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Question: In the approval notification in Manager Self Service (MSS) that sends the mail to the originator, customer

wants to know the details of the hyperlink generated by the AWE process in the mail. On the temmplate this is %1. Is it simply a Portal URL? Answer: If the user is logged in, then we use the built in for the Component Portal URL (GenerateComponentPortalURL). If the user is not logged in, i.e. batch or IB, we construct the URL based on what the approval component. (XXXX_UTILITIES.Portal.portalURL) In 9.0 applications, we assume either HCM or FSCM when constructing the url and use EMP_SERVLET URL as our base URL. In 9.1, we added some flexibility on the Transaction Registry. History: Review this ICE ICE 1835735000 Worklist email hyperlink using portal URI instead of

Example; This is the HCM 9.1 Absence Management Process ID: Absence_mgmt_BySupervisorid Register Transaction, showing the place of Flexibility in 9.1 apps.

This is the HCM 9.1 Absence Management Process ID: Absence_mgmt_BySupervisorid Configure Transaction for Event Route for Approval

This is the Generic Template Name used in above Absence Management process;

For 9.1 Apps the EOAW_UTILITIES.Portal.portalURL app package, to determine URL value; method portalURL /+ &url_ as String, +/ /+ &portalName_ as String, +/ /+ &nodeName_ as String +/ If %Portal <> "" Then %This.portalName = %Portal; %This.nodeName = %Node; %This.isOnline = True; Else %This.portalName = &portalName_;

%This.nodeName = &nodeName_; %This.isOnline = False; End-If; %This.marketName = &defaultMarketName_; %This.urlBase = &url_; end-method; Sample Email with generated URL

Enlarged URL in Email;

Please use the following link to view the transaction: ER.GBL? Action=U&TRANSACTION_NBR=207&EMPLID=K0W002&EMPL_RCD=1&BGN_DT=201 1-02-07&PIN_TAKE_NUM=2343&END_DT=2011-02-07

This portion comes from the %Portal, %Node when Not Generated in Batch, to get you into the correct Component;
Please use the following link to view the transaction:

Then taking the information from the Configure Transaction, we get the Menu Name; Component Name, and Menu Action, and collect the data using the SQL Object Identifier for the Bind Variable values; Menu = ROLE_MANAGER.GP_ABS_SS_XFER.GBL? Component = GP_ABS_SS_XFER.GBL Menu Action = U for Update

This is followed by the Key values for this particular transaction.

Batch URL generation uses the Internal URL value on Register Transactions;

And the value of the Internal URL Base (EMP_SERVLET in this case) has to be setup correctly in PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs

Notice that the correct value for every environment can be inferred right from the Address bar of the page accessing the URL Maintenance. Because the AWE Registry Internal URL also has values configured for; Internal Portal Name: Internal Node Name: EMPLOYEE HRMS

Those values are NOT included in the PeopleTools URL setup. These methods are also used for Batch from EOAW_UTILITIES.Portal.portalURL application class. method GenerateComponentContentURL /+ &menu as String, +/ /+ &component as String, +/ /+ &page as String, +/ /+ &action as String, +/ /+ &keys as Array of Any +/ /+ Returns String +/

Local string &url; Local string &TempMarket = %This.GetMarketName(&component, &menu); If None(&TempMarket) Then &TempMarket = %This.marketName; End-If; Evaluate %This.isOnline When True &url = GenerateComponentContentURL(@("Portal." | %This.portalName), @("Node." | %This.nodeName), @("Menuname." | &menu), &TempMarket, @("Component." | &component), &page, &action); When False &url = Substitute(%This.getServletURL_(), "/psp/", "/psc/") | %This.nodeName | "/c/" | &menu | "." | &component | "." | &TempMarket | %This.formPageAndActionQS_(&page, &action); End-Evaluate; Return &url | %This.generateKeysQS(&keys, (None(&page) And None(&action))); end-method; method getServletURL_ /+ Returns String +/ Local string &url; &url = GetURL(@("URL." | %This.urlBase)); If &url = &registeredURLDefault Then throw create EOAW_UTILITIES:Portal:Exceptions:absentPortalURL(%This.urlBase); End-If; &url = %This.appendStoredURLTrailingSlash_(&url); &url = &url | %This.portalName; Return &url | "/"; end-method;

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