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Assembly Planning Checklist: NSLW 2013

Are you thinking about doing an assembly for National Student Leadership Week? Whether focusing on recognition for your schools student leaders or sharing ideas for how to build schools, good planning is essential to keeping the interest of an audience. Use the following checklist to aid in organizing your assembly program for NSLW2013. Planning Determine the purpose or theme of the assembly. Raising the Bar is one choice. Obtain administrative approval. Set date for program that does not conflict with test dates and other school activities. Do this as early as possible in the school year. Place approved date on master calendar. Establish a time limit for the program. Get all contracts signed for assembly services or functions. Decide how the program will be financed. Make sure any checks needed will be written and available on the day of the assembly. Determine stage sound and lighting needs. Select a master (or masters) of ceremonies with effective communication skills. Determine needed supplies and equipment and designate people to obtain them. Determine who will attend. (Will the program be required, optional, or a ticketed assembly? Not all assemblies have to be offered to the whole school.) Determine location of the program and necessary seating arrangements. Develop a detailed description of the entire program including the people involved, timelines, etc. share this with the administration and faculty. Write a script. Focus on clear, strong messages. Start a publicity campaign using school newspaper, announcements, social media, posters, etc. (See Sample Press Release online) Consider video promotions about student leaders to be posted online after the assembly featuring components of your assembly presentations. Develop a printed program, if desired. Develop (or distribute) guidelines for student behavior during the presentation. Develop a plan for adequate supervision. Keep the faculty informed of what is planned and who is involved with the program. Establish a clean-up committee. Rehearse the program. Develop evaluation form. Please continue. . . . .

Assembly Planning Checklist, NSLW

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Day of the Assembly Double check to make sure everyone understands the order of the assembly and their responsibilities--stage crew, master of ceremonies, and performers. Set up any audiovisual equipment at least one hour in advance to make sure it works. Make arrangements for official guests to be met by a host/guide. Check with appropriate person regarding the bell schedule to avoid unnecessary interruptions. Get checks to pay for special contracts. Make sure printed programs are available. Make use of school television system or public address system to review expectations for student behavior before the program. After the Assembly Make sure the host/guide takes care of guests after the assembly. Clean up after the program and return all audiovisual equipment. Post video excerpts from the assembly online (SchoolTube, YouTube, school website) Thank everyone involved--personally and in writing. Conduct an evaluation among all involved. Summarize the suggestions. Make a folder for the assembly, including copies of agenda, script, and evaluations for next year's committee. Revise this master list to help set the stage for next years events. Good luck with your planning and implementation of your NSLW Assembly this year. National Student Leadership Week is a program of NASSP administered since 1972 by NASC, NHS, and NJHS. 2013, NASSP.

Assembly Planning Checklist, NSLW

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