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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources, Region 2
47-40 21 ST Street, Long Island City, NY 11101-5407
Phone: (718) 482-6464 • FAX: (718) 482-4502
. Alexander B. Grannis


April 28, 2009 •

Certified Mail- Return Receipt Requested (No. 7008 11400003 8393 5420)

SSJ Development of Gerritsen Beach I, LLC

c/o Stephen Jemal
992 East i Street • •

Brooklyn, NY 11230
• •

RE: Condition of existing structures •

Dear Mr. Jemal,

It has come to the attention of New York State DepaItment of Environmental Conservation
, (NYSDEC) staff that the existing platforms, floats, and other structures above, or adjacent to, the
waters of the State of New York have deteriorated to a condition where said structures are both
• non-functional and a hazard of navigation .

The NYSDEC maintains jurisdiction of tidal wetlands and tidal wetland adjacent areas. The • •

curren~ deteriorated state of the waterfront structures present on the property will continue to
allow fill and debris to enter the waterway, which constitutes a violation of the Environmental
Conservation Law, Article 25-0401.1 and 6 NYCRR 661 (Tidal Wetland Land Use Regulations),
and 15-0505 in combination with 6 NYCRR 608 (Use and Protection of Waters RegUlations). •

Violations of these laws are punishable by civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day per violation

and $5,000 per violation, respectively, and may also result in criminal prosecution and criminal

This correspondence serves as a formal warning letter that the condition of the waterfront along
what is known ,as 'SSJ Development of Gerritsen Beach!" including but not limited to Kings
County Tax Block 8885, Lots 416, 417, 430, 445, and 450, and Block 8891, Lots 690, 692, and
698, must be resolved immediately. Said resolution Ihust include, but not be limited to, removal

of debris, specifically the deteriorated platform structure seaward of Block 8885, Lots 430 and
450, and all deteriorated floating docks, including sunken docks and watercraft associated with
the overall site. •

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Please contact NYSDEC Bureau of Marine Resources (Attn: Andrew Walker) within fifteen (15)
days after receipt of this notification to discuss steps to be taken to rectify the current condition
of the waterfront. No remedial steps should be taken without first receiving some form of
written authorization from NYSDEC.

If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact me at the telephone number
listed above. • •


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Andrew Walker

Marine Biologist
NYSDEC Region 2

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Alan Maisel

From: "Anthony Morenzi" <>

. To: <> •

Cc: "Suzanne Mattei" <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1: 14 PM

Attach: SSJ Gerritsen Beach I - Warning. pdf

Subject: Deteriorating Conditions on Waterfront

Dear Assemblymember Maisel:

You had expressed concern to Suzanne Mattei, Regional Director, and me regarding deteriorating structures
over and adjacent to the water in the Lacon Court area of Gerritsen Beach. Based on the inspection by
Department staff a letter (copy attached) was sent to Mr. Stephen Jemal of SSJ Development of Gerritsen Beach
directing him to rectify the existing hazardous condition of the waterfront.
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If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. •


Anthony J. Morenzi •

Special Assistant, Region 2 .

Department of Environmental Conservation
47-40 21st Street •

Long Island City, NY 11101-5401 •

Tel: (718) 482-4959 •

Fax: (718) 482-4954


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