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Yoga - Wellness

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% human cancer are related to lifestyle and environmental factors 6 Nutrients needed by the human body



body's reactions to an increase body weight and appearance health


Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Water Vitamins Minerals should warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before starting their workout. They should also cool down for 5 to 10 minutes after their aerobic workout Buckle up each time you get in an automobile Do not drink and drive Obey all traffic rules Obey the speed limit forth-leading cause of death in the United States Walking Jogging Bicycling Swimming Aerobic Dance Water Aerobics rhythmical and use large muscle groups for an extended period of time The warm up prepares the body for the aerobic activity. The aerobic activity trains the cardiorespiratory system The cool down should return the heart rate to normal

Helps maintain recommended body weight Improves posture and physical appearance Improves self image and morale and aids in fighting depression improves and strengthens cardiorespiratory system Thins blood Lowers Blood Pressure Decreases time for heart rate to return to normal following physical exertion Decreases risk for chronic diseases and illness Lowers mortality rate from chronic diseases Helps prevent Diabetes Increase longevity and slows aging process Enables people to sleep better Relieves tension and helps cope with stress Increases level of energy and job production Motivates toward positive lifestyle changes Regulates and improves overall body function Eases the process of childbearing and childbirth Enhances quality of life; people feel better & live a healthier & happier life Improves muscle tone, muscular strength and endurance Helps prevent chronic back pain Improves physical stamina and helps decrease chronic fatigue. Speeds up recover following injury and/or disease when a person is without symptoms 5 years after treatment stops


body's reactions to an increase cardiorespiratory system health


A person wishing to exercise



Accident Safety Measures

body's reactions to an increase chronic illnesses health


Accidents Aerobic Activities


body's reactions to an increase general health



Aerobic activities Aerobic workouts are divided into three segments



body's reactions to an increase muscular system health

9. 10. 11.

Alcohol AMINO ACIDS Anaerobic Activities

7 calories per gram are the building blocks of proteins Tennis Bowling Gymnastics Softball Weight Training Badminton pregnant women or people with medical problems blood fats the amount of lean body tissue as compared to the fat body tissue


cancer is considered


benefit from supplements Blood lipids Body Composition

13. 14.


Cancer Warning Signs: CAUTION

C hange in bowel/bladder habits A sore that does not heal U nusual bleeding or discharge T hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere I ndigestion or difficulty in swallowing O bvious change in a wart or mole N agging cough or hoarseness the nutrient that supply most of the body energy needs. They are found in foods such as breads, cereal, fruits and vegetable. These foods also supply bulk (or fiber) to the diet. 45-65% OF DIET 4 calories per gram the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body and perform this for a continuous time. Performing a 1.5-mile run or a 1.0 walk can test cardiorespiratory endurance. The time in which these tests are completed indicates the fitness level of the individual Total cholesterol should be 200 or below A, D, E, K - These vitamins are carried by fat through the bloodstream B Complex and C - These vitamins are carried by water through the bloodstream Physical exercise Progressive relaxation techniques Breathing techniques There is a link between teeth and gum health and body health; therefore, brush twice a day and floss daily insulin dependent non-insulin dependent. Most Type II can be corrected or controlled through diet weight loss exercise (the force blood exerts against the arterial walls when the heart is at rest between contractions) Fat Loss close to 100%


Dietary Changes that will affect cancer

Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli and cauliflower family of food Phytochemicals - block tumor formation Examples - Chemicals found in broccoli, hot chili peppers, soybeans, fruits & veggies, strawberries, green peppers, tomatoes, pineapples Consume most of your calories in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains. Limit fast foods and liquid calories (soft drinks, sugar drinks, fruit drinks) is the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring. The ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress; hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (FUEL FOR THE BODY) is the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the air, the water and the land that surrounds us. The ability to make a positive impact on the quality of our environment, be it our homes, our communities or our planet 9 A very muscular person could be overweight but not obese. 20-35% OF DIET 9 calories per gram important nutrients that carry certain vitamins (the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K) into the body. They are the body's most concentrated although secondary (to Carbohydrates) source of energy. They insulate the body, pad vital organs and are part of each cells structure. They are found in foods such as oils, butter, cheese, and meat fat. acronym FIT F - frequency I - Intensity (low, moderate or high heart rate) T - time




Eat a healthy diet


Emotional Wellness

23. 24.

Carbohydrates Cardiorespiratory Endurance


Energy Nutrients Environmental Wellness



Cholesterol Classification of Vitamins Fat Soluble Classification of Vitamins Water Soluble Decrease the effects of tension on the body Dental Health



essential amino acids Fact about obesity Fats Fats (DEFINE)



41. 42.



30. 31.

Diabetes Type I Diabetes Type II









the range of motion in the joints. It is very specific to each joint; therefore a person can be highly flexible in one joint (example: right shoulder) and have low flexibility in another joint (example: hip joint)


Fruit Recommendations Grain Recommendations Guidelines for Cardiorespiratory Endurance and a good cardiorespiratory workout

Eat a variety of fruits Choose fresh frozen canned or dried Go easy on the fruit juices Eat at least 3 oz. of whole grains daily Look for the 'whole' in the list of ingredients Frequency - Exercise aerobically 3 to 5 times/ week Intensity - increase heart rate to 50 85% of the heart rate reserve (low/moderate - high heart rate) Duration (time)- Exercise for 20-60 minutes FIT Flexibility is most easy to gain when the body is warm; therefore, after cardiorespiratory workout is the ideal time Mode - 8-12 Isotonic exercise Resistance - weight enough to perform 8-12 reps Sets - minimum of 1 set Frequency - at least 2 times per week


Lifestyle habits that increase longevity




Guidelines for Flexibility

Participate in lifetime exercise program Do not smoke Eat a balanced diet Maintain recommended body weight Sleep 7 to 8 hours each night Decrease stress level Drink alcohol moderately or not at all Surround yourself with healthy relationships Be informed about the environment and avoid environmental risk factors Take personal safety measures Proper lifting technique, by using the legs rather than the back to lift can help prevent low back pain. High in Calories but contain few nutrients - JUNK FOOD Personal Responsibility Health Benefits For All Health Promotion And Disease Prevention - The Best Medicine Use low fat or lean meats Bake, broil or grill it Vary your chooses with more fish, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds Keep up with how you are doing mentally. Ups and downs are normal. When you are not participating in daily life, get help Most milk group choices should be fat-free or low-fat. If not milk choose other calcium sources. inorganic elements They are in all cells especially hair, bones and nails Minerals help maintain water and acid base balance Regulates muscle and nervous tissue excitability, blood clotting, and normal heart rhythm 1200 1500 Fat loss 75% - Lean 25%


Low Back Pain


Guidelines for Muscular Strength and Endurance


Low Nutrient-Density Food main areas of concentration of healthy people 2010 is the wellness fitness area Meat Recommendations


50. 51.

HDL HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 High Blood Pressure High NutrientDensity Food Hypertension Intellectual Wellness

good cholesterol a set of national goals and objectives to increase the longevity and quality of life for all Americans Normal - 120/80 Foods with low to moderate amounts of calories but packed with nutrients 140/90 is the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment. The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning bad cholesterol




Mental Health Depression or anxiety



54. 55.

Milk Recommendations






Minimum Calories per day - Women Minimum Calories per day-Men MODERATE DIET




Muscular endurance

the ability of the muscles to move a resistance repeatedly or contract for a sustained period of time. An example of repeated movements would be performing a number of push-ups or curl-ups in a row. An example of sustained contraction would be holding a push up in mid position (with arms bent) or to hold a bent arm hang for a period of one minute the ability of the muscles to move against a maximum resistance. An example of this would be lifting the most possible weight overhead, and only being capable of such a lift one time. This is termed a one-repetition max or 1 RM Differing widths of the color bands suggest about how much food should be eaten from each group. Food group bands narrow from bottom to top suggesting to eat nutrient-dense forms of foods Fat Loss 50% - Lean 50% vaso-constrictor (decreases the size of the arteries) 11 A chronic disease characterized by excessively high amount of body fat. It is a major risk factor in cardiovascular disease is the ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives. Our desire to contribute in our careers to make a positive impact on the organizations we work in and to society as a whole Adopt a balanced eating pattern. Sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. 3 cup equivalents per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products. Limit intake of saturated and trans fats, and choose products low in these fats. Make choices of meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk products that are lean, low-fat, or fat-free. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little added sugars or calorie sweeteners


OVERWEIGHT Physical Fitness

Body weight compared to standard height / age charts 10% over recommended weight the ability of the body to adapt and respond favorably to physical effort. This means that the body can react to stimuli such as running a mile, lifting a box, touching toes without difficulty and can quickly return to normal after that effort has been made Cardiorespiratory Endurance Muscular Strength and Endurance Flexibility Body Composition The Surgeon General has determined that inactivity can be detrimental to your life is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. The ability to recognize that our behaviors have a significant impact on our wellness and adopting healthful habits (routine check ups, a balanced diet, exercise, etc.) while avoiding destructive habits (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.) Abstinence or a mutually monogamous relationship 10-35% OF DIET 4 calories per gram the nutrient that build, repair and maintain body cells. They are found in foods such as meat, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and beans reduces risk for coronary heart disease The ratio between total and HDL THE BEST WAYS TO SLOW DOWN THE NATURAL AGING PROCESS




Muscular strength

PHYSICAL FITNESS COMPONENTS Physical Inactivity Physical Wellness




MyPyramid graphic

71. 72.

NEAR FASTING Nicotine nonessential amino acids OBESITY


Prevention of STIs Protein Proteins (DEFINE) Quitting smoking Ratio RISK FACTOR MANAGEMENT AND POSITIVE LIFESTYLE HABITS sensible way to lose fat weight Skin cancers and premature skin aging Smoking builds Smoking has been linked


83. 84.




Occupational Wellness

86. 87.


Overall Recommendations: For the Pyramid


combining exercise and a sensible diet high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat and sugar related to excessive sun exposure


90. 91.

'Plaque' on the lining of the blood vessels CV disease Cancer Bronchitis Emphysema Peptic ulcers


Social Wellness

is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world. Our ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers is the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives. The ability to develop congruency between values and actions and to realize a common purpose that binds creation together Multiple or anonymous sexual partners Anal sex with or without a condom Sex with partner who shoots drugs or engages in anal sex Unprotected sex with an infected person Multiple or anonymous sexual partners (the force blood exerts against the arterial walls when the heart contracts) Follow the food pyramid No low calorie diets Eat foods you like! Reduce fat intake No fad diets Exercise 5-7 days/week More carbohydrates Exercise 500 calories/reduce 500 calories Eat breakfast Drink 8 glasses of water/day Choose your fats! Reduce high calorie-low nutrition food Limit alcohol Make half your grains whole Vary your veggies Focus on fruit Get your calcium rich foods Go lean with protein Find your balance between food and physical activity Apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher outdoors Avoid tanning salons Wear hats and sunglasses outdoors 20 Normal blood levels < 250 mg/dl Invade other tissue


Types of carbohydrates


Spiritual Wellness


STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) Risky Behaviors Systolic TIPS for weight loss

COMPLEX (the best kind) - 20-40% of diet FIBER- A complex carbohydrate that humans cannot digest. It adds bulk to the diet and decreases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans, grains and cereal which are high in fiber. SIMPLE (sugars) - less than 25% of diet Saturated FATS- are solid at room temperature, raise cholesterol levels and should be less than 7% of the diet Unsaturated FATS - liquid (oils) Plant oils are good for you. Complete - Foods containing all essential amino acids Incomplete - Foods that are missing at least one of the essential amino acids Vary your veggies and Eat more Dark green vegetables, Orange vegetables, and Dry Beans and Peas organic Substances and functions as coenzymes megadoses can be dangerous to health


Types of FATS



Types of Protein



Vegetables Recommendations


Vitamins Vitamins and Minerals consumed Water Water/FACTS



Tips to help you: MyPyramid graphic


the body's most important nutrient. It is used in almost every body function We should drink plenty of fluids each day Approximately 70% of total body weight is water. Water is involved in almost every body process The maximum weight loss per week should only be 1 to 2 pounds! You can decrease food intake and increase exercise to total 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat weight. Nutrition Health education Stress management Personal safety Disease prevention Spirituality Substance abuse control Social support and self-worth



Tips to prevent Skin Cancer total of amino acids Triglycerides Type of Tumors Malignant Type of Tumors Benign


Weight Loss Facts


100. 101.


Wellness encompasses


Do not invade other tissue

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