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COM JULY 18, 2013 PAGE 2

Last Thursdays
With the Downtown Arts District
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Event Starts at 8:00 p.m.
Last Thursdays is an art walk downtown that includes free special programs
and exhibitions from the El Paso Museum of Art, art galleries, Pop Up installa-
tions, live artist performances, live-music, with shopping, and drink and dining
specials at downtown restaurants. Last Thursdays is a collaboration to show-
case the contemporary art scene of El Paso and experience the cultural renais-
sance that has emerged downtown.
Last Thursdays is free and open to the community. SEE PAGE 8
EPCC RISE Students Experience
Science and Music at the National
Institutes of Health
El Paso Community College RISE students Ale-
jandra Gallegos, Hiram Castillo-Marquez, Erick
Huerta, Omar Munoz and Christina Perez trav-
elled to Washington, DC to learn cutting edge re-
combinant DNA technologies at the premier
research institution of the World - the National
Institutes of Health (NIH). Little did they know
that they would also be exposed to the beauty of
classical music performed by musicians who are
famous NIH Scientists working on finding cures
for a variety of diseases. The NIH Philharmonia,
under the direction of Dr. Nancia DAlimonte is
an all-volunteer organization founded for the pur-
pose of bringing together the dedicated musical
talent of NIH researchers and other federal work-
Alejandra Gallegos, a biology major at EPCC
who just started doing research dealing with can-
cer comments:
The NIH Philharmonia delivered an impressive
and phenomenal performance! This is high qual-
ity amazing music that really makes you appreci-
ate music. This was my first classical music
concert, and definitely wont be the last. It is
wonderful how these scientists can have time to
work for long periods of time inside a lab, and
also be able to dominate an instrument so well.
The NIH is a wonderful place to be at, it is the
largest source of funding for medical research in
the world and it has 27 institutes and centers fo-
cusing on particular diseases or body systems. It
is fascinating to see how much passion scientists
(and musicians) have for their work at the NIH.
Hiram Castillo-Marquez, a chemistry major de-
scribes the trip as a life-changing experience -
and the concert: It amazed me because the
music was wonderful and with emotion, almost
like playing itself.
Christina Perez, a biology major doing research
on salt tolerance of plants, who also plays violin
with the EPCC orchestra was very impressed as
Traveling is one of the many perks of being a
RISE student. The Recombinant DNA Technol-
ogy and Methodology workshop I attended for
five days earlier this month took me to Bethesda,
Maryland, where I was able to visit and become
acquainted with the NIH for the first time. Actu-
ally, it was my first time visiting the east coast.
The experience is one of a kind and I'm glad to
have had the opportunity to attend. On the Sat-
urday following the workshop we were treated to
a performance by the NIH Philharmonia. I was
truly impressed with their selection of compli-
cated music, being that most of them are scien-
tists at the NIH.
That nights complicated program had a special
connection with science since, in addition to
Glinkas Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla, and
Shostakovichs, Symphony No. 9, the orchestra
also played Borodins Prince Igor Polovtsian
Alexander Borodin is one of the most colorful
characters in Russian musical history. He de-
voted his life to pioneering research on the chem-
istry of phosphoric acid and was one of the first
men to speak in favor of educating women in
medical fields. Borodin wrote unforgettable
music purely as a distraction for himself. As he
frequently proclaimed, Science is my work, and
music is my fun Conductor DAlimonte ex-
plained to the audience.
Dr. Maria Alvarez, a Biology Professor at EPCC
and Director of the RISE Program, accompanied
the students in their music and science adventure.
I attended my first concert of the NIH Philhar-
monia two years ago. Like the students, I was
touched by the beauty of the music and even
more impressed and intrigued when I learned
that most of the musicians were prestigious scien-
tists at the NIH. That connection between music
and science turned me into a regular concert
goer. The scientist in me drove me to start re-
searching the topic of music and science and
learning. Of course everyone has heard about
the Mozart Effect, i.e., students listening to
Mozart regularly or learning how to play musical
instruments score higher on various problem-
solving tests. I learned that highly creative scien-
tist musicians have used their musical skills to
influence their scientific discoveries. Einstein,
who played violin, wrote: If I were not a physi-
cist, I would probably be a musician. I often think
in music, I live my daydreams in music, I see my
life in terms of music, I get most joy in life out of
music. Research shows that music can affect
human neurological, psychological, and physical
functioning in areas such as learning, processing
language, expressing emotion, memory, and
movement. The plasticity of the brain concept is
a novel idea that indicates that the brain can
change throughout our lives, and musical experi-
ence has been shown to have a profound impact
on the brain. The therapeutic use of music has
been documented for a variety of diseases includ-
ing autism, dementia, and for stroke rehabilita-
tion for speech and movement. CONT.Page 11
Dance of Papantlas Flyers
Saturday, August 3, 2013, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
The El Paso Museum of Archaeology Presents A Special Event for El Paso:
The renowned Voladores de Pa-
pantla from the state of Ver-
acruz, Mexico, who are famous
for their daring performances
which take place high above
the ground, are coming to the
El Paso Museum of Archaeol-
ogy on August 3rd. A group of
five Totonac Indians perform a
ritualistic dance atop a 70 foot
high pole. One stays at the top
playing a flute and drum while
the remaining four descend to
the ground head first with the
aid of ropes tied around their
bodies. The ropes unwind 13
times for each of the four flyers
as they circle the pole, symbol-
izing the 52 year calendrical
Due to this unique all day
event, the museum and grounds
will be open only for this event
from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm for
the very low entry fee of $5.00
per person (free to children age
6 and under). This fee includes
two performances of the
Voladores de Papantla one at
10:00 am and one at 2:00 pm,
additional entertainment by
local music and dance groups,
refreshments, and access to the
museums galleries. Schedul-
ing of the entertainment and
other details will be announced
The dance of the Voladores de
Papantla has become character-
istic of the Totonac culture of
the state of Veracruz and repre-
sents part of Mexicos national
patrimony. The dance is not
only remarkable for its unique-
ness and preservation of an-
cient calendrical elements, but
also because it has survived
into modern times. Over 1,500
people saw the first ever El
Paso performances of the
Voladores de Papantla in Octo-
ber 2008 at the El Paso Mu-
seum of Archaeology.
The Friends of the El Paso Mu-
seum of Archaeology are spon-
soring this great contribution to
El Paso and our regional com-
munity. LEONS Production
Sounds is the major event
sponsor. Additional sponsors
at this time are El Paso Mu-
seum of Archaeology, El Paso
International Airport, El Paso
Electric, the Franklin Moun-
tains Rotary Club, Trans-Pecos
Chapter of the Texas Master
Naturalist, Dr. Richard
Teschner and Carol Baker.
Museum Location: El Paso
Museum of Archaeology, 4301
Transmountain Road, El Paso,
Texas 79924 in Northeast El
Information: 915-755-4332;
Voladores de Papantla performance at the El Paso Museum of Ar-
chaeology in October 2008, photos courtesy of the El Paso Mu-
seum of Archaeology
BROWNSBURG, Ind. (July 15, 2013)
- Two students from Western Techni-
cal College in El Paso, Texas, will
live 300-mph dreams that thousands
of other vocational students would
trade part of their summer vacation
Nine-year U.S. Army veteran Kody
Throop, 27, and Joshua Lerma, 23,
will work as interns for 11-time
NHRA world champion Don Schu-
macher Racing when the NHRA
Mello Yello Drag Racing Series com-
petes at Denver, near San Francisco
and Seattle between July 19 and Aug.
Throop will assist on the U.S. Army
Top Fuel dragster driven by seven-
time NHRA world champion Tony
Schumacher, while Lerma will work
with the Matco Tools Top Fuel drag-
ster driven by reigning champion
Antron Brown.
Brown and DSR were introduced to
Western Technical College by their
longtime primary sponsor Matco
Tools, which has a long relationship
of supporting WTC. Matco Tools is
the official mobile tool distributor of
Brown and his crew believe Matco's
professional, quality tools contributed
to their success in winning the 2012
NHRA Top Fuel world championship.
Western Technical College uses
Matco Tools because instructors be-
lieve in using tools they can trust that
will help their students succeed.
"Western Technical College has been
an annual stop for Antron Brown and
the Matco Tools Top Fuel team for
many years," DSR Senior Vice Presi-
dent Mike Lewis said. "We have been
very impressed by the quality of facil-
ities and training at Western Tech and
by the warm reception to Antron and
the Matco team. This internship is a
great extension of the DSR/Matco re-
lationship with Western Tech. Having
Kody, a nine-year Army veteran, on
the Army team and Joshua on the
Matco team will give the teams a
boost and provide both interns a
hands-on experience with the two
leading Top Fuel teams in the sport of
NHRA racing."
Throop, a native of Soldotna, Alaska,
is an Automotive major at the El
Paso, Texas-based Western Technical
College and is scheduled to graduate
in October.
Lerma, from San Bernadino, Calif.,
will graduate from Western Tech's
Performance Tuning division on July
"We are very proud that two of our
top students have been given this out-
standing internship opportunity with
DSR," said Jack Werner, director for
the Automotive, Performance and
Diesel Programs at Western Technical
College. "To be on the road with the
NHRA Top Fuel championship teams
of DSR is a dream come true for
Kody and Joshua.
Continues on page 10
Joshua Lerma
Western Technical College students
will intern with Don Schumacher
Racing during NHRA's Western Swing
Kody Throop
Artful Endeavor
June 29th marked the day students from Western Hills Elementary School hosted a community Art
Exhibit. Art Endeavor Student Art Exhibit displays over 100 pieces of student artwork. Various art
was displayed inside Founder's Hall at Sierra Providence East Medical Center. The partnership
between Western Hiil and Sierra Providence only helps the growing community in East El Paso.
National Parks and Recreation Month
City Swim League
The Largest Swim Meet in the City
El Paso, Texas - The City of
El Paso Parks and Recre-
ation will highlight the final
swimming event for National
Parks and Recreation
with the largest swim meet
in the city.
This weekend at 8:00 a.m.
on July 20th and
21st the City Swimming
Championships for Private
Leagues will be at the Pavo
Real Aquatic Center,
110 Presa Place.
The meet will host some
800 swimmers vying to be
city champion in various in-
dividual and team events
during the two week span,
according to Wright Stan-
ton, Aquatics Manger for the
Parks and Recreation De-
Admission to the competi-
tion is $2 per person and
public swimming will not be
allowed at the Pavo Real
Aquatic Center this week-
end due to the competition.
Information -
(915) 544-3556
San Juan Senior Center
Stars and Stripes
Billiards Tournament
Who: City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Depart-
What: 60 and Over Billiards Tournament
When: 9:30 a.m. on July 26, 2012
Where: San Juan Senior Center, 5701 Tamburo Ct.
El Paso, Texas The City of El Paso Parks and
Recreation Department will host a Stars and
Stripes Billiards Tournament which will be double
elimination tournament at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, July
26, 2013 at the San Juan Senior Center, 5701 Tam-
buro Ct.
The registration fee is $2 per person and is avail-
able on the day of the competition starting at 9:00
a.m. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Annette Campos or Grace Faulkner
During first 130 days of construction,
no lost-time injuries reported at ballpark construction site
City begins biweekly construction briefings on Wednesday
EL PASO In the first four months of
construction, workers at the site of El
Pasos new downtown ballpark have
reported zero lost-time injuries while
on the job.
In that time, more than 130 workers
have completed demolition of existing
structures, built a retaining wall around
the north and west sides of the site,
drilled hundreds of piles to support the
facility, and begun pouring concrete
This is a big project being built on a
compressed timeline, said Alan Shu-
bert, P.E., who is managing the con-
struction project for the city. While
the city is committed to building this
project rapidly, were also clearly com-
mitted to ensuring the safety of the
men and women who are part of this
landmark public works project.
This project is not only having an im-
pact on El Pasos skyline, but also on
El Pasos economy: Eighty-six of the
construction workers are employed by
local construction firms. In addition,
eleven local firms have been involved
in the design of the project.
When construction is complete, the
City of El Paso will own the state-of-
the art downtown ballpark which will
be the home of the Triple-A affiliate of
the San Diego Padres baseball team.


911 S. Cchoa
343-9398 79901
1own Near
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 7:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 7:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
4431 uelLa
342-0087 79903
Near 2oo
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 6:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 6:30 M- 9:30 M
Ir| 6:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 6:30 M-9:30 M
Ir| 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
1300 Pawklns
394-8031 79923
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00M
Ir| 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00M 3:00 M-6:00M
Leo Cance||are
630 Wallenburg
384-9848 79912
Mesa n|||s
Sun 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 4:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 4:30 AM-9:30 M 12:30 M-3:30 M 4:00 M-7:00 M
Sat 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 12:30 M-3:30 M 4:00 M-7:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Marty kobb|ns
11600 vlsLa uel
833-7436 79936
D|eter Q
V|sta De|
Sun 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| S:00 AM-9:30 AM 12:30 M-3:30 M 4:00 M-7:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 12:30 M-3:30 M 4:00 M-7:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
3231 Copper
363-4683 79930
Cop|a Q
Sun 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
at C'kourke
901 n. vlrglnla SL.
333-8318 79902
Q V|rg|n|a
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 6:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M S:00 M-8:00 M
Ir| 6:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M S:00 M-8:00 M
Ir| 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
W||||am W.
860-2349 79907
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00M-10:00M
Ir| 9:30AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
3301 Salem
821-0142 79924
Sun 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| S:00 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 6:00 AM-9:00 AM 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00 M
Sun 1:00 M-S:00 M
M-1h 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M 7:00 M-10:00 M
Ir| 9:30 AM-12:30 M 1:00 M-4:00 M
Sat 11:00 AM-2:00 M 3:00 M-6:00M

6:00 AM-8:00 AM 11:00 AM-3:00 M S:00 M-7:00 M
I 6:00 AM-11:30 AM
S C|osed

Enjoy the Citys heated indoor year-round pools!
AQUATIC CENTER SCHEDULES June 8, 2013 August 18, 2013
Schedules are subject to change based on utilization,
availability of certified lifeguards, or
unexpected maintenance.
Swimming: Its a Life Preserver
For information call: 915-544-3556
The El Paso Museum of Archaeology Announces:
Registrations Continue for
Archaeology Camp
9 am to Noon, Tuesdays through Fridays
on the following dates:
For ages 10 to 12/Grades 5 to 7:
July 23 to 26
Registrations for archaeology day camp at the El
Paso Museum of Archaeology continue for children
seven to twelve years old this summer. Children
must have completed first grade and be at least seven
years old. Those interested should contact the mu-
seum as soon as possible at 915-755-4332; the choice
of dates is subject to availability.
The Franklin Mountains Rotary Club is sponsoring a
special registration rate for camp this year only,
$42.90 for El Paso Museum of Archaeology mem-
bers and $54.60 for non-members. Registration is ac-
cepted on a first-come first-served basis as
attendance is limited to twelve students per camp.
For information and the camp registration form con-
tact the museum at 915-755-4332 or guidamr@elpa-
Archaeology Summer Day Camp is an interactive,
hands-on course held on the museums grounds and
in the galleries with a field trip to Hueco Tanks State
Park for the 10 to 12 year old children and a field trip
to the Tigua Indian Cultural Center for a museum
tour and bead looming activity for the 7 to 9 year old
children. The camp is a mixture of outdoor and in-
door activities including learning to identify artifacts
and then conducting a survey and a mock excavation.
Campers will learn respect and appreciation for pre-
historic, historic and contemporary Indian people.
Archaeology Camp collage, photos courtesy of the El Paso
Museum of Archaeology
The Calavera Coalition is looking
for artists to submit original artwork
for the 2013 Dia de los Muertos on
the Mesilla Plaza official t-shirt and
poster design. Artists of all ages
and regions are eligible. All work
submitted for consideration must
reflect the spirit and celebration of
El Dia del los Muertos. Artwork
must be in a BLACK AND
WHITE format and in pen and ink
line art with the understanding that
their work must be EASILY CON-
VERTED for screen printing. The
winner will receive one free booth
space for Mesillas Dia de los
Muertos on the Plaza 2013, valued
at $175.
Entries should be submitted on a
CD or through e-mail as JPEG or
PDF files. Files must be accompa-
nied by a list detailing artwork title,
size, a brief description and artists
name, e-mail address, mailing ad-
dress and phone number. Deadline
to receive submissions is August
27, 2013. Digital files can be e-
mailed to CDs can
be mailed to P.O. Box 1308,
Mesilla, NM 88046. The Calavera
Coalition is a not-for-profit organi-
zation and all proceeds from t-shirt
sales will be donated to charity.
call for artists 2013
Dia de los muertos
WHERE: The Hal Marcus Gallery , 1308 N. Oregon,
El Paso, TX 79902
WHEN: Thursday July 25, 2013, 6-9 pm
We are happy to announce the Hal Marcus
Gallery will be joining the Last Thursdays Down-
town Art Walk, which includes the El Paso Mu-
seum of Art, several pop up galleries, restaurants
and shops that feature free exhibits open to the
We are working with
the Museums & Cul-
tural Affairs Depart-
ment. Kaycee
Dougherty, the
Downtown District
Arts Coordinator,
will explain what the
concept of the Last
Thursdays is all
about. On July 25
there will be a meet
and greet with
Kaycee at 7pm fol-
lowed by an ARTalk
at 7:30 pm. Make
the Hal Marcus
Gallery your first
stop of the evening
so you can be in-
formed about the
happenings; enjoy
the entertainment
and refreshments be-
fore heading to the
Downtown Arts District .
The newest artist to join the Hal Marcus Gallery,
Jorge Guzman, is a talented musician/ accordion-
ist and 3-Dimentional artist that will be perform-
ing throughout the evening and talking about his
works of art.
Regular Hours: Tues. - Fri. 12-5 pm,
Thurs. 12-7 pm &
by Appointment (915) 533-9090
The Coolest Art Under the Sun
The Hal Marcus gallery joins
Last Thursdays, featuring Kaycee
Dougherty and Jorge Guzman
Kaycee Dougherty
Jorge Guzmn
JUL 24
JUL 18
High: 80 Low: 70 High: 84 Low: 70 High: 91 Low: 72 High: 94 Low: 75 High: 97 Low: 74
JUL 23
JUL 19
JUL 21
JUL 22
High:93 Low: 74
JUL 20
By: Doppler Dave Speelman
A n s w e r : D 1 5 m i l e s .
The typical thunderstorm is how many miles in diameter?
Weather Next Three Months
A. 1 mile
B. 3 miles
C. 10 miles
D. 15 miles
E. 20 miles
Weather Trivia:
Partly Cloudy
30% Rain
Partly Sunny
10% Storms
Partly Sunny
20% Rain, Breezy
Mostly Sunny
20% Rain
Weather 101
Partly Sunny
20% Storm
Spotlight E.P.Weather
Doppler" Dave Speelman is the chief meteorologist at KVIA-TV in El Paso. You can watch his forecasts at 4,
5, 6 and 10 pm on ABC-7 (channel 6 cable). If you would like Doppler Dave to address (explain) any weather
issues you can email him at
High: 95 Low: 70
The Climate Prediction
Center has issued the lat-
est forecast for tempera-
tures and precipitation the
next three months across
the United States.
The models are indicat-
ing that for the rest of July,
August and September the
El Paso area is expected
to see above normal tem-
peratures to continue
(through most of the west)
and somewhat of an un-
certainty when it come to
rainfall. The Climate Pre-
diction Center is giving us
an equal chance of seeing
above normal, normal or
below normal rain
chances. Dont forgot, this
is our monsoon season so
we typically see most of
our rain this time of year!
The Deep South is ex-
pected to grab most of the
moisture and hang on to
all the humidity as well.
Time will tell if we can
prove the model wrong.
Note: A=Above Normal
B=Below Normal
EC=Equal Chance
July, August & September Temperatures Expected
July, August & September Rainfall Expected (Above)
Mostly Cloudy
60% Rain
Mostly Sunny
20% Rain
Donate at Your Local
7-Eleven and Support
Special Olympics
WHO: Special Olympics Texas (SOTX) Greater El Paso
WHAT: invites you to help make a difference in the
lives of athletes in your community. Stop by any local 7-
Eleven convenience store through July 31and make a do-
nation at the cash register. A $1 contribution makes you
a bronze medal donor, a $2 makes you a silver medal
donor and a $3 donation makes you a gold medal donor.
Your donation, no matter how small, will help support
more than 3,000 athletes in the Greater El Paso area.
WHEN: the month of July 2013
WHERE: any of the 84 ALON 7-Eleven stores in the El
Paso area
WHY: Special Olympics Texas (SOTX) is a privately
funded non-profit organization that changes lives through
the power of sport by encouraging and empowering peo-
ple with intellectual disabilities, promoting acceptance for
all, and fostering communities of understanding and re-
spect. SOTX provides continuing opportunities for more
than 44,000 children and adults with intellectual disabili-
ties throughout the Lone Star State to realize their poten-
tial, develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and
experience joy and friendship. To learn more, visit or call 800.876.5646. En-
gage with us on: Twitter @SOTexas;
Coca-Cola Refreshments, Food Town, H-E-B Tournament of
Charitable Trust and the Law Enforcement Torch Run
Continued from page 4
"This is truly a once in a lifetime experi-
ence to work side-by-side with the crew
chiefs and team members of the U.S Army
and Matco Tools teams and use the best
tools in the business, Matco Tools.
"The Western Swing internship program
was made possible in part because of our
longstanding relationship with Matco
Tools, which is the official tool of Western
Technical College and DSR. Antron visits
Western Tech each year and we appreciate
our partnership with Matco and Antron.
Kody and Joshua will gain valuable experi-
ence and insight on the internal workings
of a professional race team. They both look
forward to the challenge with the ultimate
goal to join one of the teams full time
should the opportunity be presented to
The Western Swing begins July 19, 2013,
with the 34th annual Mopar Mile-High Na-
tionals at Bandimere Speedway near Den-
ver. Brown and DSR teammate "Fast Jack"
Beckman doubled-up to win Top Fuel and
Funny Car titles at the Mile-High Nation-
als last July. Both Schumacher (2008) and
Brown ('09) are two of just seven drivers in
NHRA history to have swept the trio of de-
manding NHRA races on the Swing.
About Western Technical College
Family-owned and operated for three gen-
erations, Western Technical College began
as a trade school where people could learn
how to take their passion and turn it into a
career they loved. Since 1970, our real-
world approach to education is one of the
many reasons Western Technical College
graduates find success in their careers. We
are always looking for ways to make your
education more than just words in a book.
What is special about Western Technical
College is the manner in which we will
help you achieve your educational goals - a
combination of hands-on experience, tradi-
tional classroom work, and industry-spe-
cific career development.
Follow Western Technical College at West-, on Twitter at @wtcep and
About Matco Tools
Matco Tools manufactures, distributes and
services premium quality automotive
equipment, tools, and tool storage for the
professional technician. The company has
more than 60 years of national brand expe-
rience in the automotive equipment indus-
try and a vast product line of more than
13,000 of the highest quality, innovative
tools and accessories.
The company's franchise offering has no
initial franchise fee, monthly royalties, or
advertising fees. Initial corporate and on-
going local training create and build out-
standing value for the franchisee's
business. For more information on Matco
Tools products or franchise opportunities,
About Don Schumacher Racing
Don Schumacher Racing, headquartered in
Brownsburg, Ind., fields seven professional
teams in the NHRA Mello Yello Drag Rac-
ing Series. In Top Fuel, the 2012 NHRA
Top Fuel world champion Matco Tools
dragster driven by Antron Brown and the
U.S. Army dragster driven by seven-time
world champion Tony Schumacher and the
Battery Extender Powered by Schumacher
dragster driven by Spencer Massey; and in
Funny Car, 2012 NHRA world champion
Jack Beckman in the Valvoline Max
Life/MTS Mail for Wounded Warriors
Dodge Charger R/T, 2011 world champion
Matt Hagan in the Magneti Marelli Offered
by Mopar/Rocky Boots Dodge, the NAPA
AUTO PARTS Dodge of Ron Capps and
the Pitch Energy Dodge of Johnny Gray.
DSR has won 211 NHRA national event ti-
tles and 11 world championships.
Western Technical College students ...
El Paso Museum of History Presents a Lecture
El Paso Valley Missions in Transition: 1850-1900
The El Paso Museum of History, located at
510 North Santa Fe Street, invites you to
join Dr. Rick Hendricks, New Mexico State
Historian, as he discusses our local mis-
sions after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hi-
dalgo. The lecture will be held
Saturday, July 20, 2013,
at 2 p.m.
The year 1850 marked the be-
ginning of a transitional period for the
mission churches of the El Paso Valley
that lasted until the advent of the Mexi-
can Revolution in 1910. The Compro-
mise of 1850 severed centuries-old ties to
New Mexico, and dramatic changes in
the population of the El Paso area took
place as newcomers flocked to the re-
gion, altering the composition of church
Rick Hendricks earned his PhD from the
University of New Mexico in 1985. He
was an editor of the Vargas Project at
UNM and was also involved with the Du-
rango microfilm project at NMSU. Hen-
dricks has written extensively on the
history of the American Southwest and
Mexico. His most recent book is, The
Casads: A Pioneer Family of the Mesilla
Valley, published in 2012. He is currently
completing a biography of the Spanish-
Mexican patriot and priest, Father Anto-
nio Severo Borrajo, who served in the El
Paso area. This program is made possible
in part by a grant from Humanities Texas,
the state affiliate of the National Endow-
ment for the Humanities.
For more information and to reserve a
seat, contact the El Paso Museum of His-
tory at (915) 351-3588.
Dr. Rick Hendricks, New Mexico State
Historian. Image: Courtesy of Dr. Rick
Continued from page 2
There is also some data that indicates that scien-
tists who play a musical instrument are more
successful in their fields.
EPCC is spearheading an initiative to promote
awareness of the importance of music in science,
medicine and learning and to encourage students
in science and medicine to play music. Conduc-
tor DAlimonte developed a musical program
featuring the work of composers associated with
science to be played by the El Paso Symphony
and invited NIH Philharmonia musicians under
her direction. This special free concert will be
followed by a scientific symposium where scien-
tists will present their work on the effect of
music on learning and medicine. We are seeking
donations to fund this exciting project. If you
would like to contribute, please contact Dr.
Maria Alvarez at (915) 831-5074 or donate on-
line at:
EPCC Science and Music...
The 5th season
continues for the
Mission Trail Art
Market in the San
Elizario Historic
District with a big
schedule of
July 21, 2013
Mission Trail Art Market on Main Street, 11a-6pm along Main
Street; Live Music at the Bandido Restaurant & Cantina:2pm; Billy
The Kid Breakout Reenactments, with the Pistoleros De San
Elizario at 1pm & 3pm at the Old County Jail on Main Street
Information: 915-851-0093
El Paso Parks and Recreation Department
Melodies at the Park Summer
July 28th
Blackie Chesher Park 1100 Zaragosa (79907)
ManJelly Band
August 4th
Grandview Park 3200 Jefferson (79930)
Locomotion Band
August 18th
Armijo Park 710 E. Seventh Street (79901)
April Ticket Duo
August 25th
Salvador Rivas Park 12480 Pebble Hills (79938)
Sobredosis del Sabor
All Concerts 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
(915) 544-0753 or (915) 252-9031

Mariachi Cuauhtmoc

Shawver Park 8100 Independence (79907)
Mainstreet Band

J Veterans Park 5301 Salem (79924)
Villa Band

Blackie Chesher Park 1100 Zaragosa (79907)
ManJelly Band

Grandview Park 3200 Jefferson (79930)
Locomotion Band

710 E. Seventh Street (79901)
April Ticket Duo

12480 Pebble Hills (79938)
Sobredosis del Sabor

The El Paso Museum of Archaeology Presents
Wolves: Fact & Fiction
Saturday, July 27, 2013, 2:00 to 3:30 pm, Free Admission
In this family-friendly program, Nancy
Bain, The Wolf Lady, presents an inter-
active look at wolves from around the
world with special emphasis on the endan-
gered Mexican wolf. A display of wolf
pelts, skulls, replicas of scat, maps of wolf
territories, information about wolf sanctu-
aries and a free educational handout in-
cluded. Nancy will address topics such as
wolf pack makeup and territory marking,
wolves and the environment, and wolf in-
teraction with dogs, humans and domestic
animals. This program is suitable for chil-
dren as young as six years through adults.
Nancy Bain is a former wolf exhibit vol-
unteer host at the El Paso Zoo. In 2007
she was given the Initiative Award by the
El Paso Zoo which honors the volunteer
who has demonstrated exemplary efforts
in furthering the goals of the El Paso Zoo
program. Nancy belongs to and supports
many wolf organizations and has attended
a number of wolf seminars. Nancy Bain
actively exhibits and speaks about wolves
throughout El Paso including at Hueco
Tanks State Park, Chihuahuan Desert Fi-
esta at Franklin Mountain State Park,
Poppy Fest, El Paso Zoo, TechH2O and at
schools, scout troops and other locations.
She especially encourages children to help
endangered species by working with ani-
mals through zoos, veterinary hospitals,
game, fish and wildlife programs and
other groups. Her interest is in the rein-
troduction and survival of the misunder-
stood Mexican Wolf and the preservation
of all wolves world wide.
Museum Location: El Paso Museum of
Archaeology, 4301 Transmountain Road,
El Paso, Texas 79924 in Northeast El Paso
Information: 915-755-4332;
Our Mission: The El Paso Museum of
Archaeology is dedicated to the interpreta-
tion of archaeological and anthropological
artifacts through research, exhibits, and
education. We focus on the prehistory
and culture of the El Paso-Jurez region
and the Southwest.
Dakota the Wolf photo courtesy of the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary
Recycling Update:
Recycle Your Phone Books
El Paso, Texas The City of El Paso Envi-
ronmental Services Department reminds the
public to recycle their obsolete phone books.
On average, we receive two phone books per
year due to the variety of companies publish-
ing telephone directories. To keep phone
books from ending up in the landfill, un-
wanted phone books should be recycled at the
curb in your blue bin or at a Citizen Collec-
tion Station (CCS), also known as drop-off
The drop-off sites are located at:
4501 Hondo Pass
2492 Harrison
121 Atlantic
4200 Delta
1034 Pendale
Phone books that are recycled are commonly turned into new
telephone directories, roofing surfaces, insulation materials, gro-
cery bags and other paper products.
The Citys Curbside Recycling Program also accepts these paper
products: paperback and hardback books; empty cardboard egg
cartons; magazines; catalogs; frozen food boxes; junk mail;
newspaper; cereal boxes; envelopes; flattened cardboard boxes;
office paper; and mixed colored paper. You can also recycle met-
als and plastics. Learn more visit:
The New Mexico Department of
Health reminds residents this summer
that it is important to take steps to stay
safe from the potentially damaging ef-
fects of the sun. Overexposure to ul-
traviolet rays causes not only
sunburns and premature aging, but
greatly increases your chances of de-
veloping skin cancer.
An estimated 400 cases of the most
deadly skin cancer, melanoma, will be
diagnosed in New Mexico in 2013.
Even as rates for the most common
cancers in the United States - breast,
colorectal, lung, and prostate - have
declined, melanoma rates rose 50 per-
cent nationwide between 1992 and
New Mexicans have an increased
risk for developing skin cancer be-
cause of our low latitude and higher
altitude, said New Mexico's Depart-
ment of Health Secretary Retta Ward,
M.P.H. When going outside over the
4th of July holiday, make sure to pro-
tect your skin and eyes by using pro-
tective clothing, hats, sunglasses and
sunscreen on a daily basis.
The suns rays are strongest between
the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
When looking for a sunscreen, make
sure it has a Sun Protective Factor
(SPF) of at least 15. According to new
FDA regulations, sunscreen products
that protect against all types of sun
damage will be labeled "Broad Spec-
trum" and "SPF 15+". For those prod-
ucts that are not broad spectrum and
have the SPF of 2 to 14, it will be la-
beled with the warning, "This product
has been shown only to prevent sun-
burn, not skin cancer or early aging."
Remember, sunscreen wears off so
reapply it at least every two hours
throughout the day to increase the
amount of protection for your skin.
Sunscreen alone does not offer ade-
quate protection for your skin. Long
sleeved shirts, wide brimmed hats,
and pants or long dresses are great ex-
amples of protective clothing. Though
everybody is at risk for skin cancer,
those who have fair skin, light colored
eyes, and blonde or red hair are at
higher risk because the suns UV rays
affect their skin differently than oth-
If you feel that that you are at risk for
skin cancer, or notice any skin lesions,
it is important to see a health care pro-
Symptoms to look for include:
Oddly shaped, colored or
changing moles
Unusual white, reddish
or brown patches that feel
different than the skin
around them (can be hard,
scaly, rough or crusted)
Pinkish red or flesh-col-
ored raised areas that feel
unusual (hard, scaly, ulcer-
ated or rough)
A sore that doesnt heal
The New Mexico Department of
Health also supports sun safety educa-
tion for elementary-school-aged chil-
dren and encourages schools and
communities to identify strategies to
provide increased protection for chil-
dren and adults alike. Strategies may
include providing shade structures or
trees where children play and allow-
ing students to wear protective cloth-
ing like hats, sunglasses and
long-sleeved shirts and pants when
outside at school.
For more information on preventing
skin cancer, visit the Departments
Comprehensive Cancer Program on-
line at
Precautions Necessary to
Prevent Skin Cancer
Fort Bliss Safety
Fort Bliss officials are working closely with the U.S. Air Force
Safety Center and other Army agencies after a recent exami-
nation of a former Air Force weapons storage building indi-
cated potentially hazardous materials.
"At the request of the Fort Bliss Installation Safety Office, the
Air Force Safety Center conducted an evaluation of a former
Air Force weapons storage area at Biggs Army Airfield, Fort
Bliss, Texas, in June," said Air Force Chief of Safety Maj. Gen.
Kurt F. Neubauer. "The evaluation revealed the presence of
low-level radiological contamination resulting from mainte-
nance activities conducted in the latter 1950s by the Air Force
in accordance with existing policy and regulations of that time.
The safety center will provide continued technical assistance
to the Army in evaluation and mitigation of
these sites."
"The safety of our Soldiers and employees is paramount to
Major General Sean B. MacFarland, commander of Fort Bliss
and the 1st Armored Division," said Major Joe Buccino, Fort
Bliss Public Affairs Officer. "Additional tests are pending to
determine the nature and specific extent of any potential
residue of hazardous material at the site storage building on
Biggs Army Airfield."
On July 11, Fort Bliss suspended any activity at the storage
building as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of
employees and Soldiers.
Additional environmental and medical evaluations are ex-
pected in about a week. Meanwhile, activities in and around
the storage building are suspended until further examinations
are complete and any necessary remedial steps can be
The Biggs storage building being examined by environmental
and medical experts was used for Air Force activities during
the 1950-1960s that sometimes produced hazardous materi-
als. Standard environmental practices at that time usually in-
cluded encapsulating floors and other surfaces with protective
epoxy paint. These paint particles are contained within the
building. One potential exposure risk is from ingestion of the
paint chips.
The ongoing studies will determine the extent of any potential
risks from the storage building's painted floor and the site.
Major Joe Buccino
Fort Bliss / 1AD PAO
Project FUTURE
Graduating Ceremony
The statistics for youth aging out of
the child welfare system are bleak.
According to the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, the lives
of former foster children often are
flawed by poor education and em-
ployment prospects, early parent-
hood, poverty, homelessness,
criminal behavior, mental illness and health problems.
Project FUTURE, created by the El Paso Womens Bar As-
sociation, in conjunction with the Legal Charitable Founda-
tion and the support of the County of El Paso, provides a
six- week paid internship to El Pasos young adults under
the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Pro-
tective Services who reach 18 years of age and were not
adopted or returned to their parents. The internship pro-
gram provides the youth with meaningful work experience
and mentoring.
On Friday, July 19, 2013, El Paso County will host a com-
pletion ceremony for the youth that participated in this
years Project FUTURE internship program.
WHAT: Project FUTURE graduation ceremony
WHEN: Friday, July 19, 2013 @ 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: El Paso County Courthouse
500 E. San Antonio, 3rd Floor, Room 306.

Office of Council Member Jos Huizar
City of Los Angeles | 14th District
Public Art Exhibition by Do Art Foundation, MAP - sponsored by the office of council member Jos Huizar
Exhibition: Dulce Pinzn and Jon Rafman
On View: July 1, 2013 September 2013
LOS ANGELES, CA July 1, 2013
Photographers Dulce Pinzn (Mex-
ico) and Jon Rafman (Canada)
showcase their work to the public
of Los Angeles on bus benches in
Council District 14. Twenty instal-
lations will be placed on bus
benches throughout Downtown Los
Angeles and Boyle Heights on Fri-
day, July 5, 2013.
MAP and Do Arts objective with
this project is to marry demo-
graphics and site locations to cre-
ate cultural conversations with
the public. This unique and uncon-
ventional exhibition aims to reach
out to people on the streets of Los
Angeles, and replace advertise-
ments with an art series that is
relevant to the site and demo-
graphic of the audience. Art has
the power to inspire, enhance,
and transform cities and their citi-
zens. Art frames a point of view,
and the program Why dont
we do it in the road? is de-
signed to stop you for a moment
on your daily route.
The Los Angeles based art organi-
zation Do Art Foundation and
Canadian public art collective
Make Art Public [MAP] have come
together to create a series of 20
images at 20 locations replacing
advertising to display art.
These collectives are dedicated to
promoting art & culture through
urban regeneration strategies. DO
ART & MAP focus on the promotion
and creation of work visible in the
public landscape. This is put in
place with the support of Coun-
cilmember Jose Huizar and Plan-
ning Director Tanner Blackman.
Martin Outdoor Media installs and
maintains over 5,000 bus benches
throughout the city, including
overseeing the advertising on the
benches. Martin is offering free
space for the art project on up to
100 bus benches throughout Coun-
cil District 14
through September.
Dulce Pinzns (Mxico) series
entitled Superheros looks at the
lives and labor jobs held by many
migrant workers in our society,
specifically of Mexican heritage,
and creates an original portrait se-
ries that gives political commentary
to their placement in our commu-
nity. The principal objective of this
series is to pay homage to these
brave and determined men and
women that somehow manage,
without the help of any supernatu-
ral power, to withstand extreme
conditions of labor in order to help
their families and communities sur-
vive and prosper. This project con-
sists of color photographs of
Mexican immigrants dressed in the
costumes of popular American and
Mexican superheroes.
Jon Rafman (Canada) captures
images from the streets via Google
maps Street View feature that are
both fascinating and disturbing im-
ages that are unbiased reflections
of our world. The veil behind the
virtual world where these images
exist drops in when one realizes
that they are candid shots taken for
the purposes of mapping streets as
a navigation tool. The world cap-
tured by Google appears to be
more truthful and more transparent
because of the weight accorded to
external reality, the perception of a
neutral, unbiased recording, and
even the vastness of the project.
His work creates a cultural text like
any other, a structured and struc-
turing of space whose codes and
meaning the artist and the curator
of the images can assist in con-
structing or deciphering. In his
Street Views evoked an urgency I
felt was present in earlier street
photography. With its supposedly
neutral gaze, the Street View pho-
tography had a spontaneous qual-
unspoiled by the sensitivities or
agendas of a human photographer.
It was tempting to see the images
as a neutral and privileged repre-
sentation of realityas though the
Street Views, wrenched from any
social context other than geospatial
contiguity, were able to perform
true docuphotography, capturing
fragments of reality stripped of all
cultural intentions. Jon Rafman is
locally represented by M+B Gallery
in Los Angeles who focus on pho-
tographic and contemporary art.
Jos Huizar was born in Zacatecas,
Mexico and received a Bachelor of Arts
degree from
the University of California, Berkeley, a
Masters degree in Public Affairs and
Planning from Princeton University and
a Juris Doctorate from UCLA School of
He is the first Mexican immigrant
elected to the City Council in Los Ange-
les history and in 2004, he became the
first Latino to serve on the Princeton
Board of Trustees.Councilmember
Huizar has been awarded numerous
awards and distinctions, including pro-
files by the Los Angeles Business Jour-
nal as one of the 25 figures in the Los
Angeles Area that stand out for their
potential to shape lives and by His-
panic Business Magazine as one of the
100 most influential Hispanics in the
United States.
This project gives us the opportunity to
bring art to the public rightofway,
said Councilmember Huizar, describing
how the project got started. I want to
thank all our partners, especially the
artists, for lending their talents to the
Contact Information:
Do Art Foundation
+ 1 310.406.5055
Rose Bennett Gilbert
Q: The kitchen in our apartment is
too small for avid cooks like us. My
husband is for taking down the wall
and opening the kitchen up to the liv-
ing room. I am afraid it will be too ca-
sual, too messy. I don't like the idea of
being exposed to my guests ... or ex-
posing them to the mayhem we create
when we cook, which is a lot.
Can we open the wall without losing
our dignity, so to speak?
A: Open need not equal over-expo-
sure. If you choose the right style and
materials and use them strategically,
your kitchen can open up to the world
and still keep its company manners.
Designer John Buscarello juggled the
illusion handsomely in the open
kitchen we show here. His New York
City client is an art collector who
wanted to show off his treasures but
not the business side of his new
Buscarello created a setting as artful
as the client's collection, adding
lighted display niches and using clas-
sic, traditional materials. The elegant
cabinets (by Wood-Mode) are
arranged to minimize the sight of the
appliances: The refrigerator is camou-
flaged in matching maple paneling,
and the oven hides behind the island.
Thanks to the designer's legerdemain,
the kitchen all but disappears between
Rose Bennett Gilbert is the co-author of "Man-
hattan Style" and six other books on interior
The fine art of cooking meets fine
art elegantly in an open kitchen
designed to keep its secrets.
Photo Courtesy Artistic Tile.
Case of the Disappearing Kitchen
the Savage truth on Money by terry Savage SuStainable living by Shawn Dell Joyce
Broker Protection
Do you believe that your stockbro-
ker should put your interests first
ahead of his or her need to earn
commissions or sell products?
Of course you do! And you proba-
bly believe that this is exactly the
standard your broker is held to,
putting the client's interest first.
But you may be surprised that this
behavior is not REQUIRED of
stockbrokers. Their standard of re-
sponsibility only requires that they
make "suitable" investment recom-
mendations for their clients.
Brokers and other financial sales-
people do not have to follow the fi-
duciary standards required of
Registered Investment Advisors.
Those six fiduciary stan-
dards require the advisor
Serve the client's best in-
Act in utmost good faith.
Act prudently with the
care, skill and judgment of a
Avoid conflicts of interest.
Disclose all material
Control investment ex-
(Note: An in-depth discussion of
the fiduciary standard can be found
at the website of the group advo-
cating for the Securities and Ex-
change Commission to require
brokers to meet these standards: Among
the many advocates involved with
this nonprofit group is the leg-
endary John Bogle, former chair-
man of Vanguard.)
You're not alone if you're shocked
that a broker does not need to meet
these requirements. A study com-
missioned by the SEC in 2008 re-
vealed that 63 percent of focus
group participants believed that
brokers "are required by law to act
in the client's best interest." A 2010
survey of investors by InfoGroup
revealed 76 percent of investors
believe brokers are fiduciaries; 60
percent believe insurance salespeo-
ple are fiduciaries.
In other words, the public is woe-
fully unaware that some not all,
but too many of the brokers
they choose to give them advice on
investing may primarily be con-
cerned with their own paychecks,
and not their clients' prosperity!
You'd think the SEC would want to
do something about this having
commissioned the earlier study re-
vealing the misperceptions. In-
stead, the SEC beholden to the
brokerage and insurance industry
is dragging its feet on requiring
brokers to adhere to the fiduciary
standard. The latest dodge is ask-
ing the SEC staff to perform a
"cost-benefit" analysis of requiring
the fiduciary standard!
When you consider that so many
people buy investment products
from salespeople whether stock-
brokers, insurance agents or even
the salespeople sitting in their
banks and selling investments
under the aegis, if not the deposi-
tory rules, of the bank then you
realize the huge cost of the poten-
tial conflicts. How can you weigh
this toll on consumers against the
cost of requiring firms to put
clients' interests first?
The brokerage industry pays lip
service to the idea of adding cus-
tomer protections. But behind the
scenes, financial services execu-
tives are waging a stalling war on
any new requirements.
It's not hard to understand why:
Training and monitoring the thou-
sands of financial salespeople who
would be affected would be an ex-
pensive process. Plus, many of the
most profitable products sold
would become far less attractive if
the salespeople were required to
fully (and prominently) disclose all
the fees, costs and commissions.
And then there would be the poten-
tial legal costs of defending the
sale of such products if investors
could sue brokers for not meeting
the fiduciary standards.
They've even managed to spin the
entire issue to say they are the ones
protecting consumers because
investment costs would rise for in-
dividual investors if brokers were
forced to meet this standard!
In other words they're saying that
brokers' clients would be greatly
harmed if brokers were required to
put their clients' interests first!
The SEC has just closed its com-
ment period but not before de-
laying any action until two new
commissioners are appointed. Then
the process will start over again.
The SEC is one agency of the gov-
ernment that is designated to pro-
tect investors. Now it has woefully
and publicly fallen down on the job
bending under the pressures of
the industry they are supposed to
regulate on behalf of investors.
If you are as outraged by this situa-
tion as I am, it is not too late to
submit your comment to the SEC
It's one thing for uninformed con-
sumers to be misled by their sup-
posed financial advisors, but quite
another to be fleeced by the gov-
ernment agencies designed to pro-
tect them. And that's The Savage
Terry Savage is a registered invest-
ment adviser and is on the board of
the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
She appears weekly on WMAQ-
Channel 5's 4:30 p.m. newscast,
and can be reached at www.ter- She is the author of
the new book, "The New Savage
Number: How Much Money Do
You Really Need to Retire?"
Summer Driving
Americans drive an average of 10,000
miles per year, per person, which includes
non-drivers as well. We do a lot of that
driving during the summer on family vaca-
tions and chauffeuring kids from place to
place. Here are a few simple tips to save
you gas and money this summer, as well as
reducing carbon emissions.
According to the U.S. Department of
Energy, several short trips all begun with a
cold start can use twice as much fuel as a
single, longer trip that covers the same dis-
tance. Combining errands can improve
your gas mileage because your engine will
be warm for more of the trip. It might also
mean you travel less total miles. This one
simple habit change can save about 20 per-
cent of your fuel and mileage. It also keeps
1,650 pounds of carbon out of the atmos-
phere and will add up to a savings of about
$260 per year.
Drive slower, and accel-
erate and brake less fre-
quently. If you keep it at a steady 55
mph instead of 70 mph or more on the
highway, you save up to 20 percent of your
fuel costs. According to CNN, every ten
miles per hour you drive over sixty is like
the price of gasoline going up about fifty-
four cents a gallon. The most fuel-efficient
range is between 45-55 mph for most vehi-
cles. Accelerating quickly burns twice as
much gas as keeping a slow steady speed.
Braking quickly is just as bad; you lose all
that momentum your car worked so hard to
When stuck in traffic, turn off
the engine. We can lose up to one third
of our fuel by idling. You save 1,200
pounds of carbon or the equivalent of 55
gallons of gas by implementing safer driv-
ing. That adds up to $130 per year you
could keep in your pocket!
Keeping your car in top con-
dition will save you up to 30 percent in
fuel efficiency. Dirty spark plugs, air filters
or fuel filters will all affect your fuel econ-
omy. According to the U.S. Department of
Energy, replacing a clogged air filter can
increase your mileage by 10 percent, while
replacing an oxygen sensor could result in
an improvement as high as 40 percent.
Check the air in your tires and
save up to 3.3 mpg. You can find the
proper pressure listed on the jamb of the
driver's side door.
Clean out your car! Stop paying
for all the extra gas needed to haul that
junk around in the back of your car. Clean-
ing the outside of the car keeps it stream-
lined and more fuel efficient by reducing
drag. Another way to keep the vehicle
streamlined is to remove those roof and
bike racks when not in use. They add extra
weight and drag.
Of course, the best way to save gas
and money is to park the car and
take the bicycle. More communities
across the country are creating bike paths
and routes, making bicycle travel easier
and safer. Take your bicycle on vacation
and enjoy getting around at a slower,
healthier pace.
Shawn Dell Joyce is an award-winning
columnist and founder of the Wallkill River
School in Orange County, N.Y. You can
contact her at
Save gas and money this summer by
changing your driving habits.
wellnewS by Scott laFee
MarS anD venuS by John gray
'tween 12 anD 20 by Dr. robert wallace
Don't Forget the Call
Dear John, My wife and I argue almost
every night, and it seems as if we're al-
ways fighting over the same subject: my
job, which sometimes causes me to stay
late at the office.
I'm a print production manager, and my
wife works as a teacher's aid. Her hours
almost never vary, so she knows when
she is going to get home. I try to plan
ahead, but in the print business, surprises
happen every other day. I try to call, but I
often forget because I'm caught up in the
moment. I'd like us to get past this. A long
day followed by an angry fight is more
than I can take. Looking for Solutions
in Destin, Fla.
Dear Looking, What she is missing is
your acknowledgement that she is special
in your life. You think you're doing that
by working long hours and making a
good living. Certainly she appreciates
your work effort and the benefits that
brings to both of your lives, but modern
marriage is more than a financial partner-
ship. It's also about romance and respect.
Tie a string around your finger or a bell
around your neck, but if you want to find
the peace you seek, you've got to start
picking up that phone. It needs to become
a habit. Calling to say, "I'll be late getting
home tonight," needs to be important to
you because it's important to her.
Dear John, How long do you wait for
your husband to get help for alcoholism?
It's ruining our lives, and he knows it.
Over It in Palm Springs, Calif.
Dear Over It, The truth is that you don't
have to wait. Each and every one of us
has choices in our lives and in our rela-
tionships. You have the choice to leave
him if he cannot or will not change be-
cause ultimately, regardless of the love
you feel for him, the choice to drink is his
to make on his own.
f you plan on sticking it out with him,
consider joining one of many organiza-
tions for family members of substance
abusers. This will connect you with
trained counselors who can help you cope
with what is invariably a heartbreaking
situation. You'll also meet and talk with
others who are experiencing similar situa-
The insights you gain may help you re-
connect with your husband in a way en-
courages him to meet the challenge of his
addiction. And if you're not successful,
you will know with an open heart that
you have done all that you can to help
him and yourself.
2013 John Gray's Mars Venus Advice.
Distributed by Creators Syndicate. John
Gray is the author of "Men Are from
Mars, Women Are from Venus." If you
have a question, write John in care of this
newspaper or by email at: All questions are
kept anonymous and will be paraphrased.
At first glance, a news release
with a headline that blares,
"Vampire bats may help treat
high blood pressure" appears
somewhat contradictory. On
the one hand, sucking out a
little blood seems a pretty di-
rect way to lower the old BP.
On the other hand, having
one's blood sucked out seems
a pretty direct way to raise
one's BP.
Read on and the facts become
more complicated but less
scary. In a recent study, Aus-
tralian researchers found that
the venom of vampire bats
contains a host of complex
molecules designed to keep
their victims' blood flowing
freely post-bite.
team's re-
sults point to entirely
new forms of anticoagulants
in the venom, as well as novel
molecules that cause dilation
of the small arteries near the
skin," said Bryan Fry, associ-
ate professor of biological sci-
ences at the University of
"Just as snake
venom has de-
veloped rapidly
to stay ahead
of evolving re-
sistance in prey, vampire bats
are rapidly evolving their
venom to prevent the immune
system of the prey from gen-
erating antibodies against the
venom molecules. This means
that even if an antibody is
generated against one mole-
cule, there are a number of
other ones that will sneak past
the prey's defense system and
keep the blood flowing. This
means the same victim can be
fed on night after night."
That's not such good news for
the victims of vampire bats,
but scientists say the anticoag-
ulation properties of the
venom molecules could lead
to new treatments for stroke
and high blood pressure.
Minus, of course, the furry, lit-
tle bloodsuckers.
I'm Angry With
My Father
DR. WALLACE: My mother passed away a year ago. We
were a happy family, and we all loved one another very much. My
mother was a very compassionate human being. The world lost a
beautiful person when she left this world to be with the angels.
I was shocked when my father told me four short months after my
mother died that he was thinking about getting married again. He
said that I needed another mother, and he needed another companion.
He began dating this lady, and she is now my stepmother. She has
been living in our house for more than six months, and I still find it
difficult to accept her as a member of our family. I shudder when I
see my father hug and kiss her. She is a nice person, but she will
never replace my own mother.
My problem is that I am angry with my father. I have lost all respect
for him. I try to be cheerful to both my dad and his new wife, but I
just can't pull it off. I don't dislike my dad's new wife, but I consider
her a stranger intruding in our home.
What should I do? I'm 17 and very miserable when I'm at home. I do
all right at school or when I'm with my friends. Nameless, Okla-
homa City, Okla.
NAMELESS: You're still grieving the loss of your mother, and
it's only natural that you would resent the idea of anyone trying to re-
place her. Living with a stepmother so soon after your mother's death
is definitely a challenge anyone would find daunting.
I'm happy to hear you say that you don't hate your father's new wife
and, in fact, find her to be a nice person; you're just confused, under-
standably, by her relationship with your father.
My suggestion is that you do your best to get to know her as a per-
son. Don't think of her as a "replacement mother" but simply as a po-
tential friend and ally. Rather than trying to be cheerful (and not
succeeding), just be yourself.
Also, be like your mother. Have compassion for your stepmother and
understanding for your father. Your mom would have understood that
life has to go on. It doesn't mean that she's forgotten.
Losing your mother at such an early age is certainly an experience
you will never "get over," but it needn't cripple you emotionally. It
will make you a deeper, more sensitive, person, more appreciative of
life's fleeting nature. Talk about your mother and share memories of
her with your father whenever you can.
And by all means, get on with your own life. I'm glad to hear that
school is a haven for you and that you have close friends. Rely on
them to help you through the rough times. Your future matters. Do
your best in all your classes and plan on attending college.
Dr. Robert Wallace welcomes questions from readers. Although he is
unable to reply to all of them individually, he will answer as many as
possible in this column. Email him at
Go With the Flow
Bored With Your Workout?
energy expreSS by Marilynn preSton
Is boredom creeping into your
summertime workout, ruining
your fun, making you forget
why you signed up for Sunrise
Buddha Boot Camp in the first
Think now: Are you out of love
with your weekly attempt to
play tennis? Would you rather
turn over in bed than go to your
Sunday morning softball game?
Be honest. Then take
action. Get your mojo going
again. Once you start getting
bored, you lapse into the No
Fun Zone, where injuries are
more likely and the burnout
rate is miserably high.
Healthy Lifestyle Rule No. 88:
Life is too short to keep doing
what you're not enjoying. Here
are a few of my ideas, intended
to spark your own:
WATER. Too hot to go bik-
ing? Dive into a fitness routine
that is gentle on the joints and
high on the calorie burn: water
workouts. You can walk, run or
dance across the length or
width of your local pool. Or
you can head for open water,
strap on a well-designed buoy-
ancy device I love my Aqua-
jogger and feel totally
supported as you walk, run,
samba, kick, lunge or leap.
There really are no rules for ex-
ercising in the water. OK, there
is one: Don't drown. Just stay
in motion for 15 to 30 minutes
or more, and embrace the re-
sistance of water, but never to
the point of pain.
You can use a waterproof
music system, or you can move
in silence, listening to the
sound of your own breathing. If
the thought of making up your
own water workout sinks you
into a state of oceanic paralysis,
get help. Join a water aerobics
class, talk to a trainer, explore
the Web. There's a YouTube for
around, and find an event this
summer that raises money for a
cause you care about. Prevent-
ing Diabetes? Re-educating
Botox users? Training for a fun
run or bike ride for a special
cause will wipe away the bore-
dom, reconnecting you to your
essential good nature and your
need to be grateful for what
you have. You can also do it to
honor someone or something
you believe in. Bike for
Alzheimer's? Walk to save the
Affordable Care Act? There are
so many worthy causes to
choose from.
Start practicing philanthropic
fitness this summer. It's a win-
win. You benefit from the train-
ing and the workouts, and the
cause benefits from the cash.
Marathons to support
Medicare? Let's hope it never
comes to that.
THE NIGHT. Most people
exercise during the day, and
that makes perfect sense. But
what about moving out of your
comfort zone, daring to be dif-
ferent and planning some of
your workouts for the night-
time, when the weather is
cooler and the crowds have
gone home?
It's a brave new world. You can
bike, walk or paddle a kayak at
night, in a group, and if you
want a special treat, plan it to
coincide with the July 21 full
moon. It's a magical time to be
out, letting your mind wander
among the planets, connecting
to the star within.
There are lots of neighborhood
walking clubs that go as a regu-
lar thing in summer, between
the hours of 7 and 10 p.m.
They are exercising their right
to be on their street, enjoying
their community, connecting
with friends. Members walk as
much or as little as they want.
If they weren't outside walking,
they'd be inside watching TV,
roaming Facebook or shooting
up with high fructose corn
syrup and taco chips. As a
trained professional, I can tell
you you're a million times bet-
ter off having a summer night-
time stroll.
Be aware, Dear Reader:
Some experts say exercising
too close to bedtime can in-
terfere with sleep. Others
insist that gentle exer-
cise before going to
bed can actually
help you fall
asleep. You won't
know until you try.
BE CALM. Yes, summer
time is a great time for
heightened activity, but it's
also a lovely time to just rest.
Rest is healing, and we don't
get enough of it. So find a
quiet place. Let your mind
drift. Breathe.
We'll set out on shimmering,
reflective waters ... to let the
gentle strokes of the blade and
the magnetism of the moon
guide us like a consistent tide.
"Full Moon
Paddle" de-
Nicolet College Outdoor Ad-
venture Series
Marilynn Preston fitness ex-
pert, well-being coach and
speaker on healthy lifestyle is-
sues is the
creator of En-
ergy Express,
the longest-run-
ning syn-
dicated fitness column in the
country. She has a website, and
welcomes reader questions,
which can be sent to MyEner-
The Leo sun and the full moon in
Aquarius conspire to create dra-
matic games. In movies, the villains
often set up an elaborate diabolical
plot and then leave before their vic-
tims are fully dispatched, giving them
time and privacy to heroically save
themselves. The drama this week has
a similar dynamic except that the vil-
lain is invisible from the start, which
leads the wise person to wonder
whether the predicament was self-cre-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). The new
you is waiting, watching a cellphone
for the time, and will soon be texting
you: "Where are you?" What will it
take to get from here to there? A good
friend or coach provides the right
push. A Taurus can give you practical
solutions, and an Aquarius will intro-
duce a vision to your mind's eye.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You've
done a stellar job, and your reward for
that work is that now you're expected
to do even more, faster and cheaper.
This doesn't seem fair and makes little
sense, and yet you'll pull it off amaz-
ingly well. Then surprise, surprise
on Thursday the tables turn, and
suddenly you are calling all of the
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When you
think of your relationships, part of you
is happy and grateful and part is dis-
contented and longing for something
more like you thought love would be
when you were younger. That dissatis-
faction will drive you to get out and
meet new people. You can still have
the love you wished for once upon a
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Some
people seem to be born with a posi-
tive attitude, and some struggle to
achieve it. Still others don't even try. It
may not come naturally to you to find
a silver lining, but you're determined.
Through effort, you make up the dif-
ference, and it means more to every-
one around you. They are inspired by
how hard you try.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Some days it's
hard to know how to encourage your-
self. Should you hold yourself to a
higher standard, or will easing up on
the controls be your best bet? The lat-
ter idea will yield the most satisfying
results more often than not this week.
Oddly, you'll find that freedom and
productivity go hand in hand.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You'll re-
spond best to people who are clear in
their intentions, because your brain is
highly organized and loves to catego-
rize things. If what you're dealing with
can't be neatly sorted into a category,
this will be distressing, and your brain
will automatically default the thing to
the "get away from it" category.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Sad feel-
ings are normal as long as they don't
happen too often or last too long. Pro-
cessing these feelings while moving
along in a happier direction is simpler
than you would have thought when
you have a friend to help. You are es-
pecially compatible with fire signs
now: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There
are good reasons why you feel as you
do. Anyway, feelings can't be wrong or
right they just are. The big question
now is: Are these feelings helping you
to do and be your best? If not, they
must be worked through. There's a dif-
ference between noticing how you feel
and dwelling in it. Try to be bouncy.
Stay up.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Be-
fore you put all of your effort into try-
ing to fix someone's life, consider all
angles. Sometimes what looks like a
slump is actually not a slump at all,
but a lifestyle. People who are never
happy and are always mired in down-
in-the-dumps drama may like it that
way. Who are you to change that?
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You
are not an acquired taste, though
someone close to you may want you
to believe that's the case. It gives this
person power if you think that what
you have isn't interesting to everyone
around. Don't be fooled. You have
mainstream appeal, and there is
tremendous value to what you're offer-
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Un-
usual circumstances have you won-
dering about the nature of reality. You'll
think: How much of this is happening
in my head? You are wise to realize
that other people's perceptions are
bound to be different from yours. But
right now many will see the story just
as you do. This should be validating.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Intelli-
gent decisions are easier to make
when you don't need or want any-
thing. Detachment lends objectivity.
But how are you to stop wanting what
you want and needing what you
need? Play the "as if" game. Your
imagination will help you get the most
advantageous perspective.
a niche to be filled. In deciding that
you are the one to fill it, you'll take the
first step in realizing your potential.
You'll notice a chemical reaction to the
certain someone you meet next
month. This can be utilized to do ex-
cellent work together, or if single, this
could be love. The change you un-
dergo in September seems miracu-
lous, but in fact, this is just the
culmination of work you've been doing
for years. This is important: Give back
in November. Complete a mission or
begin a quest.
1 South ___
5 Nursery cry
9 Twangy
14 PAC-10 school
15 Catchall abbreviation
16 Aristocracy
17 Fed follower
18 Matador's foe
19 Divvy up
20 NYC eatery
23 The East
24 Drosometer's measurement
25 Floor protector
28 Midseason honoree
31 Surpass
34 Sandwich Islands greeting
36 One of the Village People
37 He loved Lucy
38 Jose Greco performance
42 Tennessee's state flower
43 Pop's mate
44 Kansas crop
45 And so on, for short
46 Paint the town red
49 Sample
50 Raid the icebox
51 Deice
53 1996 Oscar-winning film,
with The
60 Barn add-on
61 Peacock's pride
62 VCR button
63 Mill output
64 Republic since 1948
65 Faux pas
66 Like brine
67 Rocky Lane spoke for him
68 Brown rival
1 Plaintiff
2 Light brown
3 Sustineo ___: Air Force motto
4 Spicy dip
5 Spec
6 Schoenberg's musical style
7 Pub projectile
8 Shampoo additive
9 "___, my God, to Thee "
10 Give the go-ahead
11 Missile housing
12 Chemistry class subject
13 Tennis do-over
21 Writer Asimov
22 Go with the flow
25 White House hostess
26 Heads up
27 Like PCB
29 Jerk
30 ___ man: unanimously
31 Palindromic principle
32 First name in fashion
33 Godliness
35 Towel inscription
37 Zip-A-Dee-Doo ___
39 Valuable violin
40 Hide-hair link
41 Lived
46 Unemotionally
47 Strike caller
48 Closed, as an envelope
50 Snowy bird
52 Under the influence
53 1969 Katherine Ross role
54 Yuletide
55 Arise
56 Rapunzel's pride
57 Poet ___ Wheeler Wilcox
58 Tooth's companion
59 Hunt and peck
60 Draft letters
By Holiday Mathis
Sun Goes Drama Queen
week 7/18 - 7/24
DEAR ABBY: We have a
grown son who is married with
his own family and home. He
and his wife have jobs. My hus-
band and I are semiretired --
not rich, but we live comfort-
ably. Our credit score is great.
My son wants us to
co-sign a loan for him. I know
his credit is not good because I
get phone calls from collection
agents looking for him. We re-
ally don't want to co-sign.
How do I explain this
to him? I feel that because I'm
his mother it obligates me. I am
also afraid he will stop letting
us see the grandkids if I refuse.
DEAR SCARED: Since debt
collectors are calling because
your son isn't paying his bills,
do not co-sign for a loan for
him! If you do, you could wind
up having to pay it off your-
Your son is an adult.
That you are his mother does
not obligate you to assume re-
sponsibility in case he doesn't
pay his bills. If he retaliates by
not allowing you to see the
grandkids, so be it. If you
knuckle under to emotional
blackmail, it won't stop, and it
could affect your standard of
living for the rest of your lives.
DEAR ABBY: I'm in high
school and my daddy just
passed away. I want to know
why I have so much anger and
hurt about this. I feel like he
never got to see me reach any
of my goals in life. The main
goal was to see my graduation.
What is the best way
I can get my mind off this? --
sorry for your loss, which is a
particularly difficult one at your
It's important that you
understand the feelings you are
experiencing are normal. Anger
is a part of the grieving process,
and it may take some time for
you to get beyond it.
The best way to "get
your mind off this" would be to
find a safe place to TALK about
it. A grief support group would
be helpful. Your clergyperson
could help you find one and so
could your family doctor.
DEAR ABBY: I am writing
regarding the letter from "Ap-
preciative in Hitchcock, Texas"
(June 17) about the importance
of sending thank-you notes.
Maybe this will help
others: When our three children
were young, we had a "note
rule." When they received a
present, they had five days to
write the note. If written within
two days, the note only had to
be three lines long. On the third
day, it was four lines. On the
fourth day, five lines. On the
fifth day -- the gift went to
None of them ever
complained about doing their
notes, and it became a habit
while growing up. We were
proud of each of them when
their wedding thank-yous were
out within a week! -- STRICT
ENTS: Good for you! You
taught your children that there
were consequences for shirking
responsibility. That's an impor-
tant lesson because the same is
true when they become adults.
DEAR ABBY: I was wonder-
ing, do you ever read a letter
and say to yourself, "If this is
all you have to worry about,
you're lucky"? -- JEFF IN
DEAR JEFF: No. I have
more respect for my readers
than that. However, many peo-
ple have written me to say that
after reading the letters that ap-
pear in my column, they felt
Dear Abby is written by Abigail
Van Buren, also known as
Jeanne Phillips, and was
founded by her mother, Pauline
Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O.
Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
DEAR ABBY by Abigail Van Buren
Museums and Galleries
By Glenda Winders
In 1917, essayist and critic H.L. Mencken wrote
an article titled "Sahara of the Bozart" in which
he deliberately misspelled beaux arts and de-
scribed the South as "almost as sterile, artisti-
cally, intellectually, culturally, as the Sahara
Desert." How differently he would perceive this
area if he could visit today!
Thanks to writers such as Tennessee Williams,
Eudora Welty and William Faulkner, the South
has long had a presence in the literary world, but
what recently put it on the visual-arts map was
the 2011 opening of the Crystal Bridges Museum
of American Art in Bentonville, Ark.
The project of Alice Walton, daughter of Wal-
Mart mogul Sam Walton, it was at first some-
what controversial. Critics feared that by buying
up important pieces of art and sequestering them
in her small Arkansas hometown, she might pre-
clude them from ever being seen again. Most
significant was Asher Durand's iconic "Kindred
Spirits," which had hung in the New York City
Library since it was donated by the daughter of
William Cullen Bryant one of the figures in
the painting in 1904.
"Alice Walton was always interested in art," said
Laura Jacobs, the museum's director of commu-
nications. "As a child she bought a reproduction
of a Picasso painting from her father's store, and
as an adult she began collecting art."
Now Walton has created a museum that attracts
visitors from all over the world with pieces
arranged chronologically to re-
flect the development of
the country as
well as the art. The path begins with
James Wooldridge's "Indians of
Virginia" from the 1600s and
moves past Gilbert Stuart's por-
trait of George Washington,
George Inness' "Sunset on the
River" and Winslow Homer's "The Return of the
It continues with such paintings as Frederick
Remington's "Cowpuncher's Lullaby," Thomas
Hart Benton's "Ploughing It Under" and Georgia
O'Keeffe's "Mask With Golden Apple," finally
ending up
with Norman Rockwell's "Rosie the Riveter" and
works by Edward Hopper, Andrew Wyeth,
Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock. While
they can't all be dis-
played at once,
there are
2,500 pieces
in the permanent
The paintings and sculpture
inside, however, are just part of
the story. The complex of build-
ings designed by Moshe Safdie
is also noteworthy in that he
was able to situate them on and
around Crystal Springs, where Alice had
played as a child, with minimal interruption of
the surrounding landscape.
"The museum was founded on four principles
art, architecture, education and nature all
equal," said Scott Eccleston, director of facilities
and grounds. "Alice wanted people to be drawn
inside by the art and outside by nature. The land-
scape sets the tone for the experience."
Outside are walking trails of different lengths
and skill levels, native plants, ponds, trees and
sculpture, and trail guides are available to talk
about every aspect of the grounds, including how
Native Americans used the plants as medicine.
One trail connects with a path through
Compton Gardens, the neighboring
property of Dr. Neil Compton,
who was known as the "savior
of the Buffalo River" for
his activism in preventing
a dam to be built there.
Today his home is a
museum and nature
center that in-
cludes woodland streams, a canopy cover of
trees, native ferns, his collection of azaleas and
many more plants that use no fertilizer or irriga-
The path then leads on to downtown Bentonville
and the 21C hotel. While there are many places
to stay in town, anyone visiting the area specifi-
cally to see the art might opt for this unusual ac-
"It is first and foremost a museum," said Blair
Cromwell of the local convention and visitors
bureau, "but it happens to have guest rooms."
Indeed, the hotel (and its sister facilities in
Louisville, Ky., and Cincinnati, Ohio) was the
brainchild of Steve Wilson and Lorelei Brown,
husband and wife art collectors who wanted to
share what they had amassed in a casual, creative
way. The collection of 3,000 works of art rotates
every six months, and every guest room contains
artwork created by Brown.
"Here you bump into art while you're minding
your own business," said Dayton Castleman, mu-
seum manager. "There's no compulsion to reach
a verdict."
Continues on next
travel anD aDventure
More than 8 million "bluebirds of happiness"
have been created at Terra Studios near
Fayetteville, Ark., since they opened in
1975. Photo courtesy of Glenda Winders.
Put Artistic Arkansas on the Map
The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville
everyDay cheapSkate by Mary hunt
Continued from page 20
Just a half-hour away is Fayetteville, home of
the University of Arkansas and the nearby Fayet-
teville Underground, a fine-art collective where
artists who live and work in the northwest part of
the state display their wares. Among the group
are painters, photographers, sculptors, potters
and mixed-media artists.
A short drive east leads to Terra Studios, which
rightfully bills itself as "a wonderland of art."
Sculpture gardens, a stone labyrinth, giant-size
chess games, a glass-blowing studio and a
gallery of 90 regional artists (some of whom live
on the property) fill the 10-acre park. There's a
Wizard Cave with a throne room, and the rub-
bish bins are pottery "trash trolls."
The operation was established in 1975 by Leo
Ward, a master glass craftsman who created a
"bluebird of happiness" that isn't produced any-
where else in the world. Today Jamie Ulick and
Val Gonzalez have taken over the operation of
the park with the mission of "using art to make a
better world." To this end, classes to train young
artists are a big part of what goes on here.
A side trip to Fort Smith, an hour south, is worth
the drive to see the Fort Smith Regional Art Mu-
seum. Formerly housed in a historic home, the
facility moved in January to a renovated bank
building in order to have room for its permanent
collection of 200 pieces, traveling shows, exhibi-
tions of local and regional artists, and invita-
tional juried competitions.
"A lot of our visitors have never been to a mu-
seum," said Lee Ortega, executive director."A
big part of our job is to break down barriers and
make art accessible."
A 2 1/2-hour drive southeast leads to Little
Rock, the state capital, where there is also a
great deal of art to be seen. The centerpiece is
the impressive Arkansas Arts Center, which, in
addition to being an art museum is also a per-
forming arts center that offers live theater pro-
ductions, lectures and films.
The center offers 300 classes each year in the
areas of drawing, painting, watercolor, wood-
working, ceramics and jewelry-making. It also
supports the "Artmobile" an 18-wheeler filled
with paintings that travels around the state and
visits school.
Besides being a hive of activity, however, the
museum also has a substantial permanent collec-
tion with an emphasis on drawings. Among its
treasures are pieces by Peter Paul Rubens, Henri
Matisse and Pablo Picasso. An upcoming exhibit
will bring the paintings of Rembrandt to
Arkansas for the first time.
Not far away is Hearne Fine Arts, an art gallery
and bookstore that showcases African-American
art and literature exclusively.
"There was no place focused on African-Ameri-
can art and culture," said director Garbo Hearne.
"It was important to me and my husband that our
three children have that culture to be raised in."
A recent exhibit titled "Beautiful Uprising" fea-
tured the woodcut and linoleum block-print por-
traiture of LaToya Hobbs. Also on display were
stone sculptures by Bryan Massey and mixed-
media paintings by Rex Deloney.
Art continues into the evening in Little Rock
with two restaurants whose mission is to pro-
mote the arts. South on Main was recently
opened by the creators of the Oxford American
magazine to showcase Southern cuisine as well
as preserve the regional culture through literary
readings, musical performances and film screen-
ings, with the programs being broadcast nation-
The Starving Artist Cafe combines food for the
body with food for the soul in a monthly pro-
gram titled "Tales From the South," which fea-
tures Southerners reading their own true stories.
Glenda Winders is a freelance writer.
when you go
Hearn Fine Art in Little Rock, Ark., special-
izes in paintings, sculpture and books cre-
ated by African-American artists and
writers. Photo courtesy of Hearn Fine Art.
Crystal Bridges Museum of American
Compton Gardens:
21C Museum Hotel:
Fayetteville Underground:
Terra Studios:
Fort Smith Regional Art Museum:
Arkansas Arts Center:
Hearne Fine Arts:
South on Main:
Starving Artist Cafe:
The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville has put Arkansas on the map
as a destination for viewing fine art. Photo courtesy of Tim Hursley/Crystal Bridges Mu-
seum of American Art.
How to Bag the
Cheap Seats
This Summer
Got plans for air travel this summer? Here are
some handy tricks to land the cheapest fares pos-
sible. But first, a little story ...
Weather delays that caused
one of my flights to circle
over Dallas for what
seemed like forever
brought out the chat-
ter bug in me
and several of my
seat-mates. We compared the fares we'd paid for
our round-trip tickets from Orange County, Calif.,
to Dallas. It was shocking.
One fellow paid twice as much as I, while another
came in considerably lower. What makes the dif-
ference? Lots of things, say travel experts, some
of which remains known to the airline industry
alone. But there's a lot we can know and things
we can do to make sure we bag the best bargains
on airfare this summer.
BEST TIME TO BOOK. The magical hour to
shop for cheap airfare is 3 p.m. Eastern on a Tues-
day. Historically, says Rick Seaney, CEO and co-
founder of and owner of the
world's largest database of current and historical
airfares, Monday night is when the major airlines
announce sales. This triggers other airlines to try
to match those sales on Tuesday. It takes a few
hours to get through the system, says Seaney,
making 3 p.m. the time when the most cheap seats
flood the system. Don't wait until the weekend to
buy your tickets because fares tend to creep back
up by then, adds travel expert Peter Greenberg.
CHEAPEST DAYS TO FLY. The cheapest days
to fly are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, says
Seaney. It's all about supply and demand and
since historically these are the days that fewer
businesspeople fly, more seats are available. And
the cheapest time to fly is the first flight of the
day, flights that originate around noon and those
at dinnertime. Why? Most people don't want to
have to get up that early to get to the airport, nor
do they prefer to fly at mealtime.
WHEN TO SHOP. Traveling next November?
Don't book your flight quite yet. With airline
travel, earlier is not always better. According to
Greenberg, the ideal time frame to book a flight is
between 45 and 35 days ahead of your departure
Continues on next page
liFelong health by Dr. DaviD lipSchitz
Questioning Can Avoid Unnecessary Procedures
USA Today recently published
a lead article titled Under
the knife for noth-
ing. The article noted that
every year thousands of Ameri-
cans undergo unnecessary sur-
gery "that maims and even
Quoting a series of large stud-
ies in which experts evaluated
whether certain procedures
were medically necessary, the
article reported that 20 percent
of cardiac pacemakers were un-
necessary, as were significant
numbers of colonoscopies (43
percent), cardiac angioplasties
(12 percent), back surgeries (17
percent), Caesarian sections
(36.5 percent), total hip re-
placements (26 percent), hys-
terectomies (17 percent) and
total knee replacements (36
Many would argue that an
opinion by one expert that a
procedure is unnecessary is ar-
bitrary and questionable, but
there is more solid information
about unnecessary surgeries.
Compelling information comes
from comparisons of surgical
procedures in the United States
and Canada, Australia, Britain
and Europe. While long-term
survival and outcomes after a
heart attack are identical or bet-
ter elsewhere, the numbers of
angioplasties and open-heart
surgeries are substantially
higher in the United States.
The same applies to every other
surgical procedure performed
for chronic conditions, such as
back pain, osteoarthritis or gy-
necological problems.
If anything, unnecessary sur-
geries are increasing. A good
example is the growth in ad-
vanced technology prostatec-
tomies for low-risk prostate
cancer. This increase can be at-
tributed almost exclusively to
the availability of robotic sur-
gery, using the Da Vinci ma-
chine. It is now widely
accepted that these cancers
should be treated more conser-
Today, robotic technology is
used more frequently to treat
other surgical problems. While
adding to the cost, there is little
evidence that outcomes are any
better using robotic surgery
compared with other standard
microsurgical procedures.
USA Today placed most of the
blame on physicians who per-
formed unnecessary surgery
because they were "immoral,
indifferent or incompetent." In
my view, the truth is far more
complicated. The vast majority
of physicians is honorable and
sincerely believes that their ap-
proach to care is appropriate.
They have received extensive
training in high-technology
care, have seen tangible bene-
fits in individual patients and
honestly question as incorrect
and flawed any information to
the contrary.
While their motives may be
honorable, financial implica-
tions always cloud and influ-
ence the decision-making
process. Medicine is a busi-
ness; profit is the motive, and
the greater the use of high-tech-
nology procedures (whether
necessary or not), the greater
the reward.
Hospitals (whether for-profit or
not) are driven by revenue, tout
their sophisticated equipment,
advertising it "as the first of its
kind in the state." They all have
"the best, most highly trained
experts," offer one-of-a-kind
care and earmark resources not
where most needed but where
profit is the highest.
Made worse is the fact that
government and commercial
insurance pay more for proce-
dures, and the more you do, the
greater the pay. And if a mis-
take is made and more proce-
dures are needed, more
payments and more rewards.
Fortunately, winds of change
are in the air. Plans are being
examined to tie payments to
quality care and cost-effective-
ness rather than the number of
procedures performed. And
greater control by primary care
physicians in avoiding unnec-
essary tests, procedures and
specialist referrals may have a
positive impact.
Most importantly,
you the patient must
be more skeptical
and educated.
For any Nona cute test or sur-
gery, always understand and
expect answers to the following
questions. "Explain the diagno-
sis to me in detail?" "Will the
operation prolong my life or
improve the quality of my
life?" "What are the chances
that the surgery will succeed?"
What are the side
effects? "Are there any
less dangerous or less invasive
alternatives that have a similar
chance of success?"
Ask for information in writing
so that you and your family can
evaluate and be actively in-
volved in the decision-making
Also understand who is doing
the surgery and where. Ask,
Will you be doing
the surgery yourself
or will an assistant
or surgical resident
do it? How many
procedures have
you done? How
often do you have a
And finally, remember that
these days, the Internet is a
mound of information.
Dr. David Lipschitz is the au-
thor of the book "Breaking the
Rules of Aging." More informa-
tion is available at:
Continued from page 21
BOOK ONLINE? You might assume that these days, with so
many ways to compare travel at sites like and Trave-, becoming your own travel agent is the best way to go.
But maybe not. It can't hurt to call the airline directly to speak
with an agent, asking this simple question: "Can you beat that
price?" You may be delightfully surprised.
OFF-SEASON LOCATIONS. If you're open to exploring off-sea-
son destinations, you'll be rewarded with cheap fares. Go where
it's off-season in the summer, like Palm Springs, Calif., and
Scottsdale, Ariz. Just make sure you're prepared to stay hydrated
and protected from daily temperatures that can soar to 110 degrees
or higher!
Mary Hunt is the founder of, a per-
sonal finance member website. You can email her at mary@every-, or write to Everyday Cheapskate,
P.O. Box 2099, Cypress, CA 90630.
Cheap Seats...
Dr. David Lipschitz
a greener view by JeFF rugg
Sedge and
Question: Do you know of
any surefire way of getting rid
of yellow sedge from our
lawn? We have been fighting
this stuff for 3 years. We in-
stalled new septic lines and
added more topsoil, then
planted new grass seed. We
think it was in the topsoil, but
now it is spreading into beds
not even near the lawn.
Answer: Nut grass and nut
sedge are other names for
this sedge. If you cut a stem
and look at the cross-section
you will see that it is triangular
not round. It grows with under-
ground roots and stems and
unlike grass it also has tubers.
All are capable of respouting if
the top is pulled off. It also
spreads through seeds.
Persistence is the key to con-
quering it. The best attack
method is to use everything at
once and to keep doing it until
it is gone. Don't let any of it go
to seed and use a pre-emer-
gent weed killer in the fall and
spring to prevent the seeds
from sprouting. Even if you
have killed the existing plants,
the seeds can sprout and re-
plant the whole area again.
Pull the plants and runners
out where ever you can find it
easy to do so, such as in
flower beds with loose soil
and mulch. Use a spray that
includes nut grass or nut
sedge on the label and follow
the directions for lawn and
groundcover areas. Don't
overdose the grass or you
may injure it. Steady, slow
progress is better than trying
a quick kill. Weakened lawns
can allow more weed growth,
so keep up with fertilizing and
watering the lawn. But, don't
over water the lawn, as
sedges grow best in water-
logged soil that kills grass.
Many weeds will come back in
a weakened state after a
weed treatment, but nut
sedge has larger stores of
food in the tubers, so it can
recover quicker. You have to
keep treating it until the ma-
ture plants are dead, and then
you have to prevent the seeds
from establishing a new popu-
Question: I have several
red twig dogwoods that don't
have many red stems any
more. Should I dig them out
and start over?
Answer: You don't have to
dig them up. Red and yellow
twig dogwoods and other
shrubs planted for their stem
colors often need to be re-
newed through pruning. The
pretty stems are usually the
youngest ones. After a couple
of years, the color goes away
on the stem as it develops a
woody and corky bark.
Each spring, we prune out
one quarter of the stems on
flowering shrubs to get lots of
new flowering stems for the
future, but we don't realize
that we can do the same thing
on shrubs grown for other rea-
sons. Just count the number
of stems and prune out one
for every five you count. It may
take a couple of years to get
back to all red stems, but
once back, it will remain that
way. If you want to, you can
prune all of the old woody
stems out. The dogwood will
respond by sending out lots
more stems.
Email questions to Jeff Rugg
viDeo gaMe reviewS by Jeb haught
Free Public Museum Tour
Saturday, July 20, 2013 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Small groups and individuals are
invited to explore the El Paso Mu-
seum of Archaeology galleries
with our Curator, George Maloof,
III. Large groups can schedule
their own free tour on another day
by calling 915-755-4332.
Visitors learn about the prehis-
toric people of El Paso and Mex-
ico. Theyll take a journey through
14,000 years of El Pasos Indian
heritage including the Paleoindi-
ans, Archaic hunter-gatherers, Pit
Dweller-Horticulturalists, Pueblo,
Manso, Piro, Suma, Tigua and
Mescalero Apache. The mu-
seums galleries also include
Casas Grandes culture and the
ancient city of Paquime in Chi-
huahua, and the major regions of
ancient Mexico West, Central,
North and Maya.
Reservations are not necessary
but contact the museum with the
number of people in your group if
you plan to attend at 915-755-4332
Museum Location: El Paso Mu-
seum of Archaeology, 4301 Trans-
mountain Road, El Paso, Texas
79924 in Northeast El Paso
Information: 915-755-4332;
Group viewing diorama of Mescalero Apache Mountain Spirit Dancers
courtesy of the El Paso Museum of Archaeology
Free Admission
'The Last of Us' is an Enthralling
DEVELOPER: Naughty Dog
SYSTEM: Sony PlayStation 3
PRICE: $59.99
REVIEW RATING: 5.0 stars (out
of 5)
"Resident Evil" introduced
gamers to the concept of survival
horror with chilling results, but
the series has transformed so
much that it now offers more ac-
tion than dread. Fear not horror
fans, or perhaps, fear much, be-
cause Sony's new survival title,
"The Last of Us," title provides
ample horror without relying on
outdated scare tactics.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world
twenty years after a deadly infec-
tion has wiped out most of Amer-
ica's population, this story takes
players on a roller-coaster of
emotion. The main character,
Joel, is not only an atypical hero,
but he also isn't necessarily a
good guy. In fact, he has to be co-
erced into accepting the arduous
mission of escorting a young girl
to safety.
Ellie is the young girl, and,
thankfully, she isn't a cowering
damsel in distress. Instead,
this plucky youngster has a
strong mind of her own, which
helps her become Joel's moral
compass. What sets the story
apart is the exploration into how
far people are willing to go in
order to survive, which also helps
forge the relationship between
these two unique characters.
In addition to fighting and avoid-
ing other desperate humans, Joel
and Ellie will have to battle in-
fected creatures that are as deadly
as they are ugly. Adding to the
tension is the fact that most ene-
mies don't lumber around like
zombies, but instead run right at
players! Even scarier
are the blind "clickers"
that accurately hone in
on sound once they're disturbed.
Scarce resources and plentiful en-
emies forces players to be re-
sourceful in their endeavors.
Fortunately, makeshift weapons
including knives and bombs can
be crafted out of everyday materi-
als scavenged from the surround-
ings. Sneaking around without
attracting attention is also neces-
sary to avoid groups of enemies,
and using guns is also very effec-
tive if you can find ammunition.
To put it bluntly, "The Last of
Us" is a truly exceptional game.
1 s
r =
't B
Avoiding a cats gaze
attracts his attention
Why, in a room
full of people, will
a cat invariably
make a beeline
to the one person
in the room who
hates or is aller-
gic to cats? Cats
dont like eye
contact from
strangers they
find it intimidat-
ing. When a
friendly cat wan-
ders into a room,
hell notice that
all the people
who like cats are
looking at him.
So he heads for
the one who he
thinks is being
polite the per-
son who isnt
looking at him.
The cat doesnt
realize that the
person isnt looking because he doesnt want the cat near him.
Its just a little bit of cross-species miscommunication.
Natura Pet Products has again recalled products
across much of its dry food brand line for salmonella concerns.
The products include Innova Dry, EVO, California Natural,
Healthwise, Karma and Mother Nature. Recall alerts are avail-
able on the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations website, which
can be accessed at
Keeping on top of ticks is more important than ever
with the emergence and spread of Lyme disease. The Compan-
ion Animal Parasite Council reports that the disease contin-
ues to spread beyond its well-established base in the
Northeast and eastern Midwest Unites States and is
now found in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio,
Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and North
Carolina. Lyme is one of a handful of
tick-borne diseases that affect peo-
ple and pets alike. Talk to your vet-
erinarian about effective parasite
control for your pet. A map of Lyme
disease in the U.S. can be found at
the associations website, petand-
Dr. Marty Becker and Gina
No problem telling the
girls from boys
In most species of parrots
kept as pets, the only way to
tell males from females is with
a DNA test or surgical sexing.
Thats not the case with the
Eclectus parrot: Males are a
vivid Kelly green, while fe-
males sport feathers of bright
red and royal blue.
Scientists at Cornell Univer-
sity have discovered the muta-
tion that turns a benign
intestinal virus into a cat-killer.
In identifying the mutation
that turns feline enteric
coronavirus into
feline infectious peri-
tonitis, the research
teams work may lead
to accurate diagnos-
tics and effective
treatments for FIP,
which is typically
fatal. Led by virol-
ogist Dr. Gary
Whittaker of the
College of
the discov-
ery may also lead
to effective treat-
ments for related
diseases that af-
fect people.
Cats are able to squeeze
through narrow spaces because
they dont have a rigid collar-
bone to block their way. A cats
whiskers super-sensitive,
specialized hairs spread
roughly as wide as a cat does,
helping the animal to judge
which nooks and crannies are
worth trying. But whiskers
dont grow longer as a cat gets
wider, which can lead some
corpulent cats into sticky situa-
Dr. Marty Becker and Gina
Cats dont like direct eye contact, which
is why they tend to avoid people who are
staring at them.
The stunning plumage of
the Eclectus parrot is
also key to identifying the
birds gender.
Mini-Kitchen? Make
It Grow
Q: We bought our apartment
last year while prices and inter-
est rates were low, so we told
ourselves it didn't matter that
the kitchen was crowded and
dark. It does matter!
Can you give us some guide-
lines on how to open it up some
without spending a fortune in
A: I asked an expert. Kitchen
designing calls for a specialist,
a designer who also under-
stands ingredients such as elec-
trical and plumbing and
load-bearing walls.
My expert of choice is John
Buscarello, a New York de-
signer who discovered his
niche in kitchens because he
loves to cook and eat. It's a
niche he fills often many
New Yorkers have kitchens
they can barely squeeze into.
John also practices
what he preaches: The
warm galley kitchen we show
here is his own. What started
out as a scant 12-foot long and
7-foot wide gained some 3
extra feet of space when John
knocked out the wall that sepa-
rated it from the hallway
(where the poster hangs). He
also triaged the hall coat closet
and pulled that space into the
Wherever you find it, every
square foot is precious, John
believes. "A small closed-in
kitchen feels claustrophobic. I
often end up opening kitchens
to adjoining rooms."
What if you can't actually reno-
vate the space? "If you can't
make it bigger, make it a
jewel," the designer advises.
Among his suggestions:
Forget white. "People
think you have to paint small
spaces white or light colors.
That just equals bland! Add
spice with color real color
on the backsplash, on the
ceiling. ... Say, a light blue or
green. Or pink! I've put a fleshy
pink tone of the ceiling of a
kitchen that had pink cabinets.
Make the ceiling color inten-
sive enough to read."
Consider glass tiles
for the backsplash.
"Glass adds dimension. And it's
easy to clean." (John's come
from Artistic Tile,
Use cabinets with
glass-fronted doors. "To
show off decorative dishes. Not
such a good idea if you're stor-
ing cereal boxes." (John's
maple cabinets are by Wood-
Light it lovely. Under-
cabinet lighting strips (and out-
let strips) are attractive and
effective over work counters.
Continues on page 35
By Rose Bennett Gilbert
Small is beautiful when you use space-enhancing ingredients, such as glass tile,
glass-fronted cabinets and strategic lighting. Photo: Ariel Camilo
Continued from page 31
Floor show. In tight spaces, John
favors large-format (12 x 24 inch) porce-
lain tiles. "Big tiles make the floor itself
look bigger," he reports.
Q: Feeling in the pink?
A: You're right on trend, according to a
crew of professional forecasting compa-
nies who came from around the globe to
look into the future of design at last
month's SURTEX in New York. It's the
leading trade show for the sale and li-
censing of original art, so the forecasters
drew rapt attention from the artists, man-
ufacturers and retailers who were there
seeking the next big thing for 2014/2015.
Whatever that turns out to be, it'll proba-
bly be pink. "Pink is coming of age. ...
Pink is big-time," declared Emmanuelle
Linard of Edelkoort.
For men, too, concurred Kim Palmeter of
Pantone, who added that the pink-to-
come will not be your cliche baby shade.
Think of a pink that's "less sugary and
more faded," she explained.
It's also fashionable to be tickled pink,
according to Cassandra Tsaknis of Style-
sight. Among the future trends she cited
is "Rapture," because "life is better when
you are laughing." There's even an app
for it, she said. It's called the "Serendip-
Rose Bennett Gilbert is the co-author of
"Manhattan Style" and six other books on
interior design.
Rose Bennett Gilbert
Q: Our heirloom couch is long and
low. It dates back to the l960s, when
people must have liked their seating
closer to the floor. Anyway, the couch
used to look fine in our old house
where we had it under a big window.
In our new house, there's no window
wall, and it doesn't work. It just looks
lost against the bare wall. What to do?
A: You've got to accentuate the nega-
tive. Put something important on that
bare wall so it forms a unit with your
low couch. Give it stature, if you will.
A couple of easy suggestions: Stand a
tall, attractive screen behind the couch
(you can make one yourself from
wood shelving boards hinged together
and then wallpapered).
Continues on next page
Closing ranks above a tufted sofa, a dozen framed woodcuts turn a wall into
the focal point of this red-white-and-blue sitting room. Photo: Courtesy
Pearson Furniture
Continued from page 35
A variation on that theme: Hang a large tapestry,
quilt or other interesting fabric on that wall.
Even more dramatic, take a leaf from gifted de-
signer Jennifer McConnell of Pearson Furniture,
who turned a ho-hum wall into a focal point, cre-
ating visual architecture with a dozen reproduc-
tion woodcut portraits of ancient Roman rulers.
The portraits are actually quite small, but Jen-
nifer aggrandized them with oversized picture
mats and frames, hung close together so they
form a unit over the sofa.
Who could resist coming in for a close-up look at
the art (from Chelsea House, Inc., and then lingering on the ele-
gant tufted sofa below it? This study in red,
white and blue also features classic tufted chairs,
benches that prance on little bronze hooves, and
a centerpiece of a red ottoman, a surprise stand-
in for the usual cocktail table, all new from Pear-
son Furniture (
The Low-Down on Low Furniture...
Big Ideas for Tiny Baths
Rose Bennett Gilbert
Q: How come you never talk about redecorating
a bath? We have one so tiny my husband can
touch both sidewalls with his elbows! We're
thinking of remodeling, keeping the same floor
space (5 x 7 feet) and changing fixtures and
maybe the tile, which goes a half-wall up over
the tub. We need inspiration and information.
A: A dose of experience wouldn't hurt either.
Who would have rehabbed more tiny baths than a
designer working in New York City, where every
square inch of space is precious? So I've picked
the talented brain of designer John Buscarello
(, who specializes in making
more of less.
The bath we show here is as space-deprived as
yours, a weenie 5 x 7-ft. But John has waved his
magic shoehorn and made it feel both larger and
quite elegant in the process. Among of his pro-
fessional suggestions:
Get rid of your tired old tub. Ditto whatever
"dreary" shower curtain goes with it. That space
is better spent on an updated standing shower be-
hind a stationary glass panel (a 30-inch opening
lets you not splashes out on one side).
Think tile allover. Tiling right up to and
often, over the ceiling, European-style, will
put your old-fashioned bath in a sleek, contempo-
rary mood. Here, John has used subway (rectan-
gular) tile but stacked, instead of staggering, it
"to create a more modern feel."
Work magic with mirrors. Not only are mir-
rors de rigueur in any bath, they double the space
you see. John also doubled their usefulness, in-
stalling a pair of matching mirrored wall cabinets
over the pedestal sink.
Aggrandize the floor. Never mind that it's
small. Laying oversized tile John used 12 x
24-inch porcelain tile will make the space
look much larger.
Other tips from the pro: "Don't be afraid of
color in the bath," John counsels. The owner of
this apartment was looking for tranquility in her
new bath, he reports.
Hence his choice of cool, calming aqua tile. An-
other colorful idea: Create a feature wall with
tile. Or opt for a paint color that speaks to you.
"Just be sure to choose a paint that has a sheen
finish" for both practical and esthetic reasons, he
A once-ordinary small bath makes quite a splash
with aqua tile, glass shower wall and a double-
helping of mirrored cabinets. Photo Courtesy of
John A. Buscarello, Inc. Interior Design.
Now Showing
Open Nationwide 07/03/13
Runtime 98 min
MPAA Rating PG for Rude Humor,
Mild Action.
Starring Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig,
Benjamin Bratt, Miranda Cosgrove,
Russell Brand, Steve Coogan, Ken
Jeong, Elsie Fisher, Dana Gaier, Moises
Arias, Nasim Pedrad, Kristen Schaal,
Pierre Coffin
Genre Comedy, Animated
Synopsis Now that Gru (Steve Carell)
has forsaken a life of crime to raise
Margo, Agnes and Edith, he's trying to
figure out how to provide for his new family. As he struggles with
his responsibilities as a father, the Anti-Villain League -- an organi-
zation dedicated to fighting evil -- comes calling. The AVL sends
Gru on a mission to capture the perpetrator of a spectacular heist,
for who would be better than the world's greatest ex-villain to cap-
ture the individual who seeks to usurp his power.
Open Nationwide 06/28/13
Runtime 137 min
MPAA Rating PG-13 for Seq of In-
tense Action Violence, Intense Gun-
fire and Explosions, A Brief Sexual
Image, Some Language.
Genre Action, Thriller
Synopsis Capitol police officer John
Cale (Channing Tatum) has just
been denied his dream job of pro-
tecting President James Sawyer
(Jamie Foxx) as a member of the
Secret Service. Not wanting to dis-
appoint his young daughter with the bad news, Cale takes her on a
tour of the White House. While he and his daughter are there, a
heavily armed paramilitary group attacks and seizes control. As the
nation's government dissolves in chaos, only Cale can save his
daughter, the president and the country.
Open Nationwide 07/03/13
Runtime 135 min
MPAA Rating PG-13 for Seq of In-
tense Action Violence, Some Sugges-
tive Material.
Starring Johnny Depp, Armie Ham-
mer, Tom Wilkinson, William Ficht-
ner, Barry Pepper, James Badge Dale,
Ruth Wilson, Helena Bonham Carter
Genre Western, Adventure, Action
Synopsis Fate brings together Native
American spirit warrior Tonto (Johnny
Depp) and white lawman John Reid
(Armie Hammer) to join forces in the never-ending battle
against corruption and greed.
Pacific Rim
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Science fiction, Adventure, Action
Long ago, legions of monstrous creatures
called Kaiju arose from the sea, bringing
with them all-consuming war. To fight the
Kaiju, mankind developed giant robots
called Jaegers, designed to be piloted by
two humans locked together in a neural
bridge. However, even the Jaegers are not
enough to defeat the Kaiju, and humanity is on the verge of de-
feat. Mankind's last hope now lies with a washed-up ex-pilot
(Charlie Hunnam), an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) and an
old, obsolete Jaeger.
Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Diego Klattenhoff, Idris Elba, Rinko
Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Burn Gorman, Max Martini, Rob Kazin-
sky, Clifton Collins Jr., Ron Perlman, Brad William Henke, Larry
Joe Campbell, Mana Ashida
Grown Ups 2
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Comedy
Lenny Feder (Adam Sandler)
moves his family back to his
hometown to be with his friends,
but he finds that -- between old
bullies, new bullies, party crash-
ers and more -- he didn't leave the
crazy life behind in Los Angeles.
Lenny's friends must also cope
with their own challenges: Eric
(Kevin James) must face his ulti-
mate fear: Kurt (Chris Rock) has
gone back to work as a cable repairman: Marcus (David Spade)
learns that he has an 18-year-old son.
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David
Spade, Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, Maria Bello, Nick Sward-
son, Colin Quinn, Tim Meadows, Shaquille O'Neal, Alexander
Ludwig, Georgia Engel, Peter Dante, Oliver Hudson, Allen
Covert, Steve Austin, Milo Ventimiglia, Jake Goldberg,
Cameron Boyce, Alexys Nycole Sanchez
Open Nationwide 07/17/13
Runtime 96 min
MPAA Rating PG for Thematic Elements, Some Mild Action.
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Michael Pea, Samuel L. Jackson, Luis
Guzmn, Bill Hader, Snoop Dogg, Maya Rudolph, Ben Schwartz, Richard Jenkins,
Ken Jeong, Michelle Rodriguez, Michael Patrick Bell
Genre Comedy, Adventure, Animated
Synopsis Turbo (Ryan Reynolds) is a speed-obsessed snail with an unusual dream:
to become the world's greatest racer. This odd snail gets a chance to leave his slow-
paced life behind when a freak accident gives him the power of superspeed. Newly
revved-up, Turbo embarks on an extraordinary quest to enter and win the Indianapo-
lis 500. Accompanied by a dedicated pit crew of trash-talking adrenaline junkies,
Turbo becomes the ultimate underdog by refusing to let his limitations get in the
way of his dreams.
Open Nationwide 07/19/13
Runtime 111 min
MPAA Rating R for Disturbing Violence
and Terror.
Starring Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson,
Lili Taylor, Ron Livingston, Shanley
Caswell, Haley McFarland, Joey King,
Mackenzie Foy, Kyla Deaver, Shannon
Kook, John Brotherton, Sterling Jerins,
Marion Guyot, Morganna Bridgers, Amy
Tipton, Steve Coulter
Genre Horror
Synopsis In 1970, paranormal investiga-
tors and demonologists Lorraine (Vera
Farmiga) and Ed (Patrick Wilson) Warren are summoned to the
home of Carolyn (Lili Taylor) and Roger (Ron Livingston) Perron.
The Perrons and their five daughters have recently moved into a
secluded farmhouse, where a supernatural presence has made itself
known. Though the manifestations are relatively benign at first,
events soon escalate in horrifying fashion, especially after the War-
rens discover the house's macabre history.
Red 2
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Action, Comedy
Former CIA black-ops agent Frank
Moses (Bruce Willis) and his old part-
ner, Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich),
are caught in the grip of retirement --
but that soon changes when a powerful
Cold War weapon known as Night-
shade resurfaces decades after its disap-
pearance. With assassins hot on their
trail, Frank and his team set out to find
the one scientist (Anthony Hopkins) who can unravel the mystery
of Nightshade and help them save themselves -- and the world.
2D IRON MAN 3 (PG-13) | 10:40 am
| 1:50 pm | 4:45 pm | 7:45 pm | 10:40 pm
| 12:05 pm | 3:35 pm | 7:05 pm | 10:30 pm
*2D R.I.P.D. (PG-13) | 9:45 am | 10:25 am
| 12:05 pm | 2:20 pm | 3:20 pm | 4:40 pm
| 7:10 pm | 9:30 pm
*3D R.I.P.D. (PG-13) | 10:15 am
| 1:00 pm | 5:40 pm | 8:00 pm | 10:35 pm
| 12:40 pm | 4:00 pm | 7:15 pm | 10:20 pm
*DIRTY WARS (NR) | 10:20 am
| 12:30 pm | 2:50 pm | 5:15 pm | 7:35 pm
EN ESPANOL) (R) | 11:50 am | 2:25 pm
| 5:00 pm | 7:50 pm | 10:40 pm
EN ESPANOL (PG-13) | 9:45 pm
FAST & FURIOUS 6 (PG-13) | 9:50 am
| 12:50 pm | 4:00 pm | 7:25 pm | 10:30 pm
GIRL MOST LIKELY (PG-13) | 11:45 am
| 2:15 pm | 4:55 pm | 7:35 pm | 10:05 pm
| 10:45 am | 1:00 pm | 3:15 pm | 5:30 pm
| 7:45 pm | 10:00 pm
NOW YOU SEE ME (PG-13) | 9:45 am
| 12:15 pm | 2:45 pm | 5:25 pm | 7:55 pm
| 10:25 pm
*THE CONJURING (R)10:00 am | 11:00 am |
12:35 pm | 1:35 pm 3:15 pm | 4:15 pm | 5:50
pm | 7:30 pm 8:30 pm | 10:10 pm | 11:10 pm
*THE LONE RANGER (PG-13) | 11:40 am
| 12:40 pm | 3:00 pm | 4:00 pm | 6:15 pm
| 7:15 pm | 9:40 pm | 10:20 pm
*WHITE HOUSE DOWN (PG-13)10:10 am |
1:15 pm | 4:20 pm | 7:20 pm | 10:35 pm
* -- denotes Pass Restricted features
I-10 & Lee Trevino
Schedule good for
Friday July 19th
Schedule good for 7 /19 - 7 /25
AFTER EARTH (PG-13)11:20am | 2:00pm | 4:25
pm | 6:50 pm | 9:20 pm
2D EPIC (PG)11:25 am | 4:35 pm | 9:45 pm
3D EPIC (PG) 2:05 pm | 7:10 pm
2D THE CROODS (PG)11:30am | 2:05pm | 4:45 pm
| 7:10 pm | 9:50 pm
2D THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13)11:35 am | 2:45
pm | 6:00 pm | 9:15 pm
| 11:45 am | 2:20 pm | 4:50 pm | 7:30 pm | 10:00 pm
| 11:15 am | 1:45 pm | 4:20 pm | 7:00 pm | 9:35 pm
THE PURGE (R) 12:00 pm | 2:15 pm | 4:30 pm |
7:05 pm | 9:05 pm
2200 N. Yarbrough
Premiere Cinemas
6101 Gateway West S.15
AFTER EARTH (PG-13) 11:50a | 2:10p |
5:05p | 7:35p | 9:55p
2D EPIC (PG) 11:05a | 1:30p | 4:00p | 6:30p |
3D EPIC (PG) 12:05p | 2:30p | 5:00p | 7:25p |
2D G.I. JOE RETALIATION (PG-13) 11:30a |
1:55p | 7:10p
HANGOVER 3 (R) 11:15a | 1:35p | 4:10p |
6:55p | 9:15p
OBLIVION (PG-13) 4:25p | 9:45p
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 11:25a | 2:00p
| 4:40p | 7:20p | 10:00p
PAIN AND GAIN (R) 12:20p | 3:10p | 6:20p |
2D THE CROODS (PG) 11:00a | 1:20p |
3:40p | 6:15p | 8:45p
3D THE CROODS (PG) 12:00p | 2:20p |
4:50p | 7:15p | 9:35p
2D THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) 11:20a |
3D THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) 2:45p |
THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13) 11:00a | 1:45p |
4:35p | 7:25p | 10:00p
THE PURGE (R) 11:10a | 1:40p | 4:30p |
7:05p | 9:20p
Schedule good for 7/19- 7/25
Gateway West Blvd/Cielo Vista Mall
West side of El Paso at Mesa & I-10
Las Palmas i-10 @ Zaragosa
Turbo PG96 Mins
11:30am | 2:30pm
5:30pm | 8:30pm |
11:30pmDigital Cin-
ema 10:00am |
1:00pm | 4:00pm |
7:00pm | 10:30pm
Grown Ups 2
PG-13100 Mins
Digital Cinema
10:45am | 12:15pm
1:45pm | 3:15pm |
4:45pm | 6:15pm |
7:45pm | 9:15pm |
10:45p 11:50pm
Despicable Me 2
PG98 Mins 11:45am
12:45pm | 2:45pm
5:45pm | 8:45pm |
11:40pmDigital Cin-
ema 11:00am |
2:00pm 3:45pm |
5:00pm | 6:45pm |
8:00pm | 10:50pm
Pacific RimPG-13
131 Mins 12:10pm |
3:35pm | 6:45pm |
Digital Cinema
10:35am | 1:50pm
| 5:10pm |
8:20pm | 11:25pm
The HeatR116 Mins
Digital Cinema
10:20am | 1:20pm
4:20pm | 7:20pm |
The Conjuring
R111 Mins12:00pm
3:00pm | 6:00pm |
9:00pm | 11:55pm
Digital Cinema
10:30am | 1:30pm
4:30pm | 7:30pm |
R.I.P.D.PG-13 96
Mins11:15am |
2:15pm | 5:15pm |
8:15pm | 10:55pm
Digital Cinema
9:50am | 12:30pm
3:30pm | 6:30pm |
9:30pm | 11:45pm
Red 2PG-13 116
Mins Digital Cinema
10:15am 11:35am |
1:15pm | 2:35pm |
4:15pm | 5:35pm |
7:15pm | 8:35pm |
10:15pm | 11:35pm
White House Down
PG-13131 Mins
Digital Cinema
Monsters Univer-
sity G102 Mins
3:50pm | 7:05pm
Digital Cinema
10:10am | 12:55pm
| 9:25pm
World War Z
PG-13115 Mins
10:05am | 4:25pm
Digital Cinema
1:10p 7:35p 11:00p
Man of Steel
PG-13143 Mins
1:05pm | 7:25pm
Digital Cinema
9:55am | 4:10pm |
The Lone Ranger
PG-13149 Mins
Digital Cinema
12:20pm | 4:05pm
| 7:40pm
Schedule good for Friday July 19th
TurboPG96 Mins
9:10am | 12:00pm |
2:50pm | 6:00pm |
9:10pmDigital Cinema
9:30am | 12:40pm |
3:50p 7:00p 10:10pm
Grown Ups 2PG-13
100 MinsDigital Cinema
10:40am | 1:40pm |
4:40pm | 7:40pm |
Despicable Me 2
PG98 Mins10:00am |
1:10pm | 4:10pm |
7:15pmDigital Cinema
9:00am | 12:05pm |
3:10p 6:15p9:20pm
Pacific Rim PG-13 131
Mins9:05am | 4:05pm
| 11:10pm
Digital Cinema
12:35pm | 7:35pm
The Heat R116 Mins
Digital Cinema
9:50am | 1:00pm |
4:15p 7:30p 10:45pm
The Conjuring
R111 Mins Digital Cin-
ema 9:40am |
1:05pm | 4:30pm |
7:55pm | 11:20pm
R.I.P.D. PG-1396 Mins
11:00am | 4:50pm |
10:35pmDigital Cinema
1:55pm | 7:45pm
Red 2 PG-13116 Mins
9:45am | 12:55pm |
4:20pm | 7:25pm |
Digital Cinema
9:05am | 11:55am |
3:05p 6:25p 9:40pm
White House Down
PG-13131 Mins
Digital Cinema
Monsters University
G102 Mins10:35am |
4:55pm | 11:05pm
Digital Cinema
12:10pm | 6:30pm
World War ZPG-13115
Mins 8:00pm Digital
Cinema 9:15am |
3:15pm | 9:45pm
The Lone Ranger
PG-13149 Mins
Digital Cinema
11:10am | 2:55pm |
6:40pm | 10:25pm
Schedule good for Friday July 19th
Turbo PG96 Mins
11:15am | 2:15pm |
3:15pm | 5:15pm |
8:15pm | 9:15pm
Digital Cinema
10:15am | 12:15pm |
1:15pm | 4:15pm |
6:15p 7:15p 10:15pm
Grown Ups 2 PG-13
100 MinsDigital Cinema
10:35am | 1:35pm |
4:35pm | 7:35pm |
8:35pm | 10:35pm
Despicable Me 2
PG98 Mins11:30am |
2:30pm | 5:30pm |
8:30pmDigital Cinema
10:30am | 1:30pm |
4:30p 7:30p 10:30pm
Pacific RimPG-13 131
Mins11:20am |
2:20pm | 5:20pm |
8:20pmDigital Cinema
10:20am | 1:20pm |
4:20p 7:20p 10:20pm
The HeatR116 Mins
Digital Cinema10:25am
| 1:25pm | 4:25pm |
7:25pm | 10:25pm
Red 2PG-13116 Mins
Digital Cinema10:00am
| 11:00am | 1:00pm
| 2:00pm | 4:00pm |
5:00pm | 7:00pm |
8:00pm | 10:00pm
Monsters University
G102 Mins10:05am |
4:05pm | 10:05pm
Digital Cinema
1:10pm | 7:10pm
World War ZPG-13
115 Mins 1:05pm |
7:05pmDigital Cinema
10:10am | 4:10pm |
This Is the End
R107 MinsDigital Cin-
ema 11:35am |
2:35pm | 5:35pm
Schedule good for Friday July 19th
Schedule good for 7/19
11:00 | 1:00 | 2:00 | 4:00 | 5:00 |
7:00 | 8:00 | 10:00 | 12:00am
10:15 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 1:40 | 2:40
| 4:20 | 5:20 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:40 |
10:00 | 11:30 | 12:30 | 2:00 | 3:00
| 4:30 | 5:30 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:30 |
10:30 | 12:00am
PLAIN (R)11:40 | 1:45 | 4:00
11:00 | 2:20 | 6:20 | 9:40
(G) 7:00 | 9:40
11:00 | 2:00 | 5:00 | 8:00 | 11:00
10:00 | 1:00 | 4:00 | 7:00 | 10:00
R.I.P.D. 2D (PG13)
11:00 | 10:00 | 12:20am
R.I.P.D.3D(PG13)1:30|4:20 | 7:30
RED 2 (PG13)10:30 | 1:20 | 4:10
| 7:20 | 10:10 | 12:15am
THE HEAT (R)1:20 | 4:10 | 7:00 |
TURBO 2D (PG)10:00 | 12:30 |
3:00 | 5:30 | 8:00 | 11:00
TURBO 3D (PG)11:00 | 1:30 |
4:00 | 7:00 | 9:30 | 12:00am
11:00 | 1:50 | 4:40 | 7:30 | 10:20
Now Showing

THE WOLVERINE IN 3D (PG13) Thu. 10:00 PM
THE WOLVERINE (PG13) Thu. 10:00 PM
THE CONJURING (R) Fri.-Mon. 11:40 2:25 5:00 7:45 10:25;
Tue. 2:25 5:00 7:45 10:25; Wed. 2:25 10:25; Thu. 11:40 2:25
5:00 7:45 10:25
R.I.P.D. (PG13) 12:25 2:50 5:10 7:30 9:50 (12:35)
R.I.P.D. 3D (PG13) 7:00 9:20 (12:05); Thu. 7:00 PM
RED 2 (PG13) 11:35 2:20 5:05 7:20 7:50 10:05 10:30 (12:35)
TURBO(PG) 11:00 12:15 1:30 2:35 3:50 4:55 7:15 9:35 (12:15)
TURBO 3D (PG) Fri.-Thu. 11:25 2:05 4:25
GROWN UPS 2 (PG13) 11:30 2:00 4:45 7:10 9:45 (12:20);
Tue.-Wed. 2:00 4:45 7:10 9:45; Thu. 11:30 2:00 4:45 7:10 9:45
PACIFIC RIM(PG13) 3:00 6:30 9:30 (12:25); Thu. 3:00 6:30
PACIFIC RIM IN 3D (PG13) Fri.-Thu. 12:00 PM
DESPICABLE ME 2(PG) 11:45 2:10 4:40 7:40 10:10 (12:30)
THE LONE RANGER (PG13) Fri.-Thu. 11:55 AM
THE HEAT (R) 9:55 (12:30)
WHITE HOUSE DOWN (PG13) Fri.-Thu. 3:30 PM
WORLD WAR Z (PG13) Fri.-Thu. 6:55 PM
ZOOKEEPER SKF (PG) Tue.-Wed. 10:00 AM
Open Nationwide
Runtime 96 min
MPAA Rating PG-13 for
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Action,
Language, Sex Refer-
ences, Some Sensuality,
Starring Jeff Bridges,
Ryan Reynolds, Kevin
Bacon, Mary-Louise
Parker, Stephanie
Szostak, Robert Knepper,
James Hong, Marisa
Miller, Mike O'Malley,
Devin Ratray, Larry Joe
Genre Action, Fantasy,
Crime drama
Synopsis Veteran lawman Roy Pulsifer (Jeff Bridges) works for
the R.I.P.D., a legendary police force charged with finding mon-
strous spirits who are disguised as ordinary people but are trying
to avoid their final judgment by hiding out among the living.
When Roy and his new partner, Nick Walker (Ryan Reynolds),
uncover a plot that could end all life, they must discover a way
to restore the cosmic balance or else watch the tunnel to the af-
terlife start sending angry souls back to the world of the living.
If you want your upcoming event listed in SPOTLIGHTS Out & About section, please send all your relevant data
by e-mail to:
Out & About
Calendar of upcoming events for El Paso/ Southern New Mexico are
from July 18th - 24th, 2013
WHO & WHAT? San Ignacio/St. Ignatius
Catholic Parish invites area residents of all ages
from Texas, New Mexico, Mexico and Ft. Bliss
to help celebrate its 108 year-old history and
learn about The Year of Faith with fabulous
food and fun at its annual Kermess/Bazaar.
WHEN? This will occur August 2, 3, and
4/Friday through Sunday, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
each day. It will close at midnight on Friday and
Saturday and at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
WHERE? It is located near downtown El Paso,
in the Segundo Barrio, at 408 S. Park.
WHY? The Kermess is the major fundraising
event that keeps the doors of the Church and its
other buildings open for religious and non-reli-
gious/community activities.
WHAT ELSE? In keeping with the Vaticans
theme this year, The Year of Faith, the Parish
will host an Exhibit about this and some of
its history.
The Year of Faith
What is The Year of Faith? Through an apos-
tolic letter, former Pope Benedict XVI an-
nounced October 11, 2012 through November
24, 2013 as The Year of Faith for Catholics. In
it, he encourages followers to rediscover, and
share with others, the precious gift of Faith en-
trusted to the Church and the personal gift of
faith that we have each received from God....
Among other recommendations for the cited
dates, Catholics are asked to read and become fa-
miliar with the great figures of our Faith (Mary,
the Apostles, saints, martyrs, etc.); to be an ex-
ample of faith in action through charity; and to
receive the Eucharist as a celebration of our
faith. (Catholic Year of Faith, Maryvale Insti-
tutes official Year of Faith website, Year of Faith
101, http://catholic-year-of-
The Many Faces of San Ignacios
If you are a donor, volunteer or a family member
who went to St. Ignatius Elementary School or
were baptized, confirmed, married or made your
First Holy Communion, etc., at our church and
would like to be included in this years The
Many Faces of San Ignacios History display,
go to the office by July 26 and leave one picture
copy for our display and archives collection.
What else can you expect?
Food: Gorditas, enchiladas, taquitos, chilindri-
nas, elotes/corn on the cob, ice cream, etc.
Fun: Carnival rides, Karaoke contests,
lotera/bingo, other games, live entertainment.
Families & Friends: Visit with family, renew
old friendships, and meet folks from Las Cruces,
Ft. Bliss, and Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua.
Faith: Spend some time at the Exhibit.
PUBLIC: Call (915) 532-9534 from Monday-
Friday, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 2:30-5:30 p.m.
El Paso Diablos Base-
ball - The American Associa-
tion minor league teams 2013
season runs through Aug. 25 at
Cohen Stadium in Northeast El
Paso. Tickets: $8 box seats; $7
general admission; free for
ages 4 and younger. July 4 tick-
ets are $10 box seats; $9 gen-
eral admission (July 4 games
sell out fast). Information: 755-
2000 or July 18-
21: Laredo Lemurs.. Clifford
the Big Red Dog appearance
July 20.
All My Sons El Paso
Playhouse, 2501 Montana, be-
gins its 50th anniversary season
with the Arthur Miller play
July 5-27. Directed by Aaron
Hernandez. Showtimes are 8
p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2
p.m. Sunday. Tickets: $10 ($8
seniors, $7 military/students
with ID; $5 students under 18).
Information: 532-1317, elpaso-
The story centers on the
Keller Family and tells of the
familys struggles to come to
terms with the possible death of
their eldest son and with a terri-
ble secret that could threaten to
change their lives forever. Each
act takes place in a different era
of U.S. history, beginning in
the 1930s.
Summer Repertory
El Paso Community College
Performers Studio presents its
2013 Summer Repertory Sea-
son shows during the summer
months at the Transmountain
Campus Forum Theatre on
Hwy 54 (Diana exit). Show-
time is 8 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday, 2:30 p.m.
Sunday. Proceeds benefit
EPCC Performance Studies
student scholarships. Tickets:
$15 general admission; $10
non-EPCC students; $7 EPCC
students/seniors. Box office
open at 6 p.m. (1 p.m. for mati-
nees) on show dates. Informa-
tion: 831-5056, 637-4029 or
July 18-21: Bloody Bloody
Andrew Jackson, Outer Crit-
ics Circle and Drama Desk
Award winning rock musical
with music and lyrics by
Michael Friedman and book by
Alex Timbers. Partly based on
fact, this Green Day-style rock
musical celebrates the life of
the countrys seventh president.
Viva El Paso! The
summertime pageant returns to
McKelligon Canyon Amphithe-
atre for its 36th season 8:30
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays,
through Aug. 10, offering an
array of multicolored costumes,
electrifying musical production
numbers, and legendary charac-
ters. The outdoor musical ex-
travaganza highlights the four
major cultures of the region,
through drama, song and
dance, that have called El Paso
home: Native American, Span-
ish Conquistadors, Mexican
and Western American. Direc-
tor is Jaime Barba of UTEP
Department of Theatre and
Tickets:$18- $24 and $18 ($4
off children ages 2-12; $2 off
military and seniors 65 and
older). Group discounts avail-
able for groups of 20 by calling
231-1100, ext. 5. Information:
Dinners served 6:30 to 7:30
p.m.; must be purchased in ad-
vance. by noon Friday the
weekend of the event.
A Spanish-language perform-
ance is Sunday, July 21 and
Aug. 4.
Alfresco! Fridays
The 11th season of free outdoor
concerts are 6 p.m. Fridays at
Arts Festival Plaza (between El
Paso Museum of Art and Plaza
Theatre). Presented by the El
Paso Convention and Perform-
ing Arts Centers and the El
Paso Convention and Visitors
Bureau. No outside food or
beverages, or pets allowed. In-
formation: 534-0665 or alfres- July 19: Toll
Booth Willie (ska, 80s).
Mercado Mayapan
Farmers Market La
Mujer Obrera and Centro
Mayapan host the market 8
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays at
Caf Mayapn, 2000 Texas.
Local and naturally grown pro-
duce, and Mexican fair-trade
artisanry for sale. Breakfast and
lunch available. Information:
217-1126 or
Oaxaca Mole Festival
La Mujer Obrera and Centro
Mayapan, host the Oaxaca
Mole Festival 6 to 10 p.m. Sat-
urday, July 20, at Caf
Mayapn, 2000 Texas.
Continues on next page
Luis Miguel
to Perform at
Don Haskins Center
Legendary singer Luis Miguel will bring his The Hits
Tour to the Don Haskins Center on
Wednesday, September 11,
at 9 p.m., presented by Don Boleton and UTEP.
We are thrilled to have Luis Miguel returning to the
Don Haskins Center, his original home in the Sun City.
People can expect to listen to the hits they fell in love
with, both ballads and mariachi, said Jorge Vazquez,
Executive Director, Office of Special Events.
Known worldwide as one of the most acclaimed voices
of his generation, Mexican singer, producer and song-
writer Luis Miguel started his career in the music busi-
ness at age 11. His extraordinary voice, versatility in
genres including pop, bolero, mariachi, Big Band and
romantic ballads, and broad range of talents have made
him one of musics greatest icons and one of the
worlds top-selling artists.
Throughout his exceptional career, Miguel has released
21 albums, sold more than 60 million records world-
wide, broken attendance records in each of his world
tours, and been lauded with five Grammy Awards as
well as four Latin Grammys. Revered throughout Latin
America, he is often referred to as El Sol de Mxico.
A ticket presale begins on July 13 with the general on-
sale taking place on July 16. Tickets will be available at, all Ticketmaster outlets, and the
UTEP Ticket Center, or by calling 915-747-5234. Prices
are $199.50, $125.50, $99.50, $69.50, and $49.50,
plus applicable service fees.
Luis Miguel last performed in El Paso back in 2008. He
performed in Juarez in September 2012.
Continued from page 42
Oaxaca Mole Festival...
The annual event includes traditional Oaxa-
can dance and music groups; an authentic
menu with tlayudas, tamales, chapulines
and five varieties of mole. Also featured are
fairly-traded artisan goods from Oaxaca
and a farmers market. Information: 217-
1126 or
Outdoor Adventure Camp
Outs City of El Paso Parks and Recre-
ation Department hosts Outdoor Adventure
Camp, July 19-20 at Memorial Park, (Re-
serve Area), 3100 Copper. The overnight
events begin at 4 p.m. Friday and conclude
at 10 a.m. Saturday, and will have games,
swimming and more. Registration fee is $8
per child (17 and younger) and $10 per
adult (18 and older). All families must pro-
vide their own tents, food, drinks, (no alco-
hol) and supplies. Camp spaces on a first
come, first served basis starting at 4 p.m.
Registration: $10 ($8 age 17 and
younger); early registration encouraged as
camp has sold-out every year. There is no
minimum age, but all children must be su-
pervised by an adult at all times. Informa-
tion: 544-0753. Register online at or at any Recreation
Center. Next camp is Aug. 9-10 at Galatzan
Park, 650 Wallenberg.
Raining Talent Volar Center for
Independent Livings fundraising dinner
show in celebration of the Americans with
Disabilities Act featuring performers with
and without disabilities is Friday, July 19,
at San Dunes Ballroom, 11400 Rojas. Din-
ner served at 6:30 p.m. with show 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. Reservations for reasonable ac-
commodations requested 72 hours in ad-
vance. Tickets: $10 ($5 ages 4-12; free for
age 2 and younger). Tickets available in ad-
vance through Volar CIL. Information: 591-
0800 or
Chivas El Paso Patriots Soccer
The teams home games are 8 p.m. at
Patriots Stadium, 6941 Industrial. The Pa-
triots are an affiliate team with Chivas de
Guadalajara and are the oldest running soc-
cer club in the United States.
Information/tickets: 771-6620 or elpasopa- or
Thursday, July 18: Laredo Heat
Saturday, July 20: Austin Aztex.
Music Under the Stars The
30th summer concert series, presented by
the City of El Paso Museums and Cultural
Affairs Department is 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Sundays at the Chamizal National Memo-
rial amphitheater, 800 S. San Marcial. Ad-
mission is free. Information: 541-4481
(MCAD), 532-7273 (Chamizal) or elpa- July 21: Jenni Dale
Lord (Americana from Lubbock).
Texas Tattoo Showdown Festi-
val The 4th annual tattoo and music
festival noon to 11 p.m. Friday through
Sunday, July 19-21, at El Paso County Col-
iseum, with more than 200 tattoo artists
from around the globe, tattoo competitions
and live music. Tickets: $25 per day; $45
weekend pass. Limited number of $40 pre-
sale weekend pass tickets available at both
House of Pain locations (11335 Montwood
and 1550 Hawkins). Information: 626-4799
Headliners include Three Days Grade and
Exodus Friday; GlasJaw and El Paso band
The Royalty Saturday and New Found
Glory and Less Than Jack Sunday. Other
performers include The Bronx, Adam Gon-
tier, The Triggers, Fidlar, The Patch of Sky,
Rare Individuals, The Black Coats, Cat As
Trophy, Bash, Thats My Bike Punk, The
Slinksters, Fixed Idea and more.
Shamrock Run for Education
St. Patrick Cathedrals 5K run and 1
mile walk is 7:30 a.m. Saturday, July 20, at
St. Patricks, 1111 N. Stanton. Proceeds
Benefit Fr. Rick Matty Memorial Scholar-
ship. Cost (through July 18) is $20 ($15
students). Late registration (July 19-20) is
$25. Information: Chris Rowley, 478-5663.
Online registration at raceadventures un-
Packet pickup is 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday,
July 19, at Up and Running, 3233 N. Mesa,
and 6:30 to 7:15 a.m. on race day at the
start line.
T-shirts for first 250 participants; refresh-
ments available at finish line. Trophy to top
three male and female runners overall and
for largest team; medals to top three male
and female runners in each age group.
GLOW CrossFit event The
fundraising event to help send El Paso to
the CrossFit Games is Saturday, July 20,
at Get Lifted Gym, 4617 Ripley. The Kids
Run Wild event is 6 to 8 p.m. with the
Adult Instructions and heats 8 p.m. to 2
Participate as an individual or team to
compete against El Pasos top CrossFit ath-
letes with competitions, black lights, a DJ,
glow in the dark paint and a wet station.
Cost starts at $25. Information: 585-7600
In The Heights UTEP Dinner
Theatre closes its season with the Tony-
winning musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda
July 5-21. Showtime is 7 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday, with dinner matinee at
1:30 p.m. Sunday, July 7, and non-dinner
matinees at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, July 14 and
Tickets: $45 Friday and Saturday; $40
Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday dinner
matinees; $26 non-dinner matinees ($2 dis-
count for all tickets for UTEP faculty/staff/
alumni association members; group of 20
or more; ages 4-12; non UTEP-students,
military; $10 discount for UTEP students).
Information: 747-6060.
Winning four Tonys for 2008, including
Best Musical and Best Original Score, this
urban musical explores three days in the
lives of New York Citys Dominican-Amer-
ican Washington Heights neighborhood,
where the coffee from the corner bodega
is light and sweet, the windows are always
open and the breeze carries the rhythm of
three generations of music.
The Pillowman UTEP Depart-
ment of Theatre and dance present the play
by Martin McDonagh as part of a UTEP
student project directed by Abel Garcia
July 18-21 in the Fox Fine Arts Basement
Theatre. Showtime is 8 p.m. Friday through
Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Admission is
free; adult language and content. Informa-
tion: 747-6213 or
Katurian is a writer dragged in for ques-
tioning after a number of children are mur-
dered or have disappeared; all exactly
similar to the children in the stories that
Katurian writes. He is tortured and tor-
mented by the two detectives who have him
in custody,.Continues on page 45
August 2013 Award Winning Foreign Movies
Saturday, August 17 A Sons
Room(La Stanza del Figlio)
Nanni Moretti, Laura Morante, Jasmine
Trinca, Giuseppe Sanfelice
Miramax Films; Directed by Nanni Moretti
Rated R; 99 minutes; 2002 In Italian with
English subtitles
This tale of the trials of a modern family living in
Italy follows the familys complicated path of
grief and
struggle to
make sense
of the acci-
dental death
of their son.
Their lives
are shaken up
when their
sons girl-
friend enters
the scene and
takes the
family on a
Saturday, August 24 - Rosetta
Emilie Dequenne, Fabrizio Rongione
USA Films; Directed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne
& Luc Dardenne
Rated R; 94 minutes; 2000 In French with
English subtitles
A despondent Belgian girl searches for employ-
ment after her recent layoff to avoid becoming,
like her mother, an alcoholic trailer-park prosti-
tute. The seemingly simple task turns into a des-
perate struggle forcing her to make unbelievable
moral decisions that will affect not only her life,
but the life of a young man attracted to her.
Saturday, August 31 Tsotsi
Presley Chweneyagae, Mothusi Magano, Is-
rael Makoe, Percy Matsemela
Miramax Films; Directed by Gavin Hood
Rated R; 94 minutes; 2006 In African dialect
with English subtitles
The film traces six days in the lonely, violent life
of Tsotsi (meaning thug), a ruthless, young
gang leader in South Africa. Tsotsi rarely thinks
beyond his next crime, but when a carjacking re-
sults in the accidental kidnapping of a baby, he
comes to care for the child and begins to gradu-
ally rediscover his humanity, dignity, and capac-
ity to love.
The Gilbert & Sullivan Company of El Paso performs this
Classic Operatic Comedy for its 44th season
EL PASO, TX Celebrating its 44th anniversary,
the Gilbert & Sullivan Company of El Paso
proudly presents The Gondoliers or The King
of Barataria for its summer 2013 season. The
Gondoliers was written by W.S. Gilbert and
Arthur Sullivan as a comic satire on class dis-
tinctions. The plot follows two handsome gon-
doliers in Venice as they attempt to run the
government after they learn that one of them is
the King of Barataria. The operetta also tells the
story of Casilda, the daughter of the Duke and
Duchess of Plaza-Toro, as she deals with the re-
cent news that she was married to the missing
King of Barataria as an infant, making her the
queen of Barataria. This light-hearted produc-
tion has beautiful music, a happy theme and a
surprise ending! The production cast, com-
posed of local volunteer talent, is aptly led by
Stephanie J. Conwell, Artistic Director, Marsha
Watley, Vocal Director and Ballard Coldwell,
Performance schedule is as follows:
Black Box Theatre (Las Cruces, New Mexico)
430 N. Downtown Mall Las Cruces, New Mexico
Friday, August 2 at 730 pm
Saturday, August 3 at 7:30 pm
Sunday, August 4 at 2:00 pm
TICKETS: Ticket reservations are required.
Phone or on-line reservations will not be taken until July 18
at (505) 523-1223 or
Chamizal National Memorial Theater (El Paso, Texas)
800 S. San Marcial. El Paso, TX
Friday, August 16 at 7:00 pm
Saturday, August 17 at 7:00 pm
Sunday, August 18 at 2:30 pm
TICKETS: Advance purchase: $10 adults / $8 students, seniors and military
At the door: $12 adults/$10 students, seniors and military. Group rates
are available.
Visit or phone (915) 591-6210 or email at
You can also find us on Facebook
The Gilbert & Sullivan Company of El Paso was founded in 1969 by Joan Quarm (dec.).
The company is funded and supported in part by the City of El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs
Department and the Texas Commission on the Arts.
The El Paso Museum of Art
Algur H. Meadow Library announces
World Cinema Series
August 2013
El Paso Energy Auditorium
Saturdays @ 2:00 PM
July 20 from 11am-1pm
10935 Ben Crenshaw #207
The Quince Project is a summer leadership program for quinceaeras.
The group will be hosting a quince 101 training session for girls wanting
quince planning tips. Get information about the Quince Project and sign up
to win a dream quince package. Girls are invited to explore the cultural sig-
nificance and history of quinceaera as well as learn practical tips for
planning their own quince. For more information, contact or 915.219.8554.
The Pillowman ..Con-
tinued from page 43... who
have an ongoing personal battle
between them.
Farmers Market at
Ardovinos Desert
Crossing The 12th an-
nual market runs 7:30 a.m. to
noon Saturdays. This produc-
ers only market runs through
mid-October and features qual-
ity farmers, backyard gardeners
and artisans such as organic and
pesticide-free vegetables, lo-
cally-made goat cheeses, natu-
ral free range chickens and
eggs, native plants for home
and yard, fresh-baked breads
and salsas. Only products
grown directly from the pro-
ducer allowed. Information:
(575) 589-0653, ext. 3.
Downtown Artist and
Farmers Market The
City of El Paso Museums and
Cultural Affairs Departments
market for area artists are Sat-
urdays in the Union Plaza Dis-
trict along Anthony Street.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Space for about 53 artists avail-
able each month. Information:
Dancing in the City
The City of El Paso Museums
and Cultural Affairs Depart-
ment and Conventions and Vis-
itors Bureau present the 4th
annual outdoor dance concerts
8 to 10 p.m. Saturdays at Arts
Festival Plaza, featuring local
and regional performers. Dance
lessons are 7 to 8 p.m. Admis-
sion is free; no outside food or
drinks. Information: 541-4895.
July 20: Samba Society
Hunks the Show
The show, billed as Americas
Hottest Ladies Night
The Ultimate Vegas Experi-
ence, is 9 p.m. Friday, July
19, at Sunland Park Racetrack
and Casinos Signature Show-
room. Tickets: $20. Doors open
at 7:30 p.m. Must be over 21 to
attend. Information: (575) 874-
5200 or
St. Judes bazaar St.
Jude Catholic Church, 4006
Hidden Way (off Doniphan),
hosts its annual bazaar July 19-
21. Hours are 5 to 11 p.m. Fri-
day and Saturday and 2 to 10
p.m. Sunday. Information: 584-
Joe Ely The Texas folk
country rocker performs at 8
p.m. Friday, July 19, at the
Spencer Theater for Performing
Arts, Airport Hwy 220 in Alto,
N.M. (about 12 miles north of
downtown Ruidoso). Elys hits
include Dallas, If I Were A
Bluebird, She Never Spoke
Spanish To Me, Me and Billy
The Kid and West Texas
Waltz. Tickets: $66 and $69.
Information: (575) 336-4800,
(888) 818-7872 or spencerthe-
Bat Flight Breakfast
Carlsbad Caverns National
Park hosts its 55th annual
breakfast 5 to 7 a.m. Saturday,
July 20, at the Caverns Bat
Flight Amphitheater. Bats dive
into the cave entrance after a
night outside feeding on in-
sects. Park rangers will present
programs about the return flight
in the dim light of dawn, a sight
that is very different from the
out-flight in the evening. Ad-
mission is free to watch bats
and attend ranger programs;
breakfast available for purchase
starting at 6 a.m. in the Cavern
Traders Restaurant in the Visi-
tors Center. Information: (575)
785-2232 or
Big Ditch Day Silver
City MainStreet hosts the an-
nual event 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, July 20. This years
theme is Celebrate Nature
Downtown! Base Camp is
between the Visitors Center
and Market Street Bridge. The
event includes nature and his-
tory walks, Trash to Treasure
art show, Monsoon Puppet Pa-
rade and more. Big Ditch Patio
open..Continues on page 47
DJ Spotlight | Bassjackers
On an afternoon somewhere in
the beginning of 2007 two
friends decided to join forces,
one DJ and one producer,
both sharing great passion for
House music. Bassjackers was
Bassjackers a.k.a. Marlon Flohr
and Ralph van Hilst had not
foreseen what was coming
when they started out with their
collaboration. Marlon was al-
ready DJ-ing for a while and
Ralph experimented a lot with
making different kinds of
dance music. Marlon was
mainly playing House music at
the time and then the idea
came to push Ralphs produc-
tions in that direction so that
Marlon could play the tracks in
his sets. The first track they were
both satisfied with was Beat
Beat Cut got picked up by
Fedde Le Grand and kick-
started their career. What fol-
lowed was a solid stream of
tracks and remixes which were
supported by all the top jocks
and scored big on the interna-
tional dance charts, like for ex-
ample their remix for Dada Life
which scored #1 on (the international
hype machine). The success in
the studio was also taken to the
clubs and with a packed
schedule of 250 gigs a year
Bassjackers were definitely es-
tablished in the dance scene.
Their big break came in 2011,
their dancefloor bomb Mush
Mush got picked up by Tisto
and got released on Tistos
imprint Musical Freedom. It
dominated the Beatport Top 10
for over 2 months and grew to
be one of the biggest club/fes-
tival tracks of 2011. Its that
track that every DJ can play to
destroy the dance floor, and so
they did. Just to namedrop;
Tisto, Swedish House Mafia,
David Guetta, Afrojack, Sander
van Doorn, Martin Solveig,
Calvin Harris, Benny Benassi,
Judge Jules, the list of support
is endless!
This resulted in a massive ca-
reer boost! Remixing for A-list
artists like Rihanna and Moby,
playing in Privilege Ibiza along-
side Tisto and touring around
the globe to demolish dance
floors is just the beginning.
Bassjackers are taking over!
Nightlife calendar
July 23rd
Kyle Andrews - Brighter Than The Sun
Big French - Downtown Runnin
Guy Clark - My Favorite Picture Of You
A. Tom Collins - Stick & Poke
Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros - Edward
Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Eric & Magill - Night Singers
Fuck Buttons - Slow Focus
Gogol Bordello - Pura Vida Conspiracy
Hands Like Houses - Unimagine
Selena Gomez - Stars Dance
Grant Hart - The Argument
Leftover Cuties - The Spark & The Fire
Misery Signals - Absent Light
Jackson Scott - Melbourne
Nadine Shah - Love Your Dum and Mad
Secrets - Fragile Figures
Joe Silva - Blue
Stargroves - Stargroves
The Love Language - Ruby Red
The Winery Dogs - The Winery Dogs
Transplants - In A Warzone
We Came As Romans - Tracing Back Roots
Weekend - Jinx
Zorch - Zzoorrcchh
Music Releases
July 20th
Holy Ghost @Lowbrow Palace
July 26th
Duke Dumont
@lowbrow Palace
August 1st
Sun City Music Festival @Ascarate Park
August 22nd
Simian Mobile Disco @Lowbrow Palace
Continued from page 45... at Tre Rosa Cafe is at 3:30 p.m. A
Big Ditch Photograph Exhibit will be on display at the Silver
City Museum. Admission is free. Information: (575) 534-1700
Steve Smith and Chris Sanders with Hard
Road The bluegrass musicians and his band perform their
annual benefit concert for KRWG radio at 7 p.m. Saturday, July
20, at the Rio Grande Theatre, 211 Downtown Mall, Las
Cruces. The group will perform modern and retro harmonies of
traditional Americana and bluegrass music. Tickets: $15 ($7.50
age 12 and younger) in advance; $20 ($10 age 12 and younger)
at the door. Information: (575) 646-2222 or
Bluegrass Festival The 18th annual all-day festival
begins at 8 a.m. Saturday, July 20, at the Weed Community
Center in Weed, N.M. The event offers continuous live music,
food, arts and crafts, plus entertainment for kids. Information:
(575) 687-3104 or (575) 687-4388.
A Bluegrass gospel devotional service is 9 a.m. to noon Sun-
day, July 21. Admission is free.
To get there: take Hwy 130, turn right at Cloudcroft, and fol-
low the signs to Weed, which is 23 miles southeast of Cloud-
Tailgate 2013 The annual outdoor concert series in
Alamogordo, N.M., raises funds for the Flickinger Center. Con-
certs begin at 8 p.m. on various Saturdays throughout the sum-
mer in the upper parking lot at the New Mexico Museum of
Space History. Patrons should bring their own food, lawn chair
and beverages. Gates open 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. Weekly spaces
available for $40 on limited basis. Walk-up admission: $15. In-
formation: (575) 437-2202. Online reservations at flickinger- July 20: Loud Boy Timmy (blues/rock). Tailgate
theme is Fiesta.
The Tortoise Versus The Hare Missoula Chil-
drens Theatre will host public performances of its adaptation of
the classic fable at 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday, July 19-
20 at the Rio Grande Theatre, 211 Downtown Mall, Las Cruces.
Ticket information: (575) 523-6403, or ri-
About 60 children in grades 1-12 will be cast as actors or as as-
sistant directors or technicians as part of a week-long theatre ex-
Auditions are planned for 10 a.m. Monday, July 15, with re-
hearsals scheduled July 15-20. Tuition due upon casting; call for
Pirates of Penzance Starlight Childrens Theatre of
Las Cruces performs Gilbert and Sullivans classic July 19-20 at
NMSUs Atkinson Music Recital Hall. Showtime is 7 p.m. Fri-
day July 12 and Saturday, July 20, and and 1 and 7 p.m. Satur-
day July 13 and Friday, July 19. Tickets: $5. Advance tickets
available at Spirit Winds, 2260 Locust and Boba Cafe, 1900 Es-
pina, in Las Cruces. Information: (575) 571-8028, (505) 795-
8470 or
A fat-free swing
The goal for power and accuracy is a two-
shoulder turn, where the lead shoulder is
down while the trail shoulder is up in the
backswing. This relationship reverses during
the downswing as the back shoulder drops
while it chases the front shoulder through
I am often asked why you dont hit the ball fat
when you drop your back shoulder down as
you strike the ball. The answer is because the
lead shoulder moves up the same amount as
the trail shoulder drops. Simple, yes, but the
phrase drop the shoulder needs more expla-
nation because there is a right way and a
wrong way to do this.
The T-spine anatomy tells us that since the
shoulders work perpendicular to the spine,
forming a T, when the spine rotates, the shoul-
ders rotate with it. If the spine is tilted at 30
degrees to the ground, as it is at address, then
when the spine rotates during the downswing,
the trail shoulder moves down while the lead
shoulder rises. There is also some forward
movement of the shoulders because they are
circling with the spine, but they circle on their
own arc.
One of the most common problems in golf oc-
curs when the player loses his spine angle by
straightening up prior to impact. It can happen
simply because of faulty mechanics or it could
be due to a physical issue (weak or injured
muscles that can no longer hold the body in
position), but whatever the cause, the result is
the same: Because the shoulders work in a T
with the spine, as the spine goes vertical, the
shoulders go horizontal.
Coming out of the shot, as this ascension is
called, causes pulls, thins and slices. Its oppo-
site dropping the spine too much toward
the ground causes the bone-jarring fat shot,
second only to the shank in the hierarchy of
You can see how an injured back, the result of
a car accident, prevents me from rotating my
torso. Thus my trail shoulder hangs back, causing
the club to flip. Note also how high my back
shoulder is its almost touching my chin. This is
because my spine went vertical. Post-accident, I
became a pull hooker with thin shots predominat-
A strong core and a healthy back allow this
young tour player to stay in his posture with his
back shoulder down and his lead shoulder up.
Real bullets
or just blanks
Kris Blanks, a PGA Tour golfer, was
stopped at a security checkpoint and
arrested at Palm Beach International
Airport recently after officers found a
handgun inside his carry-on bag. He
does not have a concealed weapons
According to the Palm Beach Post:
As the bag went through screening, a
Transportation Safety Administration
officer found a .40-caliber Glock 27
with eight rounds in the magazine, a
Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office
report said. Blanks said he forgot it
was in his bag.
Immovable obstruction
An obstruction that cannot be moved (i.e., cart paths or
maintenance roads). You are given relief a free drop
of one club length.
Teaching legend
weighs in on ban
World Golf Teachers Hall
of Fame member Gary
Wiren recently emailed me
his observations on the an-
chored putter ban:
Does this ruling on an-
choring in any way help the
game? Or on the contrary,
does it hurt the game?
The USGA and R&A are
the arbiters in the rules of
golf while the rest of the
golf world is in the business
of golf. When decisions are
made that hurt the business
of golf, you hurt the game
as well.
We are told that it is for
the good of the game. How
has the game benefited
from the most recent
grooves rule? How will the
game benefit from non-an-
choring? Show me, please.
I see no value to the game
of golf in making anchoring
(To Ask the Pro a question
about golf, email him at:
Dont succumb to the tyranny of the
target line
Most golfers have been taught that the target line
is king because it is the line that connects the ball
and the target; therefore, goes the logic, you
must square the face to the target line at impact.
Much has been said about how to do this
rolling your forearms being the tip of the spear in
the battle to square the face.
But while unintentional, this deceit is pernicious.
The target line is merely a reference line, about
as inherently powerful to direct traffic as the
white line down the middle of the road. The only
real power this imaginary line has over the golfer
comes from the golfers voluntary observance of
it. Once support is withdrawn, the tyranny of
the target line is broken.
Ask most golfers how to draw the ball to target
and they will say something like, Swing inside-
out with the face closed to the target line at im-
pact. But this will result in a pull hook that
starts left and barrels more left.
Why? Because of face override, where the ball
starts essentially in the direction of the face,
overriding the direction of its partner, the path.
You can prove this with a simple experiment:
Point the face of your sand wedge way left of the
target line, then hit a soft chip down the line and
watch the ball shoot left.
The correct way to hit a draw is to have your
clubface open, say 2 degrees, to the target line
while the path of your club is 4 degrees open.
Thus the ball starts to the right of target (face
override) and curves back to target because the
face is less open than its path, aka an open-face
draw. Once you understand this, you can see why
the tyranny of the target line can ruin your game.
Dr. T.J. Tomasi is a
teaching profes-
sional in Port St.
Lucie, Fla. Visit
hiswebsite at
Laughing or
crying, both
have benefits
That temper tantrum on the
golf course after every bad
shot may not seem like
much, but it can do serious
damage to both your body
and your game. Studies
show that distress effects
stay in the brain even after
the stressor is removed.
There are, however, two
proven natural interven-
tions. To mute distress, you
have a choice when you
play golf: laugh or cry.
In Japan, the notion of a
good cry has been formal-
ized in organized crying
clubs, where people watch
sad movies and recount
teary tales. In his book
Real Boys, author William
Pollack promotes crying,
which, among other things,
can markedly reduce the
concentration of distress
hormones in the blood. Sci-
entists believe that crying
cleanses the body of dis-
tress chemicals, allowing
us a way to resolve our fail-
And just as you are health-
ier if you cry more, anec-
dotal evidence suggests
youll play better golf if you
cry not while you play,
but after. Greg Norman re-
ports that after he lost the
Masters in one of the great
collapses of modern golf,
he spent time crying on the
This also proves that if a
he-man golf superstar can
cry on his beautiful private
beach in front of his $20
million mansion after a
round of golf, then surely
you and I can shed a tear
now and then when our golf
takes a snarky turn.
On the opposite end of the
spectrum, humans use
laughter to promote the
good stress chemicals
called endorphins.
I talked to my swing coach,
and he said I was a lousy
golfer. I said I wanted a
second opinion, and he
said, All right. Youre ugly,
OK, I admit Im no Seinfeld,
but as an instructor, I have
seen humor work wonders
when used at the right time.
Humans love to laugh, and
the average adult laughs 17
times a day, so just as cry-
ing lightens the distress
load, laughter also serves a
useful purpose.
We think that its the bond-
ing effects of the endorphin
rush that explain why
laughter plays such an im-
portant role in our social
lives, says researcher
Robin Dunbar of the Uni-
versity of Oxford.
The lesson tee that is all
somber and solemn does
both the teacher and the
student a disservice, but by
the same token, Im not in
vaudeville either. So some-
where between dour and
clownish is about right.
Insider Takeaway: Do
your laughing on the
course and the lesson tee
and your crying in private,
but do them both as
needed to modulate dis-
Geometry lesson:
Why a ball curves
How much a ball curves depends on
how much its horizontal axis (a line
through the middle perpendicular to
gravity) is tilted (H-tilt) as it flies
through the air. If there is no H-tilt, the
ball flies straight. But when there is H-
tilt, the rule of thumb is that a ball with a
10-degree tilt curves 7 percent to the
side (either draw or fade).
So a 219-yard shot with a plus-10-de-
gree axis (plus means the tilt is to the
right) will curve 15 yards to the right of
target; at minus-10 degrees, its 15 yards
left. While there are other causes of axis
tilt, such as wind, mud on the ball and
off-center contact, the most common
cause is a difference between your club-
face and club path at impact.
And the higher the loft of the club, the
less the H-tilt. A 6-iron tilts the spin axis
of the ball two times the path/face differ-
ence, while a driver tilts the same axis 8
Thus, because of the loft, a 6-iron curves
less than the driver, and the wedge
curves less than both of them. And when
you come over the top with an open
face, you pull the wedge but pull-slice
the driver same swing error, but dif-
ferent loft and different H-tilt.
Angle of attack
Twenty years ago, who knew the angle of attack
of the clubhead was so important? But now, sci-
ence says it is. Fredric Tuxen, Ph.D., documents
that it makes a big difference whether you con-
tact the ball on the downswing, the upswing or
with the clubhead moving level to the ball.
Tuxen invented TrackMan, a radar-based system
that reveals many things about ball flight previ-
ously unknown. One significant finding is that
simply by switching from a negative attack angle
of 5 degrees at impact (meaning you catch the
ball before the bottom of the swing arc) to a pos-
itive 5-degree angle, a golfer with a 90 mph
swing speed can increase driving distance by
25 or more yards. Even so, the average PGA
Tour player has a negative 1.5-degree angle.
Why do they give up so much yardage? First,
this is an average, so for everyone who hits
down 5 degrees, there is someone who hits up
5 degrees. Second, a negative attack angle
means the club is swinging to the right of target
at impact, which is a match for those pros who
like to draw the ball.
Third, many pros carry the ball 280 yards or
more, so they dont need the extra yardage or
the hassle of changing. Fourth, many are
changing as the word gets out, e.g., Tiger
Cristie Kerr: +8 degrees
Mark Brooks: +9.6 degrees
Bubba Watson: +5 degrees
J.B. Holmes: +3 degrees
Michael Campbell: -7.5 degrees
Charles Howell III: -7.5 degrees
Heres a sampling of TrackMans
measurements among the pros:
Race: Samuel Deeds 400 at The Brickyard
Where: Indianapolis Motor Speedway
When: July 28, 1 p.m. (ET)
2012 Winner: Jimmie Johnson (right)
Race: STP 300
Where: Chicagoland Speedway
When: Sunday, 3 p.m. (ET)
2012 Winner: Elliott Sadler
Race: Mudsummer Classic
Where: Eldora Speedway
When: July 24, 8 p.m. (ET)
Inaugural Race
Former rising star Brian Vickers makes major Sprint Cup
comeback with victory at New Hampshire
To get an idea of the significance of
Brian Vickers victory on Sunday at
New Hampshire Motor Speedway,
one need look no further than the offi-
cial Sprint Cup Series media guide.
To find information about
the part-time driver of the No. 55
Toyota at Michael Waltrip Racing,
one has to look in the Other Drivers
While most of the top stars
have their own page or two, Vickers is
lumped into a catch-all category that
includes drivers such as Robert
Richardson, Stephen Leicht, Scott
Speed, Cole Whitt and Josh Wise,
none of whom regularly compete for
race victories.
At one point in his career,
Vickers, now 29, was considered a
rising NASCAR star. Driving for
Hendrick Motorsports, he won the
2003 championship of the series now
known as Nationwide at age 20 to be-
come the youngest driver to win a
major NASCAR championship. He
moved on to the Cup series, driving
for Hendrick, and got his first win at
Talladega in 2006.
When Toyota joined
NASCAR in 2007, Vickers moved to
the Red Bull team, where he struggled
initially, failing to qualify for several
races, before he finally won at Michi-
gan in 2009. Then midway through
2010, he developed blood clots and
missed the remainder of the season. In
2011, his season was marred by run-
ins on the track with numerous driv-
ers, including championship con-
tender Matt Kenseth, and by the
announcement that his team was ceas-
ing its NASCAR operations.
He started the 2012 season
without a ride, but was picked up for
a six-race stint by Michael Waltrip
Racing, which later extended it to
eight races. His career comeback was
underway as he posted three top-five
and five top-10 finishes and led 158
laps in those eight races.
For this season, hes sharing
the No. 55 with Mark Martin and
Michael Waltrip and running the full
Nationwide Series schedule in a Toy-
ota fielded by Joe Gibbs Racing. He
also ran three Cup races as a substi-
tute for the injured Denny Hamlin.
On Sunday at New Hamp-
shire, Vickers and his Rodney
Childers-led crew used pit strategy to
overcome an early setback due to a
penalty on pit road and join the lead
pack late in the race. Then Vickers
outdueled Tony Stewart, who wound
up running out of fuel, and Kyle
Busch, who finished second, down
the stretch. The battle for the win in-
cluding a critical final green-white-
checkered-flag run that saw Vickers
power to the front after a three-wide
battle for the lead.
In his winners interview,
Vickers said the win was special for
many reasons, including his relation-
ship with Childers, who built Vickers
first go-kart back in the day and has
been a friend and supporter since.
Rodney and I have been
trying to work together for a long
time, he said. Its taken us 20 years
to do it, and nothing could be more
special for me than for both of us to
have this win.
For me, personally, I think
the biggest thing is just the support of
family and friends, my parents, my
grandmother, my fiancee and so many
others through all of the difficult
times and not having a ride.
Vickers, who said he be-
lieves the win will go a long way to-
ward getting him a full-time ride in
the No. 55 for next season, also
thanked those in the NASCAR garage
who believed in him through all his
troubles, including the people at his
race team and at his sponsor, Aarons.
When your back is against
the wall and things are not looking so
good, you find out quickly who is
willing to vouch for you or not, he
said. I learned a lot through that ex-
perience personally and I grew a lot
as a person. Ill never forget those
learning curves. All of that, coming
here, sitting in Victory Lane, just
makes it one of the most special
events of my life.




Brian Vickers celebrates his first Sprint Cup victory of the 2013 season.
Brian Vickers in Victory Lane at New Hampshire




With the Camping World Truck Series
set to run on the dirt at Eldora Speed-
way on Wednesday night, July 24,
theres been lots of buzz about having
one of NASCARs elite series racing on
dirt and racing on a weeknight.
For years, many in the sport
have suggested that a midweek Sprint
Cup Series night race would be a
prime-time TV hit. Jeff Gordon agreed
in his comments to reporters at Day-
I would love to see that, he
said. I think when Monday Night Foot-
ball ends, we should start Monday night
Gordon first came into the
public eye when he was running USAC
short-track races that were televised
nationally on Thursday nights by ESPN,
and he knows firsthand how popular
those shows were.
Thursday Night Thunder was
ridiculously successful back in the day,
he said. I am not saying we need to do
it every week, but if we could find the
right week in the schedule and mix it
up, make it special, and make it make
sense for the fans at home as well as
the ones that could attend, then I think
it would be awesome.
But he said he hasnt re-
ceived much positive feedback when he
broaches that subject with the
NASCAR brass.
It seems like every time I talk
to NASCAR about doing a weekly race
or one midweek, they say, If you do it
on this day, you wont get as many peo-
ple coming to the track, so the track
suffers, and if you do it on this day, then
maybe the track does well, but then the
people at home wont watch it because
of this, he said. So it always seems to
be some kind of obstacle.
Jeff Gordon still hopes
for a Sprint Cup
midweek night race
By Christopher A. Randazzo
Toyotas all-new Avalon is almost Lexus-like
Its been nineteen years since Toyota first
introduced the Avalon a true American
car that has been built exclusively in Amer-
ica at Toyotas manufacturing plant in
Georgetown, Kentucky. That first Avalon
was merely a Toyota Camry with a slightly
longer wheelbase and optional seating for
six. Not a bad idea, just nothing to get too
excited about. After a few redesigns, the
Avalon was creating its own identity but
still wasnt a car to raise a lot of hoopla
That all changes this year as Toyota once
again has redesigned the Avalon, this time
shedding its Camry roots. Now more like
the Lexus ES350 the new Avalon is more
luxurious than ever before.
Its also better looking. Borrowing design
cues from Hyundai and Infiniti, the new
Avalon sports a crisply styled and curva-
ceous shape with a somewhat controver-
sial wide-mouth front grille. Compared to
the last Avalon, this new one is slightly
shorter and wider - but looks far more ele-
Despite the smaller size, the Avalon has
grown inside and is easily the most luxuri-
ous car wearing a Toyota emblem. Hints of
Lexus are all around, especially in the
high-end Limited model. Part of the dash-
board has a unique gun-metal looking sur-
face and uses touch sensitive controls to
operate the climate and audio systems.
Wisely, Toyota stuck with rotary knobs for
the volume and tuning functions to control
the audio system. All other functions and
features inside the Avalons cabin are
nicely arranged, easy to use and made with
excellent build quality.
Continues on next page
Jeff Burtons strong third-place finish at New Hamp-
shire Motor Speedway on Sunday appears to be another sign
that hes regaining the form that has seen him win 21 Sprint
Cup races in his 21-year career.
After winning two races and finishing sixth in the
standings in 2008, the driver of the No. 31 Chevrolet at Richard
Childress Racing has been winless since and failed to finish in
the top 10 in points.
But in recent weeks, he appears to be picking up the
pace, and he says that despite his 17th-place points position,
Burton says a Chase berth isnt out of the question.
We have been running a lot better the last two
months, he said.Continues on next page
Jeff Burton races to third
place at New Hampshire
Jeff Burtons No. 31 Chevrolet



Toyota Avalon...
Jeff Burton...
Continued from page 53
Every seat in the Avalon is
worth sitting in. Up front the
seats are cozy and plush and
offer excellent support. They
feel like one could spend hours
sitting in them and feel no fa-
tigue at all. Those riding in
back have it made with a huge
backseat thanks to the Avalons
111 inch long wheelbase. Not
only is the backseat roomy, but
its very comfortable with a flat
floor. The only thing missing is
a folding rear seat to access the
16 cubic foot trunk. There is a
small pass-through for carrying
skis, though.
While the interior is impressive
and Lexus-like, Toyota decided
to keep the engine bay the
same as the previous model.
The sole engine for this big
Toyota is the popular 3.5 liter
24-valve V6 engine matched up
to a 6-speed automatic trans-
mission. This engine puts out
268 horsepower and 248 lb.-ft.
of torque, making the Avalon
capable of reaching 60 mph in
about 6 and half seconds.
Like in the old Avalon, the en-
gine makes ample power, but
this new Avalon is a much bet-
ter driver than the car it re-
places. A stiffer body along
with a slightly firmed up steer-
ing and suspension really
makes the Avalon handle better
than the old car without sacri-
ficing ride comfort. There are
even paddle shifters for more
spirited driving on the top two
trim levels. This is not your
old-school Avalon.
All Avalons come with leather
interior, power and heated front
seats and an automatic climate
control system. But after offer-
ing the Avalon in just two trim
levels last year, Toyota is back
to four trim levels with the new
car. The base model is the
XLE, while the next step up is
the XLE Premium which adds
keyless ignition and entry and a
rearview camera. The Touring
gets upgraded leather along
with 18-inch wheels while the
top-of-the-line Avalon Limited
gets all of the above along with
a rear power sunshade, venti-
lated front seats, a JBL audio
system, a 7-inch display screen
and rain sensing wipers. My
tester came to me in the Tour-
ing trim and had a sticker price
$36,295.00 pretty much in
line what with the competition
so Toyota has its flagship car
priced right in the ballpark.
In my time with the Avalon, I
tried to determine what more
the car needed to be called a
Lexus. Besides a higher price
tag, I really couldnt figure it
out. The Avalon now offers ele-
gant styling along while pro-
viding great, comfortable
transportation. And really, if
the Avalon gets any nicer, you
might as well just call it a
By The Numbers:
2013 Toyota Avalon XLE Touring
Base Price: $35,500.00
Price as Tested: $36,295.00
Layout: front-engine / front-wheel drive
Engine: 3.5 liter V6
Transmission: 6 - speed automatic
Horsepower: 268 hp
Torque: 248 ft/lbs
EPA Fuel Economy: 21 city / 31 highway mpg
[Visit me at or email me at]
Continued from page 53
Im not saying we are the class of the field, but
we are definitely making progress, and we feel
like we are starting to build on something, and
we understand what were looking for now.
And we dont think we are out of the
Chase. We feel like we can still do it. Theres a
lot of stuff thats going to happen between now
and Richmond [the final race of the regular sea-
Burton, a four-time winner at New
Hampshire, said his wasnt the fastest car on
Sunday, but it was close.
I thought we had the second- or third-best car,
he said. I thought 78 [Kurt Busch] had the best
Busch started second and led a race-
high 102 laps before being involved in a crash
and dropping to 31st at the finish.
Once [Busch] had his trouble, I
thought, Hey, the door is open, and now weve
got a shot, Burton said. Just didnt work out
for us.
Sprint Cup Standings
1. Jimmie Johnson, 696
2. Clint Bowyer, 640
3. Carl Edwards, 623
4. Kevin Harvick, 622
5. Dale Earnhardt Jr., 578
6. Matt Kenseth, 576
7. Kyle Busch, 576
8. Greg Biffle, 545
9. Brad Keselowski, 529
10. Kasey Kahne, 523
Bonus points
earned by Clint
Bowyer for lead-
ing laps, the fewest of
any driver in the top 15
in Sprint Cup Series
Bonus points
earned by Matt
Kenseth for
leading laps, the most
of any Sprint Cup Se-
ries driver this season.
Points positions
lost by Joey
Logano in the past
two Sprint Cup races,
to 18th.
Rookies in the
top 10 in
Camping World
Truck Series points: Jeb
Burton in second place,
Ryan Blaney in sixth
and Darrell Wallace Jr.
in 10th.
Major driver changes announced at Stewart-Haas
Racing for the 2014 Sprint Cup season
In the NASCAR world, its
been known for months that Kevin
Harvick was leaving Richard Chil-
dress Racing at the end of this season
to drive for Stewart-Haas Racing.
Childress himself said so in a pre-sea-
son press gathering.
But it wasnt confirmed by
the folks at Stewart-Haas Racing until
last Friday at New Hampshire Motor
Speedway, when team co-owner Tony
Stewart made the announcement that
Harvick and his longtime sponsor,
Budweiser, would be joining his three-
driver team.
The unanswered question up
until Friday was whether Stewart-Haas
would add a fourth team for Harvick
or whether one of the current drivers,
Ryan Newman or Danica Patrick,
would be displaced.
For Newman, a 16-time win-
ner on the Cup circuit, the answer
came earlier in the week in a phone
call from Stewart.
I got a phone call
from Tony (Stewart) on
Wednesday, Newman
said. That was it. His
phone call was about
making the announce-
ment and that I would
not be a part of Stewart-
Haas Racing in 2014.
Newman indicated that
Stewart, a fellow Indiana native whose
own career has been similar to New-
mans going all the way back to their
early days racing USAC open-wheel-
ers, hoped their friendship could sur-
vive the business changes.
His stress was the impor-
tance of our friendship and that, to me,
will never change, Newman said.
Weve only ever argued over how
hard we race. That is the kind of
friends Tony and I are.
Continues on next page
Ryan Newman wont be racing for
Stewart-Haas after the 2013 Sprint
Cup season. T




Continued from page 55
There is a chance that we
might do that again in the future, but
we have a great friendship and I look
forward to keeping that. That was the
main point of our conversation out-
side of the obvious of 2014.
Stewart had similar com-
ments about his relationship with
This was a business deci-
sion that was Genes [Haas] as well
as mine, and it was a hard decision,
Stewart said. There is a personal
side and there is a business side. For
Ryan and I, we had to put the per-
sonal bit of it aside to work through
the business part.
Im behind him 100 per-
cent. I believe in him 100 percent. I
truly wish we were able to facilitate
four teams at this time. We are just
not able to do that.
For Harvick, leaving the
only team owner hes ever had in
NASCAR for Stewart-Haas is a
chance to put some new spark in his
step. It has worked recently for Stew-
art, who in 2009 left Joe Gibbs Rac-
ing to start Stewart-Haas and has
gone on to win 15 races and the 2011
championship. And its working for
Matt Kenseth, who left Roush Fen-
way Racing for Joe Gibbs Racing
this year and already has won four
The decision to make the
change was ... from a personal stand-
point, to rejuvenate exactly what
youre doing, said Harvick, who
will drive a Chevrolet numbered 4
next season. For me ... having that
relationship with a guy that is going
to be sitting in the cars next to you ...
having that kind of teammate that has
won championships, a team that has
won championships in the last couple
of years is ... exciting.
Then theres the chance to take ad-
vantage of the technology available
from Hendrick Motorsports, which
shares cars, engines and information
about them with the Stewart-Haas
Newman also will be expe-
riencing a change next season, but at
this point he has no idea what the
new season will bring as far as which
team or what sponsors hell be affili-
ated with in the future.
I have no idea on any part
of it, he said. There are no answers
that I have. Obviously, I have my
own homework to do.
Major driver changes announced...
Tony Stewart

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