Keilani's Robot Unicorn (3.5e Monster)

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Keilanis Robot Unicorn (3.

5e Monster)
Robot Unicorn
CR 7
Init/Senses AC hp Fort/Ref/Will Speed Melee Space/Reach Base Atk/Grp Special Actions Abilities SQ Feats Skills Advancement CG Large Construct (Augmented Magical Beast) +3/darkvision 60ft., low-light vision, scent, Perception +12 22, touch 16, flat-footed 20 50 , Dr 10/+6/+8/+7 60ft. (12 squares); Hold on to the night, Double Jump Horn +15 melee (1d8+11) and 2 hooves +13 melee (1d6+10) 10ft./5ft. +4/+12 Dash! Str 20, Dex 17, Con , Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 24 Always, I want to be with you, Make believe with you, Live in harmony Alertness, Run Jump +30, Stealth +10, Perception +12, Survival +6 As its user, each time the user gains a level, the unicorn gains one due to its learning AI. To simplify, it gains +1 to BAB, saves and an extra HD.

There is no shame holding on to the night. And robot unicorns totally do that. They never stop chasing their dreams and are always under the influence of a Freedom of Movement spell as cast by a 7th level sorcerer. In addition, they can make any number of turns while running and always use the run action unless they are prevented from doing so somehow. This means they probably will never actually use their hoof attacks. Always, I want to be with you (Su) Keilanis robot unicorn is like the equine equivalent of the Terminator. Given enough time to recover, itll be back. It carries enough repair nanites to duplicate the effects of a heal spell on itself three times. GET TO THE CHOPPA!!! Once per round, as a free action, a robot unicorn can create an illusory effect Make believe with you (Su) as if it cast one of the following spells: blur, dream (the unicorn can still run while in a trance with the dream spell), mirage arcana (to create rainbow bridges and sparkles), or rainbow pattern. The save DC is 18 and the caster level is 5. Each round, any creature that is within 30ft. of the robot unicorn at the start Live in harmony (Su) of its turn and it considers friendly heals 1d8+5 damage as if they were affected by a Cure Light Wounds spell. When a robot unicorn takes a run action, it can Trample a single creature. Dash! (Ex) Unlike a normal trample, the robot unicorn will do anything to make wishes come true and can trample creatures of a larger size category. This attack deals 2d6+ 13 damage (Reflex DC 18) and whether the creature passes its save or not, the robot unicorn can make a horn attack against it. Hold on to the night (Su)

Double Jump (Ex) Mechanical Sense Advanced AI

Robot unicorns can make a second jump check and add the results to their first jump check whenever they jump. They also aren't limited by their height for jump checks. Their +30 to jump checks includes their base speed bonus. On average, a double jump will give them a 80 ft. long and 20 ft. high jump. Spirit has radar and satellite communications. He can be upgraded and modified as any typical machine for a variety of functions. Spirit can pick up any feats that a horse could be trained for. In addition , Spirit responds to vocal direction as well as traditional horseback guidance.

Caleb, why on earth did you make a robot unicorn for Keilani? Aya asked. Because she wanted one.Caleb replied with a smirk. ..You cater to that girl.. Aya shook his head.

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