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Chakras Names and Functions

Mooladhara The root Chakra, seat of Primal Energy Kundalini Shakti. The generating station for Prana in the Pranic Science. Located between the anus & the genitals. Prana awakens here & ascends the spinal cord via the Pingala Nadi (Steam in the spine). Mooladhara is the generator and the Ajna chakra is the distributer. The knot of Brahma is located at this point and as soon as it's undone Prana Shakti awakens. Infinite energy and Spiritual experience emanate from Mooladhara. Associated with Annamaya Kosha & the Earth Element. In Psychological terms Mooladhara is associated with the unconscious mind where primitive fear and deep-rooted instincts lay. This Chakra may be seen as a four petaled, red lotus flower. The Bija Mantra for Mooladhara is Lam. Swadhisthana Located at the Coccyx and is the center for all the latent Samskaras and impressions considered to be the substrata of existence; therefor forming a karmic block making it difficult for awakened prana to travel past. In psychological terms Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious mind and therefor is responsible for drowsiness and sleep; also related with the reproductive organs and taste. Desires for pleasure, esp. sex and food awaken when this Chakra is activated, therefor in order for prana to pass through this area one needs to develop stronger Will Power. Swadhisthana is associated with the Pranamaya Kosha and the Element of Water; represented by the vermilion six petaled lotus. Its Bija Mantra is Vam. Mooladhara & Swadhisthana are predominately influenced by tamas (of the three gunas), that is Lethargy, dullness and ignorance. Manipura Located behind the navel in the spine, is the storehouse for prana. Associated with heat, vitality, dynamism, generation & preservation. As the sun radiates and distributes life giving sun light, so too does Manipura radiate and distribute prana to the entire system of the body; regulating and fueling lifes processes. Manipura is associated with the Pranamaya Kosha and its element is Fire; represented by the bright yellow, ten petaled lotus flower. Its Bija Mantra is Ram. Manipura is predominately influenced by rajas (of the three gunas), that is activity, dynamism, strength & will. Anahata Located in the spine directly behind the heart center, and is responsible for the awakening of refined emotions; the Anahata Chakra is the seat of the Cosmic Sound (anahad nada), it is transcendental sound and can only be heard by the pure consciousness. This center relates to the sense of touch and when awakened bestows the power to heal by touch or by radiating energy. The heart centre is the seat of emotional love and it is here that emotion is channeled into devotion. Vishnu Granthi, the second psychic knot, representing bondage of emotional attachment, is located here. When
this knot is opened, one becomes free of all selfish, egoistic and emotional attachment, and attains mental and emotional control, equilibrium and peace. Anahata is associated with the Monomaya Kosha, and at this

level one becomes free of fate and takes control of one's destiny. Its element is Air and it is represented by a blue lotus flower with twelve petals. Anahata's Bija Mantra is Yam. The symbol of the kalpatura tree is also associated with the heart center, when it finally bears forth fruit the person who has opened this channel in themselves will be able to manifest or attain what ever it is that they think of. A good idea to be in complete control of your thoughts by this time. Vishuddhi Located behind the throat pit in the spine, is the purification centre and is known as the
fountain of youth. According to tantric philosophy, amrita or the nectar of life falls down from bindu into this chakra, generating vitality, health and longevity. In the yogic texts it is stated that with the awakening of this centre all diseased states can be reversed, and even an old person can become young once again. When Vishuddhi is activated cool sweet drops of nectar drip down the throat, causing a feeling of blissful intoxication. At this point all poisonous or negative experiences of life can be absorbed and turned into a state of bliss.

Vishuddhi is associated with Vijnanamaya Kosha & initiates higher mental development. It is the center for receiving sound vibrations and strengthening understanding and guardian chi in this area helps to sift out unwanted noises coming from nearby or far off. When Vishuddhi is purified it helps the sense of hearing to be very sharp and extremely focused on what one truly listens for, not only through the ears but also through the mind. Vishuddhi's element is ether or Akasha, and is represented by the violet Lotus and has sixteen petals. By meditating on Vishuddhi, the mind becomes free of thought, pure and empty like space. Its bija mantra is Ham.

Ajna The center of mind and represents a higher level of awareness. Means command and is the monitoring center; is called the guru chakra of the mind. Ajna is the point of confluence where the three nadis (energy channels) meet and flow up to Sahasrara. It is also where, during deep meditation when all the senses have withdrawn and the mind enters the void (shoonya), the guru (the higher consciousness) guides the aspirant from Ajna into Sahasrara by issuing commands in this center. Ajna is also known as the third eye, the eye of Shiva, or the eye of intuition which gazes inward rather than outward. It is also often called Divya Chakshu (the Divine Eye), or Jnana Chakshu (the Eye of Wisdom), because you receive revelation and insight into the underlying nature of existence through this center. Ajna is the portal into the Astral world; when this centre is activated one recieves great psychic defense ability as psychic power, direct mind to mind communication can take place at this level of ability. Ajna is the place where Rudra Granthi (the Knot of Shiva) is found. This knot is a symbol of the attachment to the psychic personality and to the siddhi's which accompany the awakening of the Ajna Chakra. The knot blocks ones spiritual advancement until attachment to psychic phenomena is overcome and the knot is freed. The trigger point for Ajna is located at the eyebrow center, known as the bhrumadhya and is an important focal point for better meditation, concentration, & visualization. Prana can never be experienced in the forms of Light unless Ajna is developed to some extent. In the practice of Prana Vidya, Ajna acts as the control center for the distribution of prana. If the vision of light at ajna is well developed, one will have no difficulty in visualizing the raising of
prana and its movement throughout the body. Otherwise, the imagination must be used until the actual experience develops. Ajna is associated with the Vijnanamaya Kosha, and is located at the top of the

spinal cord in the mid brain and corresponds to the pineal gland. Its tattwa or element is mind; this is the point where the mind changes from gross to subtle, from outward to inward. Ajna is represented by a Silver Lotus with 2 petals, and its Bija Mantra is OM. Bindu Located at the top back of the head. It is the point of creation where oneness divides and becomes multiplicity; the ultimate point from which all things manifest and eventually return. In Bindu lives the multi-dimensional potential for creating all known and unknown objects; the blue print for creation. Bindu is represented by the image of a crescent moon and a single drop of white nectar. The tantric texts describe a small depression or pit within the higher centres of the brain which contains a
minute secretion of fluid. In the centre of that tiny secretion is a small point of elevation, like an island in the middle of a lake. In the psycho-physiological framework, this tiny point is considered to be bindu. The Moon

at Bindu makes the life giving nectar called amrita, and the Sun at Manipura is nourished by it. The texts indicate that the drop of nectar, at some point in life, falls to Manipura thus activating the three major ailments: Vjadhi (disease), Jara (getting old), Mrityu (death). Yoga and Tantra help a person to learn the techniques necessary for preventing or reversing these three ailments, by either stopping the drip of Amrita at Vishudddhi (the throat chakra), or sent back up from Manipura (The Naval Chakra) to Vishuddhi then on up to Bindu. The first manifesting of creation was sound, called nada; and Bindu is the place where nada emanates. Bindu is associated with the Anandamaya Kosha, when Bindu is activated the transcendental sound of OM is heard. Bindu is especially important to Yogi's practicing the advanced art of Prana Vidya & other higher yogas. Sahasrara The seat of the supreme consciousness, located at the crown of the head; Sahasrara is not actually a psychic center because it is beyond the realm of the psyche. It is the totality, the absolute,

the pinnacle of human evolution due to cosmic consciousness merging with cosmic prana. Once Mahaprana (cosmic prana) is experienced, one no longer needs to practice techniques, transmission of energy will take place with a simple gesture or intended word, look, or thought. Sahasrara is the master key that opens all the other chakras, their potential power lies in Sahasrara. When Kundalini Shakti reaches Sahasrara, universal consciousness overtakes regular consciousness, self realization (samadhi) dawns. Sahasrara is infinite in dimension, it is visualized as a thousand petaled lotus, unfolding from the crown of the head in all directions toward eternity. Sahasrara is associated with Anandamaya Kosha. According to the scriptures, there are 5 types of prana within the body: 1). Udana circulates in the throat and above; 2). Prana in the chest region; 3). Samana in the stomach region; 4). Apana in the intestional region; & 5). Vyana in the entire body.

Nadis: Channels of Prana

There are hundreds of thousands of streams of nadis in the energy body; out of these 72 are said to be of significance; out of the 72, 10 are very significant (some reference 19 as being very significant); and out of the 10 or 19, the 3 pictured above are the most significant. These three primary nadis run through every chakra point on the spine. Ida nadi is the Mental channel, Pingala nadi is the Vital channel, and Sushumna the Spiritual channel. Max pranic gushes flow through these three nadis and instantly charge the rest of the energy body. Aside from the three main nadis the other 19 are: Gandhari, Hastijihva, Yashaswini, Pusha, Alambusha, Kuhu, Shankhini, Jihva, Koorma, Payaswini, Saraswati, Saumya, Shura, Varuni, Vilambha, & Vishwodari. The 3 primary nadis originate in Moolhadara (the main plexus for the energy body), and like pictured above, Ida & Pingala weave around and through the Chakras until they meet with Pingala at the Ajna (third eye) Chakra; Sushumna goes straight up the spine inline with the Chakras; all three united then go straight to Sahasrara. At each crossover point along the Chakras the nadis branch off to the other streams of energy which lead to all parts of the bodies. Ida governs the left side of the body, and Pingala the right. Sushumna is the path through which Kundalini rises, thus forming the basis for progressive awakening to higher intelligence and consciousness. Within Sushumna are 3 subtle nadis which become active when Sushumna is awakened. Immediately within Sushumna is Vajra nadi, and within Vajra is Chitra (aka Chitrini), and at the very center is Brahma nadi, the most subtle flow; so called due to its being the activator of the higher centers of consciousness, when the Kundalini Shakti travels through this most subtle channel, transcendental experiences take place. The location of some of the other major nadis R:

1. Gandhari 2. Hastijihva 3. Yashaswini 4. Pusha 5. Alambusha 6. Kuhu 7. Shankhini 8. Saraswati 9. Payaswini 10. Varuni 11. Vishwodari

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