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Thirty-five year old MATT FISHER sits at his kitchen table, a laptop computer in front of him. A television plays in the background, on a news channel. MATT seems distracted. Suddenly the sound of an incoming IM makes him pause. He turns around and mutes the TV, then leans in to read the message. He is very clean-cut, dressed in a suit. His expression changes as he reads the message. After a long pause he turns off the computer, puts it into a computer bag, and walks through the front door of his house and into his car. As soon as he turns it on, Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped Box" blasts from the car stereo. INTRO: MATT as he appears at present, against a white backdrop. A series of stop-motion stills show his progression from the present into the past, gradually less clean-cut and gradually younger. The actor portraying MATT transitions at some point to sixteen-year-old MATT who picks up a backpack and walks through a white door on which the logo GRUNGE is plastered in black letters.

1993. INT. BEDROOM. DAY. MATT FISHER, age sixteen, lays on his bed, lights turned down. Tinny electronic music comes from the television in front of him. A phone rings. MATT, irritated, pauses the game and picks up the phone. MATT Hello, Fisher residence. T.J. You have to get over here, right now. MATT T.J.? Is something wrong? Matt sits up, concerned. T.J.s BEDROOM. There is a large, beige computer in front of him. 1990s era comic book posters cover the walls. T.J. sits in front of the computer. T.J. I have something incredible to show you. It's going to change the world. MATT I was just about to face the final boss on this game. You can show me

later, okay? T.J. Games can wait! This is going to be the single most important invention in the history of mankind! They just... matt's bedroom MATT nods along as we continue to hear T.J.'s unintelligible, garbled voice on the other end of the line. Matt rolls his eyes. MATT Okay. I'll be there in a second, but you got to make it fast. James is going to be home from school any minute. T.J. Awesome. Man, you won't be disappointed. T.j.s Bedroom MATT and T.J. stare at the computer. MATT appears underwhelmed and stared at the monster of a machine with a confused look on his face. T.J. ... and I can talk to people from all over the country. All over the world! Just think of how this could change the world! MATT That' I guess. T.J. Oh, come on, man! MATT I'm sorry! I just don't see the point. I mean, we already have telephones. And Kevin's mom has one of those cellular phones. Those things are getting smaller. Hers is, like, only this big. MATT gestures with his hands, indicating a telephone that is about a foot long. T.J. appears annoyed. MATT Maybe it will get better? (apologetic smile) T.J. Whatever, Matt. We're just on the verge of the biggest revolution in modern human history. The world is changing.

MATT I guess. Maybe. T.J. And girls. Someday we'll be able to use this to find girls. MATT Of course. What's the use of groundbreaking technology if you can't use it to get a date? T.J. Well...I mean, there's lots of other things, too. MATT laughs it off. MATT Keep me up to date on this ...thing-T.J. Internet-MATT This internet thing. I have to go home, okay? I'll see you later, man. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. MATT is walking down the street when he spots JENNIFER coming toward him from the opposite direction. JENNIFER smiles at him and they continue to walk until they meet up. MATT Hey, Jen. You're late coming back from school. JENNIFER Yeah, art club. So what are you doing? MATT T.J. had this thing he wanted to show me. They start to walk together. MATT appears to be attempting to work up the courage to say something. JENNIFER doesn't seem to notice. MATT So... JENNIFER Can I tell you something? MATT

Uh...ok? JENNIFER I'm late because I was talking to Alex. MATT (Crestfallen. He quickly hides this expression.) Alex DeMarco? You mean that musician guy? I heard Teej say he was a real jerk. JENNIFER (winces) He's not that bad. He's really nice, actually. We were talking about his band. They have this awesome Nirvana meets metal thing going on. MATT That sounds...just awful. JENNIFER Oh, come on Mattie. (Stops, turns so that she's facing him.) They're playing at this coffee shop downtown and he invited me to come. (Fishes flyer out of backpack.) Do you want to go? MATT (Takes flyer, barely glances at it before handing it back.) I think I'll pass. JENNIFER All right. Fine. I'll ask Kimberly, even though it's totally not her thing. Anyway, I'll see you at the mall later this weekend, ok? JENNIFER races off to her house. MATT stares wistfully after her, then appears to mentally berate himself and mutter something under his breath. He continues on to his own house. INT. LIVING ROOM. MATT glances in the kitchen to see the back of an eight-year-old. The theme song to MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS is playing in the background. MATT One snack. You know mom's rule. JAMES slams the refrigerator door shut. JAMES

Aww, come on. MATT What is that show about anyway? JAMES Oh, it's so cool! These teenagers were like...recruited by this big floating head to fight monsters. (Long pause) The pink ranger is super hot. MATT That sounds...incredibly lame. MATT grabs a soda from the fridge as JAMES rolls his eyes. JAMES She's hotter than JENNIFER. MATT (irritated) Go watch TV and leave me alone. And no touching my stuff! MATT moves upstairs to his bedroom. He settles down on the edge of his bed and reaches for the phone. He dials a number, then hangs up. After a long pause he dials another number. An Asian woman picks up and answers in Korean. MATT Uh, is Kevin there? MRS. LIU Kevin busy. He study for test. MATT Can you tell him I-The line clicks. Ringtone. MATT stares at the phone and then settles it down on the receiver. After a few moments the phone rings and MATT picks up. CUT to a bedroom that is almost comically American. There is a flag on one wall, BAYWATCH and wrestling posters on the other. KEVIN speaks. KEVIN Sorry, you know my mom. What's up? MATT It's about JENNIFER. KEVIN (groans) I thought you were over that. Didn't you go out with Stephanie Callahan? She is, like, model hot.

MATT Yeah, and all she could talk about the entire time was the New Kids concert she went to. And the New Kids concert she wants to go to. Hold on. (Pulls phone away, shouts at James.) Turn that down! KEVIN Power Rangers? (Mockingly) It's Morphin' Time! MATT Shut up. Listen, I think I'm going to ask her out this weekend, at the mall. Are you going to be working? KEVIN Yeah. Hey, you swear you won't tell my parents, right? They'd kill me. MATT No problem. Hey, I've got to go. Talk to you later. MATT heads upstairs to his bedroom. He turns off the TV, which is still paused on the game that he was playing, and pulls open the curtains. He looks across the street, where he can see JENNIFER'S bedroom window. She is at her desk, studying. MATT has a pained expression on his face. He closes the curtains again and drops down onto the bed. FADE TO BLACK INT. MALL. FOOD COURT. MATT and T.J. are seated at a table. JENNIFER and KIMBERLY approach and sit down in the seats beside them. MATT looks directly at JENNIFER and shyly smiles. KIMBERLY glances at T.J. KIMBERLY Nerd alert. T.J. It's good to see you too, Kim. KIMBERLY (directly speaking to JENNIFER) So did you see that guy looking at me? Didn't he look like a scout to you? I heard Tyra was discovered at a mall. T.J. Could you be any more shallow? KIMBERLY

(Disgusted glance at T.J.) Whatever, creep. JENNIFER Shut up, Kim. (Laughs, leans down toward MATT.) So. Get this. A bunch of kids have been talking about homecoming night. MATT (Abashed. Clears his throat.) Yeah. So, uhm. Do you have a date yet? JENNIFER As if! I wouldn't go to that tacky taffeta-fest if you paid me. No, they're saying NIRVANA is playing a secret show that night, and Alex knows where it's going to be. You in? KIMBERLY I can't believe you're serious. Homecoming is, like, the biggest event of the year next to prom. T.J. Says the girl nominated for Homecoming Princess. KIMBERLY Says the freak in flannel! MATT Wait, wait. Shut up guys. NIRVANA? I am SO in! T.J. That's like an hours drive, and there's no way your mom is going to let you take the car all the way out to Seattle. JENNIFER (proudly) Alex can take us. MATT No way! JENNIFER And why not? MATT I...just don't like the guy, okay? KIMBERLY Well, count me out. Nirvana sucks.

MATT (Shocked expression.) did not just say that. KIMBERLY You can't even understand what they're saying. And when you do...ugh! What does any of that even mean? (Affects Kurt Cobain's singing voice.) Hey! Wait! My name is Kurt Cobain... MATT No. No. It's "Hey. Wait. I've got a real complaint..." T.J. Okay, okay. Who do you like, oh wise and wonderful Kimberly? KIMBERLY Have you heard Whitney sing? (Starts to belt) And IIII... T.J. Cool it, Barbie. There's no talent scouts around to hear you. T.J. and Kimberly exchange disgusted looks. MATT is obviously annoyed. JENNIFER shrugs and crosses her arms in front of her. JENNIFER Fine. Whatever. But I'm going. MATT (Pained expression on his face, yet again. Appears to be debating with himself.) I...just... They are interrupted by the sound of a loud crash from the other side of the food court. A group of wannabe thugs are gathered around the Corn Dog stand, where Kevin stands behind the counter. THUG #1 Hey man, I think you dropped something. THUGS (laugh, jeer) THUG #2 You better pick that up. KEVIN I'll show you who dropped something! (Jumps over counter, takes off after the leader of the

group. They scatter.) THUG #1 He's got some kind of crazy ninja moves! CUT TO THE TABLE The group has been watching. Kimberly looks annoyed, the two boys amused, JENNIFER mildly worried. T.J. Kev's been watching too many Stallone flicks. MATT (To JENNIFER) Okay. I'll go. JENNIFER (Excited, hugs Matt.) Awesome! You're the best. Scene showed sped up, music playing overhead so that their dialogue is not audible. The others speak to one another, while MATT stares sullenly at the table in front of him. Eventually both JENNIFER and KIMBERLY get up to leave. T.J. gives MATT a pitying look. T.J. Hey. It'll work out. MATT Yeah. It will. At the concert. I'm going to tell her...everything. Just, everything. INT. KITCHEN. HELEN is at the kitchen table, a large glossy magazine in front of her. She wears a plush robe. MATT stumbles downstairs. The sound cartoons can be heard in the background. HELEN looks up when she sees MATT enter. HELEN Matt, can you watch your brother tonight? I have a date. MATT Mom. Gross. MATT moves to the fridge and begins to make a bowl of cereal. HELEN And your father going around town with Trophy Wife Barbie isn't "gross"?

MATT (Exasperated) Cindy isn't that bad. And anyway, I have plans tonight. You know, homecoming. HELEN Oh. Homecoming. HELEN puts down the magazine and focuses her attention on MATT. HELEN So do you have a date? MATT (Shrugs) I'm just going to the dance. You know, see if anything happens. HELEN Hmm. (Deliberately looks back at the magazine) JENNIFER going to be there? MATT (Sits down at the table) Yeah. I guess. HELEN (leans forward) Why don't you ask her out, Matt? She's such a nice girl. MATT Come on. I don't want to talk about this. Not with you. HELEN And why not? I'm out there, just the same as you are. I'm in the trenches--I know what it's like. (Lowers her voice.) I can get protection for you, if you need it. Safe sex is very important, you know. MATT Oh. Oh God. (Acts like he's about to throw up.) You're my mom. JAMES (VOICE ONLY) What are you talking about in there? HELEN Nothing, sweetie! (Back to MATT) You know I just want to make sure you're safe. I'm not like Grandma--I'm a liberated woman.

It's a new decade. MATT It's still gross. HELEN (Sighs) Well, I'll call a babysitter. HELEN gets up and kisses MATT on the cheek. MATT flinches. INT. LIVING ROOM. LATER THAT DAY. MATT is on the sofa with JAMES and T.J. JAMES is holding a NES Zapper; the sound of the video game "Duck Hunt" can he heard in the background. There is a knock at the door. MATT gets up and opens the door to reveal a handsome younger man, early 30s or late 20s. He is a typical early 90s yuppie type. DEREK Hey, little man! How's it going? MATT (Gives DEREK a blank stare.)'re only, like, five years older than me. DEREK ignores MATT and moves into the room.

DEREK (At JAMES) And there's the man of the house! And ... (At T.J.) Who are you? While this is happening JAMES barely notices DEREK. He is playing a video game. MATT Derek, my friend T.J. T.J., this is Derek, my mother's ... boyfriend. DEREK ignores MATT's comment and sails across the room to HELEN. He greets her with a kiss. HELEN giggles. MATT appears disgusted by this display. HELEN I'll be back in a minute. I have to go powder my nose. HELEN exits the room, leaving MATT and DEREK alone. They stare awkwardly at one another. MATT So. You're sales? DEREK Yeah! I have this great thing

going, Condos in Cali. I just came in top of my quarter. (Conspiratorially) You know, a guy like you could really go places in business. I say, who needs college? Waste four years of your life, for what? That's four years you could be out there in the real world, making a name for yourself. Door to door, call center, mailers. During this rant MATT continues to stare blankly at DEREK. His expression sums up as "You have got to be kidding me". HELEN reenters the room as MATT is about to speak. HELEN (Leans in to whisper to MATT as she moves toward the door). I left some of those things we talked about in the top drawer of the upstairs bathroom. MATT (Reels back away from her.) Mom! HELEN Be good! HELEN rushes out the door with DEREK and closes it behind her. T.J. Matt, did your mom really just proffer you prophylactics? JAMES (Looks up from his game) What's a prophylactic? MATT Just play your game. JAMES This is boring. (Shuts off the game and tosses down the Zapper). I'll be upstairs. Tell Christie I'll be waiting. T.J. (Watching as JAMES marches up the stairs) That kid...that kid is cool. MATT Shut up. Listen, about tonight... MATT is interrupted as there is another knock at the door. He glances at T.J. then goes to answer it. JENNIFER stands there next to the babysitter, CHRISTIE. CHRISTIE is wearing

a neon pink, oversized T-shirt, leggings, and has crimped hair done up in a scrunchie. JENNIFER walks right in. CHRISTIE stares dreamily at MATT. CHRISTIE Hey Matt. MATT (Awkwardly) Hey... JENNIFER Alex is waiting for us down by the tracks. Can you believe it? This is going to be so...(pauses, as if she can't find the right word.) Thank you so much for coming with me, Matt. I would be so nervous if it was just me and him. CHRISTIE Alex DeMARCO?! Oh. My. God. He is like...the coolest guy in school. Except for Matt, of course. (Adds this last part in a hurry, and shoots another dreamy look at MATT.) T.J. Oh, come on. I'm cooler. CHRISTIE and JENNIFER both both stare at T.J. T.J. What? MATT You know, as wicked as it is standing around talking about Alex DeMarco, we're going to miss Nirvana if we don't leave, like, right now. T.J. Wait. Where's Kevin? INT. KEVIN'S HOUSE. KEVIN sits at a table with MRS. LIU, MR. LIU, and his elderly GRANDMOTHER, all of whom are speaking to one another in Korean. KEVIN glances at the clock, which is nearing eight o'clock. ZOOM to his face. He is anxious and sweat drips down his face. When nobody is looking his way he slips under the table and in faux-ninja moves he weaves his way through the dining room. The camera follows him as he moves out the house and finally escapes through the front door. CUT TO OUTSIDE KEVIN'S HOUSE KEVIN races down the sidewalk as T.J., JENNIFER, and MATT

approach. MATT is on a skateboard. He pulls off the tradiotional Asian--style jacket that he had been wearing to reveal an American flag emblazoned T-shirt. KEVIN pushes MATT off his skateboard and jumps on himself. He takes off down the street.

EXT. BESIDE A LARGE VAN. ALEX leans against his car, a black 1987 Camaro. JENNIFER, KEVIN, T.J. and MATT approach. CLOSE UP of JENNIFER'S face when she sees Alex. She is obviously stricken by being in his presence. MATT is attempting to "play it cool" and nods at ALEX. JENNIFER Thank you. I can't believe we're really going to see them tonight. CLOSE UP of MATT's face as JENNIFER and ALEX speak. ALEX No problem. Maybe someday we'll be this big. JENNIFER Yeah. I mean, you're so talented. ALEX (laughs) ZOOM OUT TO REVEAL ENTIRE GROUP MATT Are we going to get going or what? I don't want to be late. ALEX Yeah. Sure. JENNIFER, up front. T.J., KEVIN and MATT pile into the back of the car. MATT (mouths to T.J.) Tonight. T.J. (nods, mouths back) Yeah. ALEX So you guys fans? MATT (Dryly.) Huge fans. ALEX Huh.

KEVIN So, Alex. (Leans forward into the front seat, between ALEX and JENNIFER). Did you know that JENNIFER and Matt have known each other for, well, forever? It's almost like they were made for each other. Just like "Pretty in Pink". MATT (Yanks KEVIN back into the backseat.) Shut up. JENNIFER (laughing) Come on, Kevin. We're best friends, that's all. ALEX (pointedly) Isn't the girl's best friend in love with her in that movie? Then she blows him off for that rich kid? T.J. (Also pointedly, perhaps a little too much so.) Yeah. That's nothing like JENNIFER and Matt. MATT elbows T.J. in the side. T.J. winces noticeably. ALEX Lame movie anyways. It's so...80s. JENNIFER (Shyly, quietly.) I like that movie. ALEX (Slightly derisive laugh.) Of course you do. They pull into a gas station. ALEX gets out of the car and walks inside. MATT I'm going to use the bathroom. KEVIN Yeah, me too. T.J. I could go for a Slurpee. JENNIFER (laughs) You guys are such girls.

T.J. and KEVIN seem to realize the implication of three guys going to the bathroom together. KEVIN starts to stammer out an excuse but T.J. grabs him by the collar of his shirt and hauls him off. MATT leans into JENNIFER's window. MATT We'll be right back, okay? INT. RESTROOM MATT leans against a sink, taking deep breaths. KEVIN stands next to him, in an aggressive stance. MATT There's no way. I can't do this. She likes Alex--it's all over. He won. Game over. He was the final boss and I just got my ass kicked. KEVIN Then kick his ass back! The fight's not over until the good guy wins, and you're the good guy. MATT I don't even know what to see. Every time I try to tell her I like her, I choke. KEVIN Okay, so...practice. Tell me what you're going to say. MATT What? No way. KEVIN Come on, Mattie. You can do it. MATT (Awkwardly.) Well. I guess...just... KEVIN (seriously) Look into my eyes. (Lowers his voice.) Chicks dig that. MATT Oh, come on. KEVIN Mattie. MATT sighs, then looks up at KEVIN. MATT Well. I've known you for a long time, and...and you're just the

most amazing... One of the bathroom stalls opens. A TRUCKER steps out and zips up his jeans, stares at the boys, and shakes his head. He exits the bathroom as T.J. walks in. TRUCKER Damn kids. T.J. What's going on? MATT pushes KEVIN away. T.J. is sipping from an oversized styrofoam cup. T.J. Hey, we better go. Alex is in the car with JENNIFER, and it looks like they're getting comfortable. MATT, T.J., and KEVIN stare at each other, then make a mad dash for the door. EXT. CAR. NIGHT JENNIFER and ALEX are leaning in close to one another. MATT yanks open the car door and slips inside. JENNIFER and ALEX pull apart. T.J. and KEVIN follow and close the door after them. MATT (With determination) Let's go. A CLOSE UP of MATT's face reveals that he is struggling to keep his composure during the drive there. An external shot of SEATTLE reveals that they have arrived. There is a moderate rain falling. They park outside a seemingly abandoned building and there are a dozen or so other cars around. EXTRAS mill around outside the large metal door of the building, several smoking. JENNIFER, ALEX, and KEVIN pile out of the car. MATT and T.J. remain inside for a moment. MATT What was I thinking? I can't do this. T.J. Yes, you can. Just stop being such a spazz. MATT But... T.J. Listen. If I had what you had with JENNIFER, with any girl, I wouldn't be wasting my time while she stands in there listening to Nirvana, with

some guy who isn't even worth her time. In twenty years, you don't want to be the guy who missed out. I mean, look what we're doing tonight. We're living in the middle of a revolution! T.J. gestures toward the building and the closed metal doors. Loud music begins to pour through the walls. MATT stares at the building, then takes a deep breath. He gets out of the car and moves to the doors, pushing them open. INT. BUILDING. The band on stage is a shoddy group of unattractive older men. A few dozen bored teens and twenty-sometimes stand around, none of them paying attention to the show. MATT looks around and finally spots JENNIFER and ALEX kissing, at the center of the group of people. KEVIN looks over at MATT. He shakes his head. MATT looks back at JENNIFER and ALEX as they break apart. JENNIFER looks giddy and excited. ALEX looks over and sees MATT. He smirks. MATT pushes past T.J. as he walks inside and moves back out through the doors he just came through. EXT. BUILDING. MATT sits down on the sidewalk beside the Camaro. He appears defeated. T.J. comes through the doors, followed by KEVIN. They sit down on either side of him. None speak as the rain pours down on them. In unison they get up and walk together down the street. The camera passes by a crowded building nearby and strains of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" can be heard coming from within, implying that this is the real show they had meant to see that night. As MATT, T.J. and KEVIN walk past a group of teenagers stagger through the doors, talking excitedly to one another. CUT TO BLACK CREDITS

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