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Group 2 Members: Reporting on Exempting Circumstance 1. Valenzuela, Roda B. (Leader) 2. Concepcion, Michelle (Asst. Leader) 3.

Victoriano, Karen Yvette F. 4. Cruz, Mikka J. 5. Soqueo, Maria Celia 6. Itliong, Roselyn 7. Mostajo, Renee Eldridge 8. Dela Cruz, Reneva B. 9. Villar, Romelio J. T. 10. Alvarez, Florencio Jr. B.

JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How does self-defense defined in classical theory and in positivists point of view? What is the well-settled rule that when the accused invokes self-defense? When is incomplete self-defense taken into account? Is committing an abortion a justifying circumstance? How is battered woman syndrome utilized as a justifying circumstance? What sentence is to be imposed to an accused who acted in the performance of a duty and that the shooting of his victim was not the necessary consequence of the due performance? 7. How does the sufficiency of provocation determined? 8. Enumerate the factors that determine reasonableness means of defense. 9. What is the indispensable requisite in an incomplete self-defense? 10. What does real aggression presupposes?

MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES 1. A mitigating circumstance can only be considered for what purpose? 2. In what Motion or remedy after conviction does mitigating circumstance be used to reduced the penalty? 3. Under mitigating circumstances, can an accused charged with a capital offense should be granted bail? 4. With the attendance of at least one mitigating circumstance, the intermediate sentence must be imposed in what period? 5. Can habitual delinquency be offset by any mitigating circumstances?

Group 2 Members: Reporting on Exempting Circumstance 1. Valenzuela, Roda B. (Leader) 2. Concepcion, Michelle (Asst. Leader) 3. Victoriano, Karen Yvette F. 4. Cruz, Mikka J. 5. Soqueo, Maria Celia 6. Itliong, Roselyn 7. Mostajo, Renee Eldridge 8. Dela Cruz, Reneva B. 9. Villar, Romelio J. T. 10. Alvarez, Florencio Jr. B. 6. 7. 8. 9. Can a mental illness such as schizophrenia be considered as a mitigating circumstance? Minority as a mitigating circumstance must be construed in relation to what article? Differentiate ordinary/special / privilege mitigating circumstances. Why is extreme poverty and necessity conceived as a mitigating circumstance? (because out of misery and hunger a person may be impelled to commit a crime) 10. Does the intoxication of an offender shall be taken into consideration as a mitigating circumstance? (yes if the intoxication not habitual or intentional)

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