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College of Management University of the Philippines Visayas Iloilo City, iloilo

Providing Conducive Learning Environments for the Children of Tomorrow

Submitted to: Prof. Emmeline Cabalum Faculty Division of Humanities College of Arts and Sciences Submitted by: Judy Rose Diabordo Reya Mae Pagatpat Kent Limmuel Tan

Project Study Cost: P 483, 103 Project Duration: October,2012 June,2013


Summary In the Philippines, there are three problems that hinder schools to provide quality education. These are problems regarding lack of teachers, classrooms and textbooks. In the latest estimates of the Department of Education, there is a shortage of 66, 800 classrooms based on a 1:40 student ratio. However, in reality, a Filipino teacher is handling a class of 60-70 students in average. As a response to this problem, the group is proposing the Classroom -on-Wheels project which aims to provide a Conducive Learning Environments for the Children of Tomorrow. This project maximizes the available space by constructing and installing mobile container built modular classroom. Design and production of classrooms will feature the use of recycling cargo containers on shipping ports and will handle 25 students per teacher, the ideal student-teacher ratio. The cost of this project is projected to be Php483,103, almost half the cost in constructing traditional classrooms. The duration of this project is estimated for eight months from October 2012 to May 2013 that would cover the planning period, the bidding process and the construction. It is expected that this project will benefit the elementary schools in providing quality education.

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Purpose of the Project Generally, the purpose of this proposal is to: 1.) offer education into rural areas where the children has no access to education; 2.) teach children how to use computers and let them have recreational activities - to learn while having fun; 3.) respond to the growing population of the country (overcrowded schools) and limited funding budgets; 4.) to maximize areas in school for learning; and 5) to increase job opportunities. Our proposal is to build Mobile Classrooms that will be used in remote areas and in school grounds as well. These Mobile Classrooms were well-designed and were by-products of recycling shipping cargo containers. It will have a set-up like a real classroom with chairs, books, computers and other materials for learning. It will function like a typical classroom. For the remote areas, the Department of Education will be the one to assess areas where the mobile classrooms go and conduct classes. Assessments will be based on records to know which areas will be prioritized, preferably, those areas with low literacy rate. There will have two to three licensed teachers that will teach and guide the children and the lecture in a certain area will range from three weeks to one month. The children will be taught on basic educational areas such as reading, writing and arithmetic to make them ready in the next level of education. After which, the mobile classroom will have another area to visit. For schools where overcrowding and lack of space are problems, school grounds such as fields and parking areas, and any part which is conducive to learning will be utilized. Everytime

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the space is not used, it will be allotted to the mobile classroom. The students need not to stay in an over-crowded classroom, which is not an effective and conducive place for learning. This will be in coordination with the Department of Education. At first, there will be two mobile classrooms that will be built, one is for the remote area and one is for the school purpose. As soon as the mobile classrooms will be built, operation will start. If this will be approved and implementation of it will be successful, then this project will continue. Imparting of education up to rural areas and over-crowded schools will keep going.

Background of the Study Education is the best tool that makes changes in the society. With education, people would have developed their skills and talents that would help them be successful in their careers. Education will help them make the right decisions in life and will make them aware to the reality. It opens the door of success and serves as a ladder in achieving our dreams and aspirations. It is in education that wisdom and knowledge will be attained. To gain knowledge is the fundamental objective of education and one great place of learning and acquiring knowledge is inside the four walls of the classroom. According to the National Statistical Coordination Board, dropout rate in elementary pupils continues to increase. In the school year 2003-2004, dropout rate is 8.9% and in school year 2005-2006, dropout rate is 9.3%. It is far from their target rate which is 4.3%. One major
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reason is poverty. Yes, there are public schools that offer free education yet some cannot benefit because of the location. They are really distant from learning centers that pupils should walk kilometers just to reach the destination. Some even have to cross rivers and climb hills with their book bags. Yes, there are available transportations yet some families cant afford to have these and to avail this is not a practical act. So the families cant afford to pay and the children are pulled from school. Others are being forced by their parents to work or in be involved in child labour, so they could earn and help sustain their daily needs. Regarding on the shortage of classrooms, the problem is not necessarily the budget needed for the construction. There are cases that there is already a fund allotted building the infrastructure. Availability of space is the one that hinders the government to continue building classrooms. In result, the pupils must stay in an over-crowded room and this is not the best and conducive environment for learning. If this scenario continues to happen, literacy rate will continue to decline. The number of uneducated children will rise. Their future will be at risk. Instead to have a productive life, they end up suffering because of poverty. Another visible problem is that classrooms are made to be evacuation centers during disasters such as typhoons and loss of houses due to fires, thus creating a hindrance on the students continued learning.

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Given the present situation, where a number of children are not able to access education because of the distance and others who are tired of the congested classroom, the group is presenting an alternative solution to the problem, the Classroom On-Wheels Project.

Benefits of the Proposal Education in remote areas has always been a problem. About 80% of the Filipino poor live in the rural areas of the country. These are towns located deep in the mountains and the rice fields. The population density in the rural parts of the country is low, and there is a corresponding deficiency in schools and classrooms. Public school is free, but families still cannot afford to send their children for a complicated network of reasons. Another, as the population growth continues to explode, problems regarding in classrooms shortage exists. Pupils have no choice but to stay and bear the crowded environment. Sometimes, the teachers must compete with the noise made by the children. The number of pupils in a classroom exceeds on the ideal number. It is believed that with this proposal, children in remote areas can now access to education. Literacy rate may increase. Those children will develop skills in reading and comprehension, also mathematical skills. Given the fact that they are away from the city, most of them dont have recreational activities. The mobile classroom will not only use books to impart knowledge. Other materials, like laptops, will be used as a learning material. They will be allowed to watch educational film so they can gain more knowledge.
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The most efficient number of students/pupils per teacher is 25 only. But the Department of Education presented the current situation that for every teacher, there are 4565 students. It is indeed a burden for a teacher to teach and discipline in front of these students. Aside from the insufficient budget, another reason behind that schools lack classrooms because there is no more space allotted for a new classroom. With the mobile classroom, the school grounds, the field and other vacant spaces could now be utilized by the mobile classroom. Thus, process of learning will continue, space wont be a hindrance anymore. To offer job opportunities is also a benefit this proposal. There are thousands of licensed teachers in the country but some remained unemployed because the lack of classroom. If this proposal will be approved, it will generate jobs. All the hardships that were undergone by the licensed teachers will be now worth it. Regarding cost, the mobile classrooms cost half of what it costs to build using traditional methods and can be ready for use in six to eight weeks60 percent sooner than conventionally built structures (USAID, 2011).

And lastly, the benefit that we could get from being an educated person is immeasurable and immense. As what been always said, education is a gift that no one can steal and education is the key to success.

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Description of the Project Over the years, the Philippine Government has been doing extensive efforts and strategies in addressing problems and needs in the sector of EDUCATION. For us Filipinos, we regard education with one of the highest worth in our lives thus giving it the greatest allocation of our resources. One of the key solutions that the government had seen to address the problem illiteracy in the country was the implementation of the K 12 Curriculum Program and would mean adding two years on the students study period. This program seeks to improve the skills and academic capabilities of the students and to develop international competence within them. The K 12 Program would probably be a solution to the illiteracy problem but could also be a problem for these would mean a need for more educational facilities and space to accommodate the large number of students. Ever since, aging and outdated and even lack of facilities, overcrowded classrooms, growing student populations and shifting demographics were all contributors to the need for new and improved educational space. Studies had proven a direct relationship between the school and classroom size with student learning outcomes. Achievement gains in Mathematics and Reading over the course of high school were found to be largest in middle-sized high schools (800 1200 students) than large ones. Consequently, investigating the effects of school and classroom size in American (K 12) elementary schools found favorable effects for smaller schools in terms of stude nts learning and teachers willingness to take responsibility for the students learning (Ready, Lee, Welner, 2004). The need for more classrooms is much visible in Philippines. Some public schools held classes in school gymnasiums and in other nonclassroom facilities that had been known to
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cause stress increase among students and teachers and had attributed to lower academic achievement among students. Solution: The group had looked into the main cause of the over-crowding problem and had found out that it is not the budget for education that is the real problem but rather it is because schools lack available spaces for new classroom constructions. Adding spaces for schools is much impractical so the group is proposing that schools and the government should take enough measures in maximizing spaces within schools to accommodate a large number of students and on the same time providing them with the conducive environment for learning, minimizing stress and it is by providing mobile classrooms on overcrowded schools with the CLASSROOM ON-WHEELS PROJECT. CLASSROOM ON-WHEELS Project The project is concerned on the installment of mobile, relocatable and portable container-built modular structures on available school grounds for use as classrooms. The classroom design is based on the newest innovation on the architectural industry, the Modular Design. Relocatable Modular Buildings are partially or completely assembled buildings that comply with applicable codes and state regulations and are constructed using a modular construction process. Relocatable Modular Buildings are designed to be reused or repurposed multiple times and transported to different building sites. Modular classrooms are designed to create an optimal learning environment for students, with high ceilings and windows to maximize the amount of natural light and cross ventilation. The design and production of classrooms will feature the use of recycling used cargo containers on shipping ports and will be designed to be energy efficient. These modular classrooms are quality structures with a life expectancy of 40 years; modulars can be relocated or clustered in groups as demographics and educational needs change, giving school boards additional flexibility.
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Design of the Project:

Figure 1. Front View of the Mobile Classroom

Figure 2. Internal View of the Mobile Classrom

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Figure 3. Sample Output of a Mobile Building (Fire Safety Learning Center)

Figure 4. Sample of a Mobile Classroom

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Recycling Shipping Cargo Containers The process will start on breaking down a shipping container to the bare frame and then construct a new system which can be expanded on site. Owing to the ever changing population density and subsequent overcrowding of schools, many sites are in need of a system that can be delivered when circumstances call for it but can just as easily be removed if it is no longer required. The pre-existing structure of the shipping container makes it particularly suitable. The structural integrity of the container would allow it to be shipped anywhere without much risk of damage, making it ideal for overcrowded schools around the world (Open Architecture Challenge, 2009). A system has been designed that will slide out and unfold from a single shipping container. Bits and pieces of multiple container frames are used to create the added interior walls and floors. The outside container will open to reveal a eight-meter interior container that is slightly shorter in height, but the roof system can be raised to the appropriate level. From this center container, a wall will slide out from each side. Then a roof system folds out from the top of both walls and raises in the same manner as the central roof. In turn both sides of each wall will fold down creating a floor on both slides. This reveals the desk anchored within the walls. The desks fold down perpendicular to the wall and an extension slides out to lengthen them. The original, exterior container ends will be used for libraries and storage.

Funding The budget will be financed by the government by utilizing the annual budget allocated for the Department of Education. Since one of the priority projects of the department is to improve schools facilities, this proposal is suitable in realizing these priority projects. Donations, sponsorships and partnerships will also be considered for additional funding of the project.

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Scope and Limitations The selection of the schools to be provided with the proposed project is up to the Department of Education for the department has the proper authority to assess the schools and determine who needs the most. The project is estimated to last for eight months that would cover the planning period, bidding processes and the construction proper. The time line was set to ensure that the project will be finished before the classes for school year 2013-2014 starts. The main focus of the project is only for public schools but private schools are also allowed to use the design to improve their facilities upon proper permission from project organizers.

Evaluation Plan The group had provided guiding standards in judging the success of the proposal if implemented. These standards were focused in assessing the suitability of the project in education-based environments and with regards to proper accounting procedures. The guiding standards were the following: Healthy, Safe and Secure Learning Environments The quality of student learning is linked to the quality of school facilities especially the learning spaces such as the classrooms. The proposed mobile classroom should be well-suited for student learning and by ensuring so; an initial assessment of the learning space should be done comparing it with the usual uncrowded concrete classroom where the students are used to. The results should favor the proposed classroom or at least equal with the traditional concrete one.

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Student Spaces in the Right Places and Situations Proposed mobile classrooms should be situated on proper, hazardless places but available spaces usage should be maximize. School facilities should adjust on varying environments and occasions and also on varying teaching styles and education program requirements.

Community-based, Long-term Solutions Provider The project should provide solutions on long-term community problems. First is to provide healthy and conducive environments for students and for it to adapt on unexpected scenarios such as floods and disasters where schools are the primary option as evacuation centers. Education should continue on this scenarios and the proposed classroom should respond to that need.

Accountability The project to be done, if possible, should comply with the standards set, with the right procedures of the right people.

Value of Money The project is proposed to the Philippine government and thus, funds are mainly government-based. Proper procurement and auditing procedures should be done to provide transparency. Government-provided funds should be use properly by considering cost-minimizing strategies.

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Qualifications of Key Personnel The key personnel involved in this venture are the construction workers for the mobile classrooms, three teachers (one for the school-based classroom and two for the classroom that goes to rural areas), and a driver for each classroom. Construction Company and workers To choose the construction company that will operate for this project, the government shall follow the bidding process. Teachers The teachers must have a bachelors degree in education and are board exam passers. These two requirements are important since primary education, which is the main focus of the classroom on wheels, is a crucial part of learning. This is where the students learn basic things which will be their foundation when they go to the next level of education. Therefore, licensed teachers are needed. In addition, this project will be a venue for licensed teachers to train and gain experience before they become permanent teachers in a school. Drivers Licensed drivers are required preferably with good moral character. Another qualification would be sufficient knowledge of the routes and places in the province, considering that the project will be implemented first here in Iloilo. The classroom on wheels will be under the management of the Department of Education once classes will start.
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Time Line Once this proposal will be approved, the following activities will be carried out.

Execution Period T A S K Oct Final planning of activities Release of budget

2012 Nov Dec Jan Feb

2013 Mar Apr May June

Bidding for the construction company Construction of the classroom on wheels Organizing the classroom Hiring of personnel Start of classes

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Projected Costs The following tables list the total estimated cost of this project. To minimize the cost, the project will utilize recycled shipping cargo containers as the main frame of the classroom. Sponsors, benefactors and donors who are interested in funding part of the total cost may refer to the details below. Estimated Start-Up Expenses Individual Cost No. of Units

Description Payment to the Construction Company (inclusive of construction materials and construction workers wage) Chalk (ordinary white) Blackboard eraser Student chair Teachers table and chair Laptop Projector

Total Cost

P 11.50/box P 20 P 500 P 4,000/set P 18,000 P 30,000

2 4 50 3 2 2 TOTAL

P 350,000 P 23 P 80 P 25,000 P 12,000 P 36,000 P 60,000 P 483,103

Monthly Costs Individual Cost P 3,000 P 3,000 No. of Units 3 2 TOTAL

Description Teachers allowance Drivers salary Gasoline allowance

Total Cost P 9,000 P 6,000 P 10,000 P 25,000

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Accessibility, Affordability & Quality of Philippine Education [2011 Right to Education Situation: Philippines. Date Retrieved: March 20, 2012 . Morales, A.T. and Sumagaysay, L.S. 1976. Perspectives on educational innovations in the Philippines. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Educational Innovations and Development, 5-6 January 1976.

From Cargo to Classroom. US Agency for International Development, February 2011. Date Retrieved: March 20, 2012.

Ready, D., Lee, V. and Welner, K. 2004. Educational Equity and School Structure: School Size, Overcrowding, and Schools-Within-Schools. Date Retrieved: March 20, 2012.

Stern, D., Raby, M., & Dayton, C. (1992). Career academies: Partnerships for reconstructing American high schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Date Retrieved: March 20, 2012.

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