models the target can be very difficult to hit! Imagine shooting through people whilst at a market at a target 40 feet away and behind a brick wall. You can use strategy cards to increase your chances of successfully hitting the target. This will be covered later in the rules. To take advantage of cover, the models Facing Area must be at least 25% covered. Heavy Cover: -4 to RS (walls, trees and intervening models). Light Cover: -2 to RS (barbed wire, lowlying scrub, bushes, etc) If you are within 1 of a piece of cover, then you will not suffer the cover modifier for that piece of cover when shooting through it. You cannot shoot at a model which is behind more than 3 pieces of cover (including other models), unless you declare a Lucky Shot attempt. A lucky shot hits only on the roll of a natural 1. If the Facing Area of a model is completely obscured it cannot be targeted. Intervening models cannot completely obscure a target as both are constantly moving (it is a battlefield after all!)


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5. Facing
All models in Warzone Resurrection have two facings: Front and Rear, Front facing is 180 degrees taken from the centre of their base. (We would suggest you paint this onto your base to avoid confusion). Models can only perform shooting and close combat actions in their Front facing.



6. The Stat line

The Stat line represents the basic skills and abilities of the miniature in question. Each skill can be temporarily or permanently affected as the game progresses. Most are used as the starting point for calculating the number needed to roll on a D20:

Example: Necromutant











M Movement. Maximum distance in inches the model can travel. Movement is affected by various modifiers such as type of terrain and played cards. A miniatures minimum movement value, even after modifiers is alway 2 unless otherwise specified (i.e. a card states that a models movement value is reduced to 0). CC Close Combat. The number required to roll on a D20 for a Close Combat Test. This number can be affected by many factors. RS Range Skill. The number required to roll on a D20 for a Range Skill Test. This number can be affected by Line of Sight and other factors too. St - Strength. The models strength will affect the A of opponent in close combat Con Constitution. Constitution represents the models ability to resist factors such as falling from height (more rules in v1.2). WP Will Power. Used to activate special skills/ Psi/ Dark harmony etc. Ld Leadership. The number required to roll on a D20 for a Morale Test. This number can be affected by many factors. W Wounds. This is a way of tracking how much damage a model can receive. If the models wounds is reduced to 0 by Wound Effect, then it is removed from the board as it has been killed. A Armour value. The number required to roll on a D20 for a Armour Test. This number can be affected by many factors. Pts - Points Value. This number represents how much the miniature(s) is/are worth. This is used for working out balanced army lists. For example, each player will write an army list to the value of a set amount of points. You use the points value of your miniatures/squads to work this out.


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Each model in a game has 2 Action Points. For simplicity this Value is not included on the Stat Cards. More about action points in The Game! section.

Miniature definitions: Small Bases - basic models, based on 30mm bases. Medium Bases 40mm base. Large- 60mm bases

7. Cards
There are four types of cards: a. Resource Cards (res.) All players start the game with (x) number of Resource cards in play, the number is dependent on type of Hero being used in play and number of Squad Commanders. These cards represent your resources and all of the other card types need to use resources in order to be played. To use a resource the player must Turn to burn the resource card (an action which is represented by literally turning the resource card upside down). Unless otherwise specified, each resource card represents 1 resource. In the Control Phase all used resource cards are reset to face the owning player. Resource cards are not normally removable, however if your Warlord or any Squad Commander is removed from play, remove the number of resource cards allocated to them. It is the controlling players choice which resource cards they remove. For example, Player 1s Undead Legionnaire squad has just lost its Commanding Officer, a Necromutant. The miniature is removed from play and with it, a used resource card . Resource cards: Turn to Burn one resource card to: A. Add a third action to a selected model B. Add Heal (4) to the selected model (can only be used once per Wound Effect). C. Activate a Squads special skills. D. Activate a Heros special skills. and if using the Advance Rules; E. Play Strategy/Tactical/ Gear cards. b. Strategy Cards These mainly affect the battlefield. They can only be issued between the squad activations of each player. Only one Strategy card can be in play at any time, so control your timing carefully! Unless otherwise specified, Strategy Cards are removed in the Control Phase. c. Tactical Cards affect squads or models: They can be issued at any point in a phase, but not while a model is completing its activation. They must be issued before a D20 roll to affect it. Only one card can be in play for each squad. You can choose to discard a tactical card on a squad to play another. d. Gear Cards - are not normally removable (unless specified otherwise) and may affect a Squad, battlefield feature, individual model or resource cards. Gear Cards are also Tactical cards and as such, may be played at any point in a phase, but not while a model is completing its activation. To affect a D20 roll the Gear Card must be played before the roll. You may have up to three Gear Cards per player in play at any one point in time. Place the active cards next to the target Model/Squad Reference Card.

8. Deck construction (for ADVANCED Rules)

The minimum number of cards any player can have in their deck is 35 Players can have a maximum of 3 of the same Strategy Cards in their deck Players can have a maximum of 5 of the same Tactical Cards in their deck. Players can have a maximum of 3 of the same Gear Card in their deck.

At any point in the game players can discard any number of cards from their hand. At any point in the game players can spend one Resource Card to draw one card (we recommend doing this at the end of the turn, before your Control Phase).

All decks must be shuffled by the controlling player and then cut before start of the game by a randomly determined opponent.

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9. Terrain types
Terrain not only affects ability to shoot a target, but also affects the models movement (M) ability. Movement modification only occurs when the model is within the terrain. There are 4 types of terrain in Warzone Resurrection. Players should agree on what the scenery they are using best reflects at the beginning of the game, before deployment. Open i.e. Flat plains, or light hills. These do not normally reduce your movement. Light i.e. Water (not deep), bushes. Reduce movement by 2, to minimum of 2. Heavy i.e. Walls, trees. Reduce movement by 3, to minimum of 2. Impossible deep water, solid rock, pools of acid. No one can pass through or into these at all. If a model moves more than 3 through a single piece of light terrain, its movement is reduced as if it had moved through heavy terrain (i.e. Reduce movement by 3, to minimum of 2).


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Morale tests

A Leadership (LD) test needs to be taken when: A Squad loses 50% or more of the squad members (100% equals the number of models in the squad at the start of the turn) in one Turn. If the test is failed the squad is Pinned (see below). If a Squad loses 75% of its squad members in one turn and the Morale test is failed then squad is Broken (see below). (100% equals the number of models in the squad at the start of the turn). Pinned squads have the following negative modifiers: RS (-2), CC (-2), LD (-2) and a positive modifier of A (+2) against ranged attacks only (not close combat). Broken squads MUST immediately Run (x2 Movement Value) towards their board edge. Subsequent LD tests to Rally are modified by -6 (LD). When at least 1 model touches the board edge the whole squad is removed from the game and otherwise counts as a casualty for determining the winner at the end of the game. Morale Test to Recover from Pinning: You can spend one action point at the beginning of the units activation to attempt to Recover from Pinning by rolling against leadership with a -2 modifier. This attempt costs all in the squad one action point. This action CAN be repeated twice per activation. If both attempts fail the unit stays pinned until the next turn. Morale Test to Regroup from Broken: You can spend one action at the beginning of the units activation to attempt to Regroup from Broken by rolling against leadership with a -6 modifier. This attempt costs all in the squad one action point. This action CAN be repeated twice per activation. If both attempts fail the unit continues to run toward their board edge and still count as broken.


Win Conditions

You win the game if you complete your primary objective as per the Mission Description in play. (see later).


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The Game!
1. Roll off for mission or select one. 2. Set up terrain, and agree on what cover and effects the terrain will have. We recommend a board 48x48 for games up to 350pts. 3. Each player rolls a D20 for Initial Initiative. Highest roll wins. The winner sets-up first, within 6 of their board edge. The winner may choose to give initiative to the opponent (to their left if more than two players). 4. Place X resource cards into play, where X is sum of Resources allocated to your Warlord plus one extra card per Squad Commander in play. 5. Draw 5 cards from your deck. Each player may discard their entire initial hand to the discard pile, before the first turn starts and replace it with a fresh one from the top of their deck. They must keep their second hand. 6. The player who set-up first keeps initiative in the first turn.

Turns and Phases The game starts with the first turn. Due to the nature of Warzone Resurrection all players play in each turn. Therefore, each turn is split into a number of phases. The number of phases is dependent on the number of units in play. Each turn has a Control Phase and a Battle section with a number of Activation Phases dependent on the number of units in play. 1. Control Phase A. From turn 2 onwards both players roll their D20 for Turn Initiative. The winner is the person with the highest dice roll. In the case of a draw both players reroll until one player gets a higher number. The winner chooses to keep or give away the initiative (in the same manner as the Initial Initiative). B. FOR ADVANCED RULES: Players draw one card from their deck, starting with the 2. Battle Section The player with the initiative for this turn goes first: A. Activate a unit (units include squads, heroes, monsters and walkers) B. A pinned or broken unit must pass a leadership test, otherwise they continue to be pinned or broken (LD test). Taken the test uses 1 action point (the test can be taken, therefore, twice per turn) C. Check for unit coherency (LD value divided by 2 (rounded up) in inches from Squad Commander), if any model is out of coherency it must be the first model in the unit activated and must complete a closing action (Run action) to return to unit player with the Initiative. No player may have more than 6 cards in their hand; if they do then they must instantly discard down to 6 cards (which they can choose themselves and then must place the discarded card(s) in the discard pile). C. Remove all Strategy and Tactical cards (including Gear cards as appropriate) from the board. Discard them to the Scrap Pile. D. Reset all Resource (Res) cards

coherency. If more than 1 model is out of coherency, activate all in turn and complete a closing action for each. Once all models are in unit coherency, models not yet activated from the same squad can be activated in any order. Models engaged in close combat ignore the Closing Action rule, but they have the same modifiers as if they are pinned (Where are my comrades! rule, which is explained later in the rules). Example: Squad Commanders LD15 so coherency is 8 from him .


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D. Activate 1st model, (can be any model) from activated squad. E. Each model in Warzone Resurrection has 2 Action points. By spending your models Action points you can perform basic or

advanced actions. Basic actions cost 1 Action point, advanced actions cost 2 Action points. Each action can be used only once per model activation.


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BASIC Actions (1 Action Point)

Move Action models can move up to their Movement (M) value in inches (more rules below). Engage Action - (Movement Value x2), An Engage action can only be completed if a CCWR (close combat weapon range) is reached. If the distance moved is reduced and a CCWR cannot be reached, the engage move counts as a Run action instead (which costs 2 actions). The Engage action must always be made in a straight line; before the engage move is made change the facing of your model as appropriate. If your model passes through the CCWR of an enemy model as yours moves to engage a counter charge can occur. A counter-charge is completed on a successful LD test, (if counter charging model is in a Watch Action the LD test is passed automatically). If a counter charge is successful the Engaging model is stopped in the CCWR of the Counter Charging model. Models already engaged cannot Counter Charge. Models gain Bonus to St based on their base size when they complete an Engage action: Small Bases (30mm) +2 St Medium Bases (35mm) + 4 St Large Bases (60mm) + 6 St Engage bonus is only applied to 1st attack. If not otherwise stated Close Combat Weapon Range is dependant of size of the bases: Small Bases CCWR is Base to base (B2B) Medium Bases CCWR is 1 Large Bases CCWR is 2 All Heroes type 1.5 The CCWR might be affected by the equipped weapons of the model. For Example. Small bases models equipped with Two Handed Sword gain 1.5 CCWR. A model must move at least its Movement (M) Value when completing an Engage Action to claim the Engage bonus. Aim Action A model can spend one action point to gain +2 Range Skill (RS) and +2 to weapon St to their shooting action (which must occur in the same activation phase). The bonus is added only to their first shot in the case of models with a Rate of Fire (RoF) higher than 1. If an Aim Action is used to shoot at a Vehicle, you can use this action to select the location of the hit instead of rolling dice for a randomly determined location. Hide Action A model can spend one action point to increase their Cover Value from Light Cover (-2 to shooters RS) to Heavy (-4). This action has no effect on the heavy cover value. The Hide cover bonus is lost once models perform any other action. Place a hide token next to the model to indicate this action is in effect. To hide in light cover the model must be within the cover or within 1 of it. Shooting Action A model can spend one action point to open fire at an enemy target. When shooting, the miniature will make a number of Ranged Fire Tests equal to the RoF of the weapon they are firing. Close Combat Action- A model can spend one action point to perform a close combat attack. When fighting in close combat, the miniature will make Close Combat Skill tests equal to their RoA (Rate of Attack) characteristic. Special Skills A model can use its Special Skill by spending one action point. Special skills are listed on the models stat card (if they have any).


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ADVANCED Actions (2 Action Points)

Rapid Fire A model completing Rapid Fire gains RoF(+1), and -2 to RS for all shots this phase. Weapon Range is halved during this action. Sentry Action - You can place up to TWO models per 5 models in a squad (to a minimum of 2 models) into Sentry mode. Models in Sentry can use ONE action (cannot be increased by any means) during the enemys activation phase. The following Sentry actions are allowed: Shooting, Close Combat, Move or Dive for Cover. For example, Player 1 has a squad of ten Capitol Free Marines; Player 1 decides to send 6 squad members forward their full distance. He then keeps back 4 members of the squad and puts them into Sentry Mode. As the squad numbers 10 miniatures, he is allowed to put 4 members General Activation Notes:

into Sentry Mode, thus allowing those 4 models to give covering fire to the rest of the squad during the opponents activation. Sentry actions can be used when a model in Sentry is targeted and only be completed on a successful LD test. If a model that is currently performing a Sentry Action is targeted by a ranged attack it may make a Move action to enter a piece of cover. Dive for cover cannot be attempted if no cover is in range (Movement (M) value, applying any required modifiers). A successful LD test must be done in order to use any Sentry Action during enemy activation phase. Run Action The model may move up to Movement (M) x2. Affected by applicable modifiers (cards, terrain) as normal.

You may choose not to activate models from a unit if you wish. Once you have completed your activated units phase, play moves to the other player, who then activates as normal. If one player has less units than the other, the player with the most can activate all their remaining units once the other players units have been activated. For example, Thomas and Jean are in turn 3 and Jean has 3 units remaining while Thomas has 6. Thomas gets initiate, so activates first, they take it in turns then, when Jean has no more units left Thomas activates his 4-6th squads in turn, completing all the actions with each. Every unit must be activated per turn.


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Squad special actions can only be issued at the beginning of the target units activation; each Squad Special Action cost 1 Action Point for EACH model in the squad (even if some of the models cannot or do not use the Special Action). Only one special Squad action can be issued in a Turn. After declaration, but before a Squad Special Action takes place, the models can use their other action point(s). See each Squad Special Action descriptions below: 1. Focus Fire minimum 3 models from the same squad must be selected in order to issues Focus Fire. The firing models must be in range of the target. The models completing the Focus Fire action cannot make any other Shooting actions in the same turn. Roll to hit only once (ignoring models RoF) with a +6 modifier to RS (use the highest RS value of the Focus firing models). The St of the weapon is equal to St12 + sum of RoF of models participating in the Focus Fire (weapon type is always counted as Piercing). For every 3 models participating in the Focus Fire the Focus Fire attack gains Critical Force (+1) and AVV (+1). Models hit by Focus Fire cannot use the Heal ability. For example: A unit of 6 models focus fires on a Razide; so has RS12+6, St 12+ (6x RoF1) = St18. This attack therefore gains Critical Force (2) and AVV is increased to 3 (1 standard +2). 2. Suppression Fire can only be used if the unit has this ability. A minimum 3 models from the same squad must be selected in order to issue the Suppression Fire Action. At least one model from firing squad must be in range of the target models. The models completing a Suppression Fire action cannot make any other shooting actions in the same turn. If an enemy model under suppression fire moves more than 2 (in the same Turn) it must take Con Test, if test is failed the model takes an automatic St14 hit (piercing). 3. Swarm A minimum of 3 models must be engaged in close combat to be able to declare a Swarm special action. Roll once to hit with a +4 modifier to CC (use higher CC value out of the swarming models) and the Strength of the weapon is equal to St12 + the sum of RoA of all of the models participating in Swarm (weapon type is always counted as Piercing). For every 3 models participating in the Swarm the Swarm attack gains Critical Force (+1) and AVV (+1). Additionally, models hit by a Swarm action cannot use the Heal ability. For example: A unit of 6 models engaged with a Razide perform a Swarm attack with CC12+4, St 12+ (6x RoA1), AVV 1 (use lower value of AVV out of all models participating in the Swarm) = St18, because there is full 6 models this attack gain Critical Force (2) and AVV 3 (1 standard +2).

General Shooting Rules
1. Target priority any Basic, Advance or Squad Special Actions against the enemy must be directed at closest enemy model (Primary Target). Models can ignore this rule if they have the Target Sense ability. Models without the Target Sense rule can gain it by passing a LD test on declaration of a different target. If the test is failed the action is lost. If a model with Target Sense is participating in a Squad Special attack, all models participating in this action gain Target Sense. When there is more than one model at the same and nearest distance, you can select any of these models as your Primary Target.


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How to Shoot
a. Select Target Following the Target Priority Rule, target must be in weapon range (remember pre-measuring is allowed). b. Check for line of sight. c. Calculate cover for model you are aiming at (remember its cumulative and if more than 3 pieces (including other models) mean you will need a natural 1 to hit). d. Roll D20 vs RS (Range Skill) minus or plus all modifiers (a natural 1 will always Hit). e. If a model is hit, the Wound Effect is applied on the hit model, the model with Wound Effect must perform an Armour Test. f. If a miss is rolled, carry on targeting the target model until RoF of weapon is reduced to 0. g. If target model is eliminated and the shooting models weapons RoF has more than 1 RoF remaining, move to point (a. Select Target).

Shooting into combat A model can shoot at engaged models. If it does it receives a -8 modifier to its RS. If it misses it automatically hits the nearest friendly model. The friendly model may take normally modified armour saves. If it is removed from play its squad take a break test instantly. (What the Hell!? rule).

Shooting at friendly models You can choose to shoot at a friendly model. If you wound it (after normal armour saves) its unit take a break test.

Armour Tests
The Armour Test depends on three factors. A. Armour Value (AV) of the model. B. Type of weapon being used.

Piercing Plasma Blast Rail

Light 0 +3 -3 0

Bio +3 -3 0 0

Heavy -3 0 +3 0

Armour Value takes modifiers depending on the strength value of weapon: St 1 +9 St7 +3 St8 +2 St9 +1 St 10 0 St11 -1 St12 -2 St13 -3 St14 -4 . St 20 -10

C. Critical Force Weapon with St 18, has Critical Force (2) inflicts 2 Wounds per Wound Effect. Weapon with St 19, has Critical Force (3) inflicts 3 Wounds per Wound Effect. Weapon with St 20, has Critical Force (4) inflicts 4 Wounds per Wound Effect.


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An Example: A Razide with BioArmour is hit by a Piercing St12 weapon. The Razides Armour Value is 14. Because Bio armour is more effective against Piercing Weapons, a + 3 bonus is applied to the Razides armour (bringing its Armour Value up to 17). The weapon strength is 12, so there is also a -2 modifier to the Razides Armour Value, therefore in order to stop a Wound Effect, the Razide must pass an Armour Test of 15 on a D20. If the Razide was hit by a Plasma St12 Weapon, then the Razide would have to pass an Armour test on 9! (14 -3 for Plasma and a further -2 for Weapon Strength). If the Razide was hit by a Blast St19 weapon, then the Razide would have to pass an Armour test on 5. If the test is failed the Razide would take 3 wounds due to Critical Force (3) per Wound Effect.

Close Combat.
All close combat weapons are classified as Piercing (unless stated otherwise). Select a model to Engage in close combat. Premeasure the distance, remembering to incorporate any modifiers for movement. Attacking from behind: A model can only be Engaged in its rear-facing if the engaging model is completely within Rear Facing of the engaged model.

If the model is able to Engage (movement plus close combat weapon range (CCWR)), move in a straight line towards the target. If there are more than one enemy model in your CCWR you must allocate one as your primary target. All others are classed as secondary. The primary target must take the first attack. Only one attack can be allocated to each secondary model in your CCWR, the remaining must be allocated at the primary target. Engaged models have only 1 Action Point to spend. This point can only be spent on a close combat attack OR a move action. Models in at least one Close Combat weapon range (CCWR) always count as Engaged.

If activated model is engaged due to an enemy model CCWR, but the activated model is not in range of its close combat weapon, then activated model must perform a Closing Action to bring model into combat. The Closing Action can only be done within enemy model Front Facing and does not cost any action points. Models forced to leave Close Combat (Disengage) take an automatic hit. The strength of this hit is equal to the opponents Strength (S) plus weapon strength (St) x2. Models attacking Rear Facing of enemy gain +4 to CC skill test. This bonus is not applicable if a model is making Close Combat Special action described in point 9


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How to Fight
Choose your primary target. Apply modifiers to your CC value and roll a D20 to hit. If you hit the target it must pass a Armour (A) test. The strength of the attack is equal to the attacking models strength, plus his weapons strength, plus his Engage bonus (see the Engage action section). If the A test is passed, the target model is unaffected by the attack. If failed it takes a Wound Effect. If W is reduced to zero or less the target is removed from play. If you have a RoA greater than 1 you may then choose to attack the primary target again, or attack a nominated secondary. Remember that secondary targets can only be attacked once per model activation.


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Special Close Combat Actions

Any model can use a Special Close Combat Action instead of the normal Close Combat Action. If a Special CC action is used RoA is reduced to 1 (to minimum of 1) , All Special Close Combat Special actions are Piercing (unless stated otherwise) Special -

Close Combat actions for Models on small bases (30mm):

friendly model a Hold him! action can be attempted. The model attempting Hold him! must be in B2B and in the targets Rear Facing. Roll to hit, if hit is successful then enemy held (no damage is taken by enemy model). Any other unsuccessful Special or Normal Close Combat Actions can be rerolled. This action can only be used against models on a Small base.

Back Stab If a model is engaged and in the rear facing of an enemy model a Back Stab action can be initiated. Roll to hit, if successful the A of the enemy is reduced by half (rounding up). This action can only be used against models with Small or Medium bases. Hold him! If a model is in or engages in a multiple combat which includes at least one

Special Close Combat actions for Models on Medium bases (40mm):

Hold- Models on Medium Bases automatically have the Hold Special Rule. If a model on a Small or Medium base attempts to disengage from a model with Hold they must pass a St test. Ignore this rule is the Disengage is forced. Charge A Charge action can be made instead of an Engage action. It must be made in a straight line. The target must have a small base. Nominate a Primary Target (this action ignores the Target Priority rule), check range (Mx2 with appropriate modifiers). If in range move the charging model into B2B contact with the target. The target takes an automatic hit of the chargers St plus the engage bonus (+4 to St). If the target is removed from play, the charger continues his movement. If another model it receives an automatic hit (chargers strength). Continue this process until maximum movement has been made, a target is not removed or a model with a medium or large base is met. Brutal attack roll to hit as normal, if an enemy model is removed from play, the enemy unit must instantly take a pinning test with -4 modifier immediately. Swing- If a Swing action is declared all model CCWR with the swinger are hit once at the strength of the swinger (without bonuses for Engage Or Weapon). Roll to hit each target in turn. Throw A Throw action can be declared against models on small bases only. Select one enemy model within the CCWR of the thrower. If a successful CC roll is made the target is placed by the thrower 4 from the thrower. The thrown model can be thrown over other models, but cannot be placed on top of any other model or in impossible terrain. The thrown model takes an automatic hit at throwers S+4. Hold him down! If a model is in or engages in a multiple combat which includes at least one friendly model a Hold him down! action can be attempted. The model attempting Hold him down! must be in base to base contact and in the targets Rear Facing. Roll to hit, if hit is successful then the enemy model is held (no damage is taken by enemy model). Any other unsuccessful Special or Normal Close Combat Actions can be rerolled. This action can only be used against models on a small or medium base.


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Special Close Combat actions for Models on Large bases (50mm+):

Hold- Models on Medium Bases automatically have the Hold Special Rule. If a model on a Small, Medium or Large base attempts to disengage from a model with Hold they must pass a St test. Ignore this rule is the Disengage is forced. Squash A Squash action can be declared on any model with a Medium or Small base in the large based miniatures CCWR. Roll to hit as normal, if the hit is successful then the target takes a hit of the Squashers St at Critical Force (2). If an enemy model is removed from play, the enemy unit must instantly take a pinning test with -4 modifier immediately. Throw A Throw action can be declared against models on small bases only. Select one enemy model within the CCWR of the thrower. If a successful CC roll is made the target is placed by the thrower 6 from the thrower. The thrown model can be thrown over other models, but cannot be placed on top of any other model or in impossible terrain. The thrown model takes an automatic hit at throwers S+6. Charge A Charge action can be made instead of an Engage action. It must be made in a straight line. The target must have a small base. Nominate a Primary Target, check range (Mx2 with appropriate modifiers). If in range move the charging model into B2B contact with the target. The target takes an automatic hit of the chargers St plus the engage bonus (+6 to St). If the target is removed from play, the charger continues his movement. If another model it receives an automatic hit (chargers strength). Continue this process until maximum movement has been made, a target is not removed or a model with a medium base is met.

Levels of Heroes:
1. Squad Commanders: Quite simply, their job is to command squads. Before the game starts nominate one model to be your squad commander in each squad. Inform your opponent about your choice if it is not obvious. If your squad commander is killed the squad is automatically under the Lost Command Chain rule (LD -2) for all tests for the rest of the game. In this case the owning player must nominate a new squad commander. Replace the nominated 2nd in command with the fallen commander model. Only occurs when the starting Squad Commander dies and lasts for the rest of the game Each Squad commanders adds one Resource Card as long as they are alive. Squad commanders have the Guarded special rule 2. Lords and Heroes are individuals that can join squads or act independently. The owning player must nominate if the Lord or Hero is attached to a squad before the game starts. They cannot leave this squad or join another during the game. 3. Warlord: this is your General; the ultimate communication link with HQ. All units can use your warlords leadership if at least one model from the unit is within 10 of him. Warlords always act independently. If warlord is killed you cannot use resource cards. Why would they lower themselves to leading a unit, thats what the squad commanders are for!? Type of Heroes: CO- Combat; give bonuses to cover or movement. RA- Range; give bonuses to range or may affect ToW (type of weapon). FO- Force; mainly affect offensive and defensive force stats and abilities. TC- Technical; can boost squads with their upgraded equipment or unique skills.


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Armoury (examples)
Close Combat Weapons:
Name Punisher Short Sword R B2B St +2 RoA 2 AVV 0 Type Piercing

Special Rules: Parry: models with a Punisher Short Sword gain Impenetrable Armour A +0 (11)

Name R Two Handed Sword 1.5

St +4

RoA 1


Type Piercing

Special Rules: Decapitation Any successful Armour Test caused in close combat by this weapon must be rerolled.All models equipped with a Two Handed Sword can make a Swing Close Combat Special Attack, regardless of models base size.

Ranged Weapons:
General Ranged Weapons: 1.

Pistols (P) a pistol can be used in Close Combat instead of a normal Close Combat weapon. Models using
a pistol in close combat cannot claim the Engage bonus. Use the RoF (translate this to RoA for the purposes of Close Combat), Type and St from the pistols stat line. The Range of the pistol in close combat is reduced to the CCWR defined by the models base size.

Example: Name Sherman Model 7 Enforcer Revolver R 14 St 12 RoF 2 AVV 1 Type Piercing (P)

Special Rules: Head Shot: on roll of natural 1 to hit the attack gain Critical Force (2). If used in close combat, R is dependent on type of base, St is equal to 12, RoA is 2, type Piercing and Head Shot special rule.


Auto (A) Auto weapons cannot be used in close combat.

Example of Auto weapon: Name Car-24 SMG Grenade Launcher R 24 R 18/SE* St 13 St 10 RoF 1 RoF 1 AVV 1 AVV 1 Type Piercing (A) Type Blast (A)

*SE (Small Explosion Template)

Special Rules: Burn one Resource Card so that the nominated model (max 2 per Squad) can the use Grenade Launcher.


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Special (S) Special weapons cannot be used in close combat

Example: Name Chthonic Transfuser R 12 St 14 RoF 2 AVV 0 Type Plasma (S)

Special Rules: Models removed from game by this weapon explode spreading the Dark Symmetry from their ichor. Centre the small explosion blast template over the exploding model, each model under the template takes St8 Blast Damage. Enemy Squads taking casualties from the Chthonic Transfuser (including explosion damage) must pass Pinning test -3 LD immediately.


Heavy (H) models equipped with Heavy Weapons, never gain Engage bonuses and the RoA is always
equal to 1 (unless stated otherwise).

Example: Name Charger HMG R 18 St 12 RoF 3 AVV 1 Type Piercing (H)


Shotgun (S) shotguns can be used in close combat and follow the rules for Pistol.

Example: Name: Mandible Autoshotgun Solid bullet R ST* 18 St 10 RoF 2 AVV 0 Type Blast (S)


Piercing (S)

*ST (Shotgun Template)

6. Blasts Weapons
o o o o Shotguns (in development) Small Blast (in development) Large Blast (in development) Flamers (in development)


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1. Special rules
Heal (X) - models gain extra save to attempt to stop a Wound Effect. (X) is the D20 roll needed. For example: A Model with Heal (4) needs, after unsuccessful Armour Test, to pass a Heal test on 4 (1-4) on D20. Heal is not cumulative, use the highest. Rage models/squads with the Rage special rule automatically pass any morale tests and also gain +2 to M (Movement) and +2 to A (Armour). Wound Effect causing the model to lose 1 Wound. Target Sense models with Target Sense ignores Target Priority Rule. Sniper models can ignore ONE cover modifier (to minimum of one). This must be closest cover modifier to the shooting model. Example, your squad gains the Sniper rule from a Tactical Card; Models shooting at an enemy behind (in order) Heavy cover and Light cover, can ignore the Heavy cover modifier. Critical Force (X) For each failed Armour Test a model takes (X) Wounds per Wound Effect. Spray weapons with RoF higher than 1 automatically have the Spray. Nominate a primary target and a secondary target (within 3" of the primary). Allocate the shots to each target as you wish (remembering modifiers for obscured targets). 'Get the Gun' - When a model with a heavy or a special weapon is removed from play a squad member within 3" can attempt utilize the weapon. Roll a D20, on a roll of 1-10 the weapon is saved (swap the special/heavy model for the normal trooper), on a 11+ the weapon is damaged and unusable. A squad leader cannot attempt this roll. Bulky any models targeting a model with Bulky rule gain +4 to RS and CC. Brutal- If a model with the Brutal special rule reduce an enemy model to 0 wounds in CC then the enemy squad that the model was part of must immediately take a Pinning Test. Guarded- this special rule can only be used if a model is in a squad (joined by at least 1 other squad member). If the model with the Guarded Rule must take Armour Test, the controlling player can choose to allocate this to another model within 3 from the same squad (if the model fails the Armour Test the Wound Effect is applied to it). Impenetrable Armour If an Armour Value includes values in brackets (e.g. A15 (10)), the minimum this armour can be modified down to is the bracketed number. For Example: Alakhai uses his special skill Painless mind on a Razide. The Razide therefore, gains A X+2 (11), as such no matter what modifiers are placed on the Razides armour value it cannot be reduced below 11.


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2. Army and Deck Composition.

Each model has a point Value. A models Points Value depends on the effectiveness of the model in the game. Building you skirmish force and heroes, using the points system, will be a key part of the full Warzone Resurrection rules. Each unit can be given gear as part of their initial cost. Gear cards in the decks represent special orders, gear found on the battlefield and parachuted in as the battle progresses. Unit sizes can be varied. In the Full version of the game the force composition is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warlord (varying base sizes). Selected from the rule book or custom made. minimum 1, maximum 1. Heroes (varying Base sizes). Selected from the rule book or custom made. minimum 0, maximum 2. Troops (30mm)- minimum 1, maximum 4. Heavy Troops/Walkers/Monsters (all 40mm bases) - minimum 0, maximum 3. Super Heavy (60mm bases or larger) minimum 0, maximum 1. (note: may be deployable in squads of 2 (e.g. the Eradicator))

If you want to play bigger games please double the amount available (except for the Warlord which should stay at Minimum 1, maximum 1).

For purpose of this Beta rules testing you will need (for each player): 1. A Hero model (it can be on 25mm) 2. Two 5 man Squad (they can be on 25mm bases). One model is nominated to be the Squad Leader and one model has a heavy weapon. 3. One Monster model ( 40mm base) 4. To share: A tape measure and a D20 5. A table no bigger than 4 foot square and some bits of scenery or items to represent barricades, trees etc. Each of the players will start with the same value of points in their army: Hero: 100pts Squad 1: 150pts Squad 2: 150pts Monster: 50pts

You will find cards for each Squad /Hero / Monster below.

Deck Construction: You start game with 5 Resources Cards in play. 3 from your warlord and 1 each from your squad leaders. When they are removed from play so are their resource cards. If at any point you must discard a resource card (i.e. death of squad leader or warlord), you may discard resource cards that have already been used this turn if you wish. The minimum number of cards in your deck is 35. You can have a maximum of 3 of the same Strategy Cards in your deck You can have a maximum of 5 of the same Tactical Cards in your deck. You can have a maximum of 3 of the same Gear Cards in your deck.

Here are a couple of simple and basic missions for beta testing. We will have many in depth and characterful missions in the rule book. Basic mission 1:


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Kill Point: You gain one kill point each Squad killed in game (Squad below 25% of starting number are counted as Killed) Length of game: 6 Turns Basic Mission 2: Kill the Warlord: You win if you kill your opponents Warlord.

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