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Includes Tax
A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.
Number 47
Volume 107
July 18, 2013
Market Report
12 Pro Winter Wheat...................$6.68
Any Pro .....................................$6.08
14 Pro Spring Wheat ...................$6.80
SFS Birdseed.............................$21.50
NeW CRoP 2013
12 Pro Winter Wheat...................$6.61
iron chef
Legals in this issue:
Proceedings - Town of Midland
Proceedings - Haakon School Dist.
Proceedings - Haakon Co. Comm.
10 & 11
Four members of the Philip
High School German Club and
their three chaperones joined with
other schools in South Dakota and
Minnesota to make a 41-person
group that toured Europe from
June 19 through July 1.
The students were Cole Rothen-
berger, Jane Poss, Garrett Snook
and Rachel Parsons. The chaper-
ones were Betty Berry, Mary Poss
and Deb Snook. The Customized
Student and Adult (CETA) tour
put them in Berlin, Germany, the
first day. Coincidentally, Presi-
dent Obama and his family were
there on the same day, and the
CETA group had to rearrange its
agenda because of political secu-
rity. As the student group ad-
justed to the German language,
foods and the money exchange,
they toured the Checkpoint Char-
lie Museum, Brandenburg Gate
and Topography of Terror Mu-
Other German cities visited
were Weimar, Leipzig, Nurnberg,
Modlareuth and Munich. They
toured Munich on bicycles, and
saw its Olympic stadium. They
also toured the infamous Dachau
Concentration Camp.
This was an amazing experi-
ence for me, and I learned to ap-
preciate a few things while we
were in Germany ice, free rest-
rooms, air conditioning and cold
water, mainly, said Parsons. On
the other hand, American choco-
late is now really disappointing.
In J. Posss opinion, the most
surprizing aspect of the trip was
seeing first hand how war damage
still shows in most of the cities.
G. Snook was impressed by the
buildings. All the old, antique
buildings were very nice looking.
They were very preserved, said
Snook. He has relatives from Ger-
many who have visited his family
in the United States.
Rothenberger liked that the trip
was easy. The communicating
was easy, everything was not
stressful, and it was easy for him
to enjoy himself.
The group also visited Austria
and Switzerland. They saw the
birthplace of Mozart, fortresses,
castles, the Alps and the 40-mile-
wide country of Liechtenstein.
One of the more humorous or
embarrassing situations for J.
Poss was being in a packed gift
shop full of breakable objects,
speaking relatively next to noth-
ing of Swiss or German, still car-
rying a huge backpack from
hiking in the Alps, and getting a
serious warning not to knock any-
thing over.
Rothenberger tried several
times to order food by speaking
German, but everybody spoke
back in English, so he pretty
much quit trying.
G. Snook tried to speak Ger-
man, but ended up usually just
saying yes, no and thank you. He
did get pretty good at ordering ice
cream. It was delicious. They
have a lot more flavors, said
Snook. I like their schnitzel a
lot. He compared schnitzel to
chicken fried steak.
While J. Poss thought the
Newschwanstien Castle in
Bavaria was noteworthy, Snook
thought the most fun part was
hiking in the Alps. Rothenberger
was also impressed with the Alps,
the highlight probably being a cog
train that climbed the steep
slopes. He, also, brought back
tons of chocolate.
Berry, who has made the Ger-
man Club trip many times before,
said that the students were great
travelers and have many wonder-
ful memories. Traveling to other
countries is a life changing expe-
rience. There are many things
that one takes for granted in ones
own home area. Traveling opens
up the eyes to a broader world,
said Berry.
German Club students tour Europe
Above, in front of a fountain in Sulzburg. At right, taking in
the view from a walkway at the top of the tower of St. Peter's
Church in Munich. From farthest back, are Jane Poss, Cole
Rothenberger, Rachel Parsons and Garrett Snook.
In the Alps, with a train in view. From left, Rachel Parson, Jane Poss, Cole Rothen-
berger and Garrett Snook. Courtesy photos
Fire burns northern Haakon County hay field
Shortly afer 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, a fire started in a hay field where Casey Fortune and family members were
baling hay. It is believed that the baler, which was a total loss, started the fire. The tractors did not receive any damage. The
Milesville and Philip fire departments were called to the fire, but most were called back as Fortunes and the first Milesville
truck to arrive had the slow moving fire under control. Fortunes had a pickup nearby with a water tank ready in case of a
fire. Relatively few acres were burned in the fire. Photo by Nancy Haigh
The courthouse sprinkler system project began Thursday, July 11. The finished
piping will include a line to the Scotty Philip mini-park at the north end of the
courthouse parking lot. Shown are Dustin Lurz driving the backhoe, with copilot
Kristopher Lurz. Riley Heltzel, background, and Kenny Lurz, foreground, get to
use the shovels. Photo by Del Bartels
Courthouse sprinklers
Lessons were broken with recess during the morning and afternoon sessions of
summer school held in the Philip elementary building, July 8-11 and July 15-18.
Some students benefited from a refresher course, while others just didnt want
to get too used to being out of classes. Shown above in the morning class were,
from left, Kash Slovek, Wyatt Shriever, Kiara Perkins, Tanner Hajny and Mattisen
Reckling. Not pictured are Gabriella Walker and Sarah Huston. Below, from left,
are instructor MaryLynn Crary, Grace Pekron, Spencer Ross, Jaida Haynes and
instructor Barb Bowen. Not pictured are Kaylor Pinney, Brett Freeman and Ashley
Williams. Photos by Del Bartels
Summer school fun learning
On Saturday, August 3, the
South Dakota Game, Fish and
Parks Department will host a free
youth event day at Lake Waggoner,
north of Philip.
Youth, depending on their ages,
can participate in all four of the
stations. State GF&P officials and
local volunteers will work with
youth on learning and practicing
archery, pellet gun shooting, fish-
ing and viewing demonstrations on
trapping. The trapping station will
be run by a state trapper. All sup-
plies will be provided.
Each station is anticipated to
last about an hour, though youth
may pick and chose, or repeat.
Wildlife Conservation Officer Zach
Thomsen said that it will be fine is
some kids want to, for example,
fish the entire time.
A free lunch will be provided, but
it is recommended that individuals
bring extra water to drink. Though
preregistration is not required, a
head count would be appreciated
for the needed number of lunches.
The days activities will begin
with registration from 8:00 a.m. to
8:30 a.m.
For more information and to pre-
register, call Wildlife Conservation
Officer Zach Thomsen at 859-3006.
Philip youth
day by local
Game, Fish
and Parks
Ravellette Publications is happy to receive letters concerning comments on
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The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
(605) 859-2516 FAX: (605) 859-2410
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
Opinion / Community
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 2
Philip, SD
U.S.P.S. 433-780
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson,
and Jones counties, Creighton, Wall, Quinn,
Marcus, Howes, Plainview, and Hayes ad-
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of
Haakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-
land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Pioneer Review office is located at 221 E. Oak
Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516;
FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications,
Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be
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DEADLINES: Display & Classified
Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/
Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Thursday: Clear. High of
99F. Winds from the
WSW at 5 to 15 mph.
Thursday Night: Partly
cloudy in the evening,
then clear. Low of 70F. Winds from
the NW at 10 to 15 mph.
Friday: Clear. High of
90F. Breezy. Winds
from the NNW at 15 to
20 mph. Friday Night:
Clear. Low of 61F. Winds
from the NNe at 5 to 15 mph
shifting to the east after midnight.
Saturday: Clear in the morning,
then partly cloudy. High of
88F. Winds from the eSe at 5
to 10 mph. Saturday Night:
Clear with a chance of a thunderstorm.
Low of 63F. Winds from the Se at 10 to
15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
Get your complete
& up-to-the-minute
local forecast:
Sunday: Clear. High
of 93F. Winds from
the SSe at 10 to
15 mph. Sunday
Night: Clear. Low of
70F. Breezy. Winds from the
SSe at 15 to 20 mph.
Monday: Clear. High
of 100F. Winds
from the SSW at 5
to 10 mph. Monday
Night: Clear. Low of
70F. Breezy. Winds from the
NW at 10 to 20 mph.
Lookin Around by Syd Iwan
Surprise, Surprise
Some surprises are rather fun.
Others are less so. One pleasant
surprise this week was when an
unknown plant in our rock border
threw out a huge white flower. I
walk by that area almost every day
and had noticed this plant which I
could never quite identify. At first
I thought it might be a cocklebur.
Then I wondered if it could be some
sort of sunflower. Other possibili-
ties came to mind, but I was never
quite sure enough it was a weed to
make myself pull it out. Of course,
there was a ragweed nearby that I
recognized all too well and didnt
pull either, but this one at least
was a little too interesting to con-
sider uprooting.
So, a couple of days ago I noticed
this foot-high plant throwing out a
big flower stalk in the middle. I
watched it with interest. Finally,
last evening, it unfurled. It was a
large white trumpet-like blossom
about the size of those you see on
Easter lilies and somewhat similar
except the edges were more
rounded and not as fluted. The
word, moonflower, came to mind,
but I wasnt really sure why. I
showed the posy to wife Corinne
who also thought it might be that
flower. She went on the Internet to
do a bit of research and shortly
found a photo that proved we did
indeed have a moonflower in bloom
in the front yard. Nifty. They are
supposed to smell really good, but
so far I havent gotten down on
hands and knees to find out.
Maybe later.
Thinking back, I have probably
only seen moonflowers twice before
in my life. The first was back in
grade or high school when one of
our neighbors in town had a bunch
of them. They were rather impres-
sive since they were big and nice
smelling. Quite a few years later, I
remember seeing some over at
Barb and Teds ranch some six
miles from us. They too had a lot of
them and seemed to think they
were quite fine. Even that latter
sighting of these flowers was well
over twenty years ago so the mem-
ory of them was not as active as it
might once have been. Anyway,
having a pretty and interesting
plant grow up and flower all on its
own was a nice surprise, especially
when you have no idea how it got
Then we come to surprises that
are slightly less enjoyable. One of
those was also last evening after
the flower experience. As it hap-
pened, some weeks ago a tornado
or other strong wind tore the roof
off a machine/shop shed at our
river place and tossed it over north
towards the river. On the way by,
that pile of wood and twisted metal
did some damage to our big John
Deere tractor such as bending the
smokestack over, nudging the radi-
ator a little etc. In any event, the
tractor needed to be fixed.
I had considerable difficulty in
finding a way to get the thing to
town for repair, but John finally
came through with a truck and a
method. The tractor was loaded
and taken to town. Unfortunately,
the loading took longer than ex-
pected so the unloading would
have to be after dark. Since the
machine was going to our mailman
who is also experienced in tractor
repair, the delivery to him was
slightly out of town and John was
unsure of the exact location. He
called and asked me to serve as a
guide which was fine with me. I
met them by the sale barn and con-
fidently led them east.
Before long, however, confusion
set in. I didnt recognize the land-
marks. When we finally came to a
paved road, surprise, surprise, I re-
alized I had no idea where on earth
we were although we were less
than a mile from town. Like I said,
some surprises are not so great. In
this case, there was little left to do
but retrace our steps and try again.
This area, by the way, has several
roads meeting in a small area and
all leading different directions. In-
stead of heading straight east, I
had gotten confused in the dark
and gone northeast. When we then
tried going straight east instead of
northeast, that soon got us to
where we wanted to be. The tractor
was duly unloaded, and we could
all go home. I told John that I could
misdirect him to several other
places if he wanted before I left,
but he said they were fine and
could probably somehow muddle
their own way home without my
help. This was apparently a case of
the blind leading the unsure, but
John was now sure enough of his
bearings to get by without me.
So, yesterday was full of sur-
prises. At least it wasnt dull. I
even later had to chuckle a bit
about getting lost when I was so
sure I easily knew the way. Ah
well, today has been fairly
straightforward. No odd plants
growing up and flowering and no
roads leading to nowhere. I cant
decide which was better, yesterday
or today. I guess both were okay.
Tuesday: Clear.
High of 99F.
Winds from the
NNW at 5 to 10
Tuesday Night: Clear. Low of
68F. Winds less than 5 mph.
Ticked ... by Del Bartels
As I walked beneath the scrawny crab apple tree in my backyard, a
clinging wisp of something suddenly covered my forehead. I immedi-
ately squatted to the ground to get away from it, and frantically tried
to wipe it away, panicking that the eight-legged creator of the web was
also panicking on my head or face.
I dont mind insects and other crawly things, matter of fact, Im usu-
ally intrigued by them. But I am easily startled, and then freaked out
by them, when they are at first unbeknownst by me. After weaving a
web with a wonderful artistry that can make a Greek goddess envious,
a spider will then wait in the corner with patience for a dinner quest.
I wont touch the web, and it had better not somehow touch me.
A butterfly gingerly stepping among the hairs on my forearm as I
gaze upon its intricate wing patterns is one thing; discovering a half-
engorged tick on my neck is another thing. A squished mosquito is a
victory for me; a splattered red spot on my skin is a queasy mess.
I remember years ago seeing a few dozen mounted spiders in a dis-
play case at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Agreed, it was
impressive, but the plaque thanking a donor for his estimated thou-
sands of dollars of value for the display was even more impressive. Hey,
give me some formaldehyde, a preservation display case and a few
dozen long stick pins, and I could do the same thing. I dont think any-
one, except for the spiders of course, would object.
The grand scheme of things has use for creatures like these. They
feed bigger critters, pollinate useful plants, and for good or bad add a
dimension to our own lives. Still, Noah didnt have to include mosquitos
and ticks on his original cruise ship. In mans scheme of things, we bat-
tle bugs with insecticides, other predatory bugs, car windshields and
flyswatters, sticky strips and zappers, and by putting up birdhouses
and bat houses. The unseen is what irritates me; chiggers, no-see-ums
and the cloud of gnats that fog up from moist potatos. A huge tarantula
is neat and gets my interest, while a skinny daddy longlegs is yucky
and gets my spine to quiver. Camouflage is a bugs joke on humans.
Imagine the twig in your hand suddenly revealing itself as a walking
stick bug a leaf spur becoming a caterpillar the only bare spot from
thistles starts spouting a horde of defending ants all the way up your
shoe and sock the only bugs not making nighttime buzzings are the
ones seated down on your skin for dinner. At an evening barbecue,
make sure that what appears to be a raisin cake is indeed made of
raisins. Can bugs thrive in your vacuum canister?
As a parting thought, close your eyes and relax. Imagine the almost
unperceptible first touch. Your cheek twitches and you blink. It is noth-
ing. Then your eyebrow hairs shift. Instinct opens your eyes to see if
anything is there. Your hand lightly brushes your forehead. Something
brushes back. Your press it. It squirms! Happy dreams.
Western New Hope Lutheran
Parish sponsored a womens salad
luncheon, Saturday, July 13, at the
American Legion Hall in Philip,
with Deb Burma, Columbus, Neb.,
as guest speaker.
Burma, a published author, re-
lated that God has called people to
step out of their struggles and
away from their comfort zones to a
life lived on the edge. Such action
can take place despite people being
frozen and paralyzed because of
struggles, worries, insecurities,
fears and more.
The women of the parish pro-
vided the meal for over 80 women
in attendance. Guests came from
as far away as Butte Mountain,
Nev., and Devils Lake, N.D. The
South Dakota communities repre-
sented included Red Owl, White-
wood, Harrold, Rapid City, Pierre,
Ft. Pierre, Norris, Plainview,
Howes, Wanblee, Piedmont, Hayes, Long Valley, Quinn, Midland and
Burma, originally from the Deep
Creek area, is the daughter of Gene
and Dick Hudson. She presented
the special message of Stepping
Out, to a Life on the Edge. Burma
travels extensively, delivering her
message. She had just returned
from Canada before visiting Philip.
Her books include A Chocolate
Life, Stepping Out To a Life on
the Edge, Treasured a 30 day
Devotional Journey and Beauti-
ful Feet. Burma also directs
women's ministries, as well as fam-
ily and children's ministries.
Terri Pelle, event organizer,
stated that, beings that it was a
women's luncheon, the parish was
so fortunate to have three women
ministers in attendance Evelyn
Jahnar, Kathy Chesney and Frezil
Westerlund. There were drawings
for door prizes. Becky Brech do-
nated two Mary Kay gift bags,
which were won by Cassidy Trapp
and Carmen Alleman. Arnis Knut-
son donated two sets of homemade
greeting cards, which were won by
Phyllis Coleman and Loni Olson.
Two Stepping Out to a Life on
the Edge books were given by the
parish and won by Sharon Olivier
and Sheryl Pittman. An angel fig-
urine given by the parish was won
by Janet Hemlspach.
Pelle noted that, for her, Burma
was a wonderful speaker, who de-
livered an inspirational message,
was funny, serious and amazing.
She also felt that the community
was truly blessed to have Burma
here in Philip.
Stepping out to a life on the edge Dear Editor,
I was happy to get your pink card
in the mail so that I could keep get-
ting the news. I look forward to it.
Harry says the Philip paper gets
news from all over the state (and
Im thinking beyond), as well as
local and precious memories of
those who have gone ahead, plus
inspiration and cartoon ads.
/s/Alma Schilling
Redfield, SD
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
For any organization to be suc-
cessful, teamwork must be a core
commodity. For a municipality,
teamwork is absolutely essential.
We all know and appreciate the
teamwork between the various de-
partments, the teamwork between
elected officials and city staff, and
the teamwork between a mayor
and council. But from an elected of-
ficials standpoint, I would like to
single out some unsung players in
this whole teamwork scheme.
Without these unsung players, mu-
nicipal government would have a
hard time functioning at all. The
funny thing about it is that every
community has these unsung play-
ers and they are different in every
These unsung players are the
employers in your communities
that allow their employees to serve
the community as an elected offi-
cial. They are willing to share their
human resource with the commu-
nity as a whole, knowing that there
will be additional demands placed
upon the employees time and tal-
ent. By allowing their employees to
serve their community as an
elected official, they not only allow
their community to operate today
but they allow the vision and goal
to be set for tomorrow.
Every community depends upon
people willing to serve in an elected
capacity, willing to do the work
necessary in the decision making
process that shapes and molds the
community. And for everyone will-
ing to serve, there must be some-
one willing to allow that person to
So you can see that the team-
work necessary for municipal gov-
ernment to function properly
extends beyond the walls of city
hall and includes many others out-
side of government proper. But
whether realized or not they are
showing that they care what kind
of community they have and want
by allowing their employee to be in
a decision making position in their
municipal government. We could
not do it without the flexibility and
willingness of these employers to
allow their employees to serve their
community as an elected official.
In my 17 years as an elected offi-
cial, I have been blessed with sev-
eral employers who have been
willing to allow me to serve my
community and state. I am hum-
bled and honored by their sacrifice.
So here is a big shout out to all the
unsung players/employers across
this great state of South Dakota!
You not only provide us with great
jobs but you also allow us the op-
portunity to serve the greater com-
munity as well. Your generosity
does not go unnoticed.
The South Dakota Municipal
League was organized in 1934 as a
nonpartisan, nonprofit association
of incorporated municipalities in
South Dakota. The Leagues mis-
sion is the cooperative improve-
ment of municipal government in
South Dakota.
/s/Paul Young
president S.D. Municipal League
and Spearfish council member
Letters to the Editor
A kids acrylic painting class, Lets Paint Run-A-Ways, taught by Connie Buskohl-Barney, Sioux Falls, was held at the Philip American Legion Hall, Thursday, July 11. The
classes, including the materials, were hosted by the Haakon and Jackson County 4-H offices, though participants did not have to belong to 4-H. The earlier session
worked on a landscape of trees and their reflection in a lake. Shown left, back row, from left: Shannon Todd, Ben Stangle, Justina Cvach and Noah Johnson. Middle
row: Kaitlyn Knight, Mark Stangle, Amanda McIlravy and Kiarra Moses. Front: Anna Belle McIlravy, McKenna McIlravy, Mallory Vetter and Grace Pekron. The afternoon
class was divided, with some working on a different version of trees reflecting in a lake, and with the others doing a snow scene with focus on a cardinal in the fore-
Lets Paint Run-A-Ways youth acrylic art class
ground. Shown center, back row from left, are Kari Kanable, Colton Crimmins and Katie Butler. Front: Reese Henrie, Taylor
Hanson and Kelcey Butler. Right photo, back row from left: Shaina Solon, Rachel Parsons and Savannah Solon, Middle row:
Gage Weller, elle Moon and Sarah Parsons. Front: Aliana Sargent, Tagg Weller and Josie Rush. Photos by Del Bartels
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 3
Rural Livin
Managing Herbicide
Resistant Weeds
The leadership of the CCA (Cer-
tified Crop Advisor) program
asked the members to take part in
an online survey on the issue of
herbicide-resistant weeds. Nearly
1,700 people responded to ques-
tions about the resistant weed
pressure in their areas, the most
effective management tools and
approaches, and the obstacles to
achieving wider adoption of best
management practices (BMPs) for
managing herbicide resistance.
The respondents came from a
variety of backgrounds, with
roughly 75 percent being retail
agronomists, independent agrono-
mists and retail sales managers.
The remaining respondents were
made up of manufacturer repre-
sentatives, wholesale representa-
tives, Extension and university,
production agriculture, and gov-
ernment employees. The largest
number of responses came from
the north central United States.
Forty-nine percent of respon-
dents reported a moderate level of
resistant weed pressure in their
regions, 34 percent reported mini-
mal, 12 percent heavy, three per-
cent none, and two percent an
epidemic level. When asked what
they felt the most effective tool
was in the fight against resistant
weeds, 52 percent of the CCAs said
different chemical modes of action.
Twenty-four percent listed crop ro-
tation, eight percent tillage, eight
percent Best Management Prac-
tices (BMPs), four percent educa-
tion, three percent new chemical
solutions, and one percent seed.
Herbicide resistant crops have
been available for a number of
years and enjoyed a wide level of
adoption. Nearly 60 percent of re-
spondents thought they were an
extension of the problem, 25 per-
cent thought they were a solution
to the problem, 10 percent consid-
ered them a tool, but not the solu-
tion, three percent considered
them a short-term solution, and
four percent both a solution and
extension to the problem.
When asked what they thought
the next silver bullet in the fight
against herbicide resistant weeds
will come from, 57 percent indi-
cated knowledge and implementa-
tion of BMPs. Nineteen percent of
respondents said there is no silver
bullet, nine percent suggested
chemical solutions, seven percent
thought traits, two percent re-
ported grower innovations, and
one percent suggested mechanical
solutions. Two percent chose a
combination of these choices, an-
other two percent chose all of these
solutions, and one percent selected
As indicated in the second para-
graph, the vast majority of respon-
dents were in some type of
advisory role relative to managing
herbicide resistant weeds and
were asked what describes their
growers actions/thoughts when
considering adoption of weed re-
sistant BMPs. Forty percent said
growers would only adopt BMPs if
resistant weeds became a problem
in their fields. Another 30 percent
responded that their growers were
at least trying BMPs or were
"jumping right in" because it was
the right thing to do. Twenty-five
percent stated that their growers
were open to BMPs, but were also
concerned about the cost and effort
of implementing them. Three per-
centthought their growers would
adopt BMPs only if their neighbors
did too, and five percent chose
other options.
Herbicide resistant weeds is a
very real problem, and becoming
worse. Visit for
more information on managing
8/20-22: DakotaFest, Mitchell
8/27: Winter Wheat Meeting,
6:30 p.m. (CT), Auditorium,
Extension News
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional extension Center
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Since 1906 Member FDIC
TAKE CARE of your
See us for an
More than 110 youth 13 to 19
years of age attended South
Dakota 4-H Youth Council's an-
nual Teen Leadership Conference
hosted at South Dakota State Uni-
versity, Brookings, June 3 -7.
Ben Stangle, attended for his
fourth year. He said that this years
theme, Find the Mystery Within,
involved activities on following
clues throughout the week for each
camper to learn more about what
they wanted to do with their life.
Im still trying to detemine it,
mostly, said Stangle. The camp
gave a lot of different ideas for
what I can do.
The teens also attended work-
shops dealing with health, commu-
nity involvement, leadership and
John Beede, The Climber Guy,
was the keynote speaker during
this event. Beede combined power-
ful success lessons with incredible
adventure stories. Youth were
taught the Climb On! Success
Strategies, the life changing lead-
ership goal setting principles that
focus on creating positive change in
grades, test scores, club perform-
ance, leadership skills, family life,
physical health and overall happi-
ness. In addition, Beede provided a
hands on workshop especially fo-
cused on teenagers, in which he
showed students how to create a
bomb-proof success plan for the
next three to five years.
Stangle said Beede was a really
good speaker, keeping the audience
involved in his interesting stories
which had a message, too. Stangle
said that a lot of people should go
to the annual 4-H teen leadership
Stangle also really liked the two
dances during the camp. The first
was in a big barn a few miles out of
town, That was really cool, said
Stangle. And they had a portable
rock wall that the campers got to
climb. It was interesting racing
people to see who could get to the
top first, said Stangle.
Community service, along with
leadership, is a large focus for the
4-H youth development program.
This year's conference attendees
participated in various service
learning projects. One project took
approximately 20 youth to the
United Retirement Community
Daycare Center. Here the teens
helped organize and clean storage
closets, sort toys and stuffed ani-
mals and played with the children.
Alex's Lemonade Stand is a foun-
dation dedicated to raising funds to
support finding a cure for child-
hood cancer. During the camp,
youth held a lemonade stand and
donated the raised $282 to the
Boys and Girls Club is an after-
school program providing a place
for children to do homework, learn
real life skills, and have a place to
go. At the Boys and Girls Club in
Brookings, the delegates performed
grounds work and interacted with
the kids.
Teens raised mischief and money
during a fundraiser for Feeding
South Dakota, a hunger relief or-
ganization based on trying to elim-
inate hunger in the state of South
Dakota. Students threw whipped-
cream pies at youth council officers,
with proceeds going to Feeding
South Dakota. Along with it being
entertaining, the event raised
Shown is just the center portion of the many human question marks created by campers during the annual 4-H teen lead-
ership conference. Ben Stangle, Milesville, has attended four years. Courtesy photo
Stangle attends 4-H teen leadership camp
As South Dakota youth prepare
for upcoming county and state live-
stock shows many 4-H and FFA
members can also show off their
knowledge and skills during the
livestock skill-a-thons hosted dur-
ing the state livestock shows.
Coordinated by South Dakota
State Univiersity Extension, the
events highlight and reward
youth's knowledge within their an-
imal projects. All 4-H and FFA
members are encouraged to com-
pete in these free events.
There will be age divisions for be-
ginner, junior and senior. Youth do
not need to be an exhibitor in order
to compete and no pre-registration
is required. Youth may enter the
day of the event. Participants can
come during the time frame sched-
uled and expect to complete the
contest in 20-30 minutes.
The top five individuals in the
three age divisions will be recog-
nized. Winners will receive items to
encourage future development of
their own livestock projects.
Awards will be presented during
the various livestock shows.
The South Dakota Summer Spot-
light kicks off the first livestock
skill-a-thon on July 27 from 9:00
a.m. to noon in the Livestock Com-
plex at the South Dakota State
Fairgrounds in Huron. The contest
allows youth to demonstrate their
understanding and practical appli-
cation of livestock managerial
skills in the beef, sheep, swine and
meat goat areas.
Skill-a-thon stations will focus
on animal selection, meats, animal
health and welfare, nutrition and
reproduction. Youth who partici-
pate in the skill-a-thon will be ex-
posed to current and new
technology being utilized in live-
stock production while performing
hands on exercises and developing
their critical thinking and problem
solving skills through demonstra-
tion or matching type activities.
The South Dakota State Fair will
host four separate skill-a-thons:
beef, sheep, swine, and new to 2013
goat. On August 30, the swine skill-
a-thon will be from 9:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m. CDT and the sheep skill-
a-thon 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CDT.
On August 31 the beef skill-a-thon
is from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CDT
and the goat skill-a-thon will run
from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CDT.
The new goat skill-a-thon will ex-
pose youth to both the meat and
dairy production sides of the goat
In addition to the livestock skill-
a-thons at State Fair, 4-H youth,
ages 11 to 18, that are exhibiting
beef, sheep, or swine may enter the
premier exhibitor program. Partic-
ipants in this contest will practice
their decision making and commu-
nication skills by competing in four
events: industry interview, skill-a-
thon, production and management
quiz, and showmanship. A panel of
judges, representing the South
Dakota beef, sheep or swine indus-
tries, will ask a few short questions
during the industry interview and
score youth on accuracy of their an-
swers and overall presentation
skills. Contact your local 4-H youth
program advisor to register for pre-
mier exhibitor.
Finally, the Western Junior
Livestock Show October 9-12 in
Rapid City will be adding a live-
stock skill-a-thon to its schedule for
any youth to participate.
For a full list of rules and sug-
gested study resources to help
youth prepare for the livestock
skill-a-thons this summer, refer-
ence the South Dakota State Fair
4-H Division Handbook. For ques-
tions about the premier exhibitor
or skill-a-thons, contact SDSU Ex-
tension 4-H youth livestock field
specialist Megan Nielson at
Skill-a-thons for 4-H, FFA
Pioneer Review 859-2516
The South Dakota Department
of Agricultures division of agricul-
tural development has assigned
representatives to specific regions
in South Dakota.
In working with Secretary
Lentschs vision to streamline
SDDAs efforts and increase effi-
ciencies, we are excited to be taking
this new approach to best serve
South Dakotas agriculture com-
munity, said Paul Kostboth, direc-
tor of agricultural development.
In the past, agricultural develop-
ment specialists have worked
throughout the state. Agricultural
developments new representatives
will now focus on specific regions of
the state, serving as a resource for
all local agriculture related efforts.
This regional focus will give the
division of agricultural develop-
ment a better way to be a consis-
tent local resource, said Kostboth.
Representatives will be reaching
out to the counties, towns, town-
ships, economic development
groups and producers in their re-
gions over the coming weeks and
Agriculture is the only industry
that is consistently investing in
rural South Dakota, said Kost-
both. We want to work closely
with local leaders, supporting their
efforts to pursue those investment
opportunities that are so vital to
the ongoing success of their com-
A map and contact information
for the regional representatives can
be found at
Department of Agriculture
reorganizes ag development
Hit & Miss
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen
Elderly Meals
Thursday, July 18: Tamales,
Mexican Rice, Borracho Beans,
Friday, July 19: BBQ Pork
Sandwiches, Sweet Potato Fries,
Cucumber Salad, Cranberry Or-
ange Delight.
Monday, July 22: Turkey Burg-
ers, Baked Beans, Cantaloupe,
Blonde Brownies.
Tuesday, July 23: Chicken Al-
fredo, Malibu Veggies, Garlic
Bread, Fruit.
Wednesday, July 24: Special
Meal Fried Chicken, Mashed Po-
tatoes and Gravy, Corn, Water-
melon, Ice Cream.
Congratulations to Michael and
Allison Moses on the birth of a son,
Camden Michael Moses, born July
9, 2013. Michael is the son of Mike
and Shar Moses. Camden was born
on his great-grandpa Clark Morri-
sons 85 birthday.
Friday, July 5, at Somerset
Court, we had Wii bowling and in
the afternoon several played whist
and five crowns. Addies minister,
Pastor Free, stopped by to visit.
My daughter, Delores Denke,
Pavillion, Wyo., wrote that they
have way too many blackbirds. She
even shot a couple and gave them
to the cats. Delores mentioned that
her grandson, Dylan Mair, is get-
ting married in August. He lives in
Texas and works partly in
Louisiana. Carla, his fiance, lives
in Plano, Texas, where they plan to
Delores said that their hay crop
is good and of good quality and the
weather has been favorable for get-
ting it dry. Their son, Richard, and
wife Angela are getting their new
house finished.
An email from my granddaugh-
ter, Tiffany Engelbrecht, (M.R. and
Barbaras daughter) is forwarded
from M.R. He said that they have
received their green cards, so are
now legal aliens in Mongolia for
one year. They have received their
camping supplies. They have found
a restaurant with WiFi and
chicken, a welcome relief from mut-
ton. Cotton is in the air there. I did-
nt know they had cottonwood trees
in Mongolia!
Saturday, July 6, it was a pretty
day for walking outdoors or sitting
in the shade. Then about 4:00 p.m.
it rained a little.
Helen Larson is a new resident
here at Somerset Court and her old
hometown was De Smet.
Thursdays Rapid City Journal
had quite a few fishing tips: Orman
Dam for walleye, Belle Fourche
River, north of New Underwood,
catfish on stink bait and shrimp,
Spearfish Creek and Castle Creek,
on tricos in morning and caddis in
the evening. Pactola Reservoir was
reported to be a good place for kids
to fish for blue gills and crappies.
Try fly fishing in Rapid Creek with
imitation terrestrials, Stockade
Lake was reported to have some
good sized northern taken on dare-
devils and Sylvan Lake, 10 to 14
inch rainbows were taken on buck-
shot spoonbills near the kayak
Ray Kraemer is expecting his
daughter in from Tennessee. Ken-
neth Monette had a granddaughter
visiting, of a size who may ride on
his walker.
New resident at Somerset Court,
Doris Bigler, arrived July 6.
Thank you to my daughter,
Carol, and husband Al Vogan for
the Smithsonian magazine which
arrived July 6. It has an article
about Higgs Boson, in case you
have heard of it, or maybe gone
even so far as wondered about it.
And an amusing story about Jackie
Mitchell, nine, (a girl) who actually
played baseball with Babe Ruth
and Lou Gehrig.
Happy birthday to Somerset
Court resident, Marcella Craft,
July 7.
Sunday, July 7 at Somerset
Court we had church with Terry
Pulse and Steve. Jack Humke
played the piano and we sang sev-
eral patriotic songs. A prayer was
offered for the 19 firefighters who
died on Tuesday. Terry hoped that
we read the Bible and prayed
We can only hope and pray. Most
of the time, we wonder why things
happen and we have a hard time
trying to figure out why we have
tragedy after tragedy. There are
lots of things that we think are
good going on too. Is there some
sort of balance?
I am filled with wonder at the
beauty of the sky, for example, or
for that matter, the glorious vari-
ety in a rock pile.
For myself, I see that I could be
a better friend to people around
me. Not a thing I like to do.
Somerset Court resident, Eileen
Tenold, had company over the
weekend, her friend, David Placek,
from Lemmon.
Sam Young from California vis-
ited his mother, Mildred Young,
Sunday, July 7, at Somerset Court.
The Rapid City Journal on July
7, 2013, had an article about the
South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology and its part in a new
research center. Steve Smith,
Ph.D., director of SDSM&T
nanoscience and nanoengineering
program will lead the SDSM&T
part of the collaboration of
SDSM&T, South Dakota State
University and the University of
South Dakota.
Shawn Hofstutler took her twin
sons, Jamie and Jeremy, age 11, to
play in a baseball tournament, July
I had visitors July 8. My son,
Wayne, and daughter-in-law,
Gwynn Hansen, returned July 7
from California where they had vis-
ited their son, Mike, and family.
They also stayed with the four-
year-old twins, Owen and Ella,
while and Mike and Christine va-
cationed in Hawaii. Thanks for
your visit. It is nice youre back.
July 8, I received three hand
written letters. One was from Mary
Jo Van Dell, an artist from Stillwa-
ter, Minn. I had met her in Wall
Drug last year. She had bought a
red hat and a tablet of writing
paper that looked like it was an ac-
count book with yellowed pages.
JoAnn enclosed a print of one of
her paintings from her South
Dakota trip. The painting is of a
two-laned highway with snow all
over the hills on both sides. Thank
you, Mary Jo. I will try to get a
color print of her painting to put in
our Somerset Court scrapbook by
the fireplace.
Another letter was from Rev.
Paul Lupkes, Rapid City, who
served as our pastor here at Som-
erset Court on the fifth Sunday in
June. He enclosed a booklet of pa-
triotic writings. I plan to put it in
our file with Hit and Miss. Paul
and Gladys go to Echo Ridge As-
sisted Living on two Sundays a
month and Sunday to the Victo-
rian. Thank you. The third letter
was from my niece, Alma (Hulett)
Schilling, Redfield. She wrote a
light-hearted letter. I am glad to re-
port, and enclosed a generous num-
ber of bright colored muscle car
stamps and Johnny Cash stamps.
Thank you, Alma.
Alma remembers that during
World War II, people were re-
minded to write on both sides of the
paper to save paper, and to make
open face sandwiches to save
bread. My mother, Almas grand-
mother, learned to knit at the Red
Cross. Alma learned to knit a little
too. Grandma Palmer made her a
victory dress out of scraps of mate-
rial with a bias tape V on the front.
My friend and grade school class-
mate, Jean Burns, passed away
July 7, 2013. We were near country
neighbors (two miles, cutting
across). I knew her when she was a
tot in a sunbonnet. Jean was a good
friend in school and in our 4-H
club. (Jean got blisters walking
over to Huletts for a meeting.) And
we were also neighbors when we
had children. We owed her money
when Homer died. I hope we paid
it promptly! Over the years, I re-
member her kindness to my son,
Hans P. Hansen. She always had
us over for tea and cookies when we
came to Philip. Other facets of her
personality may be found in her
obituary in the Rapid City Journal
of July 9, 2013. I plan to post it in
the Somerset Court scrapbook by
the fireplace.
July 9, at Somerset Court, we
had goofy golf. Thank you, Susan
and Sandi.
After lunch, I went to visit Som-
erset Court resident, Berniece
Christensen. She came from Cava-
lier, N.D. She had been a home eco-
nomics teacher. She has a great
interest in crocheting. She has
doilies everywhere, a huge ivory-
colored tablecloth crocheted with
number 10 thread. She said that
she always uses DMC, the most fa-
mous brand, produced in France. It
is about six feet across, with three
rows of pineapple and other de-
signs. She has colored yarn
afghans, most delightful. I took
photos of Berniece with her cro-
cheted items and her scrapbook
which is an elegant album of pho-
tos, a work of art. She belonged to
a scrapbooking club. Thank you for
inviting me, Berniece.
At 3:00 p.m., Sharon rolled up
my hair and I went outside to dry
it. It was warm and breezy and I
walked all the way around Somer-
set Court building. There is a side-
walk on all but the west side. The
west side is a nubby lawn and it is
slow going with a walker.
Over her vacation Sandi finished
putting together a beautiful quilt
top. She showed us an article from
a quilting magazine that said,
How green was my stash. Thank
you for showing us the quilt top,
Wednesday, July 10, 2013, we
had resident council at Somerset
Court. Shawn reviewed a few high-
lights planned for July at Somerset
Court like cooking with Sandi,
quilting, foot clinic, bingo with the
Boys Club, lunch out on the 17th,
Mt. Rushmore trip, New Horizons
band, root beer party, picnic in the
park, stair climbing, ice cream trip,
staff picnic and residents will have
box lunches brought to their apart-
ments or we can gather in the ac-
tivity garden with our lunches and
have coffee and visit. July 30 is the
birthday bash and the 31st Jim
Thompson, cowboy poet, will be
here. Sometime in August, Somer-
set Court plans to have a fish fry in
the courtyard. This is very popular.
Fire drill procedures was made
more clear. Stay in your apart-
ment, unless staff requests you to
go elsewhere.
Residents expressed thanks to
the management for the fine picnic
lunch we had July 4. We had 108 at
lunch, as there were quite a few
visitors who made up for residents
who were gone.
Thanks were expressed for all
the staff does for the comfort,
safety and enjoyment of residents.
July 10, 2013, Somerset Court
residents were entertained by a
youth group of 24 singers, accom-
panied by some adults from Grand
Prairie, Texas. They harmoniously
sang several favorite old hymns
with the accompaniment of a gui-
tar. Their voices poured out. They
wore jeans and matching purple
shirts that said, We Represent.
These singers are from the sixth
grade through high school. We en-
joyed their singing and they were
friendly and stopped to shake our
hands and visit. Our activity direc-
tors served drinks and ooey, gooey
coconut, chocolate macaroons!
These youngsters had played
soccer on the field just north of
Somerset Court and planned to
play a little more July 11. They
were also to sing at Piedmont
where the church will feed them.
They were to also visit Mt. Rush-
more. They tour Texas one year
and the next year they travel to a
different state. We thank them for
coming to Somerset Court.
My son, Wayne, and his wife,
Gwynn, came for lunch Thursday
and brought some of those little
perch all cooked. I had one for
lunch. Thanks for your visit and for
the best fish!
July 11, Mike Kilmer came to
visit his mother, Maxine, at Somer-
set Court.
M.R. Hansen emailed from Mon-
golia. It is the national holiday of
Naadam, July 10, 11 and 12, which
features archery, horse racing and
wrestling. The horseback racers
are children and it may become a
law they have to wear helmets. The
races are 20, 30, and 40 kilometers.
Archery is for men and women.
Wrestling is for men only, wearing
traditional costume. (Maybe noth-
ing at all?) There is much drinking
of airag, arkhi, and shimin arkhi,
which I believe are made of horse
milk. And there is beer, wine and
whiskey. Thank you for your email,
Friday, July 12, we made peach
cupcakes at cooking with Sandi.
They were really good and were
topped with lots of whipped cream.
Bits of enlightening conversation
included the fact that you can still
get pickled pigs feet at Christmas
in Mobridge. And at a town in
Pennsylvania, that Anne Brink
was acquainted with, (Cambridge
Springs) had been a big town with
a Carnation milk plant, and now
has dwindled to sort of a one horse
town. Anne Brink reported that
there are a good many Hutterites
and Mennonites in that area.
These people go where there is
need and work for free. A group of
them were out at a farm repairing
a wind-damaged building and some
newsmen came out to get a story
and photos. The colony people left,
as they did not want their photos
Friday afternoon, we had music
with Skeeter. That is Skeeter
Boyer and his band. There is a
piano, accordion, saxophone and
another guitar man. We enjoyed
their music very much. We sang
along with some old familiar num-
bers. A good crowd attended.
July 11, 2013, Philip Pioneer Re-
view arrived at Somerset Court on
July 12. The front page news was
about Dr. Coen and Trudie Klooper
becoming U.S. citizens at the re-
cent naturalization ceremony at
Mt. Rushmore. They had been on
green cards for years from South
continued on page 14
Summer Hours:
Monday thru Friday:
11 am to 7 pm
Saturdays: 11 am to ???
- Closed Sundays -
859-2430 PhiIip
Gem Theare
SS9-2000 - PbIIIp
July 19-20-21-22:
The Lone Ranger
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.

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Lindsy ReagIe 279-2153
| \
~ , ~
| ,
JuIy 25
K-gee`s Bldg.
Downtown PhiIip
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Roast Beef Dinner
starting at 12 p.m.
Bad River Sr.
Citizen's Center
AII proceeds go to
ReIay For Life

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Still accepting
vendors with crafts
& homemade items.
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Funeral services were held for
Mildred O'Grady, mother of Karen
Carley, Thursday in the New Un-
derwood Community Church. All of
Karen's sisters were able to be
there. She spent most of last week
with her dad and sisters there in
New Underwood.
We received word Saturday of
the death of my nephew, Don Thor-
son, age 53. He had suffered a
heart attack a week ago and was in
critical condition in a Medford,
Ore., hospital.
Kara Parsons attended her 40
year class reunion from Wall High
School over the weekend.
Little Preston Hanrahan, son of
Chad and Kathy, was baptized
Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic
Church in Milesville. His godpar-
ents were Kathy's brother, Donnie
Petersen, and Chad's sister, Kalie
Hanrahan. Many family members
attended the occasion.
Rayler Fitch had his fourth
birthday Wednesday. They cele-
brated by having a little party in
the park in Philip, but because of
the hot day they ended up eating at
Burjes and Cheryl Fitch's house.
Saturday, Connor Hovland cele-
brated his sixth birthday. Erin,
Connor and Mackenzie went to
Philip where they met Quentin and
Kylie Riggins, Tim and Wes, and
grandma Debbie Prouty at the
swimming pool for the afternoon.
That evening, Allen Hovland came
over to Miles and Erin's home for
supper. Sunday they celebrated
again with cake and ice cream at
the park with Allen Hovland, Joe
and Debbie Prouty, Kelly and
Deanna Fees and Ann Fees
Friday, Vonda and Carson
Hamill traveled to Union Center
where they picked up Davey
Furois. Davey is the son of Hamill's
good friend, Mike Furois. Davey
and his family moved to Spokane
in the last year and he was back in
South Dakota visiting family and
Nick Hamill spent from Tuesday
through Friday attending a FFA
leadership retreat at Camp Bob
Marshall near Custer.
Hannah Parsons left Saturday
after spending a week with her
grandparents, Bill and Connie Par-
sons. She was on her way to
Omaha for some classes.
Milesville News
by Janice Parsons 544-3315
First Lutheran Church, Philip,
Mary, Martha & Many Faithful
Women Vacation Bible School
July 22-25 (Monday-Thursday)
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tell your friends to come too!
Please bring a sack lunch, drinks provided
ister call S
at 4
at th
e ch
Please join us for a Bridal Shower honoring
Ashley Berry
Saturday, July 27th at 2:00 p.m.
Community E. Free Church
Phi lip, SD
Lets shower her with lots of love & goodies!
The couple is registered at Target
and Bed, Bath & Beyond
Hosted by Kimberly Roth (605) 210-3252
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting
monthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the other
meets on the second Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at
the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru
Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
* * * * * *
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
* * * * * *
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
* * * * * *
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * *
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services: 1:00 p.m.
* * * * * *
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study -
7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 8:00
* * * * *
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-
Sunday Worship:
10:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday
Every Month:
Contemporary Worship,
7:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday
at 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * * *
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession
from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass:
5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass:
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass:
8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30
a.m. at Philip Nursing
* * * * * *
Midland 859-2664 or
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00
p.m. (Feb., April, June,
Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
* * * * * *
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
Scc lhcn lhal yc walk
crcumscclly, nol as
lools, bul as wsc
Fhcsans S:1S

How diIigcnt arc you in your waIk

with God! Do you strivc to Iivc
cvcry momcnt of cvcry day for Him!
Thc wisc do. DiIigcncc is thc kcy to a
hoIy Iifc. ]ust as your job rcquircs
diIigcncc, so docs your waIk with
God. livc for Him aIways.
Church & Community Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 5
obituaries ontinued on page 7
Send obituaries,
& wedding
write-ups to:
There is no
On the go all
the time?
Dont miss an
issue of the
Pioneer Review!
online at:
Dr. Thomas F. Malone, son of
the late John and Mary Malone,
Haakon County homesteaders near
Milesville, S.D., passed away at his
home in West Hartford, Conn., on
July 6, 2013. He was 96.
A 1936 graduate of Philip High
School, Tom was elected to the
Philip High School Hall of Fame in
1986 and to the South Dakota Hall
of Fame in 2003. He graduated
with High Honors from the South
Dakota School of Mines & Technol-
ogy in 1940 and was awarded an
honorary doctorate of engineering
from SDSM&T in 1962. He was the
first recipient of its prestigious Guy
March Medal in 1976. He earned a
doctorate from MIT in 1946 and
held a tenured academic appoint-
ment there.
In the business world, he was a
senior vice president and director
of research for the Travelers Insur-
ance Company in Hartford. Malone
had been president of the SDSM&T
Alumni organization, the American
Meteorological Society, the Ameri-
can Geophysical Union, and of the
30,000-member Sigma Xi, the Sci-
entific Research (honor) Society.
He had also been a vice president
of the International Council for Sci-
ence. He was editor of the 1300-
page Compendium of Meteorology
that in 1951 outlined new research
vistas in that field and led to cre-
ation of a National Academy of Sci-
ences committee, on which he had
a prominent role, to pursue these
opportunities. He then led the ef-
forts by United States universities
to implement the academys recom-
mendation, including the founding
of the National Center for Atmos-
pheric Research (NCAR). In 2000,
he was inducted into the Founders
Circle of NCAR in Boulder, Colo.,
in recognition of his contributions.
In international science, he set
forth a vision of a world society in
which all of the basic human needs
and an equitable share of lifes
amenities would be met by every
individual while maintaining a
sustainable environment. For his
initiatives in organizing interna-
tional cooperation, Malone was
elected to the National Academy of
Sciences in 1968 and served as the
academys foreign secretary from
1978 to 1982. He had also been
awarded honorary doctorates by
Bates College, Saint Joseph Col-
lege in West Hartford and in 2007
by Connecticuts Wesleyan Univer-
sity for your tireless efforts as a
steward of Mother Earth are man-
ifestations of your personal com-
mitment, as a man of science and a
man of deep faith, to making life on
the planet sustainable for all peo-
ple for all time.
He leaves his wife, Rosalie
(Doran), formerly from Sturgis, of
70 years, six children, 17 grand-
children and six great-grandchil-
(See the write-up in the Pioneer
Review, Vol. 78, No. 42, June 28,
Dr. Thomas F. Malone___________________________
Myrtle Alma Rose Holst, age 89,
of Denton, Texas, died January 15,
2013, at the Silver Stone Home in
Graveside services will be held
at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July 21, at
the Rose Cemetery near Creighton,
S.D., with Duane Holst officiating.
The funeral procession will be
leaving the Wall Drug Store in
Wall at 10:30 a.m. Sunday for
those that want to go with the fam-
ily to the cemetery.
Myrtle Alma Rose Holst was
born on November 20, 1923, in a
log cabin in Pennington County to
Freeman and Penila (Potter) Rose.
She married Roger Duane Holst
on June 21, 1951 in Rapid City.
She worked in a variety of areas
but principally as a long distance
operator for Bell Telephone, an air-
plane relay tech during World War
II and most recently custodian for
her church. She also was a home-
maker and mother of four.
She is survived by her four chil-
dren, Diana Reaves and husband,
Bernard (Jack), of Aubrey; Texas,
Duane Holst of Midland, Texas,
Debra Holst of Dallas, Texas, and
Dawne Holst Adamson of Roseville,
Calif.; and four grandchildren,
Troy Reaves of Flower Mound,
Texas, Denise Chambers of Den-
ton, Michael Gratzinger of Bluff-
dale, Utah, and Michelle Ross of
Washington, D.C.; nine great-
grandchildren; and a host of other
relatives and friends.
Arrangement are with the Rush
Funeral Chapel of Wall.
Myrtle Alma Rose Holst____________
Faith Kunz, age 73, of Sioux
Falls, S.D., formerly of Philip, died
Thursday evening, July 11, 2013,
at the Sanford USD Medical Cen-
ter in Sioux Falls.
Arla Faith Johnson was born on
August 9, 1939 in Wasta to A.E.
Doll and Fern (Crosmer) John-
son. She grew up in the heart of the
Badlands in Interior and gradu-
ated valedictorian from Interior
High School in 1957.
As a young woman, she moved to
Omaha, Neb., to attend airline
hostess training. In the fall of 1958,
she attended Northern State Uni-
versity in Aberdeen, where she met
her future husband, Ted K. Kunz.
Ted and Faith were united in
marriage on June 5, 1960, in
Pierre. They made their first home
in Britton where she worked as a
school secretary. A year later, she
stayed home to raise her children
until moving to Philip in the sum-
mer of 1987. Referring to Philip as
Gods country, Faith loved living
there and she considered it a bless-
ing and privilege to spend time
with her mom. Faith loved caring
for children, so she decided to open
a day care in their home for a num-
ber of years. Ted and Faith contin-
ued to make their home in Philip,
until moving to Sioux Falls in July
Over the years, Faith was an ac-
tive member of the United Church
where she served on various com-
mittees. She was dedicated and
continued to show her love of work-
ing with children by teaching Sun-
day school and by volunteering
with the summer vacation Bible
programs. She was at her best, and
her happiest, helping others; she
loved every second that she was
able to spend with her family, her
mom or her grandchildren. She
was a faithful servant of God and
enjoyed reading her daily Bible.
Faith was preceded in death by
her husband of 51 years, Ted on
September 2, 2011.
Grateful for sharing her life are
her children, Rob Kunz and his
wife, Nancy, of Sioux Falls, Connie
Schmiesing and her husband, De-
Wayne, of Sioux Falls, Linda
Fisher and her husband, Travis, of
Polson, Mont., Randy Kunz and his
wife, Nichole, of Berthold, N.D.,
and Andrew Kunz and his wife,
Lisa, of Sioux Falls; 11 grandchil-
dren, Alex and Lauren Kunz,
James Schmiesing, Mollie and
Samuel Fisher, Taylor, Lanie,
Jackson, and Connor Kunz,
Joseph and Claire Kunz; two broth-
ers, Daryl Johnson and his wife,
Petey, of Stanwood, Wash., and
Harry Johnson and his wife, Flo-
rence, of Watertown; one sister,
Deanna Hilton and her husband,
Billy, of Rapid City; special friend,
Caleb Clements of Chamberlain;
and a host of other relatives and
In addition to her husband, Ted,
Faith was preceded in death by in-
fant daughter, Julie Marie Kunz;
her parents, Doll and Fern John-
son; infant brother, Arell Johnson;
her parents-in-law, Andrew and
Lizzie Kunz; two brothers-in-law,
John and Alvin Kunz; and one sis-
ter-in-law, Adelaide Kunz.
Services were held Tuesday,
July 16, at the United Church in
Philip, with Pastor Kathy Chesney
Music was provided by Sally
Jankord, pianist, and Alex Kunz,
vocalist. Ushers were Norm Payne
and Milo Zeeb.
Pallbearers were Rob, Randy,
Andrew and Alex Kunz, DeWayne
and James Schmiesing, Travis
Fisher and Caleb Clements. Junior
pallbearers were Lauren, Taylor,
Lanie, Mollie, Samuel, Jackson,
Connor, Joseph and Claire.
Interment was at the Masonic
Cemetery in Philip.
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Arla Faith Kunz________________________________
Floyd Speed Bendickson, age
81 of Philip, S.D., died Wednesday,
July 10, 2013, at the Hans P. Peter-
son Memorial Hospital in Philip.
Floyd B. Speed Bendickson,
was born September 14, 1931, in
Henning, Minn., the son of Benny
and Bertha (Underhill) Bendick-
son. He started his ranching career
working for Bob and Inga Blair at
the age of 14.
Floyd enlisted into the U.S.
Army in December, 1950 and
served in the Army Rangers in
Korea. He was wounded and was in
the hospital in Japan. He returned
home 1954.
Floyd married the love of his life,
Berit Irene Ingebrigtsen, on Octo-
ber 2, 1954. From this blessed
union four children were born.
They started their marriage at the
Rameys ranch from 1955 to 1956
and then worked for Bob and Inga
Blair from 1956 to 1959. In 1959,
they moved to Milesville where
they leased and worked for 10
years until 1969. Floyd eventually
purchased his own ranch in Cotton-
wood in January 1970, making a
home and living for his family.
Floyd also worked for Cenex for 20
years, delivering fuel to local farm-
ers and always having candy for
their children. Floyd and Berit sold
the ranch in 2006 and moved into
Philip to spend their retirement.
Floyd loved ranching, fishing,
and watching rodeos. He was
blessed with four children, 13
grandchildren and 15 great-grand-
Floyd is survived by his wife of
58 years, Berit Bendickson; a
daughter, JoAnn West (Doug); two
sons, Kieth Bendickson (Pauline),
and Kent Bendickson (Diana); two
sisters, Bonnie Peters (Roy Dow)
and Darlene Morency (Norm); two
,brothers, Delbert Bendickson
(Gail), Kenneth Bendickson
(Glenda); a special nephew, Jim
Peters; and favorite fishing buddy
Mike Hanson.
He was preceded in death by his
parents, Benny and Bertha; sisters,
Joann and Arlene Bendickson; a
son, Floyd Bendickson, Jr; and a
grandson, Jeremiah Bendickson.
Services were held Monday, July
15 , at the American Legion Hall in
Philip with Pastor Frezil Wester-
lund officiating.
Music was provided by Marilyln
Millage, pianist, and Kim Kanable,
Ushers were Scott Kennedy and
Mel Smith.
Military graveside services were
held Monday at the Black Hills Na-
tional Cemetery near Sturgis.
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
His online guestbook is available
Floyd Speed Bendickson_________________________
Mildred OGrady, 82, died peace-
fully Sunday, July 7, 2013, at Good
Samaritan Society in New Under-
wood, S.D.
Mildred fought and overcame
many battles with her health, in-
cluding having a kidney transplant
in 1992. She finally lost the battle
when she contracted Para in-
fluenza and was welcomed home to
rest in the arms of Jesus.
Millie was born August 14, 1930,
in Duluth, Minn., to William and
Mildred Fritze. She married Frank
OGrady on October 16, 1948. To
this union were born five girls and
one boy. Frank was in the Air Force
and they were stationed in many
locations before being stationed at
Ellsworth AFB. They loved it here
and decided to settle and retire in
the Black Hills area. Millie worked
as a telephone operator for 18
She is survived by her husband,
Frank OGrady; five daughters,
Kathi (Sig) Martin, Karen (Phil)
Carley, Kim (Ron) Plender, Mary
(Mark) Wiebe, and Patricia (Gary)
Moreno; one son, Jim (Glenna) O-
Grady; 29 grandchildren; 41 great-
grandchildren; a
great-great-granddaughter; and
two sisters, Artha (Oscar) Peterson
and Carol (H.T.) Hughes; as well as
numerous nieces and nephews.
Millie was preceded in death by
two grandchildren, James Stone-
barger and Karissa Moreno.
Her husband, children and those
who love her will miss her greatly.
Services were held Thursday,
July 11, at the New Underwood
Community Church with Pastor
Wes Wileman officiating. Burial
will be at noon at Black Hills Na-
tional Cemetery near Sturgis.
A memorial has been estab-
lished to the Good Samaritan Soci-
ety in New Underwood.
Family and friends may sign
Millies online guestbook at
Mildred OGrady________________
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 6
Contact Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Midland News
It is an overcast day this Mon-
day morning with much humidity.
Sunday was one of those days
when the temperatures were in the
low 70s and windows were open. I
do enjoy those kinds of days. Gar-
den produce is doing well and dont
the flowers have a rich color to
them? The prettiest I have seen for
some time. I know Ive mentioned
it before, but the trees are just so
full with their lush, green leaves.
With the clouds yesterday and
clouds earlier today one keeps hop-
ing those clouds will bring us some
rain, but so far they have not. You
see harvest equipment going down
the road, but crops arent ready to
be harvested in this area. A num-
ber of winter wheat crops didnt
make it so other crops were
planted. It will be some time before
they are ready for harvest. Soon
those motorcycles will roar down
the highway headed for Sturgis.
Its really quite something to see.
Dont have a whole lot of news this
week. Folks I called said they
havent been going much, just
keeping busy with garden and yard
work and taking care of things on
the farm.
In asking Judy Daly about news
she reports they have been staying
pretty much to home getting things
done on the farm. She did go to
Philip Saturday picking up her
mom, Marie Anderson, and an-
other lady from Silverleaf Assisted
Living taking them to hear Deb
Burma speak. Judy also reported
our former trailer house has been
moved to the spot planned for it to
be and Steve, Julie, Carson and
Dane Daly spent the night there
Sunday. It was a cool evening so
they were able to have the windows
open. Judy said anytime Jerry and
I want to come out and see where
that trailer house has found a new
home we are welcome to do so. So,
we will have to make a trip west
and south to the Daly ranch some-
time in the near future. Carson and
Dane can give us the grand tour.
Saturday, I went with Karel
Reiman to Philip to hear Deb
Burma speak at the Philip Legion
Hall. Deb is the daughter of Dick
and Gene Hudson. Deb is a writer,
speaker, womens ministry leader,
wife, mother, daughter, sister,
friend, and runner. She and her
family currently make there home
in Nebraska. Ladies from Western
New Hope churches served a deli-
cious luncheon of salads and bars.
Deb has written and published a
book, Stepping Out to a Life on the
Edge. I can see why Deb is asked
to speak at different womens con-
ventions, she is a motivational
speaker and shared parts of her
book and I liked what she had writ-
ten on a part of her bookmark,
Stepping out in faith because He
steps in with His grace. It was an
enjoyable and inspirational after-
noon. I also liked how she fit mem-
ories into her talk of her grandma,
Sylvia Snook, who many of us re-
member as a woman of wit, humor,
knowledge and a love for life.
Thanks for sharing, Deb.
Those gathering at the Midland
City Park Wednesday having a
chance to visit with Derek and Ale-
sha Flom and kids of Moore, Okla.,
were David and Beth Flom, Marion
Nelson, Philip, Ed and Dixie Flom,
Lee and Nathan Gerlach and
Trent, Pierre, Nick Massmann,
Sioux Falls, (who is married to
Amanda Jensen who was unable to
come because she had to work)
Rose Nelson, Daniel and Haeyoung
Flom and David (Daniels son),
Belle Fourche, Janet (Flom)
Gourneau, Pierre, and Clint,
Brenda and Joshua Jensen.
Family has been making trips to
Philip to see Jerry Hunt, who is in
the Philip hospital and is not doing
well. Those coming from a distance
were Shari (Hunt) Estep, Austin,
Texas, who came Wednesday
evening and left this Monday
morning. Roger and Peg (Hunt)
Johnson, Pierre, came Sunday.
Lisa (Hunt) Hackerott and her son,
Stuart, came from Smith Center,
Kan. Families from Midland have
been to see Jerry a number of times
and have also been busy going
through things at the home of their
parents the late Lyle and Ida Hunt.
Anyone who has gone through this
knows it is not an easy time. Our
prayers are with Jerry and his fam-
Ernie and Laurel Nemec left
July 9 for Faribault, Minn., to at-
tend the third John and Tena Shee-
ley reunion. The first cousins who
attended were Teresa McLaughlin
and Tom Nemec (Farmington,
Minn.), Ernie Nemec, Sally Ehlers,
Judy Fosheim, and John Nemec
(Midland), Bob Sheeley (Colorado
City, Colo.), Bev Johnson (High-
lands Ranch, Colo.), Gary Sheeley
(Urbandale, Iowa), Mary Eudy
(Missoula, Mont.), Charlotte Hand
(Willmar, Minn.). This years re-
union was organized by LeRoy
McLaughlin (Teresas son of Farm-
ington, Minn.) and Adam Nemec
(Toms son of Elysian, Minn.). A
total of 100 members attended the
reunion from all over the U.S.A.
The reunion was held at Camp
Faribault in Faribault, Minn.,
where a large number of the family
camped and tented. However, Sat-
urday morning events became
extra exciting when 7.7 of rain fell.
The nearby creek went way out of
its banks and flooded over half the
campground. The tent area had
over five feet of water. The recre-
ation hall where Saturdays re-
union events were supposed to be
held was flooded out, as well, and
the campground hosts wanted
them to cancel the days events.
But the family rallied together to
move picnic tables, trashcans, and
food over to a dry area near Ernie
and Randys campers to continue
the festivities.
Ernie made homemade ice
cream on both Friday and Satur-
day night, they played bingo, held
a Newlywed game, and enjoyed
lots of picture taking, viewing and
visiting. Family members said
goodbyes Sunday looking forward
to the next reunion that will be
planned and coordinated by Rick
and Sue Nemec (Ernies son of
Hazel Green, Wis.) in 2015.
Ernie also celebrated his 75th
birthday on July 11 while they
were gone. After a relaxing day at
the campground and exploring,
Randy and Holly took Ernie, Lau-
rel, Becky and Josiah (Sioux Falls)
out for supper at The Depot in
Faribault, Minn. Ernie enjoyed all
five of his kids being at the reunion
festivities, as well. Sounds like a
good time mixed in with a little ex-
citement over all the water from
the rains. Thanks Becky for send-
ing me the news item of the family
Some may remember Dr.
Charles E. Tesar formerly of Michi-
gan coming to Midland January of
1951 where he was the doctor in
the town of Midland for a time. His
wife, Becky, was a cousin to Faye
(Berry) Jones. Becky passed away
recently. Our condolences to the
Gene and Audrey Jones spent a
couple days in Rapid City last week
to visit daughters, Paula Jones and
Julie Jones-Whitcher, and family
and to get acquainted with their
new grandson. Congratulations to
Jeremiah and Julie on the birth of
Walt Edward Whitcher who was
born on Wednesday, July 10. This
was special as his Uncle Rich
Jones' birthday and Aunt Lisa and
Matt Foley's anniversary is also
that day.
Tuesday, Christal (Nemec)
Prichard and son Nick from north-
ern Minnesota stopped briefly at
her aunt and uncle's home on their
way to tour in the Black Hills.
Christal is one of Leo and Betty
(Standiford) Nemec's daughters.
Leo and Betty live near Littlefork,
Thats about it for the news this
week hope to have more next
week. Its just a busy time of the
year on the farm. We got an email
from our daughter, Charlene,
today. They had a city tour of
Dublin and then the group had
some free time. Charlene walked
the city for six and one half hours
seeing the sights. The most inter-
esting thing was her visit of the
famine ship, Jeanie Johnston. It is
a replica of the original one, which
is somewhere at the bottom of the
ocean. She reports the history be-
hind the ship is very interesting.
The ship was actually built in
Canada and was hauling goods to
Europe and then coming back
empty. One of the items being
shipped overseas was a fertilizer. It
had come from Mexico, through the
United States and Canada and
made its way to Europe. Eventu-
ally it would find its way to the peo-
ple of Ireland. The people were
very poor and their main food
source was the potato. A fungus
came along with the fertilizer and
got into the potato crops. Other
food was unaffected, but due to the
fact the people were very poor they
could not afford to buy much of
anything else and due to their in-
ability to eat their potato crops,
they were literally starving to
death. The famine in Ireland lasted
for seven years. I wont go into all
of it, but the ship, the Jeanie John-
ston, took people from Ireland to
Canada and United States.
A saying from my Amish calen-
dar seems a bit fitting for a farming
community. You must give to get.
You must sow the seed before you
can reap the harvest.
Have a good day and a good
week and continue to pray for rain
to make those crops grow.
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Interior Frontier Days Rodeo
July 4-5
Bareback Riding: 1. Corey Evans,
Valentine, Neb., 74; 2. Joe Wilson, Long Val-
ley, 72; 3. Chance Englebert, Burdock, 71; 4.
(tie) Lonny Lesmeister, Rapid City, and Wes-
ley Cole, Atkinson, Neb., 67; 5. Shayne O-
Connell, Rapid City, 66
Barrel Racing: 1. Shelby Vinson, Wor-
thing, 17.04; 2. Jorry Lammers, Carpenter,
Wyo. 17.08; 3. Wendy Suhn, Hermosa, 17.31;
4. (tie) Lana Shorb, Belle Fourche, and Katie
Lensegrav, Interior, 17.36; 5. Kylee Cohoy,
Sheridan, Wyo., 17.38
Breakaway Roping: 1. (tie) Jill Jan-
dreau, Kimball, and Toree Gunn, Wasta,
2.10; 2. Syerra (C.Y.) Christensen, Kennebec,
2.40; 3. Samantha Nelson, Creighton, 2.60; 4.
Jacque Murray, Isabel, 3.10; 5. Katie Jo Mor-
gan, Valentine, Neb., 4.20; 6. Tana Bonnet,
Rapid City, 4.60; 7. Brenda White, Oelrichs,
Bull Riding: 1. Casey Heninger, Ft,
Pierre, 75; 2. Chasen Cole, Hermosa, 72; 3.
Tyson Donovan, Sturgis, 67
Calf Roping: 1. Chad Pelster, Belle
Fourche, 13.60; 2. Carson Musick, Pierre,
14.90; 3. Treg Schaack, Edgemont, 15.10; 4.
Mark Cuny, Porcupine, 16.50; 5. Jayce Doan,
McKenzie, N.D., 18.00; 6. Rex Treeby, Hecla,
Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Lane Stirling,
Buffalo, 75; 2. (tie) Travis Schroth, Buffalo
Gap, and Trell Etbauer, Grover, Texas, 73; 3.
(tie) Eric Addison, Caputa, and Seth Long-
brake, Howes, 69; 4. Cole Hindman,
Belvidere, 66
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Lynn
Williams, Faith, 1.70; 2. Terry McPherson,
Piedmont, 1.90; 3. Jerry Sharp, Long Valley,
2.10; 4. John Hoven, McLaughlin, 2.40; 5.
(tie) Lyle Wilcox, Red Owl, and Mark Schu-
macher, Wolsey, 2.70
Steer Wrestling: 1. (tie) Ty Melvin,
Tryon, Neb., and J.B. Lord, Sturgis, 4.30; 2.
Troy Wilcox, Red Owl, 5.40; 3. Jerod Schwart-
ing, White River, 6.00; 4. Tye Hale, Faith,
6.50; 5. Doan, 7.40
Team Roping: 1. Eli Lord, Sturgis/Jade
Nelson, Midland, 5.30; 2. Tucker Dale, Tim-
ber Lake/Levi Lord, Sturgis, 5.70; 3. Devin
McGrath, Belle Fourche/Dalton Richter,
Quinn, 5.80; 4. Don Bettelyoun, Eagle
Butte/Williams, 5.90; 5. Tyrell Moody, Edge-
mont/Rory Brown, Edgemont, 6.10; 6. Jake
Nelson, Creighton/Jeff Nelson, Philip, 6.20
Wall Celebration Rodeo
July 11-13
Bareback Riding: 1. Englebert, 78; 2.
Wilson, 77; 3. Kenny Feidler, Philip, 74; 4.
OConnell, 73; 5. Ryan Burkinshaw, Her-
mosa, 69; 6. Stetson Murphy, Rapid City, 68
Barrel Racing: 1. Vinson, 15.07; 2.
Kaylee Gallino, Wasta, 15.32; 3. Jill Moody,
Pierre, 15.37; 4. Kailee Webb, Isabel, 15.53;
5. Brooke Steckelberg, Chamberlain, 15.62;
6. Wanda Brown, Edgemont, 15.65; 7. Jordan
Tierney, Oral, 15.66; 8. Georgia Diez, Timber
Lake, 15.68; 9. Pam Hannum, Ft. Pierre,
Breakaway Roping: 1. (tie) Jessica
Holmes, Buffalo, and Joey Painter, Buffalo,
2.50; 2. (tie) Jenny Belkham, Blunt and
Megan Belus, Buffalo, Wyo., 2.70; 3. (tie)
Kayla Nelson, Bowman, N.D., and Murray,
2.90; 4. Tomie Peterson, Parade, 3.00; 5. (tie)
Cedar Jandreau, Kennebec, and Mercedes
Williams, Faith, 3.10
Bull Riding: 1. Jared Schaefer, Leola, 76;
2. C.J. Pesicka, Timber Lake, 75; 3. Taygen
Schuelke, Newell, 74
Calf Roping: 1. Trey Young, Dupree,
10.00; 2. Treeby, 11.00; 3. Owen Fagerhaug,
Plankinton, 11.40; 4. Colton Musick, Pierre,
11.70; 5. (tie) Calder Johnston, Elm Springs
and Pelster, 12.10; 6. Logan Murphey, Tor-
rington, Wyo., 12.30; 7. Shadow Jensen, Mar-
tin, 12.50
Goat Tying: 1. (tie) Diez and Lacey Tech,
Fairfax, 6.90; 2, Krystal Marone, Isabel,
7.00; 3. (tie) Shaylee Hance, Circle, Mont.,
and Belus, 7.30; 4. (tie) Katy Miller, Faith
and Kelsey Arthur, Fairfax, 7.40
Mixed Team Roping: 1. Devin Cordova,
Moorcroft, Wyo., 6.40; 2. Catie Lohse, Sun-
dance, Wyo., 6.60; 3. B. Nelson, 7.40; 4.
White, 7.50; 5. Painter, 7.60; 6. S. Nelson,
Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Marty Hebb,
Cherry Creek, 83; 2. S. Jensen, 81; 3. Shorty
Garrett, Dupree, 77; 4. Addison, 76; 5. Hind-
man, 75; 6.(tie) Eric Geweck, Red Owl, and
Schuelke, 74
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Bryce Sigman,
Sturgis, 1.90; 2. Chuck Nelson, Hartford,
2.10; 3. John Dean, Platte, 2.20; 4. (tie) Bob
Burke, Sundance, Wyo., and Scott Lammers,
Hermosa, 2.60; 5. (tie) Kirk Ford, Huron and
Harold Gerdes, Hecla, 3.20
Steer Wrestling: 1. J.B. Lord, Sturgis,
3.80; 2. (tie) Casey Olson, Prairie City, and
Mike Wiedman, St. Charles, 4.50; 3. (tie)
Jason Hapney, Harrold, and Wyatt Schaack,
Wall, 5.80; 4. (tie) Doan, and Jace Melvin, Ft.
Pierre, 6.40
Team Roping: 1. Musick/Musick, 4.80; 2.
Lord/Jesse Fredrickson, Menoken, N.D., 5.20;
3. TroyWIlcox, Red Owl/Melvin Arneson, En-
ning, 5.50; 4. Jason Thorstenson, Rapid
City/Paul Tierney, Oral, 5.80; 5. Marlin
Wiedman, St. Charles/Mike Wiedman, St.
Charles, 6.90; 6. Brett Wilcox, Red Owl/Clint
Cobb, Red Owl, 10.00; 7. Layne Livermont,
Martin/Kolton Kastl, Martin, 10.20; 8. Terry
McPherson, Piedmont/Michael McPherson,
Box Elder, 11.40
Dupree Pioneer Days Rodeo
July 13-14
Bareback Riding: 1. Englebert, 74; 2.
Feidler, 72; 3. Burkinshaw, 70; 4.
Lesmeisiter, 69
Barrel Racing: 1. Moody, 117.34; Vinson,
17.44; 3. Deena Grieves, Upton, Wyo., 17.58;
4. Macy Fuller, Buffalo, Wyo., 17.67; 5. Allene
Nelson, Grassy Butte, N.D. 17.72; 6. Lacy
Cowan, Highmore, 17.74; 7. ReAnn Crane,
Whitewood, 17.91; 8. Haley Anderson, Miles
City, Mont., 17.97
Breakaway Roping: 1. Fuller, 2.60; 2.
Laura Hunt, Ridgeview, 2.70; 3. Webb, 2.90;
4. Shaldon Osterby, Kildeer, N.D., 3.00; 5.
(tie) Teddi Schwagler, Mandan, N.D. Belus,
Thurston, and Dawn Carson, Kildeer, N.D.,
Calf Roping: 1. Kean Edwards, Gillette,
Wyo., 9.10; 2. Logan Brown, Miles City,
Mont., 9.50; 3. Chase Lako, Arhtur, N.D.,
10.00; 4. (tie), Cole Robinson, Moorcroft,
Wyo., Jed Davison, Miles City, Mont., and
Young, 10.10; 5. Fagerhaug, 1050; 6. Jess
Woodward, Dupree, 10.70
Goat Tying: 1. Amy Tierney, Oral, 7.00;
2. Tech, 7.40; 3. (tie) Miller, 7.50; 3. Jordan
Thurston, Gillette, Wyo., and Kristi Birke-
land, Dupree, 7.50; 4. Katie Doll, Prairie City,
Mixed Team Roping: 1. L. Hunt, 5.30; 2.
Elizabeth Baker, Box Elder, 7..10; 3. Lorita
Nelson, Philip, 8.10; 4. (tie) Abby Jo Eck-
staine, Kennebec and Alisa McGrath, Belle
Fourche, 8.20; 5. Jana Jasper, St. Charles,
Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Schuelke, 78; 2.
Wyatt Kammerer, Philip, 75; 3. Garrett, 73;
4. (tie) Tyrell Bachman, Faith, and Jay Long-
brake, Dupree, 71; 5. Kaden Deal, Dupree, 70
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Steve Klein,
Sioux Falls, 2.10; 2. Burke, 2.30; 3. (tie) Dean
and Lord, 2.50; 4. S. Lammers, 2.90; John
Hoven, McLaughlin, 3.60
Steer Wrestling: 1. J.D. Johnson, Stur-
gis, 4.60; 2. Eli Lord, Sturgis, 5.50; Jeremy
Stadheim, Reeder, N.D., 6.00; 4. (tie) Ryne
Baier, Rhame, N.D., Tom Hunt, Eagle Butte
and Calder Johnston, Elm Springs, 6.80
Team Roping: 1. Turner Harris, Kildeer,
N.D./Ross Carson, Kildeer, N.D., 5.40; 2. (tie)
Chad Nelson, Bowman, N.D./Billy Myers, St.
Onge, and Roper Kosel, Bismarck, N.D./Jesse
Dale, Timber Lake, 5.70; 3. T. Wilcox/Arne-
son, 6.10; 4. Casey Holmes, Buffalo/Parker
Murnion, Bowman, N.D., 6.50; 5. (tie) Tucker
McDaniel, Midland/T. Schaack, and Clay
Edgar, Oral/Matt Peters, Hot Springs, 6.60;
6. Neil Tolton, Midland/Robert Tolton, Ft.
Pierre, 7.30
Lemmon Boss Cowman Rodeo
July 12-14
Bareback Riding: 1.Mark Kenyon,
Hayti, 74; 2. Murphy, 71; 3 . OConnell, 69; 4.
(tie) Feidler, and Thomas Kronberg, Forbes,
N.D., 68; 5. Wilson, 67
Barrel Racing: 1. Webb, 16.29; 2. (tie)
Cowan, and Vinson, 6.33; 3. Cathy Roesler,
Miles City, Mont., 16.34; 4. Crystal Hershey,
Newcastle, Wyo., 16.35; 5. Allene Nelson,
Grassy Butte, N.D., 16.53; 6. Brown, 16.61; 7.
Debra Bixler, Hitchcock, 16.66
Breakaway Roping: 1. Brandi Futtorm-
son, Beulah, N.D. 2.30; 2. (tie) C. Woodward,
Kaylee Nelson, Trisha Price, Faith, l2.60; 3.
(tie) Fuller and Callie Eckroth, Watford,
N.D., 2.70; 4. (tie) Toby Dynlavy, Gillette,
Wyo., and Jessica Holmes, Buffalo, 2.80
Calf Roping: 1. Cole Robinson, Moorcroft,
Wyo., 7.50; 2. Edwards, 8.30; 3. Jon Peek,
Williston, N.D., 8.80; 4. Preston Billadeau,
Parshall, N.D., 9.60; 5. Daine McNenny,
Sturgis, 10.30; 6. Wade Eckroth, Flasher,
N.D., 10.40; 7. Young, 10.50; 8. Tyler Thor-
son, NA, 11.40
Goat Tying: 1. Fuller, 6.60; 2. Thurston,
6.90; 3. (tie) Diez and Doll, 7.00; 4. (tie)
Lensegrav and Marone, 7.10
Mixed Team Roping: 1. Devin Cordova,
Moorcroft, Wyo., 5.60; 2. White, 7.10; 3.
Tearnee Nelson, Faith, 7.30-; 4. Ashley Day
Volberg, Mont., 7.40; 5. (tie) Christensen, and
Kaylee Nelson, 7.70; 6. Kelsey Shaffner,
Starr, Texas, 8.10; 7. L. Nelson, 8.20
Sr. Mens Breakaway: 1. Billy Gallino,
Wasta, 2.70; 2. Delbert Cobb, Red Owl, 3.10;
3. S. Lammers, 3.20; 3. Kelly Eggl, Minot,
N.D, 3.20; 4. Les Haugen, Alexander, N.D.,
3.50; 5. Dana Sippel, Pierpont, 3.80; 6. J.
Lord, 4.40
Steer Wrestling: 1. Sam Olson, Buffalo,
4.70; Stadheim, 5.30; 3. Del Pete Day, Lem-
mon, 5.40; 4. J. Melvin, 5.80; 5. Clint Nelson,
Philip, 6.10; 6. J. Johnson, 6.20; 7. Wilson,
6.70; 8. B. Gallino, 7.10
Team Roping: 1. L. Carson/Josh Hodge,
Volberg, Mont, 5.60; 2. J. Lord/Fredrickson,
6.10; 3. Tucker Dale, Timber Lak,/Paul
Griemsman, Piedmont, 6.20; 4. McPherson/
Ora Taton, Rapid City, 6.30; 5. Tyson Holden,
Gillette , Wyo.,/Luke Groth, Stephenville,
Texzs, 6.40; 6. (tie) Brady Williams, Ham-
mond, Mont./Seth Weishaar, Belle Fourche
and Jason Handy, Gillette, Wyo.,/Craig
Mader, Gillete, Wyo., 6.50; 7. (tie) E.
Lord/Jade Nelson, Midland, and T.
Wilcox/Arneson, 6.60
SDRA rodeo results Interior, Wall, Dupree, Lemmon
A new law making it illegal for
young drivers to use a cell phone
while driving took effect July 1.
The law, passed by the 2013 leg-
islature, prohibits anyone who
holds a learners permit or a re-
stricted minors permit from using
any handheld communication de-
vice while driving. Generally, such
permits are issued to persons be-
tween the ages of 14 and 18.
Young people still gaining expe-
rience with driving really need to
avoid any distractions, said Jenna
Howell, director of legal and regu-
latory services for Public Safety.
Driving is a full-time responsibil-
ity for all of us. That is especially
true for our younger drivers who
are still trying to get comfortable
behind the wheel of a vehicle. The
law emphasizes the need to pay at-
tention to the road.
A learner or instruction permit
allows the holder to drive between
the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00
p.m. if accompanied by a person
who has a valid driver license, is at
least 18 years old and has at least
one year of driving experience.
That person must occupy a seat be-
side the young driver.
A restricted minors permit al-
lows the holder to drive between
6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with per-
mission of a parent or guardian.
The holder of a restricted minors
permit may drive between the
hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. if
the parent or guardian is in a seat
next to the driver.
The legislature directed that the
new law be enforced as a secondary
offense, meaning a young driver
would have to be stopped for an-
other offense before a ticket could
be issued for driving while using a
handheld communications device.
Cell phone ban for young drivers
Big Top
Friday, July 26th
6 to 8 p.m.
Midland Park
Supper served by
Bad River
Buckaroos 4-H Club
Heritage Yard & Garden Tour
& Luncheon
Sunday, July 21 12:30 p.m.
Tour will start with a luncheon in the
Open Bible Fellowship Hall in Midland.
Well then visit Tommy Jones, Mark Reiman
& Cedar Creek Gardens
Tickets: $10
Available at the door
Presented by
Second Century Development, Inc.
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 7
Presenting Tomorrows Leaders
Bobbie, 9; Jax, 2
2; Kam, 1
2. Chil-
dren of Adam & Jodi Roseth, Mid-
Fayth, 6; Layne, 3
2; Jaydon, 3
Children of Vance & Kristin Martin,
Evelyn Jo, 4; Sawyer Allan, 8
months. Children of
Kory & Dani Foss, Philip.
Dacoda, 5; Xander, 2; Callie, 1
Children of Jason & Christy Harry,
Rio, 2; Ali, 8 months. Children of
Alan & Cassi Rislov, Philip.
Derek, 8; Carson, 5. Children of
Bob & Shandon Fugate, Philip.
Chevy, 6; Memphis, 4. Children of
Nick & Hallie Konst, Philip.
Creighton, 2. Son of Seth & Mindy
Green, Philip.
Wakely, 8; Baylor, 6; Creston, 6.
Children of Craig & Heidi Burns,
This feature sponsored by The Pioneer Review
& Thompson Photographics
by Sonia Nemec
You never know what point of in-
terest you may find when looking
through family photo albums.
Thats exactly what happened
when looking through my Aunt Es-
ther Schanzenbachs albums.
Jerry and I had gone to Ivan
Schanzenbachs for a visit. Jerry
and Ivan were visiting and I was
looking through albums when I
happened to come across a news ar-
ticle with the heading Teachers
Skeleton. With a heading like that
it sparked my interest! The article
was cut from a June 1940 newspa-
per or magazine and was written
by Joe Koller, but, I have no idea
what newspaper or magazine it
was from. In reading about a coun-
try school, its teacher Mrs. Tivis
and its students, many of whom I
know and some I am related, too, I
was interested.
The school was the Little Eagle
School and the students were
Peter, Pauline, Thelma Jean and
Edith Fosheim; Mary Hand; Jun-
ior, Barbara and Thurman Rank;
Thelma Hilmoe; and Joan and Ivan
Schanzenbach. Those students
happened upon an interesting
piece of information about their
teacher Mrs. Tivis.
As with most country schools,
that school building was moved a
couple of times. Ivan wasnt for
sure, but he thought it had been
near the Nesheim place up north of
Midland some distance. It was
later moved three-quarters of a
mile north of the John and Esther
Schanzenbach place and it was
there when this picture was taken.
Ivan said he was in the eighth
grade in that picture. Ivan remem-
bers seeing that schoolhouse being
moved near his folks place. He said
they had quite a time thinking of a
name for that school and came up
with Little Eagle School. The car in
that picture reminds him of a 1939
Chevy his dad, John Schanzen-
bach, owned at one time. The
school was later moved one-half
mile south of Pete and Viola Fos-
heims. Thats where it would have
been when my mom, Olga Meyers,
taught there and Phil and I at-
tended school there and the three
of us lived in the school cottage.
In the article Koller wrote,
Hoofs and Horns is a classroom
fixture in the Little Eagle School,
located out of Midland on the South
Dakota prairies. It goes on to say,
Hoofs and Horns made its school
debut last September after a copy
of it was discovered in the teachers
desk. Mrs. Tivis, the teacher, won-
dered why no children answered
her one-oclock bell. So she went to
investigate and discovered all
eleven of her charges in a huddle
back of the horse shed. One of the
boys was reading rodeo ads from
Hoofs and Horns aloud and the
ring around him was more atten-
tive than they had ever been inside
the little white school house. Gee,
Mrs. Tivis, thiss the real McCoy,
was the greeting she got, Are you
crazy about cowboys, too?
Koller goes on to write, Mrs.
Tivis felt herself flushing. The H &
H magazine was a key to a closet
she kept locked for fear that the rip
roaring skeleton of her other self
would offset the impression the
board members might have of her
qualifying academic rating. The
kids had the goods on me, she af-
terwards said. There was nothing
to do but tell the truth. In the ar-
ticle it tells Mrs. Tivis was profes-
sionally Bonnie Tivis, trick rider,
dude wrangler and wild west show
girl. She returned to teaching when
her husband, Melvin Tivis, broke a
hip in a bronc riding contest in
The article goes on to say with
such a buildup Mrs. Tivis became
the heroine of her pupils. The news
made the rounds of school patrons
and proved no threat to her job.
Her trick riding horse, the calico
pony she kept around, became the
most petted and currycombed
horse in South Dakota, for the kids
made him their mascot, while
Hoofs and Horns was adopted as
the leading authority on the three
Rs of Little Eagle School interest,
namely, riding, roping, and rodeo.
It goes on to say the Secretary of
the Black Hills Roundup sent a pile
of back copies of Hoofs and Horns
to Bonnie Tivis, a noon hour of
reading followed during which time
a picture was taken of the group. In
the picture the teacher, Bonnie
Tivis, is the one standing next to
the car, and its a bit hard to tell,
but, in the front row, I'm thinking,
Joan is the one with her head
turned towards the gal in the cow-
girl hat, which I thought might be
Thelma. If I were to venture a
guess, the three smaller girls are
Edith, Pauline and Thelma Jean
and the fellow in the white hat be-
hind Joan makes me think its Ivan.
There's just something about the
way he's holding his head. Ivan
said he can't be sure who is who,
but, I found it interesting to take a
guess. If, anyone would know for
sure, I would be interested in
knowing if I was anywhere right.
The others I couldn't venture a
guess and obvisously some of the
students were missing that day, as
there are nine in the picture and
she told of having 11 students.
The pupils were very proud of
their teacher, Mrs. Tivis, and
boasted to other children of having
the only trick-riding teacher in the
State. Their favorite picture was an
action shot of Bonnie Tivis doing a
headstand on Duke, her pony.
In my folder with this article and
picture, I also had a copy of the
Marcus News by Vicky Waterland
dated November 7, 2012 - The
Faith Independent. For the life of
me, I cant remember where I got
that, but, it contains some informa-
tion on Bonnie Tivis. In the article
Vicky was sharing stories of the
Marcus Hall. Though I have never
been to the Marcus Hall, I found it
interesting, as I enjoy those types
of stories of days gone by. In the ar-
ticle Vickys aunt, Rosalie, had
written about Peter Norbeck
speaking at the Marcus Hall when
he was running for re-election for
Senator in 1932. But, Im getting
off on one of my side-trips, which I
have a tendency to do so, better get
back on track. She tells of Bonnie
Tivis, our teacher, performed at
Wriggly Field in Chicago and
Madison Square Garden in New
York City in the summertime.
And so, this teacher and trick-
rider, Bonnie Tivis, had an inter-
esting life. My hope is that those
who knew her, who had her for a
teacher, will enjoy a walk down
memory lane.
Teachers really did have
lives outside the classroom!
Greetings from sunny, breezy,
dry northeast Haakon County! The
temperature is really supposed to
climb today, and if this wind keeps
up it will probably feel like a blow
furnace. It will be great for drying
down hay and ripening wheat, but
we need some moisture for the
crops. But as is always the case, we
will take whatever we get and
make the most of it.
One crop that is ripening is the
chokecherry crop. I was out picking
early this morning, hoping to beat
the birds to the berries. Thank
goodness there was a nice breeze,
which helped keep the flies away.
Just one or two trees are really
ripening here the rest are still
very green. Chokecherry is one of
our favorite jellies, so I try to keep
some on hand. I have fond memo-
ries of picking chokecherries at my
Aunt Louisa's house when I was
young, and it seems like we gener-
ally got a good case of chiggers
along with the chokecherries.
Hopefully that won't be the case
this year!
The garden is going great guns
we are eating snap peas, zucchini,
potatoes, and beets this week, and
the green beans will be ready in a
couple of days. The cucumbers are
blooming and setting fruit, and the
dill is ready, so with a little luck I'll
soon be putting up the hot garlic
dill pickles that we love.
On to the news!
Lola Roseth was in Philip Satur-
day to attend the ladies' salad
luncheon. Former neighbor, Debbie
(Hudson) Burma, was the featured
speaker. There was a great crowd
for the event. Sunday, Duane and
Lola Roseth had a visit from Lola's
college friends, Frannie and Moe,
from Dayton, Wyo. They spent the
afternoon and evening together,
then Frannie and Moe went to
Philip and spent the night with
Linda and Larry Smith. Monday
morning, Lola went to Philip and
joined the group for breakfast and
more visiting before Frannie and
Moe headed on east.
Dick and Gene Hudson were in
Sioux Falls early last week where
Dick had surgery to remove his
parathyroid. They returned home
Tuesday. Their daughter, Debbie,
and grandson, Chris, arrived from
Columbus, Neb., Friday. Saturday,
the ladies headed to Philip to at-
tend the ladies' salad luncheon.
Debbie is a published author, and
she does quite a bit of speaking na-
tionwide I think she was also in
Canada recently for a speaking en-
gagement. Monday, Dick's sister,
Norma Schenkel Lincoln, Neb., and
her daughter, Pam Stephens,
Kansas City, arrived at the Hudson
ranch to spend a few days.
Coreen Roseth said they had a
"girl's day out" last Friday. Coreen,
her daughter, Kristin, and grand-
daughters, Bobbie and Fayth, went
to Rapid City for the day, and it
sounds like they had a lot of fun.
Saturday, Coreen was in Philip for
the ladies' salad luncheon. Julian
and Coreen's son, Nick, was home
over the weekend. It sounds like
the activity at the Roseth ranch
consists mostly of haying and haul-
ing hay these days.
Arlyne Markwed was in Philip on
Saturday to attend the ladies' salad
luncheon. Sunday, Billy and Arlyne
attended church, and following
church, Chauncey Jorgensen, Misty
Gunderson, and T.J. Gabriel and
family stopped at Billy and Arlyne's
for visiting.
Nels and Dorothy Paulson were
in Pierre Wednesday for repairs
and supplies. Nels is still putting
up hay. Saturday, Dorothy car-
pooled with a group of local ladies
to attend the luncheon in Philip.
Sunday, Dorothy attended church.
Haying has been the main activ-
ity at the Bruce ranch, so Polly has
been busy helping take meals to
the field. Katie Bruce left last
Thursday to take a puppy to her
mother in Logan, Iowa, and she
was scheduled to return Monday.
Bill and Polly's son, David, was at
the ranch Monday through Friday
helping with haying, and Tony Fis-
cher came to visit Friday and Sat-
urday. Tony's wife is gone to
Norway, visiting family. Bill and
Polly spent the weekend in the
Black Hills. They attended a Red-
den family reunion in Custer Sat-
urday. The Reddens lived south of
the Bruce's years ago Bill Bruce
and Fuzz Redden attended school
together and joined the military to-
gether. Polly said they were joking
about having an eighth grade re-
union Saturday, and both members
of the class were there! Polly
taught some of the Redden children
Moenville News
by Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
continued on page 14
Donald D. Don Thorson, age
53, of Bartlesville, Okla,, formerly
of Philip, S.D., died Saturday, July
13, 2013, while on vacation in Med-
ford, Ore.
Donald D. Thorson was born
April 29, 1960, in Quinn. He grew
up on a ranch northwest of Philip.
He attended Alfalfa Valley Rural
School before going to Philip High
School where he graduated in
1978. He attended South Dakota
State University and earned an as-
sociates degree in December 1980.
He went to work for Scotchman In-
dustries and was there until 1989
when he went to Canyon, Texas,
and attended West Texas A&M
University. He graduated with a
bachelors degree in computer engi-
neering in 1991.
Don went to work for Conoco in
Ponca City, Okla. When Phillips 66
and Conoco merged, he spent two
years traveling the world merging
the computer systems of both com-
panies. Once his job was complete,
he was transferred to Bartlesville
where he has since resided.
Even though he moved several
different times throughout his ca-
reer, his heart always stayed in
Philip. He regularly visited Philip,
at least twice a year, catching up
with his family and friends. He es-
pecially enjoyed hiking, hunting,
fishing, golfing, camping, and play-
ing cards. One of his highlights was
traveling to Norway and finding
where his great-grandparents were
Survivors include his mother,
JoAnn Thorson, of Philip; five sib-
lings, Laurie Dale of Amarillo,
Texas, Linda Thorson of Brooklyn
Park, Minn., Rick Thorson and his
wife, Selma, of Philip, Doug Thor-
son and his wife, Nancy, of Quinn;
and Rhonda Thorson of St. Paul,
Minn.; several nieces and nephews;
and a host of other relatives and
Don was preceded in death by
his father, Lauren Thorson, in
2005 and brother-in-law, Mike
Dale, in 2006.
Visitation will be held from 1:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, July
20, at the United Church in Philip,
followed by services at 2:00 p.m.,
with Pastor Kathy Chesney offici-
Interment will be at the Masonic
Cemetery in Philip.
His online guestbook is available
Donald D. Don Thorson___________
1999 Chevy 1500
1999 Chevy 1500
859-2744 or
4x4, Extended Cab, Low Miles
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 8
Th|8 N0T|6E PA|0 F0R w|Th PUL|6 00NAT|0N8
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VANY ClR0NlC lEALTl l33uE3 3uCl A3 3V0KlN0, NAlL 8lTlN0 AN0 3TRE33. 3T0P
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The Philip American Legion
baseball team won the Belle
Fourche tournament held Friday
and Saturday, July 12-13.
They first defeated the Piedmont
team 10-9 on Friday. Early Satur-
day, they got by the Gillette, Wyo.,
team with a 3-2 victory. The final
game was a 12-10 win over Belle
The tournament came after
Philip defeated the Pierre White
Sox 15-8 on Monday, July 8.
Though high scoring at its end,
that games early score was only 3-
1 going into the seventh inning.
It (the Belle Fourche tourna-
ment) was very big for the kids,
said Foss. Theyve worked hard for
three years, and it paid off. Win-
ning the tournament was a very big
thing for our program, with the
quality of the teams.
Foss believes that two years ago
the team had only two wins during
the season. Last year, he believes,
they had only three wins. Now,
Weve done okay. Weve actually
won five in a row, said Foss.
We are definitely playing our
best games lately. Which is what
you want to be doing as you go into
regions, said Foss.
The Philip team will be going
into the Region 7B Tournament in
Winner on July 18-20 with a 8-12
record so far this season. The state
class B tournament will be in Web-
ster, July 26-30.
The Philip American Legion baseball team is on a winning streak. It consists of players from a number of surrounding com-
munities. Back row, from left: coach Kory Foss, Philip, Avery Johnson, Philip, Zac Stone, Kadoka, Bubba Young, White River,
A.J. Bendt, Kadoka, and Nick Young, White River. Front: Jed Brown, Kadoka, Trevor Anderson, Wall, Chandlier Sudbeck,
Kadoka, Clint Stout, Kadoka, Aaron Janis, Kadoka, and Storm Wilcox, Kadoka. Not pictured: Riley Heltzel, Philip, Cass Lytle,
Wall, and Ryan Van Tassel, Philip. Courtesy photo
Legion baseball ready for districts
The end of season player/family get-together for the Philip T-ball team was held Wednesday, July 10, at the Haakon County
Young Womens Kiddie Park. Water games, water fights and snacks ended the season well. The team had practices and
played in four games, two against Midland and two against Kadoka. Generally, each game was two full innings, with the
full roster being up to bat once per inning. Players are from five to seven years old. It was fun to watch the kids learn the
basics of hitting, fielding and base running, stated assistant coach Jennifer Henrie. Shown, back row from left, are Taryn
Ravellette, Drew Terkildsen, Bradi Heltzel, evan Henrie, Baylor Burns, Carson Fugate and assistant coach Heidi Burns. Front:
head coach Jenny Terkildsen, Addison Brooks, Lukas Butler, Creston Burns and J. Henrie. Not pictured: Carson Burns, Tara
Schofield, Kale Peterson, Matti Reckling and assistant coach Tricia Burns. Photo by Del Bartels
T-ball baseball concludes season
As the first vice president for the
South Dakota Family, Career,
Community Leaders of America.
Gavin Brucklacher was part of the
executive council attending the Na-
tional FCCLA Leadership Confer-
ence in Nashville, Tenn., July 7-11.
Over 7,000 attendees, with 130
of those delegates being from South
Dakota, joined together at the
Opryland Hotel, the largest resort
in the United States without a
casino. Of the South Dakota dele-
gates to the convention, Elliot
Johnson, Brookings, presided as
the national FCCLA president. The
years conference theme was Dis-
cover Your Voice.
Out of the many scheduled
speakers, the keynote speaker was
Doc Hendley. In 2004, Hendley
launched a fundraising initiative
for clean water projects. Originally
planning to donate through tradi-
tional channels, he found himself
traveling to one of the world's most
dangerous spots Darfur, Sudan.
There, he witnessed a government
sponsored genocide where the
weapon wasn't bullets, but water.
With limited funds, Hendley real-
ized that he couldn't build new
wells costing $10,000 per well, but
he could hire local workers to re-
store damaged wells for only $50
Today, Hendley and his non-
profit aid organization "Wine to
Wells" focus on providing clean
water to continue to help stricken
people repair and maintain water
containment systems in places like
Darfur, Cambodia, Uganda and
Haiti. Hendley was named one of
the top 10 CNN heroes for 2009, as
an individual who has made a dif-
ference by discovering his voice.
The many conference activities
included a Red4Red five kilometer
run. Brucklacher, in his first ever
5K run, placed fourth out of 327
student and adult runners.
Other activities included tours.
Some were the Country Music Hall
of Fame, historic Ryman Theater,
RCA Studio B, The Hermitage
(President Andrew Jackson's
home), Carnton Plantation and
Nashville Shores water park. They
also attended the Grand Ole Opry,
where they saw a performance by
Carrie Underwood. Some conven-
tion members also did line dancing
at the Wildhorse Saloon.
Also attending the convention
was Philip FCCLA advisor Brigitte
Brucklacher. She was a Students
Taking Action with Recognition
event evaluator. I have been to
over 20 national meetings, and this
was one of the best! Superior
speakers, workshops and competi-
tive events, said B. Brucklacher.
National FCCLA Leadership Conference
Gavin Brucklacher
Ground beef was the surprize ingredient that 4-H members
had to use in the fourth annual Youth in Action Iron Chef
contest, Thursday July 11, in Philip High Schools home eco-
nomics room. Contestants were given 90 minutes in which
to prepare and serve their recipe to a panel of judges. They
were judged on cooking skills, food safety and handling
skills, kitchen clean up, and the nutritional knowledge for
their dish. They must know how many servings their recipe
makes, the amount of calories per serving, how the different
ingredients fit into the food pyramid, as well as information
on the fats and sugars per serving. The beginner, junior and senior level competitors earned ribbons, but the top winner
will not be announced until the 4-H recognition night in November. Shown, clockwise from upper left: Josie Rush (taco
bake) and elle Moon (stromboli), Tagg Weller (cheeseburger bundles), Shaina Solon (meat loaf) and Savannah Solon (beef
quesadillas), and judge Kathy Peterson overseeing Gage Weller (chili) and Dustin enders (farmhouse biscuits). Not show
is Mackenzie Stillwell with his cheeseburger pie. Photos by D. Bartels
4-H Iron Chef hamburger challenge
Fall semester
7th grade Bobbi Antonsen,
Misti Berry, Sage Bierle, Kobie
Davis, Trew DeJong, Keagan Fitch,
Megan Hindman-Hopkins, Kendal
Hook, Jada Jones, Abigail Martin,
Anna Belle McIlravy, Madyson
Morehart, Hunter Peterson, Anna
Piroutek, Dawson Reedy, Payton
Schoenhals, Tristen Schofield and
Jaisa Snyder.
8th grade Damian Bartels,
Nick Donnelly, Tia Guptill, Shay
Hand, Riley Heltzel, Coy Kramer,
Peyton Kuchenbecker, Samantha
Schofield, Paige Slovek, Mark
Stangle, Cooper West, Elise
Wheeler, Kyle Wheeler and Chris-
tine Womack.
9th grade Keegan Burnett,
Grady Carley, Ellie Coyle, Tyshia
Ferguson, TaTe Fortune, Jace Gi-
annonatti, Rance Johnson, Jacob
Kammerer, Jacob Kreft, Jane Poss,
Braden Puhlman, Garrett Snook,
Nathanial Wooden Knife and
Chase Wright.
10th grade Bailey Anders,
Todd Antonsen, Courtney Bartlett,
Kruse Bierle, TedDee Buffalo,
Afton Burns, Brett Carley, Lexa
Crowser, Justina Cvach, Peyton
DeJong, Brayden Fitch, James
Fitzgerald, Tyana Gottsleben, Paul
Guptill, Katie Haigh, Brock Han-
son, Nelson Holman, Hanna Hos-
tutler, Brody Jones, Katlin
Knutson, Blake Martinez, Amanda
McIlravy, Rachel Parsons, Austin
Pinney, Ashton Reedy, Cole
Rothenberger, Tristen Rush and
Ben Stangle.
11th grade Jade Berry, Gavin
Brucklacher, Jordyn Dekker, Seth
Haigh, Nicholas Hamill, Madison
Hand, Katie Hostutler, Avery
Johnson, Reed Johnson, Colter
King, Kaci Olivier, Allison Pekron,
Brian Pfeifle, Bailey Radway,
Wyatt Schaack, Ryan Van Tassel
and Deserae Williams.
12th grade Lakin Boyd, Tara
Cantrell, Tate DeJong, Thomas
Doolittle, Katelyn Enders, Gunner
Hook, Bradley Huffman, Saman-
tha Huston, Holly Iwan, Kelsie
Kroetch, Brooke Nelson, Brad Pfei-
fle, Carl Poss, Joshua Quinn, Cas-
sidy Schnabel, Shelby Schofield,
Quade Slovek, Gavin Snook, Sam
Stangle, Krista Wells and Megan
Spring semester
7th grade B. Antonsen, M.
Berry, S. Bierle, Davis, Trew De-
Jong, K. Fitch, K. Hook, Jones,
Martin, A.B. McIlravy, Morehart,
Peterson, Piroutek, D. Reedy,
Schoenhals and T. Schofield.
8th grade Bartels, Mandy
Burns, Molly Coyle, Donnelly, T.
Guptill, Hand, Heltzel, Kramer,
Nathan Kreft, Kuchenbecker,
Cheyenne Pinney, Sami Schofield,
Slovek, M. Stangle, West, E.
Wheeler, K. Wheeler and Womack.
9th grade Burnett, G. Carley,
E. Coyle, Ferguson, Rance John-
son, J. Kreft, Caitie Pinela, J.
Poss, Puhlman, Garrett Snook,
Wooden Knife and Wright
10th grade Bartlett, K. Bierle,
A. Burns, B. Carley, Crowser,
Cvach, P. DeJong, B. Fitch,
Fitzgerald, Gottsleben, P. Guptill,
K. Haigh, Holman, H. Hostutler,
Jones, Knutson, Martinez, Sagan
McClendon, A. McIlravy, Parsons,
A. Reedy, Rothenberger, Rush and
B. Stangle
11th grade J. Berry, Bruck-
lacher, Dekker, S. Haigh, Hamill,
Dustin Hand, M. Hand, K. Hostut-
ler, A. Johnson, Reed Johnson,
King, Olivier, Pekron, Pfeifle, Rad-
way and Van Tassel
12th grade Boyd, Chaney
Burns, Cantrell, Tate DeJong,
Doolittle, Enders, G. Hook, Huff-
man, Huston, Iwan, Rachel
Kochersberger, Kroetch, Nelson,
Kady Pinney, C. Poss, Quinn,
Schnabel, Shelby Schofield, Slovek,
Gavin Snook, S. Stangle, Wells and
Philip junior and high school honor rolls
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Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 9
School & Community
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WeRe YoU RIGHT? Last weeks picture: Awning on former NAPA building, N. Center
Ave. Around Philip there are many architectural elements on buildings as well as
other items that we see on a daily basis. But, can you identify them when given
just an upclose snapshot? Heres one for you to try. The answer will be in the next
weeks Pioneer Review. Photo by Nancy Haigh
Mystery Photo
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Philip, SD 57567
I can find WHATEVER
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David Burnett, Owner
Hot Summer Nights in Philip
Terkildsen, Rehgan Larson, Presley Terkildsen and Drew
Terkildsen. Photos by Del Bartels
taco meal, as well as a farmers market, free entertainment and socializing. June 18 will include a picnic in the park, with
attendees bringing families, friends and food. June 25 will include a barbecue cook-off and hot dogs. Shown upper left is
singer/guitarist Aitanna Nadala. Upper right are walking taco servers, Haakon County Young Women volunteers Payton
Schoenhals, Jenny Terkildsen, Denise Buchholz, Mary Ravellette and Trisha Larson. Center left is singer/guitarist Marcus
Martinez. The music inspired some of the audience to get up and dance in the grass. Lower left are Mike Seager and Glenn
Parsons dueting some songs. Friends, human and canine, enjoyed the event; clockwise from Jackson the dog are Quinn
The Hot Summer Nights on Thursday,
July 11, included a free-will walking
Star Partners fund FFA programs
The South Dakota FFA has been
a major part of the spirit of South
Dakotas youth and agriculture for
more than 80 years. The Star Part-
ner Program joins the efforts of
South Dakota businesses and or-
ganizations with FFA's mission of
developing premier leadership,
personal growth and career success
for youth involved in agriculture
The need to build partnerships
in support of local and state agri-
cultural education programs con-
tinues to grow, said Gerri Ann
Eide, executive director of the
South Dakota FFA Foundation.
"These partners provide quality
leadership training for our FFA
members, ensuring we have
trained employees for the future of
the production and business sides
of South Dakota agriculture. Our
star partners make a huge differ-
ence for members through high
school, collegiate, advisor and
alumni events.
The Star Partner program wel-
comes a growing list of supporters
that see the value of South Dakota
FFA and agricultural education at
both the local and state level. Dis-
tinguished Star partners - North-
land Ford Dealers, Five Star
partners - DuPont Pioneer; Mon-
santo. Three Star partners - North
Central Farmers Elevator. Two
Star partners - ADM Benson
Quinn; CHS Foundation, SD
Wheat Growers; and South Dakota
Soybean Research and Promotion
Council. One Star partners - Butler
Machinery; East River Electric;
Farm Credit Services of Americas;
RDO Equipment; Wilbur Ellis; and
C & B Operations, LLC (Potter
County Implement, Gettysburg;
Walworth County Implement,
Selby; Edmunds County Imple-
ment, Roscoe; Greenline Imple-
ment, Miller; Fred Haar, Freeman;
Fred Haar Implement, Yankton;
Fred Haar Implement, Wagner;
and Davison County Implement,
Star Partner program support
provides resources for the South
Dakota FFA Association, South
Dakota FFA Alumni, South Dakota
Association of Agricultural Educa-
tors, South Dakota FFA Founda-
tion, post secondary agricultural
events, and agricultural education
at South Dakota State University.
Its a win-win partnership as
our agriculture education pro-
grams receive valuable support to
prepare future employees for agri-
cultural careers and develop skills
to provide leadership for their local
communities, while at the same
time businesses and organizations
receive year-long recognition for
their partnership. said Eide.
The South Dakota FFA Founda-
tion partners with individuals and
businesses to provide resources
that promote and enhance premier
leadership, personal growth and
career success for South Dakota
youth in agricultural education.
For more information, contact Eide
at 605-765-4865 or visit on the Web
Eastern Wyoming College, Tor-
rington, Wyo., has announced its
honor rolls for the spring 2012 se-
mester. There were 255 students
receiving recognition for achieving
high scholastic grades.
To qualify for the deans honor
roll, students must be full time and
achieve a grade point average of
3.5, but less than 4.0.
On the deans list is Trey For-
tune, Milesville.
All children ages six through 13
are invited to South Dakota Farm-
ers Unions District IV, V and VI
summer camp July 30 through Au-
gust 1 at Camp Bob Marshall,
The districts include Haakon
County. This years camp is
themed Farmers Union is our
name, Cooperation is our game.
Campers will learn the importance
of cooperation, said Tamie Fahren-
holz, District V Farmers Union ed-
ucation director. They will work
together on an advertising cam-
paign, and learn financial literacy.
Preregister by July 23 to Fahren-
holz at 605-431-7338. District V
SDFU members registration will
be covered by their district. Regis-
tration forms and other informa-
tion are online at, at
your local Farmers Union Insur-
ance office or local cooperative. For
more information call Fahrenholz
at 431-7338, Retta Mansheim at
605-842-2452 or the SDFU at 605-
352-6761, Ext. 125.
Farmers Union district camp starts July 30
Legal Notlces0ead|ne: Irdays at Noon
1hursday, 1uly 18, 2013 1he Pioneer Review Page 10
oontinued on page 11
Pioneer Review is a IegaI newspaper for the City of PhiIip, Haakon County, Haakon SchooI Dist. 27-1, Town of MidIand, West River RuraI Water DeveIopment District.
Proceedings of the
Town of MidIand
JuIy 9, 2013
The Town Board of the Town of Midland
met on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, at 7:00 PM
in the Town Hall with the following mem-
bers present: Diana Baeza, Jared Fos-
heim, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer
and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel.
Absent: Rock Gillaspie
Also present: Lola Roseth, Haakon
County Emergency Manager, and Ken
Minutes from the June 11, June 13 and
June 27, 2013, meetings were approved
as published.
Roseth met with the Board to discuss her
role as Haakon County Emergency Man-
ager. We discussed grants available for
Municipalities, SP classes, S.D. Health
Alert Network (SD HANS), shelters, stor-
age and clean up in case of disasters. We
talked about scheduling a full scale mock
drill at a later date.
Discussed repairs needed on Bridge
Street. Bids were opened for repairs on
Bridge Street. Fosheim made a motion,
second by Baeza to accept the bid from
Jerry's Blade Service for gravel and blad-
ing in addition to the City of Fort Pierre for
grinding at $6,700.00 and $2,000.00, re-
spectively. A bid from Morris nc. was re-
ceived in the amount of $35,105.00.
Plans are to begin work on Bridge Street
on July 23, 2013.
Discussed water tank and sewer lines.
These were tabled until our next meeting.
Discussed truck route. All trucks not using
the designated truck route will have their
license plate number reported to the sher-
Discussed eight (8) complaints. Two of
these complaints are ongoing and letters
will be sent out to property owners.
Stroppel gave his Utility Operator report.
We discussed repairs on the well house
in addition to above mentioned items.
Discussed park usage. Jensen's re-
quested use of the park on Wednesday,
July 10, 2013, and Sammons' will be
using the park on Saturday, July 27.
Motion was made by Fosheim, second by
Baeza to pay the following claims:
Dakota Mill & Grain, Supplies........82.50
Lawrence Stroppel, Wages/nsurance/
Michelle Meinzer, Wages/ Phone/
Electronic Federal Tax Payment,
Employee Tax .......................1,322.16
Ernie's, LLC, Supplies ................ 271.14
Golden West, Phone/nternet ......152.66
Heartland Waste Management, Refuse
Ken's Repair, Supplies.................119.95
Midco Diving, Repairs/
nspection .............................4,499.00
Midland Food & Fuel, Fuel ..........212.03
Pioneer Review, Publications ........83.50
Postmaster, Stamps ..................... 92.00
Riter Rogers, Attorney Fees ........450.00
SD Assn. of Rural Water Systems,
Annual Dues............................320.00
SD Dept. of Revenue, Lab Fees....26.00
SD Retirement System,
Retirement ...............................480.00
SD State Treasurer, Sales Tax.......93.72
SD Property Management, Broom/
West Central Electric, Electric
WR/LJ Rural Water Supply, Water
G & A Trenching, Repairs ..............90.00
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
Diana Baeza, President
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer
[Published July 18, 2013, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $39.96]
Proceedings of Haakon
SchooI District 27-1
Board of Education
AnnuaI Meeting Minutes
JuIy 8, 2013

The Board of Education of the Haakon
School District 27-1 met in regular ses-
sion for its annual meeting on July 8,
2013, at 7:00 p.m. at the Philip Armory,
Room A-1. Business Manager Britni Ross
called the meeting to order with the fol-
lowing members present: Jake Fitzgerald,
Scott Brech, Brad Kuchenbecker, Anita
Peterson, Mark Radway and Doug Thor-
son. Also present: Supt/Elementary Prin.
Keven Morehart, Business Manager
Britni Ross, Mary Burnett, Mark Nelson,
Lisa Schofield and Del Bartels.
All action taken in the following minutes
was by unanimous vote unless otherwise
14-01 Communications from the audi-
ence: None
14-02 Motion by Peterson, second by
Radway to approve the agenda as pre-
14-03 Motion by Brech, second by
Fitzgerald to appoint Mark Nelson to fill
the vacant seat on the board. This ap-
pointment shall be for a 1 year term.
14-04 Britni Ross, Business Manager, ad-
ministered the Oath of Office to Doug
Thorson (3-year term), Brad Kuchen-
becker (3-year term), and Mark Nelson
(1-year term).
14-05 Business Manager Britni Ross con-
ducted the reorganization of the Board for
FY 2013-2014. Radway nominated Scott
Brech for President of the Board of Edu-
cation, second by Nelson. Motion by Pe-
terson, second by Radway that
nominations cease. After a motion duly
made, seconded, and carried unani-
mously, Brech was declared President.
Brech assumed the chair. Nelson nomi-
nated Radway for Vice President of the
Board of Education, second by Thorson.
Motion by Fitzgerald, second by Thorson
that nominations cease. After a motion
duly made, seconded, and carried unan-
imously, Radway was declared Vice Pres-
14-06 Motion by Peterson, second by
Fitzgerald to approve the following items
of consent calendar.
Approved the minutes of the June 17,
2013, meeting.
Approved the unaudited financial re-
port of June 30, 2013 as follows: (SEE
GeneraI Fund CIaims PayabIe JuIy 8,
2013: AFLAC - nsurance Premium -
662.71, ASBSD - FY 2014 Dues - 872.88,
ASBSD Worker Comp. Fund - FY 2014
Worker's Compensation - 11,753.00,
AT&T - Maintenance Phones - 76.30,
Avesis - Vision nsurance Premiums -
313.51, Brech, Scott - BOE Mileage -
88.80, Cenex - Maintenance Supplies -
3.00, Cenex Voyager Fleet - Bus Fuel -
134.84, Century Business Products -
Copier Maintenance - 350.00, City of
Philip - Water/Sewer - 303.65, Coyle's
SuperValu - BOE Supplies - 2.99, Dear-
born nternational - Life nsurance Premi-
ums - 42.00, Delta Dental - Dental
nsurance Premiums - 1,591.14, Depart-
ment of Enviro/Natural Res - FY 2014
Wastewater Fees - 600.00, Department
of Health - Health Nurse Services -
310.00, Department of Revenue - Water
Testing - 253.00, EBSCO - Library Sub-
scriptions - 285.55, EcoLab - Pest Control
- 125.50, GoldenWest Telecommunica-
tions - Telephone - 625.73, Graves T So-
lutions - Online Backup Subscription -
288.00, Hillyard - Janitorial Supplies -
7,854.20, ngram Hardware -
Janitorial/Maintenance Supplies -
1,657.88, McGraw Hill - Consumable
Textbooks - 1,685.93, Morrison's Pit Stop
- Bus/Maintenance Fuel/Tractor Tires -
994.30, Moses Building Center - Skid
Loader Rent/Maintenance Supplies -
83.94, Nelson, Mark - BOE Mileage -
39.96, Northwest Pipe Fittings - Mainte-
nance Supplies - 15.56, Pearson - Write
to Learn Subscription - 770.00, Peterson,
Anita - BOE Mileage - 193.14, Petty Cash
Reimbursement - Postage - 66.62, Philip
Standard - Maintenance Fuel - 144.10,
Philip Trust and Agency - mprest Reim-
bursement - 254.69, Pioneer Review -
Publications - 413.96, Radway, Mark -
BOE Mileage - 96.20, Rasmussen -
Heater Repairs - 900.51, Reiman Publi-
cations - Library Subscriptions - 29.96,
SASD - Dues - Morehart, Ross, Baer -
1,575.58, SD Teacher Placement Center
- FY 2014 Membership - 420.00,
SDACTE - Summer Registration - Bruck-
lacher - 158.00, Software Unlimited - FY
2014 Software Maintenance - 3,600.00,
Sunburst - Type To Learn Subscription -
99.95, Thorson, Doug - BOE Mileage -
50.32, TE - FY 2014 Membership Dues -
640.00, USPS - Stamped Envelopes -
1,316.00, VoWac Publishing - Testing
Workbooks - 1,589.60, Walker Refuse -
Garbage Service - 828.30, Warne Chem-
ical - Seed/Fertilizer for Practice Field -
953.40, Wellmark - Health nsurance Pre-
miums - 12,438.27, West Central Electric
- Electricity - 1,919.29, WRLJ Rural Water
- Milesville/Chey June 13 Water - 60.00.
TOTAL: 59,532.26. CapitaI OutIay
CIaims PayabIe JuIy 8, 2013: 3XGear
Wrestling - Wrestling Singlets - 1,020.00,
BSN Sports - Wrestling Singlets - 146.00,
Century Business Leasing - Copier Lease
- 410.34, McGraw Hill - Textbooks -
901.56, Riddell - Football Helmets/Re-
conditioning/Jerseys - 3,026.76, Ultimate
Team Sales - Football Jerseys - 2,547.31,
Wheeler, Miles - Parent Mileage - 299.70.
TOTAL: 8,351.67. SPED CIaims PayabIe
JuIy 8, 2013: AFLAC - nsurance Premi-
ums - 128.18, ASBSD Worker Comp
Fund - FY 2014 Worker's Compensation
- 833.00, Avesis - Vision nsurance Pre-
miums - 56.12, Children's Care Hospital -
OT/PT Services - 1,370.00, Dearborn n-
ternational - Life nsurance Premiums -
4.20, Delta Dental - Dental nsurance
Premiums - 465.70, Wellmark - Health n-
surance Premiums - 501.48. TOTAL:
3358.68. Food Service CIaims PayabIe
JuIy 8, 2013: AFLAC - nsurance Premi-
ums - 80.34, ASBSD Worker Comp Fund
- FY 2014 Worker's Compensation -
520.00, School Nutrition Association -
Dues - FY 2014 - 40.00. TOTAL: 640.34.
HourIy wages for Month of June 2013:
33,038.68. Gross SaIaries/Fringe for
June 2013: FUND 10: nstructional -
96,836.03, Administration - 16,258.41,
Support Services - 6,130.51, Extra Cur-
ricular - 6,228.16. FUND 22: SPED Gross
Salaries/Fringe - 9,919.32.
14-07 Motion by Fitzgerald, second by
Radway to approve the following annual
board organization action:
1. Declare First National Bank in Philip
as the official depository for school district
funds and continuation of accounts.
2. Authorize the Superintendent to act
in the absence of the Business Manager.
3. Declare the Pioneer Review as the
official newspaper for publications of offi-
cial school board meetings, advertise-
ments, etc.
4. Set date, time and place of Board
meetings as the first Monday after the
second Tuesday in Room A-1 of the Ar-
mory. Meetings for July thru October and
March thru June will be held at 7:00 p.m.
and meetings for November through Feb-
ruary will be held at 6:00 p.m.
5. Appoint Britni Ross as Business
Manager and authorize to set bond for
Business Manager as required by law.
6. Appoint Britni Ross, Business Man-
ager to be the Administrator of the Trust
& Agency Funds.
7. Appoint Keven Morehart, Superin-
tendent to Director of Federal Programs.
8. Approve meal prices for the school
lunch program for the 2012-2013 school
term as follows:
a. Student, Regular K-6: $2.00
b. Student, Regular 7-12: $2.10
c. Student, Reduced: $.40
d. Adult : $2.75
e. Student Breakfast: $1.40
f. Student Breakfast, Reduced: $.30
g. Adult Breakfast: $1.80
e. Milk: $.25
(The increase in K-6 and 7-12 lunch
prices approved this year comes from
federal mandates aimed at getting paid
meal prices closer to the federal reim-
bursement rate so the free/reduced
meals are not subsidizing the paid cate-
9. Declaration of "Parliamentary Proce-
dure at a Glance in conducting board
10. Authorize the Business Manager to
invest funds to the advantage of the dis-
11. Authorize the use of mprest Fund
for referees, travel expenses, co-curricu-
lar activities, postage, freight and other
expenses which may require immediate
12. Approve admission prices to activ-
ities for the 2013-2014 as follows:
a. Student/Senior Citizen 65+: $2.00
b. Student/Senior Citizen 65+ Season
Pass: $20.00
c. Adult: $3.00
d. Adult Season Pass : $35.00
13. Appoint Keven Morehart, Superin-
tendent as the person responsible for
closing school for emergencies, in-
clement weather, etc.
14. Approve Board Member compen-
sation for attendance at authorized meet-
ings at $50.00 per meeting plus mileage.
15. Appoint Rodney Freeman as
school attorney.
14-08 Motion by Nelson, second by Thor-
son to table appointment and establish-
ment of committees until the August
14-09 Motion by Fitzgerald, second by
Radway to appoint Anita Peterson as del-
egate to the ASBSD Delegate Assembly
and Mark Nelson as Alternate.
14-10 Motion by Radway, second by Nel-
son to publish the list of contracts per
SDCL 6-1-10.
14-11 Motion by Thorson, second by
Radway to accept a bid from Finoric, LLC
for Barium Chloride for $1 per lb deliv-
ered. This bid is for 11,000 lbs total.

14-12 Bids for propane were opened. A
bid of $1.29/gallon was received from
Midwest Cooperatives. Motion by Nelson,
second by Peterson to accept the bid
from Midwest Cooperatives for school
year 2013-2014.
14-13 Motion by Radway, second by
Thorson to accept the Escalator School
Dairy Bid from Avera PACE Dean Foods
(Land O' Lakes) for dairy products for the
2013-2014 school year.
14-14 Motion by Thorson, second by Pe-
terson to approve the following personnel
action: Keven Morehart, Head Football -
$3,245.00 and Theresa McDaniel, Spe-
cial Education Paraprofessional -
$9.70/hr; and offer contracts to Travis De-
Jong, Junior High Football and Kory
Foss, Assistant Football.
14-15 Motion by Peterson, second by
Nelson to accept with regret the resigna-
tions of Mike Baer, 7-12 Principal and Erin
Baer, Special Education Teacher. They
will be relocating to Gardiner, MT.
14-16 Motion by Thorson, second by Nel-
son to approve the following open enroll-
ment requests: OEA95-14: 6th Grade
from Kadoka Area, OEA96-14: 8th Grade
from Kadoka Area, OEA97-14: 8th Grade
from Kadoka Area, OEA98-14: 9th Grade
from Kadoka Area, and an out-of-district
placement to residential care.
At 7:30 p.m., the Board deferred to
agenda item 14-20 for the budget hear-
ing. Discussion took place over the pro-
posed budgets. The Board will again
review all budgets at the August 2013
14-17 A discussion was held regarding
property and liability insurance. At the last
meeting, the board approved switching
insurance to ASBSD as their quote was
$4,662.00 lower than that from First Na-
tional Agency. The morning after the June
meeting, it was brought to our attention
that the quote from First National Agency
was incorrect due to misstated values
and the new premium would be
$23,133.00. The board felt it would be un-
ethical to go back on their decision and
will still go with the decision made last
month. Property and Liability will be han-
dled by ASBSD for a premium of
14-18 Motion by Thorson, second by
Radway to enter executive session at
7:54 p.m. for student matters per SDCL
1-25-2 (2). Motion by Nelson, second by
Peterson to resume meeting at 8:15 p.m.
with no action required.
14-19 Anita Peterson gave the BHSSC
meeting report.
14-20 Budget Hearing - deferred to 7:30
14-21 Superintendent Keven Morehart
reported on the following items: (A) Proj-
ects are still underway. Things are coming
along well. (B) Volleyball Camp was held.
(C) Summer school has started and will
run for 2 weeks. (D) ASBSD Convention
is coming up August 7-9 in Sioux Falls.
Adjournment at 8:24 p.m. Will meet in
regular session on August 19, 2013, at
7:00 p.m.
Scott Brech, President
Britni Ross, Business Manager
Pursuant to SDCL 6-1-10, salaries for the
Haakon School District employees for FY
2013-2014 are as follows: Johanna Baye
- Custodian (6 hours/day, 8 hrs/day when
school is not in session), $12.05/hour, As-
sistant Cook (3 hours/ day), $9.80/hr;
Betty Berry - Special Education High
School, $41,715.00; Kim Bouman -
JH/HS Teacher, $38,110.00, Head Volley-
ball, $3,245.00; Barb Bowen - Elemen-
tary/JH/HS Teacher, $40,170.00, Vocal
Music, $2,065.00, Band, $3,540.00, Jr.
Class Advisor, $442.50; Brigitte Bruck-
lacher - JH/HS Teacher, $40,170.00,
FCCLA Advisor, $2,360.00, Jr. Class Ad-
visor, $442.50; Michelle Butler - Food
Service Director, $14,000.00; LaRae Car-
ley - Special Ed Paraprofessional,
$10.45/hr; Ruth Carley - Special Ed Para-
professional, $10.00./hr; MaryLynn Crary
- Elementary Teacher, $30,385.00, Assis-
tant Volleyball, $2,360.00; Pamela De-
Jong - Guidance, $33,990.00, Student
Council Advisor, $2,360.00; Theresa
Deuchar - Elementary Teacher,
$40,170.00, Rural School Teacher Com-
pensation, $2,700.00; Linette Donnelly -
Alternative Ed Aide/Detention Monitor/ Li-
brary, $10.60/ hr; Matt Donnelly - Elemen-
tary/JH/HS Teacher, $38,625.00, Weight
Room, $7.25/hr, Head Wrestling,
$3,245.00; Lana Elshere - Elementary
Paraprofessional, $11.20/hr; Danielle
Foss - Elementary Teacher, $31,930.00,
Rural School Teacher Compensation,
$2,700.00; Kory Foss - High School
Teacher, $30,900.00, Assistant Girls Bas-
ketball, $2,360.00, Athletic Director (1/2
time), $2,750.00; Jayne Gottsleben - El-
ementary Teacher, $40,170.00; Brenda
Grenz - Custodian, $12.05/hr; Tracey
Hand - Special Ed Paraprofessional,
$10.15/hr; Doug Hauk - JH/HS (10.5
months), $46,865.00, FFA Advisor,
$2,360.00, Golf, $2,655.00; Sally Jankord
- JH Teacher, $40,170.00; Victoria Knut-
son - Elementary Teacher, $39,655.00;
Steve Leithauser - Maintenance Direc-
tor/Custodial Supervisor, $28,825.00;
Karmen Marbry - High School Teacher,
$29,870.00, Head Girls Basketball,
$3,245.00; Theresa McDaniel - Special
Ed Paraprofessional, $9.70/hr; Keven
Morehart - Superintendent, $66,332.00,
Elementary Principal, $23,278.00, Head
Football, $3,245.00; Melanie Morehart -
Elementary, $38,625.00, Special Ed Di-
rector, $5,250.00; Bonnie Mortellaro - El-
ementary Teacher, $40,170.00; Karen
Nelson - Special Ed Paraprofessional,
$10.30/ hr; Mary Nelson - Elementary/
Special Ed Paraprofessional, $11.50/hr;
Laura O'Connor - High School Teacher,
$36,565.00, One Act Play, $1,327.50, All
School Play, $1,475.00; Carmen One
Skunk - Elementary Teacher, $37,080.00;
Thomas Parquet - JH/HS Teacher,
$38,110.00, Head Track, $3,540.00;
Laura K. Peterson - Secretary, 1520
hours @ $12.20/hr; Britni Ross - Busi-
ness Manager, $37,595.00; Lisa
Schofield - Administrative Secretary, 2000
hours @ $11.00/hr; Casey Seager - Cus-
todian, $12.05/hr; Marie Slovek - Elemen-
tary Teacher, $42,230.00, Technology
Coordinator, $4,000.00 with additional
hours vouchered as needed; Pennie
Slovek - Elementary/JH/HS Teacher (.5),
$20,085.00, Jr. Class Advisor, $442.50;
Deborah Snook - High School Teacher,
$40,170.00; Lee Vaughan - Elementary
Teacher, $41,715.00; Pat Westerberg -
Secretary (760 hours) and Special Ed
Clerk (760 hours), $11.30/hr; Jessica
Wheeler - Elementary Teacher,
[Published July 18, 2013, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $167.37]
Proceedings of
Haakon County
JuIy 2, 2013
The Haakon County Board of Commis-
sioners met at 9:07 AM in a Regular
Meeting on Tuesday, July 2, 2013. A quo-
rum was established with Chairman
Stephen Clements, Vice Chairman Tom
Radway, Commissioners Nicholas Konst
and Gary Snook in attendance. Commis-
sioner Edward Briggs joined the meeting
at 10:30 AM. Auditor Pat Freeman re-
ported to the meeting at 10:05 AM.
Deputy Auditor Carla Smith, Highway Ad-
ministrative Secretary Val Williams, High-
way Superintendent Kenny Neville,
State's Attorney Gay Tollefson, Fred
Hoag, Michael and Janice Schofield, Blue
Cross Blue Shield Representative Glen
Parsons were also present.
The hours from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM had
been designated for budget issues.
BCBS Representative Glen Parsons
spoke to the commission about what to
expect from health insurance in 2014.
Our health insurance will increase. After
much discussion it was decided to
change the enrollment date to December
1, 2014, because of the uncertainty of the
new insurance laws. Doing it this way,
Glen thought our increase should be 6%
to 7%, plus fees charged. Auditor Free-
man was instructed to compute budget
with the 7% insurance figure.
Several other budgets were looked at and
budgeted amounts filled in, such as
Elections - $20,000
Court Witness & Fees - $10,000
Court Appointed Attorney - $10,000
Coroner - $2,500
County Fair - $1,000
Soil Conservation District - $7,200
The Commission also looked at how
much of the 2013 budgets had been used
up to the end of May. A review was made
of all the expenses and revenues thus far.
All was looking good for the middle of the
The commissioners adjourned at 12:00
noon for lunch.
The commissioners returned at 1:00 PM
and called the meeting to order. The June
4, 2013, Regular Meeting Minutes were
read. Auditor Freeman requested that the
entity payments in the May 7, 2013, Reg-
ular Meeting Minutes be removed from
the minutes as these were June entity
payments. The June 4, 2013, Regular
Minutes shows May and June entity pay-
ments. A motion was made by Commis-
sioner Briggs and seconded by
Commissioner Konst with all in agree-
ment to make this change. A motion was
made by Commissioner Snook and sec-
onded by Vice Chairman Radway to ap-
prove the June 4, 2013, Regular Meeting
Minutes. Motion carried.
At 1:15 PM, the hearing for the Highway
Supplement Budget was held. No one ap-
peared at the hearing. Commissioner
Snook made a motion to transfer from
201-0-374.00 Road & Bridge Surplus
Property $429,600 to 201-0-101.00 Road
& Bridge cash. Commissioner Briggs sec-
onded the motion and all were in agree-
Commissioner Briggs made a motion to
transfer $100,000 from 101-0-276.02
Fund Balance Assigned to Capital Accu-
mulation to 201-0-101.00 Road & Bridge
cash. Vice Chairman Radway seconded
the motion with all in agreement.
A final transfer was motioned by Vice
Chairman Radway to transfer from the
201-0-274.95 Fund Balance Restricted
DOT/CO SWAP Funds $100,000 to 201-
0-101.00 Road & Bridge Cash. Commis-
sioner Konst seconded the motion with all
in agreement.
A motion was made by Commissioner
Konst to supplement the 201 Highway
budget by $629,600 for the purchase of
three used motor graders. Commissioner
Briggs seconded the motion with all in
The Fred Hoag plat map was once again
presented to the commission with the sig-
natures of the Department of Transporta-
tion and the surveyor on the plat. Michael
and Janice Schofield explained their con-
cerns with the surveyed land not being
correct. Hoag explained that the map was
now exactly as it was originally with the
fourth revision. His concern was that he
had been trying to get the plat filed for the
last four months so the sale of the land
could be completed. State's Attorney
Tollefson presented SDCL 11-3-8 to the
commissioners. n reviewing the plat for
the second time, it appeared that both
surveyor and Department of Transporta-
tion had signed off on the plat. They are
certifying that it is done correctly and if
there are any discrepancies, it would be
between the land owners. Vice Chairman
Radway made the motion to approve the
plat. Commissioner Snook seconded the
motion. Motion carried. The commission-
ers signed the plat for the last time.
A request was made by Doug West for
the Philip Rodeo Arena Calf Roping on
June 22-23, 2013, to be granted a two-
day liquor license. Since this was needed
before the next meeting date, commis-
sioners were called to get the approval.
Chairman Steve Clements, Vice Chair-
man Tom Radway and Commissioner
Gary Snook gave their phone approvals
on June 18, 2013.
T-34's Uniform Alcoholic Beverage Li-
cense Application was approved. Com-
missioner Briggs made the motion and
Commissioner Snook seconded the mo-
tion with all in approval. T-34 also re-
quested to be approved for serving
alcoholic beverages with Sunday meals
and paid $100 for that right. Commis-
sioner Snook made the motion to approve
the Sunday sale of beverages and Com-
missioner Konst seconded the motion
with all in agreement.
There was a request for permission to
travel to the Ultra Software Meetings for
the Auditor and Treasurer in Pierre, SD at
the Ramkota on August 7, 2013. A motion
was made by Commissioner Snook and
seconded by Commissioner Konst with all
in agreement to approve the travel.
Commissioner Konst made a motion to
transfer cash from the 101 General into
the 226 Emergency Management Cash in
the amount of $16,474. Commissioner
Briggs seconded the motion with all in
Custodian Nancy Neville showed the
commissioners the repairs that would be
needed on the generator. t involved
some minor repairs. Commissioner Konst
thought that they could do the repairs.
Custodian Neville also brought up the two
trees that appeared to be dying quite rap-
idly around the court house. t was rec-
ommended that the leaves be sent in to
verify what was causing them to die.
Neville stated she would take care of it.
CHN Heidi Burns turned in her first quar-
terly report for January, February and
March. t has been difficult to get the
quarterly reports made. The commission-
ers will review her written report.
Veteran's Officer Terry Deuter's monthly
report was reviewed.
The following June 2013 fuel bids were
Courthouse: None
Highway Dept:
06-05-13 Fitzgerald Oil ........$3.45 No. 2
06-05-13 Cenex...................$3.29 No. 2
06-06-13 Fitzgerald Oil ........$3.39 No. 2
06-06-13 Cenex...................$3.35 No. 2
06-20-13 Fitzgerald Oil ........$3.39 No. 2
06-20-13 Cenex...................$3.36 No. 2
Highway Superintendent Kenny Neville
gave the monthly report to the commis-
sioners. Neville showed the commission-
ers the Road Agreement dated February
6, 1979, with Stanley County. This works
well for roads that cross county lines.
Agreements are made to "trade the sim-
ilar miles of plowing snow, etc. nstead of
going to the county line and quitting,
Stanley goes to the end of a
Stanley/Haakon road and Haakon will do
the end of a Haakon/Stanley road. Super-
intendent Neville will report back to the
commission at the next meeting.
The 1997 Freightliner truck was having
mechanical problems. Superintendent
Neville stated it could take $8,000 to re-
pair it. Other equipment issues are the
two old mowers belonging to the county.
The Sale Barn Auction was not done this
year. The plan was to put the two mowers
at the auction. Now Neville stated that
Kennedy mplement would give the
county $1,000 each for the mowers and
could put that toward a new double
mower, which would cost approximately
$12,500. He wants to get started on the
mowing of the county road ditches.
The commissioners were informed that
Superintendent Neville would be having
knee replacement surgery on July 12,
2013. How long it will take to recover from
the surgery is not known for sure. He will
keep the commissioners informed.
A motion was made by Commissioner
Snook to approve the Merchants Capital
Financial Agreement for the three pur-
chased motor graders. Payments were
put over five years (2014 to 2018) in the
amount of $51,323.68 per year. The mo-
tion was seconded by Commissioner
Briggs with all in agreement.
Commissioner Snook made a motion to
transfer the first $125,000 collected in the
101 General for the Opt Out into the 201
Highway cash. Commissioner Briggs sec-
onded the motion. Motion carried.
The Auditor's Account with the County
Treasurer was presented as taxes for the
month of June 2013.
Haakon County Certificates of
Deposit .............................235,000.00
Haakon County Library Certificate of
Deposit ...............................62,390.51
Cash Management Fund...2,363,214.81
Bank Balance...........................1,369.31
Checks & Cash on Hand........12,162.19
The Gross Courthouse Salary & Pay-
roll Warrants for the month of June
Commissioners, Wages ...........2,820.00
Auditor's Office.........................4,746.89
Treasurer's Office.....................4,746.89
State's Attorney's Office ...........3,655.84
Director of Equalization............3,254.09
Register of Deeds ....................3,607.69
Janitor ......................................1,884.80
Veteran's Office...........................583.33
Sheriff's Office..........................5,480.87
Highway Department..............29,541.69
WC and Health Nurse Sec......1,131.20
Librarians .................................1,822.60
Extension Secretary.................1,056.10
Emergency Management ............975.80
Weed Supervisor.........................521.01
BCBS Transfer Fee.......................10.00
Wellmark Blue Cross Blue
Shield ...................................8,913.54
Dearborn National Life ................123.06
Special nsurance Services......1,349.81
AFLAC Premium.........................333.18
Colonial Life ................................124.62
SD Retirement System.............6,546.25
Delta Dental ................................725.52
Vision Service Plan .....................168.08
Credit Collections........................375.45
Office of Child Support ................400.00
First National Bank,
SS & WH............................14,133.70
The warrants were presented for June
Expenses paid in July 2013:
SchooIs 2013 June Apportionment
Haakon School Dist #27-1 ...349,209.19
Kadoka Area School Dist
Cities & Towns
City of Philip ..........................81,766.29
Town of Midland ......................3,670.51
Water District
West River Water Develop
Dist .......................................5,836.38
Legal Notlces0ead|ne: Irdays at Noon
1hursday, 1uly 18, 2013 1he Pioneer Review Page 11
Pioneer Review is a IegaI newspaper for the City of PhiIip, Haakon County, Haakon SchooI Dist. 27-1, Town of MidIand, West River RuraI Water DeveIopment District.
Fire District
Midland Fire Protection Dist .....3,180.89
Milesville Fire District ..............3,837.99
TotaI Checks.......................499,114.44
OTHER PAYMENTS*********************
State Motor VehicIe
State Treasurer, Motor
Vehicle ...............................52,815.87
(Monthly pymt to State)
State's Attorney
State Treasurer, Prof Fees .........559.00
(Monthly blood draws)
Birth & Death Fees
State Treasurer, Birth/Death
Fees .......................................400.00
TotaI Checks.........................53,936.87
Vendor Warrants************************
Credit Collections Bureau,
Prof Fees ................................259.35
Pioneer Review nc, Publishing ..583.64
SDACC, Court CLERP Legal
ns ...........................................630.04
Century Business Leasing,
Copier .......................................95.50
Connecting Point, Prof Fees ...3,849.33
FNB, Transfer Fee .......................10.00
Golden West Tel Co, Tele............187.95
Century Business Leasing,
Copier .....................................172.98
Connecting Point, Prof Fees....2,464.33
Golden West Tele Co, Tele............87.32
Quill Corporation, Supplies .........120.47
State's Attorney
Tollefson Law Office, Rent .........150.00
Tollefson Law Office, Telephone ...75.00
Tollefson Law Office, Supplies ......86.44
City of Philip, Utilities .................129.90
Coyle's SuperValu, Supplies ........13.00
ngram Hardware, Repairs &
Maint ........................................26.44
ngram Hardware, Supplies .........28.42
ngram Pest Service nc, Prof
Fees .......................................106.00
Kone nc, Professional Fees ......237.05
MG Oil Company, Supplies.......... 20.23
Moses Building Center, Supplies ...4.98
Petersen's Variety, Supplies .........14.16
Servall Uniform, Supplies ...........197.85
Walker Refuse nc, Utilities ..........72.50
West Central Electric,
Utilities .................................1,286.20
Director of EquaIization
Connecting Point, Prof Fees ........25.00
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities ....138.56
Office Max nc, Supplies ..............62.86
Petersen's Variety, Supplies ...........8.07
SDAAO, Prof Fees .....................300.00
Vanguard Appraisals nc, Prof
Fees .........................................50.00
Register of Deeds
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities ....102.87
Microfilm maging Systems nc,
Prof Fees ................................200.00
Register of Deeds M&P
Microfilm maging Systems nc, M&P
Expenses ............................3,714.50
Veterans Service
Golden West Tele Co, Tele............47.08
AT&T Mobility, Utilities ..................82.80
Capital One Bank, Fuel ..............128.31
Galls/Quartermaster, Supplies....227.92
Galls/Quartermaster, Other Exp....19.47
Galls/Quartermaster, Equip.........251.95
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities.....142.25
MG Oil Company, Fuel ...............428.43
Pennington Co Sheriff Office, Jail
Exp ...........................................63.45
Winner Police Dept, Jail Exp....1,568.05
Support of the Poor
Dakota Radiology, Prof Svcs ........24.99
Wall Drug Store, Prof Svcs .......... 36.00
MentaIIy III
Audra Malcomb Consulting nc, Prof
Services .................................221.04
Penn Co Public Defender's Off, Prof
Services .................................168.00
County Fair Board
Haakon/Jackson Fair Board, County
Fair ......................................1,000.00
Extension Service
Carrie Weller, Travel .....................96.99
Golden West Tele Co, Tele............57.96
Sheryl Hansen, Travel ..................40.33
Petersen's Variety, Supplies ...........3.74
Road & Bridge
AT&T Mobility, Utilities ..................48.69
Butler Machinery Co nc, Repairs &
Maint ...................................1,693.53
Capital One Bank, Fuel ................81.00
Cenex Harvest States, Supplies ...33.00
Cenex Harvest States, Fuel .....5,120.71
D & T Auto Parts, Repairs &
Maint ........................................33.95
D & T Auto Parts, Supplies ...........25.00
Federal Publishing, Supplies .....278.50
George's Welding, Repairs &
Maint ........................................45.00
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities ....256.40
Grossenburg mplement nc, Repair &
Maint ........................................42.28
Heartland Waste Mgmt nc,
Utilities ......................................26.50
ngram Hardware, Supplies .........34.35
Kennedy mplement & Auto Co, Repairs
& Maint .....................................15.10
Kimball Midwest, Supplies .........136.92
Konst Machine, Repair & Maint ...53.76
Town of Midland, Utilities .............25.00
Morrison's Pit Stop, Supplies .....292.48
Motive Parts, Supplies .................56.95
Petersen's Variety, Supplies .........13.76
Overhead Door Co, Supplies .......96.94
Petoske Construction Company, DOT/
CTY Swap Agreement Exp...9,792.00
Philip Motor, nc, Repairs &
Maint ......................................244.62
Quill Corporation, Supplies ..........62.96
Sanford Laboratories, Prof
Services .................................137.00
SD Federal Property Agency,
Supplies .................................499.75
Sioux City Foundry Co,
Supplies ..............................6,664.74
Virgil Smith, Travel .......................50.69
True North Steel, DOT/CTY Swap
Agreement Exp ...................2,555.08
True North Steel, Supplies ......7,702.16
Twilight First Aid Supply,
Supplies ...................................39.80
Walker Refuse nc, Utilities ..........72.50
West Central Electric, Utilities.....288.47
West River Water Develop Dist,
Utilities ....................................152.50
Centurylink, 9-1-1........................113.40
ESCC, 9-1-1 ............................2,728.58
Golden West Tele, Co 9-1-1 .......485.28
Emergency & Disaster
City of Philip, Grants to Other
Entities ...................................449.99
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities.....105.54
Petersen's Variety, Supplies .........49.99
Lola Roseth, Travel ......................81.40
Cenex Harvest States, Building
Fund .........................................28.95
Diesel Machinery nc, Building
Fund .......................................482.26
ngram Hardware, Building
Fund .........................................16.04
Ken's Refrigeration, Building
Fund .......................................172.60
Menards Building, Fund .............823.28
Moses Bldg Center, Building
Fund .........................................50.28
O'Connell Construction, Building
Fund .......................................891.00
Weed ControI
Virgil Smith, Travel .....................165.39
TotaI Checks.........................63,422.01
A motion was made by Commissioner
Briggs to approve the warrants. Vice
Chairman Radway seconded with all in
A Special Meeting was set for Tuesday,
July 16, 2013, for budgeting purposes at
1:00 PM in the Commissioner's Room at
the courthouse. The next Regular Meet-
ing will be on Tuesday August 7, 2013, at
1:00 PM in the Commissioner's Room at
the courthouse. The meeting was ad-
journed at 5:23 PM.
Stephen Clements, Chairman
Patricia G. Freeman, Auditor
[Published July 18, 2013, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $205.01]
oontinued from page 10
0uc ln altum held at 8acred Reart
1hirty-plus youth from first through 12th grade partioipated in the Catholio duo in altum. Baok row, from left are youth
leaders 1heresa Kinyon, Allison Pekron, Andrew 3ullivan, Lane Pekron, 3ammi 3ohofield and Krysta Kjerstad. 1hird row:
1aylor 3eager, 1osie Rush, 1ierra 3ohroeder, 1ohn Ualy, Carson Ualy, 0raoe Pekron, 1uan Pinela, 1r., Anna Piroutek, 1aisa
3nyder. 3eoond row: 1omelin 0'Connor, Kash Blook, Levi williams, Cass linn, 1.1. Morrison, 1ohn Piroutek, Allison williams,
Reghan Bloomquist, Bret Ualy, and Parker 3nyder. lront: Raoe 0'Connor, 3penoer Morrison, Raohel Nemeo, Uane Ualy,
Rainee 3nyder, Lmily Nemeo, wade Piroutek and 1essi 3ohroeder. lhoros b, le| Barre|s
Tho Sncrod Honrf CnfhoIIc
Church In IhIII hoId Ifs nnnunI
duc In nIfum, n fyo of VncnfIon
IIbIo SchooI.
Tho young nduIf grou grndos
nIno fhrough l2 workod, Ionrnod
nnd Inyod Sundny fhrough Thurs-
dny, Juno 30 fhrough JuIy 4, from
?:30 .m. fo 9:30 .m. Tho youngor
grou kIndorgnrfon fhrough
oIghfh grndo nrfIcInfod Mon-
dny fhrough Thursdny, JuIy l-4,
from 9:00 n.m. fo 2:30 .m. Tho
ngondn for bofh grous IncIudod
cnfochIsm, worshI, grou ncfIvI-
fIos nnd wnfor fIghfs.
Tho rogrnm IncIudod n nrIsh
ofIuck dInnor Wodnosdny, JuIy 3,
nf fho IIro HnII Inrk In IhIII for
nrfIcInnfs nnd fhoIr fnmIIIos.
Tho nrIsh consIsfs of fho Sncrod
Honrf CnfhoIIc Church In IhIII,
SnInf Mnry`s In MIIosvIIIo, nnd
SnInf WIIIInm In MIdInnd.
Tho nnmo of fhIs ovonf comos
from !uko 5:4 whoro Josus snId fo
Iofor, 'duc In nIfum uf ouf Info
fho doo. Tho roforonco Is for bo-
IIovors fo Iof down fho nofs for n
cnfch of hoIIng youfh sfrongfhon
fhoIr ChrIsfInn bnckground.
A fonm, nssIsfod by Infhor KovIn
Achbnch nnd mnny ofhor IocnI voI-
unfoors, Ionds fho ovonf onch yonr.
Thoro nro fwo fonms bnsod ouf of
!nId CIfy, sondIng fhoIr summor
hoIdIng wook-Iong ovonfs fhrough-
ouf wosforn Soufh nkofn. ThIs
yonr, fho fonm vIsIfIng IhIII ngnIn
IncIudod Znno Iokron, MIIosvIIIo,
who Is n somInnrInn. Tho youfh
Iondors dovofo fhoIr onfIro summor
from coIIogo for fhoso wooks of
youfh frnInIng.
1he kids voted nearly unanimously to
oover one of the youth leaders with
shaving oream.
Uuring the big water fight, even lather Kevin Aohbaoh joined in on the aotion,
using a five gallon buoket. 0ourres, phoros
Tho Jonos Counfy shorIff`s offIco
hns boon nwnrdod $l0,808.68 for
nfroI cnr cnmorn sysfoms nnd
fnsors fo bo usod In drug InvosfIgn-
Tho monoy wns nwnrdod ouf of
fho drug confroI fund. Tho nwnrd
wIII nssIsf IocnI Inw onforcomonf In
drug confroI nnd nrohonsIon ur-
Tho drug confroI fund nIIows
Inw onforcomonf fo combnf con-
froIIod subsfnnco nbuso by fundIng
IocnI rogrnms wIfh monIos soIzod
from drug nrrosfs, snId JnckIoy.
Thoso funds wIII nssIsf fho Jonos
Counfy shorIff`s offIco fo boffor ro-
focf Ifs communIfIos.
Tho Ifoms urchnsod wIII bo n
gronf hoI In drug nrrosfs nnd ns-
sIsfIng In offIcor snfofy. WIfhouf
fho hoI of fho drug confroI fund,
wo wouId nof hnvo boon nbIo fo
urchnso nny of fhoso Ifoms for sov-
ornI yonrs duo fo budgof ro-
sfrnInfs, snId ShorIff John Wobor.
Jones Uounty
gets drug money
!orosonfnfIvo KrIsfI oom Is
nccofIng nIIcnfIons for fnII In-
fornshIs In hor WnshIngfon, .C.
offIco, ns woII ns In hor offIcos In
SIoux InIIs, !nId CIfy nnd Wnfor-
Sfudonf Inforns wIII nssIsf sfnff
wIfh vnrIous consfIfuonf sorvIco
nnd communIcnfIons rojocfs, nnd
nssIsf wIfh IogIsInfIvo rosonrch.
Iofh Soufh nkofn nnd WnshIng-
fon, .C. InfornshIs rovIdo sfu-
donfs wIfh fIrsf hnnd knowIodgo of
fho IogIsInfIvo rocoss nnd fho
counfIoss ofhor funcfIons of n con-
grossIonnI offIco.
CoIIogo sfudonfs who nro Infor-
osfod In InfornIng In nny of oom`s
offIcos musf submIf n rosumo,
covor Ioffor nnd roforoncos fo
by Augusf l2. Ior moro Informn-
fIon, cnII Irnzoo nf 202-225-280l.
Noem offlce
seeklng fall
statewide for only $150.00. Put
the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call
this newspaper, 605-859-2516,
or 800-658-3697 for details.
operators, freight from Midwest
up to 48 states, home regularly,
newer equipment, Health, 401K,
call Randy, A&A Express, 800-
* * * *
C50 Chevy Viking Truck. It has
a 350 motor and comes with 500
gallon tank, 100 gallon per
minute pump with motor, 100
feet of 1-1/4 hose on a hose reel.
Bids may be sent to: Dave
Humphrey, PO Box 184, Wall,
SD 57790. Any questions, call
Dave 685-3987 or Michael 685-
8524. WP44-4tc
FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Expedi-
tion XLT 4x4, cloth seats, power
windows, locks & seats, good
tires. Call 685-8155. PR10-tfn
BusiNess & serviCe
plumbing contractor for all your
indoor plumbing and outdoor
water and sewer jobs call Dale
Koehn 441-1053 or leave a mes-
sage at 837-0112. K31-4tp
Etc. 175 S. Center Ave., Philip.
Great family business, 1 year in
newly remodeled building, lots of
possibilities for expansion. Con-
tact Kim or Vickie, 859-2365.
CRETE will do all your concrete
construction jobs. Call us and
we will give you a quote. Office,
837-2621, Richs cell, 431-2226,
toll free, 877-867-4185. K25-tfn
Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland.
ATV application. Also prairie
dogs. Call Bill at 669-2298.
INC., PHILIP: Rock, Sand,
Gravel (screened or crushed). We
can deliver. Dams, dugouts,
building sites. Our 38th year.
Glenn or Trace, 859-2020.
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; K50-tfn
fArM & rANCh
FOR SALE: 8820 John Deere
Titan II combine, lots of new
parts, good tires, good usable
machine. Call 488-0257.
FOR SALE: 258 Farmhand, 8
bucket, new-style grapple fork,
no welds. Call 488-0257.
WANTED: Hay, straw or stalks
to put up on shares or purchase
in field or windrow. Call Joel
Deering, 381-0885 or 993-3151.
ANGUS BULLS: Net Worth, Free-
dom bloodlines. Good calving
ease, gentle, poured. Ones and
twos - $2,000-$3,000. Also bull
rack hauler for sale. 390-5335,
515-1502. Schaaf Angus Ranch.
FOR SALE: 660 New Holland
Baler, $3,500. Also, 1990 Dia-
mond D 6x20 stock trailer,
$2,500 Sterling Riggins, 462-
6555 or cell 441-4363. P30-3tc
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume
discount available. Call 798-
5413. P28-11tc
12-ply, 235/85/16R. $160,
mounted. Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P40-tfn
GArAGe sALes
SALE: 708 Norris St., Wall, Sat-
urday, July 27, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Sunday, July 28, 8 a.m. - 12
p.m. PW32-2tc
Kadoka Area School District is
accepting applications for a mid-
dle school special education
teacher and an assistant cook.
Applications are available on the
website at www.kadoka. k12. or contact Supt. Jamie
Hermann at 837-2175 for more
information. K32-2tc
IN WALL has positions open for
housekeeping, laundry and
maintenance. Call Joseph at
279-2127 or 808-284-1865.
Class A, two years flatbed OTR
experience, clean record, refer-
ences. Rapid City area based
company. 390-5535. P32-4tp
and Subway (former Happy Chef
buidling) in Kadoka have posi-
tions open for cooks and sand-
wich artists with a variety of
duties. All shifts available. Begin
work mid-July. Apply in person
at Subway. K31-2tc
is accepting applications for of-
fice help. Position involves work-
ing with Insurance and Land
title work. Applicant must be
willing to get licensed. Accurate
Typing and Computer skills re-
quired. Pick up application at
145 S. Center Ave. Philip, SD.
One day per week (Tuesdays), 8
a.m. to 4 p.m. Medical experi-
ence preferred, but not required.
Mail resum to: Philip Eye
Clinic, 810 Mountain View Road,
Rapid City, SD 57702. Ques-
tions, call Angie, 342-0777.
High school and college students
are welcome to apply. Will train.
Apply at either Americas Best
Value Inn and Budget Host Sun-
downer in Kadoka or call 837-
2188 or 837-2296. K26-tfn
HELP WANTED: Sales person to
sell the historic Black Hills Gold
jewelry, in Wall. Meet travelers
from all over the world. Salary +
commission. Call Connie at 279-
2354 or 939-6443, or fax re-
sum to 279-2314. PW24-tfn
LosT & fouNd
TION: Womens gold bracelet,
cobra link chain with white gold
bar with 6-8 small diamonds,
family heirloom, $100 reward.
Shari Tennyson Leonard, 706-
855-7841. WP47-1tp
MisC. for sALe
FOR SALE: Floor oxygen con-
centrator, Invacare Platinum XL.
12,500 hours. Serviced by PSI.
$400 cash OBO. 859-3095.
FOR SALE: 6500 watt Titan In-
dustrial generator, electric start
with pull start, 8 hp. diesel en-
gine, (2) 110v plug-ins, 1-RV
plug, 1-220 plug, new Interstate
battery, cover. 280-0351.
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
RAGS; i.e. sheets, t-shirts,
TAINS. 25 lb. Must be in-
spected before purchase.
Pioneer Review, 221 E. Oak St.,
Philip. P28-tfn
Milesville for viewing now,
pickup Second week of August.
One male, five females. Will have
first shots, wormed, microchip
implants, and registration docu-
mentation. 544-3016. P31-4tp
reAL esTATe
$25,000. 406 Norris St., Wall.
Call 279-2825, PW31-2tc
3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, 1,100
sq. ft. open floor plan, vaulted
ceilings, fenced backyard, estab-
lished lawn, oversized detached
garage. Appliances included, all
new in 2008. Call 840-2257 or
307-251-2474. PR45-6tp
bedroom home with big 2-car
garage on two lots. House re-
modeled two years ago, new
roof, windows, siding, high effi-
ciency heat/air with heat pump,
on-demand hot water, nice
propane fireplace, nice back-
yard, deck and more. Would
consider contract for deed. Con-
tact for showing: Don or Tami
Ravellette, 685-5147 (cell) or
859-2969 (home). P27-tfn
WALL: Will consider any reason-
able offer. $23,000 cash or will
consider contract for deed.
Please call 279-2858. PW27-8tc
FOR SALE: 2004 Honda Fore-
man Rubicon 4WD 4-wheeler,
new tires, new plastic, with
windshield. 280-0351. P20-tfn
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
CLAssified PoLiCy
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first incor-
rect insertion only. Ravellette
Publications, Inc. requests all
classifieds and cards of thanks
be paid for when ordered. A
$2.00 billing charge will be
added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed. All
phone numbers are with an area
code of 605, unless otherwise in-
ThANk yous
Sheryl Michael for allowing the
Philip Volunteer Fire Department
to shoot the 4th of July fireworks
from their property. Also, thank
you to Mike Seager for providing
the music during the show and to
all that attended, your support is
greatly appreciated.
Philip Volunteer
Fire Department
Thank you to all our friends
and relatives who remembered
us with a card or greeting for our
45th wedding anniversary. Spe-
cial thanks to our kids who put
our picture and a greeting in the
paper. It was a pleasant surprise
that continued to bring joy as the
days passed and the cards con-
tinued to come.
Morris & Barbara Jones
Thanks to all those who re-
sponded to our fire. Your help
was greatly appreciated!
Cody & Jamie Hanrahan
Thank you to our family and
friends for the surprise party.
Also, to those who sent cards.
Ann & Tom Foley
We want to express our thank-
fulness to our mighty God who
walked with us thorugh this time
of loss and heartache. God
brought all of you to touch our
hearts and show us what a great
place He has called us to. Thou-
sands of you prayed for Karens
healing and called, sent cards,
visited and watched over us.
Thank you for all you have
done and are continuing to do.
The family of Harold Delbridge
& children
The family of Jean Burns
wishes to express their deep ap-
preciation to the entire staff at
the Philip hospital. Every individ-
ual Mother encountered was kind
and solicitious of her comfort and
well being. We cannot thank you
Thanks also to the friendly and
warm clinic staff who shep-
herded her through the years of
visits. We are grateful to Drs.
Coen Klopper and Dave Holman
for the kindness and professional
expertise they extended to Jean.
We are grateful to D.J., Jack
and Gayle Rush, who could not
have been more understanding
or more willing to help us in any
way as they led us through this
time. We also wish to thank Pas-
tor Kathy Chesney, Marilyn Mill-
age and Cindy Nuzum, who
created just the meaningful cere-
mony Jean wanted. Thanks, too,
to the ladies of the United Church
for their delicious luncheon.
To all the friends and neigh-
bors who remembered Jeans life
in any way, we are humbled and
grateful and thank you from the
bottom of our hearts.
Maralynn Burns
Charlotte & Larry Gabriel
Jack & Marlene Burns
Bobby & Gerry Sloat
special education paraprofes-
sional for the 2013-2014 school
year: Contact Director Cris
Owens 605-466-2206, Chris-
School District #62-6 for 2013-
2014 School Year: HS Math; MS
Special Education and Birth to
2nd Grade Special Education.
Contact Tim Frederick at 605-
845-9204 for more information.
Resumes and applications can
be mailed to the school Attn:
Tim Frederick at 1107 1st Av-
enue East in Mobridge SD
57601. Open until filled. EOE,
Signing Bonus available.
SION is taking applications for
full- time Douglas County High-
way Superintendent. Must have
valid Class A Driver's License.
Experience in road / bridge con-
struction / maintenance. For
application contact: Douglas
County Auditor (605) 724-2423.
TION. Duties include
supervising staff, scheduling
shifts, planning and organizing
department activities, preparing
budget, representing depart-
ment at public meetings. Must
maintain valid SD Driver's and
Commercial Driver's License.
Salary dependent on experience.
Applications from Hutchinson
County Auditor's Office, 140 Eu-
clid Room 128, Olivet SD 57052
(605) 387-4212. Applications
close 4:30 p.m. July 26, 2013.
WYLIE? $1000 Flatbed Sign-on
*Home Weekly *Regional Dedi-
cated Routes *2500 Miles
Weekly *$50 Tarp Pay (888) 692-
5705 www.drive4ewwylie. com.
We have lowered the price & will
consider contract for deed. Call
Russell Spaid 605-280-1067.
representing Golden Eagle Log
Homes, building in eastern, cen-
tral, northwestern South &
North Dakota. Scott Connell,
605-530-2672, Craig Connell,
605-264-5650, www.goldenea-
$19.99/month (for 12 mos.) &
High Speed Internet starting at
$14.95/month (where available.)
SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY In-
stallation! CALL Now! 1-800-
Digital Phone-Satellite. You`ve
Got A Choice! Options from ALL
major service providers. Call us
to learn more! CALL Today. 888-
where By Satellite! Speeds up to
12mbps! (200x faster than dial-
up.) Starting at $49.95/ mo.
CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-888-
The Pioneer Review
Business & Professional Directory
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
MANAGER of convenience store
in Lemmon, SD. Will assist in
the day-to-day operations of a c-
store. Please call or send resume
to Deb Stoltman, 701-223-0154;
P.O. Box 832, Bismarck, ND
58502. Salary negotiable.
PARTMENT accepting applica-
tions for FT Highway
Maintenance Person. Competi-
tive salary, benefit package.
EOE. Closes July 29. For appli-
cation call 605-598-6233.
TIVES is seeking people inter-
ested in an agronomy career.
Various positions in central
South Dakota available. Email or
call Midwest Cooperatives (800)
EDUCATION Cooperative open-
ing: part-time early childhood
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
imum for first 20 words; 10 per
word thereafter; included in the
Pioneer Review, the Profit, & The
Pennington Co. Courant, as well
as on our website:
Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum
for first 20 words; 10 per word
thereafter. Each name and initial
must be counted separately. In-
cluded in the Pioneer Review and
the Profit.
minimum for first 20 words; 10
per word thereafter. Each name
and initial must be counted sep-
arately. Printed only in the Pio-
neer Review.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for
bookkeeping and billing on all
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per
column inch, included in the Pi-
oneer Review and the Profit.
$5.55 per column inch for the Pi-
oneer Review only.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate ad-
vertised in this newspaper is subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which
makes it illegal to advertise any preference,
or discrimination on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin, or any intention to
make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is a vi-
olation of the law. Our readers are informed
that all dwellings advertised in this newspa-
per are available on an equal opportunity
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 12
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Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 13
Haying season well underway in county
The much awaited rains came this year and have provided a good hay crop for most of Haakon County. Producers have been busy putting up the crop as seen here
along Highway 34 east of Billsburg. Photo by Nancy Haigh
The annual jamboree and honors
banquet for the South Dakota
State Bowling Association is going
to be July 26 and 27, 2013, in
Pierre. How many bowlers from
Philip will be going? Sounds like a
great time with lots of things going
on Friday and Saturday.
Boy, you find out a lot just read-
ing the other correspondents news.
A speedy recovery to Rich Smith,
who spent some time in the hospi-
tal just ahead of the family re-
union. Sounds like the Smith clan
had a great reunion. Congratula-
tions to Coen and Trudy Klopper
on their naturalization. Quite an
article in the Pioneer Review.
Our friends in Howard had a
devastating fire that destroyed
their home. Though I cant be
there personally, they sent a list of
garage items they needed a price
on so Im using this electronic tech-
nology to google the prices. Lucky
for me it wasnt something in the
kitchen, I wouldnt even have
known anything about that stuff.
Well they say "time flies when
you are having fun!" Don and Vi
Moody must be having fun as they
start their new week back at the
ranch. Hay yields this year make
ranching and haying fun especially
when there is something going
through the baler!
George, Sandee, Jessica and
Kelsey Gittings were all in Rapid
Monday. Sandee kept an appoint-
ment. Jessica and Kelsey came
back to Philip to be on hand for
work while George and Sandee
spent the night at the Charles and
Diane Gittings home so that
George could see the eye doctor
Tuesday morning. He will have eye
surgery Thursday of this week. We
want to keep George and Sandee in
our prayers and thoughts as they
work through health issues. Jody
Gittings, Kelly Blair, Seth Long-
brake, and Jessica Gittings all
helped get hay put up for George
Gittings. Joe Gittings also helped.
What a great bunch!
Monday there was a promise of
rain with it being overcast and cool.
Merry Willard, Belvidere, visited
at our place on shirt business. Bill
went to Terry Bucherts and fixed
an auger in the morning and by af-
ternoon we were on the way to
Rapid City to enjoy the World of
Outlaws car races. a rain shower
early in the afternoon delayed the
start and finally tickets were re-
funded or could be used for the
Gillette, Wyo., show the next day.
Terry had gifted us two tickets, but
we let him get rained on getting the
refund. We didnt get rain here that
Tony Harty made a trip early
Monday to keep L.D. Hair company
at the surgery center where Shirley
had hip surgery. When all was good
he met his cousin, Janet Lewis, for
supper before returning home.
Al Zentner and Donna White,
Des Moines, Iowa, arrived at the
George Gittings home Tuesday and
left Thursday morning.
Tuesday, I made a trip with the
community van to Philip for folks
to keep appointments. Bill was
busy mowing the yard. Dave
Strain, Rapid City, stopped and
bought up all the copies I had of
Frontier Woman. I visited with
Clark Morrison while in Philip and
wished him a happy 85th birthday.
He had some cards that made you
chuckle. We think Mike Vetter
stopped by for some water line
easement Bill signed, but that is a
Tuesday afternoon, Cathy
Fiedler met granddaughter Caitlin
Klumb in Whitewood to get Han-
nah and her friend, Ayden, so they
could spend the night because
everyone in the Klumb family had
to work Wednesday. After supper,
Sonja Nonnast came to get Cathy
to attend the viewing for one of the
nursing home residents who had
passed away.
Wednesday found Tony Harty on
his mowing machine, catching up
with some of the yards he does.
Sympathy is extended to the
families of Jean Burns, Faith
Kunz, Floyd Speed Bendickson
and Don Thorson. Jean was such a
joy to visit with and if she had a
question shed call to get things
straight. We had many a pleasant
visit over the years.
Wednesday, Merry Willard
stopped by to check out more on
her project. Bill Bowman with the
Golden West telephone company
came by for telephone easements
(thats how I discovered Bill had
signed something the day before.)
Tony Harty stopped by for a visit in
the afternoon.
Wednesday, Cathy Fiedler went
to Whitewood, met up with Gene
and Sonja Nonnast to attend the
funeral for the resident and the
luncheon after the service. Later,
Cathy took Hannah and Ayden to
Whitewood where Lynette Klumb
picked them up.
Thursday morning, Merry
Willard was in Kadoka and
stopped by. I was busy with the
community van taking folks to
Rapid City in the afternoon.
Kelsey Gittings left early Friday
morning for Lovell, Wyo., to visit
over the weekend with Bryce Dick-
erson, arriving back Sunday night.
Tony Harty did some mowing
Thursday until it got too hot. L.D.
and Shirley Hair were back at their
home in Kadoka while Shirley re-
cuperated from her surgery. Tony
just checked in by phone since both
were tired out.
Don and Vi Moody wrapped up
their ranch business after repairs
were made to the windrower and
they got moved to locations down
and across Brady Creek to the east
pastures. A .35" rain made things
keep green for their extended
weekend getaway.
Don and Vi Moody and the furry
family left by way of Kadoka Fri-
day morning to keep their first ap-
pointment to be in Rapid by 1:30.
They made a brief stop at Marsha
and Bill Sumpters with a little sur-
prise and filled their car with gas
and filled their coffee cups at the
gas station and there was much
talk locally about a mountain lion
being spotted in downtown
Kadoka. Nothing was heard of any-
more though on that account.
(Note, Bill was happy it escaped,
but there was some speculation
that it wasnt really a mountain
lion, nobody snapped a picture.)
Friday, Tony Harty gave L.D.
Hair a ride to Philip to pick up
medication while a friend from
Wall stayed with Shirley. Tony en-
joyed a visit with them all.
Phyllis Word visited at our place
in the morning Friday, then Bill
and I were on the road to Harris-
burg. We got there just about sup-
per time. Amanda fixed a great
supper and Bill and Adam tackled
trying to fix the convertible top on
the Chrysler. They made a trip to
Flandreau to take a pickup and
park it at Adams dads place then
settled in for the night. It was a
warm day.
After a warm week in Sturgis,
relief came Saturday afternoon
when a thunderstorm rolled
through and dropping a half inch of
rain. It stayed cloudy and some
more rain in the evening brought
the total to .70 for the day. Sunday
morning, they got up to 66 and
cloudy and fog most of the day with
a couple of rain showers. Opened
windows and enjoyed the cool day.
Saturday, Don and Vi Moody
ventured into downtown Deadwood
for lunch and Vi took in the wild
west shootout on lower Main
Street. She witnessed the shootout
and got into a nearby casino to
keep from getting drenched in a
fast moving heavy rain storm. They
cleared the western play act
quickly before they all were
drenched. Don was up the street a
ways away, so they used cell
phones to keep in touch and meet
for lunch. The sun came out and it
was a beautiful afternoon.
Saturday early, Tony Harty fin-
ished up the mowing for the week
and picked up mail, then stopped
by the Hairs and visited. Shirley
was up and a little better. Tony
went out for breakfast, then
shaded up the rest of the day since
it was hot and muggy.
Richard and Susan Fellows, ten-
ants of Don and Vi Moody, left sur-
prises again in their yard at Rapid
with more solar bobbles in the yard
after they had mowed the lawn and
Rice Krispie bars in the woven bas-
ket (secret) place. The telephone in
the house at Rapid went on the
blink over the weekend, but the
laptop PC and cell phones were
still a great communication. No
long distance phone service.
Meanwhile, Bill and grandson-
in-law, Adam Claflin, were busy
keeping the junk yard happy by
getting first one thing then an-
other. Amanda and I visited at the
Eric Seager home where Chaciel
and Eli were, Eric was at Guards.
Susan Hoveland came and took Eli
home with her so Chaciel could get
some studying done. In the later af-
ternoon, Chaciel and Eli arrived at
Amanda and Adams for supper
and Eric joined us after he was
done with Guards for the night.
The good news was the convertible
top now went up on command and
down on command. Bill said he did-
nt realize how easy it was to get
himself under the dash of a car
once all the seats were missing!
What a group of grandkids we
have, Amanda whipped up a birth-
day cake for me and it was a total
surprise, so we had a wonderful
supper together, then Bill was
pretty wore out and home looked
like the best option, so off we went
into the night, returning home. A
shower and bed were welcome re-
Sunday, Don and Vi Moody took
in the car show and spent a cool,
mostly cloudy, comfortable after-
noon hanging out at popcorn and
lemonade stands around and about
and the Main Street Square in
Rapid City, live band playing 50s
and 60s tunes and awesome an-
tique and classic restored and re-
built cars parked for about three
blocks including side streets. They
even saw Elvis Presley driving a
Cadillac and he was moving his
head looking all around! He was on
KOTA news that night. Mike Mod-
rick was announcing trophy win-
ners at the Main Street Square.
The sprinklers there felt good as it
was getting pretty hot at around
3:00 p.m. at the closing. They had
a nice tour and visits with quite a
few Philip folks. Rich and Donna
Perez had their '57 Chevy Belair
two-door Nomad on display also,
but Vi didn't see them. She even
went into a nearby bar to see if she
could find them but "no dice." Sure
was a busy place though. Don was
wondering where Vi went.
Everything still looks nice and
green in Jackson County at the
Moody ranch. Vi wrote that it looks
greener down this way, than near-
ing Rapid City. The valley always
looks green though and they had
round bales all put up at their
Rapid Valley place, recently fin-
ished on both sides of the creek.
Everything was all mowed and
trimmed, so they enjoyed the stay
hassle free! Sometimes they find
little odd jobs of course like every-
one else and home base too!
Sunday was a day of rest for both
Bill and me. Phyllis Word stopped
for a visit in the afternoon.
Sunday, Tony Harty attended
church then had dinner out. The
rest of the day he rested. As it
cooled off in the afternoon, he vis-
ited L.D. and Shirley Hair, then in
the evening he stopped at our place
and caught up reading papers and
visited and gave me his news.
The more we do for others, the
more we do for ourselves. Daysies
Betwixt Places News
by Marsha sumpter 837-2048
As friends and family will tell
you, Im horrible at painting
rooms I get more on myself it
seems, than on the walls. Ive
given up on trying to be a neat
painter, it just isnt going to hap-
I also hate taking the time to
tape off areas. Guess Im also an
impatient painter. I have found
though, that a good quality angle
brush will save you from having to
tape off most areas. I have also dis-
covered a long metal paint guide
that can be set up against what
you dont want painted. Since most
walls, especially plaster walls,
arent flat some paint will get be-
hind the blade and need to be
wiped off with each move. It sure
makes painting trim go a lot
faster. And since Ive decided to
not even try to be neat, my pant
leg works great for swiping it
A 5-in-1 painters tool is a great
tool to have in your painting arse-
nal. The tool scrapes paint, opens
cans, can spread joint compound
and helps clean the paint out of
your roller. Its amazing how much
paint is in a roller. I scrape the
paint back into the can, although
some frown on this as you might
put impurities, i.e. dirt, lint, etc.,
into the paint.
Then theres the great debate of
whether to clean the roller and
keep it for the next round. You
save money by not having to pur-
chase another roller, but Ive al-
ways wondered if you save that
much, because you can use a lot of
water getting all the paint out. It
seems, for me, the deciding factor
is how tired I am and if I want to
mess with it.
I found the following painting
tips on the Internet.
By dampening your paint brush
with water (remove as water as
you can) less paint will move up to-
wards the ferrule (the metal part
where the bristles are attached).
A 3/8 inch or 1/2 inch nap on the
roller will work for most walls.
Priming is recommended, but if
you dont and you plan to paint
over gloss, sand the gloss paint
first so that the new paint sticks
Cut in the corners, around trim
and between the ceiling and walls
before rolling. Any brush marks
will be covered up.
The first time you use a new
roller tap all around it with tape
or a lint brush to remove loose
Paint comes in many types of
Flat Finish Little to no sheen,
typically do not clean well, but
some brands have additives for
Matte Finish Some sheen or
gloss. Some brands use flat and
matte interchangeably.
Eggshell Finish Low sheen,
but more cleanable than flat
Satin Finish - More sheen than
eggshell and also more durable for
easy cleaning.
Semi-gloss - The sheen can be
more readily seen. Easy cleaning,
very durable.
Gloss - A lot of sheen and im-
percections in painted surface are
more readily seen.
High-gloss - Can take on an al-
most plastic appearance. Is the
most durable of all finishes. Im-
perfections in painted surface are
easily seen.
We encourage our readers to
share their items of interest. Just
drop your item off at our office or
mail it to the Pioneer Review, PO
Box 788, Philip, SD 57567.
We pass ideas along, but make no
guarantees to the reader.
This, That &
by Nancy Haigh
by Representative
Kristi Noem
After months of debate and hun-
dreds of amendments, the United
States House passed a farm bill
this week. This legislation, which I
supported, is anticipated to move to
a conference committee so differ-
ences between the Senate and
House versions can be worked out.
This process hasnt been easy,
but getting a five year farm bill
passed and signed into law has
been a top priority for me since I
came to Congress. Although pas-
sage of this legislation is a key step,
we still have a long way to go to get
a farm bill to the presidents desk
and signed into law.
Separating out the nutrition title
from the Farm Bill is not ideal and
certainly wasnt the path I would
have chosen, but at the end of the
day, we need to get a farm bill into
conference with the Senate. I was
proud of the bipartisan bill we
passed out of the Agriculture Com-
mittee in April. It was unfortunate
that many members were unable to
put people before politics and pass
that bill when we had the opportu-
nity last month.
However, the legislation we
passed this week includes impor-
tant provisions for the agriculture
community in South Dakota. The
House has now reauthorized live-
stock disaster assistance programs,
included important sodsaver pro-
tections which encourage good land
stewardship, passed measures to
help combat the pine beetle in the
Black Hills, and established a per-
manent office of tribal relations
within the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
This bill repeals direct payments
to farmers and stops payments to
those who no longer farm. In fact,
traditional farm policy funding was
cut by 36 percent, the biggest re-
duction in Farm Bill history. Addi-
tionally, the bill makes important
and necessary reforms to the crop
insurance program, which is vital
to the South Dakota agriculture
community. These reforms make
sure that farmers have skin in the
game while providing a safety net.
A rigorous debate on the nutri-
tion title, which includes the food
stamp program, lies ahead for the
House. Traditionally, the nutrition
title accounts for approximately 80
percent of the Farm Bill funding.
Democrats believe the Agriculture
Committee proposals reforms went
too far, while some Republicans be-
lieved it didnt go far enough. We
need to ensure that the nutrition
title is done in a way that helps
those most in need and is account-
able to taxpayers.
Its time to move forward. Its
time to ensure we have sound pol-
icy that provides a safety net and
certainty for our agriculture com-
munity. Decades ago, we decided it
was important for us to grow our
own food in this country and pas-
sage of this bill brings us closer to
policy to ensure that continues to
I look forward to receiving your
feedback as the farm bill process
continues. I hope youll give my of-
fice a call to share your thoughts,
comments and concerns.
Thursday, July 18, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 14
Pioneer Review Ad Deadline:
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Autumn and Kamri Parsons and
Taylor Hanson took swimming les-
sons in Philip last week.
Wade and Marcy Parsons and
family spent the weekend in Red-
field visiting Wade's sister, Andi
and Dustin Rische and family. On
the way home Sunday, they
stopped in Pierre for a short visit
with Kayla, Eric and Kaidyn Bast-
Earl and Jodi Parsons and girls
spent Friday and Saturday in a
rustic cabin near Hill City with the
McDonnells. There were 17 family
members there in all.
Thursday, Leo and Joan Patton
hosted a dinner in honor of Ralph
Gebes' birthday. His dad, George
Gebes, and the Jim Stangle's were
also guests.
Tracie Erdmann, Vermillion,
spent from Friday through
Wednesday with her parents, Mark
and Pat Hanrahan.
Karyl Sandal's cousin, Mary
Gayle, and husband, John, Denver,
stopped Tuesday. They enjoyed
lunch and a good visit. Thursday,
they went to New Underwood for
Mildred O'Grady's funeral. On the
way home, they stopped in Wall for
a baseball game that grandson
Gavin Sandal was playing in. Wall
won the game with Kadoka. Sun-
day, Bill and Karyl attended the
potluck at the senior citizen's cen-
There was a large crowd at the
Legion Hall Saturday when Deb
(Hudson) Burma was guest
speaker at a women's salad lunch-
eon. Deb, daughter of Dick and
Gene Hudson, spoke on "Stepping
Out In My Savior's Strength."
Going in from Milesville were Con-
nie Parsons, Marcia Eymer,
Sharon Olivier, Judy Elshere and
Janice Parsons.
Sunday, Tonya Berry and kids
went to Kadoka for the 4-H rodeo
where Jade and Misty competed.
The local 4-H club helped run the
concession stand for the rodeo Sun-
day with all the members there
Allison and Grace Pekron, Sam,
Ben and Mark Stangle, and Rachel
and Sarah Parsons. Later they,
along with leaders, Donna and
Tina Staben, stopped in Philip for
pizza and their regular meeting.
Donna and Tina Staben attended
the special foods contest in Philip
Ladies from the Hardingrove
Church who went in to the nursing
home Friday for lunch and enter-
tainment were Connie Parsons,
Lana Elshere and Janice Parsons.
While her grandma, Lana, was
at the nursing home Friday, Grace
Anderson played with Tayanna
and Tiereny Arthur at Aunt
Kathy's. Grace, daughter of Ronny
and Misty Anderson, has been vis-
iting with her grandparents sev-
eral weeks.
Jim and Lana Elshere and Grace
Anderson went to Martin Saturday
for the 4-H rodeo. Their grandchil-
dren, Carter, Camri, Trey and
Jenna, were in several events. Be-
fore coming home, they stopped to
visit at Bob and Karen Coyle's. In
Kadoka they stopped to have sup-
per with Chrissy Elshere and kids
who were staying there in Kadoka
to be ready for the rodeo Sunday.
Kaitlyn Knight spent last week
with the Jim Stangles.
Thursday, several young folks
from Milesville were in Philip for a
painting class, "Let's Paint Run-A-
Ways." Included were Rachel and
Sarah Parsons, Ben and Mark
Stangle, Kaitlyn Knight, Shannon
Todd and Taylor Hanson.
We appreciated the couple of cool
days this past week. A year ago on
the 15th of July it was 108 here
and really dry! We need rain badly
(continued from page 4)
at the Kuhl School, so it was nice to
visit with them. They returned to
their son David's house near Rapid
City late Saturday afternoon, and
David took Polly rock hunting,
since he knows his mother loves
rocks. Sunday, Bill and Polly had
lunch with Bill's sister, Betty, and
her husband, Dennis Casey. Later
in the afternoon, Bill and Polly
traveled to Hot Springs and met up
with their granddaughter, Lexie
Lutter Milles, daughter of Linda
(Bruce) Lutter. Lexie is in charge of
music for some camps, and one of
her groups was entertaining Sun-
day evening. After supper with
Lexie, Bill and Polly returned to
David's home. They returned to the
ranch Monday morning. Their
grandson, Jessie Lutter, is back at
the ranch after attending some
summer camps. He will be here
until school starts. Also, David is
back at the ranch this week, help-
ing with haying.
Clark and Carmen recently kept
an appointment at Rochester,
Minn. Last week, Carmen took
their granddaughter, Morgan Nel-
son, to a volleyball camp in Broo-
ings. The ladies were there Monday
through Wednesday. They stayed
with their friends, the Martins, so
there was good opportunity for
quality visiting. Saturday, Carmen
attended the ladies' salad luncheon
in Philip.
Joyce Jones was home most of
the week, but she also attended the
event in Philip Saturday.
Ray and Nancy Neuhauser had a
family filled week. Funeral services
for Nancy's niece, Lorna Williams,
were held on Saturday. Prior to the
services, two of Nancy's nephews
and their families were luncheon
guests at Ray and Nancy's home.
Nancy's daughter, Cindy, spent the
week with Ray and Nancy, return-
ing to her home in Texas Saturday
following the funeral services. Sat-
urday evening, many family mem-
bers spent the evening visiting.
Nancy and her children have also
been busy making plans for their
annual ranch rodeo, which will be
held September 21.
Wednesday, Frank and Shirley
Halligan went to Mission to the fu-
neral of Frank's uncle, Daryl Halli-
gan, who passed away while they
were in Texas. On the way home,
Frank and Shirley stopped at the
1880 Town and had a sandwich.
Saturday, Shirley was among those
going to Philip to hear Debbie
Burma speak. Shirley said they
had a delicious salad luncheon and
a nice crowd. Shirley also said,
"Deb is a wonderful speaker, due in
part I'm sure to all that practice in
4-H years ago." Sunday, they went
in to church and took Frank's dad
to lunch out by Spring Creek.
Later, they did some chores at the
house in Ft. Pierre and got ac-
quainted with new neighbors, Dan
and Michelle Martin. Dan is the
new superintendent at Stanley
County High School and his wife,
Michelle, is originally from the
Lantry/Dupree area. The Martins
have two children. Baling is on the
schedule this week at the Halligan
ranch, and it sounds like it is going
to be dry enough.
Mary Neuhauser was at the
ranch for the weekend, and Kevin
has been busy finishing up the sec-
ond round of alfalfa and preparing
for the upcoming wheat harvest.
His brother, Myron, will be coming
to help with harvest. He will fly
into Minneapolis Saturday and
drive to the ranch.
Last Tuesday, Lee and Mary
Briggs were in town for dental and
medical appointments. While they
were grocery shopping, they ran
into neighbors, Dick and Gene
Hudson, and had a nice visit. Mary
Briggs worked from home Friday,
and Cattibrie was ready for Mary
to go try her luck at some senior
pictures after the workday ended.
They took several photos Mary is
a great photographer! Sunday,
their daughter, Keva, surprised
them with a visit. Keva and Mary
went rock hunting until Rea, Kin-
sey and Cattibrie Riggle got there.
Then they went to take more senior
pictures at various locations. Ac-
cording to Mary, it all went well
until Kinsey almost stepped on a
rattlesnake down at the pink house
on their property. The grass is so
tall this year, making it very diffi-
cult to see the snakes. In their
quest for good backdrops for the
photos, they ended up at Grandpa
Walt Briggs' place to use an old ve-
hicle as a prop those old rusted
out vehicles always add something
extra to the pictures. It went well
and they got lots of good photos,
but Mary said she doubts if they
are done with the process. Other-
wise, like the rest of us, the
Briggs's are anticipating harvest
patiently, Mary said.
We have been busy haying at our
place also. We are also waiting for
the oats to dry down so we can har-
vest it. Last Friday, Randy and I,
along with our nephew, Colton
Nickelson, and friend, Bob Spears,
headed east. We went to Salem to
the home of our daughter and her
husband, Jen and Ross Tschetter.
From there, we went to Rock Val-
ley, Iowa, to a tractor pull. It is
amazing how much noise those ma-
chines can make. We spent the
night with Jen and Ross, and Sat-
urday morning the guys surveyed
the corn and soybean fields and
spent some time visiting Ross's
parents, Jerome and Susie Tschet-
ter. We returned home Sunday,
driving through some heavy rain in
the Plankinton and Chamberlain
areas. The rain had come so hard
in some areas that the wheat was
laying down and the corn was at a
45 degree angle to the ground. We,
too, are anticipating harvest, al-
though I'm not sure how patient we
I have been failing miserably at
giving away kittens. Please give me
a call if you need one (or more)!
This week, I am grateful for air
conditioning. The heat and humid-
ity can get so oppressive how did
our ancestors handle it? I'm sure
they had windows open, but that
must have lets hoards of flies into
the house. The more I think about
it, the more sure I am that my fore-
fathers were made of much tougher
stuff than I am!
As you hurry through your day,
please take time to be safe. And
please pray for rain we need it in
our part of the world. Now go make
it a great week!
Moenville News
(continued from page 7)

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