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Chapter 4 Abby groaned as she opened her eyes.

. She had a huge headache and it was the most annoying thing to have first thing in the morning. She didnt remember what happened last night, she usually never remembers anything when shes high and only remembers when someone reminds her. She knew anyone could take advantage of her if she kept this up but she had nothing to loose. She already lost everything. Life had already taken advantage of her. She sighed and looked at the picture on the bedside table. Conner Before she could stop it, a tear slipped down her eye. Yeah she lost everything. Life had killed Abby a long time ago, now her body only worked. Everything else is shattered, her soul, her mind and her heart. She turned from a sweet girl to a stoner girl. So yeah, luck wasnt on her side. The only thing she was holding on to- or holding on to her was her brother Adrian. He was her everything and right now hes her lifeline and shes holding on to it. Without him would be no point of living. She didnt want to think further so she got up and got ready for school. She entered the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror in front of her. Reflecting in the mirror was a sad girl. Her dull, green eyes which used to be bright and shiny. Her long blond hair looked like a rats nest. Her pale skin which used to be creamy and begged to be touched. And the aura of sorrow that surrounded her. She wasnt the same girl Abby was used to when she looked in the mirror. She changed. Abby Changed. After a nice hot shower, she got dressed in a yellow sun dress. She didnt care what she wore. She quickly grabbed her bag and went downstairs. Entering the kitchen, she saw Adrian and Jessica making out. Jessica a very warm hearted girl who is engaged to Adrian. Sometimes Abby wondered how a smart girl like Jess loves an idiotic guy like her brother. Looking at them made her heart clench. There was a time when she was like that with Conner. She looked away before she started crying and cleared her throat. They both pulled apart at the sound and looked towards her. Abby walked in without saying anything. She didnt speak much. After everything that happened, Abby distanced herself from everyone even from Adrian. She only spoke when needed to be otherwise she minded her own business. She knew it pained Adrian but it was all she could do to stay sane. Good morning Abs Her brother greeted her with the nickname he always used. Morning Abby murmured before picking up the apple from the table and walking out without even glancing at the two of them. When she got in the garage, she couldnt see her car anywhere. She tried to remember if

she left it somewhere when she was stoned but then nothing came in her mind. Today would be a walking day then. She thought before walking out. When she reached the entrance gate, a car honked from behind her. She sighed when Adrian stopped the car beside her. Get in Abs, Ill drop you off He told her. Of course you would She thought sardonically before getting in the car. You left your car in the school yesterday. Um Nova a guy in your school dropped you off. The one I told you about, who saved you from the bridge. It was him He started conversing. Uh-huh Abby said but her thoughts were on Nova. The hot guy from her school and the hot guy who saved her. Twice. She owed the guy twice now. Leah was going on and on about him yesterday. How hot he was and how muscular he was Blah blah. Thinking about Leah, where the hell are those guys? They might have left early since Abby was late but she didnt care. Listen Abby Oh ho, hes using her name, which means hes going to start a lecture. I know weve been through a lot and I understand everything but you cant do this to yourself Abby quickly plugged in her ear plugs, an indication for Adrian to shut up and leave her alone. And it worked. He sighed and concentrated on driving which Abby was glad for. Abby loves Adrian but him nagging her about stopping something that keeps her sane then no, she wont listen to him. After everything she lost, no other person would be sane enough if something like that happened to someone. Drugs are the only option for Abby to keep her mind numb. She quickly stepped out of the car when they reached the school. She couldnt bear to see her brothers painful expression. She knew he was upset over her decision but it was her life and she will live it like however she likes. After all, life had given her pain, now she will give it back. Hey Abs? She heard Adrian say from behind her. She stopped but didnt turn around because if she did, she will just start crying. I dont care what you doas long as youre happy and safe. I love you Abs but if something happens to you, I would die too knowing that I couldnt be there for my baby sister. We both have lost a lot but now we have each other, so pleasejust dont let me go She heard his retreating footsteps then he probably got in the car because he drove past her. Abby stood there for a moment. Thinking. Thinking how her life landed her here. No not now, she didnt want to think about this now. She wanted to go in the school and buy the pills from the guy she buys it from. Yeah thats it, go in and get stoned.

Nova grimaced as he walked down the school corridor. His ass hurt like hell and he was limping to keep the pain aside. Maybe last nights sex wasnt that good. He cringed at that thought. He shouldve known that girl would be trouble. He shouldnt have gone with the boys to the club last night after dropping Abby off. To get Abby of his mind he found a girl for the night. She was hot no doubt and they also had fun dancing but after everything got intimate, she took out a whip and whipped Nova on the ass. Shed said Im rough and wild Nova had grinned that time but now he regrets it. His fuckin ass felt like a red swollen plum. Good thing he told her in the morning that he has a girlfriend. Kids were all around the corridors, running, laughing, making out. He smirked when he saw people laughing at the pictures stuck on the wall, lockers and doors. Everywhere. Some kids were also taking pictures. Mr. Grey is in big trouble. Nova felt a bit guilty for doing this but that asshole asked for it. His eyes suddenly landed on a small figure going to the left corridor. Abby. He sighed with only one thing on his mind. What had happened with Abby? Why she uses drugs to get over her grief? Nova had no idea about any of that but he knew he was going to find out very soon. Nova had never been like this for a girl, hell, he never even thought of a girl after he fucked one. Abby was another case. He hasnt fucked her but was still thinking about her. Does that make any sense? Probably not He snapped out of his thoughts and followed Abby but stopped when he saw a guy approaching her. Huh? Who the heck is he? He saw her taking something from him. She gave him money back. Is she paying him? He couldnt see what he gave her since she quickly grabbed it and hid it in her bag. Okay, talk about weird. The guy gave her a nod then walked towards Nova. Nova watched Abby go out. He wanted to follow her but he needed answers first. Before the guy could walk past him, Nova grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the lockers. Whoa dude, what the fuck? The guy said then he narrowed his eyes as he looked at Nova. Well well, if it isnt Casanova He said smirking. Recognition went through Nova as he looked at the guy in front of him. Tanner Great, it had to be Tanner the asshole who Nova hated so much. Nova could barely stand the sight of this guy. Tanner Luke Noel: 5ft 9 inches tall, dirty blond hair, hazel eyes. The schools asshole/geek, Girls call him cute but hes an ass. Every student would run after him for help in homework. They never had an pleasant conversation since like ever. They provoked each other every

chance they get, though Nova knew Tanner is always scared of him. ha pussy! He had bruised him up once and ever since Tanner is scared but not enough to shut his shitty mouth. Now the question was why Nova hated him? Oh yeah, because Tanner stole his girlfriend in second grade. Tanner was always jealous of Nova since childhood. He competed Nova in every competition and always lost. In second grade when the teacher asked them to make a house, Nova made a great one until Tanner threw a stone at it and said oops Oops my ass. HE had done it purposely because the person who would make an awesome house would end up with a kiss from Kristy, their class fellow. Tanner broke his house and told the teacher it was an accident but Nova knew well. So Tanner ended up with the great house and Kristys kiss. Though Nova really hated him because Tanner always interfered with his plans and he does it out of jealousy and that irked Nova very much. Nova smirked And if isnt Tanner the dick who obviously needs to put a condom on his head Tanner glared at him then smiled Well you would know a lot about condoms dont you Nova? Since you spend most of the time wearing one Nova chuckled Im sorry if youre jealous that yours isnt the same size as mine. By the way, what size of condoms do you use? Small? Smallest? Or Tiny? Tanner smirked Your sister would know that wouldnt she He said winking at Nova. Tanner and Chloe had dated in 8th grade. Furious is an understatement for what Nova had been. He had constantly warned Chloe about Tanner playing her but she was young and stupid. Still is. Nova knew she was trying to forget Cole because he wasnt making any move on her. She later had heard Tanner talking to Nova about playing Chloe. She had been angry and hurt but she proved herself as Novas sister and had kicked Tanner in the nuts and dumped him in front of the whole school. Not to forget that Cole had punched Tanner later on too. "Fuck you Tanner" Nova snarled at his face. Tanner tsked and shook his head "No, no, as far as I know, Nova, boys aren't on your sex list. Plus your not my type" he said sardonically. Nova rolled his eyes. Yeah like he would fuck him. Even if Nova had interest in boys, he would never go for this asshole. He shuddered at the thought. He remembered the time when he went to vacation with his sister and the boys. There was this boy who tried to get Nova's attention and he was gay. Nova was drunk and that boy kissed him. The next morning Nova gave him a black eye and made everyone swear to keep this a secret. The boys still laugh at him when they remember that. Damn, I really need to forget that shit! He focused on Abby. The asshole in front of him gave her something and if Nova is

correct, it was drugs for sure. Not that Nova cares what Tanner sells to kids as long as he keeps his shit away from Abby. Nova had made a promise to keep her save in school and he always keeps his promise. "What did you give her?" Nova asked calmly Tanner frowned "Who her?" Nova really wanted to punch him then "What did you give to Abby, you dipshit?" "Oh Abby" His expression dazed "She's pretty, isn't she? I'm going to ask her out soon." He smiled dreamily. Great! Now this fucktard is after Abby. Why did Nova not like that thought? He had no idea but the things he doesnt like, will not continue. He yanked him closer Im gonna ask you one last time. What did you give to Abby? He all but snarled Tanner cowered Oh come on man, dont be like that. She took the pills man. Shes got good money Nova loosened his grip on Tanner. He should've known. Tanner sold those pills to Leo before. Leo had once come to Novas party stoned as hell. The dude couldnt even walk and Nova and the boys had to carry him to the room. The other day Leo had told them that Tanner had sold some pills to him saying he would get a hard on instead that dickhead had him stoned. He knew it would be drugs; why else would Abby come near this asshole. Why? Why does she need drugs? Why is she so upset with life? So many questions roamed in his mind that needed to be answered but right now he needed to put this asshole on his place. He gripped Tanners collar tight and pushed him hard against the lockers Now you listen to me dickhead, and listen well. Stay the fuck away from Abby. Keep your shit away from her, no matter how much she pays you, do you understand? Tanner tried to shrug off Novas hands but was unable to. Now now- -I said, do. You. Understand? Nova sneered cutting him off. Whats going on here?! Nova turned his head to the direction of the voice. He internally groaned. It just had to be Mr. White the vice principle of the school. The psycho was a pain in the ass. Nova didnt understand how the school had hired him. One time Nova had been in trouble for disrespecting a teacher. He was sent straight to vice principles office. It had been worse than detention. The mental idiot had abused

Novas brain. He talked too much and then after 5 minutes he would forget the conversation. Nova hated him when he opened his mouth. The guy had some serious issues, but every time Nova got in trouble, it had been easy to trick Mr. White since he was an idiot. Young man, you better get your hands off Tinder Mr. White said coming over to them. Its Tanner Tanner said while Nova released him. Yes Tanner, go back to class Mr. White said. Tanner smirked at Nova before straightening his collar and walking off to class. Nova really wanted to bust his head then. Mr. White turned to Nova And you to my office, Mr. Royce Nova sighed. He needed to get to Abby but there was no way he could escape Mr. White now. So he did the only thing he could do, he followed Mr. White to his office. Sit down young man Mr. White said pointing at the chair in front of his desk when they arrived at the office. Nova rolled his eyes before slumping down in the chair. He looked around the office. Hed been here a million times and its still the same shitty looking. This isnt an office; its Hell with fluorescent lighting. So. Mr. White started. Here we go. Why were you holding Tinders collar? Mr. White asked, again forgetting Tanners name. Tinder? See what Im talking about. He was being an asshole Nova knew he had used the other language in front of a teacher, heck, a principle but he knew Mr. White. You do realize that an asshole is a butt hole and I dont think Tinder looks anything like that Mr. White replied If only you had eyes. Nova really wanted to bang his head on the wall. Hed rather live without a brain than getting it abused by Mr. Whites stupid talks. No wonder the whole school sprints away from Mr. White. The guy would kill every damn brain cell. Before Nova could reply, Mr. White spoke again Even though Mr. Tanners father is a dickwad, it doesnt mean you bully the child in school True. Tanners dad Mr. Peter Davidson was even more of a bastard than Tanner. The guy knew how to get on Novas nerve. Like father like son.

Nova laughed and he really found it amusing to hear those words from Mr. White. A normal teacher would never have said that in front of Nova though who said Mr. White is normal. Mr. White might be a brain tumor but the guy made Nova crack. Now Nova, one day your going to be the owner of this school and you have to be responsible, son. Here we go again. If I throw a stick, will you leave? Nova thought and prayed that thought had been transferred into Mr. Whites head. He really hated prep talks, especially from Mr. White. Just Imagine Nova... I'm actually imagining a duct tape over your mouth. Are we done Mr. White? Nova asked irritated No, theres gotta be someone who should show you the right path. Youre just too young and can be misguided Right. Mr. White would be the last person to be showing Nova the right path. Damn it. What had he gotten himself into? He was happily threatening Tanner when Mr. White just had to show his butt up. If he hadnt showed up, Nova would have hurt Tanner. Anybody harming Abby would be harmed. Abby. Nova was aware of Mr. White talking but all he could think about was Abby. She might be stoned right now. Nova would have run after her after Tanner if Mr. White hadnt butted in. Who knows what shes doing right now? What if Tanners with her? Damn it, I should have run after her instead of grabbing Tanner. Tanner the fucking asshole. Nova still couldnt get his anger controlled. He hated Tanner and wanted to hit him so badly for giving Abby those drugs. Nova still didnt understand why she did drugs. Adrian had said that shes been through a lot but what worse had happened that she started drugs? Nova had every girl figured out but Abigail Moreaus case was different. She made him curious and that was bad. Nova was never this curious about a girl before, hell, hes never been curious of a girl before. He wanted to figure her out and thats how he probably will get her out of his mind. Yeah the sooner he knows, the quicker he forgets her. Nova snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the bell ring which obviously means first period was over. His next period was English which he had with Abby and he was glad for that. He looked at Mr. White Sir, I love my English class and if I dont go now, Ill miss it Yeah right, he wouldnt even go three feet near that class

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