Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School 8 Grade Honors Mathematics Course Syllabus For School Year 2011-2012

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Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School 8th Grade Honors Mathematics Course Syllabus for School Year 2011-2012

Course Outline: This 8th grade Honors math class is based on the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards with special emphasis on developing proficiency with concepts and skills in patterns, functions, and algebra; and data analysis, statistics and probability; as well as maintaining proficiency with concepts and skills in numbers and operations; measurement; and geometry and spatial sense. Math classes combine lessons in concepts, computation, and activities that assist students in becoming problem solvers, building confidence in their math ability, and showing evidence of the value of math in daily experiences. Completion of daily math assignments is essential to student success. Materials Used: Algebra 1 (McDougal Littell), TI Navigator system, Smart Board, standards-based supplemental activities, Hawaii State Assessment resources, graphing calculator, and a variety of manipulatives. Grading: Student assessment is based on quizzes, tests, math labs, in-class activities, projects, journals, binder checks, and other assessments as necessary. Grading is based on a standards-based system and roughly translates as 4 = A = Exceeds Proficiency; 3 = B = Meets Proficiency; 2 = C = Approaches Proficiency; 1 = D/F = Well Below Proficiency. If your child is well below in the Honors math class, parents will be contacted and placement in another math level will be discussed. Students in the Honors math class will be assessed at the end of the first semester to determine high school placement, and may be re-evaluated in May. This is a high school course and will be of the same rigor with high expectations as the high school. Free after school tutoring is available. Student Responsibilities: Is prepared with pencil, paper, textbook, binder, and math work for every math class Maintains an organized math binder and brings it to every math class meeting Completes all daily assigned math work; makes up missed work if absent; makes corrections as needed Completes all project assignments and activities on time and in a quality manner Participates in class discussions and in cooperative groups Seeks extra help or tutoring as needed, especially after an absence Discipline Policy: Students are expected to follow the rules set in the CKMS planner. Consequences for noncompliance depend on the severity of the offense. In addition, my class policy is: 1st time student breaks a rule Warning with proactive classroom action 2nd time Problem will be dealt with immediately 3rd time Time out with behavior reflection Think Sheet. Parent or guardian must sign and return this sheet by next class meeting. th 4 time or major infraction Referral to Administration Please sign the bottom portion of this syllabus after reading. Attached is a copy of the Algebra benchmarks. Please retain the top portion and the benchmarks for your information. If you have any questions, please call or email me. My phone number at school is 241-3200. This is going to be an exciting year, and I look forward to working with your AlohaMr. Pearson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the math syllabus and understand the expectations, grading system, student responsibilities, discipline policy, and Algebra benchmarks. Student sign: ________________________ Parent /Guardian sign: __________________________ Date: ___________ Phone number: ______________ Parent/Guardian email: ________________


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