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SAP Kernel Update in UNIX based system.. | LinkedIn

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SAP Kernel Update in UNIX based system..

Preparation: 1. Login to unix system with user root 2. Make new backup directory for the latest kernel 3. Backup the latest kernel cp -pr /sapmnt/SID/exe/* /oldkernel This will help you to switch back to old kernel , if there...
4 days ago Follow R.

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Avinash Yadav Hi, I am having a query when applying the new kernel. Do we need to login to ora<sid> or <sapsid>adm
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I am right now working on linux platform. Planning to attain knowledge for SAP on linux. Will be helpful if u correct my query.
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Kunaseelan Swaminathan - PMP <sapsid>adm

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David Mackenzie Make sure once the instance is down and before copying the binaries that you clear shared memory segments via cleanipc 00 remove.
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Fred van de Langenberg Some remarks: - A system might have multiple instances. Use sapcontrol on each instance server >sapcontrol -nr <instance nr> -function StopService - Use sapcontrol to stop all NW Management Agents Search... > sapcontrol -nr <instance nr> -function StartService <SID> Follow Fred - Make sure that no processes are still running from the kernel directory Home Profile (sapccm4x, Networksapccmsr,saposcol, Jobs Interests webdispatcher etc). Stop these also - Cleanup the instance memory > cleanipc <instance nr> remove - Flush shared libraries as root : >slibclean Remember there are 2 kernel directories on each instance (on JAVA even more): /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS<instance nr> (instance specific kernel) /sapmnt/<SID>/exe (global SAP kernel) So you need to either replace the Instance specific kernel also or link it to the global SAP kernel) SAP has a new procedure available for rolling kernel switches. Please read OSS Notes 953653 and 1616491.
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thummala vivek Can we install sap net weaver 7.0 64bit on windows server 2008 64bit and can we install sap Net Weaver 7.0 32bit setup into windows server 2008 or 2003 64 bit Operation systems
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Agnieszka Biegluk Vishal Bansal

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thummala vivek And When we are uploading support packages into sap system if we got a problem while doing update then how to stop that update i mean how to stop the process of update in SPAM and while doing update if we have an error it takes more time and we can't even update add-on's also with out updating support packs so please help me how to stop update process of spam
1 day ago Like



SAP Kernel Update in UNIX based system.. | LinkedIn

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Haaris Ahmed Khan Hi Vivek, Am not sure what exactly are you trying to do here. SPAM import u can reset only till MAIN_IMPORT starts, once main import starts, you cannot undo the changes. You may have to go for a system restore. Anyways if want to force reset the SPAM queue you can use FM (se37) OCS_RESET_QUEUE in force mode. Also, update of add-ons is also done via SPAM only. Can you please elaborate the error.
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Mayank Bansal Running sapcpe can be taken account for instance exe's. Also make sure that the new kernel ja all the links as of old kernel.
1 day ago Like

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thummala vivek thank you very much and while updating support packages is it necessary to check TP (Transport protocol) version means while doing update getting error like TP error code 12 like that and one more thing is it possible to install sap netweaver 7.0 32bit on windows server 2003 64bit OS.
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