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Engaging The Public!

Science Museum Lessons! Buenos Aires, June 2013!

Last night, 7000 miles away

Adult Lates
4000 a night! 18 - 30! Festival, 25 events! Speed dating, silent disco, talks, drink! Drinking and thinking

Not always the case

Victorian institution! National collection! Formal! Academic

Engagement can be a problem in science museums

Hands on
History from working models! Interactive movement! Exploratorium! Generosity and tone

My role
Live interpretation! Content! Style and tone! Engagement! 20 years of movement and risk taking! Big audiences, high frequency, high impact

Engagement example
Get people interested in climate change! After failed exhibition and rise of doubters


Define role! Formal vs informal! Think audiences! What are people engaged in?! Train staff! What are stereotypes and barriers?! What about dialogue?

Not so good

Brain surgeons! Cockroaches! Make and take! Build a diamond! Interactives! Live science! Sleepovers! Outreach! Bring a toy! Deaf tours! Tv shoots! Actors


How far?

Get them first! Surprise them! Who are they, where are they?! Science as part of their life, not separate! See world and museum differently

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