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What do you think about dr. Andersons judgement on performing Lisas first abortion? Abortion is a controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the last 30 years. The main question is whether or not abortion should be legal? Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mothers womb. There are two sides to this abortion topic, the Pro-Life side and the Pro-Choice side. The pro-life side are those people who are against abortion altogether and the pro-choice side are those individuals who believe it is the womans right to choose. The pro-life solution is to have the child and raise it, or give it up for adoption. The pro-choice solution of abortion is ethically wrong and should be made illegal because there are physical consequences for both mother and child as a result of an abortion; abortion has become the solution for carelessness instead of facing the consequences of sexual activity and pregnancy; and finally abortion is ethically wrong because the fetus is a living, breathing child, not some biological mass of molecules and atoms. However, there should be exceptions in the law allowed for rare cases of rape and incest that result in a pregnancy. Pro-choice followers try to use excuses such as rape, incest, health risks and birth defects

What do you suggest to Lisa in order to assure her about the need of contraception? Most methods can be safely used following medical abortion and can be initiated either on the day of misoprostol administration (oral pills, condoms and injectable contraceptives) or after the next menstrual cycle (intrauterine device and sterilization). oral contraception, OC or "the pill") is the most popular type of birth control. There are many different brands and they come in packs of 21 or 28 pills. One pill is taken every day. The first 21 pills have a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone hormones. The Pill stops ovulation, preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. The Pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The hormones in the Pill prevent fertilization. The last 7 pills of a 28-day pack have no hormones and are called spacer pills. The Pill is 92-99.7% effective as birth control. It does not protect against reproductive tract infections, including HIV/AIDS. These jabs contain hormones. When injected into a muscle (usually in the buttock), the medication keeps you from getting pregnant for a considerable period of time. A very good thing about it is that you dont have to remember to keep on taking anything, which makes this method very useful for the many people who forget Pills! Also, the jab does ensure that sex is spontaneous; you dont have to bother about putting on condoms, or inserting chemicals. Quite a few women regard this as a plus. There are currently just two types of contraceptive jab available in Britain. They are: Depo-provera (medroxyprogesterone), which is by far the most commonly used. It protects you almost fully against pregnancy for 12 weeks Noristerat (Norethisterone), which provides contraceptive protection for eight weeks. In practice, it is mainly used short-term in Britain for instance, in women whose partners are awaiting a vasectomy. It is not widely available now. Both these jabs contain a type of hormone called a progestogen, which has similar effects to the natural female hormone progesterone.We can use Intra Uterine Device (IUD) as well, it is a small object that is inserted through the cervix and placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. A small string hangs down from the IUD into the upper part of the vagina. The IUD is not noticeable during intercourse. IUDs can last 1-10 years. They work by changing
Luvita Peilouw (07120080086)


the the the lining of the uterus and fallopian tubes affecting the movements of eggs and sperm and so that fertilization does not occur. IUDs are 99.2-99.9% effective as birth control. They do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. On the other hand if she wants to make it permanently, it is better for going on Tubectomy or Tubal sterilization, which is a surgery to block a woman's fallopian tubes.Tubal sterilizationis a permanent form of birth control.After this procedure, eggs cannot move from the ovary through the tubes (a woman has two fallopian tubes), and eventually to the uterus.Also, sperm cannot reach the egg in the fallopian tube after it is released by the ovary.Thus, pregnancy is prevented. This procedure is also called tubal ligation or you are said to have your "tubes tied."More formally, it is known as bilateral tubal ligation (BTL).

What are you going to do now if youre dr. Anderson? If Im the doctor I will not provide the second abortion service for Lisa. It is clear that permissive abortion is purposeful destruction of what is undeniably human life. It is an impermissible act of deadly violence. One must concede that unplanned pregnancy is a wrenchingly difficult dilemma, but to look for its solution in a deliberate act of destruction is to trash the vast resourcefulness of human ingenuity and to surrender the public weal to the classic utilitarian answer to social problems. As a scientist I know, not believe, know that human life begins at conception. Although I am not a formal religionist, I believe with all my heart that there is a divinity of existence which commands us to declare a final and irreversible halt to this infinitely sad and shameful crime against humanity.

Luvita Peilouw (07120080086)

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