Ques 23

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1. The charge of an electron is (a) 1.602 1019 C (b) 1.602 109 C (c) 1.602 1020 C (d) 16.

16.02 1019 C 2. An electron is accelerated through a potential dierence of 987 V, then KE is. (a) 987 eV (b) 0.987 eV (c) 98.7 eV (d) 9.87 eV 3. An electron starts at rest on one plate of a parallel plate capacitor , whose plates are 5cm apart. The applied voltage is zero at the instant the electron is released and it increases linearly form 0 to 10v in 0.1 msec. With what speed will the electron strike the positive plate? (a) 1.58 104 m/sec (b) 1.58 m/sec (c) 1.58 106 m/sec (d) 1.8 106 m/sec 4. The path traversed by an electron in an uniform magnetic eld where the direction of magnetic eld and motion of electron makes an angle is ................ (a) Circle (b) Parabola (c) Helical (d) Elliptical 5. The signal to observed on the screen of a CRO is applied to (a) Focusing anodes (b) Y - Plates (c) Accelerating anodes (d) X - Plates 6. An electron traveling in an electric eld of strength E. The initial velocity of electron is 5m/sec. and the nal velocity is 10m/sec. Then the average velocity of electron is (a) 10 m/sec. (b) 0 m/sec. (c) 15 m/sec. (d) 5 m/sec. 7. The circuit used to deect the electron beam in X direction on screen is (a) shown in gure 7a

Figure 7a (b) shown in gure 7b

Figure 7b (c) shown in gure 7c

Figure 7c (d) shown in gure 7d

Figure 7d 8. In an electrostatic deection system deection on CRO screen for deecting voltage of 20 V is 4 cm. Then deection sensitivity is (a) 5 v/cm (b) 0.2 m/v (c) 5 v/m (d) 0.2 cm/v 9. In a CRT, the length of deecting plates in the direction of the beam is 2 cm, the spacing of the plates is 0.5 cm and the distance of the orescent screen from the centre of the plate is 18 cm. Calculate the deection sensitivity if the nal anode voltage is 1000v (a) 0.36 cm/v (b) 0.036 cm/v (c) 36 cm/v (d) 0.6 cm/v 10. One of following is important for writing speed in a CRO (a) Beam deection (b) Beam post acceleration (c) Beam post deceleration. (d) Beam deection deceleration 11. Number of junctions in a PN diode are (a) four (b) two (c) three (d) one 12. The eect that thermionic current continues to increase as accelerating eld E is increased is known as (a) Einsteins eect (b) schottky eect (c) Schrodinger eect (d) Richardson eect 13. A Si diode has a saturation current Io = 10nA at T = 3000 K. Find the forward current iD if the forward Drop vD is 0.5 V (a) 2.47A (b) 0.247A (c) 24.7A (d) 247A 14. Determine the change in diode voltage corresponding to a 10:1 change in diode current ID operating as 300K. consider =2. (a) 12mv (b) 120mv (c) 1.2mv (d) 0.12mv 15. The mean carrier life time in diusion capacitance is a measure of the recombination time for (a) excess minority carriers (b) positive ions (c) excess majority carriers (d) negative ions 16. For every 100 C rise in temperature, the reverse saturation current (a) quadraples (b) remains same (c) reduces to half (d) doubles 17. To produce large Forward current in silicon diode the applied voltage must be greater than (a) 0.7V (b) 1V (c) 0.9V (d) 2V 18. Avalanche breakdown is due to (a) forward bias (b) high electric eld (c) very less electric eld (d) collisions 19. In a tunnel diode, impurity concentration is of the order of (a) 1 in 109 (b) 1 in 103 (c) 1 in 107 (d) 1 in 105 20. The equivalent circuit of varactor diode is (a) Shown in gure20a

Figure 20a (b) Shown in gure20b

Figure 20b (c) Shown in gure20c

Figure 20c (d) Shown in gure20d

Figure 20d

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