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A martian meteorite is a rock and sometimes metal that formed on the planet Mars, and was ejected from

Mars by the impact of an asteroid or comet for about 16 million years ago, and landed on the Earth.These meteorites are thought to be from Mars because they have elemental and isotopic compositions that are similar to rocks and atmosphere gases analyzed by spacecraft on Mars. The most frequently meteorites found on Earth contain small, partly glassy spheres called chondrules, . Other meteorites lacking chondrules are called achondrites, and a subset of those are commonly referred to as planetary meteorites. This group comprises meteorites that derive from current or former bodies of sufficient size and with enough heat that they became internally layered, with a dense core and an overlying lithosphere . The relatively rare iron meteorites and also the pallasites presumably represent the disaggregated cores of former planetary bodies. The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter. It contains lumps of rock much smaller than planets. These lumps are called asteroids or minor planets. They are not visible from Earth with the naked eye, but many may be seen through binoculars or some small telescopes.It was hard to see because its composed of all small stuff, like rock and ice chunks. The largest asteroid in the asteroid belt is called Ceres (which is 1032 km across). The next largest is Pallas(588 km across).There are also some asteroids that is less than a kilometer. Unofficially the limit has been set at 50 meters, and anything smaller than that is going to be called a meteoroid . The tail of a comet can be seen when it is closest to the Sun and the icy particles are melting. The exploration of Mars has taken place over hundreds of years, beginning in earnest with the invention and development of the telescope since the 1600s. Probes sent from Earth beginning in the late 20th century have yielded an increasing in knowledge about the Martian system, focused primarily on understanding its geology and possible habitability potential. Engineering interplanetary journeys is very complicated, so the exploration of Mars has experienced a high failure rate, especially in earlier attempts. Roughly two-thirds of all spacecraft destined for Mars failed before completing their missions, and there are some that failed before their observations could begin. However, missions have also met with unexpected levels of success, such as the twin Mars Exploration Rovers operating for years beyond their original mission specifications. A meteoroid is an rocky object from the size of a grain of sand to the bulk of a boulder that is traveling in space.They may have form when asteroids collided or when comets passed close to the Sun, leaving a trail with debris. Meteoroids may enter Earth's atmosphere when Earth passes though this trail. Most of the meteoroid burn up completely and we can see them as meteors or shooting star. Those the don't burn completely and strike Earth. We called these meteorites Meteors are easier to see during the lower light conditions of night. A small percentage of meteoroids fly on a path that goes into the Earths atmosphere and then back out again, they are known as Earth grazing fireballs.When many meteors occur in a close time frame in the same part of the sky it is called a meteor shower. And around 500 meteorites reach the Earths surface every year but of those only around 5 ever make it to scientists for study.

Source: Textbook

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