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ESD Project 2 Paying it forward

Ang Weddy Chong Kah Weng David Koo Mei Da Eleanor Ng Cui Shan Eunice Quah Xuet-Wyne Nikki Wong Tyan Mun Oh Keng Yee Tan Woan Tyng Wong Ai Ling 0312728 0312617 0311181 0302936 0302968 0303281 0312501 0312725 0303742

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 3-6 1.1 Project .................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Community ............................................................................................ 4 1.3 Environment ....................................................................................... 5-6 2. DESIGN .................................................................................................. 7-20 2.1Progress ............................................................................................... 7-8 2.2 Concept ................................................................................................ 9-12 2.3 Materials ....................................................................................... 13-15 2.4 Costing ................................................................................................ 16 2.5 Schedule ............................................................................................. 17 2.6 Environmental Impact& Sustainability ................................................ 18-20

3. INSTALLATION.................................................................................... 21-29 3.1 Trial. ................................................................................................... 21 3.2Installation Part I ................................................................................. 21-24 3.3 Installation Part II ................................................................................ 25-26 3.4 Transplant ........................................................................................... 27-28 3.5 Problems ............................................................................................ 29 4. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 30-31 5. REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 32


Architecture is the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings. In this particular subject and assignment, environmental sustainable design, us students had the chance to put our skills and creativity to use and to improve the lives of the less fortunate. We are all about to find out that architecture is much more than providing a shelter to people, it is much more than that. We were rather enthusiastic about this assignment as we have the opportunity to work with the community, for the community. In order to do so, we picked an orphanage, the Agathians Shelter and surveyed the site for flaws and things they may lack. To test ourselves on our knowledge of sustainable architecture, we were only allowed to use recyclable or environmental friendly materials and even so, it had to minimal. Quoted by Mies Van Der Rohe Less is more. While, the change may not be drastic, the benefits and improvement will be obvious. We have a mission, and that is to improve the lives of the little children with a little creativity and attention to their wants and needs.


Fig.1. Agathians shelter signage

Fig.2. Children at the orphanage

Address: No.22, Jalan Kelah 8/6, Seksyen 8, Petaling Jaya 46050 Selangor Person-in-charge: Mr. Sivabalan The non-profit body we chose was Agathians shelter, an orphanage.It currently houses 42 boys ranging from 4 years old to 20 years old. Their main purpose was to provide a Home for these children and to take care of their basic needs. These children are from different backgrounds, namely: poverty, single mothers, abused, broken families, and street children, thus they are very much lacking of love. The person in-charge, Mr. Siva expresses that the shelter now still requires help financially or provisions-wise.


Fig. 3. Location of the shelter

Agathians Shelter is located right beside a traffic-packed highway. Due to its location, the shelter becomes extremely hot during the afternoon. Dust from the highway also pollutes the environment. The shelter is mainly concrete and there is barely any greenery on site. The site we chose for our installation is the play area. The play area is facing the highway directly and it does not have a roof for shelter.


Fig. 4 Floor plan of the shelter

Fig.5. View of play area

Fig.6 View of vents from V

2.1 PROGRESS 1st Idea Proposal:Initially, we intended to build a green house where the children would be able to cultivate their own vegetables. The green house would provide greenery to the space and involve the children at the same time. Reason for change: However, Mr. Siva rejected this idea, as the younger boys would pluck the plants instead of cultivating them. 2nd Idea

Proposal: As a response to the shade problem, we proposed to build a bamboo pavilion(ref. to fig. 7.) with creepers at the corner of the play area. We wanted to make use of the corner space so that it does not affect the childrens activities. At the same time, the canopy would serve as mini seating area for the other children when they play.
Fig. 7. Bamboo pavilion

Reason for change: The coverage for the pavilion is too small as it only covers a small area. Use of bamboo is too expensive. 3rd idea Proposal: We opted to build a canopy shading the play area by using fishing lines as an economical alternative. The fishing lines will act as the skeletal structure for the creepers. The lines will be tied to the pole and existing railings for support. Reason for change: Drilling the pole into the concrete floor would be too expensive.

Fig.8. Initial plans for canopy

4th Idea (FINAL) Proposal: The basis for the 4th design is the same as the third. However, we omitted the pole and only made used of the existing railings instead. We also increased more fishing lines for more coverage.


The main concept behind the whole design is the modular form of a triangle. This is because we have identified that the three main reasons why the kids become a part of the shelter. These different childrens backgrounds are the basis, which forms the Agathians Shelter. We believe that the strength of the triangle is strong enough to withstand any kind of harm that comes to it, very much like the community form in Agathians Shelter. With the triangular form as well, we would like to expose the kids to the nurturing and kind people out there who are always willing to lend a helping hand and that not all hope is lost.

Agathians Shelter Abandoned / Neglected Family Problems

o Basic shape Basic necessities, basic requirement, basic form of life

o 3 on-site supporting systems that the fishing lines can be attached to for the canopy Hand rail at the car park Barrier at the entrance Ventilation hole from the library wall

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Reasons for Building Canopy and Planting Creeping Plants

The main reason why we decided to build a green canopy for the shelter is due to the scorching sun that the area receives during the daytime especially the afternoon and evenings. The area selected for the installation is also where the children of the shelter play occasionally have self-defense and break-dancing classes. The canopy will act as a barrier to reduce the amount of sunlight penetrating to the childrens activities ground.

Another reason why we decided on the canopy was due to the amount of dust that the shelter accumulates everyday as a result of it being situated beside the Federal Highway. We believe that by planting greenery on the canopy we can somehow improve the air quality of the shelter if not significantly at least a little. We also want to break the concrete jungle that is the current Agathians Shelter, as most of the building material present there is only concrete. We believe there by adding greenery we will improve the whole outlook of the shelter and provide a greener and healthier environment for the kids.

As the builders of tomorrow, we believe in educating the younger generation about the importance of incorporating nature within a built environment. We hope to have passed this message to the kids of the shelter that although we a moving very fast towards a very developed country, we should not neglect the vitality of greenery and try to incorporate and maintain as much as we can for a healthier environment.

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Fig. 9. Fishing line connection to vertical bar (V), horizontal bar (H) and vents.

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Fig. 10. Plan of canopy


Material Fishing lines (150lbs, 200lbs)

Description Made of nylon, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVShading polyethylene, (UHMWPE) Monofilament Refractive Single strand Weightless Ability to stretch under load index, less visible under DF or Dacron, fluorocarbon), Dyneema

certain angle Clearer sight for others to visit and observe the

activities of the children High specific heat capacity Hard to deform plastically

Aluminum Sleeve

Poor heat conductor even under hot and scorching sun Used to fasten the fishing lines.

1 4

Wire mesh

Used to cover the ventilation holes

Twist tie

Used to secure creepers to fishing line

Flower pots

Used for plant transplant Rectangular shape saves space and maximizes area for growth.

1 5 Morning glory Flowering plant Soft Durable Require strong sunlight


Evergreen Easy maintenance Aggressive spread

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2.4 COSTING Material Plants (1 purchase) - 3 pots of morning glory - 1 packet of fertilizer - 1 packet of red soil - 1 packet of black soil

Price RM 61.00 RM 18.00 each RM 4.00 RM 1.50 RM 1.50 RM 7.70 RM 1.70 RM 1.00 per ft RM 73.00 RM 3.00 per pack RM 3.30 per pack RM 10 for 3 packs RM 97.00 RM 12.00 RM 20.00 RM 45.00 RM 20.00 RM 248.70

Hardware - Zinc Washer - 6 ft PVC Pipe Main Component - 10 * 150 lbs Fishing Line - 10 * 200 lbs Fishing Line - 3 * Fasteners Plants (2nd purchase) - 1 pot of morning glory - 2 pots of ivy - 3 long pots - 2 packets of soil TOTAL

1 7 2.5 SCHEDULE

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Fig. 11 Embodied energy of materials The overall embodied energy of our materials (plastic, aluminum) is comparatively lower than our previous proposals (steel, timber).

Fig. 12. Life cycle of plastic

1 9 Previous Beam Materials - Expensive for supporting elements such as steel beams Bamboo - Hard to find in West Malaysia, or need to be imported from East Malaysia, or other countries Concrete Filling - Easy to handle in liquid form, but hard to mold after it solidified Expensive - Formwork needed for concrete filling - Bamboo to be imported from other places - Raw materials for the manufacture of steel beams Beam - High - Raw materials Bamboo - Low - No additional works are needed Long Period - Beam does not corrode or rust under high humidity - Strength of concrete wont be affected by surrounding changes Life Cycle Short Period - Nylon fishing line might brittle under prolonged sun exposure Costing Cheap - Low cost for the manufacture of fishing lines - Only two aluminum pipes are needed to fasten each single fishing line Fishing Line - Medium - Type of polyamide Final Fishing Line - Easy to obtain from local shops - Easy to handle Aluminum Sleeves - Fasten all types of fishing line

Embodied Energy

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Greater - Hole is dug for the beam installation - Additional formworks are needed for the concrete filling of beam into the ground Made of non recyclable materials

Man Power

Less - Less tools are needed for installation


Made of recyclable materials - Aluminum Sleeve 60 m2 No -

9 m2 Yes - Bamboos are heavy and have low center of gravity and have the tendency to fall down despite of strong supporting system Yes - Extra beam has to be added to the ground

Coverage Area Affects to Site

Fishing lines are light enough thus their weight of the fishing lines are considered negligible

Alteration to Current Site No -

Fishing lines are fastened against the existing structures

Nylon fishing lines are recyclable, thus making them a sustainable choice of material.

Table 2: Comparison of materials Although the previous proposal lasts longer than the final proposal, he final proposal is much sustainable in a sense that itscheaper, does not alter the current site,requires less manpower and time , and has a larger impact on the community.

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The trail was aimed to test the strength of the material selected, which was the fishing line. Then we were worried that the extreme weather would weaken the integrity of the material. We also tried out methods to get the fishing lines across from one point to another. The trail was also aimed at proving our calculations to get a maximum coverage area for the canopy.

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3.2 INSTALLATION PART I (Skeletal Structure) During the first part of the installation, we installed the fishing line (not complete) and placed some of the plants. Tools: Fishing lines Aluminum Sleeve Penknife Scissors Pendulum

Step 1: Label the both railings and ventilation holes.

Step 2: Peel of the mesh at the ventilation holes.

Step 3: Tie the keys to the fishing line

Step 4: Throw the fishing line out of ventilation hole A.

2 3

Step 5: Grab the fishing line thrown from above.

Step 6: Throw the fishing line from below to the vertical area.

Step 7: Tie the fishing line to V58 .

Step 8: Throw the same fishing line down again.

Step 9: Throw the fishing up to the horizontal area.

Step 10: Tie the fishing line at H43 with timber tying knot.

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Step 10: Repeat step 3-5, except the fishing line is thrown directly to H1. The fishing line is secured with sleeve

Step 11: Tie the fishing line to window rail and fixed in place with a sleeve.

Step12: Repeat step 3 to 11 (refer to fig.9 and 10)

Step13: Place the plants onto canopy and secure with cable tie.

2 5 3.3 INSTALLATION PART II For part II of the installation, we finished tying the remaining lines and clear the site of debris. Tools: Shovel Wire mesh Fishing lines Fishing lines Aluminum Sleeve Penknife Scissors Pendulum

Step 1: Cut the wire mesh

Step 2: Nail the wire mesh to the wall

Step 3: Clear out the site

2 6

Step 4: Untangle the plants.

End result

2 7 3.4 TRANSPLANT We bought more plants (Ivy) and transplanted them into the rectangular pots so that they have more space for growth. Tools & Materials Pots Shovel Soil

Step 1: Remove the plant from the pot

Step 2: Loosen out the plants

Step 3: Pour the soil into the pot

Step 4: Transplant the stalks .

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Step 5: Curl the plants onto the railing

Step 6: Water the plants

Step 7: Sweep the soil residue

End result

2 9 3.5 PROBLEMS: Problem: Lack of fishing line During our official installation, we ran out of the 200lbs fishing line due to miscalculation. The shop where we purchased it from did not have enough of the 200lbs as well. Solution: We had to use both fishing lines of 200lbs and 150lbs. Problem: Lack of weight We were lacking of a weight to be tied to the fishing line, which was to be thrown down. Solution: We opt to use our group members keys as the weights temporarily. Later in the afternoon, we bought pendulum. Problem: Time constraint We were not able finish the whole installation in a day, as we cant tie the remaining lines at night Solution: We came back one week later to finish the whole structure. Problem: Withering plants The plants were withering as the children accidentally stepped on them the other day. Solution: Pluck the withered stems and untangle them so that there is more space for growth. We also bought 2 extra pots of Ivy which are more durable. Problem: Lack of suitable soil The soil outside the shelter consist of gravel, sand and rocks which is not fertile for growth Solution: Buy a long horizontal pot and transplant the plants into it.

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4. CONCLUSION At the end of this project, it is found that we had not only made the site a better place but all of us had genuine fun and had a few priceless moments with the children. In

terms of education, we learnt to address current environmental issues and ways to solve it, while doing it as a team. While doing so, we also had the chance to interact with the children and as they warmed up to us, they started showing interest in our little project and opted to help. Even though most of them ended up distracting us from doing work, it was all part of the fun and what made everything more heartwarming. Kids will be kids and they are just curious beings. Some of them even followed our footsteps and started gardening on their own after seeing us do the same, as part of our project. Unintentionally, we had instilled green awareness among the children. Other than teaching ourselves and giving them a green canopy, we also gave them some knowledge. That shows how involved we were in the project and children, as they are involved with ours. It showed that as an architect, we had to be very involved to understand the needs of our clients. All of us gained something in a way and it was an eye-opening experience. When the project was done, the kids started to truly understand what we had in store for them and they were thankful. Which really enlightened us on the actual role and responsibility as an architect towards the community, it was truly rewarding to see our clients satisfied.

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SIMULATION (1 year later)

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Albert D. Taylor. (2001). The Complete Garden: List Of Plants Adapted For Transplanting At Specific Seasons Of The Year. Murdoch Books. Inotherm. (2013). Embodied Energy. [online]. Available at (Accessed 25 June 2013). H,Anne. (1996). Morning Glories and Moonflowers: A Guide to Climbing, Trailing, and Cascading Plants. Simon & Schuster. Peter,Q.Rose. (1996). The Gardener's Guide to Growing Ivies. Timber Press.

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