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Updated October 2013


The basics: Word count: 750 words Photography: colorful, dynamic, and Creative Commons; find our Photo Guidelines at http://www.scri!5"500#0!/$heCity%i&'Photo' Guidelines Tone and style: optimistic, informed, fresh; find our (ditorial Guidelines at http://www.scri"777*5!/$heCity%i&'(ditorial'Guide 1) What is the blogging oppo t!nit"# $e%ent& iss!e in ne's& p!blication& etc()
Example: Bra !l!an "!s!onary #a!me $erner recently ga"e a speech !n %h!ch he expanded on %hy he th!n&s the pr!"ate "eh!cle %!ll soon be on the decl!ne'

)) What is "o! *ain *essage# $1+) sentences)

Example: (esp!te !ncreas!ng rates o) pr!"ate "eh!cle o%nersh!p and )luctuat!ng demand )or publ!c transport !n Bra !l* #a!me $erner bel!e"es that +the car !s the c!garette o) the )uture, - .ou can use !t* but you %!ll be seen as a soc!etal nu!sance' $erner has three ma!n all!es !n the )!ght aga!nst car culture: !ncreas!ng tra))!c congest!on* en"!ronmental a%areness* and /ual!ty !mpro"ements !n publ!c transport'

,) What a e the )+- s!b+topics "o!.ll a// ess to ill!st ate "o! *ain *essage# A) S!b+topic 01:
Example 0)rom the abo"e ma!n message1: Tra))!c congest!on )rustrates people and leads them to loo& )or alternat!"es'

B) S!b+topic 0):
Example: Bra !l2s en"!ronmental mo"ement has created a more !n)ormed and respons!ble publ!c'

Updated October 2013

1) S!b+topic 0,:
Example: 3!gher /ual!ty publ!c transport !s more respons!"e to people2s needs and %!ll soon be a more attract!"e opt!on than the pr!"ate car'

D) S!b+topic 0-:

-) What is the hea/line# $Ill!st ates 2e" *essage& incl!/e sea ch te *s)
4!m )or 5-6 %ords' Example: +The car !s the c!garette o) the )uture,

3) W ite "o! int o/!ction( $D a's ea/e in& tees !p 2e" *essage)
4!m )or 100-150 %ords' Only a)ter the ma!n message has been appro"ed by The7!ty8!x ed!tors

4) W ite "o! 52e" *essage6 pa ag aph( $T ansitions 7 o* int o/!ction to *ain i/ea o7 the piece)
4!m )or 100-150 %ords' Only a)ter the ma!n message has been appro"ed by The7!ty8!x ed!tors

8) W ite bo/" te9t( $:se o!tline /e%elope/ in Step 0)( :se s!b+hea/e s to st !ct! e te9t)
4!m )or 300-350 %ords' Only a)ter the ma!n message has been appro"ed by The7!ty8!x ed!tors

;) 1oncl!sion(
4!m )or 100-150 %ords' Only a)ter the ma!n message has been appro"ed by The7!ty8!x ed!tors

To "!e% the post th!s template !s based on* please "!s!t http:99thec!ty)!x'com9blog9carc!garette-)uture-lu!s-gut!erre -:a!me-lerner-s!brt-car-culture9'

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