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The Common Good

Volume II, Issue 5 Summer 2008

News from the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good

USF’s First California Prize for Service and the

Common Good is a Great Success
On May 1, at The Merchant Exchange Building in San Francisco, USF awarded its first ever California Prize for Service and
the Common Good to Lynn Fritz for his commitment to humanitarian relief. He was awarded a medal and a $10,000 purse.

Susan and Phil Marineau with Prize win- Leslie Benjamin and Michelle Skaff with
ner Lynn Fritz, and Anisya Thomas Fritz. USF President Stephen A. Dean Jennifer Turpin.
Privett, S.J. awards the Prize
medal to Lynn Fritz.

Guests enjoy the California Prize Courtney Allen Kilroy, Jacqueline

dinner. McCarthy and Sharon McCarthy Allen.

The California Prize medal,

designed by Heidi Nasher Fink.

USF students (left to right) Eliza-

Suzanne Troxel and Josh
beth Schaub, Amanda Leal, and
Owazolem Idah greet guests.
Lynn Fritz with his daughters (left to right)
Alexandra Fritz, Natalie Fritz Eid, Emily Fritz
Veloso and Leslie Fritz.
USF Students Travel to Peru for Service-Learning Trip
By Amber McChesney-Young ’08, Advocate for Community Engagement
This past May, I had the privilege of This change is allowing the school to as they served using the skills and
traveling to Tacna, Peru with USF's decrease their dependency on Win- education they had gained at USF.
Community Connections service- dows, which is very expensive if it is Every morning, Star Plaxton
learning trip. For the past few years, legally licensed. One USF student (assistant director of OSLCA) and
students and faculty from the de- developed a database to hold the re- I facilitated reflections, with the
partment of Computer Science have cords of the students at the Center for help of Professor Chris Brooks,
been going to schools in Tacna, the Working Child. I became an hon- and we saw a great depth of
Amber McChesney-Young where they work to bridge the digi- orary computer science student and thought and analysis as students
with students at Miguel Pro. tal divide. This year we also had helped lead a class at Miguel Pro on reflected on their projects, observa-
students and faculty from Dance, digital photography and Flickr, the tions and experiences.
Business, Exercise and Sport Sci- photo-sharing Web site. The business For more information about the
ence and the School of Education, students taught classes about entrepre- Community Connections Peru
as well as Star Plaxton and myself neurship and business, and the faculty trip, see
from the Office of Service-Learning also did some projects of their own, peru/.
and Community Action (OSLCA). creating surveys and teaching work-
We worked in groups on a number shops.
of projects. Dance students and As an Advocate for Community En-
faculty taught movement classes to gagement with OSLCA this past year,
the students and taught some of the part of my job was to ensure that stu-
teachers how to use dance and body dents were having real service-learning
movement to teach other academic experiences (not just volunteering), so
subjects. Computer students in- it was exciting to see the quality of
stalled Edubuntu, a free open service-learning happening on this
USF students, staff and faulty
source operating system, in a com- trip. It was clear that the students
in Lima, Peru. Amber on a visit to
puter lab at Colegio Miguel Pro. (including myself) were learning a lot
Machu Picchu.

Congratulations McCarthy Center Graduates!

Having just graduated in May, McCarthy Center grads are already on their way to successful careers in public service.

McCarthy Center Director, Professor Pubic Service Honors Minor Hannah Public Service Honors Minor William
McCarthy graduate
Patrick Murphy with Advocates for Minkevitch receives her graduation Mohring with McCarthy Center staff
and Dean’s medal
Community Engagement (left to right) stole from Professor Patrick Murphy. members Star Plaxton and Maureen
winner Jamila
Melanie Raygoza, Andrea Wise and Beckman.
Amber McChesney-Young.
McCarthy Center Graduate Updates
Amber McChesney-Young ’08 will begin work with the Houston Interfaith Worker Justice Center in August as part of the Jesuit Volun-
teer Corps. Melanie Raygoza ’08 is an Employment Specialist at the Positive Resource Center, a non-profit organization that assists
people affected by HIV/AIDS. William Mohring ’08 works as a staff assistant for the Democratic National Convention Committee.
Melanie Steger ’08 is a Research Associate for Beacon Economics. Jamila Sinlao ’08 begins a PhD program in Sociology at the Univer-
sity of California, Santa Barbara this fall. Hannah Minkevitch ’08 has been selected to serve as one of two USF University Ambassadors
who will work with USF alumni.
USF in Sacramento Students Make the Most of their time at the Capitol
By Christina Brogden, USF in Sacramento student
Each summer, the McCarthy Center’s USF in Sacramento program sends students from a variety of disciplines to intern fulltime in the Cali-
fornia state legislature while taking a summer school course to earn course credit.

internship with the California As- knowledge and understanding of

sembly Speaker’s Office of Member the political process in the state
Services. From the beginning of the of California.
internship, I was given the opportu- This practical experience has
nity to witness the legislative proc- allowed me to not only under-
ess firsthand. In my first week, I stand political science theory but
was able to attend several commit- also its application. Even though
Addie Byars (left) and Christina tee hearings, witness an inspira- I remain flexible about my future
Brogden at work in their legisla- tional speech made by the president aspirations, I am certain that it
tive office. of the Republic of Chile, and at- will be a career in the policy mak-
Being a political science major, I tend an Assembly Floor session. I ing process. If I would not have
have always had an interest in attended committee briefings on participated in this summer pro-
working in a legislative office. important policy issues for Califor- gram, then I would not have been
Although I had little knowledge of nia residents such as K-12 educa- exposed to California’s unique
how a legislative office really tion, environmental safety, and and dynamic political process.
worked, the McCarthy Center toxic materials. I have had the pleas- USF in Sacramento students
Being an intern in Sacramento
provided me with an opportunity ure of researching and writing (left to right) Addie Byars,
has been the most challenging
unlike any other. Through the memorandums discussing these Christina Brogden, Evelyn
and rewarding experience of my
McCarthy Center’s USF in Sacra- issues and other topics of interest. Molina, Vince Mahan, and
USF career.
mento program, I obtained an This process has improved my Jenny Sperry.

An Unforgettable Summer
By Devon Davey, summer Service-Learning in Nicaragua student
Thanks to a generous grant from the Sarlo Foundation of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund, five USF Latin American Studies
students are spending nine weeks in Nicaragua working with various non-profit organizations. Here, one of them shares her experience.
Stay tuned for reflections from other students in the program in our next issue.

How does one prepare to move to another This is what has given me such a positive vocational skills training. The organization’s
country? To live with a new family? To experience in Nicaragua. Nothing really mission focuses on including human rights and
communicate in another language? Or to be could have prepared me better than my edu- social justice values in education and therefore
seen as an outsider? How do you prepare cation. I will be a senior next year at USF, bettering the community. I am working to cre-
yourself for the unknown? You study the majoring in International Relations with a ate a resource room with audio-visual documen-
language, you speak with those who carry focus on Global Politics and Societies in taries and materials at the school. Through
experience and you bring your unfailing Latin America. these, I hope to create better and more diverse
passion and sustain your open mind, learn- One of the most drastic changes I experi- forms of teaching and learning on campus. I
ing to expect the unexpected. enced moving to Nicaragua for the summer am also working with the English sections in
and interning with the Foundation for Sus- the primary and secondary levels. I hope to
tainable Development, was being placed into increase participation and interest through
another culture, and another already estab- sharing my experience and culture and by en-
lished family. Being accepted with open arms riching their classes with additional resources
and a kiss on the cheek was amazing. to promote further learning. There is so much
energy, hope, and joy in the children’s faces. I
I am working at an integral education organi-
love coming to class and having the kids be
zation that operates a private school and
excited to see me. They are so curious about
programs for children living in the local
what my life is like, and I love the exchange of
community. These programs include dance,
Devon’s host brother Osmar, reading a culture that takes place.
art, guitar, and crafts classes in addition to
Dr. Seuss book.
News and Notes
The prestigious London School of Economics and Political Science will welcome
four former McCarthy Center students into the ranks of its graduate program.
Honors minors Lunna Lopes ('06) and David Theiss ('06) will be joined by Anna
Greene ('08) and Alison Angelos ('08).
SAN FRANCISCO On August 27, USF students will participate in the third annual Service-Learning
Preview. This event gives students and alumni the chance to learn more about
service-learning through presentations and off-campus tours of non-profit or-
Editor: ganizations.
Angela Mucci

Phone: On September 9, the Office of Service-Learning and Community Action and the
415-422-5662 Career Services Center will host their annual Non-Profit Expo, allowing students
to connect with local non-profit organizations.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will host a USF in D.C. reception in the Speaker’s
We’re on the Web! private dining room at the U.S. Capitol on October 13.
Visit us at:
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minds and hearts tab. There you can view McCarthy Center newslet-
to change the world” ters, donate online, find classmates through our
Facebook group and learn about upcoming events.

Leo T. McCarthy Center for

Public Service and the Common Good
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

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