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IMPSA is a w orld leader in the provision of integrated solutions for renew able energy projects through the production of capital goods and investment in energy projects. IMPSAs success and renow n are based on its broad experience in infrastructure projects in markets w orldw ide:

Almost 100 years of experience in the provision of high-tech capital goods Over 15,000 MW of installed capacity in turbines and generators for hydroelectric pow er plants More than 150 hydroelectric projects in 30 countries in North A merica, Central America, South A merica, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East Processes certif ied to stringent quality standards Ow n state-of-the-art technology for clean energy production from renew able sources.

Wind Energy

Rising environmental and economic costs associated w ith the use of fossil fuels for energy production have led to the explosive growth of clean renew able sources. Wind energy among them occupies a relevant position because of its advanced technological and industrial development.

The w ind generator manufacturing industry has grown by more than 25% over the past decade second only to the cell phone industry. Now adays, the equipment market represents more than USD 10 billion a year. With over 50,000 MW installed around the w orld, more than 360,000 MWh are produced every day, which represents USD 8 billion a year.

In the past, Europe and North America concentrated more than 90% of the w orlds wind generation, but in the last few years Asia and Oceania have experienced a remarkable potential grow th. for w ind Despite its great South generation,

America has not managed to develop it significantly mostly due to a lack of regional companies capable of meeting the markets peculiar conditions.

Having detected a great opportunity in this market, IMPSA accepted the challenge to play an active role in the development of w ind energy based on two of its greatest strengths: development of efficient and competitive cutting-edge technology, and successful execution of integrated projects.

IMPSA Wind is a new business unit w hose mission is to provide comprehensive solutions in the field of w ind generation w ith an optimum combination of variables critical to the success of a project. To this end, IMPSA develops the necessary know-how to participate in all the links in the value chain for an adequate control of each of the factors that are critical to the success of an undertaking:

Technological development - UNIPOWER Equipment manufacture and provision Development of generation projects o o o Assessment of w ind resources Micrositing and energy calculations Economic and financial evaluation

Construction of w ind farms under the EPC mode o o o Civil w orks (access roads and foundations) Equipment assembly and startup Grid connection systems

Operation and maintenance

Through IMPSA Energy its investment ar m IMPSA promotes and invests in w ind generation projects.

TECHNOL OGICAL DEV ELOPMENT The vision of providing comprehensive, competitive and innovative solutions has led to the development of a new concept in wind generation equipment that stands out from other products currently available in w orld markets.

OBJECTIVES OF WIND GENERATOR DESIGN Maximize efficiency in capturing and converting the kinetic energy of the air Minimize maintenance time and costs Maximize local value added (project siting) Develop, design and manufacture equipment that meets the strictest and highest international standards. Adherence to the above objectives has led to a new concept in w ind generation equipment: IWP - UNIPOWER . The equipment in its tw o versions 1,5 MW pow er class 1S, and 1.5 MW pow er class 2 will be commercially available at the beginning of 2008.


By the end of the next 5 years, the Company expects to rank among the top 10 w orld producers with 5% of the world market, w hich would represent sales for more that USD 500 billion. To this end, industrial plants w ill be set up at geographically strategic points to meet the demands of its target markets.

SUPPLY UNDER EPC CONTRA CTS IMPSAs vast experience in infrastructure projects allow s it to offer integrated solutions and to assume responsibility for the entire project. By combining its ow n know -how and a number of strategic alliances, IMPSA is in a position to undertake the optimum design and construction of a w ind farm from the technical and economic points of view, optimizing customers investment and ensuring the return on investments.

COMPREHENSIV E PROJECT DEV ELOPMENT Together w ith IMPSA Energy, IMPSA develops, executes and operates wind generation projects based on its risk management, finance raising and executive capacity. IMPSA contributes to sustainable grow th by developing renew able energy and promoting its use in the global energy matrix.


Machines that convert the kinetic energy of the w ind into electrical energy are called w ind generators or aerogenerators, subdivided into low -power wind generators and high-pow er wind generators. The former are low capacity, light and simple machines that produce from a few hundred W to some tens of kW and are used to feed small units outside the electric grid system. On the other hand, high-pow er wind generators because of their pow er, which ranges from a few hundred kW to several MW can be connected to grids feeding important consumption centers.

There are tw o main stages in the energy conversion chain of a w ind turbine: a) A first stage, consisting of a device know n as turbine, w hich converts the kinetic energy of the w ind into mechanical energy. b) A second stage, know n as generator, w hich converts mechanical energy (captured by the turbine) into electrical energy.

Both stages are physically linked by means of a shaft that transmits the torque from the turbine to the generator either directly or, if necessary, through a gearbox that raises the rotational speed.

According to the type of generator, there are tw o main design concepts:

1. Turbines w ith fast generators: Usually asynchronous, they are small high-speed machines, with a limited number of field poles, coupled onto the turbine through a multistage gearbox. The gearbox is a complex and expensive component that reduces the assemblys overall yield and considerably increases shutdow n times for maintenance operations. 2. Turbines w ith slow multi-pole generators: Usually synchronous, these machines are directly coupled onto the turbine and reach the minimum generation frequency w ith a large number of field poles. They do not require a gearbox, but they are bigger and heavier than their fast counterparts.

In any of the above designs there is a clear difference between the tw o stages turbine and generator , and some kind of structure or shaft that transmits the torque betw een them either directly or indirectly.


IWP- UNIPOWER means state-of-the-art w ind power generation.

This new concept breaks many of the industrys traditional paradigms as a large number of mobile components are eliminated: as the equipment does not require a gearbox, the number of individual rotating components is reduced.

The technologies and innovations used in the design of this machine make it possible to reduce its size with respect to the conventional turbinemulti-pole generator assemblies. This is accomplished through a special arrangement of the generators active components and, in given sizes, through the use of per manent magnets, eliminating pow er-transmission rotating devices for inductor excitation.

Thus, the IWPUNIPOWER w ind generator overcomes the main draw backs of directlycoupled multi-pole generators size and w eight but keeps their main advantage: no gearbox.

As stated above, w ithout additional devices to increase speed, the machine requires less maintenance (in tw enty years operation, the IWPUNIPOWER rotates few er times than a fast generator in three months). In turn, the peculiar layout of its various components minimizes the loads on the tow er structure, reducing stresses and prolonging the useful life of the main bearings and active tow er components such as the bearing of the orientation system.

Thus, substantial improvement is achieved in ter ms of efficiency, availability, reliability, as w ell as of operation and maintenance costs.



Structural & Mechanical Design


Detail Engineering & Manufacturing

Manuf acturing & Testing

IEC WT01 IEC 61400 IEC 17025

Designing a w ind generator is a long and complex process that requires the participation of a multidisciplinary team w ith professionals from all branches of engineering. The entire process must conform to the strictest international standards in order to ensure product quality.

It is at this stage that the machines conceptual design, layout and operating principle are established.

Our specialists use the most modern computational tools for the aerodynamic, aero-elastic and structural design of each component and many of those tools w ere especially developed by IMPSA.

Sophisticated tools used in simulations of the aerodynamic behavior of blades and fairings make it possible to perform fluid numerical simulations to deter mine:

Stripping of the boundary layer Aerodynamic performance Optimization of blade profile Generation of vortices and induced vibrations Fluid velocity and energy transfer

Numerical simulation of air flows w ith highly complex software CFX-TASCflow (ANSYS Inc.) makes it possible to optimize aerodynamic designs.

With ARGEN-PROGEN, a program especially designed by IMPSA professionals, it is possible to study the magnetic, electric, and ther mal behavior of synchronous generators by simulating normal operating conditions and extreme events such as short circuiting.

This program w as also used to design a generator particularly suited to this type of pow er generation and to optimize the size, w eight and pow er ratio.



Structural & Mechanical Design

Basic Design


Detail Engineering

Manuf acturing & Testing

The data on fluid behavior derived from numerical simulations are used to perform structural studies of all components.

IMPSA maximizes local value added by employing locally produced raw materials and components as much as possible. Development and characterization of such materials have been performed jointly w ith renow ned national and international laboratories.

FEM ( Finite Element Model) simulations are carried out w ith the most modern NASTRAN calculation programs developed by NASA for this type of analysis. MSC/NAST RAN (NASA STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS) is the most advanced tool in finite element calculations for static and dynamic requirements, ther mal analysis, aero elasticity, etc. Some of the behaviors analyzed include:

Frequencies and natural vibration modes Deformations Stresses and distribution of mechanical tensions


The complete structural analysis model is the most complex analysis performed in Argentina and involves the simultaneous resolution of 2,500,000 variables.



Basic Design

Structural & Mechanical Design


Detail Engineering

Manuf acturing & Testing

The efficient and safe operation of this type of equipment requires the precise operation of all mechanical and control components as w ell as a correct strategy for maximum energy production w hich, combined w ith safe operating conditions, ensure a prolonged useful life w ith minimum maintenance.

Development of its ow n control system has allow ed IMPSA to gain a deep understanding of equipment restrictions and possibilities, and thus optimize energy production and safe operation. The control system operates on a PLC platform and performs all primary control, supervisory control and frequency conversion functions.

1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 20 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

30,00 27,50 RotPwr (kW) YawBrMzn (kNm) RotSpeed 25,00 22,50 20,00 Speed 17,50 15,00 12,50 10,00 7,50 5,00 2,50 0,00 Time



Struc tural & Mec hanic al D es ign

Bas ic D es ign

Mec hatronic s

Detail Engineering

Manuf acturing & Tes ting

Producing competitive equipment requires that the design of every component contribute to optimized manufacturing and effic ient operation of the machine as a whole. To this end, tools such as animation, multiple-view visualization, rotation, interfaces with calculation programs, simultaneous connection between workstations, and fiber optics connection to factory (CNC machines) are used.



Manufacturing the different w ind generator components requires intensive labor of different type and qualifications.



The response of the w hole machine is analyzed before it is put into operation. Static and dynamic simulations are carried out to study the general behavior of structures working together and to establish the best control strategies.

The rotor-hub and stator-beam assembly is mounted on a test bench for rigorous operation tests to verif y, among others, voltage, generated current and heating.



IMPSA is w orking on equipment certification together w ith top-level international consultants The 1,5 MW-Class 1S generator is being certified by TV the renow ned international agency w ith the most modern and stringent international standards.

Main characteristics of the IWP-UNIPOWER w ind generator

Compact and mobile Does not absorb reactive pow er from the grid (improves the pow er factor) Can generate pow er at different frequencies and pow er factors High efficiency (due to less losses in the generator and mechanical components) Minimum maintenance (no gearbox, no slip rings, few er mobile parts)



Rated pow er Pow er regulation Cut in w ind speed Rated w ind speed Cut out w ind speed Survival w ind speed Design standards Class

1500 kW Blade pitch control w ith emergency pow er supply 3.5 m/s 12 m/s 25 m/s 77 m/s IEC 61400-1; IEC WT01 1S

Rotor Diameter Sw ept area Speed Type Rotation direction 70 m 3848 m2 Variable, 6 rpm to 19 rpm Unipow er, horizontal axis Clockw ise

Blades Number Manufacturer Blade material 3 IMPSA Wind Fiberglass and resin w ith integral lightning protection

Generator Type Rated frequency DDPM (direct drive permanent magnet) 50 Hz / 60 Hz




Braking system Aerodynamic brake Mechanical brake Mechanical lock 3 independent pitch-control systems w ith emergency supply Disk, w ith 2 fail-safe actuators Hydraulic, for maintenance tasks

Orientation system Type Actuators Active, with ring gear bearing Four motor-reducers (electrical motor + planetary gear box)

Tower Type Hub height Steel tubing, different foundations 71.8 m

Anti-corrosive protection Paint


IWP - 70
1 0,9 0,8 0,7

C p y Ct

0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0 ,1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 2 1 2 2 23 2 4 2 5

viento m/s Cp s alida (-) Ct (-)

IWP - 70
1 600 1 400 1 200 1 000


800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25

viento m/s Potencia (k W)



Rated pow er Pow er regulation Cut in w ind speed Rated w ind speed Cut out w ind speed Survival w ind speed Design standards Class

1500 kW Blade pitch control w ith emergency pow er supply 3 m/s 11.5 m/s 25 m/s 59.5 m/s IEC 61400-1; IEC WT01 II

Rotor Diameter Sw ept area Speed Type Rotation direction 77 m 4654 m2 Variable, 6 rpm to 19 rpm Unipow er, horizontal axis Clockw ise

Blades Number Manufacturer Blade material 3 IMPSA Wind Fiberglass and resin w ith integral lightning protection

Generator Type Rated frequency DDPM (direct drive permanent magnet) 50 Hz / 60 Hz




Braking system Aerodynamic brake Mechanical brake Mechanical lock 3 independent pitch-control systems w ith emergency supply Disk, w ith 2 fail-safe actuators Hydraulic, for maintenance tasks

Orientation system Type Actuators Active, with ring gear bearing Four motor-reducers (electrical motor + planetary gear box)

Tower Type Hub height Steel tubing, different foundations 77 m

Anti-corrosive protection Double-coat epoxi paint


IWP - 77

0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6

Cp y Ct

0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

viento (m/s )

Cp (-)

Ct (-)

IWP - 77

1600 1400 1200 1000

Potenc ia

800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

vi ento (m /s)

Potencia (Kw)



IMPSA Wind manufactures equipment at designated shops at IMPSAs industrial plant in Mendoza (Argentina) laminates, structure manufacturing, and final assembly. It shares machining and surface treatment facilities, and the manufacturing plant for the generators active components w ith the IMPSA products.

View of the generator m anufacturing plant in Mendoza


Stator m anufacturing process at the Mendoza plant

Assem bly of the UNIPOWER generator at the Mendoza plant


Structure shop

Lam inate shop

Autom atic welding m achine


Ladders and cable trays Tower IWP-70

As the current manufacturing structure does not make it possible to meet regional market demands, IMPSA is planning to install several custom- made plants for serial production of the main components of w ind generators.

An ambitious investment plan w ill result in the installation of production plants at points that offer an optimum combination of labor, logistics and procurement costs, w ith emphasis on job creation at natural mar kets for this type of technology.

The infrastructure is expected to have an initial production capacity of 250 MW p/a and is scheduled to begin production at the beginning of 2008 along w ith commercial equipment.

The infrastructure required to produce w ind generators includes:

. A manufacturing plant of composite material structures, blades and fairings . The UNIPOWER generator plant


. A final assembly plant

Where possible, IMPSA plans to subcontract locally the construction of towers and structures with a view to minimizing logistics and transportation problems and to maximizing the positive impact of projects on regional economies.



In order to comply w ith the orders from its immediate markets, IMPSA Wind is planning to install industrial plants in Argentina and Brazil:

Generators and generator structures Structures Argentina and Brazil Blades and fairings Argentina and Brazil Final assembly Argentina and Brazil



Fifty percent of the wind generator components are commercial products manufactured by specialized suppliers. The most important commercial components include:

Main bearings Bearings (orientation) Blade bearings Forgings Frequency converter Control equipment Transformers

Most of these components can be purchased at the local market. IMPSA has already approached different suppliers with a view to entering supply contracts so as to maximize the local added value of the equipment manufactured, as w ell as to comply w ith the requirements of FINAME and of the National Argentine Strategic Plan.


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