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1. Servers & Services Installation 1. Apache Web Server (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) 2. Configuring the PHP on Apache (/etc/php.ini) 3.

Tomcat Web Server & Java 1. Installation 2. configuration 4. Database Servers 1. MySQL 2. PostgreSQL 3. MS-SQL (on windows) 4. Oracle 5. IBM DB2 5. Mail Servers 1. Sendmail 2. Postfix, Cyrus IMAPD and Squirrelmail 3. Scalix Community Edition Mail Server 6. DNS Server 7. DHCP Server 8. NIS Server 9. NFS Server 10. FTP Server 11. Samba Server 12. Streaming Audio & Video Server 13. VoIP server 14. LTSP Server 1. Sound on LTSP server 2. Trouble Shooting 1. Desktops 1. No display 1. check the monitor by connecting it to another working machine 2. check the computer system 1. disconnect all the other cables connected to the mother board, only RAM should be present and power supply should be given 2. check the RAM, keep other working machine RAM in this system or keep this in the other working system 3. check the processor 4. check the motherboard 5. ultimately you figured out the problem. 2. Not booting 3. Kernel pannic in linux or Blue screen in windows 2. Servers 1. OS problems 1. Boot the machine with the OS disk 1 for rescue or use the rescue CD 2. Take a backup of the folders /etc, /var /home 3. run the fsck (file system check) on the partitions which are giving problems 1. fsck /dev/hda1 4. check whether the harddisks or the prartitions are full 1. df -h 3. Services

4. Network 1. Hardware, cables, Crimping, swicthes, routers (active and passive components) 2. ifconfig, ping, traceroute, ip, netstat, nslookup, dig, whois, telnet, iptraf, ethereal, nmap, xnmap, lynx, elinks 5. Internet 1. adsl or PPPoE 3. Others 1. System administration 1. User management 1. useradd, passwd, finger, userdel, usermod, groupadd, groupdel, groupmod 2. /etc/skel director, /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d 3. su, sudo 2. disk management 1. fdisk, parted, mkfs, fsck 2. quota, quotacheck, quotaoff, quotaon, quotastats 3. df, du 3. file management 1. file permissions 1. chmod, chattr 2. file ownerships 1. chown, chgrp 4. backup and restore 1. tar, gzip, bzip, gunzip, bunzip, cpio, dd 5. process management 1. ps, pgrep, kill, xkill, killall, top, nice, renice, sar 6. Services management 1. chkconfig, /etc/xinetd.d (folder), service <servicename> start|stop|restart|status| reload 2. /var/run (folder), /var/lock/subsys 7. Network management 1. telnet, ifconfig, ping, traceroute, ip, netstat, nslookup, dig, whois, iptraf, ethereal, nmap, xnmap 2. Job Scheduling 1. crontab 2. at 3. Firewall & iptables 1. iptables 4. Utilities and their usage 1. general utilities 1. date, cal 2. uname 3. which, who, w, whoami, locate, find, whereis 4. bc, dc 5. pushd, popd 2. shell programming 1. condition statements if, test 2. assignment 3. comparison 4. loops

5. exit codes 3. filters 1. awk 2. sed 3. grep 4. cut 5. paste 6. tr 7. head 8. tail 9. more 10. less 11. tac 12. sort 13. uniq 14. comm 15. diff 4. redirections 1. > 2. < 3. >> 4. << 5. | 6. tee 5. Awareness or Terminology or Jargon 6. important files in the system 1. /etc/grub.conf 2. /etc/issue 3. /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /etc/gshadow 4. /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf 5. /etc/inittab 6. /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab 7. /etc/aliases 8. /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d (folder) 9. /etc/skel (directory) 10. /etc/rc.sysinit, /etc/rc.local

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