Newsletter July 13

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W ilnecote H igh School

July 2013 Issue 105

Dear Parents/Carers As we near the end of another school year I would like to thank all parents/carers, students and staff for their commitment, positive attitude and ongoing support for the school. I wish you all an enjoyable and relaxing summer break. As always this term has been exciting and busy with lots of students involved in a wide range of activities. The main purpose of this newsletter is to celebrate these activities and successes and on the following pages you will read about a range of these. Mr Tonks

Love Where You Live 2013

Over 50 Y7 students accompanied Mr Sbarra, Miss Dickins and Councillor Tina Clements on a litter picking walk all the way from school to the Castle Grounds. On a blisteringly hot day the students took turn to pick litter from the roads leading to the castle. Once there, they enjoyed a picnic lunch before joining litter-picking students from other Tamworth schools to receive the thanks and congratulations of the Mayor and of the organiser Greg Parker.

German Exchange 2013

This year, from 7th 15th March, around 25 students and their families hosted a German Exchange partner as part of our annual German Exchange programme with our partner school in Bad Laasphe. The students were joined by Karin Fischer (the group leader in Bad Laasphe) and Felix Morgenstern. During the week, students participated in a variety of activities, both in and out of school. We took a day trip to Shrewsbury, where they had the opportunity to do some sightseeing and shopping. The German students also spent some time in lessons and really got involved (with a bit of showing off in German!). This year students also took part in a project to design and present a display which celebrates the German Exchange and the opportunities it gives them. It was excellent to see students from both schools working so well and enthusiastically together and discussing the new experiences that they had and friendships that they have made. They then presented their work (in both languages!) to the rest of the group. Not only did they work brilliantly together, but the displays and presentations were excellent and we struggled to choose a winning group! Throughout the visit the students were a credit to themselves and their schools. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our host families for making the exchange partners feel so welcome. The students were frequently talking about what an excellent time they had had with the host families and there were even a few tears as we waved them goodbye at the end of the visit. I would also like to thank the many staff who helped to make the exchange a success, either by hosting our partner schools teachers, joining us on trips and activities, or simply making the students feel welcome in your lessons. The exchange is an excellent opportunity to make new friends whilst experiencing a different language and culture. We are now looking forward to our return visit from 23rd 29th September. If your son / daughter would like to be involved in future exchange visits, feel free to contact Miss Lakin for more details.

More Exchange photos ..

The Performing Arts and Arts Festival

Our annual 2 week Arts Festival continues to be one of the main events in our school calendar. As always the range and quality of performance was stunning. Thanks and well done to all the staff and students involved. Some of the highlights included:-

Music Concert
Y10 GCSE music students put on a stunning performance on Tuesday 2nd July performing their coursework ensembles and solo pieces.

Arts Spectacular
On Wednesday 10th July the performing arts department put on Arts Spectacular. This was an evening which celebrated curriculum and extra-curricular work. An altogether diverse evening in which all students involved did wonderfully.

Play in a Day
Based this year on The Wombles of Wimbledom Common, the Performing Arts Faculty (supported by year 9 students) worked with pupils from Dosthill Primary School, Wilnecote Juniors and Manor Primary School to produce a piece based on the importance of recycling. The performance was excellent and the whole process was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Sports Day
The school community enjoyed another excellent Sports Day at the Tamworth Athletics stadium on th Tuesday 9 July. The winning house was Hexagon, but there were a number of outstanding individual performances. Thanks also to the Performing Arts Department for providing pre and midway entertainments with Music from Drum Group and Hip Hop Dancing. Thank you to everyone who came to support the competitors and the sun shone throughout! A good day all round !!

Sports Leaders Launch the First Ever TVCLT Multi Sports Event! Over 90 Sports Leaders from Year 10 ran the first ever Tame Valley Co-operative Learning Trust Multi Sports Event, here at Wilnecote High School. 200 plus Year 5 students from across the learning trust competed in mini teams across 10 events, each representing a world nation. The event was supported by the ASDA Active programme and Sports Leaders UK. Only 4 events of this kind were held in Staffordshire; this was the biggest due to numbers of participants and most importantly the number of Sports Leaders, making a significant leader contribution. Ten Year 9 students who had shown extraordinary leadership potential supported the Sports Leaders in the delivery of this amazing event. It is hoped these students will then set the standard for others in next years Sports Leaders programme. If over 100 young people leading the next generation is not inspiring enough, visits from Beth Cobden (U21 England Netball player) and Josh Hill (Great Britain Judo) helped raise the 2012 Inspire a Generation profile further. Quotes from the day
Stoneydelph Primary School student It was wicked, I really like the Tug of War. Dosthill Primary School student My team leader helped me do my best Longwood Primary School student I liked competing against people from other schools

Sports Leader I really enjoyed leading my event, but it was hard work Sports Leader I lost my voice cheering for my mini team

Dosthill Teacher Today was fab, the kids really enjoyed it Stoneydelph Primary School Headteacher The Children had a really great day, many thanks for organising it, first of many we hope

Trust School Teacher It was lovely to see so many of children doing their best and enjoying themselves Trust School Assistant Teacher The Sports Leaders did an amazing job they gave our children a superb experience. Everyone said how much fun the day was and how well organised and enthusiastic the leaders were.

Wilnecote High School Key Stage 4 Netball Champions

Having dominated their year group since 2008, the under 16's once again proved too strong for the other Tamworth schools. In a tournament that involved Landau Forte Academy Amington, Landau Forte Academy QEMS, Tamworth Enterprise College and The Rawlett School, the team were undefeated, scoring 21 and only conceding 5. The team was made up of Shannon Baker, Becca Sheldon, Hannah Thompson, Sophie Hunter, Chloe Skilleter, Becky Barlow, Beth Exton, Laura Hope, Katie Lester.

The team had already won the friendly tournament earlier in the year, with six players instead of the normal seven, scoring 24 goals over 4 games, conceding only 2 (team: Chloe Skilleter, Hannah Thompson, Katie Lester, Sophie Hunter, Laura Hope & Sophie Burton) The KS4 team are the only team in Tamworth to compete in the County Tournament.

Yr 10 Geography Fieldtrip to Carding Mill Valley Shropshire

On Thursday 20th June 58 students visited Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire to collect data for their GCSE Geography Controlled Assessment. The students walked up the river valley towards the source and on their way back to the coach they collected data from 4 sites. The students had to measure the width of the river channel and depth of the river every 25 cm's at each site. Students also measured the velocity of the river at each site. In addition to this students had the opportunity to interview a National Trust Ranger. On their return to school the students have now started their write up of the data. The weather stayed dry, the students were superbly behaved and enjoyed the day out in the beautiful Shropshire countryside.

Staff Farewells
We would like to say a fond farewell to members of staff who are leaving us this year Mr Cajkler - Languages Mr White English Mrs Whitaker English Miss Rice - English Mrs Ebrey School Business Director 31 years service!!!

We wish them all the very best for the future in whatever endeavours they wish to pursue.

Term Dates 2013-14

Autumn Term 2013 Term Starts Term Starts INSET DAY Term Term Ends 3 Sept 2013 (New Y7 only) th 4 Sept 2013 (rest of school) th 4 October 2013 th st 28 Oct 1 Nov 2013 th 20 Dec 2013

Spring Term 2014 INSET DAY Term Starts Tern Term Ends 6 Jan 2014 th 7 Jan 2014 th st 17 21 Feb 2014 th 11 April 2014

Fundraising by Ellie Lainchbury & Hannah Maskell (Y10)

We are two students in year 10. On the 15th of March our school held a non-school uniform day a cake sale and other activities to raise money for a charity of our choice, but only three students including us have picked a charity and so we picked Young Minds because I Ellie Lainchbury have been affected when I was younger, but now I have a group of friends and family who have helped me through these experiences. I also picked this charity not only because it is close to me but to raise awareness of what is going on out there. Hopefully the money we have raised will be helping the children and women to find a way out of danger. In total we have raised 250 for Young Minds. We are hoping this will make a difference.

Summer Term 2014 Term Starts INSET DAY May Day Term Term Ends 28 April 2014 nd 2 May 2014 th 5 May 2014 th th 26 30 May 2014 th 18 July 2014

Free Passage on the M6 Toll

The school has been successful in being issued with the free passage scheme on the M6 toll. The scheme gives us free usage along the M6 toll for 12 months from Sept 2013. As regular drivers Tom Deadman and Emma Jordan went to the operations centre to be awarded with the tags for use with both our buses. This will save the school money every time the buses use the M6 Toll

Beth Shalom
On Friday 7th June five members of staff and approximately 90 students visited the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre near Newark, Nottinghamshire. The Centre opened in 1995 as the UKs first venue for Holocaust education and memorial. Its aim is to increase awareness about the Nazi Holocaust and other genocides, as well as providing a focus for memorial and remembrance. The year nine students were able to explore the beautiful memorial gardens (the sun shone lots for us!) and learn more from the excellent exhibition about Jewish life under the Nazi regime. All year nine students at Wilnecote study this topic in Religious Education and History during the summer term, in a cross-curricular module examining major themes of historical and contemporary significance. After lunch we all sat down to listen to the story of a camp survivor Martin Stern who was taken as a small boy from Holland to Theresienstadt concentration camp located in what is now the Czech Republic. He spoke about his own memories and also gave his own thoughts about how such atrocities could have occurred. There was then the opportunity for our children to ask him questions. Meeting someone who had lived through such horrific experiences brought to life the subject for our pupils in a way not always possible in the classroom. They had been able to pay their own respects to the dead in the rose gardens and many joined in stone setting on the memorial to children who had died at the hands of the Nazi government. Staff and pupils who made the visit would like to thank Mr Morris and Mrs Smyth for organising such a stimulating and meaningful day.

Year 11 Leavers Prom

On Friday 5th July the Annual Y11 Prom was held in the Tower Suite at Drayton Manor. 187 Y11 students attended. Upon arrival they were greeted by a large crowd of parents and friends. The procession of students arriving at the Prom was stunning with a range of classic cars, limos which are getting longer every year and sports cars. There was even a Cinderella Coach !! The unofficial competition of the most interesting way of arriving at the prom was a draw this year between two MOBILITY SCOOTERS and a TANDEM !!! The students were beautifully dressed. The Ladies wore a range of stunning dresses' , whilst the Gentlemen were immaculately dressed in a range of suits. Following a 3 course meal the students danced the evening away in the Tower Suite. The students were a credit to themselves, their parents and their teachers, I am sure they will remember the Prom night for the rest of their lives. Note - Next Years Y11 Prom is booked for Friday 27th June 20134
Official Prom photos can be viewed and ordered at Album Name: Wilnecote Prom 2013 Password: 4109

Photos taken by Elliot Nicholls & Frances Astle

Fazeley Shield Final

Wilnecote High School



Goals either side of half time secured a well-deserved Fazeley Shield victory for Wilnecotes Y11 football team against their counterparts from Landau Forte Academy (QEMS). It was clear from the early passages of play that Wilnecote were the stronger team with a passing game that was easy on the eye. However, for all of our possession the breakthrough was a long time coming and indeed came after a scare when QEMS hit the bar against the run of play. Eventually, though, Rob Stroud broke the deadlock with a cool finish to put us one up just before the break. The expected deluge of goals never materialised as the warm conditions and day after leavers syndrome took their toll. The crucial second goal came by way of a towering Ryan Brooks header from a corner early in the second half. From there it was a case of managing the game to its conclusion, which Wilnecote did comfortably; marshalled by the outstanding three man defence of Roberts, Dyson and Brooks. We will do well to field another school football team as accomplished as this one and this triumph was a fitting end to their time representing Wilnecote with such distinction. Well played boys!

Year 10's win Tamworth Football League

The year 10's have dominated football in the Tamworth this year. They won the league after losing only one game to Rawlett away from home. They hope to build on their successes of this year and mirror the Year 11's and win the Fazley shield next year!!

Nordic Identity and Youth Employment Project

Lahti, Finland: 16th 22nd February 2013 A group of eleven Year 11 students along with Miss Price and Mr Cotterill recently embarked on a week-long trip to southern Finland to examine Scandinavian attitudes towards youth unemployment and what projects and initiatives are in place to address what is a very serious Finnish problem. It turned out to be an interesting, hard-working week but it was also lots of fun! We arrived at Helsinki airport at midnight on 16th February, but as our bus to Lahti wasnt until 2am, we had some time to kill. This mainly involved playing in the heavy snow outside the terminal building! We finally arrived at our accommodation, a beautiful old building that houses a type of boarding school, at around 4am. Everybody was tired, but unfortunately, due to some carelessness in the room key department, some students were locked out, meaning nobody got any sleep until at least 5am! The first full day we met our Finnish host, Irene, and the young people with whom we would be working. These were a group of either volunteers or employees of the Lahti youth service, or people looking to get into employment. In Finland, a young person is anybody under the age of 29! The group were then split into two and charged with preparing lunch and dinner for the entire group a task that, coupled with everybodys fatigue and grumpiness almost brought about some serious injuries to a number of people! The week saw plenty of interesting and engaging activities that really challenged our students perceptions and opinions of various topics. The Wilnecote High School students threw themselves into all aspects of the activities, and as we witnessed first-hand the emphasis on youth work, we all became a little bit enamoured with the Finnish culture, and began to question things that we could do better at home. It wasnt all work work work! Lunches smelling of cat food, dashing across town to get a kebab, a trip to a World Championship ski jump and a little bit of cross-dressing (you know who you are!) were all particular highlights. But they are stories for another day! All in all, we had a fantastic time in Finland. We were surrounded by warm, friendly, accommodating people in a wonderfully efficient (if not very cold!) town. Everybody came away with many new friends and fond memories. It was truly an experience that none of us will ever forget.

Matilda Trip
On Wednesday 5th June 31 Year 9 Arts Award students went to London to see the West End production of Matilda. As part of their course they have to write and present a review on the production giving their personal opinions as well as commenting on and evaluating the set, lighting, acting and stage effects. The students also had the chance to explore Covent Garden and watched numerous street theatre performances in the sunshine. Students spent a few hours in small groups exploring the market stalls and food outlets before the matinee production commenced. Students were in awe of some of the effects especially when Miss Truchbull appeared to fling a child into the audience by swinging her round by her pigtails! All students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and most had not visited the capital before. We look forward to seeing their presentations and them gaining their bronze arts award in August.

Late in March a squad of 5 students flick flacked their stuff at the District Schools Gymnastics Competition. Over 8 teams took part in 2 competitions, covering the Floor and Vault and Sports Acrobatics Pairs. Despite limited facilities and full extra-curricular commitments they performed brilliantly in both disciplines and managed to secure the team Silver medal. This is clearly an impressive achievement form working with just a few gym mats and one springboard!! Jasmine and Courtney competed in the Sports Acrobatics Pairs competition where they had choreographed their own routine, utilising several challenging balances and unique gymnastic moves. They performed excellently, completing the routine with no mistakes at all. So it came as no surprise that they won the Gold medal. Each gymnast also competed as an individual where Alice Arnold blew the competition away, beating over 30 students to win the individual Gold medal, with a score of 18.6 out of 20. Emma Thompson and Jasmine Finlan-Tuck both scored very highly but were just outside the top 5 gymnasts with their competent and finely tunes performances. Miss Brolan needs to be thanked for shaping our best ever gymnastics team well done girls!!!!!

Send my Friend to School

Students of Wilnecote High School have spoken out in support of the 60 million children worldwide who, through no fault of their own, do not or cannot go to school. They have sent messages to Prime Minister David Cameron via local MP Christopher Pincher as part of the Send My Friend to School campaign. This attempts to remind world leaders of a promise made by their predecessors in the year 2000 that by 2015 every child in the world would receive an education. This years campaign has focussed on the need to find 1.7 million more teachers in order for that promise to become a reality. The students messages encouraged Mr Pincher to remind the Prime Minister of the pledge made in 2000 and they included cut-out teachers (including some life-size cut-outs of ideal tutors) listing the characteristics which make them so amazing. During his visit to the school Mr Pincher suggested that he accompany some of our students to Downing Street in order to deliver some of the messages personally to Prime Minister David Cameron.

House Captains
A rigorous process of letter of application, ballot and interview has helped us to appoint our new House Captains for the next academic year. Congratulations to:Globe House Hexagon House Pegasus House Rose House Jess Hall & Josh Harriett Eve Dodd & Holly Short Charlie Butler & Danielle Miller Hattie Evans & Chris McNulty

These students will be ambassadors for the school at a number of events.

We are reaching the time of year when parents begin to think about replacing their childs uniform for the new school year. It is, therefore, appropriate to share with you a list of our uniform requirements. School polo shirt School sweatshirt or school cardigan Plain black full length straight leg trousers or plain black knee length skirt Plain black leather/leather style shoes Any outdoor coats should be in keeping with the school uniform, ie navy blue or black.

These are very simple requirements and all students are expected to wear school uniform at all times. Students who fail to adhere to these simple requirements will, wherever possible, be given an item of school uniform to wear for the day. Alternatively, parents may be contacted and asked to bring in correct uniform for such students. If no suitable solution is possible, then the student will be placed in isolation for the day. Persistent failure to comply with these requirements will result in sanctions being applied in line with school policy. Additional items of clothing, such as hoodies and tracksuit tops, have no place in our school. Such items will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day and sanctions for failure to comply with our uniform requirements will be applied. Most uniform is available through normal clothing suppliers with sweatshirt, cardigans and polo shirts only via Buxton and Bonnett. Please be aware that some shops (including Buxton & Bonnett) may label clothing as school uniform but unless it complies with our uniform requirements, particularly plain black full length straight leg trousers or black knee length skirt, then it will NOT be acceptable for school. We would like to remind students and parents that if a student has PE or dance in the first lesson of the day, they should wear their school uniform and change into their kit at school. Equally, if a student has PE or dance in the last lesson of the day, they are required to change into school uniform to travel/walk home from school. All of our consultations with parents have confirmed that they want a school uniform and expect students to wear it. I would like to commend students who always come to school in full uniform and thank their parents for supporting us.

Lost property
Over the term the school has collected a huge amount of lost property including various keys and a mobile phone, as well as various items of PE kit and school sweatshirts. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure that your childs name is marked on ALL items of school wear so that we can endeavour to return the garments to their rightful owners. Mrs Taylor

Schoolcomms our text messaging company have introduced a new smartphone app for parents to download, to enable the school and parents to communicate more easily (and cheaply!!) We will be sending out information on how you can download the new Gateway App to your phone in September. The more parents who download the App, the cheaper it is for the school to send text messages. We would appreciate it if as many of you as possible could put this App onto your Phones.

WHS Leisure Centre Information

See the link below on the School Website for Leisure Centre Information

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