Lesson Planning For Writing

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Components Objective

What It Must Have How will you get it? This is what you are teaching in class. This is what your 1. Go to ISC students will master the end of your lesson. 2. Open the sheet for your The objective has 3 components: writing level a. Skill that you are teaching (Skill as derived from the 3. Look at the Generic rubric) Objective b. Topic 4. Analyze the student c. Genre sample. Objective needs to be CLASS SPECIFIC. 5. Identify the skill (from the rubric) that can improve the sample to the next level. 6. Add the skill to the generic objective, without changing the genre or topic. Key Points (Need Key Points are the mind-set (WHY), skill (HOW) and the to be student knowledge (WHAT) that students need to understand what Friendly) you are teaching. A. WHY Invest students in learning. Connect them to the importance of learning the skill. B. WHAT What new thing am I teaching today? Define the new knowledge for the students. Define the skill in the objective for your kids C. HOW How is NOT the procedure you teach your kids in order to learn the skill. How IS the THOUGHT PROCESS that you MODEL for your kids so that they can apply the skill in their writing. How can be a set of guiding questions that will help you apply/use the skill. Lesson It is the piece of writing your kids will work on 1. Look at the skill you are Assessment independently. teaching. 2. Think about how many Lesson Assessment needs to have a scale that tells you (and opportunities are there the students) about how much have they learnt in the to demonstrate the skill. lesson. 3. Devise a quantitative scale. Levels of Mastery a. Mastery You NEED to have a checklist of b. Approaching Mastery all students name and check off c. Partial Mastery their names and their level of mastery. You are ONLY assessing the skill you explicitly taught. Teacher Example This is the example that you will use to model how to apply the skill you are teaching. You will model the exact thought process you want your kids to use.

Vocabulary Connection Opening

Mini Lesson




There has to be a think-aloud using your HOW key point. A few new words you are teaching. Making it real to your kids. How can you connect what you are teaching to real life or something else they learnt? Make it interesting for kids. Have them interested in the lesson. Introduce you connection Set behavioural expectations for the lesson. Introduce your objective & WHAT key point. Revise previous days work State the WHY! MODEL the skill using teacher example THINK ALOUD while modelling. Make sure you explicitly think aloud answering of the guiding questions (HOW KP) Engage students in the Teacher Example Ask them to chip in. If its a previous day continuation recap and add. Repeat the WHAT Key Point HOW Key Point has to come out explicitly in Think Aloud Remember GO SLOW during Think Aloud Set expectations for independent work. Have checklist for students to confer with and a focus area for each. Remember: Compliment or Learn About the writer -> Teach/Support in 1 aspect -> Give the writer clear next steps. Appreciate other people who are working Set expectations for sharing. Think of how you want to share In Groups In Partners In front of the class Can people question Appreciate! Recap the day! State WHAT and WHY Key Point Publish the work! Celebrate!

Remember for your lessons:

Day 1 (LP Given) IDEATE

Ideas Organisation

Day 2(LP 2) DRAFT

Organisation Sentence Fluency Word Choice


Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions

Day 4(LP 4) EDIT

Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions



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