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7 Email Marketing 2.

0 C a m pa i g n I d e a s

Ideas to Help You Segment, Target, and Automate

Infusionsoft stands apart from the crowd because it uses a powerful Automation Engine to allow you to segment, target, and put your marketing on autopilot. Here are 7 ideas to get your creative juices flowingand this is just the start of great things to come.

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1. F  ollow-up with customers who havent responded to your quote.

 People are more willing to share details than you might think. Its time to find out why your quotes arent converting.  Put together an email asking your prospects why they have yet to respond to your quote. In the email, you can insert several Automation Links that will help you tag your prospects according to their situation. You can create a link/tag for Not ready for it yet, It doesnt fit in my budget, Havent had time, etc. When someone clicks on one of the links, youll know details about why they havent responded.  With that knowledge, you can add each prospect to a targeted, persuasive follow-up sequence. Knowing whats holding them back will help you lead them through the sales cycle more effectively. Plus, asking them whats the hold-up may push a few of them to act.

This service-based company sent an email to follow-up on a previous quote.

2. U  se more than just email.

 Infusionsoft allows you to use more than just email to send marketing messages. Sometimes email isnt the best way to reach your contacts. You might have purchased a list or let yours sit dormant for a time (both of these situations prevent you from sending an email broadcast). But you know there are interested prospects among the names on your list they shouldnt go to waste.  With Infusionsofts powerful Automation Engine, you can send a direct mail piece to your contacts which asks them to visit your site, opt-in to email follow-ups, or even purchase your product. And youll never have to lick a stamp Infusionsoft communicates directly with a fulfillment house or assigns a task for one of your staff to complete.  Your direct mail piece could also offer them a discount, invite them to a webinar, promote a free gift or hold a drawing. Tap in to the automation power and put your marketing on autopilot.  And since youll be using Infusionsoft to manage your communications, youll be able to analyze real data to see what is working and what isnt. Create a separate landing page for direct mail recipients to help organize your incoming leads and see which customers responded to your campaign.  Send a direct mail piece when email isnt an option: offer a discount, extend an invitation, or send a free gift.

3. U  psell to current customers.

 Infusionsoft allows you to easily offer products and services to customers via email or multi-media messaging after youve made the sale.  When a customer purchases a certain item, you can create a Tag and an Action Sequence that will automatically send them discount offers, deals on products that compliment their interests, or services relating to their previous purchase. These emails keep you in front of your customers and give you a chance to target them with specific, relevant offers.  You can also take advantage of these specific emails to request product feedback from your customers. Your customer satisfaction will grow right along with your sales and the Automation Engine will do all of the work for you.

This bike shop included additional product offers in their thank-you email.

4. Automate your collections. 

 Marketing messaging isnt the only thing that improves with segmentation. You can use Email Marketing 2.0 principles in interactions with existing customers, too. One of the best ways to make the most of the Automation Engine is in billing and collections.  Infusionsofts Ecommerce functionality allows you to process credit cards for recurring payments but that doesnt mean every credit card will remain viable month-to-month. If a card fails, the automated system will try again the next day (or at a time predetermined by you). After a designated grace period, the customer will be placed in a collections email sequence that will ask him/her to find an alternative method for payment.  Infusionsoft also allows you to utilize direct mail and voice broadcasts in the sequence. Youll be able to send your collections message in a way that gets real results. And you wont need to do a thing everything will be handled automatically.

This email (including an automation link to the account management page) is sent automatically to customers with faulty credit card information.

5. Identify your prospects needs.

 When prospects are learning about your company, it is helpful to know their interests/ qualifications before you begin marketing to them. Utilizing an Infusionsoft Web Form with drop-down menus will allow you to tag prospects according to their interests.  On a drop-down menu, you can ask them to answer specific questions. You might, for example, ask them what area of their lawn needs the most work or what type of legal work they are looking for. Once you know their specific interests, Infusionsoft will automatically add them into a follow-up sequence designed to answer their questions and sell them on your product or service. You wont have to waste time explaining pest control measures to someone looking for tree fertilizer or LLC creation to someone who is just looking for a living will.  heres no need to send each of your prospects into the same T follow-up sequencefind out what they need and get specific with them.

This law firm uses a drop down menu to customize their follow-up.

6. Automatically send holiday wishes.

 Youve probably had intentions of recognizing your customers and providing above-and-beyond service. But fulfilling on those thoughts is often just too much to handle.  Its time to let Infusionsofts Automation Engine handle it for you. How would your customers feel if they got a personalized holiday card or email, perhaps with a special offer just for them? Chances are, they would become raving fans because you took the time to show appreciation.  se Infusionsoft to automatically send out holiday wishes or U anniversary congratulations to your customers. Theyll never know that everything was completely automated and that you didnt really remember yourself.

A holiday postcard may make all the difference.

7. U  se Automation Links for targeted marketing.

 Infusionsoft helps you adapt to your prospects and their needs. With Automation Links, you can assess your prospects interest in particular areas and take action to customize the message they receive.  For example, you might send an email with a call to action asking prospects to learn more about specific products or services. Include a variety of links on your email, each corresponding to a different product or service. These links will take customers to a specific landing page that will further educate them and allow them to buy if they are ready.  Meanwhile, your Infusionsoft Automation Engine will automatically tag your prospects with what they are most interested in. Take their willingness to learn more as a sign that they are interested in that particular product or service, and market to them accordingly. You can then send them targeted marketing/ promotions in the future you already know what piques their interest.  Use Infusionsoft Tags to put your prospects on the right paththe path that is most in line with their interests.

This travel agency highleted four different services to segment their prospects.

Segment, Target, Automate.

Businesses are finding out that consumers have very specific needs and a one-size-fits-all marketing message just doesnt work anymore. Using a CRM to segment your list is more important than ever. The sooner you can adequately and consistently put your leads, prospects, and customers into categories, the sooner your marketing efforts will start turning out spectacular results. Once they are segmented, Infusionsofts Email Marketing 2.0 capabilities allow you to custom-tailor a marketing campaign (whether it be via email, direct mail, voice messaging, text messaging, or another medium) that will be the right fit. And best of all, Infusionsofts Automation Engine handles all the work behind the scenes. The processes of segmenting and targeting will happen on their ownand youll be free to spend time on other things. Your marketing will be on autopilot. Put these principles into action and you will start seeing changesalmost immediately. Youll be marketing to the right people at the right time. And youll do it without even thinking. Infusionsofts Automation Engine will take care of everythingits time to get the results youve always wanted. Here we go!
2010 Infusionsoft. All rights reserved.


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