Amherst Town Meeting OML Complaint

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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Office of the Attorney General

One Ashburton Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
The Office of the Attorney General's Division of Open Government is responsible for interpreting
and enforcing the Open Meeting Law. Pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, 23, the Open Meeting Law
requires that complaints must first be filed with the public body that is alleged to have
committed the violation, prior to filing a complaint with the Attorney General.

The complaint must be filed with the public body within 30 days of the alleged violation, or if the
alleged Open Meeting Law violation could not reasonably have been known at the time it
occurred, then within 30 days of the date it should reasonably have been discovered. The
complaint must set forth the circumstances which constitute the alleged violation, giving the
public body an opportunity to remedy the alleged violation.

Please complete the entire form, providing as much information as possible, to assist the public
body in responding to your complaint. The Division of Open Government will not, and public
bodies are not required to, investigate anonymous complaints. You may attach additional
materials to your complaint if necessary. The public body may request additional information if

For complaints alleging a violation of the Open Meeting Law by a local public body, you must file
with the public body and file a copy with the clerk of the city or town where the alleged violation
occurred. For complaints alleging a violation by a county, regional or state public body, you must
file with the chair of the public body.

If you are not satisfied with the action taken by the public body in response to your complaint,
you may file a copy of your complaint with the Attorney General's Office 30 days after filing your
complaint with the public body. The Attorney General's Office may decline to investigate a
complaint that is filed with the Attorney General's Office more than 90 days after the alleged
OML violation, unless an extension was granted to the public body or the complainant
demonstrates good cause for the delay.

The complaint must include this form and any documents relevant to the alleged violation. A
complaint may be filed either by mail or by hand:

Office of the Attorney General
Division of Open Government
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108
Instructions for completing the Open Meeting Law Complaint Form
Omce of the Attorney General
One Ashburton Place
8oston, MA 02l08
Are you llng the complalnt ln your capaclty as an lndlvldual, representatlve of an organlzatlon, or medla!
Please note that all elds are requlred unless otherwlse noted.
Plrst Name: Last Name:
Clty: State: Zlp Code:
Phone Number: Lxt.
Organlzatlon or Medla Amllatlon (lf any):
AprII 28, 2013
Date of alleged vlolatlon:
Speclc person(s), lf any, you allege
commltted the vlolatlon:
Town oI Amherst Town MeetIng CoordInatIng CommIttee
Name of Publlc 8ody (lncludlng clty/
town, county or reglon, lf appllcable):
Clty/Town County Peglonal/Dlstrlct State
Page l
|ndlvldual Medla Organlzatlon
(Por statlstlcal purposes only)
Kevln Colllns
409 Maln St
Amherst MA 0l002
Peggy Roberts, Chair, Nonny Burrack, Carol Gray, Patricia Holland,
Melissa Perot, Alan Powell, and Mary Streeter, Vice Chair.
Office of the Attorney General
ATTACHMENTS, Amherst TMCC Bus Tour Spring 2013


1. Town Meeting Bus Tour 2013 flyer. a) Official flyer (link), and b) list of TMCC members
names and addresses.

2. Amherst Bus Tour Spring 2013, Amherst Media (ACTV) EXCERPT. a) Video clip (link),
starting at 15:47 and ending at 20:07: Janet Keller, North Amherst Village Improvement
Association, introduced by Carol Gray (note: at 20:03, they announce the handing out of
maps), and b) Screen shot at 18:41: Janet Keller, North Amherst Village Improvement

3. Amherst Town Meeting, June 10, 2013, ACTV video clip starting at 0:37:13. a) Janet
Keller presenting (note map which appears at 0:34:34) (link), and b) screen shot at 0:35:00 of
Janets colored-over map.

4. Amherst Town Meeting, June 10, 2013 ACTV video clip starting at 0:33:17. a) Planning
Board member explaining original of Ms. Kellers map (link), and b) Screen shot of the
original map before she colored it over.

5. General Bylaws of the Town of Amherst, Massachusetts, Article 1. (p. 9) - PDF

6. Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 30A, 18-25. Sect. 22 (d). Documents and other exhibits
shall be part of the official record of the session.

7., Town Meeting voting records 2011 2013. PDF and link, saved search.

8. North Amherst Village Improvement Association, facebook page. (link).

9. Visioning the Future of North Amherst ACTV video (link). A panel discussion
consisting of North Amherst Redidents Melissa Perot, Valerie Cooley, Patricia Holland and Janet
Keller. Moderated by Molly [Merrylees] Turner

10. Town Meeting Coordinating Committee home page (link). Statement of duties.

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