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My favourite star is Nichkhun an American asian , which lives is Korea. He sings in a band called 2pm. Nichkhun debuted in showbiz since he was a child. He is an attractive person with a lot of charm. He is tall, medium weight, he has brown eyes and blonde hair. He is a sensible, ambitious, sociable and funny guy. He is sometimes shy and moody but he can hide those emotions He is a cat lover . I like Nichkhun because he is a very good singer and he is very cute. (Naty-26 III)


Andrei Tiberiu Maria (born 27 July 1983), known by his stage name Smiley, is a singer, songwriter, producer, presenter and Romanian actor, was member of the band Simple . He is young, in his early 30s. He is tall, well-built, and slim. He has brown eyes, he is crew-cut. Smiley was born on July 27, 1983 in Pitesti. Everything was normal until the age of ten, when Smileys pleasure of listening to music turned into pleasure of playing. He is sociable, outspoken, communicative and warm. Sometimes hes quiet and moody. We choose Smiley, because he has a very good voice, hes a good person and he can be the model of our generation. (Alina-26.03)

Alina Eremia

Alina Eremia is a singer who lives in Buftea and now she plays Ioana Popa in Pariu cu Viata a romanian serial. She is 19 years old she is beautiful, pretty tall,she is dressing very good and she is sexy! She is a very energetic person and i like her because she always fights for what she wants,she is a great singer she is a new star and she is pretty like me in the way she is behaving. I really admire her and love her.

Mobile Phones
Lately,cell phones became very popular,beeing used by a lot of people of different ages. One of the positives parts about these phones is the fact that you can carry them anywhere you go and get them out of your pocket anytime you need to call anyone. Another positive part is that you can surf the internet anytime. The third positive part is that you can take photo and post it immediatly on social networks. You can even listen to music. You can play games whenever you'd like. But...there are some negative parts...lately some people are making call pranks. You shouldn't sleep with your phone in the same room,because it causes heart deaseses. To smartphones it's a big problem...sometimes the touchscreen is not responding. Some of them break too easy. Some games are not working on some of the phones.
Andrei putica 27 02

mari, 26 martie 2013

Bunica Maria

Grandma Andreea's is a nice and very modern woman.I met her at home Andreea when we made FRENCH FRIES and eggs eye.She lives in Magurele.Is a housewife and take care of grandchildren.She has 67 years.As a hobby loves to cook.She wears clothes from home.Is gentle and quiet.I like this person because is a woman independent.I am very happy when we meet again and I would like to eat french fries made it.

Phone mobile

Mobile phones are a necessity today.No he did not do anything. You can talk to them you can send pictures you can listen to music etc.The advantage is that you can take anywhere.You can stay logged onto the Internet and social networking sites. Their disadvantage is that the battery begins to take increasingly less.Begin to be excessive and very expensive even though people still buy them.Some phones have touchscreen very uncomfortable.Some are very fragile and a little escape can "die".And because they can have trouble hearing. Andreea


Phones are very important instruments today. Phones are used to play games, call friends,social play and many others facilities. I use the phone to talk with friends. Phones have many upgrades every day. My phone is samsung and it is the good company. It has many telephone with high power resource. 6 billion people have one phone at home. Bad arguments. Phones cause problems with ears because of radiation. Phone makes obsesive consumer every day. Phones are the most difficult to use for old people. It is very easy to broke screen. Phones are very cheap for low upgrade. Adrian

A person I admire
In this post I'll talk about Vlad Gherman.He's a new serial actor from Romania. He is from Ploiesti now he's staying in Bucuresti. Since 2011 he has been playing in "Bet with life". He's 20 y.o.,middle height,with brown eyes and brown hair.He also sings in a band called "Lala Band". He has a sweet girlfriend,Criss,who's a part of the band.They are lovers both in the TV serial and in real life. He has a great personality:he's very romantic,sensitive,brave and funny.Something that I'm sure is that he has an incredible voice.

I wish I could be his gf,but the sad truth is that I can't be.Lucky Criss.;) T ell me your opinion about him.If you don't know him,search him on YouTube.

About cell phones So we gonna talk about phones and how they changed our life in a good way. Since their first appearance in our world,they were a brilliant invention. Some pro arguments for using these phones can be:


We can talk at long distance with the people we want to; In the lasts year,they became more and more "smart" so we call them "smartphones".They



became like a smaller pc:we can surf the internet while we are listening to music; We can also download games,apps and all kind of these stuf; If we get lost,we have GPS all over the country,also the world;
Lets say you don't have a camera,but you have an iPhone with 8 megapixels which also can film HD.


Of course there are some cons arguments:




Kids start to be addicted of the games from the phone; People talk way too much nowadays on the phones instead of talking face to face; This phone emits harmful radiation which that leads to disease like cancer


THE PHONE (Edi, Dragos)-27.02

I like the phone: I use it for the talk I use it for photo I use it for music I use it for video I use it for games

I dont like the phone because: Not all have connection at internet Some phones work harder It is very sensible It scratches very easy

I think the telephones are very important in present because nobody cant live without them. Many people use the telephone to speak , for games , for music and applicationes . The

telephones are used by children too . Advantages: conections to internet ,calls Disadvantages: Mobile phone radiatio n can cause cancer , affect hearing

Advantages of mobile phones: we can talk to anyone anywhere; we go online; we send posts;
we can take pictures or video; we can listen music.

Disadvantages of using mobile phones:cause cancer; hearing problems; talking on the phone
while driving causes accidents;cause addictive;fragile.

Mobile phones

The mobile phones ar very usefull,you can do anything with your phone, its used by so many persons I think that everybody has a phone. The phones are various :Samsung (the galaxy series),iPhone(2g,3,3gs,4,4s,5),HTC,and so many more.. The price of a phone (smartphones:phones that run on Android or IOS)is always above 500 RON. The usage of phones is various music games, weather and school stuf (kids most of time) the adults also use them . In present the memory of a phone is from 8 GB tu 64GB and it will be more.That means thet you can put so many things on your phone I forgot they also have a photo camera up to 12 MP. Thats all hope you like it. Truta Stefan

Romanian education

British education

Romanian education The subjects of exam are maths and Romanian language and foreign language optionally. We have more subjects than the British pupils .

British education Their exam is called GCSE and the subjects are maths , English ,sciene and foreign language. They have just :

Maths, English Drama Music Humanities (History, Geography, and Religion)

Time table : 12:30 17:30 / 18:30 We bring our own food with us to school. We write in note books. After school activities : choir , handball training. Our uniform : white shirt and red tie .

Science ICT Art PE

French or Spanish

Time table : 9 3:10 They have canteen . They have tablet PCs. After school activities : gymnastics , sciene , history , crafts, art,computers. Their uniform : blue blouses .

We arrive at school at 12.30 p.m.We open our books and our notebooks at the lesson.We have 6 hours every day.Its very borring.We dont have any tablets or anything like that,we dont practice the chemistry hours. Subjects Maths,English,French,Biology,Geography,Chemistry, Romanian,Physics,History,Religion,Sport,Civics ,IT. Time table 12.30-the beginning of the classes 18.20-the end of the classes At the end of 8th grade we have two national exams At Romanian language and math and if we want,at another language.The exams are hard and only the best can enter to a good highschool. Our uniform is white shirt and a red tie.

When I arrive at school, I collect my Tablet PC from the Flexi (Flexiable Learning Centre). Then I go to my Tutor Room for Registration at 8:30. At about 8:50 we leave Tutor Room to go to our First Period. Every day I have a different Lesson the first period. Normally it is Humanities but I also have Maths, Drama and Music, and French on the other days. Each period lasts an hour. Subjects Maths, Drama English Music Science Art ICT PE

Humanities (History, Geography, and Religion) Time Table 9:00 1st Period 10:00 2nd Period

French or Spanish

11:00 - 11:20 Break During break, I have a snack and play and chat with my friends. Usually we play 'IT' a chasing game. Snow ball fight when it snows is dead fun. 11:20 3rd Period 12:30 4th Period 1:30 - 2:10 Lunch I bring a packed lunch to school but occasionally I have school dinners in the School Canteen. 2:10 5th Period 3:10 End of School Sometimes I stay after school for clubs. I am in Year 8 and at the end of Key

year earlier than normal). I am presently having to decide what GCSEs I would like to start working towards. I sit my GCSE exams next year instead of the year after when most other people of my age will be doing them. Some subjects are compulsory like Maths, English, Science and a foreign language. I am not sure what other GSCEs I will be taking. I will have to decide soon.

Stage 3 (a

After School Activities There many different clubs children to join.

and activities for the

They are run by the teachers. The children wear a school

their homework and packed lunch in a school bag.Those are differents in each school.

uniform and carry


Romanian Education Timetable:

British Education

1.Maths.Romana,English,French,Sp ort,Civic,Art,Fizich,History,Music,G 1.Clases: eography,Science



a,Music,Art,PE,Humanities(Histo ry,Georgraphy and religion) 2.Times 9:00 1st Period 10:00 2nd Period 11:00 - 11:20 Break 11:20 3rd Period 12:30 4th Period 1:30 - 2:10 Lunch

GCSE exams

Romanian education Timetable:12:30-18:30 Classes:History,Chemestry,Maths,Physics,Romanian Language,Religion,English,Geography,French,Civics,Informathic, Sports,Biology,Tehnologie,Latin,Paint,Music. After school activities:Training for the school team,Tutoring at Math and Romanian Language for exams. Uniform: Boys White shirt Black/blue trousers Red tie(mostly in 5-8 years) Girls: As above Dark coloured skirts.

British education Timetable:9:00-15:10

Classes:Maths,English,Science,Music,Art,Drama,Fra or Spanish,ITC,Humanities(History, Geography, and Religion) After school activities:Drama club,Chess club,Sports club. Uniform: Boys Long grey or black trousers (shorts may be worn in Summer) White Shirt School tie (optional in most primary schools) Jumper or sweater with the school logo on. The colo is the choice of the schools. Black shoes Girls As above.

Exams:Maths on 27 June and Romanian Language on 29 June.

Girls may wear skirts During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses Exams:GCSE-Maths,Science,English and a foreign language.

British education

Time Table 9:00 1st Period 10:00 2nd Period 11:00 - 11:20 Break During break, I have a snack and play and chat with my friends. Usually we play 'IT' a chasing game. Snow ball fight when it snows is dead fun. 11:20 3rd Period 12:30 4th Period 1:30 - 2:10 Lunch I bring a packed lunch to school but occasionally I have school dinners in the School Canteen. 2:10 5th Period 3:10 End of School Sometimes I stay after school for clubs.

Tablet PC We don't use our Tablet PCs in all lessons because some rooms do not have enough power sockets. We use the Tablets to do our work on and to search the Internet. Our Tablet PCs are connected to a Network so we can send our work straight to our teachers. and they can send them back with their comments.

Subjects Maths, Drama English Music Science Art French or Spanish ICT PE

Humanities (History, Geography)

Romanian education
The classes start at 12:30 PM and end at 18:20. In Romanian , the exams you take and the end of 8th grade are called National Evaluation . Our breaks are short and boring. The most important subjects is : Maths , English , Geography , History and Roumanian Language. Uniform consists of : white shirt,red tie and jeans.Is very bored. Extracurricular activities : gymnastics,crafts,art and computers.



Maths, Romanian

English Music

Science Art French

Maths, English Science ICT Drama Music Humanities (History, Geography, and Religion) Art PE French or Spanish

Humanities (History, Geography, Religion)Chemestry,Civics,

Tehnology,Sports,Informatic, Latin Exams:Maths and romanian language Exams:GCSEMaths,Science,English and foreign language

We eat at home After school activities:School team,learning for next day,doing homework,training for some sports

They eat at school After school activities:Going at clubs

Our school starts at 12:30 PM and we finish at 17:30 PM/18:30 PM. In our scool we dont have many computers ,and the ones we have are very old. Also we need to get dressed as the tea chers tell us. We have a lot of classes ,our program is: Monday History Chemistry Romanian Tuesday Math Math English language Wednesday Chemistry Romanian Language Romanian Thursday INFO Geography Math Friday Tehnology Latin Language Biology

Language Phisics RE

Geography French Language

Language Phisics History

Music French Language


In our 8 school year we have the National Evaluation

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