Lesson Plan in English

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Lesson Plan in English (Reading) 1St Year High School

OBJECTIVE At the end of the 60 minutes lesson the students are expected to: A. Use context clues to get meaning of unfamiliar words B. Give possible causes to a given effects C. Show bravery on actual situations


SUBJECT MATTER TOPIC: Using context clues Perceiving cause and effect relationships Story: Certainly Not a Coward REFERENCES: English for All Times Reading TM pp. 110-112 & 150159 MATERIALS: Charts, books, flashcards, pictures


PROCEDURE A. Daily Routine a. Opening Prayer b. Checking of Attendance c. Checking of Room Condition B. Review The teacher will ask the students to answer for the Vocabulary Use the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Choose your answer below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The boy mockingly shouted at the old man. Allan carefully climbed up the belfry, where his kite tied up. She contentedly sniffed the cold air around. The children quarrelled about a petty problem. We could hear the groan of the injured man. The girl moaned in pain.

to inhale through the nose try to be kind a long, low sound of pain and sorrow a small problem a bell tower

C. Motivation The teacher will raise a motive question. Have you ever experienced being teased by your classmates? How did you feel about it? D. Lesson Proper The teacher will ask the students to read aloud the story. After reading they will answer the comprehension question. 1. By what names was Celso called by his playmates? 2. What did his playmates give him such names? 3. Who got angry when the children called Celso Sissy or Cely? 4. Do you think Celso was happy to be called such names? Why? 5. How did Celso prove that he was also a brave boy? 6. How would you feel if you were called by names? 7. If you make a friend, would you call him/her by other names just to make fun? Group Activity: The teacher will ask the students to group the class into 5 then they will share within their members. Based from their experiences, they will draw the things that they are most afraid of. The students will share their fear and will give specific situation showing bravery. Exercises Give the possible cause/ effect of the following: 1. The children called Celso Sissy or Cely because ____ a. they thought that he was more of a baby than a boy. b. He looked like Sissy or Cely 2. Celso must show that he is not afraid of the dark so that _______ a. He would not be teased by his friends b. He would receive a reward. 3. No one ever called him Totoy anymore because_______ a. He gave them toys. b. He was certainly braver than anyone of them.

V.ASSIGNMENT The teacher will ask the students to collect a picture/situation showing bravery then write 2 or 3 sentences based on the picture.

Prepared by: Densie Rose B. Fulgencio Submitted to: Prof. Rosalie Meriales

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