Cochran Ronald Jerriene 1968 Mexico PDF

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Ronald an(2 tierriene Cochran


* *> , ^spk ^


la Appreciation

During our stay in York, the Lord has blessed us

with many new Christian friends# Mr and Mrs* Keith

Smalley opened their homfe to Ron and fed him and

treated hin as part of their family We appreciate

the Christian love of this family.

To the church at York we want to say "thank you"

for visits and kindness to us, strangers in their

f oomnrafiityo These people really demonstrated the

t:5iiching of Jesus in Matthew 25:35, 36
an hungered and ye gave me meat:

"For I was

I was thirsty, and

^ visited mz 1 was in prisonj^ and ye came lurbc ma. ^

Also we would like to say "thank yen** tc those \

from (jodawold who came to York and took oiir personal

tha#igs to Ron's Better's house, and to those who came

to *her aid with needed things for David as sio-took

r care for him.

Grandma has done an excellent job of caring for

David; t&s Raymcaid Coosins has- cajped for* hdro-during - - - ^

school hours and we certainly appreciate this^ Our

problem? now will be getting him back as they are

becoming very attached to him.'
(ja his behalf have raaant much tQ^

:: * ^

We also

to thank each of you who gave ;US .

dii^ng this time# . We appreciate' your concern^

jrest, and prayers# May the lord richly bless each5f xoiu

Progress Repcsrt

We have traveled 10,000 ndloff, presented our

plans in 18 chtofches, a nd have vi^t^d with max^r

individual^ concerning our plans* We now have

IUl^#00 :promised each month, most of wh^ch wiU.

start after wo get to Mej^co^ ^.We are anxiously

waiting to-iear fr^m-i^thep chivchps we have visited*

OuT" activi"^. forrlilsip nion^ pf Decembe^p has

been quite liirdte^ hecausQ of.stay-in the

hospital*: However it has -pro^^ed Ti^^wilth ^
opportunitiy to ifest al^r three lox^

months o^. traveling and .^cjc of sleep

Becauso of the holiday season we four.d it

impossible to schedule moTO^ than two places to

present bur plans to work in Mexico, One of,-tocso

dates I had bo roschcdale and the other I w^s able
to keep..

"We arc unking progress toward receiving the

n.;C^<^Siary papers to live in Mexico

Futtiro Plans

Wo plan to Ic-avG for Hq^co, Februai^- l5th,

during the time between now and then wc will be
traveling to more churches tilling to obtcin the
rest of our support^ We need another $85-00 per

Also we will bo repairing and replacing our

equipment, we will be packing our personal bclor.^ings

and we will be studying the Spanish language^

Wo would like to ask for your prayers for the

churches who a re in the procesa of deciding if they

should support us Also wo ask for-your prayers

for us as we make our fin^ plans arfi preparations

before leaving for-^Jp^
Highway Si Mission
% Jim Towne
'feW^SinNGTONrc "*

Grant, Iowa

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