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Business | Marketing | Sales A Brief Synopsis Of Knowledge Carter Troughton

Anything and everything I could possibly convey to you has already been thought, written, printed, bound, categorized, shelved, purchased and read. As far as Im concerned, thats all history now. Collectively known as books; these products of pages and words are precisely like an upload of information to the mind. Adversaries, connections, friends, enemies, and just the populous in general, welcome to the future. Most likely you are already well aware of this digital transition we the people are witnessing but just in case youre failing to recognize the implications here; think about the industries that will be affected by a paperless society someday. Corporate henchmen would probably have me fired for writing something like this but I dont work for any of them right now so hopefully the NSA has my back Mr. Snowden. Disruptive technology is all around us and Id like to add that during revolutionary times, currency can loose its meaning. We call it faith in the dollar but there are solutions for that. Young people from across the globe are taking part in a grander cause and this is one of my personal attempts in trying to help them. I understand why groups like Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street exist and it has to do with large quantities of people struggling to incorporate within a society suffering from an identity crisis. Known as the Arab Spring movement, this protest is rampant because of an imbalance to the system in which we are all playing a role in some form or another. Whats wrong with the Devils Advocate? Well its time to even the playing field for all of those that dont know jack about the topics and subjects I will brief you on. Hopefully you will find my writing style concise, effective, and to the point. It is why Im calling this a synopsis of professional knowledge.

Quickies The most organic phenomena in nature is supply and demand You can search for anything imaginable on a website like Google Everything you need to know is sitting inside of a Barnes & Noble A Free and Public Education is available to any and all U.S. Citizens If you need help or assistance, there is most likely a Government Agency for that Ethnicity, political affiliation, sexual identity, and religion are professionally irrelevant Science Unfortunately, nothing is more disputed than fact and logic. Thats ok though, we human beings are highly emotional creatures. Guess what? Were also highly intelligent. Our brains are ridiculously larger than any other life form on this planet. That should be a good thing. Any thinking person understands this. Anyways, our story is truly a remarkable one of not only perseverance but also acceleration and invention. It seems to me that without our existence, everything on Earth would pretty much just stay the same all of the time with an occasional natural disaster. The Dinosaur just couldnt handle this form of power weve all been granted. Our animal is smarter than previous inhibitors and you dont have to believe in evolution to know about survival of the fittest Mr. Romney. Now there are three types of science I consider to-be pertaining in business, marketing, and sales.

1. Anthropology The study of foreign culture, human dynamics, and tribal community is extremely relevant in this day and age. The scientific community calls it Anthropology. With an almost alien perspective, proponents of Anthropology learn and observe. To a degree it is no different from marketers testing subjects through focus groups and sampling. Social classes, hierarchy, and relationship are all reported on. I bring this up because while thinking of ways to benefit society it is important to figure out what your cliental base needs, wants, and desires. We are all consumers. 2. Biology As a living organism myself, failure to recognize the aspect of body is detrimental to my every living cell. This is likewise for you. We are composed of chemical reactions and the result of a microscopic protein breakdown. Do not fear what Science has already proven. The best I can say is challenge it. Thats a natural biological response anyways. Studying the Animal Kingdom will provide you with all sorts of examples. 3. Psychology Keep it simple. Art The excretion of emotion is abstract and illogical and some of its smartest participants are making fortunes off of this. Lady Gaga is a prime example. It is critical that any businessperson approach topics with an open mind. Rap and Hip Hop music is popular for a reason. The mob is not happy with their quality of life. Im dead serious here and listen to their messages. What I find to be most impressive is what they came from. Some of the wealthiest rappers on Earth elevated themselves out of government projects.

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