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16th July 2013


Bahrain arrests 3 for attack on MP's home: police
Bahraini authorities have arrested three "terrorists" who allegedly hurled rebombs at the home of a Shiite lawmaker without causing casualties even though he was inside when the assault occurred, police said on today. "Investigations have led to the identication and arrest of three terrorists who will be referred to public prosecution," the police said in a statement carried by the ofcial BNA news agency. It said other suspects involved in the attack remain at large. Shiite MP Abbas al-Madi was at his home in the town of Deir, near the capital Manama, during the early yesterday attack that left parts of his house damaged and burnt. Read More brilliant potential strategic rents and their impact reverberates through the northern Gulf and beyond.

Suspects in arson attack on Bahrain officials home arrested

Three people suspected of attacking the home of a Bahraini lawmaker with petrol bombs have been arrested, the police said. No one was hurt in the Monday dawn attack on the home of Abbas Eisa Al Madhi, the chairman of

parliaments Services Committee, in the coastal village of Dair in Muharraq, the countrys second largest island. However, a car stationed near the house and the main gate and the garage door were damaged in the 4:15am assault, the latest on public gures and security personnel in the kingdom rocked by months of unrest. Read More power-projection capabilities. It would not be easy to replace that facility and impossible to do so quickly. Consequently, U.S. policy makers have been more than just interested spectators to events in Bahrain. There is little doubt that Bahrains political environment is increasingly volatile. The country is on the front lines of the SunniShiite struggle for dominance in the Middle East. The Sunni monarchy of King Hamad bin Isa alKhalifa rules a population that is nearly 70 percent Shiite, and stark discrimination against the latter is evident in nearly every aspect of life. Read More

A Shift of Focus: Bahrain and the Future of Security in The Gulf

Bahrain has massive untapped economic potential. Its population of about 1.2 million is comprised mostly of expatriates. It has a small land area and small offshore claims, and its bloated bureaucracy eats two-thirds of its government budget and subsidies eat up much of the rest. However, Bahrain has

Bahrain Emerging as Washingtons Next Middle East Crisis

The Obama administration, already preoccupied with the unpleasant developments in Syria and Egypt, may soon be facing a new crisis in the small Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain. If violence in that country continues to grow, it will have a more immediate and signicant impact on Washingtons role in the region. Bahrain is the home port for the U.S. fth eet, and is, therefore, the linchpin of the U.S. naval presence in that part of the world and a crucial component of Washingtons

Bahrain plays host to the United States projection of force in the region. Naval Support Activity Bahrain is NAVCENT and is the U.S. Fifth Fleets central base. It, along with other activities on the island for which the U.S. is a part, is vital for the protection of not only Bahrain, but also for a good chunk of the Gulf, parts of the Indian Ocean, and a territory stretching as far as Somalia, Kenya, and beyond. Read More is planned for next month. The Gulf state's been seeing violence for more than two years now, with thousands of anti-regime protesters clashing with police on a daily basis. Let's go to Saeed al-Shehabi London-based activist from the Bahrain Freedom Movement. Read More

'Force only tool left for Bahrain regime, opposition has to act'
Opposition groups in Bahrain have called on the government to allow a major demonstration calling for greater freedoms, which

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