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Technology Management

Unit 13

Unit 13

Knowledge Based Technologies and Knowledge Management

Structure: 13.1 Introduction Objectives 13.2 Knowledge Based Technology and Techniques Knowledge based technology process Tools and techniques 13.3 Role of Artificial Intelligence Techniques 13.4 Knowledge Management Techniques for Technology Management Review Conceptualise Reflect Act 13.5 Summary 13.6 Glossary 13.7 Terminal Questions 13.8 Answers 13.9 Case Study

13.1 Introduction
By now, we are familiar with the concepts of product development and the different stages involved in a New Product Development Process. In the previous unit, we discussed the role of government in Technology Management. We also studied the concepts of technology development and its relationship with competition. We also discussed about the Research and Development (R&D) management and its concepts. Also, we studied about the various intellectual property rights and their management. In this unit, we will study about the concepts of knowledge-based technology and the related tools and techniques. We will also discuss the role of artificial intelligence techniques. Thereafter, we will analyse the different knowledge management techniques for technology management. This unit will enable us to understand the techniques used in knowledge based technology and knowledge management. It will also allow us to understand the role of artificial intelligence techniques.
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Objectives: After studying this unit you should be able to: Explain knowledge based technology and techniques. Discuss the role of artificial intelligence techniques. Describe knowledge management techniques management.



13.2 Knowledge Based Technology and Techniques

Let us start our discussion with the meaning of knowledge- based technology. We can define Knowledge-Based Technology (KBT) as an application, consisting of analytical, and programming techniques and tools. Apart from the techniques and tools, KBT also includes the process, in which those techniques and tools are applied, and the education, training, organisational structure and infra-structure which support their use. We can say that traditional software development technology refers to the procedures or algorithms which uses and maintains accurately structured data. On the other hand, KBT gives more importance to 'knowledge', and the new class of knowledge engineers is concerned with elaboration of whole 'problem-domains'. Very few organisations provide clarity to the meaning of the term 'knowledge'. There are numerous ways in which knowledge can be expressed, but the principal form in use in modern expert systems is called 'production rules' or 'antecedent-consequent-rules'. These are of the form: IF <antecedent-condition> THEN <consequents> An antecedent condition means a preceding condition or event. Antecedents and Consequents are patterns that contain variables, such as, marked by question-mark prefixes. Whenever a rule is considered, its variables have no values initially, but they acquire values as antecedent patterns are matched to assertions. For example: IF Applicant-Age < 18 & Parental-Consent-Received!= 'Y' THEN Loan-Eligibility = 'N'

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We can use this expression to state rules, which are fixed statements of defined relationships between variables. Moreover, we can also use the expression to state heuristics, or 'rules of thumb', which can be used as a guide, and are generally true. They are based on correlation or perception, rather than on fundamental models. Heuristics correspond to 'limited knowledge' about the domain, whereas rules represent 'deep knowledge'. Representing knowledge as rules and heuristics has two basic advantages. The first advantage is that both rigid knowledge and useful knowledge can be captured into the computer. The second advantage is that knowledge that currently exists in the forms of rules, can be trapped in that rules form, without having to be first converted by teams of analysts and programmers into piles of data definitions and procedures. 13.2.1 Knowledge based technology process Management requires a precise understanding of the process which KBT applications demand. Let us have a brief discussion on a model of the development and use of KBT as it is typically practised, as given in figure 13.1. It removes technical detail, but includes all key elements and relationships. Figure 13.1 explains the basic scheme for knowledge based applications. As you can see in figure 13.1, in the Development Phase, knowledge is carved out from one or more people who have specialised knowledge in the relevant domain. Such an individual is typically referred to (in the paper) as an 'expert', but the more general term 'domain specialist' is less exaggerated and more general. The knowledge is usually represented in the form of antecedent-consequent rules. For some instances it is likely for the domain specialist to provide the knowledge to a 'knowledge-base', but more usually a 'knowledge engineer' traps it using some suitable language and supporting software. Afterwards, a user, without consenting to either the domain specialist or the knowledge engineer, confers the knowledge-base. The user provides data about some event or circumstances within the problem domain. The software takes assumptions, by applying the rules present in the knowledgebase to the case-specific data and the typical, domain-specific data. A result is provided to the user, in the form of a diagnosis, prediction,
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Instances or Known Cases

Domain Specialist s KnowHow

Say How

Knowledge Engineer

Knowledge Acquisition by Rule Inference of Induction


Domainspecific rules, facts, data and assertions Developer Interface Logical Data Management Physical Data Management

Expert Systems Shell or Language

Rules and Domain Data


Knowledge Base

Pty KB


Prompts Case-Specific Data User Conclusions Explanation User Interface Interface Engine

Case Results User

User Interface

Learning Mechanism

Figure 13.1: Basic Scheme for Knowledge-Based Applications

recommendation, and decision depending on the nature of the application. In addition, the user may request a clarification of the disagreement whereby the software reached its termination. The scheme given in figure 13.1, also integrates three emergent areas of KBT, which are: Knowledge acquisition initiated automatically, by analysing a set of extraordinary cases, either to support the knowledge engineer, or to create the knowledge-base directly. A general knowledge-base, such as, an encyclopaedia represented in a suitable form, or generalised pattern-processing or associational knowledge. It encloses common knowledge or common-sense, and may be used as a foundation upon which the domain-specific knowledge may be built.
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Natural machine-learning ability, in such a manner that the results of new cases are used by the software to change the existing knowledgebase.

13.2.2 Tools and techniques Let us now have a quick overview of tools and techniques of KBT. As the field is new, the set of techniques and tools is described a bit differently. We can broadly classify into three groups: Knowledge acquisition: It refers to the extraction and formulation of knowledge derived from existing sources, especially from experts. It includes the development of knowledge bases, often by interviewing and observing domain experts and extracting rules from their behaviour or statements. It includes rule initiation and other machine-learning models Knowledge demonstration: The knowledge can be demonstrated through a variety of models of semantic networks. For example, orderattribute-value triplets and frames, together with production rules; inheritance; credible reasoning; and logic programming; and Implication procedures: The implication procedures consist of information-driven forward-chaining (Forward chaining is one of the two main methods of reasoning when using inference rules and can be described logically as repeated application of the antecedent) and objective-directed backward-chaining (Backward chaining is an inference method used in automated provering of theorems, proof assistants and other artificial intelligence applications), intensity-first and breadth-first search strategies, and non-monotonic reasoning. These tools and techniques are quite different from those of traditional programming. Colleges have been teaching few of them from a long time, but in most cases only as optional and advanced subjects. The skills required to develop KBT-based software cannot be assumed to be readily available. Like other new skills, they must be purchased or cultivate, and retained. Self Assessment Questions 1. Traditional __________ development technology refers to the procedures or algorithms, which uses and maintains accurately structured data.
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2. The software takes assumptions, by applying the rules present in the knowledge-base to the _____ data and the typical, ________ data. 3. Thus KBT contains an important continuity compared to traditional software development technology. (True/False)? Activity 1: Suppose that you are working in a software company, and your company is implementing Knowledge Based Technology, to improve the organisational structure. What categories of techniques will you follow to successfully implement KBT? Hint: Knowledge Acquisition.

13.3 Role of Artificial Intelligence Techniques

As we are discussing about knowledge based technology in this unit, let us now discuss about a knowledge based technology, namely, Artificial Intelligence. We can define artificial intelligence as the creation and study of computer programs that perform intelligent functions. Artificial Intelligence happens to be the ultimate goal of computer programming. Currently, a lot of effort is going on, to make more intelligent computer programs that are easier to use, even at the cost of simplicity and efficiency. We basically design programs to solve problems. In this section, we will learn about, what it takes for a computer program to work intelligently and discuss some uses for intelligent programs. We can classify the different fields, in which the artificial intelligence techniques have been applied to, as: Common Tasks: A lot of real world tasks are so casual and seem unchallenging which means they cannot attract much consideration by the manner they are carried out. It is hard to even notice small problems, and draw systematic solutions. These so called simple problems are actually very complex and need a high amount of knowledge. Some common tasks are: Perception (vision and speech). Natural language understanding, generation, and translation. Common sense reasoning. Robot control.
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It has been tough to build computers that can generate and understand even parts of a natural language like English. This is because language has developed as an effective means of communication between intelligent beings. It seems as transmitting a bit of mental structure from one brain to another under situations in which each brain contains large, highly similar mental structures that provide a common perspective. This similarity in perspective helps in generating and understanding highly condensed messages. Thus, natural language apprehension is a highly complex process of encoding and decoding. In order to manufacture computer systems that can understand natural language, both the situational knowledge and the process for making effective implications are required. This is an important field, which still fascinates a number of researchers. Humans are able to successfully guide their situation and manipulate things such as light switches and toy blocks. These tasks, although performed instinctively by humans, involve a great deal of complication. When a machine is programmed to perform the same tasks, it is observed that this requires most of the capabilities used in solving more intellectually demanding problems. Research and development in robotics has helped to develop many AI technologies for modelling states of the world, and transformations from one state to another have also been researched. Formal Tasks: A formal task focuses on handling large and complex domain space for problem solving. Without Al involvement, it is difficult to solve such tasks. Finding a solution from a vast area of knowledge sources and proving theorems, are examples of such formal tasks. A few other tasks are: Games (chess, backgammon, checkers, and so on). Mathematics (geometry, logic, integral calculus, theorem proving).

Games can generate enormously large search spaces. These are huge and complex enough which necessitates robust techniques for determining what alternatives to look at in the problem space. These techniques are called heuristics and comprise a significant area of AI research. A heuristic is an effective but potentially faulty problem solving strategy. The commonly referred intelligence seems to inhabit in the heuristics used by humans to solve problems. Modern-day successes in computer based game playing include world championships in backgammon and chess.
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Proving a mathematical theorem is an intensive mentally challenging task. It requires understanding of hypotheses and involves judgment. This judgment is based on a large amount of expert knowledge and an accurate guess as to which formerly proven theorem would help in the present proof. This helps to divide the main problem into sub-problems to be worked on independently. Several automatic theorem-proving software programs have been developed that have this ability to a limited extent. The representation of intellectual techniques using the language of predicate logic helps in comprehending the components of reasoning more clearly. Many informal tasks, like making an error diagnosis, can be expressed with theoremproving problems. Hence, theorem proving is an important sub-part of AI. Expert Tasks: Expert tasks are the tasks that involve specialised knowledge to provide expert outcome in the specific area. The following applications fall under this category: Engineering (design, fault finding, manufacturing, planning, and so on). Scientific analysis. Medical diagnosis. Financial analysis. One set of problems is related with specifying optimal schedules. A typical example is the Travelling Salesman Problem, where the problem is to find a minimum distance route, starting at one of several cities, going to other cities only once, and then coming back to the starting city. The problem is to find a minimum cost path over the edges of a graph consisting of n nodes such that each of the n nodes is attended only once. In such problems, the field of possible combinations or sequences from which to select an answer is large. Expert systems are automatic analysing systems. They provide expert judgements about specialised areas. Expert systems have been built in such a way that they can detect and correct faults in military systems, such as aircrafts and radars. They also scientifically classify members of a particular species, recommend on possible chemical structures, find natural resources, and diagnose diseases. There are two main components in the design of every expert system. One is the expression of knowledge, and the other is utilising this knowledge to get conclusions. Expression of knowledge is complex because expert knowledge can be indefinite or uncertain.
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Usually, the knowledge is expressed as a Knowledge is also expressed in structures Conclusions are generally obtained through inference. Other forms of conclusion, such as also seriously being looked into.

large set of simple rules. called frames and scripts. the method of rule based probabilistic conclusion, are

Self-Assessment Questions 4. Which task focuses on handling large and complex domain space for problem solving? 5. Artificial intelligence is the ________ and _________ of computer programs that perform intelligent functions. 6. A heuristic is an effective but potentially faulty ________________ strategy. 7. The representation of intellectual techniques using the language of __________ logic helps in comprehending the components of reasoning more clearly. 8. Expression of knowledge is easy because expert knowledge can be indefinite or uncertain. Usually, the knowledge is expressed as a large set of simple rules. (True/False)? Activity 2 Prepare a lecture on the Artificial Intelligence technology.

13.4 Knowledge Management





After studying the role of AI techniques, we will now study about the knowledge management techniques for technology management. Knowledge Management requires technologies to assist the new strategies, processes, methods and techniques to effectively create, distribute, share and apply the best knowledge, any time and any place, across groups, across several organisations, particularly its clients, customers, partners, suppliers and other important stakeholders. The main technologies are communication and collaboration technologies that are web-enabled for internet and intranet purpose, as well as mobile technologies, including PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant a handheld device that combines computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking
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features), PCs (Personal Computer a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time), cell phone and video-conferencing. New technologies that act as intelligent systems and assistants to search, summarise, conceptualise and identify standards of information and knowledge, are rapidly coming up. We have a set of management activities engaged in dealing with an object, which is the focus of knowledge management. This instantly defines two important aspects of knowledge management, a knowledge management level and a knowledge object level. A simple distinction between these two is depicted in figure 13.2 and is reasonably standard from a control theory point of view. Figure 13.2 depicts the levels in knowledge management

Figure 13.2:Levels in knowledge management

We will now briefly discuss about the key methods and techniques of Knowledge Management for Technology Management. 13.4.1 Review Though the Review activity is accepted as a starting point, this does not necessarily mean that in practice every KM cycle has to begin at this point. We can classify the review activity into two sub-activities, which are monitoring performance and evaluation of the performance, as explained below.

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Monitor Performance: Monitoring the performance of an organisation from a knowledge management point of view requires that the appropriate monitoring procedures are in position and operational. These procedures are based on the kind of measures taken previously while reviewing and must be modified according to them. But, not only development plans must be monitored, an eye must also be kept on the knowledge store of the organisation. Particularly, it is important to study the external environment for new events that may have impacts on the manner the organisation is dealing with knowledge.

You can see this in figure 13.3, which shows the incoming arrows that will influence the implementation of the knowledge management cycle.
Inventarisation of knowledge & oraganisational context External & Internal developments

External & Internal developments

Analysis of strong and weak points

Conceptualise Evaluation results Review Comparision of old and new situation Act Development of knowledge Consolidation of knowledge External & Internal Combination developments Distribution of of knowledge knowledge Reflect Planning of improvements Definition of required improvements

External & Internal developments

Figure 13.3: Knowledge Management Cycle

(We have discussed and are discussing this diagram throughout this section). Evaluate Performance: We must evaluate the performance, in reference to the original objectives of the results from the implemented improvement plans. This is very complicated, because the relation between actions and results is quite often fragile, especially when the time spent between implementation of the action, and occurrence of results is substantial. But, even if one is not concerned to finding the
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precise fundamental relations between actions and results, the important point is to have an idea where the organisation is moving strategically. We can describe these strategies at two levels: Fundamental strategies feed the driving forces behind the organisation. Knowledge management strategies, concentrating more to where the organisation is heading with its knowledge store. Both strategic aspects can be used to evaluate the current performance of the organisation against high levels goals. How to complete this evaluation depends on the nature of the subject is to be evaluated. In principle, common methods and techniques for conclusion support or program evaluation can be used. 13.4.2 Conceptualise This is another technique of knowledge management. Let us have a look at some of the concepts related to this technique. Inventory: One of the key factors for effective knowledge management is, to get an image of the knowledge in the organisation. This leads to finding answers to the questions related to knowledge. You can see the fundamental structure that we will use for dealing with these questions in figure 13.4, which shows the key aspects of inventory.

Figure 13.4: Key Aspects of Inventory Sikkim Manipal University Page No. 257

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The first and principal question we have to answer is the recognition of knowledge assets. However, this is not an easy job because, as already seen above, knowledge assets are hardly visible. This requires the choice of an appropriate description level for knowledge assets. Analysis of strong and weak points: We can do the analysis of strong and weak points in various ways, by using different methods. Let us briefly study about two such methods, namely, Bottleneck analysis, and strengths (S) weaknesses (W) opportunities (O) threats (T) (SWOT) analysis. Bottleneck analysis: However, before using this method, you need to pay attention to certain generic bottlenecks that often occur in organisations. This analysis is essential because most bottlenecks are not easily identified, particularly not by those who are strictly involved in using knowledge assets. SWOT analysis: This method includes the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of a firm and the opportunities and threats it is facing. It is a widely used method. In the perspective of knowledge management, we can use it for two different objectives: o Setting the high level goals for the organisation. o Analysing the knowledge store of the organisation from the perspective of one or more of those goals. The first crucial step is to define these goals clearly. When there are more number of goals, it is easier to perform a SWOT analysis for each goal separately. Combining too many goals together will baffle the analysis, particularly when SWOTs are generated and evaluated by different people. In order to make their judgment comparable they need the same outline of reference. The procedure of determining SWOTs can be different, ranging from rigorous sessions lasting for one or several days to individual interviews with knowledgeable candidates. 13.4.3 Reflect The main objective of the Reflect phase is to create improvement plans that have a considerable chance of success, when executed in the Act phase (converting improvement plans into operational plans). Though this seems to be a bit of academic quibbling, but there is a significant distinction between an improvement and an improvement plan here. In order to realise
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an improvement, those actions must be undertaken which will have to consider organisational and other obstacles. In practice, there will be extensive trials between the description and selection of improvements, and the description and selection of improvement plans. In the improvement, the importance is given to increasing the value of knowledge resources for the organisation, while in the improvement plan, risks become more important. Let us have a look at some phases of reflect. Define and select improvements: The Conceptualise phase of reflect generates a set of bottlenecks, issues, chances, and defects for which improvements must be recognised. In addition, not all improvements can be achieved at the same time or some may be too expensive. Hence, they have to get a priority rating. This recognition process is of highest importance, and it is absolutely critical to keep the analysis of problems and bottlenecks apart from the description of improvements until this stage. Many alleged improvements came to misery, simply because they were described before an appropriate conceptualise stage had been implemented. Among all the errors that can be made, the worst ones are solving the wrong problem and choosing the wrong solution. Particularly, when IT is involved, these dangers appear large. Another blunder is, to think that improvements can be easy, single measures. As managing knowledge is a difficult task, and knowledge is deeply rooted in the functions of the organisation, it is seldom the case that something simple will bring big profits. Define and select improvement plans: After improvements have been selected, it is necessary to convert them into operational plans. Most of the times, this will result in starting one or more new projects. These projects requires that attention must be given some factors, which are: Time scale (start date, end date). Budget (amount of money that the project has available). Deliverables (what is the project going to deliver and when). People and other resources (inputs to the project). Quality planning and control (who keeps track of the quality of the products). Responsibilities (who takes care of what, who is the project leader).

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As each of these factors will be implemented differently depending on the situation, not much can be said about them. Nevertheless, the risks involved in running improvement plans must be carefully analysed. Risks can be analysed by a simple scheme that combines the probability of occurrence of a risk with the estimated brutality of the impact of the risk on one or more quality characteristics of the improvement plan. Usually, risks with a high probability of happening and a severe impact must be taken seriously. An improvement plan prone to several risks should be reconsidered, even if the expected profit from it is large. 13.4.4 Act The Act phase of the cycle in figure 13.3 deals with the actual running of the improvement plans. In the conceptual structure, running of the improvement plans is not a part of knowledge management. It belongs to adjoining areas that have their own methods, techniques and tools for support. Some of these are: Human Resource Management: Many improvements will have instant consequences for people in the company. For example, payment schemes, training, promotion, recruiting of staff, and movement of personnel, and so on. Information Technology: Another major improvement technique is information technology. It offers all kinds of methods that can be used to improve the knowledge store, such as, knowledge based systems, data base systems, machine learning, workflow systems, and group decision support systems. For creating these applications, organisations have their own methods and techniques. For example, in knowledge based systems the complete Common KADS methodology is available, making knowledge engineering results available for the organisations. Organisation development: Most of the times, we must reconsider the way of organising, and the way of functioning. Business Process Reengineering is an important technique in this area, but others can be found in the theory. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) involves the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to accomplish dramatic improvements in crucial contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed.

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Self Assessment Questions 9. Which are the two sub activities of Review? 10. The monitoring must be evaluated in reference of the original __________ of the results from the implemented improvement plans. 11. One of the key factors for effective knowledge management is to get an image of the ____________ in the organisation. 12. After improvements have been selected it is not necessary to convert them into operational plans. (True/False)? 13. The main objective of the Reflect phase is to create improvement plans that have a considerable chance of success when executed in the Act phase. (True/False)? Activity 3: Prepare a lecture on how the review, conceptualise, reflect and act phases are implemented.

13.5 Summary
In this unit, we understood the concept of knowledge based technology (KBT) and also the different knowledge based programming techniques and tools. We analysed that KBT may have been in conception in research laboratories for many years, but as a usable technology it is still very new. Knowledge-Based Technology has a lot of potential to support the activities of managers in many organisations. In this unit, we studied about the role of artificial intelligence techniques and the different fields in which the artificial intelligence techniques have been applied to. We studied that the artificial intelligence techniques are basically applied to three fields, namely, common tasks, formal tasks and expert tasks. After discussing the role of artificial intelligence techniques, we studied about the different knowledge management techniques for technology management. We analysed that the Knowledge Management (KM) includes a range of strategies and techniques used in an organisation to recognise, develop, represent, share, and enable adoption of observations and experiences. We also studied about some techniques of knowledge management, such as, review, conceptualise, reflect, and act.
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13.6 Glossary
Terms Business intelligence Description Business intelligence (BI) refers to computer-based techniques used in spotting, digging-out, and analyzing business data, such as sales revenue by products and/or departments or associated costs and incomes. It is referred as the analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organisation. CommonKADS is the leading methodology to support structured knowledge engineering in an organisation. It refers to experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery. KE is an engineering discipline that involves integrating knowledge into computer systems in order to solve complex problems normally requiring a high level of human expertise. It is a type of reasoning, where additional information may invalidate conclusions. A problem domain is the area of expertise or application that needs to be examined to solve a problem. A semantic network is a network which represents meaningful relations among concepts.

Business Process Reengineering CommonKADS Heuristics Knowledge engineering

Non-monotonic reasoning Problem domain Semantic networks

13.7 Terminal Questions

1. Briefly describe the knowledge based technology process. 2. What are the tools and techniques of knowledge based technology? 3. Discuss the different fields, where artificial intelligence techniques have been applied. 4. Briefly explain the review technique of knowledge management. 5. List the knowledge related problems in bottleneck analysis. 6. Categorise the steps involved in a SWOT method of analysis. 7. Describe the reflect technique of knowledge management.

13.8 Answers
Self Assessment Questions 1. Software 2. Case-specific and domain-specific
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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

False Formal tasks Creation and studying Problem solving Predicate False Monitor performance and Evaluate performance Objectives Knowledge False True

Terminal Questions 1. Refer section 13.2 Knowledge Based Technology and Techniques. 2. Refer section 13.2 Knowledge Based Technology and Techniques. 3. Refer section 13.3 Role of Artificial Intelligence Techniques. 4. Refer section 13.4 Knowledge Management Techniques for Technology Management. 5. Refer section 13.4 Knowledge Management Techniques for Technology Management. 6. Refer section 13.4 Knowledge Management Techniques for Technology Management. 7. Refer section 13.4 Knowledge Management Techniques for Technology Management.

13.9 Case Study

Company profile ABC bank is Indias one of the largest bank with total assets USD 73 billion. The bank has a network of 1883 branches and about 4356 ATMs in India and presence in 10 countries. ABC bank offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised subsidiaries in the area of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management.
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Challenge: ABC bank believes that building a learning organisation is critical for being competitive in products and services and meeting customer expectations. Hence, ABC bank felt a need to create and generate the culture of knowledge sharing. The need was triggered by mass migration of workers from their treasury moving towards the then greener pastures of the IT sector. Whenever an employee moves, he does not leave behind him documented information about the job or client that he was associated with. This causes a lot of botheration for the new incumbent. A new employee spends most of the time trying to build a foundation and begin his work. Some employees have interacted via emails and have never seen each other. So there was an urgent need to bring all the employees on a single platform to build a common relationship. Solution: The ABC bank People Share program was started to create and generate a culture of knowledge sharing. The People Share program was floated in the companys intranet and it eventually became a part of the intranet. Awareness was generated by sending emails to all employees and by putting banners on the intranet site. In order to sustain interest in the site, efforts were made to acknowledge the contributions made by the users. Every month the top three contributors are selected on the basis of the contributions made in the last three consecutive months. A personal corner exists on the People Share, whereby one can save searches or track ones level of involvement on the People Share or count K-cash points or update personal profile. The expertise that is mentioned in the profile helps in tracking people in an expert manner. The people tracker can also track people on the basis of names, or departments or areas. Result: After the complete integration of the People Share program in the intranet of the company, employees were able to monitor their performances and contributions in the company. People Share helped the employees to know each other in a better way and to cultivate a healthy atmosphere in the company. Trackers within People Share helped the new incumbent to the job to brief himself about the
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background of the client or the business in hand. It also allowed the people to interact with the CEOs and CFOs in a formal meeting which is announced beforehand. 1. What was the major challenge faced by ABC Bank? Hint: Employee migration. 2. How did ABC Bank overcome this problem? Hint: People Share. References Rajendra Arvind Akerker and Priti Srinivas Sajja, (2010), KnowledgeBased Systems. nd_Solutions?page=1&taxonomyId=3011

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