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Broken Open

If there was one thing I hated more than cleaning the vinyl tiles to make them sparkling white is alcohol. There were so many experiences with the evil sparkly liquid of doom that I cant count it all with one hand, not even with two and so many of them didnt even include me! However, the ones that did include me I cursed whoever created that stuff. Bad things always happened. Cleaning vinyl tiles was easy, it was very predictable but alcohol had a thousand different responses that a single human can do when intoxicated. *** I was inside our classroom happily cleaning away. I was alone but I was not bothered by it, a few of my classmates will return after they went to the comfort room. With my back to the door I faintly heard someone walking closer to me. I turned around thinking that it was my classmate. What I saw stopped me from saying anything at all. There standing in front of me were Danny Davids, my crush since second year, Dwayne Fontelly, his best friend in the entire world and Andrew Savior, his other best friend. Their faces were flushed pink and I knew immediately that something was wrong and then I smelled it. It was faint but there, the stench of alcohol and then I knew it. They were intoxicated and who knew how much they had. Hey Emily! Did I mention how much I loved you?! Thats the truth! Honest! Yep, Danny all of them were wasted. I think all of you need to go home Danny before the guards notice that youre drunk and inform your parents which by the way either will get you suspended or expelled. "Hey, come on! I only had one beer. Kiss me." His lips puckered sloppily, and I had to literally swallow down everything that I was vomiting up inside my mouth. I have successfully managed to keep him away until he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I pushed away Danny as best as I can but hes stronger when hes drunk. "Kiss me! Come on!" "Uh uh."

I tried very hard to push him away but then the whole world seemed to flip with all of Dannys weight. I gasped as I suddenly found myself on my back and I had Danny on top of me. Danny! My eyes widened and my heart began to speed up as hands began pulling at my clothes. Danny! No! What the hell are you doing? Emily lets just do it! I want you so much! Dannys eyes sparkled with lust and he was grinning ferally. I shook my head and desperately tried to remove Dannys fingers from my blouse. Oh no, no way!" I protested while trying not to panic. Danny pouted and it did nothing to ease the severity of the situation. Please? I really want you. His hands flew downward but I was quick to catch them. Hell no, Danny! Youre drunk and there is no way Im giving myself to you. Danny leaned down and buried his face into my neck but I pushed his head away before he could bite me. My face turned into stone as his hands went near the danger zone. Get. Off! I hissed dangerously No. Danny! "Mmm... No. I want you. You should give in and stop being so fickle." His hand slid across my side, and rested on his hip. I punched Dannys chest in anger, I knew I was bruising him underneath his clothes but he wasnt moving an inch. Let go of me! No I wont Emily! I think I want you. I think I deserve it for the shit I put up with." My feet flailed underneath him and I managed to knee him in the crotch causing him to yelp and let go of me. Before I could stand up however there were hands gripping my feet so I couldnt flee and there were hands pinning my arms to the floor.

GOD! Dwayne pin down her arms, dont let her go! Andrew grip her feet nice and tight! We dont want to let her get away just yet! Why are you doing this Dwayne?! I forcefully trashed in their grips but they wouldnt loosen. It seems the only way I can get close to you." Get close to me?! You dont even talk to me!!! Is he high as well as drunk?! My blouse was ripped but thankfully I wore a sleeveless shirt underneath. Let! Me! Go! Now! Guards! Anybody! Help me! Dannys eyes narrowed. "You're not getting away from me." "Let me go before you do something that's irreparable Danny!" He climbed back on top of me and gripped my sides roughly. OFF! Danny that hurts! "Shut up. You have to be such a prissy bitch all the time? You think this is a perfect world? It's not, Emily!" My ears began to roar and ring. I closed my eyes as my stomach swam. I tried fighting the fear and keep a levelled head but it was futile and the tears were forming. Why was this happening to me? I tensed as his fingers curled around my chin, yanked my head forward and a disgusting kiss was forced onto my mouth. I kept my closed and as tight as possible. "Come on, Emily! Live once in a while! Be spontaneous! I only want to be with you." I could feel my whole body shaking. My arms and legs were killing me. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes and it burned hotly in the cool night air. "Get the fuck off her!" I gasped as I heard the familiar voice. Soon I felt the weights on top of me disappear. I scrambled back and pressed myself into a corner. I can still feel myself shaking. I looked over to see Josh Valentin Smith, my classmate and friend. I thought he went home already since they didnt have basketball practice.

Dwayne and Andrew were collapsed on the floor, clutching their faces in agony. Josh had shoved Danny against the wall and was shouting at him. What the fuck is your problem?! Josh gave Danny a good shake so that he would answer. Danny! Just having a little fun! You think attempted rape and assault is fun?! Youre disgusting, Davids! Josh shoved Danny away with a look of revulsion on his face. What? I was being spontaneous. I thought I was your friend Josh? "I want nothing to do with a rapist," Josh growled. "Get out of here before I call the police." "Fine! Whatever, I don't need this shit." Danny threw his hands into the air, and staggered away cursing and muttering under his breath. He dragged an unconscious Dwayne with Andrew. I looked at my torn blouse and shirt with a wince. What was I going tell my mother? I flinched when an arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me up. +++++ I cursed Danny over and over again in my head. It was his entire fault that Emily was not her usually smiling and laughing self. Not only is she horrified but traumatized as well. I never thought that Danny was capable of that. I looked down at Emily and saw that she was still looking at her torn clothes. I should probably give her my jersey and jacket. Hey Its alright. Im not going to hurt you. I said to her She scoffed and pinched the bridge of her nose. I really hate alcohol. She sniffed and began to get a hold of herself. She began to pat down her clothing, aware of the rips and tears. Come on Ill take you to the Guidance Office to get changed. I know you dont want to go to the bathroom alone. She gave a meek nod and gripped the sleeve of my polo as we walked down the halls. I was going to murder Danny the next time I see him. I told our Guidance Counsellor the short version of the story and he said that he would do something about it.

I gave her my jersey and jacket and turned around to give her some privacy. I didnt know Danny was like that. I confessed Neither did I.

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