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SCENE 1 Year 2008 In the classroom (Narration as curtain opens) (Bell rings) Sal Zack : Hey Zack!

What are you doing, girl? Is that a book youre holding? (grabs book from Izati) : (laugh) I knowwwww but I feel like studying.

Daniel : Since when did you study so much? Sue Zack : Yeah, this is so not you. : Look guys, SPM is coming up soon and we havent studied anything yet.

Haziq : Ah, thats all rubbish! Chill la, Zack, we still have a lot of time. Daniel : Ala Zack, even if you dont study, youll still ace it. Sue : Ah, forget about SPM. We have to study about that girl and that boy. You know what happened last night? Sal : What happened? What happened?

Haziq : Ah there you go again. (cue music) Girls and their gossips.

(Rumor Has It song) (Everyone terrorize the class) (Zack will be standing on the table when Teacher Ravi comes in)

Teacher Ravi Izati Teacher Ravi Izati

: What is all this noise? Izati! Why are you on the table? : Its Zack la teacher, not Izati. (the gang laughs) : I dont care. Your behavior has not changed since Form 1. : Whatever (walks in front of Teacher Ravi and shows hand at him)

Teacher Ravi : (throws books/file) Izati! You are very very rude! Youre the kind of people who will never be successful in the future. (sarcastic laugh) For 16 years Ive been teaching here, you are by far the worst student Ive ever taught. You are hopeless! I bet you will never have a good future and you will fail in everything that you do. Once a delinquent, always a delinquent (stomps out) (gang laughs at Izati) Izati : SHUT UP!! (gets up and pushes the table and chairs)

(outside the class) Teacher Ravi : Im sorry, your class is uncontrollable. I just didnt know what else to do.

Teacher Siti : Its okay, Ravi. Ill handle it. Anyway, you shouldnt talk to a student like that. After all theyre still learning. Thank you anyway. (before Teacher Siti enters the class, students will rearrange the table and chairs) (Teacher Siti enters the class) Monitor : Stand up class! (class stands except Izati). Good morning Teacher Siti.

Teacher Siti : Good morning class. You can sit down. Good morning Zack(Izati doesnt bother). I heard there was a commotion in class just now. Care to tell me what happened? Izati : What do you care, teacher? Youre just a government worker. Just come to class and you get your money right? You dont care for anything about us. Why care all of a sudden now? Right guys? (gang laughs in a scared way) (Sue nudges Izati to keep quiet but Izati continues) Izati : What? You know its true. People say, those who cannot do anything, they teach.

(Izati sits sideways and pretend not to bother about Teacher Siti) Teacher Siti : I understand Zack. I know you think that the teachers here are your enemies but we are doing this all for you. We want all of you to succeed. I know youre a good student. You want to be an engineer right? You know I always pray for everyones success including you. You can say whatever you want but I have faith in you and I know you will go far. ( Izati now sits properly and looks in front to pay attention) (lights off) (everyone leaves the classroom except for izati)

(Izati is studying alone, spotlight on Izati) Sue and Daniel : Zack! Izati Sue Daniel : Whaaaaaaattttt?(in a hesitant voice) : Are you studying again? Finish your studying and come with us. : Yeah, enough will all this studying thing girl. Lets go release some stress tonight

Sue and Daniel : Let go paaaaaaarrrtyyyyyy! Izati : Errrmmmm okaaay (says hesitantly) (Cuue music)

(lights off) (close 1st curtain) (Bell rings) (people screams SPM results are out!!!.) (spotlight on Izati holding her SPM results)

Izati : Oh my gosh, I cant believe I got all Bs but only one A for English and a C for Physics? I cant be an engineer like this (sad face) (light on as friends come on stage) Haziq Daniel Izati Sal Sue Everyone (ight off) : Hey Zack! Look at me! I passed! : Oh you got a B too? High 5 man! : Ive got all Bs, one C and an A. : Zack! Wow, you got an A? Like and A, A? A real A? : Youre such a nerd Zack. I got all Cs (laughs) : Lets go celebrate!! (Cue music)


(1st curtain open HALFWAY during narration. Light on once narration finishes) (Cue MSU song) (Counselor looking at Izatis SPM results) Counselor : Hmmmm, you got an A for English but a C for Physics. I think you should enroll in the TESL or ECE program here. The School Of Education and Social Science is very good. Theyre the biggest school here and they produce some great English teachers. And I think you will do great here.

(light off. Curtain closes izati sneaks to the front stage) (spotlight on Joyce and Izati)

Joyce Izati Joyce Izati Am I right?

: Hey Izati! : Hi Joyce. : We have class right? Arent you coming? : Ala, its just structure class right? I know everything already. Subject, Verb, Agreement.

Joyce : But you will still have to come to class. There might be some things you dont know. After all we are the one receiving the knowledge. The least we can do is show some respect to them by going for class. Izati : Oh, so is this how to get 4 flat like you?

(Joyce just grins and shrugs) (Light on and Curtain open as Joyce and Izati walk to the classroom) (Izati is playing with the phone in class and not paying attention. Nadiah keeps the phone in her bag and write notes in her notebook)

(Mdm Azlin comes in the class)

Mdm Azlin: Okay, settle down class. How are you? Are you loving the university life? Must be fun right? Alright, so today we are going to learn about the famous Tree Diagram

(Everyone protest and groans except Nadiah)

Adib Mdm Azlin on. Adib Student

: Why do we have to learn this Madam? This is useless! : Adib, this is about grammar. You need to know this when youre teaching in class later

: Grammar shrammar. This is just a waste of time you know (walks out from the class) : Madam, he.

(Madam Azlin sings Let it Be)

Mdm Azlin : Its okay class, I know for some of you, this isnt your first choice to be a teacher. But believe me, when you see a student who cant read at the beginning and suddenly being able to read at least one sentence. All your hardwork will be worth it. Think of your parents who have worked so hard to get you here. Work hard and be someone in the future so you can repay your parents kindness. Youre grown ups already. Enough of this. Okay, lets try to do the tree diagram for the first sentence.

(Everyone freezes) (Izati stands up. Spotlight on Izati) (light off. Curtain close) (Izati walks to the front)

Izati : I feel like Im given a second chance to do this and make this right. I should use this opportunity and try my best to prove to everyone that I can be more than what theyve expected of me.

(Cue music) (Izati sings The Climb. Light on at I can almost see it) (Light off) 2 years later (Curtain opens HALFWAY during narration) (Light on & cue music) (At the Deans List Award Ceremony)

HOD : I am very proud of all my students today. They have proved themselves and I know that they have worked hard and endlessly to be here to achieve this award. Without further ado, let us call on stage the recipients of the award.


: . Joyce a/p John Izati bt Roslan

HOD : Congratulations, Izati. Im very proud of you. I knew you had it in you all along. Eventhough it took you a while and you had to go through some challenges but youre here now and I couldnt be more happier. (Curtain close) Izati : Thank you so much, Dr for having faith in me and not losing hope in me. Thank you so much. I will make you proud.

(lights off)

SCENE 3 YEAR 2010 In School

(Light on) (Bell rings)

Fong Ishani Amira Monitor Girls

: Hey! You want to buy this ah? Very cheap! My father sell one. : Dude! What is this? : Hey it smells good la! : Shhhhhh! Keep quiet boys! Teacher Izati will be coming in shortly. : Oh shut up Ketua! Stop acting all goodie two shoes.

(Teacher Izati comes in)

Monitor Teacher Izati Ishan Teacher Izati Ong Teacher Izati Amar Teacher Izati Amar

: Stand up class! (class stands) Good morning Teacher Izati! : Good morning class. You can sit down. : Teacher! What are we doing today ah? : Well be learning about Conjunction today. : Junction? The road junction, teacher? : No, not junction. Conjunction. Its the words used to connect sentences. : Ala, boring la teacher. Rubbish la all this. : Amar, you cant say that. This will all be important to you in the future. : Ala, nonsense la teacher. I dont believe you.

Teacher Izati : Believe me, Amar, I was just like you when I was your age. I was a rebellious student and I hated my teachers. But there was one teacher who changed my life and I will never forget her till today. So does the lecturers when you enter college later on. You still have a long way to go and there is a lot of things you will have to learn along the way. This is just the beginning. So why dont you save the attitude for something else like maybe a drama I might conduct? (smiles and grins) Okay, can we continue with class now? Amar? (smiles at Amar)


: Yes, teacher. And Im sorry.

(To Sir, With Love song starts playing) (Everyone sings)

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