PCI Adjacent Box Beam Bridges 4-21-09

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The State of the Art of

Precast/Prestressed Adjacent Box Beam Bridges

209 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312-786-0300 Fax: 312-786-0353 http://www.pci.org email: info@pci.org

PCI Publication Number __-__ Copyright 2009 By Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute First Edition, First Printing, 2009 All Rights Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute.

ISBN 0-937040-XX-X

This report has been prepared and reviewed as a Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Committee effort to present the state of the art for design of and construction of precast/prestressed adjacent box beam bridges. Substantial effort has been made to ensure that all collected data and information included in this report are accurate. PCI, the committee members, and the quoted agencies cannot accept responsibility for any errors or oversights in the use of this material or in the preparation of any final design and engineering plans. This report is intended for reference by professional personnel who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who are able to accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. Actual conditions on any project must be given special consideration and more specific evaluation and engineering judgement may be required that are beyond the intended scope of this state of the art report. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the agencies mentioned, and do not constitute a standard, or policy for design or construction. Details have been provided for information only.

Printed in U.S.A.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The subcommittee wishes to thank all those who participated in the development of this report. The subcommittee also extends its gratitude to the many individuals in the respective organizations of the members who contributed to this report for their active participation either in developing the material or in editing and typing. The subcommittee expresses its appreciation to the support of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Committee on Bridges to embark on a major effort which will be a benefit to the precast concrete industry. Members of the Subcommittee on Adjacent Members: Kevin Eisenbeis, P.E., S.E. Tess Ahlborn, Ph.D., P.E. Dave Bracewell Vijay Chandra, P.E. David Deitz, Ph.D., P.E. Keith Kaufman, Ph.D., P.E. Richard Miller, Ph.D., P.E. Eric Steinberg, Ph.D., P.E. Harrington & Cortelyou, Inc. (Chair) Michigan Technological University Coreslab Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. Palmer Engineering Co. Knife River Corp. University of Cincinnati Ohio University

The subcommittee acknowledges the contribution made by Dr. Richard Miller, University of Cincinnati, for reduction of the survey data into electronic format.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 6. 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 Introduction Overview .......................................................................................1 Executive Summary ......................................................................2 Adjacent Member Bridges Basic Characteristics .....................................................................3 Railroad Bridges ...........................................................................4 Composite Superstructure General ..........................................................................................6 Types .............................................................................................6 Non Composite Superstructure General ..........................................................................................8 Types .............................................................................................8 Typical Sections ............................................................................9 Design .........................................................................................12 Joints General ........................................................................................13 Details .........................................................................................13 Shear Keys ..................................................................................13 Welded Connections ...................................................................16 Transverse Reinforcement ..........................................................17 Current Practice ..........................................................................19 Design .........................................................................................19 AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002) .......................................................20 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2004)..............20 Continuity ..................................................................................21 Bearings General ........................................................................................22 Survey Questionnaire Response Summary .................................22 Railroad Structures......................................................................23 Maintenance Issues General ........................................................................................24 Inspection ....................................................................................24 Load Ratings ...............................................................................25

Page 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11. 11.1 11.2 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 13. 14. Survey of Current Practice Introduction .................................................................................27 Data Collection/Survey Response...............................................27 Lessons Learned..........................................................................28 Summary of Case Studies NASA Road 1 Bridge over I-45..................................................30 Mitchell Gulch Bridge, Colorado ...............................................30 Quaker City Bridge, Ohio ...........................................................30 BNSF Railway over Route 160, Missouri ..................................30 Route 100 over I-44, Missouri ....................................................30 Summary of Current Research................................................31 UHPC ..........................................................................................31 NCHRP Projects .........................................................................32 Conclusions General ........................................................................................34 Design .........................................................................................34 Fabrication ..................................................................................35 Construction ................................................................................35 References ..................................................................................36 Bibliography ..............................................................................38

Appendix A: Case Studies A.1 NASA Road 1 Bridge over I-45 A.2 Mitchell Gulch Bridge, Colorado A.3 Quaker City Bridge, Ohio A.4 BNSF Railway over Route 160, Missouri A.5 Route 100 over I-44, Missouri Appendix B: PCI New England Recommendations B.1 Sequence of Construction for Butted Box and Butted Deck Beam Superstructures (Skews < 30) B.2 Sequence of Construction for Butted Box and Butted Deck Beam Superstructures (Skews > 30) Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire Responses

LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Elevation of a Continuous, Composite Adjacent Member Bridge ...................................................................................3 Typical Section of an Adjacent Member BridgeComposite Superstructure ...................................................................4 Typical Section of an Adjacent Member BridgeNon-Composite Superstructure ...........................................................4 Typical Section of a Double-Cell Adjacent Member Railroad Bridge - Non-Composite Superstructure ............................................5 Typical Section of a Single-Cell Adj. Member Railroad Bridge - Non-Composite Superstructure ............................................5 AASHTO Composite Box Beam Bridge ............................................7 Inverted Tee Beam Bridge ..................................................................7 Composite Double-Tee Beam Bridge .................................................7 Non Composite Deck Bulb-Tee Beam Bridge....................................9 AASHTO Box Beams, Solid and Voided Slab Beams .....................10 AASHTO Double-Tee Girders .........................................................11 AASHTO Deck Bulb-Tee Girders ....................................................11 Partial Depth Shear Key for Box Beams, Solid and Voided Slab Beams ...........................................................................14 Full Depth Shear Key for Box Beams ..............................................15 Large Width Shear Key for Box Beams ...........................................16 Welded Attachment with Plate and Grouted Shear Key ...................17 Welded Attachment with Rod and Grouted Shear Key ....................17 Skewed Bridge Square Post-Tensioning ........................................18 Skewed Bridge Skewed Post-Tensioning ......................................19

Figure 5.8 Figure 7.1 Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3

Skewed Bridge Staggered Post-Tensioning ...................................19 Plan View of Three Point Bearing System .......................................23 Reflective Deck Cracking Along Shear Keys Between Beams ........24 Degradation of Box Beams Below Reflective Cracking ..................24 Spalling on Exterior Face of Box Girder ..........................................25

Figure 11.1 FHWA Pi Girder Test Section ..........................................................31

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview Precast pretensioned adjacent member bridges, consisting primarily of concrete box beams, have been in use since 1950 in the United States. Other non-box elements, including tee-beams, multi-stemmed tees, inverted tees, deck bulb-tees, solid and voided slab beams, and U-shaped beams are also used in adjacent member bridges. Recent trends show an increase in the use of adjacent, non-box, non-I-beam bridge beam elements. Although box beam elements are frequently used in an adjacent configuration with top flanges in close contact, they can also be used in a spread configuration, similar to conventional I-beam bridges. The 2006 National Bridge Inventory (NBI) shows there are 53,874 box beam bridges presently in service in the United States. Of this total, 9,988 (18.5%) are of spread configuration, with the balance adjacent. Of the total, 8,326 (15.5%) are multiple spans made continuous, with the balance simple spans. According to the 2006 NBI, box beam bridges account for 9.0% of the total 597,340 bridges in the United States. Since box beam bridges are typically used for shorter spans and the NBI only considers bridges with spans of 20 feet or more, the number of these bridges is likely even higher. Precast concrete box beams are still widely used in new bridge construction today. Approximately one-third of precast bridges built over the past decade are box beam bridges. Box beams are the most common element used in adjacent member bridges, and information on the usage of other adjacent beam types is less readily available. Many agencies have refined their design and construction practices to improve the performance of box beam bridges. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, problems associated with longitudinal reflective cracking above joints were reported and diagnosed. Refinements to previous practices have significantly reduced or eliminated this cracking issue. In response to the wide use of concrete box beam bridges, improvements in design and construction practices, and the recent increase in use of non-box adjacent member bridges, the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Committee on Bridges established the Subcommittee on Adjacent Member Bridges. This subcommittee is charged with the task of preparing this report on the state-of-the-art of precast/prestressed adjacent box beam bridges. This report presents a discussion of current practices, responses to a survey of US states and Canadian provinces regarding box beam bridges, and selected case studies. Also included is a comprehensive reference list for related information. Conventional concrete spread I-girder and spread box beam bridges are not covered in this report at this time. The designer is referred to the extensive publications in the bibliography for additional information on spread I-girder and box beam bridges.

1.2 Executive Summary This report presents the state of the art on precast pretensioned box beam bridges. Adjacent box beam bridges are widely used in new bridge construction and have many advantages over other bridge types in speed and ease of construction, aesthetics, span to depth ratio and cost. Although early construction practices may have led to serviceability issues, improved practices have made the box girder bridge a viable, cost-effective structural system. A discussion on current practice, historical issues, lessons learned and improved performance of box girder bridges is provided. Much of the information presented is based on responses to a survey of US states and Canadian provinces. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, problems associated with longitudinal reflective cracking above joints were reported and diagnosed. Improvements in design and construction practice were developed and implemented. The PCI Committee on Bridges established the Subcommittee on Adjacent Member Bridges to investigate and report on developments in adjacent member bridges. This subcommittee developed the survey questionnaire, investigated case studies and prepared this report. Design, fabrication and construction practices that have been shown to improve the performance of box beam girder systems are included. The focus of the survey and this study is on box girder bridges. Box girder bridges are considered adjacent member bridges because the box beam elements are in close contact with the adjacent beams. Other types of adjacent member bridges are discussed in this report due to the similarity in construction and the applicability of details as related to box beams bridges. Lessons learned have been many, and indicate the importance of proper design, fabrication and construction to the effective performance of the integral structural system. For maximum structural performance, all important components should be incorporated into the box girder system. The use of grouted shear keys, composite deck slab, transverse tensioning and proper design, fabrication and construction techniques contribute to the successful performance of the system. The appendix to the report includes case studies of box girder bridges and adjacent slab bridges where the use of precast adjacent elements, shear keys, transverse posttensioning, and construction techniques are provided. The appendix also includes construction practice recommendations developed by the PCI Northeast Technical Committee, and the compiled survey data from the responding states, provinces, and other agencies.

2. Adjacent Member Bridges

2.1 Basic Characteristics Adjacent member bridges incorporate a variety of precast prestressed beam types, spaced in close contact with adjacent beam elements. These bridges may include simple or continuous spans, utilizing integral or non-integral construction. Most new box beam superstructures utilize composite construction with cast-in-place (CIP) concrete deck slabs (Figure 2.1 & 2.2). Composite superstructures in a spread configuration may incorporate conventional precast deck panels or precast concrete deck slabs mechanically anchored to the support beams. Some superstructures utilize non-composite construction, with the adjacent member top flanges acting as the riding surface or non-composite overlays applied to the adjacent member top flanges, as shown in Figure 2.3. Various combinations of precast concrete deck panels, CIP deck slabs and/or overlays are successfully used by the different US and Canadian agencies.

Figure 2.1 Elevation of a Continuous, Composite Adjacent Member Bridge

Span lengths of precast/prestressed adjacent member bridges typically range from 20 feet to 130 feet. Simple span lengths of up to 168 feet have been achieved with the use of adjacent deck bulb-tee girders. Longer span lengths are possible with the use of continuity and longitudinal post-tensioning. Span lengths are dependent on specific project design requirements, local beam availability and construction methodologies used. The designer is referred to the PCI Bridge Design Manual, Chapters 6 and 8, for additional design guidelines.

Figure 2.2 Typical Section of an Adjacent Member Bridge - Composite Superstructure

Figure 2.3 Typical Section of an Adjacent Member Bridge - Non-composite Superstructure 2.2 Railroad Bridges The railroad industry utilizes adjacent member construction in a large percentage of railroad bridges. Many railroad bridges in the 25 to 50 feet range use curbed, noncomposite double-cell box beams with the top flanges serving as the ballast pan for the track structure. Standard single-cell box beams and box-tee beams are available in span lengths from 19 to 48 feet and special designs can extend the span length to over 80 feet. Figures 2.4 and 2.5 show typical double-cell and single-cell box beam bridges. Shorter span railroad bridges, typically shorter than 20 feet, use adjacent solid or hollow concrete slabs. Longer span precast/prestressed railroad bridges incorporate multiple, adjacent I-beams with integral concrete deck ballast pans or non-composite single-cell adjacent box beams.

Figure 2.4 Typical Section of an Adjacent Member Railroad Bridge - Non-composite Superstucture

Figure 2.5 Typical Section of an Adjacent Member Railroad Bridge - Non-composite Superstucture

3. Composite Superstructure
3.1 General Composite adjacent member bridges incorporate a variety of precast prestressed beam types, spaced in close contact with adjacent beam elements. For adjacent sections, composite toppings in the 5 to 6 inch range are common, compared to spread beam systems that use composite topping commonly in the 8 inch thickness range. In some instances, a non-structural overlay is provided over the cast-in place deck slab to provide a replaceable wearing surface. Transverse connections are typically made between beams to prevent differential deflection and improve the distribution of live loads. Composite deck slabs can also assist in distributing the live load to the beam elements. Transverse connections, when used, are typically made using threaded rods, post-tensioning bars or posttensioning strands. In some instances, welded or bolted connections are utilized. The small longitudinal joint between abutting beams, typically referred to as the shear key or keyway, is normally filled with grout or an appropriate nonstructural sealant to prevent water leakage and moisture penetration between beams. Shear keys also assist with the load transfer between beams. Without an adequate transverse connection, differential movement between beams may lead to longitudinal cracking of grouted keyways and reflective cracking in the deck slab and overlay, if one is present. Several different types of grouted keyways and transverse connections have been reported to provide good performance when used in conjunction with adequate transverse connections. The selection of a system for connecting adjacent member bridges should consider initial cost, long-term maintenance costs, experience of the owner, capabilities of local contractors, and availability of materials. 3.2 Types Composite adjacent member bridges may be constructed with box beams (Figure 3.1), solid or voided slab beams, tee beams, inverted tees (Figure 3.2), double stemmed tees (Figure 3.3), deck bulb-tees, U-shaped beams or tub sections. Abutting top flanges or beam sections are in close contact and allow the use of thinner composite toppings. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standard box beams, spanning from 40 to 127 feet, are commonly used by many agencies. Other adjacent member sections, such as the deck bulb-tee girders, are regional in nature and subject to local availability. A number of states have their own standard products. Designers should check with their local precast producers or agencies on product availability before they begin design. The designer is referred to the PCI Bridge Design Manual, Chapters 6 and 8 for design procedures, design aids and examples.

Figure 3.1 AASHTO Composite Box Beam Bridge

Figure 3.2 Inverted Tee Beam Bridge (Shown in Spread Configuration)

Figure 3.3 Composite Double-Tee Beam Bridge

4. Non-composite Superstructure
4.1 General Non-composite adjacent member bridges are constructed by placing precast, prestressed concrete box or other adjacent member beams next to each other so that a deck slab is not required to complete the structure. Often, a non-structural overlay such as a 2-inch thick asphalt concrete wearing surface is used to provide the riding surface. In some instances, such as secondary roads, a topping is not used because the surface of the precast beam adequately serves as the riding surface. The use of a waterproofing membrane is beneficial to reduce the intrusion of water and deicing salts between the adjacent members. The transverse connections and keyways used between adjacent non-composite members are similar to those used for composite members. Refer to Section 3.1 of this report. 4.2 Types Non-composite adjacent member bridges are typically constructed with box beams, solid or voided slab beams, double-tee beams or deck bulb-tee girders. Abutting top flanges or beam sections are placed in close contact to serve as the wearing surface or to support a non-structural overlay. AASHTO standard box beams, spanning from 40 to 132 feet, are commonly used by many agencies. Other adjacent member sections, such as the deck bulb-tee girders are regional in nature and subject to local availability. Deck bulb-tee girders generally span from 65 to 168 feet. A typical noncomposite deck bulb-tee girder bridge is shown in Figure 4.1. A number of states have their own standard products. Designers should check with their local precast producers or agencies on product availability before they begin design. The designer is referred to the PCI Bridge Design Manual, Chapters 6 and 8 for design procedures, design aids and example designs.

Figure 4.1 Non Composite Deck Bulb-Tee Beam Bridge 4.3 Typical Sections Several typical sections are included for reference. See Figure 4.2 for typical AASHTO box beams, solid slab beams and voided slab beams. Typical AASHTO double-tee sections and deck bulb-tee sections are shown in Figures 4.3 and 4.4. Maximum spans shown in Figures 4.2 through 4.4 are for simply supported and noncomposite HS25 live load, with fc = 7,000 psi. However, the sections are suitable for use in composite construction as well.

Figure 4.2 AASHTO Box Beams, Solid and Voided Slab Beams

Figure 4.3 AASHTO Double-Tee Girders

Figure 4.4 AASHTO Deck Bulb-Tee Girders

4.4 Design Continuity over piers is not normally used with the various standard beam sections in non-composite construction. Therefore, non-composite adjacent member bridges are typically designed as simple spans. Adjacent member highway beams have been designed according to AASHTO Standard Specifications or AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Railroad bridges are designed in accordance with the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) Manual for Railway Engineering. A number of states and Canadian provinces utilize their own or other states standard products. Designers should check with their local precast concrete producers on product availability before they begin design.

5. Joints
5.1 General Adjacent member bridges require longitudinal joints between their members. Various details for this interface have been used to connect the adjacent members. Connecting adjacent members can serve two purposes. First, the joint can act as a water seal, preventing water from seeping between the members which can lead to deterioration. Second, if certain details are applied, the connection can prevent differential deflections between adjacent members, transmitting loads applied to one member to the next, allowing the members to share live load during service. Different agencies have taken widely varying approaches to the treatment of longitudinal joints. When joints are intended to transmit loads, some form of shear key is often employed. Welded connections details are also in use by a few agencies. In some cases transverse reinforcement in the form of post-tensioning is extended across the joints to tie the elements together while for some systems no connection between the adjacent members is provided. A composite deck slab can be utilized to both reduce moisture penetration and contribute to the distribution of loads. Noncomposite toppings, sometimes used on secondary roads, can be used to provide a driving surface and water stop without participating in load distribution. In other instances, the top flanges of the adjacent members serve as the riding surface. 5.2 Details Joint details are largely based on regional preferences. Variations occur in the size, type and location of the joint as well as type and strength of material used to fill the joints when shear keys are used. Transverse reinforcing details also vary considerably. Differences occur based on regional preferences in the amount, spacing, and type of reinforcement used. Placement of transverse reinforcement in the construction sequence also varies. Regions differ on whether the transverse reinforcement is installed and stressed before or after the joint material is placed. The PCI Northeast Region Technical Committee (PCINE) recommends stressing the transverse reinforcement after the grout is placed for a square structure, but prior to grout placement for skewed bridges (see Appendix B). 5.2.1 Shear Keys Shear keys consist of blockouts on the faces of adjoining elements of adjacent members as shown in Figures 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4. After the members are in place on the structure, the joints are filled with mortar grout, epoxy or concrete, linking the adjacent members together. Shear keys are used in combination with transverse reinforcement or composite slabs by some agencies. Current practice indicates the

most effective systems utilize an epoxy grout or non-metallic, non-shrink grout in shear keys which extend the full length of the box beam.

Figure 5.1 Partial Depth Shear Key for Box Beams, Solid and Voided Slab Beams The size, shape and location of shear keys vary widely. Locating the joints near the top of the member facilitates filling the blockouts. Deck bulb-tee sections and other sections with a top flange have relatively small, narrow shear keys that are usually filled with a non-shrink grout. Box beams may use partial depth shear keys located near the top of section (Figure 5.1), but other details take advantage of the large contact area between adjacent boxes to utilize a longer, nearly full depth, but narrow shear key (Figure 5.2). Improved results have been reported with systems utilizing full depth shear keys instead of smaller keys. Some agencies have developed a simple box girder system that utilizes standard AASHTO I-girder shapes to form the sides of a box girder. The forms are placed far enough apart that a void is placed in the middle

creating a box shape with a large shear key formed by the abutting I shaped sides (Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.2 Full Depth Shear Key for Box Beams

Figure 5.3 Large Width Shear Key for Box Beams The most common material used to fill precast joints in adjacent member bridges is a non-shrink cement grout. However, epoxy grout is also used for the small shear keys and conventional deck concrete is commonly allowed to flow into the large shear key shown in Figure 5.3. Proper grout quality and grouting procedures have been found to be critical to the long term performance of the joints. Thoroughly cleaning the blockouts forming the joints by pressure washing, then wetting the surface of the blockout prior to grout placement improves the bond between the adjacent member and grout. Materials and grouting practices are generally based on regional preferences. Some regions report the most effective systems utilize shear keys in combination with a transverse reinforcing system to tie adjacent members together. 5.2.2 Welded Connections Welded connections between adjacent precast members are constructed by casting weld plates and blockouts into the edges of the adjacent elements at several locations along the length of the member. After the components are erected, the plates are field welded to each other, typically using a filler plate (Figure 5.4) or rod (Figure 5.5), to make the connection between members. Various details have been used to allow for construction tolerances both in the precasting process and erection. One agency noted that welding can be difficult when differential camber occurs.

Figure 5.4 Welded Attachment with Plate and Grouted Shear Key


Figure 5.5 Welded Attachment with Rod and Grouted Shear Key

5.2.3 Transverse Reinforcement Transverse reinforcement installed after the adjacent members are in place affects the performance of the joints. The reinforcement passes through the adjacent members,

locking them together during loading. The reinforcement may be post-tensioned. Mild, non-prestressed reinforcement is usually placed continuously along the length of the members, either in a composite slab, or across a closure pour. Post-tensioned reinforcing is generally installed at discrete locations along the member length. The number of locations, type of reinforcement (bars or strands of varying strengths) and amount of prestressing force applied ranges widely. Transverse post-tensioning reinforcement can be installed before or after the grout has been placed in shear keys. Skewed bridge construction brings another set of varying details. Many states try to avoid use of skewed bridges when feasible. Adjacent member bridges with transverse post-tensioning have been constructed with the post-tensioned reinforcement placed perpendicular to the beams across the full width of the bridge (Figure 5.6), placed full width across the bridge along the skew (Figure 5.7) and placed perpendicular to the beams and staggered to connect only two adjacent girders per post-tensioning location (Figure 5.8). Post-tensioned ties are typically installed in sleeves cast in intermediate diaphragms, where the loading can be distributed throughout the system. Some agencies have found that installing skewed, transverse post-tensioning in bridges with large skew angles can cause the box girders to slide longitudinally past each other, causing the girders to rack. See Appendix A.4 for a case study on how this problem was addressed for one railroad bridge. Other agencies have reported a tendency for skewed beams to walk and separate when not adequately tied together with a tension tie.

Figure 5.6 Skewed Bridge - Square Post-tensioning

Figure 5.7 Skewed Bridge - Skewed Post-tensioning

Figure 5.8 Skewed Bridge - Staggered Posttensioning

5.2.4 Current Practice Currently twenty-eight agencies use shear keys between adjacent members. Of these, seventeen report the use of keyways that differ in size or shape from those found on the standard AASHTO box beams. Thirteen agencies require that the shear keys be sandblasted. Sandblasting is performed at the precast plant in eight jurisdictions, while four require sandblasting at the job site; two prior to erection of the beams and two after girders are placed. Transverse post-tensioning is used in combination with shear keys by twenty agencies. Of these, eight report that post-tensioning is performed before the shear keys are grouted, nine reverse the order of these operations and one agency varies the order dependent upon the skew angle of the bridge. The type of transverse post-tensioning also varies, with twelve agencies reporting the use of strands, eleven using bars (some agencies use both). The strands are typically 0.5 inch strands, but the bars vary widely in both size and yield strength, from 1.5 inch, 36 ksi bars to #7 bars, 150 ksi. The post-tensioning bars are usually installed mid-depth of the beams or below, but some agencies utilize post-tensioning near the top of the beam. The number of post-tensioning locations along the girder generally increases with the length of the girder with post-tensioning typically applied every 25 to 30 feet. Some agencies define skew angle limits for the use of square, skewed or staggered transverse post-tensioning. 5.3 Design Typically, a detailed design for shear or flexure in the joints is not performed. In most cases, standard details based on regional preferences are used without calculating joint design loads. A general overview of design code requirements is given below.

5.3.1 AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002) Specific guidelines were not provided for designing or detailing the longitudinal joints. The specification does stipulate that a continuous longitudinal shear key and transverse tie reinforcement be provided to use the live load distribution factor equations for multi-beam decks. Transverse tie reinforcement may or may not be prestressed. Since the Standard Specifications are currently being phased out of use, this information is included here for historical reference only. 5.3.2 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2004) The specifications provide requirements for both the depth of the joint, or shear key, and minimum compressive strength of the non-shrink grout used to fill the joint. Based on the specific design method and detailing requirements used, the joints can either be considered Shear Transfer Joints or Shear-Flexure Transfer Joints. Meeting the more stringent design requirements of the latter allows for an improved live load distribution. Additionally, the specifications require the adjacent members be prestressed transversely. The amount of transverse prestressing required must be determined by the strip method or a two-dimensional analysis, and meet minimum requirements for compressive force across the joint. Both El-Remaily et al. (1996) and Bakht et al. (1983) provide guidance and examples for the two-dimensional design of adjacent box beam bridges.

6. Continuity
Adjacent member bridges can be made continuous for live load and other superimposed dead loads by connecting the precast simple span members over interior supports. This requires a negative moment connection over the support which typically consists of a cast-in-place concrete diaphragm and composite deck. Providing continuity decreases the positive design moments allowing for longer span lengths. Continuity also removes expansion joints over interior supports that can require significant long term maintenance. Many transportation departments design and construct bridges using this practice. However, there are important aspects of continuous bridges that need consideration. NCHRP Report 519 (2004), Connection of Simple-Span Precast Concrete Girders for Continuity, provides recommendations for design and construction for this type of bridge. Significant conclusions from this report include the following: Due to the time dependent behavior of the prestressed concrete beams, positive moments can form at interior supports. Proper detailing of positive moment connections at these supports is important. Temperature effects on the beam/deck slab system can be significant. Current analytical models show that differential shrinkage between the deck slab and the girders can cause negative moments in the system. The presence of positive moment cracks at the connection does not affect the negative moment capacity of the system. A link slab system (Caner and Zia 1998) can be used as an alternative to a continuous for live load superstructure while still maintaining a jointless deck. In a link slab system, the continuous deck at interior supports is designed to allow the beams in adjacent spans to act as simple spans for all loadings. The deck is designed to withstand beam end rotations over the pier. This system has the added advantage of allowing for the use of state DOT standard beam tables typically based on simple spans.

7. Bearings
7.1 General Bearings for precast prestressed adjacent member bridges typically consist of neoprene pads. Plain pads are typically used for shorter spans, with laminated neoprene pads for longer and heavier girders. When used, laminate embedded in the pads is typically steel. In box beam bridges, support configurations include 4-point support where bearing pads are located under each corner of each box beam; continuous support, where bearing pads are continuous under each end of each box beam; and 3-point support, where one bearing pad is located under each corner of the box at one end of the span, and a wider single pad is centered under the opposite end of the beam. Two single corner pads can be located side by side to form the single pad. The center pad and corner pad layout of the three-point system can also alternate end to end at adjacent girders to provide a more uniform overall bearing of the system. Lateral restraint is typically provided to minimize lateral movement at supports and secure the structural system to the substructure. Shear keys or blocks can be used to provide lateral restraint in seismic and non-seismic regions.

7.2 Survey Questionnaire Response Summary Nearly all respondents reported using neoprene pads for the support of box beam superstructures. Only three of thirty-one respondents did not use neoprene pads, with two using fabric pads, and one using 0.5 inch preformed joint filler. The largest variation for the neoprene pad users was related to the use of plain or laminated pads. Seven agencies reported using only plain pads, fourteen use only laminated pads, and eight use either plain or laminated pads, depending on the design requirements. Fourteen respondents indicated uneven seating of the box beams has occurred. Skewed ends and variations in box geometry can cause the uneven seating, and in some cases, rocking of the boxes during construction. Several states have recently switched to a 3-point bearing system (Figure 7.1), particularly on skewed bridges, in an attempt to minimize these conditions. Primary concerns with the uneven seating include problems with alignment and grouting during construction, and excess bearing pressure. Some form of lateral restraint is required by most agencies. Eighteen report the use of dowel pins, typically steel, for lateral restraint. Five use blocks or shear keys, and four agencies utilize either dowel pins or shear keys. Three agencies consider the embedment of reinforcing steel into integral concrete diaphragms as sufficient for lateral restraint. Only one respondent reported using no lateral restraint other than shear stiffness of the bearing pads.

Figure 7.1 Plan View of Three Point Bearing System (TxDOT)

7.3 Railroad Structures Bearing pads utilized for railroad double-cell box beams typically consist of 0.75 inch urethane pads, continuous under the ends of the beams. Heavier single-cell boxes are supported on laminated neoprene pads, continuous under the ends of the beams. Design of bearings for railroad structures is based on procedures outlined in the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way (AREMA) Manual for Railway Engineering.

8. Maintenance Issues
8.1 General Early design and construction practices have created serviceability problems with box girder bridges. The predominant distress observed in adjacent box girder bridges is reflective cracking of the deck along the shear keys between beams (Figure 8.1) and the associated degradation of the box beams below the reflective cracks (Figure 8.2). The reflective cracking constitutes a serious problem, as it allows penetration of surface water and deicing chemicals through the deck and between the beams. Reflective cracking occurs more readily on bridges utilizing asphalt wearing surfaces, although the problem also occurs on bridges with concrete deck surfaces. Deterioration of individual box beams and the related structural system comes in many forms. Visual symptoms usually consist of cracks and/or spalls. These areas are of concern because they may allow salt-laden water to penetrate into the structural member and cause further deterioration of the concrete, prestressing strands and reinforcing steel. Deterioration of transverse tensioning elements and substructure units may also occur.

Figure 8.1 Reflective Deck Cracking Along Shear Keys Between Beams

Figure 8.2 Degradation of Box Beams Below Reflective Cracking

8.2 Inspection Proper identification, diagnosis and timely maintenance are essential to preserve adjacent member bridges. As load ratings are affected by the current condition of the bridge, it is important to recognize and document the forms of distress and their locations while conducting inspections. Bridge inspections should, as a minimum, identify size and depth of cracks, areas of spalling, extent of delaminated concrete, exposed reinforcement and prestressing

strands, section loss, evidence of water staining, efflorescence and corrosion, and condition of the various structural elements. Spalling on the exterior face of an exterior box girder with exposed prestressing strands is shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3 Spalling on Exterior Face of Box Girder Corrosion of the prestressing strands greatly impacts the capacity of the structure, not only because it causes a loss of a key component in a prestressed system, but corroding steel may also expand three to six times the original volume and cause further loss of concrete section due to cracking and spalling (Teng 2000). A Michigan DOT (MDOT), Michigan Tech and Wayne State Universities project, Condition Assessment and Methods of Abatement of Prestressed Concrete BoxBeam Deterioration, (MDOT 2007) describes thirteen types of common degradation specific to prestressed box beams. These are reprinted in the Prestressed Box-Beam Assessment Handbook. This handbook developed for prestressed box-beam assessment has been designed to serve as a supplement to the Pontis Bridge Inspection Manual (MDOT 1999), and should serve as a guide to aid bridge inspectors and engineers while assessing the condition of box-beams for the purpose of scoping or damage evaluation inspections. The level of detail called for in the assessment handbook may be greater than needed for routine biennial inspections. 8.3 Load Ratings Bridge load ratings are used by bridge owners to assess the structural integrity of their bridges, and are reported to the Federal Highway Administration in the form of the National Bridge Inventory (NBI). Damage and deterioration of the structural

members of the bridge are incorporated into the load rating, and structural repairs may be required if a load rating falls below accepted standards. Load rating a prestressed concrete box-beam requires six conditions for the inventory rating and three conditions for the operating rating. Each rating requires a strength check of the member, both flexural and shear, and a service limit check. The inventory rating requires a service level check of concrete tension, concrete compression, and prestressing steel tension. The operating rating only requires that the prestressing steel tension be checked. Four properties are directly influenced by deterioration: compressive strength of the concrete, moment of inertia, cross-sectional area of the beam, and the cross-sectional area of the prestressing steel. The compressive strength of the concrete is the only property directly related to material related distress. The cross-sectional area of the beam, moment of inertia, and total area of prestressing strand are all related to the physical condition of the box beam. Changes to the cross-section of the beam also result in different values for centroid and eccentricity of the prestressing strands. All of these components must be updated to reflect the capacity of a beam in a distressed state. These properties are used directly in the calculation of the service level stresses for both the inventory and operating ratings, and are used by the strength ratings to determine the moment and shear capacity of the beam. Parameters such as applied loads do not need to be reassessed unless the location or type of deterioration indicates that load patterns may change. For example, if load transfer mechanism deterioration lessens the load sharing capabilities of the adjacent box beam design, the load distribution will be influenced. If this type of deterioration has occurred, it may be necessary to revise the distribution factors for live and dead loads to reflect the current condition of the bridge.

9. Survey of Current Practice

9.1 Introduction To obtain current information on the use of box beam bridges, the Subcommittee on Adjacent Member Bridges distributed a questionnaire to the departments of transportation in all fifty states and to the ministries of transportation in thirteen Canadian provinces. In addition, the survey was sent to nine additional agencies or entities. The questionnaire solicited specific information in the following general categories: 1. Organizations experience with box beam bridges 2. Deck slab and overlays 3. Box beam construction 4. Keyways 5. Prestressing 6. Bearings 7. Lessons learned The questionnaire also requested drawings and photographs of representative box beam bridges. The response was good, with forty five of the fifty states, three of the thirteen Canadian provinces, plus the New Jersey Turnpike Authority and Prestress Engineering Corp. responding to the questionnaire. 9.2 Data Collection/Survey Response The effort for this report began by developing a questionnaire. The first question asked was whether or not the responding entity used box beam bridges. If the answer was negative, further response was not required. If the answer was affirmative, information in the above-mentioned areas was collected. A wide variety of responses to the various box beam related questions were submitted. Box beams are currently used in twenty nine of the forty five states and the three Canadian provinces which responded to the questionnaire. Based on the information available, the matrix shown in Appendix C was prepared to summarize the survey responses.

9.3 Lessons Learned A number of important lessons were reported by the respondents: Many respondents discussed the importance of minimizing longitudinal cracking to prevent water penetration into the longitudinal joints. Surveys of adjacent box beam bridges made in the late 1980s and early 1990s revealed that reflective cracks in the wearing surface were a recurring problem in some areas. These cracks should be prevented because water and deicing chemicals may penetrate the cracks and cause concrete staining and eventual structural deterioration. One state reported many detail changes over the last twenty years that considerably improved performance and reduced water leakage between adjacent boxes. These included placing the bearing pads under the edge of the beam rather than under the middle to prevent rocking of the beams during grouting of the shear keys, blast cleaning the key surfaces, the use of non-shrink grout instead of sand/cement mortar in the keys, and the use of corrosion inhibitor in the concrete mix for the box beam. The combined use of sufficient transverse connections, non-shrink grout or appropriate sealant in the keyways, and a composite deck slab provides a reasonable assurance against longitudinal deck cracking. The use of a cast-in place composite slab can prevent leakage between box beams. Transverse tie post-tensioning helps control differential deflection in adjacent box or slab construction. Two states report that reflective cracking and associated leakage have been eliminated with the use of the full depth shear key developed by the PCINE Technical Committee. One state is considering eliminating the use of welded connections between adjacent boxes due to longitudinal cracking associated with this detail. This is the only state that reported using welded connections between boxes. Lack of adequate positive transverse tie force is the primary cause of shear key failure. Dimensional tolerances in tall box sections may create gaps which are difficult to seal, allowing grout to drip through the longitudinal joints during grouting of keyways. Inadequate sealing has presented problems when used over traveled roadways. To provide a more uniform overlay thickness, one Canadian province varies the top flange thickness to offset upward beam camber.

Two states report instances of poor seating for some box beams embedded into CIP diaphragms. However, these have not resulted in any actual in-service distress. Jointless bridges are the best way to avoid problems with bearings and substructure corrosion. One state expressed concern that concrete cover within the box may not be provided, but no inspection process is available for checking. Sloping the bearing seats to match the cross slope helps with seating the boxes. One state limits the use of box beams to small bridges with spans of 40 feet or less. Minimize skews where practical. Provide lateral restraint at piers and abutments. Utilize polystyrene material for form voids. Cardboard forms may react with concrete, creating gases that can cause concrete to crack and split off.

10. Summary of Case Studies

Five case studies appear in Appendix A representing the application of different adjacent member systems by various agencies. The following projects were included: 10.1 NASA Road 1 Bridge over I-45 The NASA Road Bridge 1 over I-45 is a Texas Department of Transportation project that replaced a 300 foot long, four span bridge over six lanes of the interstate mainline, and dual two lane frontage roads in just nine days. 10.2 Mitchell Gulch Bridge, Colorado The reconstruction of the single span bridge carrying Colorado Highway 86 over Mitchell Gulch was a value-engineered project that demonstrated how adjacent members can be used to greatly reduce the length of construction time, and to minimize inconvenience to the public on a heavily traveled road. 10.3 Quaker City Bridge, Ohio The superstructure of this two span bridge was replaced with a precast, adjacent member superstructure, reusing the existing intermediate pier and abutments. The project uses laterally post-tensioned, precast reinforced concrete slab beams. 10.4 BNSF Railway over Route 160, Missouri The BNSF Railway Bridge over Missouri Route 160 is a grade separation structure in Springfield, Missouri. This 158 foot long, triple track, three span structure replaced two existing structures that did not provide sufficient horizontal clearance to widen Route 160 beneath. An intricate staging sequence and a temporary shoofly structure was constructed in conjunction with the replacement bridges to maintain a minimum of two sets of tracks in service at all times during construction. 10.5 Route 100 over I-44, Missouri The Missouri Route 100 Bridge over I-44 is a two span overpass near Gray Summit, Missouri, just west of Saint Louis. The replacement structure was value-engineered from a four span rolled beam bridge to a two span, adjacent box girder bridge after contractors encountered cost penalties from the steel industry associated with the rapid construction schedule.

11. Summary of Current Research

11.1 UHPC The FHWA is investigating ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) for use in bridge design utilizing an optimized bulb-double-tee shape (Graybeal and Hartman, 2005). Figure 11.1 provides the cross-section. Two girders using these sections were erected side by side to form an adjacent member bridge at the FHWA TurnerFairbank Highway Research Center. Testing on these members to determine the elastic lateral load distribution of the members has been performed (Graybeal and Hartman, 2005(2)).

Figure 11.1 FHWA Pi Girder Test Section Buchanan County, Iowa, with the assistance of the Iowa DOT and Iowa State University, is the site of the first bridge in the U.S. built with Pi-shaped girders made of ultra high performance concrete. The Bridge Engineering Center staff of Iowa State University is assessing the behavior of the individual elements during construction as well as their long-term performance and overall behavior of the completed bridge. Based on results of testing by FHWA, changes are being made to the optimized Pi section shown above, including thicker webs, thicker deck and consideration of transverse tensioning.

11.2 NCHRP Projects Other NCHRP research projects directly or indirectly related to adjacent members include: 10-71 10-72 10-73 12-56 12-57 12-58 12-60 Evaluation of CIP Reinforced Joints for Full-Depth Precast Concrete Bridge Decks Bridge Deck Design Criteria and Testing Procedures Guide Specification for the Design of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Bridge Elements Application of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to High-Strength Structural Concrete: Shear Provisions Extending Span Ranges of Precast, Prestressed Concrete Girders Effective Slab Width for Composite Steel Bridge Members Transfer, Development, and Splice Length for Strand/Reinforcement in High-Strength Concrete

12-62A Simplified Live Load Distribution-Factor Equations-Phase II 12-64 12-65 12-68 12-69 12-71 12-72 12-73 12-74 12-75 Application of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to High-Strength Structural Concrete: Flexure and Compression Provisions Full-Depth, Precast-Concrete Bridge Deck Panel Systems Improved Rotational Limits of Elastomeric Bearings Design and Construction Guidelines for Long-Span Decked Precast, Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges Design Specifications and Commentary for Horizontally Curved Concrete Box-Girder Highway Bridges Blast-Resistant Highway Bridges: Design and Detailing Guidelines Design Guidelines for Durability of Bonded CFRP Repair/Strengthening of Concrete Beams Development of Precast Bent Cap Systems for Seismic Regions Design of FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Girders in Shear

12-77 12-80 12-83 18-12 18-14 18-15 20-5

Structural Concrete Design with High-Strength Steel Reinforcement LRFD Minimum Flexural Reinforcement Requirements Calibration of LRFD Concrete Bridge Design Specifications for Serviceability Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Elements Evaluation and Repair Procedures for Precast/Prestressed Concrete Girders with Longitudinal Cracking in the Web High-Performance/High-Strength Lightweight Concrete for Bridge Girders and Decks Synthesis Topic 39-10, Adjacent Precast Box Beam Bridges: Connection Details

12. Conclusions
12.1 General This report presents the state-of-the-art on precast, prestressed adjacent box beam bridges. Although early construction practices may have lead to serviceability issues with box girder bridges, improved practices have made the box girder bridge a viable, cost-effective structural system. Adjacent box beam bridges have many advantages over other bridge types in speed and ease of construction, aesthetics, span to depth ratio and cost. Lessons learned have been many, and indicate the importance of proper design, fabrication and construction to the effective performance of the integral structural system. For maximum structural performance, all important components should be incorporated into the box girder system. Design, fabrication and construction practices that have been shown to improve the performance of adjacent box girder systems are summarized below. What follows are conclusions drawn from the survey. 12.2 Design Utilize high performance or high strength, low permeability concrete in the beams and deck slab. Provide shear key geometries that allow deck concrete to fill the key, or use full depth shear keys. Provide a minimum of 1 in. cover to all reinforcing. Use 2 in. where practical. Utilize strand patterns which omit use of prestressing strands in the exterior corners. Design for composite action with a reinforced concrete deck slab (minimum thickness of 5 in.). Minimize skews where practical. Provide lateral restraint at piers and abutments. Consider 3-point bearing system to minimize rocking of girders. Utilize corrosion inhibitor in the concrete mix design for the beams. Provide waterproofing between top of structural member and overlay if a noncomposite overlay is to be used.

12.3 Fabrication Utilize polystyrene material for form voids. Provide consistent casting conditions to minimize differential camber in beams. Properly anchor void forms to prevent floating of forms during casting. Provide vent holes for beam curing, in addition to drainage holes in boxes. When extending stirrups for shear connection to slab, consider bent shape of bar in relation to placement of void forms. When extending mild reinforcing steel at the ends of beams, provide straight bars and bend after fabrication.

12.4 Construction Provide transverse post-tensioning to compress joints and minimize differential deflections between boxes. Sandblast shear keys prior to grouting or concreting. When using small shear keys, utilize epoxy grout in keyways. Some agencies report success with non-metallic, non-shrink grout. Post-tension transverse ties prior to grouting shear keys on skewed bridges, after grouting on square bridges. Grind concrete pier and abutment surfaces if necessary to achieve uniform bearing surface. Offset longitudinal deck joints a minimum of 1 foot from edge of adjacent box in staged construction. When differential camber occurs, force beams together when practical or provide smooth transition with joint grout material.

13. References
Chapter 5 1. El-Remaily, Ahmed, Tadros, Maher, Yamane, Takashi, and Krause, Gary Transverse Design of Adjacent Precast Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridges, PCI Journal, 41(4), July/August 1996. 2. Bakht, Baidar, Jaeger, Leslie, and Cheung, M.S., Transverse Shear in Multibeam Bridges, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 109(4), April 1983. 3. AASHTO, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd Edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., (2004). 4. AASHTO, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., (2002).

Chapter 6 1. Miller, Richard, Castrodale, Reid, Mirmiran, Amir, and Hastak, Makarand, Connection of Simple-Span Precast Concrete Girders for Continuity, NCHRP Report 519, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2004. 2. Caner, Alp, and Zia, Paul, Behavior and Design of Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks, PCI Journal, 43(3), May/June 1998. Chapter 8 1. AASHTO. (2003). Interim Revisions to the Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, Second Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington DC. 2. MDOT (2007) Condition Assessment and Methods of Abatement of Prestressed Concrete Box-Beam Deterioration Phase I. Michigan Department of Transportation, Report # RC-1470. 3. MDOT. (1999). Pontis Bridge Inspection Manual. Michigan Department of Transportation, Lansing Maintenance Division, Lansing MI.

4. Miller, R.A., Hlavacs, G.M., and Long, T.W. (1998). Testing of Full Scale Prestressed Beams to Evaluate Shear Key Performance. FHWA report # OH-98/019, Federal Highway Administration. FHWA report # OH-98/019 5. Teng, T. P. (2000). Materials and Methods for Corrosion Control of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures in New Construction. FHWA-RD-00-081. Federal Highway Administration. Chapter 12 1. Graybeal, B. and Hartmann, J., (2005), Experimental Testing of UHPC Optimized Bridge Girders: Early Results, Proceedings of the PCI National Bridge Conference, Palm Springs, CA, October 16-19. 2. Graybeal, B. and Hartmann, J., (2005(2)), Lateral Load Distribution in Optimized UHPC Bridge Girders, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials for Construction of Bridges, Buildings and Other Structures, IV, Maui, Hawaii, August. 3. Miller, Richard, Castrodale, Reid, Mirmiran, Amir, and Hastak, Makarand, (2004), Connection of Simple-Span Precast Concrete Girders for Continuity, NCHRP Report 519, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

14. Bibliography
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification (2005), 3rd ed., American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C. AASHTO Standard Specifications, (2002), 17th ed. American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C. Bakht, B., Jaeger, L., and Cheung, M., (1983), Transverse Shear in Multi-beam Bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, v. 109, n. 4, April, pp. 936-949. El-Remaily, A., Tadros, M., Yamane, T., and Krause, G., (1996), Transverse Design of Adjacent Precast Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridges, PCI Journal v. 41, n. 4, July-August, p. 96-113. Grace, N., Enomoto, S., Sachidanandan, S., and Puravankara, S., (2006), Use of CFRP/CFCC Reinforcement in Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridges, ACI Structural Journal, v. 103, n. 1, p. 123-132. Gulyas, R., Wirthlin, G., and Champa, J., (1995), Evaluation of Keyway Grout Test Methods for Precast Concrete Bridges, PCI Journal v. 40, n. 1, p. 44-57. Hlavacs, G., Long, T., Miller, R., and Baseheart, T., (1997), Nondestructive Determination of Response of Shear Keys to Environmental and Structural Cyclic Loading, Transportation Research Record, n. 1574, pp. 18-24. Huckelbridge, A., El-Esnawi, H., and Moses, F., (1995), Shear Key Performance in Multi-Beam Box Girder Bridges, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, v. 9, n. 4, p. 271-285. Lall, J., Alampalli, S., and DiCocco, E., (1998), Performance of Full Depth Shear Keys in Adjacent Prestressed Box Beam Bridges, PCI Journal, v. 43, n. 2, MarchApril, pp. 72-79. Martin, L., and Osborn, A., (1983), Connections for Modular Concrete Bridge Decks, FHWA-82/106, NTIS Document PB84-118058, Consulting Engineers Group, Glenview, IL, August. Miller, R., and Parekh, K., (1994), Destructive Testing of a Deteriorated Prestressed Box Beam Bridge, Transportation Research Record, n. 1460, pp. 37-44. Miller, R., Hlavacs, G., Long, T., and Greuel, A., (1999), Full-Scale Testing of Shear Keys for Adjacent Box Girder Bridges, PCI Journal v. 44, n. 6, p. 80-90.

Nottingham, D., (1995) Discussion of Evaluation of Keyway Grout Test Methods for Precast Concrete Bridges, by Gulyas, R., Wirthlin, G., and Champa, J., (1995), PCI Journal v. 40, n. 4, p. 98-103. Osborn, A., and Preston, H., (1990), Post-Tensioned Repair and Field Testing of a Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge, ACI SP-120, p. 229-256. Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Manual, (1997), PCI, Chicago, IL. Stanton, J., and Mattock, A., (1986), Load Distribution and Connection Design for Precast Stemmed Multibeam Bridge Superstructures, NCHRP Report 287, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. Yamane, T., Tadros, M., and Arumugasaamy, P., (1994), Short to Medium Span Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Japan, PCI Journal, v. 39, n. 2, March-April, pp. 74-100.

Appendix A: Case Studies

Five examples of adjacent member bridges are discussed in this section: A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 NASA Road 1 Bridge over I-45, Texas - 2002 Mitchell Gulch Bridge, Colorado - 2002 Quaker City Bridge, Ohio - 2003 BNSF Railway over Route 160, Missouri - 2002 Route 100 over I-44, Missouri - 2006

A.1 - NASA Road Bridge 1 over I-45, Texas

Figure A.1.1: NASA Road 1 Bridge Elevation At the NASA Road 1 Bridge over I-45 between Houston and Galveston, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) makes use of a unique adjacent member system that eliminates the necessity of either grouting or post-tensioning operations to connect the adjacent girders. This structure is one of a pair of parallel bridges that carries four lanes of traffic over I-45; the other structure is a traditional steel girder bridge. The 300 foot long bridge crosses three lanes of I-45 and a two lane frontage road in each direction with four equal spans of 75 feet (Figure A.1.1), replacing a six span structure with one that matches the span layout of the eastbound bridge. The NASA Road 1 overpass was designed in accordance with the 1996 AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges for HS-20 Live Loading. The bridge crosses I-45 on a square alignment and has a broad vertical curve centered on the bridge. Precast concrete was used for both the superstructure and substructure as part of an accelerated construction scheme. The abutments and piers are supported on five 24 inch square precast, prestressed piles, which vary from 49 to 76 feet in length, and from 105 tons to 135 tons in capacity. The abutment wingwalls, caps and intermediate bent caps were also designed with a precast option, however the C.I.P. alternate was chosen. The precast abutment and intermediate bent caps were cast with the tops sloped to match the 2.08% roadway cross slope. This places the boxes slightly out of square; however this did not present any problem for the torsionally stiff boxes. In the past, TxDOT had experienced problems with box girders rocking transversely when supported on bearings at each corner. To alleviate this problem, box girders are now supported on a 3-point bearing system consisting of

two smaller bearings placed near the corners at one end of the girder and a single, wider bearing located at the centerline of the girder at the opposite end (Figure A.1.2). The box beams are restrained transversely by concrete ears that are cast on each end of the caps. The abutment caps also have a backwall to provide longitudinal restraint.

Figure A.1.2: Bearing Pad Layout The 75 foot spans of this structure are supported by nine, adjacent TxDOT Type 4B28 girders (Figure A.1.3). These 28 inch deep precast beams are formed by using two side forms from Texas Type A Standard Prestressed Concrete Beams that are spaced approximately four feet apart. Concrete is poured around a styrofoam block placed between the side forms that creates

Figure A.1.3: Bridge Cross Section

the void for the box beam (Figure A.1.4). The box girders are prestressed with 24 straight, in. diameter, 270 ksi lowrelaxation strands located in the bottom flange. A vertical, 1 in. diameter PVC pipe is cast in the bottom slab of the box beam at each corner to provide drainage for any water that might accumulate inside the void. A 7 in. deep, 12 in. long blockout is also provided at each end of the girders. Reinforcing bars are placed in this void and it is filled with concrete from the slab pour to create an end Figure A.1.4: Typical Section of Box Beam diaphragm (Figure A.1.5). A plastic joint former is located in the slab over the piers between the end diaphragms to create a control joint and silicone sealant is used to fill the 1 in. gap between the end diaphragm at the abutments and the approach pavement. After the adjacent box girders are placed, a 5 in. thick, reinforced, cast-in-place slab is poured on top. The ordinary slab concrete in this pour is also allowed to flow into the large shear key provided by the I shaped sides of the adjacent box girders (Figure A1.5). A chamfer strip is placed in the gap between the box girders to retain the concrete in the shear

Figure A.1.5: Detail of Shear Key and End Diaphragm

key (Figure A.1.6). U shaped reinforcing bars at 12 in. spaces extend from the top slab of the girders into the slab to insure composite action of the slab and box beams. The exterior girders also have U shaped bars embedded near the outside edge that project through the slab and into the barrier curb, which is poured on top of the slab. Bridges that utilize an asphalt driving surface have posttensioning bars located in internal diaphragms; however TxDOT does not require interior diaphragms for adjacent box beam bridges that utilize a cast in place slab. Summary Discussion Through their use of box beams since the 1960s, TxDOT has encountered and solved several issues. The concrete in the box beams is required to be placed in a two-stage monolithic pour. Fabricators had experienced difficulties holding the void Figure A.1.6: Detail of Plug forms in place; the void forms would try to shift laterally when concrete is placed unequally on the two sides of the box, and would be forced upwards by buoyancy when the bottom and both sides were placed. Attempts to prevent the lateral movement of the void form by filling both sides of the box equally resulted in air voids in the concrete of the bottom slab. To avoid these problems, TxDOT specifies that the concrete in the bottom slab be placed first, and remain in the plastic state until the concrete in the second stage, the walls, is placed. In the past cardboard forms had been used to create the void; however TxDOT had found that this could lead to problems when a reaction between the cardboard and the concrete created gases that would cause the bottom flange of the boxes to split off. The use of this simple adjacent member superstructure system allowed TxDOT to completely reconstruct the NASA Road 1 Bridge in just nine days, greatly minimizing the disturbance to the traveling public.

A.2 - Mitchell Gulch Bridge, Colorado

Figure A.2.1: Colorado State Route 86 Mitchell Gulch Bridge The reconstruction of the bridge carrying Colorado Highway 86 over Mitchell Gulch (Figure A.2.1) illustrates how adjacent girders can be part of a rapid construction solution to drastically reduce construction delays typically associated with bridge construction projects. This bridge replacement project was completed over one weekend with a total road closure of only 46 hours. The Mitchell Gulch Bridge project originally was designed as a typical bridge replacement project with an anticipated two month road closure and detour required to construct a cast-inplace box culvert on the same alignment as the aging wooden bridge it was to replace. After the original design was bid, the winning bidder submitted a value engineering proposal to drastically reduce the inconvenience to the approximately 12,000 daily vehicle drivers that travel this stretch of Highway 86, just southeast of Denver. This proposal significantly compressed the construction schedule for a total cost of $360,000, approximately the same as the original winning bid.

The new single span bridge carrying Highway 86 spans 35 ft over Mitchell Gulch is on a square alignment (Figure A.2.2). The bridge was designed in accordance with the AASHTO 16th Edition Load Factor Design Manual for HS-25 Live Loading and a future overlay of 36 psf. The structure makes significant use of precast elements for both superstructure and substructure. Precast abutment backwalls and wingwalls were welded to steel H-piles that were placed outside of the existing bridge and roadway. This arrangement allowed piling to be pre-driven prior to the road closure. The 44 ft long backwalls are split into an upper and lower section and each 24 ft long wingwall is a separate piece. Embedded weld plates were cast into each of the elements to allow welded connections to the pile supports and other elements. After the abutments were constructed, they were backfilled with flowable fill. Figure A.2.2: Bridge Alignment The superstructure of the Mitchell Gulch Bridge is composed of eight adjacent, precast, prestressed slab beam members. The 18 in. thick by 5 ft-4 in. wide beam slabs (Figure A.2.3)

Figure A.2.3: Section through slab beam

span 37 ft-4 in. from bearing to bearing to provide the 35 ft opening. Each girder contains 20 straight prestressing strands; 0.6 in. diameter with a total initial prestress force of 820 kips. After release the strands were cut 1 in. inside the surface of the concrete and the ends were patched with an epoxy grout. The girders are supported on a in. by 6 in. continuous bearing pad and are held in place on the abutments by angles that are welded to embedded plates in the abutment backwalls and girder ends (Figure A.2.4). The adjacent deck girders are laterally connected to each other by 1 in. post-tensioning rods and a shear key as shown in Figure A.2.5. Four inch diameter PVC sleeves were placed at the and points of the span and the Figure A.2.4: Embedded weld plates at beam slab ends galvanized post-tensioning rods were placed through these ducts after the girders were placed. The rods were then post-tensioned to 10% of the final post-tensioning force of 131 kips per rod prior to the grouting of the shear keys with an epoxy grout capable of attaining a compressive strength of 3000 psi within 12 hours. After the grout had hardened sufficiently to prevent spalling, the full 131 kip post-tensioning force was applied. The contractor was allowed to weld the two interior girders to the abutments after just the initial 10% DETAIL "1" post-tensioning force was applied, Cont. Shear Key however the remaining girders were not to be welded until the Figure A.2.5: Longitudinal Shear key shear keys had been grouted and the full post-tensioning force applied.

The exterior girders have a 7 in. square blockout on the exterior face for the post-tensioning hardware. The exterior girders also differ from the interior girders due to the 18 in. wide by 19 high curb that was cast on the slab beams in the plant after the girder was removed from the precasting bed. Anchor bolts were cast in the curb to attach a traffic railing to the curb prior to the erection of the girders (Figure A.2.6).

Figure A.2.6: Exterior beam slab with integral curb and attached traffic rail The laterally post-tensioned adjacent beam slab members function as the bridge deck as well as spanning longitudinally, eliminating the need for a cast-in-place slab. Eliminating slab forming, pouring and curing from the critical path greatly reduced the construction time. The driving surface consists of 6 in. of asphalt placed over an aggregate base course. The curbs on the exterior girders also serve to retain the base course and pavement on the bridge. The girder bearings at the abutment were level to facilitate the post-tensioning and alignment of the shear keys, so it was necessary to taper the thickness of the base course to achieve the required 2% cross slope (Figure A.2.7). PVC pipes, 2 in. in diameter, are cast near each end of the girders and at midspan to function as drain holes for the base course material.

Figure A.2.7: Transverse section showing tapered subgrade material used to create cross slope Summary Discussion The Colorado Department of Transportations willingness to allow the use of a new bridge system paid large dividends. The adjacent precast members for the superstructure were combined with a precast substructure to facilitate the replacement of a highway bridge in less than two days, minimizing the impact on the traveling public. To achieve this rapid construction, thorough organization and contingency planning was required. As with most construction projects, there were some difficulties that arose during construction. One such problem occurred when the epoxy grouting process was begun before the transverse post-tensioning had been completed. The fast setting epoxy began to harden before the post-tensioning operation was complete which necessitated chipping out the epoxy and re-grouting the joints after the post-tensioning was completed. The post-tensioned adjacent beam slab design added some complexity to construction process; however this system allowed several time consuming steps from typical bridge construction to be eliminated. Careful planning, the construction teams ability to react to issues and the use of an adjacent member superstructure all contributed to the success of this project.

A.3 - Quaker City Bridge, Ohio

- Rapid Replacement Using Adjacent Post-tensioned Slabs

Figure A.3.1: Quaker City Bridge GUE-513-1.80 located in the town of Quaker City, Ohio (approximately 50 miles east of Columbus). The existing bridge was a 2 span, concrete slab bridge, with each span being approximately 30 foot long. The superstructure was to be replaced, but the existing pier and abutments were to be re-used after repair. Another slab bridge was the logical replacement structure but the time required to construct a slab bridge was a concern. Because the site is in a rural area, the detour was approximately 25 miles for cars and 40 miles for trucks and large busses. Local officials were concerned about detouring school busses over this long distance and wanted the bridge built after the school year ended and with as little interference with the summer school term as possible. Another major factor in the decision to accelerate the construction was a festival held in Quaker City each summer. The festival is a major revenue source for the local community and it was desirable to have the bridge completed before the festival. As a result, the bridge had to be completed in less than 3 weeks. The engineer decided to use a post-tensioned, adjacent concrete slab unit for the superstructure. The rail would be precast concrete as well. Figures A.3.2 A.3.5 show the details of the bridge structure. The slab panels used a full depth joint with a mid-height shear key (Figure A.3.6). After demolition of the old slab, the abutments and the center support were reworked to accommodate the precast slabs. The precast slabs were reinforced elements. They were not pre-tensioned to simplify the fabrication and to avoid any camber problems.

To insure proper alignment of the PT ducts, a mock up assembly of the slabs was required in the precasting yard. Unfortunately, no one thought to account for the crown in the bridge. When the slabs were delivered to site, there was some misalignment due to the crown which had to be fixed by shimming the supports. After the slabs were assembled, the joints were grouted. Grout was a major problem on this structure. The engineer had specified a high early strength, fast setting grout. The contractor did not pick this up in the bid phase and did not have an acceptable grout available. When the contractor attempted to purchase an acceptable grout, he could not find a grout which both met the engineers specifications and was on the Ohio DOT approved list. Eventually, the engineer and the contractor found a grout acceptable to all parties. Grout placement was a problem as the grouting company was not familiar with grout. After post-tensioning, the grout cracked and the cracks were sealed with high molecular weight Methacrylate (HMWM). In a post construction meeting, both the contractor and ODOT acknowledged that grout is, in general, a problem in adjacent girder bridges. After grouting was complete, the bridge was post-tensioned in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. The longitudinal post-tensioning made the bridge continuous for live load. Three, 0.6 in diameter strands were used in each duct to post-tension the structure. After posttensioning, the ducts were grouted for corrosion protection (Figure A.3.7). To further reduce construction time, the bridge was precast with an integral wearing surface. After assembly of the bridge, the surface was ground to profile and grooves were sawcut into the surface. A precast rail was used. The rail was post-tensioned to the fascia girder when the transverse post-tensioning was done. The bridge met expectations for speed of construction. Although originally scheduled for 16 day, unavoidable delays extended the construction time to 19 days; but this was well within acceptable limits.

Figure A.3.2: Elevation of the Replacement Structure

Figure A.3.3: Longitudinal Section of a Single Panel

Figure A.3.4: Longitudinal Section of the Deck

Bridge Railing

Figure A.3.5: Cross Section of the Deck

Figure A.3.6: Slab Placement - Longitudinal PT Ducts and Shear Keys Are Visible

Figure A.3.7: PT Tendons

A.4 - BNSF Railway over Route 160, Missouri

Figure A.4.1: Elevation at Project Baseline The BNSF Railway Bridge over Missouri Route 160 is a grade separation structure in Springfield, Missouri. This 158 ft long, triple track, three span structure (Figure A.4.1) replaces two existing structures that did not provide sufficient horizontal clearance to widen Route 160 beneath. An intricate staging sequence and a temporary shoofly structure was constructed in conjunction with the replacement bridges to maintain a minimum of two sets of tracks in service at all times during construction. The railroad crosses Route 160 at a skew of 14 50 and is supported by three independent superstructures on individual intermediate piers, but all three share a common abutment at each end. The boxes were cast with skewed ends to match the skew angle of the structure, except abutment ends, which are cast square. Each set of tracks is supported by adjacent box beams; the 38 ft end spans are carried by two adjacent, 42 in. prestressed concrete double-cell box beams

Figure A.4.2: Section Through End Span

Figure A.4.3: Section Through Center Span (Figure A.4.2), while the 82 ft center span is supported on four 72 in. prestressed concrete single cell box beams (Figure A.4.3). The structure was designed in accordance with the 1999 edition of the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering and was designed for Cooper E-80 loading. All girders are designed as simple span, non-composite beams. The prestressing strands in all girders are in. diameter, 7 wire uncoated, low-relaxation strands. After detensioning, the strands are cut flush with the end of the beam and painted with a waterproofing substance. All strands are straight, no draped strands are used. The double cell box girders in the end spans are placed adjacent to each other, but are not connected. The girders are completely independent and each was assumed to support one half of the total dead and live load. Each girder contains 48 prestressing strands stressed to 31 kips per strand for a total prestressing force of 1488 kips. The strands are placed in the bottom flange and up into the webs, with the topmost strand located 18 in. from the bottom. The single cell boxes in the center span are post-tensioned together with two 1 in. diameter tie rods at five locations, equally spaced along the girder (Figure A.4.4). The tie rods are placed in

Figure A.4.4: Plan view of Box Beam

2 in. diameter holes that are cast in internal diaphragms. The BNSF Railway had previously experienced problems with skewed post-tensioning rods causing racking of single cell box girders in adjacent member structures. To prevent this from occurring, only the rods at the girder ends are skewed to match the structure skew, with rods at the intermediate locations aligned in a row perpendicular to the centerline of the beams. The specified tension for the tie rods was 50 kips each, Figure A.4.5: Detail of Shear Key however only the rods in the intermediate diaphragms were required to attain this full tension. After these rods were tensioned, the skewed rods at the girder ends were tensioned only enough to pull the boxes together without causing racking of the girders. The single cell boxes also employ a 6 in. by 1 in. longitudinal keyway (Figure A.4.5) to help control differential deflections between girders. Foam backing material is installed to contain the liquid epoxy after the keyway is filled with peagravel. The live load was assumed to be equally distributed to the 4 single cell box girders. The torsional effects on the girders that would result from the uneven loading on the skewed girder ends were also accounted for in the design. The single cell girders each contain 56 prestressing strands that are stressed to 31 kips per strand for a total prestressing force of 1736 kips. The strands are located in the bottom flange and webs of the girders, with the topmost strand located 20 in. from the top of the girder. Full width bearing pads are provided at each end of the girders. The double cell box girders for the end spans use separate in. thick by 10 in. wide urethane pads full width under each girder. The four single cell box girders in the center span use two 1 in. thick by 10 in. wide laminated, reinforced neoprene pads that extend across the pier cap under all four girders. Brackets, cut from

Figure A.4.6: Bracket Attachment Details

HP shapes are installed on both sides of the exterior girders at each bearing (Figure A.4.6). The brackets are field welded to steel plates that are embedded in the pier cap and the side of the exterior beams to provide lateral restraint to the girders. Reinforced concrete curbs, 17 in. high, 6 inches wide (Figure A.4.7), used to retain the 16 in. of ballast, are cast on the exterior edges of the exterior girders at the plant after the prestressing strands are detensioned. A bonding agent is applied to the top of the girder to improve the bond of the concrete across the cold joint. Reinforcing bars extend from the top flange into the curbs and inserts are also cast into the outside face of the exterior girders and curbs to attach brackets supporting walkways on each side of each set of tracks. These details reduced the number of steps required for the erection of the superstructure. After setting the girders, only the transverse tensioning rods need to be installed, the walkways bolted on and the ballast and track placed.

Figure A.4.7: Typical Section of Box Beam

In order to maintain a minimum of two sets of tracks in service at all stages of construction, it was necessary to construct a temporary structure on an adjacent alignment. This structure was also constructed using double cell box girders for the superstructure and upon completion of the permanent bridges, this structure was removed and the box girders were shipped elsewhere to be used on the BNSF system. Double-cell box girders can readily be shipped by truck. Summary Discussion The use of adjacent box girders was central to the economical replacement of a functionally deficient structure carrying an active railroad line over highway traffic. Shipping heavy box girders can be an issue in some instances. The largest girders for this project weighed 62.5 tons, including the curb for the exterior girder. However, since this project was for a railroad bridge, it

was convenient to ship the girders to the site via rail. The high load carrying capacity and simplicity of construction for this system were instrumental in meeting the goal of minimum disruptions to railway traffic.

A.5 - Route 100 over I-44, Missouri

Figure A.5.1: Elevation of Bridge Background The Missouri Route 100 Bridge over I-44 is a two span overpass near Gray Summit, Missouri, just west of Saint Louis (Figure A.5.1). The structure replaces a 2 lane, 4 span rolled beam bridge constructed in 1958 that was near the end of its service life. The existing 2 lane overpass had a 28 ft wide roadway while the new roadway is 61 ft-4 in. wide with 4 lanes. The alignment of the new bridge was shifted to the west and staged construction was employed to allow the existing bridge to remain in service while the west half of the new structure was built (phase 1). Traffic was then shifted to the new bridge, the existing bridge was removed and the second stage was constructed (phase 2). The existing structure was on a 9 15 40 skew and the replacement structure is on a 9 skew. In 2004, a replacement structure was originally designed as a 179 ft-3 in., 4 span, 9 girder line, rolled beam bridge (Figure A.5.2) that matched the existing span layout of the narrow, two lane structure. The overall structure width was 62 ft-8 in. with the bridge centered on a slight, crest vertical curve. After the contract was awarded, the contractor submitted a value engineering

Figure A.5.2: Elevation of Replacement Bridge as Originally Designed

Figure A.5.3: Elevation of Value Engineered Bridge Design (VE) proposal to switch to a 121 ft, two span, adjacent box girder superstructure with MSE Walls around both abutments to eliminate the short end spans (Figure A.5.3). The VE proposal was prompted by cost penalties applied by the steel industry to the rapid fabrication and delivery schedule for the steel rolled beams. The box beam design provided a slightly wider overall width (64 ft) than required by the original design due to the need to specify a structure width that is a multiple of the box beam width (Figure A.5.4). The value engineered design provided the same horizontal and vertical geometry with the exception that slightly wider shoulders were used on the wider structure.

Figure A.5.4: Cross Section of Adjacent Box Girder Bridge

The structure was designed in accordance with the AASHTO 2002, 17th Edition Load Factor Design Manual. Illinois standard precast, prestressed box girder shapes were used, with Type B, 27 in. deep by 48 in. wide boxes (Figure A.5.5) selected for the 60 ft-6 in. spans. The bottom flange contains 23 straight, low-relaxation strands stressed to 31 kips each, for a total prestressing force of 713 kips per girder. The girders were cast with skewed ends to match the 9 skew of the bridge. The box girders were topped with a 5 in. thick composite, reinforced concrete topping. No special treatments were applied to improve Figure A.5.5: Typical Section of Box Beam bonding between the top flange and the slab and no additional waterproofing membrane is provided between the slab and girders. The beams were slightly deeper than the 24 in. deep rolled beams from the original redesign; however the thinner slab allowed the overall structure depth to remain unchanged. The bridge featured Safety Barrier Curbs that were cast-in-place after the slab was poured on top of the girders. Typically, reinforcing bars tie the barrier curb to the slab on Missouri bridges with an 8 in. thick slab; however on this bridge, with a thinner cast in place slab, the bars were embedded in the exterior girders of the bridge. These vertical bars projected through the slab to tie to the remaining, standard horizontal and vertical safety barrier curb reinforcing bars. These bars, and the lack of a longitudinal keyway on the exterior beam face, were the only differences between the interior and exterior box girders. The adjacent box structure was originally submitted as two simple spans with a non-composite slab. However after MoDOT reviewed the plans, they requested that the spans be made continuous for live loads, similar to their typical detail for I-beam bridges. This is accomplished by making the slab composite with the girders and placing additional negative moment reinforcing located in the slab over the piers to provide the negative moment capacity. To provide a positive moment connection at the piers, the prestressing strands were cut with a 2 ft 3 in. projection at each end of the box girders and these strands were bent up at the intermediate diaphragm (Figure A.5.6) and the abutment backwalls. A tie bar was placed across each row of bent strands and the concrete from the Figure A.5.6: Section at Intermediate Bent

Figure A.5.7: Plan of Box Girders Showing Diaphragms slab pour was allowed to flow into the gap between the girder ends at the pier encasing the strands. At the abutments, an 8 in. thick backwall was cast against the skewed ends of the girders at the same time as the slab pour to encase the strands and tie bars. Although these modifications and additional details were requested by the bridge owner, the bridge designer reported that the changes did not result in any significant structural advantage. The girder section was not reduced and 2 strand reduction in the prestressing strands per girder was not an economical trade off for the additional mild reinforcing steel required in the slab. The mild reinforcement was desired by the owner to minimize cracking in the deck slab in the negative moment region. The bridge is an integral structure, with no expansion joints in the bridge. Transverse connections between the girders are provided by lateral post tensioning, shear keys and the composite slab. The girders are laterally post-tensioned with 1 in. diameter rods placed in 3 in. diameter sleeves that are cast in internal diaphragms located at mid-span (Figure A.5.7). The sleeves are aligned on a single line matching the 9 skew of the structure. The girders from the first phase were connected sequentially with 3 ft-11in. long rods and 3 in. thread sleeves as each girder is placed next to the previously set girder. After all the girders from phase one were set and the rods installed, they were post-tensioned Figure A.5.8: Typical Section of Box Beam

together to a total force of 25.5 kips. Once all the girders for the second phase were placed adjacent to the first phase, a single rod was threaded through all the phase 2 boxes and connected to the last 3 in. thread sleeve on the exterior of the final box from phase one. A tension of 25.5 kips was applied. The 4 in. tall by in. wide longitudinal keyways are located between girders (Figure A.5.8) and are grouted with non-shrink grout after the tensioning of the transverse posttensioning rods. The keyway surfaces were cleaned by sandblasting prior to erection of the girders. The joint between the first and second phases was grouted in an overnight operation when the traffic on the bridge was at a minimum. Each corner of the box girders are supported by a plain neoprene bearing pad. Adjacent box girders actually share a single 2 ft-5 in. wide pad (Figure A.5.9). Vertical holes, 2 in. in diameter, are cast 7 in. from each end of the girders which align with 3 in. diameter holes in the bearing pads. After placing the girders, 1 in. diameter holes are drilled though these openings 9 in. into the beam cap. Dowel bars in. diameter by 18 in. long are placed into the holes and grouted in place with nonshrink grout (Figure A.5.10) after the transverse posttensioning and prior to grouting the longitudinal girder keys. Vent holes ( in. diameter) are cast into the top flange of the box girder and in. diameter drain holes are cast in the bottom. Three holes are located at top and bottom of each end of the girder and at each side of the internal diaphragm. The vent holes are plugged when the slab is poured on top of the girders; however the drain holes are intended to remain open to provide drainage for any water intrusion that may occur.

Figure A.5.9: Plan View of Bearing Pads

Figure A.5.10: Dowel Bars at Abutments

Figure A.5.11: Route 100 over I-44 Summary Discussion Missouri Route 100 over I-44 was the second Missouri Department of Transportation project to utilize adjacent box girders for a highway bridge. Although the value engineering submitted was for two simple spans, MoDOT requested some changes to improve serviceability. The design was revised to include additional mild reinforcing over the piers to account for continuity and control cracking in the deck. The longitudinal joint in the deck slab was also offset 1 ft. from the edge of the phase 1 exterior box. Addition of the mild steel did not significantly improve the structural capacity and had a negligible effect on the load rating of the structure. With the exterior face of the barrier curb aligned with the exterior face of the outside beam, any noticeable sweep in the box beams will show up as a sweep in the barrier curb. To ensure a straight barrier curb, the contractor set a straight line on the slab for the inside face of the curb and formed the outside face of the curb extra wide, so that any sweep in the beam would be covered by the extra width in the barrier curb. This maintained the full roadway width, and made any construction tolerances less noticeable by creating a slight overhang from the curb to the slab, where chamfered corners provide a line break on the bridge fascia. This project demonstrates the effectiveness of shallow box girders for a highway overpass. The 22:1 span to depth ratio provided an economical solution in competition with a rolled beam structure. Careful construction by the contractor and the clean lines of the adjacent box beam system combined to create an efficient as well as aesthetically pleasing structure (Figure A.5.11).

Appendix B: PCI New England Recommendations

This section contains the construction practice recommendations from PCI Northeast Region Technical Committee for adjacent member bridges skewed less than 30 degrees and for bridges skewed more than 30 degrees.

B.1 Sequence of Construction for Butted Box and Butted Deck Beam Superstructures (Skews < 30)
A) Layout Working Lines Working lines shall be laid out on the beam seat for the entire width of the bridge. All working lines are to be measured from a common working point. The working lines are to be based on the nominal beam widths, plus a joint. Verify Beam Seat Elevations Take elevations at beam seats. If seats are high, grind to correct elevations. If seats are low, shim as required. Shims to be high durometer neoprene or high density plastic. Install bearing pads.



Erect Beams Pressure wash sides of beams. Beams shall be placed to fit within the working lines. As work progresses, install hardwood wedges between adjacent beams to maintain proper shear key joint opening. Install a minimum of one wedge at each transverse tie location.


Install Polyethylene Closed Cell Backer Rod as Joint Filler at Shear Key Locations. Filler shall be placed below the bottom of the shear key joints as shown on the Plans and shall conform to key depth change in configuration at the transverse tie locations. Filler shall be installed sufficiently tight to prevent loss of the shear key grout.


Install Transverse Ties Feed transverse ties through ducts. Verify that hardwood wedges are in place as required to prevent slippage of beams. Using a calibrated jack, post-tension transverse ties to approximately 5,000 lbs. to remove sag in the-tie and to seat the chuck. For stage construction, the second stage transverse tie ducts shall be protected at the shear key joints by installing second stage transverse ties or placing Styrofoam over the duct opening. Grout Shear Key A correctly grouted shear key joint is necessary to ensure the structural integrity of the superstructure. Clean the shear key joint with an oil free air-blast immediately prior to grout placement. Verify that the backer rod is still in place. Additional shear key joint preparation and grout placement shall be per the Manufacturer's recommendations. Shear key joints shall be carefully rodded to eliminate voids.



Post-Tension Transverse Ties Shear key grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 1500 psi, based on the Manufacturer's recommendations, prior to stressing. Using a calibrated jack operated by qualified personnel, post-tension transverse ties to 30,000 lbs. beginning with inner most ties and proceeding symmetrically about midspan towards the member ends. Inner ties shall be re-checked to ensure that the ties have 30,000 lbs. of tension. (For box beams with top and bottom transverse ties: tension the bottom tie to 15,000 lbs. then tension the top tie to 15,000 lbs. Repeat the sequence once more so that each transverse tie has 30,000 lbs. of tension.) Finish Work Remove wedges and patch the deck and fascia beams at transverse tie locations. Place abutment concrete above the beam seat construction joint. Place brush curb and overlay concrete.


B.2 Sequence of Construction for Butted Box and Butted Deck Beam Superstructures (Skews > 30)
A) Layout Working Lines Working lines shall be laid out on the beam seat for the entire width of the bridge. All working lines are to be measured from a common working point. The working lines are to be based on the nominal beam widths. Verify Beam Seat Elevations Take elevations at beam seats. If seats are high, grind to correct elevations. If seats are low, shim as required. Shims to be high durometer neoprene or high density plastic. Install bearing pads. Erect Beams Pressure wash sides of beams. Beams shall be placed to fit within the working lines. Each beam is erected with a reset dead-end chuck and transverse tie in place. As each beam is erected, the live end of the transverse tie from the preceding beam is worked through the duct. Install hardwood wedges between adjacent beams to maintain proper shear key joint opening. Install a minimum of two wedges at each transverse tie location, one on top and the other under the beam. Using a calibrated jack operated by qualified personnel, post-tension transverse ties to 30,000 lbs. (For box beams with top and bottom transverse ties: tension the bottom tie to 15,000 lbs. then tension the top tie to 15,000 lbs. Repeat the sequence once more so that each transverse tie has 30,000 lbs. of tension) Repeat above steps until all beams are erected.




Install Polyethylene Closed Cell Backer Rod as Joint Filler at Shear Key Locations. Filler shall be placed below the bottom of the shear key joints as shown on the Plans. Care shall be used to seal the joint under the transverse tie and maintain the proper shape of the key at all transverse tie locations. Filler shall be installed sufficiently tight to prevent the loss of the shear key grout. Grout Shear Key A correctly grouted shear key joint is necessary to ensure the structural integrity of the superstructure. Clean the shear key joint with an oil free air-blast immediately prior to grout placement. Verify that the backer rod is still in place. Additional shear key joint preparation and grout placement shall be per the Manufacturer's recommendations. Shear key joints shall be carefully rodded to eliminate voids.



Finish Work Remove wedges, and patch the deck and fascia beams at transverse tie locations. Place abutment concrete above the beam seat construction joint. Place brush curb and overlay concrete.

Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire Responses


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Alaska
yes Highway Bridges AASHTO/PCI & Other - Oregon DOT stnd yes 30 degreees no yes

yes Highway & Pedestrian Bridges AASHTO/PCI yes 30 degrees no no

yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges AASHTO/PCI, State standard & other No no no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?

temporary vertical jacking


cut flush yes around strand ends zinc-rich paint

cut flush no no -

no -

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

yes - sometimes 4" on top of CIP slab & in lieu of CIP slab asphalt w/waterproofing membrane

yes 5" on top of CIP slab asphalt: w/o waterproofing membrane

yes 7" to 8" on top of CIP slab Asphalt w/waterproofing membrane

B.4. Box Beam Construction

Thickness of Overlay? y

3" & 4"



C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

one no if f'c > 7.5 ksi is HPC then yes all P/S

polystyrene, wood one no no no -

Cardboard one yes yes no -


Type of HPC? (Slab)

No, typically f'c = 4ksi for slabs


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes yes before grout placement per manufacturer's non-shrink, non-metallic, cement based grout (ASTM C-1107 Type C) 28 day f'c=62 Mpa no no after - P/T not always used but always use a tie of some type

yes no no non-shrink grout no no

yes no yes precast plant grout no no




E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight yes both - see above 1/2" dia low-relaxation

pretensioning 1/2" dia straight no yes bars -

both low-relaxation - 1/2" dia harped, draped, combination - combine harped and straight yes yes strands & bars 1/2" low-relaxation


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Alaska
1" dia 150ksi 1.75" CL strand-bottom dist. Minimum no - standard practice to provide 1" dia (min) rod at mid-span diaphragm location 2" -

1.5" 36ksi mid-depth no (just have sufficient to keep the units together) 2" -

#7, #8 (HS) 150 ksi middle of the beam

yes - PCI manual 20'+-



Type of Bearings?

Plain & Laminated Elastomeric - depends upon span length and need

Laminated elastomeric

laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?



F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins & shear keys or blocks no -

dowel pins no -

dowel pins no -



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - there has been concern that the concrete cover within the box may not be provided but there is no inspection process for checking see Idaho DOT for info.


Attached please find three types of precast prestressed box beam Caltrans have used for bridge design

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

no no Elmer E. Marx PE Technical Engineer II 907-465-6941 elmer_marx@dot.state.ak.us State of Alaska DOT & PF

no no no Pe-Shen Yang Assistant State Bridge Engineer 602-712-8606 pyang@dot.state.az.us Arizona Department of Transportation

Yes no yes Richard Land / Jim Ma State Bridge Engineer / Prestressed Concrete Technical Specialist 916-227-8807 / 916-227-8175 Richard_Land@dot.ca.gov / Jim_Ma@dot.ca.gov California Department of Transportation

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Colorado
yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges State standard no Though not limited, a significant consideration for shear and uniform seating of the boxes no yes - 1" max differential over pedestrian use. We limit actual cambers to 1" over design cambers overlay - normal differentials are dealt w/by variation in the composite deck thickness, excess differentials dealt w/on a case by case basis that may include sorting the girders or jacking. yes Normally cut to project 3" when they will be embedded in CIP concrete, recessed & patched w/an epoxy grout when not to be embedded no -

yes highway bridges AASHTO/PCI no no no

yes Highway Bridge AASHTO/PCI no yes no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?



Recess by melting with torch yes not specified yes -

cut flush yes entire end bitumastic compound or waterproofing compound

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

yes 4.5" minimum on side-by-side boxes. Actual thickness in practice tends to vary between 5.5" and 9", 8" min. on spread boxes on top of CIP slab asphalt: w/ waterproofing membrane (typically 3" HBP over waterproofing membrane. This overlay is omitted where a bare concrete riding surface is desired.) 3"

no In lieu of CIP slab With waterproofing membrane

yes 5" no -

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?


C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

other - not specified, but current suppliers use Styrofoam one - (one supplier is experimenting, so far successfully with a two part placement) no f'c ,+ 8500 psi, f'ci <-6500psilimit on usual designs A mix has recently become available in the specs., appropriate for slabs that are not replacable and which have neither a protective membrane or sacrifical concrete overlay. It has not yet been used on pretensioned precast box girder structures at this time. no keyways and transverse PT are often used side-byside box girder bridges carrying railroads. CDOT does not have standard details or guidelines for this application. no no - not when a CIP deck has been used

One no no -

polystyrene one no yes 6,000psi low permeability to 8,000psi


Type of HPC? (Slab)



D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes yes yes no non-shrink grout no no no

yes no yes after erection nonshrink grout yes no




E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning - typically pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight - Highway structures have used straight & RR structures straight and harped. The standard detail provides for both but supppliers have elected to use straight. yes no -

pretensioning low-relaxation straight no yes strands 1/2" low-relaxation

pretensioning low-relatation - 1/2" dia straight yes yes strands & bars -


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Colorado


1.5" 50ksi 1/2 depth

No 2" n/a

no 1.5" varies - based on span length



Type of Bearings?

Plain elastomeric & Laminated elastomeric - plain elastomeric is sufficient for the majority of integral designs steel, shen used other - Usually embedded in CIP concrete diaphragms, otherwise bearing devices specifically designed for this. yes full support & 3-point support - We recently started using 3-point support for skewed bridges

either plain or laminated allowed

plain elastomeric


Type of Laminate?


F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

shear keys or blocks yes 4-point support

dowel pins yes full support each end



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - For box girders embedded in CIP concrete diaphragms, instances of poor seating have not as yet resulted in any actual in-service distress

We have had failures of standard shear keys. yes - we are getting cracking longitudinally Since we instituted full depth shear keys as with the welded connections and are developed by PCI New England technical considering elminating. Committee, we have had no failures

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

yes no no Mark Leonard Colorado Bridge Engineer 303-757-9309 mark.leonard@dot.state.co.us Colorado DOT Bridge Design

Yes Gordon Barton Trans. Principal Engineer 860-594-3308 gordon.barton@po.state.ct.us Connecticut DOT

no yes no Dennis O'Shea Asst. Director - Design 302-760-2288 doshea@mail.dot.state.de.us Delaware Dept of Transportation

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Georgia
yes Highway bridges AASHTO/PCI no no no

yes Highway Bridges State Standard no no no

yes Highway bridges AASHTO/PCI no no no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?


other (shimming)

cut flush yes 1/8" epoxy mortar

Cut Flush The strand ends are painted w/zinc-rich paint no -

Burn flush no

yes strands tar

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

no in lieu of CIP slab asphalt w/out waterproofing membrane

Yes 5" In lieu of CIP slab Asphalt w/waterproofing membrane

no no asphalt w/waterproffing membrane

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

1.5" - 8"



C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

not specified one mololithic required yes yes - low friction roller no -

not specified one no no -

cardboard one & two monolithic required yes no-we use metal hold down devises and remove them after pour no -


Type of HPC? (Slab)


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes no no expanded mortar grout no no

yes yes yes yes precast plant a non-metallic non-shrink portland cement grout with a 28 day strength of 5800psi yes yes yes

yes no yes precast plant non-shrink grout no yes





E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation, stress relieved, 1/2" dia harped & straight no no -

pretensioning low-relaxation harped, straight no yes bars -

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight no no -


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Georgia

7/8" 92ksi mid-depth


2" -

no none 30'



Type of Bearings?

Plain Elastomeric

laminated elastomeric

plain elastomeric


Type of Laminate?


F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

Dowel Pins no -

dowel pins no -

dowel pins yes 4 point support



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - We use a few of these types bridges each yes, The only way we have found to prevent year. It is usually for small bridges that have a leakage between box beams is to construct a CIP maximum span length of 40ft or less and we slab on top need a very shallow superstructure for vertical clearance reasons.

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

no no no Paul V. Liles Jr. State Bridge Engineer 404-656-5280 paul.liles@dot.state.ga.us Georgia DOT

yes yes yes Ken Clausen Engineer Manager I 208-334-8554 kclausen@itd.state.id.us Idaho Transportation Dept.

no no no Andrew J. Keenan VP 815-459-4545 akeenan@pre-stree.com Prestress Eng. Corp.

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Illinois
yes Highway bridges State Standards yes 35 degrees no no

yes Highway bridges State Standard yes 30 degrees yes - Clear non-epoxy Portland Cement Concrete Sealer no

yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges State Standard yes 45 degrees yes - calcium nitrate & mason coating no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?

Overlay, other (PC mortar fairing course)

other - the difference is made up by increasing the deck thickness (fillet) Cut flush -

Burn flush -

cut flush yes grout no -

yes all two coats of asphalt paint

no -

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

no in lieu of CIP slab asphalt w/waterproofing membrane & w/out waterproofing membrane; other (concrete)

yes 8" for spread beams & 5" for adjacent beams no -

yes 5" on side by side & 8" on spread boxes no -

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

5" min.

C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

cardboard monolithic required yes

polystyrene two monolithic required yes

polystyrene one no no -

yes-saddles or chairs placed on top of void with tie wires yes - bands are placed around the polystyrene and spacer templates and tie-downs are used no no -


Type of HPC? (Slab)


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes yes yes non-shrink grout no yes

yes yes no currently we use a non-shrink grout but we are in the process of switching to an epoxy grout no yes

yes yes no grout no no


currently we do not use post-tensioning



E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning 1/2" dia straight no no -

pretensioning low-relaxation = 1/2" dia straight yes no - a threaded rod is used but not posttensioned -

pretensioning low-relaxation draped & straight yes yes bars -


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Illinois


1" dia 60 ksi varies 6" to 12"

2.75" -

none specified -

no 8" 12"



Type of Bearings?

others - (fabric pad)

laminated elastomeric

laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?



F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins 4 point support

shear keys or blocks yes full support each end

dowel pins yes full support each end



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - Many changes were made to our details over the last 20 years that considerably improved the yes - Our bridge rehabilitation squad performance & reduced the water leakage between commented that box beams are hard to rehab adjacent boxes 1.Placing the bearing pads under the especially when composite with the deck. edge of the beam rather than under the middle. This They also suggest that we should use an prevented beam rocking during grouting the shear keys. overlay on top of the deck when the structure 2.Blast cleaning of the key surfaces. 3.The use of nonis built shrink grout in lieu of sand and cement mortar. 4.The use of corrosion inhibitor in the concrete mix

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

yes no yes Slah Y. Khayyat Bridge Standards and Specifications Unit Chief 217-785-2926 khayyatsy@nt.dot.state.il.us IL.DOT / Bureau of Bridges and Structures

yes no yes Mary Jo Hamman design Development Section manager 317-232-5159 mhamman@indot.state.in.us Indiana Department of Transportation

yes no yes Steve Goodpaster Director Division Bridge Design 502-564-4560 steve.goodpaster@mail.state.ky.us Kentucky

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Maryland
yes - solid slab boxes Highway bridges State Standard no no no

yes Highway bridges (for RR bridges, see Central Artery Project) State standard no no yes

yes Highway Bridges State standard no no yes

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?


other - beams rejected or forced together by transverse post tensioning burn flush yes asphalt tar no -

cut flush & burn flush no -

yes cut off 15mm into the beam & filled w/cement mortar no -

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

no In lieu of CIP slab other high performance concrete

yes - (for spread beam configuration only) 200mm on top of CIP slab asphalt: w/waterproofing membrane

yes 6" no -

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

4" min

80 mm

C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

voids are not permitted one no -

polystyrene (however, this is not specified) two monolithic required no none specified yes yes

polystyrene two cold joint acceptable no no - we do not dictate this fabrication detail no -


Type of HPC? (Slab)


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes no no high strength grout no no

yes yes yes precast plant polymer-modified, cementitious, fast-setting, free flowing mortar no yes

yes yes no non shrink grout no no





E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight no no -

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia harped & straight yes yes strands 1/2" low-relaxation

pretensioning low-relaxation - 0.6" dia combination - we go to great lengths to avoid harped strands but do use them on rare occasions yes yes strands low-relaxation


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Maryland

See bridge Manual drawings, the target is the center of the beam no 50.8mm see Bridge Manual drawings

varies - see attached sheet 6.65.13

2" -

yes - see sheet 6.65.13 see attached -



Type of Bearings?

plain & laminated elastomeric

Laminated elastomeric - for spans less than 15m plain strips 25mm by 130mm are used w/o design steel

plain & laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?

stainless steel


F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins no -

shear key or blocks no 3-point support & 4-point support

dowel pins no - only for skewed full support each end



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - see attached PCI article

Please call 617-973-7570 if you would like to discuss

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

yes - see attached PCI article no yes - see attached PCI article John Narer, PE Seniot Project Engineer 410-545-8368 Maryland State Highway Administration

no no no Alexander K. Bardow Bridge Engineer 617-973-7570 Alexander.Bardow@mhd.state.ma.us Massachusetts Highway Department

yes no yes Steve Beck Bridge Supervising Engineer 517-373-0097 Beck52@michigan.gov Michigan DOT

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Missouri
yes Highway Bridges Other no no no

yes Highway Bridges Other no no yes

New Hampshire
yes Highway Bridges Other no no yes

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?

Other - hasn't been a problem



ours actually extend at least 1" no -

cut flush no -

recess by melting torch yes cementitous grout yes entire end cross-section bitumastic material

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

yes 6" -

yes 4 to 6" typically not -

yes 3" min thickness at curb and additional on top of CIP slab asphalt w/waterproofing membrane

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

2.5 "

C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

polystyrene & cardboard two cold join acceptable yes - up to fabricator no -

Other - not specified one no yes -

polystyrene one monolithic required no f'c=8,000psi; permeability <2500 coulombs


Type of HPC? (Slab)

max permeability req's

All concrete used in CIP decks is considered to be HPC via a QC/QA specification


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes yes yes precast plant non shrink grout no no

yes no no Cementituous grout - 770# agg per 220# cement (type II) w/100# max water content no no before & after - pre-tension, grout, final tension

yes yes yes before erection at jobsite high strength, impact resistant, non-shrink grout no no




E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight no yes bars -

both low-relaxation - 1/2" dia combination - straight for pre-tensioning, draped for post-tensioning yes yes - transverse tie bars -

pretensioning low relaxation - 1/2" dia combination - straight with debounded & draped yes yes strands low-relaxation


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Missouri
1" A307 ksi mid-depth

1 1/4" 36 ksi mid-depth

New Hampshire
one line of post-tensioning - 9" from top, 2 lines of post-tensioning - 9" from top & bottom no ~20'

no - half of what a high strength bolt would be none none none

no - 30k tension ties - 25'



Type of Bearings?

plain & laminated elastomeric

laminated elastomeric

laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?




F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins no -

shear keys or blocks no -

dowel pins, shear keys or blocks yes full support each end, 3-point support & 4-point support - span & skew dependent



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?


G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

no no no Suresh Patel Senior Structural Engineer 573-526-3030 suresh.patel@modot.mo.gov Missouri DOT

no no no Todd Stefonowicz Ass't Chief Bridge Engineer 775-888-7550 tstefonowicz@dot.state.nv.us NV DOT

no no no Peter Stamnas Seniot Project Engineer 603-271-2731 pstamnas@dot.state.nh.us New Hampshire DOT

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? New Jersey
yes Highway bridges AASHTO/PCI - attached please find copy of AASHTO LRFD Design Manual for bridges & structures guide sheet 3.10-10 yes 30 degrees yes - waterproof seal coat no

New Mexico
yes Highway bridges AASHTO/PCI & Other no no no

New York
yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges AASHTO/PCI yes yes - all surfaces are coated with penetrating (silane) sealers no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?

other - as a result of post-tensioning method, differential camber concerns have been mitigated recess by melting with torch yes non-shrink epoxy grout yes 4ft length at the ends subject to deck joint leakage we specify a two-component, epoxy resin waterproofing system

other - premeasure camber at precast yard

overlay & other (Shear key grout is sloped from higher to lower to get gradual transition.) cut flush Ends of the cut strands are protected against corrosion no -

cut flush no -

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

yes 8", minimum when spread box beams are used yes - overlay used for adjacent configurations silica fume concrete & latex modified concrete

yes 5.5" on top of CIP slab & in lieu of CIP slab asphalt: w/waterproofing membrane

yes 150mm (6") minimum. High performance concrete with reinforcement no -

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

5" minimum


C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

polystyrene one no no -

Other - we do not specify one no yes - designed by precaster yes 12,000 psi

polystyrene two monolithic required no - reviewed and accepted by the department not shown in contract plans. yes high strength (70 Mpa) high performance


Type of HPC? (Slab)


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes yes Attached please find copy opf AASHTO LRFD NJDOT Design Manual for Bridges & structures guide plate 3.10-10 and 3.10-12 yes precast plant we specify that keyways shall be filled with nonmetallic, non-shrink grout conforming to ASTM C1107 Type A, B or C no no

yes yes no standard grout no yes

yes yes yes precast plant please see attachment #1 no no - leakage was a problem before the current detail was adopted in 1992 before




E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight yes yes strand & bars 0.6" dia per design requriement and in conformance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification Article low-relaxation

pretensioning low-relaxation straight yes yes bars -

pretensioning 0.6" dia straight yes yes strands 1/2" dia 3 polystrand tendon


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse New Jersey
1 3/8" 127.5ksi Attached please find copy of AASHTO LRFD NJDOT Design Manual for Bridges & Structures Guide Plate 3.10-10 yes - [attached please find copy of AASHTO LRFD NJDOT Design Manual for Bridges & Structures Section 1.25.6 item 3 Refer to Guide plates 3.10-13&14 for transverse tie detailing

New Mexico
8 150ksi mid-height

New York
see attachment #2

no 2" dependant of situation

see attachment #3 ? ?



Type of Bearings?

Plain & Laminated Elastomeric Attached please find copy of AASHTO LRFD NJDOT Design Manual for Bridges & Structures guide Sheet 3.10-9 Dowel pins - Attached please find copy of AASHTO LRFD NJDOT Design Manual for Bridges & Structures Standard Guide Plate 3-10-4 & 3.10-5 no -

plain elastomeric

Plain & Laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?

F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins yes full support each end

dowel pins no full support each end



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - Use of transverse tie post-tensioning works better in controlling differential settlement in adjacent box/slab beam construction

yes - we will change to 3 point support

See attached "full depth shear key" that NYSDOT started using from 1992. Reflective cracking & associated leakage through shear keys has been eliminated. We still have some deck cracking due to the shrinkage etc.

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

yes no yes Harry A. Capers, JR. PE State Bridge Engineer, Manager, Structural Engineering 609-530-2557 harry.capers@dot.state.nj.us New Jersey Department of Transportation

no no no Ted L. Barber Bridge Engineer 505-827-5449 ted.barber@nmshtd.state.nm.us New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department

no no yes Mathew Royce Associate Civil Engineer 518-457-4534 mroyce@gov.dot.state.ny.us NYSDOT

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? North Carolina
yes RR Bridges AASHTO/PCI yes 45 degrees no -

North Dakota
yes - spread boxes only Highway bridges State Standard yes 30 degrees no no

yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges State Standard yes 30 degrees yes - non-epoxy sealer for fascia beams only yes - 1/2"

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?


other - do not concern ourselves with this as we don't use abutting beams cut flush & burn flush no no -


recess by melting w/torch yes non-metallic, non-shrink grout yes total area epoxy protective coating

burn flush n/a yes The entire beam ends that are not completely encased in concrete One primer coat. Three coats of asphalt material and two layers of waterproofing fabric.

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

no in lieu CIP slab asphalt: w/waterproofing membrane & other (asphaltic panels)

yes 8" no -

yes 6" On top of CIP slab asphalt w/out waterproofing membrane, silica fume concrete Latex-modified concrete

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

1" w/3/32" membrane

1 1/4" min

C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

polystyrene two monolithic required no yes - threaded rods (removed) bent plates (remains) no -

we don't specify type but the lone manufacturer generally uses polystyrene one no no -

Polystyrene Two monolithic required no no - weight of steel reinforcements on top of the void is sufficient to keep voids at their specified position yes -


Type of HPC? (Slab)

Micro-silica & fly ash


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes no no non-shrink grout no no

Yes Yes yes yes precast plant nortar no yes




E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia draped no yes bars -

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2"dia & 0.6" dia draped & straight yes no -

yes no straight yes no bars -


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse North Carolina
#9 36ksi 1'-7"

North Dakota

1" dia 36 ksi top of beam - 9" for beams 17" to 27" deep and 14" for beams 33" to 42" deep no - we specify 250 ft-lbs torque 25' n/a

no 2" 2"

others - we use these in jointless intregal abutment bridge. We set the beams on 1/2" thick preformed joint filler & cast it in the pier diaphragm & abutment backwall -



Type of Bearings?

laminated elastomeric

laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?



F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins no -

other - The beams ends are cast ion concrete no -

dowel pins no -



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?


yes - We feel that jointless bridges are the best way to avoid problems with bearings and substructure corrosion


G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

no no no Greg Perfetti State Bridge Design Engineer 919-250-4037 gperfetti@dot.state.nc.us North Carolina Department of Transportation

no - enclosed no no Larry Schwartz Assistant Bridge Engineer 701-328-4446 lschwart@state.nd.us North Dakota Department of Transportation

yes no yes Sean Meddles Bridge Engineer 614-466-2464 sean.meddles@dot.state.oh.us Ohio Department of Transportation

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Oregon
yes Highway & RR Bridges Not familiar w/AASHTO/PCI (see attached drawing) yes 45 degrees no -

yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges AASHTO & State Standard yes See standard BD-651M on website www.dot.state.pa.us/bridge/standards yes - at the end of the beam -

Rhode Island
yes highway bridges AASHTO/PCI no Yes - Penetrant class sealers yes

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?



overlay & other - (deck slab)

Recess by melting w/torch yes epoxy grout no -

Recess by melting with torch yes polymer cement grout no -

recess by melting w/torch yes holes are filled w/an approved non-shrink grout no -

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

Yes 5" In lieu of CIP slab Asphalt w/waterproofing membrane & silica fume concrete

Yes 5 1/2" adj, 8" spread not usually latex modified concrete

yes 6" In lieu of CIP slab asphalt w/ waterproofing membrane

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

2" + build-up p

1 1/2"


C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

Polystyrene two monolithic required no (void hold-down system assumed) No-void is held down by bars extending into box to void from forms no -

polystyrene, cardboard one no no yes our typical mixes do have HPC attributesnormally use fc'=8ksi

polystyrene one yes yes - a steel hold down plate is screwed in from form. Upon curing the screw is retrieved and the hole is filled w/grout yes micro silica, 8000-10,000 psi


Type of HPC? (Slab)

only on pilot projects

micro silica, 8000-10,000 psi


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes not familiar w/AASHTO/PCI shape (see attached drawing) Yes precast plant non-shrink grout from ODOT QPL. Requires 72hour cure no no

yes see standards see BC-775M on www.dot.state.pa.us/bridge/standards yes before erection at jobsite non-shrink grout no no before - grout reaches 2500psi & 48hr - curing time before post-tensioning

yes yes no an approved non-shrink grout no yes before & after - grouting is done afterwards when the skew angle is greater than 30 degrees & the post-tensioning strands are stitched pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia draped, straight yes yes strands 1/2" 1 per sleeve low-relaxation



E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

both low relaxation - 1/2" dia combination - straight & harped no yes bars -

Both - but PT was long ago low-relaxation - 3/8" dia, 1/2" dia draped, straight, combination - draped & debonding as alternative yes yes - only adj strands 1/2" low-relaxation


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Oregon
7/8" 92ksi (ASTM A449) mid-height no - develop adequate friction to resist dead load of beam (ignore contribution from keyway) strand at 2" centers 24'

see shear key detail BC-775M @ www.dot.state.pa.us/bridge/standards no - standard criteria - 1 strand - 30 kips 2" 2"

Rhode Island

yes - AASHTO 2" min one strand per sleeve



Type of Bearings?

plain elatomeric

plain elastomeric, laminated elastomeric & others (pot bearings)

plain & laminated elastomeric


Type of Laminate?




F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins no -

dowel pins & shear keys or blocks yes full support each end

dowel pins yes 4-point support



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?



G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

yes no yes Matthew Stucker Structural Design Engineer 503-986-3692 matthew.stucker@odot.state.or.us Oregon Department of Transportation - Bridge Engineering Section

no - see website no no Tony McCloskey, P.E. Civil Engineer Consultant (Bridge) 717-705-1495 amccloskey@state.pa.us PennDOT / Bureau of Design / Bridge Quality Assurance Division

no - state standards are available on-line @ www.dot.state.ri.us no no Michael Savella Principal Civil Engineer 410-222-2053 ext 4080 msavelladot.state.ri.us Rhode Island Department of Transportation

Additional Comments


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Tennessee
yes Highway Bridges AASHTO/PCI yes limit on box ends is 60 degrees: no limit on substructure skew no yes

yes Highway, RR & Pedestrian Bridges State standard no recommend 30 degree max no -

yes Highway Bridges State Standard Yes 45 degrees Yes - Linseed oil - only on exterior fascias no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?

we only use side by side boxes w/4.5" concrete overlays. Most applications are spread boxed w/thicker slabs we extend strands projected into CIP diaphragms & endwalls no -

other - CIP slab


cut flush, recess by melting w/torch yes epoxy grout yes just around strands epoxy grout

burn flush, recess by melting w/torch yes grout yes over the strands not specified - grout, epoxy

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

yes 4.5" adjacent boxes as req'd for spread boxes other - see question B1 response

yes 5" -

yes 5" on top of the CIP slab, in lieu of CIP slab asphalt w/waterproofing membrane

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

see q question B1 response p

2 1/2"

C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

polystyrene two cold joint acceptable yes yes - various fabricators use different means-most all acceptable no -

polystyrene & cardboard (only if vented) two monolithic required yes no-but fabricator can propose method and ask for dept. approval yes yes

Polystyrene one yes yes - dependent on precasted yes yes


Type of HPC? (Slab)




D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

yes no no as we only use adjacent boxes w/reinforced concrete overlay, the key, if present, is filled w/same mix as the slab yes -

yes yes no 4,000psi slab concrete no yes

yes yes tes no site mixed grout no yes



E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight yes no -

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia straight yes no -

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia, 0.6" dia straight yes yes strands 1/2" dia low-relaxation


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Tennessee


typically mid-height

2" -

2" -

no 2" +single strand @ ends & midpoint and at times 1/3 points



Type of Bearings?

plain elactomeric

Laminated elastomeric

Laminated Elastomeric


Type of Laminate?

We only use boxes w/strand & mild reinforcement projecting into cip diaphragms & endwalls. No additional lateral restraint needed. no -



F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

shear keys or blocks yes 3-point support

Dowel Pins & Other - anchor bolt device Yes full support each end & 4-point support



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

yes - For many years, late 50's and through early 60's we used simple span adjacent boxes w/asphalt overlays & minimal transverse tension rods. All the bad affects of leakage, keyway deterioration, strand corrosion & non-uniform beam participation, occurred. We have an ongoing program to salvage as many of these as we can by placing continuous overlays of reinforced concret. All new uses are as described above.

yes - comment on F3 above: We get calls periodically from the field that they see gaps between the bearing pad & the bottom of the beam, usually on the wider single pad end of the beam, on a 3 pad system. Typically, the gap is on a third to a half of the pad width & is less than 1/16" or so. Usually the beams "settle" into place once the composite & non-composite DL are appplied. Even on cases that don't completely relax into place, the pads have always performed satisfactorily. We have research that tells us that up to 20% "lift-off" is acceptable, & we know that this occurs regularly on other types of beam projects where slope mis-match comes into play. Usually the proposed fixes are worse than leaving it as it. Extreme case where bearing g stresses are increased beyond y concrete bearing capacity are our main concern. yes no yes Jeff Cotham, PE Fabrication Branch Engineer 512-416-2187 jcotham@dot.state.tx.us TXDOT, Bridge Division, Fabrication Branch

yes - I have found that making the bearing seats match the slope of the normal crown, typically helped with seating the precast units

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

no no no Edward Wasserman Civil Engineering Director 615-741-3351 ed.wasserman@state.tn.us Tennessee DOT

yes no yes George W. Colgrove III Project Civil Engineer 802-828-0049 george.colgrove@state.vt.us Vtrans (VT Agency of Transportation)

Additional Comments

No weldment details are available, that we feel confident work reliably, except in conjunction with a concrete overlay


Category General Item No. A.1 A.2. A.3. A.4. A.4.1. A.5. A.6. Description Use Box Beam Bridges? Location Shape of Box? Any Skew Angle Limitation? Max. Skew Angle Permitted? Waterproof or Coat the Sides? Any Differential Camber Restrictions? Canada, Manitoba
yes Highway Bridges State Standard yes 60 degrees no no

Canada, Ontario
yes Highway Bridges AASHTO/PCI & Other no no no

Canada, Saskatchewan
yes Highway Bridges AASHTO/PCI & State Standards yes 45 degrees yes - silene no

A.7. A.8. A.8.1. A.8.2 A.9. A.9.1 A.9.2 Deck Slab & Overlay

Differential Camber Corrective Action? Any Treatment of Strands at Ends? Are Recessed Holes Filled? If yes, with what material? Are Ends of Beams Coated? How much of the ends? Patch material over end of strands only? With what material? Unspecified waterproofing material? Use with CIP Composite Deck Slab? Thickness of Slab? Use Overlay? What Type of Overlay?


we always place a topping slab

cut flush & burn flush yes 2" past strands zinc-rich paint or waterproofing material

recess by melting with torch yes bituminous compound yes just the end face bituminous paint

burn flush yes area of strands Bakor 10-11

B.1. B.1.1 B.2. B.3.

yes - rehabilitation & no - new 6" - rehab In lieu of CIP slab (new Bridge) asphalt w/waterproofing membrane & protection board, silica fume concrete new bridges - 3" asphalt overlay: rehabilitation of existing - 6" 6 silica fume concrete

yes 150mm on top of CIP slab asphalt w/waterproofing membrane

Yes 200mm on top of CIP slab Asphalt - w/waterproofing membrance & silica fume concrete

B.4. Box Beam Construction

y Thickness of Overlay?

90mm waterproofing p g & asphalt p

80 mm asphalt p

C.1. C.2 C.2.1. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.5.1

Type of Void? Cast in One-or two Part Placement? Monolithic or Cold Joint? Do you use Hold Downs for Voids? Is Hold down sacrificial? Use HPC? Type of HPC? (Box)

Polystyrene - void form material not specified but polystyrene is typically used two monolithic required yes yes - silica ties into stressing bed yes silica fume concrete

polystyrene no no specific requirement yes -

Cardboard Two Monolithic required Yes no Yes -


Type of HPC? (Slab)


Silica Fume


D.1. D.2. D.2.1. D.3. D.3.1. D.4. D.5. D.5.1. D.6. D.7.

Use Keyways Between Boxes? Are they Different from AASHTO? Any Sketch Attached? Are Keyways sandblasted? Where is Sandblasting Done? What Filler Material used? Any Welded Connections Used? Any Details attached? Any Experience of Water Leakage? When do you Grout Keyways?

Yes Yes yes no non-shrink grout - 4.0 Mpa at 28 days yes - for skews 70 degress and less yes yes

yes no non-shrink grout no yes

No yes




E.1. E.2. E.3. E.4. E.5. E.6. E.6.1. E.6.2. E.6.3.

Type of Prestressing? Type of Strands for Long.Prestressing ? Type of Strand Layout? Any Unbonded Strands? Any Transverse Prestress? Transverse PT Type & Size? Size of Strand? No. of Strands/Tendon? Low-relaxation or Stress Relieved?

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia harped yes yes strands 1/2" 12-15 strands per span low-relaxation

pretensioning low-relaxation - 1/2" dia combination - straight & draped yes no -

pretensioning Low-relation - 3/8", 1/2" & 0.6" dia straight yes no -


Category Item No. E.6.4. E.6.5. E.7. E.8. E.9. E.9.1. E.9.2. Description Size of Bar? Yield Strength of Bar? Location of Transverse PT from Bottom? Magnitude of Transverse PT? Spacing of PT Longitudinal Transverse Canada, Manitoba
approximately mid-height

Canada, Ontario

Canada, Saskatchewan

yes - AASHTO LRFD 2" quarter points or third points plus end diaphragms

50 mm -



Type of Bearings?

laminated elastomeric

laminated elastomeric

plain elastomeric


Type of Laminate?



F.2. F.3. F.3.1.

Type of Lateral Movement Restraint? Any Experience with uneven seating? Type of Support?

dowel pins, shear keys or blocks & inserts in bottom of girder at expansion ends yes -

not always restrained, very often only depend on bearing shear stiffness no -

dowel pins yes pintle



Any Lessons, Experiences or Ideas?

The reinforced topping slab has been a big yes - we vary the thickness of the top girder improvement. Previously when these PC box flange to offset the upward beam camber beams were without a CIP slab, the longitusinal following transfer. This provides a more uniform joints would leak soon after construction and lead overlay thickness. A bolted connection device is to premature corrosion of strands and used for skewed bridges with a skew angle of reinforcement; rehabilitation of the beams proved 70 degrees or less. to be difficult due to redistribution of stress.

G.2. G.2.1. G.2.2. G.3.a G.3.b G.3.c G.3.d G.3.e

Any State Standard Drawings? Any Connection Weldment Drawing? Any Key Sketch Attached? Name of Contact Person Title: Phone No. e-mail: Agency

yes yes yes Matt Chislett PE Concrete Structures Engineer 204-945-5212 mchislet@gov.mb.ca Manitoba Transportation

no no no David Lai Head Rehabilitation Engineer 905-704-2347 david.lai@MTO.gov.on.ca Ministry of Transportation Ontario

no no no Howard Yea Erection Bridge Services 306-787-7830 hyea@highways.gov.sk.ca Sask Highways & Transpotation

Additional Comments

Girders are designed using AASHTO LRFD specifications current standards do not satisfy the LRFD requirements for lateral stressing. Manitoba also uses a channel girder similar to the box girder for shorter spans

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