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The Wheel of Fate must never be disrupted. The needs of few will never outweigh the needs of many.

From the times of mankind's first civilization, we have always structured ourselves on a spiritual basis. Revering gods of each era, some similar and some worlds apart, we throw all ideas away for the simple worship of that which we cannot fathom. Mankind has thrived off of the idea of these deities for many ages, never questioning the origin of their lore, only following blindly. Mankind could never have been so close to the truth, and yet so terribly wrong. Southern Cyclades Islands, Greece. 17th of March, 2352. A historian/priest of the lost religion of the Olympian Deities reports to have seen vortex-like cloud movements in the sky, followed by the descent of an enormous entity. He passes word to his colleagues forewarning them of the anomaly, only to be disregarded due to lack of evidence. 18th of March, 2352, the Cyclades Islands are completely wiped off of the global map, eradicated to ashes in only a few moments worth of time. Suddenly the world has taken notice to the anomaly, and desperately wait in caution for more signs. 27th of August, 2352. Terrible lightning storms barrage Iceland, shrouding the land in a coat of fire and ash. Many pleas for help from surrounding lands include details of a large serpentine beast, some claiming the lightning storms had originated from said beast. The storms last 22 hours, and in that time, Iceland is completely demolished, leaving very few survivors. The world is now at arms. 2nd of October, 2352. The world's nations unite in a universal peace treaty, forming the Planetary Leaders Emergency Alliance, or P.L.E.A.. Scientists, historians, religious experts, and military leaders alike form a council for the sole purpose of discovering the threat, and preventing further events. 11th of November, 2352. The sky opens above North America, approximately 50 miles from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Two immensely large beasts were reported to have descended down onto American soil, rampaging through countless cities. P.L.E.A. attempts to gather military forces to combat the threat, only to prove no match to the beasts' unimaginable supernatural ability. One was witnessed to have immense lightning control, sending waves of electric destruction wherever it pleased. The other was witnessed to control properties of darkness itself, covering the land in shadows followed by hellfire. 80% of North America is eradicated, P.L.E.A. officially categorizes the catastrophe as the Apocalypse. 15th of December, 2352. P.L.E.A. is reached by an anomalous being, takes a human form to confront the council. I come not for war, but for a solution. My true name is unimportant, but to your

earlier civilizations I would have been known as Minerva. Her long, black hair flowed gracefully around her presence, as her soft eyes slowly observed the elite members of the world's council. What do you want from us?! Who are you?! Commander Remandon pounded his fist against the surface of the intelligence console that the Council gathered around, glaring upward at the floating Minerva. The Commander was American-born, nominated without fail as the leader of P.L.E.A.'s military branch. He was an older gentleman, always donning his green military uniform, a formal military cap hiding his short, gray hair. His temper was short but he was always a reasonable man, putting his complete attention always on protecting his people. I shall first fill you in with details of our origin. Your people have always worshiped us, giving us different titles across many different ages and lands. Zeus, Hades, Thor, Fenrir, Mars, Amaterasu, Oni... We have been named many, and yet you have known nothing of our intent. She sighed, brushing a lock of her ebony hair behind her right ear as her explanation continued. The universe is vast, and your people are indisputably complex. You perceive many things, and typically you are correct. There is no fault in understanding that there is both a physical and ethereal plane of existence, alas you have all failed to see that they are merged across the universe. We are a spiritual presence indeed, with power incapable of discovery from any resources the human race has available to them. We traveled into this galaxy many times throughout mankind's existence through means of Ethereal Passage, or as you have discovered them as, Black Holes. The Council members shifted glances nervously among each other, struggling to take in the sudden rush of inconceivable information they had just been introduced to. Minerva took a moment to allow adjustment before she continued. Our kind is a dominating species. We explore the vast reaches of this universe, eternally searching for inhabitable planets to take for our own. We dictate over many different races of people, disposing of those whom are not necessary to our development. We who are gifted enough to make a difference, although, are not alike. There are many of us who deplore the tyrannical system we have all been victimized by across the span of time itself. The deity you recognize as Zeus, he is the King of our race. He is the sole decider of a world's fate, and has yet to be interfered with in his dominance. Guram Iliod, a historian dedicated to Greek and Nordic mythology, was a short man who's age was comparable to the Commander. He had been nominated through worldwide selection as the leader of the intelligence branch for P.L.E.A.. He took the chance to interrupt to clarify on a thought that he was quite sure plagued the entire Council's minds. Why are you telling us all of this? Whereas I understand you are not compliant with your leader's ways, what good will it do for us if we cannot battle against this kind of threat? he asked, furrowing his bushy eyebrows and stroking his long, gray beard. Minerva looked gently upon the elder, smiling to him warmly. This is why I have come. We are spiritual beings, as I have discussed with you already. Therefore we have the power to transfer supernatural ability to those who are

compatible with our spiritual energy. This is the only way to fight back, for we cannot bring harm to our own kind. We would easily be outnumbered, and many of us aren't warriors and therefore do not battle, despite our given abilities. The Council members discussed among themselves, concern and confusion creating many different conversations within the venue. So what are you willing to do? Also, how much of an advantage will your offer give us over such an overwhelming force? the Commander asked, clasping his hands together and resting his chin and mouth upon them. Minerva raised her arm, triggering an emission of bright light from her being. In 7 days time, you shall find among your people the most tenacious and capable of men. Those of you who are the most physically and spiritually balanced shall be the ones who are the most compatible to inherit our ability. In that time, I shall gather those of my race who are willing to make a change in this endless cycle, and we shall assist you in toppling this empire. With her words coming to an end, Minerva disappeared into a flash of light leaving nothing except silence within the Council chambers. Discussion over the matter was unnecessary. The decision to recruit for humanity's last chance of survival was unanimous, and therefore immediately put into motion by the end of the night.

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