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Industry Update

April 30, 2012

Stock Returns(%)

Tea Sector Update

1M 19.4 13.7 2.9

Harisson Malayalam Jayshree Tea Mc Leod Russel Stock Ratings Harrison Malayalam CMP TP Upside Market Cap like McLeod Russel and Jayshree Tea to improve their revenues and Jayshree Tea CMP TP Upside Market Cap earnings.

McLeod Russel CMP TP Upside Market Cap Price movement (Stock (RHS) v/s Nifty (LHS)) 6,000




Nifty Analysts name Sanjay Manyal

McLeod Parineeta Poddar mkg in CY10. The unit value of imports was marginally higher at |92.84/kg from |92.26/kg.

The tea companies in India would benefit substantially from the perking consumption demand for Indian tea in the global markets, especially Dubai, Pakistan and European countries. Hence, we believe that companies which occupy a dominant position in the industry, Mc Leod Russel (largest bulk tea producer in the world) and Jayshree Tea

(produces Darjeeling tea which is a premium quality tea in the world) would be the leading beneficiaries. Hence, we maintain a positive outlook and target price on these stocks.

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research

Industry Update Domestic Scenario Tea Production in India to remain at similar levels
India produced 988.3 mkg of tea in CY11 (against an expectation of ~1 billion kg), 2.3% higher than the production in CY10 which stood at 966.0 mkg. Production from North India stood at 747.4 mkg against 723.0 mkg in CY10 and from South India stood at 240.9 mkg against 243.4 mkg in CY10. Though the production was higher YoY, tea producing companies had estimated the production to be ~1 bn kg. The dry weather in October-November, 2011 and early onset of winters impacted crop production in the last quarter of CY11. Exhibit 1: Tea Production in India in 2010 and 2011 (in million kg)

Though tea production was higher in CY11, it was January below industrys expectation of 1000 mkg; owing to the February vagaries of nature. March April May June July August September

October November December TOTAL Source: Tea Board of India, Research

Tea production in the North India till March, 2012 has been lower by ~55% to ~20 mkg against ~46 mkg in the corresponding period last year. The production in April, 2012 is expected to be lower by ~20% YoY. With the production of the first flush constituting only (in March-April) of tea 10% of the total production for the year, a clear

estimation for the years total production is difficult. However, tea companies are expecting the production to be at similar levels as CY11, with consumption increasing at ~2-3% during the year.

Tea Prices to remain firm

Tea prices in CY 11 remained firm in the country led by the shortfall in the system to meet the growing demand. In CY11, tea production in India stood at ~985 mkg, exports were ~190 mkg , consumption demand was ~860 mkg along with a lower opening inventory (exhausted by Feburary, 2012). Hence, a higher demand in the domestic market along with the drop in crop production in the last quarter of CY11 kept the tea prices up Average wage hike in Assam has been to the tune byof ~|7-8/kg in CY11 over CY10. |14/kg and in West Bengal it has been ~34%. Going ahead, with tea production expected to remain at 2011 levels and

consumption expected to be higher by ~2-3% (according to Tea Board of India), tea prices are expected to move up by ~|12-14/kg during the year. The movement in prices would further be supported by the hike in wages of tea workers and increase in costs of diesel, coal & electricity.

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 2

Industry Update
Exhibit 2: Tea Prices in India (|/kg) Month

January February Though tea prices in North India remained flat YoY, March south Indian tea prices moved up on the back of higherApril realization from exports. May

June July August September October November December *2011 prices are provisional and all India prices are excluding Amritsar auction Source: Tea Board of India, Research

Higher Tea Exports expected in CY12

India is the second largest tea producer in the world and is an exporter to Egypt, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Iraq, Iran and Russia. The total exports in CY11 stood at 192.9 mkg, lower by ~13% YoY with realization/kg being higher by ~7% YoY. The uptrend in prices was on the back of higher demand of quality tea from Assam and Darjelling supported by its lower production during the year. Also, with the largest exporting

countries (Kenya & Sri Lanka) recording a drop in production in CY11, there was a higher demand of exports from India thereby driving up the prices. We believe that the exports volume and prices in CY12 would be higher than CY11 on the back of increasing demand for quality tea (Darjelling tea) and a lower production of black tea expected in the tea exporting countries (Kenya & Sri Lanka). Pakistan (importing ~22 mkg in CY11) and Dubai (importing ~20 mkg in CY11) have already demanded higher quantity and better quality of black tea from India due to the increasing consumption demand in there and with the aim to decrease their dependence on Sri Lanka and Kenya for imports.

Exhibit 3: Tea Exports from India in million kg (mkg) Month 2011 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 18.5 12.7 14.6 11.4 11.3 12.3 15.3 19.4 21.0 19.7 17.5 19.3 192.9 Source: Tea Board of India Research

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 3

Industry Update
Exhibit 4: Country wise Tea Exports from India Country Indian companies have identified Russia and Middle-eastern countries as a source of rising demand for their tea. West Europe East Europe America West Asia & North Africa Asia other than the west Africa other than the North Australia & Oceania Source: Tea Board of India, Research

The total tea imports in India declined by ~7% to 18.6 mkg against 20.04 mkg in CY10. The unit value of imports was marginally higher at |92.84/kg from |92.26/kg. India is the largest consumer of tea and

imports tea leaves for re-export only. Hence, a dip in imports is an indication of lower re-exports.

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 4

Industry Update Global scenario Global Tea Production to remain stable

Tea production across the world was lower except India where it was marginally higher by 2.3%. The output in Kenya, Sri Lanka and Malawi in early 2011 was affected by adverse weather, and this offset increases in China's production (output rose by 10% in January-August). According to the tea boards and traders organizations, the global black tea production till March,2012 has fallen by 4.69% from 150.2 mkg to 157.2 mkg compared to the corresponding period last year. Kenya has

lost 8.1 mkg and produced 54.6 mkg. Bangladesh has also suffered a marginal crop loss. All other countries have posted marginal increase in production. Going ahead, tea production in Kenya (largest exporter) is expected to further dip by ~5% in CY12 to 360 million kg. Hence, we believe that with production in India expected to remain at similar levels and that in Kenya to dip, the global tea production would either be as in CY12 or dip further keeping the tea prices firm. Exhibit 5: World Tea Production (in mkg) Country Excluding the production from China (green tea producer), India the overall black tea production was lower by ~25 Bangladesh mkg during CY11 over CY10. Kenya Rwanda Indonesia Malawi Sri Lanka Uganda Tanzania Zimbabwe TOTAL China (Green Tea) (we await the data from other producing countries) thereby,

Source: Indian Tea Association Publication, Research

World Tea Prices to inch up

Black Tea prices across the globe were higher on the back of lower production and increasing consumption demand. Demand from countries like Dubai, Pakistan and China have been witnessing continuous uptrend in the past three years. Exhibit 6: World Average Tea Auction Prices Centre 2011 Jakarta Mombasa (Kenya) Limbe Colombo Exchange Rate: Jan-Dec- USD 1: 2011 - 46.6; 2010- 45.73 Source: Indian Tea Association Publication, Research 91.66 138.87 74.91 151.7

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 5

Industry Update
Going ahead, we expect the world tea prices to inch higher on the back of increasing costs for tea companies as well as the increasing demand for quality tea that would keep prices firm. Exhibit 7: Kenya Tea Prices (US$/kg) and India Tea Prices (|/kg) in the past ten years

4.0 Continuous uptrend in tea prices in the past 11 years, in 3.5

spite of increasing production indicates the increasing demand for tea. Hence, we believe that tea prices would


2.5 remain firm in the coming years too. 2.0 1.5


0.5 0.0

Country India Kenya SriLanka Zimbabwe Argentina China Tanzania Uganda Indonesia Malawi TOTAL Source: Company, Research

With the production in CY11 being lower across the major tea exporting countries (Kenya and Sri Lanka), tea exports remained lower by ~2% during the year.

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 6

Industry Update
Exhibit 9: ICICIdirect Coverage Universe McLeod Russel Idirect Code MCLRUS CMP Target MCap Jayshree Tea Idirect Code JAYTEA CMP Target MCap Harrison Malayalam Idirect Code HARMAL CMP Target MCap Source: Company, Research 145.8 Upside 218.9 Upside 3053.8 Upside

ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research Page 7

RATING RATIONALE endeavours to provide objective opinions and recommendations. assigns ratings to its stocks according to their notional target price vs. current market price and then categorises them as Strong Buy, Buy, Hold and Sell. The performance horizon is two years unless specified and the notional target price is defined as the analysts' valuation for a stock. Strong Buy: >15%/20% for large caps/midcaps, respectively, with high conviction; Buy: >10%/15% for large caps/midcaps, respectively; Hold: Up to +/-10%; Sell: -10% or more; Pankaj Pandey Research Desk, ICICI Securities Limited, 1st Floor, Akruti Trade Centre, Road No. 7, MIDC, Andheri (East) Head - Research


We /I, Sanjay Manyal M.B.A.(FINANCE) Parineeta Poddar M.B.A.(FINANCE)

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ICICI Securities Ltd | Retail Equity Research

3M 12.2 -0.4 52.8

6M -4.9 -29.6 7.5

98 105 7.6 218.9

279 305.1 9.4 3053.8

/s Nifty (LHS)) 375



150 75



e world) and Jayshree Tea

North India 2011 6.4 1.0 38.1 49.5 51.7 89.5 111.9 112.8 93.1 2010 8.7 1.5 29.8 48.0 47.4 76.8 102.8 107.8 89.7

95.0 65.8 32.7 747.4

99.2 70.8 40.3 723.0

e year, a clear

expected to remain at 2011 levels and

North India 2011 103.9 94.4 81.9 128.4 128.8 2010 101.7 91.9 81.5 108.9 117.6

133.9 131.6 121.1 120.6 119.0 113.7 107.6

122.9 126.6 131.1 126.1 126.6 125.9 119.9

Volume (in mkg) 2010 % increase 17.1 13.4 23.5 13.4 14.1 14.2 19.7 20.8 23.0 22.5 19.9 20.6 222.0 8.0 -5.1 -37.9 -15.1 -19.6 -13.3 -22.4 -6.7 -8.5 -12.4 -12.1 -6.3 -13.1 Research

2010-11 Qty 28.9 59.8 14.1 57.6 43.7 4.7 4.8 Price/kg 186.0 126.7 192.0 144.4 98.3 73.3 273.4

sumer of tea and

ducing countries) thereby,

Jan to Dec Dec Dec Mar Nov Dec Dec Oct Nov Sept

2011 988.3 59.2 377.9 6.2 56.3 47.1 328.3 40.3 30.0 10.3 1943.8



Jan to Dec (in approx. |/kg) 2010 +/83.09 126.21 72.46 149.84 8.57 12.66 2.45 1.86


2002 Source: Company, Research Exhibit 8: World Tea Exports (in mkg)

279 FY11 305.1 FY12E 9.4 FY13E

98 FY11 105 FY12E 7.6 FY13E

79 FY11 86 FY12E 8.9 FY13E

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12M -2.8 -44.5 1.8 The Indian tea industry is witnessing a continuous rise in the realization of tea prices on the back of growing consumption demand and a shortfall in production. Simultaneously, a significant dip in global 79 production, especially Kenya, the Indian Tea companies fetched 86 attractive prices from exports. Hence, we believe that with the demand 8.9 for tea to continuing to rise and production in India to remain at 145.8 current levels, tea prices could further inch up benefiting companies

Brewing hot with rising prices

Tea Production
India, the largest black tea producer in the world, produced 988.3 million kilograms (mkg) of tea in CY11 (up by 2.3% YoY). Production in Kenya and Sri Lanka, the largest exporters, stood at 377 mkg (lower by 5.4%) and 328.6 mkg (lower by ~1% YoY). Indias production has been at the same levels since the past three years at ~970 mkg (CY09-11) however, consumption is rising by ~2-3% every year (~860 mkg in CY11). Going ahead, we expect the countrys production for CY12 to be at similar levels and consumption to be higher at ~890 mkg.

Tea Prices
Owing to the shortfall in production across other tea producing nations in

CY11 (except India which had lower than expected crop production of ~1000 mkg but marginally higher production over CY10), an increasing demand for black and premium quality Darjeeling tea (both domestic & international) and a lower opening inventory in India Feburary, 2012); tea prices in the country remained higher by ~|7-8/kg in CY11. Going ahead, with the production in the country expected to remain at similar levels but consumption to be higher, tea prices are expected to increase by ~|12-14/kg in CY12. (exhausted by

Tea Exports & Imports

Exports from India during CY11 stood at 192.9 mkg against 222.0 mkg in CY10. The realization/kg increased by ~|10/kg to |147.4/kg. Lower

production in Kenya led the exports from there to decline by ~20 mkg to 421 mkg in CY11.

The total tea imports in India declined by ~7% to 18.6 mkg against 20.04

South India % increase -26.3 -34.3 27.9 2.9 9.1 16.5 8.9 4.6 3.7 2011 14.5 15.7 18.6 23.6 24.4 25.3 21.3 14.3 18.0 2010 % increase 18.4 16.4 19.2 20.2 25.2 27.2 20.4 14.9 18.4 -21.1 -4.3 -3.0 16.8 -3.1 -7.3 4.6 -4.4 -2.1

-4.2 -7.1 -19.0 3.4

22.5 24.5 18.2 240.9

21.5 23.1 18.4 243.4

4.5 6.1 -1.2 -1.0

South India % inc/dec 2.1 2.8 0.5 17.9 9.5 2011 76.6 77.1 75.5 71.4 68.8 2010 % inc/dec 75.8 73.7 69.5 69.0 65.3 1.2 4.7 8.5 3.4 5.4

9.0 3.9 -7.6 -4.4 -6.0 -9.7 -10.2

62.8 63.6 66.9 70.5 75.5 70.4 67.9

60.3 58.9 59.1 69.6 71.8 72.1 71.9

4.1 7.9 13.3 1.2 5.1 -2.3 -5.7

Price (in |/kg) 2011 146.5 148.8 147.2 138.1 141.3 144.3 146.4 140.2 144.9 151.0 152.7 160.3 147.4 2010 % increase 140.8 142.7 129.8 134.2 131.2 137.1 134.3 142.5 141.3 139.9 139.6 138.8 137.8 4.0 4.3 13.4 2.9 7.7 5.2 9.0 -1.6 2.6 7.9 9.4 15.5 7.0

2010-09 Qty 27.8 65.2 12.2 68.4 31.9 3.4 4.6 Price/kg 171.6 133.2 187.5 138.1 115.8 85.1 265.7

2009-08 Qty 27.5 51.7 10.7 63.6 30.1 2.1 4.9 Price/kg 149.4 113.6 173.8 118.4 104.1 75.7 235.7

2010 +/966.4 60.0 399.0 7.1 67.0 51.6 331.4 47.2 29.3 10.5 1969.6 1273.0 21.9 -0.9 -21.1 -0.9 -10.7 -4.5 -3.1 -7.0 0.7 -0.3 -25.8 77.0

% 2.3 -1.5 -5.3 -12.7 -16.0 -8.7 -0.9 -14.7 2.5 -2.5 -1.3 6.0


2004 Kenya Average (LHS)



Jan to Dec Nov Oct Jul Sept Nov Sept Oct Sept Oct

2011 186.7 385.0 244.6



Sales (| crore) 1241.2 1227.5 1258.1

EPS (|) 20.7 23.8 28.3

PE (x) 13.5 11.7 9.9

EV/E (x) 9.7 8.0 6.9

448.4 570.2 558.8

23.9 14.3 19.9

4.1 6.8 4.9

10.2 8.2 5.9

364.4 365.4 370.6

2.1 4.7 5.7

37.5 16.7 13.8

12.0 7.5 7.5

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7.5 6.1 -5.7 -3.3 -5.4 -9.0 -12.0







0 2007 India Average (RHS) 2008 2009 2010 2011

2010 193.3 406.0 246.0 4.7 69.8 273.8 21.4 35.9 57.1 39.4 1368.6 20.0 42.5 65.3 43.5 6.1 72.1

+/-6.6 -21.0 -1.4 -1.4 -2.3 21.5 1.4 -6.6 -8.2 -4.1 -28.7

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