The Man Who Redefined Peace: Muhammad Yunus

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Muhammad Yunus,
the man who redefined peace
Poor people are not asking for charity. Charity is not a solution for poverty
Muhammad Yunus

If I could be useful to another hat if you could
harness the
human being, even for a day,
power of free
that would be a great thing. It market to solve
would be greater than all the the problems of
big thoughts I could have at poverty, hunger, and inequality?
the university. Nobel Peace Prize winner Mu-
hammad Yunus of Bangladesh is
Muhammad Yunus doing exactly that. As founder of
Grameen Bank, Yunus pioneered
microcredit, the innovative bank-
ing program that provides poor
people with small loans that they
use to launch businesses and lift
their families out of poverty.
Yunus established the banking
system 30 years ago to lend small
amounts of money to the rural
poor in Bangladesh villages. Most
of the low-interest microloans
go to women, who use them to
start their own profit-making en-
terprises, mainly in agriculture,
crafts, or services.
Grameen Bank now has 2,422
branches, employs more than
20,000 people, and has loaned
more than $6 billion since its
founding. Borrowers own most
of the equity in the bank. More
than 250 institutions around the
world operate micro-credit pro-
grammes based on the Grameen
Bank model.
“Lasting peace cannot be achieved
unless large population groups
 ed matrix MAY 2008
find their own way to break out of borrow the equivalent of 15p to
poverty. Micro-credit is one such buy raw bamboo for each stool
means”- says Yunus, the man be- made. After repaying the middle-
hind this marvellous project, who man, sometimes at rates as high
won Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. as 10% a week, she was left with
a penny profit margin. Had she
Muhammad Yunus was born in
been able to borrow at more ad-
1940 in Chittagong, the business
centre of what was then Eastern HONOUR FOR vantageous rates, she would have
been able to amass an economic
Bengal. He was the third of 14 GRAMEEN, YUNUS cushion and raise herself above
children of whom five died in in-
subsistence level.
fancy. Educated in Chittagong, he
was awarded a Fulbright scholar- Realizing that there must be
ship and received his Ph.D. from something terribly wrong with
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, the economics he was teaching,
Tennessee. In 1972 he became Yunus took matters into his own
head of the Economics Depart- hands, and from his own pocket
ment at Chittagong University. lent the equivalent of £ 17 to 42
The incidents that transformed basket-weavers. He found that
this Economics teacher into a it was possible with this tiny
social entrepreneur were the amount not only to help them
1974 Bangladesh famine and survive, but also to create the
his encounter with the bamboo spark of personal initiative and
chair seller.
In his book, “Banker to the
Poor”, Yunus recalls that in 1974 “I only wish every nation
he was teaching economics at
Chittagong University, when shared Dr Yunus’ and
the country experienced a ter- the Grameen Bank’s ap-
rible famine in which thousands
starved to death. preciation of the vital role
“We tried to ignore it,” he says. that girls and women
“But then skeleton-like people play in the economic,
began showing up in the capital,
Dhaka. Soon the trickle became a social and political life of
flood. Hungry people were every- our societies.”
where. Often they sat so still that
one could not be sure whether -Hillary Clinton
they were alive or dead. They all
looked alike: men, women, chil-
dren. Old people looked like chil-
around me. How could I go mak- enterprise necessary to pull
dren, and children looked like
ing my students believe stories in themselves out of poverty.
old people.
the name of economics? I needed
Against the advice of banks and
The thrill he had once experi- to run away from these theories
government, Yunus carried on
enced while teaching his stu- and from my textbooks and dis-
giving out ‘micro-loans’, and in
dents elegant economic theories cover the real-life economics of a
1983 formed the Grameen Bank,
that could supposedly cure soci- poor person’s existence.”
meaning ‘village bank’ founded
etal problems, soon disappeared.
Professor Muhammad Yunus led on principles of trust and soli-
As the famine worsened he began
his students on a field trip to a darity. In Bangladesh today,
to dread his own lectures.
poor village. They interviewed Grameen has 1,084 branches,
“Nothing in the economic theo- a woman who made bamboo with 12,500 staff serving 2.1
ries I taught reflected the life stools, and learnt that she had to million borrowers in 37,000 vil-
ed matrix MAY 2008 
lages. On any working day Gra-
meen collects an average of $1.5
million in weekly installments.
Of the borrowers, 94% are wom-
en and over 98% of the loans are
paid back, a recovery rate higher
than any other banking system.
Grameen methods are applied in
projects in 58 countries, includ-
ing the US, Canada, France, The
Netherlands and Norway.
As Muhammad Yunus himself
describes: ‘The repayments are
designed in such a way that they
are tiny instalments. You can pay
back your loan over a long period. to work their way out of poverty citizens for views on his plan to
So all of this together is micro- with dignity’. float a political party to establish
credit. Small loans for income- political goodwill, proper leader-
Credit is the last hope left to those
generating activity, addressed to ship and good governance. In the
faced with absolute poverty. That
the poorest, without collateral.’ letter, he called on everyone to
is why Muhammad Yunus believes
that the right to credit should be briefly outline how he should go
Muhammad Yunus is a rare
recognized as a fundamental hu- about the task and how they can
bona fide visionary. His dream
man right. It is this struggle and contribute to it.
is the total eradication of pov-
erty from the world. ‘Grameen’, the unique and extraordinary He has won a number of other
he claims, ‘is a message of methods he invented to combat awards, including the Ramon
hope, a programme for putting human despair that Muhammad Magsaysay Award, the World
homelessness and destitution Yunus recounts here with humil- Food Prize the Sydney Peace Prize,
in a museum so that one day ity and conviction. It is also the and in December 2007 the Ecua-
our children will visit it and view of a man familiar with both dorian Peace Prize. Additionally,
ask how we could have allowed Eastern and Western cultures — Dr. Yunus has been awarded 26
such a terrible thing to go on for on the failures and potential for honorary doctorate degrees, and
so long’. This work is a funda- good of industrial countries. 15 special awards. Bangladesh
mental rethink on the economic Muhammad Yunus showed inter- government brought out a com-
relationship between the rich est in launching a political party memorative stamp to honour his
and the poor, their rights and in Bangladesh named Nagorik Nobel Award. In January 2008,
their obligations. The World Shakti (Citizen Power) in early Houston, Texas declared January
Bank recently acknowledged 2007, but later discarded the plan. 14 as “Muhammad Yunus Day”.
that ‘this business approach to Yunus wrote an open letter, pub- For his work with the Grameen
the alleviation of poverty has lished in the Bangladeshi news- Bank, Yunus was named as Asho-
allowed millions of individuals paper Daily Star, where he asked ka: Innovators for the Public Glob-
al Academy Member in 2001.
His books include Love and Ter-
By giving poor people the power to help ror, Speak Sunlight (a mem-
themselves, Dr Yunus has offered them oir of childhood) and several
children’s novels. He is a con-
something far more valuable than a plate tributor to Vogue, Architectural
of food. He has offered them security in its Digest, the Wall Street Journal,
the International Herald Tri-
most fundamental form. bune and other periodicals.
-Former US President Jimmy Carter

 ed matrix MAY 2008


e rewrote Indian cor-
porate history and
built a truly global
corporate group. He
built India’s largest
private sector company and created
an equity cult in the Indian capital
market. His was the first Indian com-
pany to feature in Forbes 500 list.
His success story is a source of in-
spiration for the numerous bud-
ding entrepreneurs.
Dhirubhai H Ambani, the
founder of the Reliance Group
of Companies, was indeed the
most enterprising Indian en-
trepreneur. Dhirubhai Ambani
was an exceptional human be-
ing and an outstanding leader.
A man far ahead of his times,
he epitomised the dauntless en-
trepreneurial spirit. He dared
to dream on a scale unimagi-
nable before in Indian indus-
try. From a humble beginning,
he went on to create an enviable
business empire within a span of
just 25 years. The Rs.60,000 crore
Reliance Group is a living testimony
to his indomitable will, single-mind-
ed dedication and an unrelenting
commitment to his goals. Ambani’s story of rags to
riches made him a cult
Under Dhirubhai Ambani’s vision-
ary leadership, the Reliance Group figure in the minds of
emerged as the largest business con- Indian people. His success
glomerate in India, and carved out a story fired the imagination
distinct place for itself in the global of the younger generation
pantheon of corporate giants. The
of Indian entrepreneurs,
Group’s track record of con-
sistent growth is unpar- business leaders and
alleled in Indian progressive companies. He
industry and is undeniably, a role model
to be emulated…

Dhirubhai Ambani
A man who dared to dream big
 ed matrix june 2008

perhaps internationally too. Today, In 1962, Dhirubhai returned to India ans invested by millions in his Bom-
the Group’s turnover represents near- and started the Reliance Commercial bay-listed Reliance Industries. Reli-
ly 3 percent of India’s GDP. Corporation with a capital of Rs.15, ance focussed on the domestic market
000 in partnership with his cousin where revenue opportunities were
Ambani had established himself as
Champaklal. not lacking, and margins were much
a legendary leader among indus-
higher, permitting the generation of
trial capitalists in India. Despite his The primary business of Reliance
huge investible surpluses. In adopt-
almost Midas Touch, Ambani has Commercial Corporation was to im-
ing this strategy, Ambani’s Reliance
known to have flexible values and port polyester yarn and export spices.
group acquired through outright pur-
an unethical streak running through In 1965, Damani and Ambani ended
chase the best-practice technologies
him. There are stories of ruthlessness, their partnership and Ambani started
in the field. With world-scale plants,
when it came to bending the rules on his own. It is believed that both
Reliance proved doubly competitive.
and winning the game that made him had different temperaments and a dif- Not only was it able to displace both
the success that he was. Fables such ferent take on how to conduct busi- domestic producers and international
as these, built often on a modicum ness. While Mr. Damani was a cau- suppliers from the market at prevail-
of truth and sometimes from thin tious trader and did not believe in ing customs duty rates, but in fact it
air, were testimony to the success of building yarn inventories, Dhirubhai could remain competitive even when
Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani. was a known risk taker and he consid- duty rates were reduced. The strategy
Dhirubhai Ambani alias Dhirajlal ered that building inventories, antici- of ‘going it alone’, while investing in
Hirachand Ambani was born on De- pating a price rise, and making profits world-scale plants based on outright
cember 28, 1932, at Chorwad, Gu- through that was good for growth. purchase of technology, obviously
raised domestic financing require-
ments substantially.
Reliance under Ambani decided to
enhance its equity strength to un-
dertake new investments by tapping
stock markets. It was here that Am-
bani exploited the other opportunity
that the changing times offered. This
was the possibility of mobilizing
money from households through the
stock market.
India’s stock markets were until the
1970s dominated by the financial
institutions and a few large players,
with trading activity being minimal
and limited to a few shares. The first
instance of equity serving as an op-
jarat. His father was a school teacher. tion for investment of household sav-
By canny trading around the textile
Dhirubhai Ambani started his entre- ings arose when foreign companies,
bazaars of Bombay, he cornered
preneurial career by selling “bhajias” pressured by the Foreign Exchange
the market in imported polyester,
to pilgrims in Mount Girnar over the Regulation Act (FERA), decided to
started his own factory, outwit scle-
weekends. dilute their equity through sale in
rotic bureaucrats in New Delhi who
small lots. Reliance made its first
were trying to run the economy by
At the age of 16, Dhirubhai moved public issue in 1977, when it offered
regulation, and ultimately ignited the
to Aden, Yemen. He worked with A. a chunk of Rs.10 shares to investors.
moribund Indian stock market with
Besse & Co. as a gas-station attend- The shares opened at Rs.23 reflect-
his vision of turning Reliance into a
ant for a salary of Rs.300. Two years ing the premium that Reliance was in
petrochemical and oil refining em-
later, A. Besse & Co. became the a position to command. In the years
pire—a dream he realized not long
distributors for Shell products, and to come, Reliance was to exploit the
before he died.
Dhirubhai was promoted to manage market through many routes to fi-
the company’s filling station at the Ambani’s public wore his textiles as nance its breakneck expansion, gar-
port of Aden. durable suits and glittery saris. Indi- nering in the process huge premiums
ed matrix june 2008 

on the shares of existing companies. textiles, infrastructure services, capi- sense of the other, a degree of cun-
By the end of 1992, out of a total tal markets, and logistics. ning, an element of ruthlessness and
capitalisation of Rs.34,255 crores, a large dose of gumption that is re-
Assited by his two sons Anil Ambani
share premium reserves and sur- quired to make the dash to victory
and Mukesh Ambani, he steered the
pluses alone accounted for Rs.7,640 - would have contributed to the end
Reliance Group to its current status
crores. Besides this, Reliance was result in no small measure.
as India’s leading textiles-petrole-
to use the convertible debenture um-petrochemicals-power-telecom He was a man who always dreamed
route and the American Depository player. big. At a time when capacities were
Receipt (ADR) and Global Deposi- fragmented and small, Dhirubhai
tory Receipt (GDR) issues to much By inclination and instinct, Dhirub-
dared to dream big. Instead of setting
benefit. hai was a fighter. Dhirubhai’s great-
up capacities that would cater to cur-
est acumen was in understanding
And the investors never let him down. rent demand, he set up the capacity
finance. He earned the devotion of
Dhirubhai Ambani succeeded in cre- and then set about creating the de-
millions not because he was a great
ating an investor base of historic pro- mand. He knew where latent demand
industrialist, but because he treated
portions for the Reliance Group. An existed and decided to supply it. He
his shareholders very well. He was
made no compromises on quality,
insisting that his machinery must be
Prestigious awards and titles were
conferred on him by national and
international organisations. He was
acclaimed as the top businessman of
the twentieth century and lauded for
his dynamic, pioneering and innova-
tive genius. He was the man of the
new millennium. This was clearly re-
flected in his passion for mega-sized
projects, the most advanced technol-
ogy and the highest level of produc-
tivity. The corporate philosophy he
followed was short, simple and suc-
cinct - “Think big. Think differently.
Think fast. Think ahead. Aim for the
best”. He inspired the Reliance team
to do better than the best - not only in
India but in the world.
As a quality of business leader he was
also a motivator. He gave few public
speeches but the words he spoke are
unbreakable bond of implicit trust the first Indian entrepreneur to under- still remembered for their value.
existed between him and the share- stand the importance of the ordinary His success story fired the imagina-
holders. They placed their savings investors. Dhirubhai realised that he tion of the younger generation of In-
in his care and he worked with un- would have no financing headaches dian entrepreneurs, business leaders
flinching sincerity to get them the if he could earn the trust of inves- and progressive companies. He was
best returns. He brought happiness tors, and he took care to ensure that an icon for them, a role model to be
and prosperity into the homes of mil- the investor earned a decent return. emulated. His story of rags to riches
lions of investors. Not only by way of dividends, but by made him a cult figure in the minds
continuous appreciation of the Reli- of Indian people. Ambani’s life and
Over time his business has diversi-
ance scrip. achievements prove that backed by
fied into a core specialisation in pet-
rochemicals, with additional interests Needless to say, as is true of all win- confidence, courage and conviction,
in telecommunications, information ners, in Dhirubhai’s case too, indi- man can achieve the impossible.
technology, energy, power, retail, vidual qualities - an acute mind, a Keerthana Raj
 ed matrix june 2008

e is one of the best-known
entrepreneurs of the personal
computer revolution. Although
he is admired by many, a large
number of industry insiders
criticize his business tactics, which they
consider anti-competitive, an opinion which
has in some cases been upheld by the courts.
Time magazine named him one of the 100
people who most influenced the 20th century,
as well as one of the 100 most influential
people of 2004, 2005, and 2006.
William Henry Gates III is an American
business magnate, philanthropist, the world’s
third richest man (as of 2008), and chairman
of Microsoft, the software company he
founded with Paul Allen. During his career
at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO
and chief software architect, and remains the
individual shareholder with the most shares,
with more than 9 percent of the common
He is one of
stock. He has also authored or co-authored the best-known
several books.
entrepreneurs of the
Gates’ role at Microsoft for most of its history
was primarily a management and executive
personal computer
role. However, he was an active software revolution.
developer in the early years, particularly on the
company’s programming language products.
He has not officially been on
a development team
since working on
the TRS-80
1 0 0

A potential achiever of destinies

 ed matrix july 2008


and number one on Forbes list of Group, a wealth management firm

but he wrote code as late as 1989
“The World’s Richest People” from with diverse holdings.
that shipped in the company’s
products. In the later stages of his 1995 to 2007. In 1999, Gates’s Gates has received honorary
career, Gates has pursued a number wealth briefly surpassed $101 doctorates from Nyenrode Business
of philanthropic endeavours, billion, causing the media to call Universiteit, Breukelen, The
donating large amounts of money him a “centibillionaire”. In a May Netherlands in 2000, the Royal
to various charitable organizations 2006 interview, Gates commented Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
and scientific research programms that he wished that he were not the Sweden in 2002, Waseda University,
through the Bill & Melinda Gates richest man in the world because Tokyo, Japan in 2005, Harvard
Foundation, established in 2000. he disliked the attention it brought. University in June 2007, and from
On June 15, 2006, Gates announced Gates has several investments Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, in

that he would transit out of his day- outside Microsoft, which in 2006 January 2008. Gates was also made
to-day role over the next two years to paid him a salary of $616,667, and an honorary Knight Commander
dedicate more time to philanthropy. $350,000 bonus totalling $966,667. of the Order of the British Empire
One of his last initiatives before He founded Corbis, a digital imaging (KBE) from Queen Elizabeth II
announcing his departure was the company, in 1989. In 2004 he became in 2005, in addition to having
creation of a robotics software group a director of Berkshire Hathaway, entomologists name the Bill Gates
at Microsoft. the investment company headed by flower fly, Eristalis gatesi, in his
Gates was number one on the “Forbes long-time friend Warren Buffett. He honour. In November 2006, he and
400” list from 1993 through to 2007 is a client of Cascade Investment his wife were awarded the Order of
ed matrix july 2008 

research and development in the

2007 fiscal year.
Gates wrote “The Road Ahead”
and “Business @ the Speed of
Thought” which received
wide critical acclaim.
Gates has donated
the proceeds
of both books
to non-profit
that support the
use of technology
in education and
skills development.
From Microsoft’s
founding in 1975
until 2006, Gates had
primary responsibility
for the company’s product
strategy. He aggressively
broadened the company’s
range of products, and
wherever Microsoft achieved a
dominant position he vigorously
defended it.
the Aztec Eagle for their philanthropic Micro Instrumentation The charitable Bill & Melinda
work around the world in the areas and Telemetry Systems Gates Foundation is the largest
of health and education, particularly (MITS) Altair. transparently operated charitable
in Mexico, and specifically in the foundation in the world.The
programme “Un país de lectores”. In his juniour year, Gates left foundation’s grants have provided
Harvard to devote his energies to funds for college scholarships for
Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew Microsoft, a company he had begun under-represented minorities, AIDS
up in Seattle with his two sisters. in 1975 with his childhood friend prevention, diseases prevalent in third
Their father, William H. Gates II, is Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that world countries, and other causes. In
a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, the computer would be a valuable 2000, the Gates Foundation endowed
Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, tool on every office desktop and in the University of Cambridge with
University of Washington regent, every home, they began developing $210 million for the Gates Cambridge
and chairwoman of United Way software for personal computers. Scholarships. The Foundation has
International. Gates attended also pledged over $7 billion to its
Gates’ foresight and his vision
public elementary school and the various causes, including $1 billion
for personal computing have been
private Lakeside School. There, he to the United Negro College Fund.
central to the success of Microsoft
discovered his interest in software
and the software industry. His reputation makes him more
and began programming computers
at age 13. Under Gates’ leadership, Microsoft’s charitable and his massive victory
mission has been to continually in the software field motivates many
In 1973, Gates entered Harvard today. His commitment and hardwork
University as a freshman, where advance and improve software
technology, and to make it easier, proves him to be a mastercrafts man.
he lived down the hall from Steve His love for computers is irresistable
Ballmer,the present Microsoft’s more cost-effective and more
enjoyable for people to use computers. and thus he experiences his life from
chief executive officer. While at top ranked billionaire to a humble
Harvard, Gates developed a version The company is committed to a long-
term view, reflected in its investment humanitarian.
of the programming language BASIC
for the first microcomputer - the of approximately $7.1 billion on Regina Anand
 ed matrix july 2008

udha Murthy is an
Indian social worker and
accomplished author. She is
known for her philanthropic
work through the Infosys
Foundation. Among other things, she
has initiated a move to provide all
government schools in Karnataka with
computer and library facilities. She also
teaches computer science and writes
fiction. Dollar Sose (Dollar daughter-
in-law), a book originally she wrote
in Kannada and later translated to
English as Dollar Bahu was adopted
as a television serial in 2001.
She did B.E. in Electrical
Engineering from the B.V.B.
College of Engineering &
Technology, Hubli. She stood first in
Karnataka for which she received a
gold medal from the Chief Minister
of Karnataka. She also completed
her M.Tech. in Computer Science
in 1974 from the Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, stood first in her
class and received a gold medal from the
Indian Institute of Engineers.
She was also the first woman engineer
to be selected in Telco (now Tata
Motors), Pune. She had written a
postcard to JRD Tata complaining
of the gender bias in Tata Motors
(Telco then had a men-only
policy) and she was invited
for a special interview by Tata
Motors. (Please see external It was her savings of
link Aapro JRD). She was
living in Pune from 1974-1981, Rs. 10,000 that was
later she moved to Mumbai. instrumental in the
It was her savings of founding of Infosys;
Rs. 10,000 that was
instrumental in Narayana Murty proudly
the founding mentions this fact.
of Infosys;

Dollar Daughter
Sudha Murthy, a social worker and an accomplished author has taken Infosys to humanitarian and
Philanthropic grounds of accomplishments.
 ed matrix august 2008
Narayana Murty proudly mentions heart. Initially, I was a mother to it but
this fact. somewhere along the line, it has become
the mother and I the child.”
On November 19th 2004, she was
presented with the Raja-Lakshmi Award • Life lessons from Narayana Murthy
“in recognition of her outstanding
contribution to social work” by the Sri Excerpts from an interview given to
Raja-Lakshmi Foundation, Chennai. CNBC-TV18:

Mrs. Murthy is the wife of software You are in a sense the angel investor be-
industrialist N.R. Narayana Murthy, hind one of India’s largest entrepreneurial
the sister of Jaishree Deshpande (wife success stories. It was your Rs 10,000 that
of billionaire telecom tycoon Gururaj started Infosys. But purely as a person, what
“Desh” Deshpande) and renowned is this success story?
Caltech astrophysicist Shrinivas
Sudha Murthy: How do you define
Kulkarni, and the granddaughter of the
success? I gave Rs 10,000 not thinking
late Shri Narayan Melgiri, a prominent
19th century Kannadiga advocate.
She has written many stories, mostly In 2006, she was
published by Penguin, which deal with
common lives and her views on donations,
awarded the Padma
hospitality and realisation. Some of Shri, a civilian award
them include Sweet Hospitality, Wise
and Otherwise etc. She also focuses on from the Government
social works and her husband Narayana
Murthy’s achievements.
of India and received
In 2006, she was awarded the Padma Shri, an honorary doctorate
a civilian award from the Government of
India and received an honorary doctorate
from Sathyabama
from Sathyabama University. University.
Sudha Murthy on Infosys and life’s
values I would get a great return. Here is a Sudha Murthy: No, it was very hard for
man who is dreaming of a company me, it was not a easy decision because
It’s her passion and commitment to
and he told me without your support it
use what she has been blessed with for in 1968 I joined an engineering college
would be difficult for me to start and I
the benefit of others that keeps Sudha and in 1972 I graduated. There was not a
helped him. That’s what I considered and
Murthy ticking. Very few are aware of single girl in the university.
nothing more.
Sudha Murthy’s achievements.
For a person like me who was so career
She has single-handedly evangelizing Did you believe in the vision that he had?
conscious and who was so fond of
the move towards corporate social Did you ever think that Infosys was going to technical things, it was very hard. But
responsibility. She has worked almost for turn out to be what it is today? Murthy being a very strong person, he
a decade to change the lives of children said it’s either you or me.
in the heart of rural Karnataka by giving Sudha Murthy: No, I only knew that
them access to food and education. Murthy is a very honest and hardworking When he said that, then I thought
person and he wants to do something and practically. If I am in, then he is out and
She is an author of 92 books in almost he told me I require three years of hard when you start a company you have to
every Indian language to her credit. work from you and I will not be able run around, stay away from the family,
She is one of India’s most celebrated earn. You’ll have to manage the family everything you have to do and I am a
entrepreneurs. Here she speaks her mind, and give me the initial investment. woman, I couldn’t be away from the
shies away from the limelight and truly
practices what she preaches. I said, okay, let him do it. When you family and the children.
don’t have many things, then you don’t
Founder, Infosys Foundation, Sudha Secondly, I knew children require their
get scared.
Murthy, told CNBC-TV18, “In life’s mother at an early stage of life and not
journey, we all meet strange people and He also gave you choice and he said that so much when they grow up. Whatever
undergo many experiences that touch us both of you couldn’t be at Infosys together. value system you teach, it’s only in those
and sometimes even change us. If you He gave you the choice of joining Infosys crucial years. So, therefore I said okay
have a sensitive mind, you will see your but you chose to pull back and not do it -- at and I made the decision but my heart was
life too in the vast storehouse of stories. any point of time did you think that maybe very heavy. It took many years for me to
For me, it is something closest to my you would have liked to have done on? reconcile to this.
ed matrix august 2008 

But couldn’t you have gone back once never criticize or cross each other’s
path. For example, Mr Murthy never
your children grew up? God is so intelligent, tells me you should not give money to
Sudha Murthy: By that time, I realised that irrespective of these people or you should give money
it is not only technical thing that’s great
in life, there are many more things in life,
your status or gender, to those people.

which are very important. So, when one he gives everybody And not even once, in my 10 years in the
window was closed, God opened a door only 24 hours and Foundation, Murthy has insisted for any
to me and that is the Infosys Foundation. project money should be given either
Mr Murthy used all personally or officially.
Have your relationships become transac-
tional? Do people now talk to you only to
these 24 hours for one But have you been able to translate your
associate with you because they want purpose and that is philosophy and the way that you have been
something from you? Infosys. brought up and the way that you have lived
your life to your children as well?
Sudha Murthy: It becomes so hard to
find a genuine friend or a genuine relation the father of Aniruddha, not because he Sudha Murthy: They won’t see it
because everything is a transaction in is Yashoda’s adopted son, but because exactly that way. But to some extent they
one or other. It could be money, it could Krishna himself was a different person. can understand and they can follow.
be job, it could be an association and
Similarly, in real life, it is nice that you One year I remember, my son sent
somewhere I feel I lost the golden days.
are related, you are married and all those me a birthday greeting which said:
So it’s been a lonely journey, isn’t it? things, but you are what you are and I ‘Every mother works for their children,
Sudha Murthy: Of course, when your always believed in my own strength, my mom works for somebody else’s
husband builds a company like Infosys my own weaknesses and my own way child and Happy Birthday.’ And
along with his teammates it is like a of thinking, which helped me a lot to these soft words came from a young
tapasya -- that means 100% concentration achieve what I liked. boy of 20. Probably, it is the love or
on his work -- and God is so intelligent, Do you consider yourself a feminist? compassion he has seen and learnt in his
that irrespective of your status or gender, formative years.
he gives everybody only 24 hours and Mr
Sudha Murthy: I really do not know
how to define a real feminist. I felt when Apart from the philanthropy, you have
Murthy used all these 24 hours for one
I was 23 years old, there was gender said that Mr Murthy has become very
purpose and that is Infosys.
discrimination and I felt I must inform serious now, but do you still manage to
What was left for me and the children Mr JRD Tata because I was studying in take out time for the indulgences that
was hardly anything and I became like a their institute. you used to enjoy -- you like going to
single parent with two children. Murthy movies and enjoy music, does any of
The greatness is not me writing a letter
never knew which class they were in and that still happen?
but it was Mr JRD Tata, who was great.
he never went to any PTA. He only came
He was a chairman and a big man who Sudha Murthy: No, Murthy does
to know when the children grew up and
has many companies and he gets a not come to the movies at all actually
went to college. I had to struggle with
postcard from an unknown girl hailing -- maybe for 20-25 years we had not
their PTA, their progress reports, their
from a middle class doctor family, from a seen any movie. Recently, I took him
small town known as Hubli. She writes a for a movie and he was saying how
Is it also because you created your own letter and he accepts it in a positive way we should improve the quality, now he
identity besides being Mrs Narayana and he said that this girl should be called looks at everything in a manner of how
Murthy, which is what has kept you going for an interview -- that made me feel like we should improve the quality, how we
for so long? a very great person. should get an Oscar.
Sudha Murthy: Because I believe that You feel like a misfit in corporate India’s He looks for excellence in everything.
every human being should run their own jetset crowd? Murthy does not enjoy what he used to
marathon and this was taught to me when
Sudha Murthy: Probably, because I am enjoy before.
I was a young girl by my grandfather
definitely not in the corporate scenario. So he is a different man, he is not the same
who was a Sanskrit scholar.
Did Mr. Murthy ever say that maybe you man you have married?
He told a very beautiful shloka. He said
should try? Sudha Murthy: Yes, he is different
Krishna is respected not because he is
son of Vasudeva, not because he is the Sudha Murthy: Never ever. Actually, today.
husband of Rukmini, not because he is both of us have this equation that we Nirupama
 ed matrix august 2008

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