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SCALE (1-6) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ (0 -249) (250-299) (300-349) (350-399) (400-449) (450-500)

RATING (0-500) CLUB-HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGIATE Difficulty Competing Competing For A Starting Spot/Not Traveling Starter/Traveling But Not A Starter State Team Player/Starter Regional Team Player/All-Conference Level National Team Player/All-America Level

_______ _______ _______



COACH The following player evaluation form may be used by Club, High School and Collegiate programs. It is a consistent way for coaches to track their players development in a documented format as well as a means to back up the coach through documentation.

COMPETITIVE INDEX (1-6 Scale) MENTALITY: GRADE: Grade________ X _______% = ________ Commitment to team & program (to go above and beyond to improve yourself) COMMENTS: Concentration (ability to focus on details and stays on task) Consistency (brings maximum effort to training and matches) Response to challenges/adversity posed by injuries, opponents, teammates, and coaches Attitude toward teammates, coaches, opponents, referees, and within the community TACTICAL AWARENESS: Grade________ X _______% = ________ Understanding of Individual Role/Responsibility Vision (comprehension of team objectives/movements in COMMENTS: attack and defense), do you play away from pressure or give the ball away? Ability to read opponents movements in defense and attack Ability to make swift effective solutions to solve tactical problems created by opponents (speed of play) Creativity (ability to out fox opponents in attack) COMMUNICATION: Grade________ X_______% = ________ Exhibits good listening skills Contributes to team discussions in a positive manner COMMENTS: Ability to organize teammates quickly and effectively through the run of play Keeps coaching staff informed of concerns and personal/team problems CONFIDENCE Grade________ X _______% = ________ Ability to move on and focus after mistakes Response to criticism/teammate feedback COMMENTS: Reaction/Composure (body language) in pressurized situations Belief in your abilities and teammates abilities ATHLETICISM Endurance (ability to maintain high level work rate physically over extended amount of time) Pure Speed (straight ahead) Mobility (lateral quickness) Jumping ability (vertical/explosive 1st step) Flexibility TECHNIQUE Receiving (first touch on the ball away from pressure) Ability to strike the ball cleanly over distance, crossing, or shooting on goal Juggling Dribbling (cutting, rolling, Wiel Coerver) Ability to head the ball to clear or to goal Passing range (accuracy and weight) Individual Defending (tackling and footwork) GOALKEEPER Command of penalty area (bravery) Distribution (with hands and feet) Shot-Stopping (breakaways) Ability on crosses and set pieces Grade________ X _______% = ________ COMMENTS:

Grade________ X_______% = ________ TOTAL SCORE_______ COMMENTS:

Grade________ X_______% = ______ TOTAL SCORE______ COMMENTS:

Communication and organization of backline

How to Use Player Evaluation Forms

1. Coaches must complete page 2 first. 2. Page 2 Six major categories have been assigned (Mentality, Tactical Awareness, Communication, Confidence, Athleticism, Technique) The coach must first assign a % to each major category depending on what he/she feels are most important traits. Example coach may feel that technique should be assigned 30%, tactical awareness 30%, athleticism 10% etc, etc. The total must add to 100%. The % assigned to each category will change depending on the age and ability of the players and will vary depending on the coachs philosophy. The % assigned must be entered in the right hand column on page 2. 3. Within each major category 5-6 sub-headings exist. For example Athleticism contains: Endurance Pure Speed Mobility Jumping ability Flexibility Each of these sub-headings must be assigned a score on a scale of 1-6, with 6 being the highest score. These scores are averaged to give the score for the Athleticism category. The score should be entered into the Grade line on the right of page 2. This is repeated with each major category. 4. Multiply the Grade by the assigned % to provide a score for each major category. These scores are added to give a Total Score. Enter the total score to the corresponding line on the table on page 1. Match Score (Page 1) After each match players are assigned a score on a 1-6 scale. These scores are averaged over a period of time (could be per month, season, year etc.) The average score is entered on the appropriate line on page 1. Training Score (Page 1) After each training session players are given a score on a 1-6 scale. These scores are averaged over a period of time (could be a week, season, year etc). The average score is entered on the appropriate line on page 1. Finally, add the corresponding score form the table on page 1 with the Match and Training score. Divide this by 3 to get the players average for all 3 scores this will provide the players TOTAL SCORE. Use this TOTAL SCORE to refer back to the table on page 1. This will provide an estimate of the players current level of play.





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