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(Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 7th Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Create 7 eyes Saving Throw: Special This spell conjures into existence seven magical orbs that float above the casters head in a ring about 5 feet in diameter. The eyes remain for 1 round per level, or until the caster chooses to either expend the orb by using it in attack or defence. In addition, as long as at least one eye is still in existence, the caster gains 360 vision and can detect invisibility and detect phase at will, with a 60-foot range. The powers of each eye are described below. Eye of the Mind. This orb protects the caster against mental attack, charm, or influence, including charm, beguiling, hold, and emotion effects. The first such attack is negated by the orb and destroys it in turn. If the wizard desires, the eye of the mind can instead be used to charm person like the 1st-level wizard spell, although this also expends the orb. Eye of the Sword. This eye deflects the first physical attack that endangers the caster, including hand-held or missile attacks, and then disappears. The wizard can also employ the eye of the sword to create five magical blades that strike as magic missiles for 1d4+1 points of damage each. Eye of the Mage. One manifestation of raw energy, such as lightning, fire, force, cold, or a similar effect, is absorbed by the eye of the mage. The eye can also project a 60-foot long by 5-foot wide lightning bolt that inflicts 4d8 damage (saving throw vs. spell for half damage) to all in its path. Either use expends the eyes power. (Knockdown d12, large (13 hits) electricity) Eye of Venom. This eye can be used to halt any one attack or effect that could poison the caster. In the case of an attacker armed with an envenomed weapon, the caster may decide to expend either the eye of venom or the eye of swords in order to block the attack. The eye can also be used to poison one creature within 30 feet; the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison or die in one round. Eye of the Spirit. The first attack that affects the victims life energy, including energy drain, strength drain, cause wounds, trap the soul, magic jar, or death is parried by the eye of the spirit. The wizard may instead choose to expend the eyes power by casting enervation (see the 4th-level wizard spell) upon one target within 30 feet. Eye of Artifice. This eye deflects and is destroyed by the first attack directed at the caster from a magical device. If the attack

also takes a form that may be blocked by another eye (for example, the bolt from a wand of lightning) the caster may choose which eye is expended. If used to attack instead, the eye of artifice functions as a dispel magic cast at 8th level. Eye of Stone. This eye offers protection against the first attack that could petrify the caster and then vanishes. It can also be expended to cast hold person. Although any number of eyes can defend the wizard in the course of a single round, only one eye may be used to attack per round. When the caster uses an eye to attack, he may not cast a spell, attack physically, or employ another magical item in the same round; willing the eye to discharge its energies requires his complete concentration. Eye attacks are considered to have an initiative modifier of 1 or a speed of very fast in the Players Option: Combat & Tactics initiative system. The material component is seven blessed gemstones worth at least 50 gold pieces each.

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