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B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management)/ B.Tech.

Civil (Water ResourcesEngineering)

Term-End Examination o
t.-l rl

]une, 2009 ET-105(B): CHEMISTRY


Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70


Attempt any three of the following : (u)

3x5=L5 5

The kinetic energy of sub-atomic particle is -2\. 5.85x 10 Calculate the frequency of the particle wave (Planck's constant h : 6 . 5 6 x 1 0 - 3 +k g * 2 r - 1 ) .


Differentiate between Bonding and Anti bonding molecular orbitals. An element occurs in the BCC structure with cell edge of 288 pm. The density of the element is 7.2 grn/ cm3. How many atoms of the element does 208 gms of the element contain ?





Classify the following solids on bonding considerations : COz,MgO, AI,lH2, Si, Gd, pb, AgClz


Attempt any two of the following :



Calculate the amount of work done in each of the following cases : (i) One mole of an ideal gas contained in a bulb of 10 litres capacity at 1 atm is allowed to enter into an evacuated bulb of 100 litres capacity. One mole of a gas is allowed to expand from a volume of 1 litre to a volume of 5 litres against the constant external pressure of 1 atm (1 litre atm: 101.3D.



Calculate the standard internal energy change for the followino reaction at 25"C.

2H2O2O -+ ZHrO(/) + O,(g)

AH/ at 25"C for H2O - - 1rgg k] mol 1, ,I HzO I: - 286 kl mol - 1, Gas c o n s t a n t R:8.3L4 JK - mol - 1. (c) \zVhat do you understand by the order of reaction ? Describe one method of determination of order of reaction. 5



Complete the following reactions : (i) c6HscHo + H3ccHo dil'NaoH ,




(iii) lCl


(i r) autu(O"+ H
(") (.)



Explain the term Bio-catalyst and its activity.


Explain characteristics of fibres giving different types of fibres. Explain preparation of glasses.





Attempt any two of the following : 2x5=L0 (u) Define the term hybridi zation using the s concept of hybridization explain the shape of PCl5 and SF6molecules. (b) What are the elements of sodium group (") called ? Write their characteristics. (t Name the methods used (i0 for

manufacture of HrSOn. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Flaber's process for manufacture of Ammonia.


Attempt any four of the following : (u) Write the IUPAC names of following :

Sx4=ZA 5


CHs- CHz- CHz- CH - CHs




fn-lcl c{r2ct


CHs I (i") HsC-f-CH2CH3 CI




Attempt any three of the following :

(u) (i) Calculate the normality containing 250 cm3 of the solution. (ii)

of solution z

9.8 gms of H2SO4 in

State Rault's law. Derive expression for solution containing non-volatile solute.


Explain following giving reasons : (i) Electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium and calcium salts give H, gas at cathode, whereas that of copper and silver gives these metals at cathode. (ii) A Bromide or iodide electrolysis gives Br, or lrat anode, whereas electrolysis of fluoride does not give F, gas at anode.


What do you understand by the term corrosion ? Describe theory of corrosion.



Write Nernst equation for the general electrochemical following at 25"C aA+bB tu )cC+dD change of the


\zVhat is a salt bridge and how is its use indicated Galvanic Cell ? in representing a


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