Ques 45

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The ratio of potential dierence (v) between the ends of a conductor to the ohms law current ( I ) owing between them is (a) constant (b) 2 (c) one (d) 2. What is the current in the circuit 2 shown below?

Figure 2 (a) 2A (b) 2A (c) 2mA (d) 0.2A 3. Calculate the current in resistance of 10 . In the circuit 3 shown below

Figure 3 (a) 2A (b) 1.65A (c) 0.16A (d) 16.5A 4. A cell of emf 2V and internal resistance 1 is connected with two wires of resistances 2 and 5 in parallel. Find the current through the circuit (a) 100/12A (b) 17/14A (c) 0 A (d) 14/17A 5. In a pure resistive circuit, the instantaneous voltage and current are given by V=250sin 314t; i=10sin 314t. What is the peak power consumed in the circuit ? (a) 2500W (b) 2000W (c) 1200W (d) 1000W 6. The reactance of a capacitor at 50 Hz is 5 . If the frequency is increased to 100 Hz, the new reactance is (a) 10 (b) 2.5 (c) 125 (d) 5 7. A coil having a resistance of 15 and an inductance of 0.1H is connected in series with a 230 V, 50Hz supply. Calculate the phase dierence between voltage and current (a) 900 (b) 640 (c) 650 (d) 640 301 8. A capacitor and resistor are connected in series across a 120v, 50Hz supply. The circuit draws a current of 1.144A. If the power loss in the circuit is 130.8w, what is the value of resistance in the circuit? (a) 90 (b) 110 (c) 100 (d) 112 9. A coil of resistance 100 and 100 H is connected in series with a 100 PF is connected to a 10V, variable frequency supply. What is the current through the circuit at resonance. (a) 10A (b) 0.01A (c) 0.1A (d) 1A 10. In a balanced Wye connection, total 3 power in terms of phase quantities in (a) VP h IP h cos (b) 3 VP h IP h cos (c) VP h IP h (d) 3 VP h IP h cos 11. A d.c series motor should always be started with load, because it (a) will rotate at dangerously high speed (b) cannot start (c) draws a small current (d) will not develop high starting torque 12. The terminal voltage of a dc shunt generator on loading (a) remains constant (b) increases slightly (c) decrease slightly (d) decreases sharply 13. Which DC motor is generally preferred for cranes and hoists? (a) Cumulative compound motor (b) Series motor (c) Shunt motor (d) Dierentially compound motor 14. In a transformer, electrical power is transformed from one circuit to another without change in (a) voltage (b) turns (c) current (d) frequency 15. Material used for construction of transformer core is usually (a) Wood (b) Silicon steel (c) Aluminum (d) Copper 16. A Synchronous motor can be used as a synchronous capacitor when it is (a) Under loaded (b) Under excited (c) Over excited (d) Over loaded 17. For which Induction motor the speed can be controlled from rotor side? (a) Squirrel case (b) Shunt Motor (c) Slip ring (d) Squirrel case and slip ring 18. In a moving iron instrument, deecting torque is proportional to (a) current (b) square of voltage (c) voltage (d) square of operating current 19. The force responsible for reduction of oscillations in an ammeter is (a) controlling force (b) deecting force (c) damping force (d) deecting and controlling force 20. Dene meter constant (a) No. of revolutions made per watt (b) No. of revolutions made per Newton (c) No. of revolutions made per hour. (d) No. of revolutions made per kilo-watt hour at no-load

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