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Computational linguistics

an approach to linguistics which uses mathematical techniques, often with the aid of a computer. Computational linguistics includes the analysis of language data, e.g. in order to establish the order in which learners acquire various grammatical rules or the frequency of occurrence of some particular item. It also includes research on automatic translation, electronic production of artificial speech (SPEECH SYNTHESIS) and the automatic recognition of human speech. Speech synthesis the automatic synthesis of speech-like sounds by a computer using a speech synthesizer or voice synthesizer, such as when a computer takes printed text as input and produces a spoken version of it. Many of the recorded messages heard on the telephone are not natural language but are produced by speech synthesis.

Diachronic linguistics
an approach to linguistics which studies how a language changes over a period of time, for example the change in the sound system of English from Early English to Modern British English. Diachronic linguistics has been contrasted with synchronic linguistics which is the study of a language system at one particular point in time, for example the sound system of Modern British English.
description of the sound time 1 system of Early English description of changes between the two systems description of the sound time 2 system of Modern British English synchronic study diachronic study synchronic study

The need for diachronic and synchronic descriptions to be kept apart was emphasized by the Swiss linguist Saussure. Not all approaches to linguistic analysis make this distinction (see GENERATIVE PHONOLOGY). Comparative historical linguistics also comparative philology, philology, historical linguistics a branch of linguistics which studies language change and language relationships. By comparing earlier and later forms of a language and by comparing different languages, it has been possible to show that certain languages are related, e.g. the INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. It has also been possible to reconstruct forms which are believed to have occurred in a particular language before written records were available. For example *p in an ancestor language to all the IndoEuropean languages is said to be related to /p/ in Sanskrit as in pita father and /f/ in English as in father. Indo-European languages languages which are related and which are supposed to have had a common ancestor language, called Proto Indo-European. Languages in this group include most European languages, e.g. English, French, German, and the Celtic and Slavonic languages. They also include the ancient Indian languages Sanskrit and Pali and such languages as Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Sinhala, and Farsi.

Computational linguistics is an approach to linguistics which uses mathematical techniques, often with the aid of a computer. Speech synthesis is the automatic synthesis of speech-like sounds by a computer using a speech synthesizer or voice synthesizer, such as when a computer takes printed text as input and produces a spoken version of it. Diachronic linguistics is an approach to linguistics which studies how a language changes over a period of time, for example the change in the sound system of English from Early English to Modern British English.

Synchronic linguistics is the study of a language system at one particular point in time, for example the sound system of Modern British English. Comparative historical linguistics (also comparative philology, philology, historical linguistics) is a branch of linguistics which studies language change and language relationships. Indo-European languages are languages which are related and which are supposed to have had a common ancestor language, called Proto IndoEuropean.

1. What does the study of computational linguistics include? 2. How are the recorded message heard on the telephone produced? 3. What did Ferdinand de Saussure emphasize? 4. How was it possible to show that certain languages are related? 5. Give an example of related languages? What languages are included in the Indo-European languages?

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