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ECHS TOLL FREE NO 1800-114-115 ECHS web site


ECHS : BENEFICIARIES The Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) caters for medicare of ESM of all three services, Coast Guard and SFF drawing pension / disability pension and widows / NOKs drawing family pension. ESM who have commuted 100% pension at retirement or transferred to PSU or other Govt enterprise, with conditions. Each case of such category will be considered on merit. Dependents to include. Spouse (wife/husband). Parents whose combined income is less than 3500/- pm + DA. Son or of is Daughter earning married, e of the age is Son or daughter suffering from any permanent disability of any kind (physical or mental) Daughters unemployed, : Unmarried / dependent, Divorced / abandoned or separated from their husband/ widowed and sisters dependent, unmarried / divorced / abandoned or separated from their husband/ widowed. Minor brothers(s) who are dependent on the veteran : Irrespective of age limit. : Till he starts earning attains the age 25 yrs, whichever earlier. Till starts gets irrespectiv limit, whichever earlier. or she

Irrespective of age limit.

Up to the age of becoming a major.

Lifelong membership for physically / mentally challenged children with eligibility condition (percentage of disability more PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 23

then 40% , percentage of disability should be certified by Service Classified Specialist / Civil Surgeon at Govt Hosp and countersigned by Commandant of Service Hosp or Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon of Govt Hosp as per format of certificate enclosed as Sample A. The criteria of disability should be mentioned in the records of the pensioner).


ONE TIME CONTRIBUTION FOR BECOMING ECHS MEMBER Grade pay drawn at the time of retirement (in Rupees) 1800 /- pm, 1900 /- pm, 2000 /- pm, 2400 /- pm and 2800 /- pm and recruits drawing family pension / medical pension. 3400 /- pm and 4200 /- pm 4600 /- pm, 4800 /- pm, 5400 /- pm and 6600 /- pm 7600 /- pm and above and Officers under HAG Scale Contribution (in Rupees) 15,000 /27,000 /39,000 /60,000 /-

Note: Pre-1996 retirees, war disabled pensioners / war widows / NOK of Battle Casualties are exempted from paying the contribution for joining the Scheme. ECHS SMART CARD The ECHS smart card is the key to all ECHS benefits. No member can use the facilities at the polyclinic or proceed on referral to an empanelled facility, unless preliminary formalities are completed at the polyclinic each time by using ECHS card except in emergency conditions.

MAINT OF SMART CARD Keep in an envelope / cover and write your home address & telephone No. Keep in safe custody. Keep away from heat. Take only limited Photostat copies of smart card otherwise it will not be activated. Secure the card while traveling from residence to polyclinic / hosp and back. In case of loss of smart card / damage of card, apply for new card. Apply for duplicate card along with an application, affidavit, DD and details of pension from pension disbursing agency (in case of pre 01 Apr 2003 retirees only) . Losing ECHS card second time would debar you from ECHS membership. Submit your damaged card when you receive the duplicate card. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 23


PROCEDURE FOR UPGRADATION OF ECHS SMART CARD (FROM 16KB TO 32KB) An upgradation application form with relevant colns duly filled in duplicate to be submitted to Stn HQ, ECHS Cell. Enclose the photo copy of old smart cards. Deposit DD @ 135/- per card. Separate card will be provided to each beneficiary. Enclose the DPDO / Bankers Certificate with breakdown of pension details.

RULES OF REFUND OF EXCESS ECHS CONTRIBUTION Those who became members prior to 01 Apr 2004 and deduction of contribution was made from their PPO No refund will be made. Those who became members after 01 Apr 2004 and deduction was made through PPO Refund, if due, will be made by PCDA (Pension) Allahabad, PCDA (Navy) Mumbai or CDA(AF) New Delhi. Those who became members after 01 Apr 2004 and paid contribution through MRO, the refund of excess remittance of ECHS subscriptions will be afforded by the concerned PCDA / CDA. Documents required for refund of ECHS contribution. A hand written application. Pre-receipted contingent bill. Photocopy of PPO. Photocopy of MRO.

If pre 01 Jan 1996 retirees have deposited the ECHS Note: contribution, No refund is permissible to them.


SAMPLE A CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY (For ECHS Membership Only, to be submitted along with ECHS application form) THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT VALID FOR MEDICO-LEGAL PURPOSE File Ref No ______________ Name of Hospital ________________________________ This is to certify that Master/Miss ____________________________Aged ____ (years) Son/ Daughter of No __________ Rank __________(Retd) Name_________________ is a case of ___________________________________________________ (Diagnosis) with onset of disability at __________ years of age. He is physically / mentally handicapped / challenged and the disability is of a permanent nature. It is also certified that the individual is unable to be gainfully employed / or can have only restricted employability status due to his disability and cannot earn his livelihood. His percentage of disability is _______________ %. Clinical Note (if any)

_____________________________ (Signature/ Thumb impression of indl) ____________________________________ (Signature and Stamp of Classified Specialist) or concerned Specialist at Service Hospital _________________________________________ (Signature and Stamp of Senior/Addl Advisor of Speciality / Allied Speciality or HoD of concerned Specialist of Govt Hospital) COUNTERSIGNED Place : Hosp Date : Commandant of Service or CMO / Civil Surgeon Govt Hospital


ECHS TOLL FREE HELP LINE SERVICE NO : 1800-114-115 (0900h to 1700h) (Monday to Friday) The under mentioned aspects may be queried upon the Toll Free Helpline Service No :(a) (b) (c) Eligibility issues. Contribution for becoming an ECHS Beneficiary. Application Process :(i) (ii) (iii) (d) (e) (f) New Membership. Up-gradation/Renewal/Change of Card. Status of Application for ECHS membership.

Availing of Treatment through ECHS. Referral System of ECHS. Emergency Treatment :(i) (ii) In Empanelled Facilities. In Non Empanelled Facilities.


Contractual Employment in ECHS. and Contact Facilities. Details of Polyclinics &

(h) Address Empanelled

All information regarding ECHS including list of ECHS Website : empanelled facilities, forms for membership and latest policies are available at

ADVANTAGES OF BECOMING ECHS MEMBER No age or medical condition bar for becoming a member. One time contribution ranges from Rs. 15,000 /- to Rs. 60,000 /(depending upon Grade Pay) and lifetime cashless treatment. No Monetary ceiling on treatment. Indoor / outdoor treatment, tests and medicines. Country wide network of 426 ECHS Polyclinics. Familiar environment and sense of belongingness. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 23

Covers spouse and all eligible dependents. Vast No of empanelled facilities for any kind of treatment all over the country.


Nepal Domiciled Gorkhas (ESM) also eligible. Health check once in a year with all facilities available at Polyclinic. Separated cards for self & dependents. Self and dependents can take treatment at different polyclinics. Re-imbursement of fare of entitled class of travel when traveling out station for treatment. Evacuation by air under certain conditions. Ambulance facility between ECHS Polyclinic and local empanelled facility. FACILITIES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Most of the ECHS beneficiaries are senior citizens. However, male ECHS members who are 75 yrs & above and female ECHS beneficiaries who are 70 yrs & above are given priority for various activities in ECHS Polyclinics, such as out of turn attendance at reception, examination by Doctors and issue of medicines etc.

RULES REARDING TREATMENT IN POLYCLINIC OTHER THAN PARENT POLY CLINICS Members will be treated in the OPD and given medicines for 07 days at a time. Referral to an empanelled facility will be authorised for an emergency / essential investigation along with its related treatment. Medical equipment authorized for home use will only be sanctioned by parent polyclinics.

FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT ECHS POLYCLINIC Provide OPD medical care including dental treatment to ECHS beneficiaries. Lab investigations. ECG. X-Ray/Ultrasound. Physiotherapy. Dispensary. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 23

Referral to nearest Service Hospital / Empanelled Diagnostic Centre for investigations not available in polyclinics such as advanced Diagnostic investigation incl MRI / CT Scan etc. Referral to nearest Service Hospital/Empanelled Hospital/Nursing Homes / Medical Institute of National Repute for Consultation/ Admission. Verification of patient admitted in non-empanelled Hospitals in an emergency and processing their bills for reimbursement. Processing and monitoring of Medical Advance to ECHS members undergoing treatment in certain hospitals of National Repute and Govt Hospital / Medical College which do not accept conditions of executing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with ECHS.

THE FOLLOWING MEDICAL CONDITIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS EMERGENCY. Acute Cardiac conditions / syndromes including Myocardial Infarction, Unstable Angina, Ventricular Arrhythmias, Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia, Cardiac Tamponade, Acute Left Ventricular Failure/Severe Congestive Cardiac Failure, Accelerated hypertension, Complete dissection of Aorta. Vascular Catastrophies including medical and surgical shock and peripheral circulatory failure, Acute limb ischaemia, Rupture of aneurysms. Cerebro-vascular accidents including strokes, emergencies including coma, cerebro meningeal convulsions, acute paralysis, acute visual loss. Neurological infections,

Acute respiratory emergencies including respiratory failure and decompensated lung disease. Acute abdomen emergencies. including acute obstetrical and gynecological

Life threatening injuries including Road traffic accidents, Head injuries, Multiple injuries, Crush injuries and Thermal injuries. Acute poisoning and snake bite. Acute endocrine emergencies like Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Heat stroke and cold injuries of life threatening nature. Acute Renal Failure. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 23

Severe infections leading to life threatening sequelae including Septicaemia, desseminated/miliary tuberculosis. Any other conditions in which delay could result in loss of life or limb.

EMERGENCY TREATMENT PROCEDURE In an emergency & life threatening condition, ECHS beneficiaries may be admitted in nearest Service Hospital/Empanelled Hospital / Non empanelled Hospital. In case of admission to non empanelled hospital, ECHS member / his rep should inform nearest Polyclinics within 48 hours of admission. Responsibility for clearing bills will rest with ECHS member. Member will submit bills alongwith summary of case to concerned polyclinic within one month of discharge from hospital. Sanction for reimbursement in admissions to non-empanelled hospital will be restricted to approved CGHS rates.

THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE FURNISHED TO OIC POLYCLINIC FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF MEDICAL EXPENSES IN EMERGENCIES IN NON-EMPANELLED HOSPITALS Application from ECHS member as per Sample B enclosed. Photocopy of Smart Card / Application Registration receipt. Emergency information report as per sample C enclosed. Emergency certificate from treating physician/hospital. Admission and discharge slip/details. Summary of case including diagnosis and outcome. Bills in original along with one photocopy including details of consultation/diagnostic/surgery / treatment charges as applicable. Original bills will be verified by treating physician/hospital. Contingent bill as per sample D. Other charges, if any, not included above (to be specified).


Bank Account details to be mentioned in application and cancelled cheque be enclosed.

ISSUE OF MEDICINES Members/dependants are required to visit Polyclinic and register themselves for issue of medicines. Medicines prescribed by MOs / Specialists will by and large be made available from the Polyclinic dispensary. For chronic diseases/ patients on long term treatment, medicines will be issued for maximum period of one month at a time. Medicines issued from any other Polyclinic other than parent Polyclinic will be restricted to max 7 days at a time. For patient treated / consultation given in Service Hospital, medicines will be issued from hospital concerned. However, in case of long term treatment for use beyond one month duration, parent polyclinic will issue medicines. Medicines prescribed by Empanelled facility on consultation / discharge from the hospital, will be issued from parent polyclinic. Empanelled facility is authorized to issue medicines for a maximum period of 7 days after discharge of a beneficiary. Thereafter the beneficiary will be dependent on his parent polyclinic for issue of medicines.

ECHS BENEFICIARIES ARE ENTITLED REIMBURSEMENT OF COST OF MEDICINES ON DISCHARGE FROM HOSPITAL IN THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. Operative cases of major Cardiac Surgery / Interventional Cardiology. Oncology. Post operative organ transplant cases. Post operative joint replacement cases. Post operative major Neurosurgical / Neurology cases.

ISSUE OF SPECIFIED MEDICAL EQPTS The following Medical equipments are authorized to ECHS members on advice of respective Specialists:


Hearing Aids. Artificial limbs. Glucometers and Nebulisers. CIPAP / BIPAP Machines Spectacles.

ENTITLEMENT OF ACCOMMODATION IN HOSPITALS RANK Officers and dependants JCOs (Nb Sub to Sub Maj incl Hony Rank of Lt/Capt & equivalent) and Dependants. NCOs (Sep to Hav incl Hony rank of Nb Sub & equivalent) and dependants. ACCN Private Ward Semi-Private Ward.

General Ward.


SAMPLE B APPLICATION FROM ECHS MEMBER IN EMERGENCY CASES From : ECHS No _____________________ Service No __________ Rank ________ Name of ESM______________________ The Officer in Charge ECHS Polyclinic Type_____ Address




1. Respectfully I, ECHS No _______________ Service No________ Rank ______ Name ___________, beg to state that I / My son / daughter / Parent named _______________ was admitted to __________ (Name of the hospital) on ________ (date) at __________ (time) on occurrence of emergency. 2. I am submitting the details of expenses incurred on emergency treatment on a Contingent Bill alongwith following documents for reimbursement :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Photocopy of ECHS Smart Card/Regn Slip. Emergency information report issued by ECHS Polyclinic. Emergency certificate from the hospital. Copy of Admission & Discharge Slip. Case/discharge summary. Bills duly authenticated alongwith one photocopy each. My bankers details & cancelled cheque. (Account No, Bank details_____________).

3. I sincerely request for an early action and reimbursement of the amount. Yours faithfully, Encl : As above (Signature of ESM)


Central B/49773/ 2005)

Appendix B (Refer to Para 8 of Org ECHS letter No AG/ECHS dt 05 Feb


ECHS POLYCLINIC________________ (Name of Polyclinic) EMERGENCY INFORMATION REPORT (To be Issued by OIC Polyclinic) PARTICULAR OF ECHS MEMBER ECHS No________ Date of Membership_______________________ Service No ______ Rank_______ Name________________________ PATIENT PARTICULARS Name_________ Relationship_________ Age_____________ Diagnosis __________________________________________ EMERGENCY DETAILS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Provisional Diagnosis: Name of Hospital: Date and Time of Admission: Date and Time Information Received at Polyclinic: Condition of Patient : Stable / Critical / Discharged to Home. Likely Duration of Hospitalisation. Disposal advised: (Strike out the inapplicable) 8. Remarks: (Signature of OIC) (Affix Rubber Stamp) (Please see notes on overleaf) Continue Treatment, Transfer to Service/ Empanelled Hospital, Report to Polyclinic OPD. Discharge to Home.

Regn No : Polyclinic : Date:


NOTES: 1. ECHS No / Application receipt Registration No. MUST be entered.

2. On receipt of information, OIC Polyclinic should ascertain /verify circumstances of emergency and advise disposal (Ser 7). 3. OIC Polyclinic should enter the Emergency in a register to be maintained at the Polyclinic. The Emergency Information Report is to be completed, Regn No (from Register) allotted and handed over to the ECHS Member/representative. 4. ECHS beneficiary should be advised on following aspects. (a) Condition of emergency.

(b) Claim for reimbursement is to be submitted within 1 (one) month of discharge from hospital. (c) The Emergency Information Report issued by OIC Polyclinic must be attached with the claim. (d) In case where the date of hospital admission is prior to the date of ECHS Membership, reimbursement for that spell of hospitalization is NOT Admissible. (e) Drugs and consumables prescribed during OPD treatment are not reimbursable under Emergency provisions. (f) The claim is to be submitted at the parent Polyclinic of the Member. (g) In case of Emergency in an out station (other than Home Station) the certificate is to be obtained from nearest Polyclinic. (h) In case of emergency in a station without Polyclinic, the nearest Polyclinic should be informed by Telephone / Fax / Telegram. Proof of such intimation should be attached with claim. (j) Claims will be sanctioned at approved CGHS rates only.

5. In case emergency is not intimated within two days or the claim for reimbursement is not submitted within 30 days, the sanction of Stn Cdr is required to condone the delay in the above. 6. Haemo dialysis is permitted as an emergency in a non empanelled hospital when the facility is an empanelled hospital is not available to ECHS member due to its limited capacity or the facilities for haemo dialysis does not exist in an empanelled hospital / service hospital in that station.


CONTINGENT BILL Contingent Bill No_________________ Amount of Allotment_______________ Amount of expended and for which bill has been submitted for payment


Date_____________ Rs ______________ Rs _______________

Expenditure on account of reimbursement of Medical expenses incurred on treatment _______________ ECHS membership/Smart Card No __________ Authority : Govt of India letter No 24(3)/03/US/(WE)/D (Res) (i) dated 08 Sep 03. Govt of India letter No 24(8)/03/US(WE)/D (Res) (i) dated 08 Sep 03. Ser Date No Details of expenditure Amount (In Rs)

Rupees (In words):______________________________________________________________ Certificate in case of amount claimed by individual :(a) Expenditure on account of medical consumables/equipments have been actually incurred by member. (b) My registration/membership No is _______________________. (c) My Bank Account No ______ (in Bank)__________ Address of Bank_____________ (d) My Postal address is _____________________________ Revenue Stamp Certified that :(i) Certified that the medical equipment/consumables have been actually purchased / consumed by Ex-servicemen. (ii) The rate is / are fair and reasonable. (iii) The expenditure incurred is debatable to Major Head 2076 Minor Head 107, Sub Head F-member Treatment Related Expenditure Code Hed 365/00. (iv) The expenditure has been incurred in the interest of ExServicemen. Date : Sign of OIC Polyclinic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Funds are available Checked and passed for payment of Rs. Date : Officer Sign of Cash Assignment Sign of Individual


Date : Commander ______________________________________________________________ Paid vide Cheque No _____________________ Date _____________ Signature of Cash Assignment Officer ______________________________________________________________ Note : Original bills, CFAs sanction and connected documents are enclosed.

Countersigned Signature of Station




HAVE SIGNED MEMORANDAM OF AGREEMENT : REGIONAL CENTRE ECHS, CHENNAI S No 1. Name of Empanelled Establishment Trinity Acute Care Hospital 33 Desaikan Road, Mylapore Chennai 04 KKR ENT Hospital and Research Institute 827 Poonamallee High Road Kilapauk Chennai 10 RG Stone Urological Research Institute, 391/392, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai 15 Sankara Nethralaya, Unit of Medical Research Foundation 18 College Road, Chennai -600 006 MIOT Hospitals 4/112, Mount Poonamalee Road Manapakkam, Chennai 89 Facilities Available General: General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, and Anaesthesia. Pathology and Emergency General: ENT Specialised Services : Nil General: Nil Specialised : Lithotripsy only 01 Jul 12 30 Jun 13 Validity of MoA 01 Jul 12 05 Sep 13


01 Jul 12 30 Jun 13



General: Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Emergency Specialised Services : Ophthalmology General. General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, and Radio Diagnosis. ENT, Dental (Incl Oral Surgery), Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Dermatology. Specialised. Neuro Surgery, Cardio thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio diagnosis and Imaging. CT Scan & MRI. General Services - Nil Specialised Services Medicine. Oncology (Medical, Radiotherapy)

09 Mar 12 08 Mar 14 04 Jun 12 03 Jun 14



Paterson Cancer Centre Vijaya Health Centre, 175 NSK Salai, Vadapalani, Chennai 26

17 Dec 12 16 Dec 14


S No 7.

Name of Empanelled Establishment Sugam Hospital 349 TH Road, Thiruvotriyur Chennai 600019

Facilities Available

Date 23 Oct 12 22 Oct 14



General Services. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetric & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology. Specialised Services - Nil Frontier Life Line Pvt Ltd General Services. Blood Bank (Only R-30C Ambattur Industrial Blood Transfusion), Pathology, Estate Road, Specialised Services Morappier, Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Chennai 600101 Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology Paediatrics Cardiology Aarthi Advanced CT Scan General Nil & MRI Specialised Services Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan & 766, PH Road Kilpauk Chennai-10 MRI Udhi Eye Hospital, No 09 General Services Nurrays Gate Road Alwar Pet, Chennai 600018 Hindu Mission Hospital 103 GST Road Tambaram West Chennai-45 Opthalmology.

03 Nov 12 02 Aug 14

17 Dec 12 16 Dec 14


21 Feb 12 20 Feb 14 21 Feb 12 20 Feb 14



Gen Services Medicines, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion) Obstetrics and Gynae, Paed, Dermatology, Path and Radio diagnosis. Dr Aggarwals Eye Hosp, General Services: Ophthalmology 19 Cathedral Road, Chennai-600086 Sristhi Dental Hosp No1 Baby Nagar First Cross Saint Velacherry, Chennai-600042 Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre Thirumalaikodi Ariyur Post Vellore 632055 General Services: Dental Others: Oral Surgery, Periodonia, Dental Lab. General Services. General medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery and Pathology. Specialised Services Nil

Under process


16 Jul 12 15 Jul 14


Under process


S No 15.

Name of Empanelled Establishment Pondicherry Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ganapathychetikulam, Kalpet, Pondicherry 605 014 Arvind Eye Hosp, Cudalore Main Road, Pondicherry 605007 Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Kalitheerthal Kuppam Madagadipet, Pondicherry 605107

Facilities Available Gen Services. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood transfusion only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG. General Services Ophthalmology.

Date Under process


17 Apr 12 16 Apr 14 11 Jun 12 10 Jun 14


Gen Services. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood transfusion only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG. Specialised Services Nil General Services. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Specialized Services Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito, Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, GI Surgery, Traumatology, spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine. Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine and Radio Therapy Obst & Gynae Gynaenocology Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology and Molecular Immuno Pathology Others Physiotherapy


Shanmuga Hospitals and SCI 24 Sarada College Road Salem

24 Jul 12 23 Jul 14


S No 19.

Name of Empanelled Establishment Vinayaka Mission Hosp, NH-47, Sankari Main Road, Chinna Seeragapadi, Salem 636308

Facilities Available General Services. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, Gen Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). Specialised Services Neuro surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Surgery Vascular, Genito Urinary, Paediatrics, Oncology (Surgery) Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint replacement, Spinal, prosthetic and Laparascopic surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Clinical Hematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Radio therapy. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Ostetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction and Materno Foetal Medicine. Aediatrics Neonatology. Onco Pathology and Transfusion Pathology Medicine. Others Lithotripsy, Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery. General Services. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Gen Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. General Services. Nil Specialised Service Surgery : Genito Urinary Surgery Medicine : Nephrology (incl Dialysis) Others : Urology General Services. Ophthalmology Specialised Service - Nil

Date 04 Aug 12 03 Aug 14


Jeeva Hosp 269G, Bangalore Road Krishnagiri-635001 Madurai Kidney Centre & Transplantation Research Institute 6/6,B2 Siva Gangai Road Madurai-625020 Arvind Eye Hospital 1-Anna Nagar Madurai 625020

24 Jul 12 23 Jul 14 10 Aug 12 09 Aug 14



27 Aug 12 26 Aug 14


S No 23.

Name of Empanelled Establishment Mahatma Eye Hosp No 6, Seshapuram Tennur Trichirappalli-620017

Facilities Available General Services. Ophthalmology.

Date 01 Aug 12 31 Jul 14 02 Jul 12 01 Jul 14 02 Jul 12 28 Jun 14


Dr Govindarajan Eye Hosp General Services. Ophthalmology. 70- Officers Colony, Puthur Tiruchi-620017 Institute of Opthalmology, Joseph Eye Hosp, PB No 138 Melapudur, Trichy-620001 Krishnammal Memorial Hospital, 293 Periya Kulam road, Theni 625531 Arvind Eye Hospital 371, Periyakulam Road Theni- 625531 City Hospital, Pavalam Trauma Centre, 4/361, Gandhi Nagar, Trichy Road, Dindigul-644 005 General Services. Ophthalmology.



General Services General Medicine, Orthopaediatrics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). General Services - Ophthalmology Specialised Service - Nil General. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, (including oral surgery), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry and Blood Bank (Blood transfusion only) (in house only), Emergency Services . Specialised Services Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. General . General Medicine, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

09 Aug 12 08 Aug 14


01 Aug 12 31 Jul 13 01 Aug 12 31 Jul 14



Rajarajeswari Nursing Home Pvt Ltd 46 Thiruvallauvar Salai, Near Bus Stand, Spencer Nagar Dindigul-624 003

09 Jul 12 10 Jul 14


Endocare Multispecialty General Services . Dental. Dental Clinic, Fifth Main Road, Mediplus Medical Upstair, Vijayanagar, Vellechery, Chennai (TN)-600042, Tele No 044-22591090, E-mail Addres snethil.manickam@yahoo.c

10 Oct 12 09 Oct 14


S No 31.

Name of Empanelled Establishment

Facilities Available

Date 23 Apr 12 26 Oct 13

Global Hospital and Clinical Services. Anaesthesia, Burns Unit, Health City, Chennai. Cardiology, Cardiothrocic & Vascular Surgery, Coronary Care Unit, Critical Care Medicine, Day Care Treatment Bronchoscopy, Day Care Treatment Endoscopy, Dermatology (Out patients only), Dialysis, Ear Nose and Throat, Emergency Medicine, Gastroentrology, General Medicine, General Paediatrics (Out patients only), General Surgery, GI Surgery, Hepatology & Hepato Billary Surgery, Intensive Care Units Adult, Interventional Radiology, Joint Replacement, Medical Oncology, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery, Nephrology, Neurology, Neuro Surgery, Nuclear Medicine, Opthalmology, Oral Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Plastic Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery, Preventive Health Screening Camps, Psychiatry (Out patients only) Radiation Onclology, Respiratory Medicine, Surgical Oncology, Transplantation Services, Urology. Diagnostic Services. CT Scanning, DSA Lab, ECG, Echo, EEG,EMG, EP Studies and Urodynamics, Gama Camera, Holter Monitory, MRI, PET,PFT, TMT, Ultrasound, X-Ray and Mamogram. Laboratory Services. Blood Bank, Blood Transfusion services, Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Microbiology and Serology, Clinical Pathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Histopathology. Allied Services. Ambulance Services, Biomedical Engineering, Community Outreach Programmes (Health Camps), Dietetics Immunization, Physiotherapy, Social Work, Speech and Language Therapy. LifeLine Multi Speciality Hospital, 5/639, Old Mahabalipuram Road Perungudi, Chennai-600096. General. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthomology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Specialised Services. Nil


29 Jun 12 28 Jun 14



S No 34.

Name of Empanelled Establishment Tiruvarur Medical Centre Pvt Ltd 27 Javulikarast Thiruvarur-610001

Facilities Available General. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery), General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). Specialised Services. Surgery . Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology and Critical care Medicine. Radio diagnosis and Imaging. CT Scan

Date 12 Nov 12 11 Nov 14


KMC Specialty Hospitals India Ltd, 6, Royal Road Contonment Tiruchirapalli (Trichy) PIN-620 001 Tele : 0431 4077777 Fax : 0431 2415402 Email : info@kmcspecialityhospit

General. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (in house only), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Specialised Services. Radio diagnosis and Imaging. CT Scan

01 Aug 12 31 Jul 14

TREATMENT IN GOVT HOSPITALS Patient on referral from ECHS Polyclinics can take treatment on payment in Govt Hospital, Institutes of National Repute recognized by Central Govt and Regional Cancer Centre recongnised by Govt. Bill amount is re-imbursable by ECHS as per approved rates. All documents for reimbursement will be submitted to OIC ECHS Polyclinic. (Regional Cancer Institute - Adyar Cancer Institute, Chennai)



S No 1

Polyclinic with Postal Address

Name of OIC

Tele with STD

E-mail ID

ECHS Polyclinic Type C Col Avadi, C/o MH Avadi, HVF RS Paramasivam Road, Avadi-600 054 (Retd) ECHS Polyclinic Type B, Chennai, C/o MH Chennai, Defence Colony Road, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai - 600 032 ECHS Polyclinic Type D Cuddalore, No-76, Seetharam Nagar, Pudupalayam, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu Pin 607 001 ECHS Polyclinic Type D Island Ground Fort Saint George Chennai-600 009 ECHS Polyclinic Type C, Kanchipuram, No 10/1 Keel Ottivakkam, Timmarajanpettai Post, Kanchipuram (Tk & Dist) Tamil Nadu-630 601 ECHS Polyclinic Type C, Krishnagiri, 1/307, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Opp : Murugan Temple, Chennai Salai,Krishnagiri - 635 001. ECHS Polyclinic Type D, Kumbakonam, Door No 1/18 (New No 21) Third Street, Venkatesh Nagar, Setty Mandapam Kumbakonam-610 001 ECHS Polyclinic Type D, Nagapattinam, No-28, Perumal West Street, Nagapattinam - 611 001 ECHS Polyclinic Type D, Puducherry, No 40, Vanatha Sinnapar Kovil Street, St Paulpet, Lawspet, Puducherry-605008 ECHS Polyclinic Type D, Port Blair, INHS Col A Ravinder Kumar (Retd) Cdr (IN) CVC Rao (Retd)



echspolyclinicchennai@gmail. com



Lt Col TPK Sundaram (Retd) Lt Col P Ramani (Retd)



Lt Col GN Samy (Retd)


Maj S Balakrishnan 0435-2413198 (Retd)

Maj CK Kasimani (Retd) Lt Col . A Sirchabasan (Retd)




Cdr NM Hanifa (Retd)



Dhanvantari, C/o Navy Office, Port Blair- 744 102.


S No 11

Polyclinic with Postal Address ECHS Polyclinic Type D, Thanjavur No 23 Left Wing, First Floor Jawan Bhawan Complex, Near Rly Stn Thanjavur, Pin - 613 001 ECHS Polyclinic Type C, Thiruvannamalai,New No 53 (Old No 15), 10th Street Gandhinagar, Tiruvannamalai - 606 602 ECHS Polyclinic Type D, Tambaram, Old Dental Centre, Near Station Education Section, Air Force Station Tambaram, Chennai - 600 046. ECHS Polyclinic Type A, Vellore, Army Veterans Welfare Complex VIT Post, Vellore - 632 014 ECHS Polyclinic Type D Villupuram, No 35 & 36, Arumugam Layout KK Road, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu

Name of OIC

Tele with STD

E-mail ID

Col Thirunavukkarasu C (Retd)



Maj KL Pannir Selvam (Retd)



Wg Cdr ASMS Ananth (Retd)



Lt Col A Padmanabhan (Retd) Lt Col AS Manoharan (Retd)

No land line connection is available 04146-226015



S No

Stn HQ with Postal Address

Name of OIC ECHS Cell

Tele with STD

E-mail ID

Stn HQ (ECHS), Fort Saint George, Chennai - 600 009 Stn HQ (ECHS), Red fields, Coimbatore - 18 Stn HQ (ECHS), Garuda Lines, Tiruchirappalli-01 Stn HQ (ECHS), AF Stn Tambaram, Chennai - 600 046 Stn HQ (ECHS), INS Jarawa, C/o Navy Office, Port Blair - 744 102

Col R Ravi Narayanan Col Kul Bhushan Col Gautam Banerjie Gp Capt S Murali Sub Lt GS Sodhi


2 3 4 5

0422-2312281 0431-2413440 044-22396565 03192-248558




Name of Dir Regional Centre with Postal Address

Tele with STD

E-mail ID

Regional Centre ECHS Fort Saint George Chennai - 600 009 Regional Centre ECHS AF Station Sulur, Coimbatore 641 401

Col Sanjeev Kumar


Gp Capt T Sajan

0422-2684334 / 2684330

OTHER POLYCLINICS IN TAMIL NADU Salem Srivilliputhur Dindigul Madurai Tiruchirapalli Theni Wellington Tirunelveli Nagarcoil Tuticorin Ramanathapuram Sivagangai Erode Coimbatore


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