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1) The Believers Points of Strength Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet

(peace and blessings be upon him) said: The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although in both lies goodness. Keenly pursue what benefits you, seek help only from Allah, and do not give up. If something befalls you, do not say, If only I had done otherwise, but rather say, Allahs Will be done, for if only opens the door to Satans mischief. (Al-Bukhari) Read Also: True strength is not how well Determination: A Believer's Attribute you can beat up someone Difficulties: True Character of the World else or how much weight you Man's Will and Veils of Destiny can lift. The strength described here is willpower, a Living Like a Stranger A Blessed Life and a Continuous Impact sense of direction, trust in Enjoying Gods Company Allah, and determination, all which lead to a strong mind as well as body. A strong body alone without a strong soul within is just a feather in the wind, unable to stay firm in the face of challenges. In this hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) refers to an internal and external strength that stems from knowing ones purpose, pursuing a goal, putting trust only in Allah, and understanding when to be at peace with what is beyond our control. Contrary to common perception, putting trust in Allah does not imply a reclusive, puritanical existence. If you truly understand your purpose in life you will go forward into the world, taking up every opportunity that will help you get closer to Allah and serve Him. You would not shun the company of people, positions of leadership, career advancement, and other gains simply because they were too worldly or unbefitting a person who seeks Allah. The opposite is true! When these opportunities are used by a strong believer, they can help him draw closer to Allah. Such gains are not ends in themselves, but means to pleasing our Lord. As with anything material in this world, its goodness or evil depends on how it is used.

A At some point in life, we will be met with failure and disappointment. strong believer is one who is determined and persistent in reaching his or her goal. Within, is a brilliant combination of mental, physical and spiritual strength coupled with endurance and determination. Part of that strength is the knowledge and wisdom to identify what is of benefit to us. It could be a degree to pursue, a business idea to launch, a new invention or a service project. In putting together the ingredients of success with determination and endurance despite the challenges, the strong believer will ultimately succeed and reach the intended goal. At some point in life, we will be met with failure and disappointment. If we do not have strong trust in Allah, we may dream of what could have been, and live our lives in increasing discontent as the fantasies of what could have been distort our sense of reality. If we are strong, however, we will say, Whatever Allah wills shall come to pass, and continue trusting in Allah and forging ahead. Do not scorn people who cannot break bad habits. We do not dwell on possibilities gone; do not spend too much time asking what if? and if only Our aim in life is not just to live out our selfinvented dreams and goals, but ultimately to arrive at Allahs pleasure whatever the road may look like. Sometimes that road will mean realizing our dreams, sometimes not. We seek help and trust only in Him, and do not fight the currents that are carrying us, Allah willing, to a beautiful place. A final piece of wisdom from these dense, rich words: if you are blessed with confidence, willpower, and other sources of strength, do not belittle those who are weaker than you. Do not scorn people who cannot break bad habits, who do not work as hard as you, who do not have the same understanding and skills as you. In both, the strong believer and the weak believer, lies goodness. Just the existence of sincere belief in the heart of someone, no matter what the resume of abilities and intelligence may be, should be enough to make us quiet our voices and lower our wings in humility in the presence of other believers.

By Dr. Hazem Said and Maha Ezzeddine

2) Determination: A Believer's Attribute

Determination is the most significant attribute of a believer. Believers never lose their enthusiasm and their devotion. Believers engage in their struggles only to earn the pleasure of Allah, which is why no difficulty proves to be a hindrance to their endeavors. The only goal of believers is to deserve the favor of their Lord, and they shape their lives accordingly.

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Keeping up with Mentioning Allah Allah certainly puts the determination of believers to the test in various ways; either by periodically giving them trouble or making them undergo suffering. Details of the test are given in the verse below:

{We shall test you with fear and hunger, with loss of life and property and crops but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.} (Al-Baqarah 2:155) However, believers with total commitment display patience under all circumstances. Allah praises this attitude of believers in the following verse: {And with how many a prophet have there been a number of devoted men who fought (beside him). They never lost heart if they met with disaster in God's way, nor did they weaken (in will) nor give in. And God loves those who are firm and steadfast. Their only words were: "Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and anything We may have done that transgressed our duty; make us firm of foot and help us against those that resist faith.} (Aal `Imran 3:146147) Avoidance of Lack of commitment, on the other extravagance in daily hand, is not a trait attributable to affairs an indication of believers. The following verse determination confirms this fact: demonstrated by believers. {Only those ask you for exemption who do not believe in God and the last day, and whose hearts feel doubt, so in their doubt they waver.} (At-Tawbah 9:45).

Desiring the hereafter and striving for it with all their might, as well as avoidance of extravagance in daily affairs are indications of determination demonstrated by believers. Those who strive with all due strive are thus described in the Qur'an: {Those who wish for the hereafter, and strive for it with all due striving and have faiththey are the ones whose endeavors are acceptable (to God).} (Al-Israa' 17:19) Only death puts an end Determination, consequently, is a to the determination of a significant attribute of believers. believer. Those who seek an {immediate gain and an easy journey} (At-Tawbah 9:42) fail to show an unyielding determination. Believers, on the other hand, accomplish what is expected of them and display an unchanging determination until they meet their death. The people of Al-Kahf, into whose hearts Allah put courage, (Al-Kahf 18:14) sets the best example for believers in the sense of determination. Continuity in worshipping is also important in the sense of consistency. Only death puts an end to the determination of a believer. A believer is responsible for showing patience and fulfilling his pledge to Allah until death comes. Excerpted with slight modifications from

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