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NEWSLETTER of Barbados Mission Churches of Christ

Bill and Esther Gage Mark, Marshall and John

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Granville, Audrey and Rosalind Patricia Prescod (left): He can t read writing but he knows God. Audrey is teaching her husband to read from a new Bible sent from the States. Granville is a fine song leader and soloist. As he can't read, he memorizes all the songs. He knows more stanzas of more songs than any man I know. Barbados' method of moving lumber and most everything (right): "Push ya foot on dat brake pedal, man we is comin' through!" 670 students marching to school (below). Government-supported schools are Anglican Catholic controlled.

Pages from the Gages

of Carib Light as the man who tarried for the Spirit in a Pentacostal church for one-and-aDuring November we pitched a tent at the half years. His progress in the knowledge of the south point of Barbadosin a dogmatized Anglican Word has been just short of sensational. Brother Catholic community. Fourteen were added by Best holds six classes and preaching services baptism. Te plan to leave the tent at the present each week in and about Chamocks. Since his location (Enterprise) until the congregation is conversion, seven have responded to the Gospel dirough his preaching. properly organized and housed. The second tent went up at Chamocks during December. We shall begin a l6-day evangelistic Following the meeting at Chamocks, we plan campaign at Chamocks next Lord's Day (Janu* to move the tentto Bridgetown, near Kew House. ary lldi). Theme of the meeting: "Sixteen Chac^ Twenty-eight attended communion services at acteristics of Ae One True Church." Kew House last Lord's Day. Sixty days have passed since we last wiote K) you. Sorry. No, we are not ill or dead, but alive, well and stirring. As Paul put it, "Breth ren, the timeis short," andwe have been pushing to improve the shining hour.
Brother Best has been making a sdr in this (Chamocks) community for die past several
weeks. He was mentioned in the October issue

Brothers Ronald Graham and Colin Bynoe (left): newly appointed elders at

Enterprise. Vernon Harding and Samuel Lovell (also appointed) were not avail able for picture. All preach at various points of the island. Brother and Sister
Brewster (right): two of the 14 recently baptized at Enterprise. Brother Brewster has enrolled in the preachers* training school. He owns a small dry-cleaning plant. Gone native (below): John and Marshall with their "Boys* Palace*rabbit hutches in back. They are the proud owners of 17 rabbits last count.

Display materials for use in conventions, missionary meetings and study are available from Mrs. Myrtle Coile, Saybrook, Illinois. Our only request is diat you book ahead as far as

possible, and when finished widi the display, remm it to Mrs. Coile immediately. She has recently had to tum down a number of requests because some had not retumed the display for
several weeks.

Just For Women

Now that all the Chnstmas and New Year appreciate it. Just a reminder, though; please holidays are over, we can once more dig into a drop Mrs, Coile a card to let her know when you regular routine and start the New Year off right, move. It would also help if you would give her

We want to thank each of you for the many y"'

lovely Christmas cards, letters and gifts we re-

address as well. Postal rateshavegone

Barbados for the

ceived last mondi. We have tried to answer all,

but still have a few more to write. Please be
if it is not in an air mail envelope. The other day we received a 10^ air mail letter in a plain envelope it took 19 days to reach usi Now even in the Christmas rush, that was too long, We assume that someone at the postoffice failed

sure when you write us to put 10^ postage on We all look forward to our coming furlough the letter, in addirion to the words "Air Mail" in die States and to renewing acquaintances as

well as to meering manyof you for the first rime, But we shall miss Barbados very much. Of course, our two youngest boys hardly remember anyone at home; for they were only five and six when we left. John said the other night: wish

to note that the postage called for air mail and we had been to the States and were back in Bat

they inadvertently sent it boat mail. Very often bados again!" With all the packing, shipping,

it takes two or two>and-a-half months for boat selling (our stove and refrigerator have ^most
mail to reach us or we may get it in a week*s seen better days now in this climate), etc., there time. is much to be done. Due to all this extra, we

here in Barbados. First, the aircraft carrier SS

It seems as though it has been months and months since last we put out a Carib Light October, in fact and so much has happened

mimeographing our Aank you contributors to the mission these next ofmonths. We know you will understand

Intrepid visited Barbados and our boys school

tour. It was such a

that we are stoving to get as much woric

To those of you who have been so very generous in sending King James version Bibles and New Testaments, we want to extend our grateful thanks as well as the appreciation of those here who have received them. Then we were also able to give each Bible school child (as well as some
of the 'older" children!) a New Testament for

appreciate your gifts as much as ever.

.wf?it:_out for

marvelous opportunity for them and they had many things to tell us when they got back home, The day following the Intrepid*s departure, die jets planned an air show for the people of Barbados. It was such an awe-filling sight, but ended in near tragedy when one of the jets
crashed into the sea.

His week (Januaiy 7th) has seen Barbados Christmas. For many, this is the first entrance
put on the map again, with the arrival of the

Small V/orll The Advocate (local newspaper)

bear much iniit. Anglicans are encouraged and New Testaments may well
w the false doctrines in


usually carries a block of world headlines, and "

imagine how our collective egos were deflated

when wesawthatin New Yoric and San Francisco the Small World did not even make headlines! B^^jados.

As one man humorously remarked on the bus widi Does God get the busy signal on your line me yesterday: "The Small World has hit the Big to heaven or is it always open to His teachings? Wodd!* Bill and I accidently almost saw the ~ Esther gondola; Doria Eastmond was baptized Monday
afternoon at Silver Sands, and a few minutes later

the gondola came around the bend. Today we hope to take the boys to Queen's Paric to see

Johe^ lUmoiA So far as we know, the pnce

Will be 50^ again.

the crew members and gondola. By the ume you get this, our new packet should be availaMe from Mission Services in

Jet plane from the SS latreptd crashed in the sea off Barbado s (see Just for Women), Spectators Careenage, tmck tan ^ bicycles crashed 'ten at a dme,


other accidents were not reported as the air

trampled, and numerous

Many of you have been so kind to let us display ended in near-tragedy. The pilot surknow of changes in your addresses and we do vived without a scratch.

Forwarding Secretary: Mrs. Myrtle G>ile Saybrook, Illinois

Field Address:

Box 193

Bridgetown, Barbados
West Indies

New Birth Small World

Air mail letters are 10^; boat mail costs two cents less, but may take from three weeks to
no trouble





two or three months to reach us.

remembering the date of her birth into Christ. Immediately after her baptism, the gondola of
the Small ^orld was towed around the "South


Point" of the island. We had to hurry the service We should like to book as many speaking a little, as swarms of people were coming to engagements, camps and revivals as possible the beach. before leaving Barbados.


Please send in a date request to us herein Barbados, with two or more alternative dates so

that we can finalize as many as possible by 10,000 tracts on The One True Church May 1st. Marks That Matter have now been printed foruse in evangelistic woric here.

This tract is an eight-page (514 hy 8 inch) We hope to be in Saybrook, Illinois, by Scriptural examination of 16 characteristics of the one true church. It appeals to the personal May 5tii. We shall need $581.50 basic travel test and has already proven popular as to re* expense before March 31st.


It cost J150 U. S. dollars to print. Funds New packet for the Gages is now available were taken from other sources to pay the bill. Please designate all contributions toward this from Mission Services, Box 968, Joliet, Illinois. cost to 'Literature.** We shall send you a copy Price: 50^. All materials are completely new. A new set of slides also will soon be available. of this tract from the field upon request.



Champaign County Men's Fellowship. . .Deland. . .Elgin.. .Farmer City

Fisher. . .Heyworth. . .Homer. . .Leroy. . .Monticello Oreana. . .Soybrook. . .Tuscola. . .Villa Grove. . .Wapella
We thank God for those who sustain us in our mission. Other churches and

individuals have helped us tremendously. We have not listed individuals for

privacy's sake. Though other churches have helped, we have only listed those
who have indicated systematic giving so we can plan our work accordingly. Mrs. Myrtle Coile, forwarding secretary, publishes o financial statement every other

Saybrook, Illinois



l*"!. I Box

11- L 193, D Bridgetown

Lord's Reapers

Saybrook, Illinois PERMIT NO. 1


Barbados, West Indies

Form 3547 Please

% Larry Allen Box )45!4




Property of


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Jopiia, Mo,

FunLOUgH N s


Banhado^ {^i.^d^diorif Qhiuiche^

UlLL and ^jAikeA. - f^ank, {tiafuhxilL and yohn.

Pages from the Gages

Many of you have not ceased to intercede for us in prayer and finance and now we are anx ious to bring you up to date FAMILY AND FIELD

1* FOUR CHURCHES are now planted in Barbados* Planted? Oh, I mean that there is evidence to believe that they will contend for the faith as organized congregations and coomit the same to faithful men, even if we never see their faces again* 2* NONE of those four congregations have
a PROPER BUILDING* With eleven native men

We ARRIVED in the States TEN WEEKS ago from Barbados* During this brief itinerary, we have filled THIRTY-THREE speaking ENGAGEMENTS. This involved a frequent change of residence and our boys are beginning to wonder "Where is hone?"
We are anxious to settle down to some HOME LIFE*

Esther shall tell you a little more along this

line under "JUST FOR WOMEN."

preaching, there shall probably be many other congregations in the near future* Now, we know that it would not be practical, nor spiritually wise, just to "put up" buildings for them. But a LOAN FUND would be a marvelously great EN
COURAGEMENT to them* Even Solomon said that

ABOUT THE FIELD; So many soul-thrilling things have happened on the field and in our lives that we can only wonder and praise.

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick*"

Skipping over this, we shall begin with its present


3* HOW would we HANDLE a loan fund? Briefly: monies received shall be placed in a TRUST fund

in the States and LOANED to INCORPORATED congre

gations in the loyer Caribbean.

4. HOW MUCH do you need?


is a good figure to start witha What will $15,000 do? It will build a SWIMMING POOL for a Christian service camp. It will put up a right decent

6. We have thought of a number WAYS the LORD could PROVIDE $15,000. In fact, we schemed and dreamed about this for about eight weeks and
then discarded all ideas. Then one of the ELDERS

PARSONAGE with donated labor, etc. But, in Bar bados it will build FOUR CHURCH BUILDINGS, in

at Saybrook said that he would give at least

FIFTY DOLLARS (He ended up making it $150). We

calculated that there were many, MANY more who would invest at least this amount. Divide 15,000 by 50 and you get THREE HUNDRED or the number of DONORS necessary to raise $15,000 at $50 each.
Incidentally, 300 is the number of soldiers Gideon had in his army when he routed 135,000 Midianites. We are praying that the Lord will give us THREE HUNDRED MEN, like GIDEON'S BAND ,

5. Not only will such an investment do a GREATER amount of WORK in a NEEDIER land than

this, but the same money shall be PAID BACK to be used by other churches. You see, such a loan
fund could be an INVESTMENT IN ETERNITY.

Just For Women

We are enjoying being back in the States again, but miss very much our friends in Barbados. It has been so wonderful to meet many of you as we have gone about on speaking datessome of you we've already "met" through your letters, and others have been only a name on the address file until we have met you. From our date books, it seems as if our summer will be a busy one. We have six weeks of camp scheduled, plus one revival meeting. Besides that, we will attend the North American in Atlanta the end of this month, which will (with travel) take almost another week. We are

saving one week in which to move to Lincoln.

I have never been fond of living out of a suit case, but it looks as if we'll be all but doing that this sunnier. Seriously, though, we are looking forward to meeting the young people and teachers at camp and know we shall gain much from

These past weeks have been filled with much work, and trying to get temporarily settled in an eight-room house here in Saybrook* At the end of our first month in the States, John

(especially) kept saying, "When are going to get

a house and settle down?" They were all so tired of the round of visiting families and friends, and were anxious to keep their feet on the ground

the fellowship with them* Incidentally, since buying our *57 Plymouth, we have put 7,0UU miles on itthe boys say we need a helicopter; that's their idea of traveling in style.

again (all three of the boys were excellent travellers on our trip to the States by plane).

Tomorrow (June 13) is Excursion Day or church

picnic at Barbados. Recalling that day last year brings many happy memories back to us and we long for the day we can be there again. During our furlough, we have decided to only publish a two-page Carib Light, rather than the regular four-page. This is to cut expenses to a
minimum and due to the fact also that there is

Mark, Marshall and John were thus able to finish

their last three weeks of schooling here, in Saybrook. Our present plans are to leave here the first

week in July to live in Lincoln, Illinois, where

Bill will attend LBI beginning in September. (But please keep sending our mail to Saybrook until the first of September, as we shall be gone practically the entire summer and Mrs. Coile will

take care of mail for us.)

We have an apartment

rented there, in a building owned by LBI, known as Madison Avenue Apartments (we understand there is also a briefer name for the apartments!).
Some of you have asked if Mrs. Coile is continuing as our forwarding agent. Yes. All funds should still be sent to her: Mrs. Myrtle Coile, Saybrook, Illinois. She*s done a remark able job with the busy schedule she keeps. In cidentally, she and her husband are anticipating the birth of a second grandchild very soon.

not as much Barbados news for us to personally report. Our thanks to the Walter Shores of the St. Joseph Church who are publishing this issue of Carib Light for us. We procrastinated too long on our materials, and wanting a new issue out for the North American, there was not time to send it to Mission Services, who ordinarily do the print job for us.

Trusting we'll meet many more of you during

these summer months.


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Pages ftom the Gages

Esther told me to write this letter or eLse
tance from here.

is loading Che Rambler in order to attend the missionary

rally at Danville starting tonight -- so here goes.

Eighteen (18) have Joined the Gideon Band since our last
publication. Pledges plus special offerings have totaled $2500.00 as o today. Many of you have not sent in pledge cards, chough you intend to do so. Some of you are sending
regular pledges amounting to $50 or $5 per month or more.

Five weeks ago the church at Armington, Illinois, call

ed us Co their ministry until time to return to Barbados
next sunmier. You can hardly imagine how wonderful it is to
be in a full>sized house with a bathtub in i t -- and the

Now, if you fall into either of these categories, plese send

in your notice of enlistment Co the Gideon Band before next

folks here have just "outdone" themselves in making the par

sonage home beautiful. But as a result of this move, many of our speaking en gagements were cancelled. Someone wrote last week to inquire if we were returning to Barbados; Yes we are. From the tone

publication cime. I have been asked to publish a list of Che Gideon Band progressively in order that you might be kept

of the letter, 1 got the idea chat this person was disappoint

We thank you sincerely for your faithful support. We know what money is: it is shoes for the children, it is
food on the Cable; i t is life transmitted into currency;

ed in us for cancelling a speaking engagement. We are sorry

and would not have taken the church here except that we

thought ic to be the best stewardship of time, service and money. When our return passage to Barbados has been booked,

it is the very heart's pulse of every Christian; "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

we will make anocher attempt to reach churches of great dis

Question; What are you doing with your living-link funds now that you are preaching at Armington?

Answer; Putting it into the loan fund as fast as it comes in.

Just For Women

Since our Last CARIB LIGHT, we've met many more of you, had six wonderful weeks of camp all the way from southern IllLitois up to the heart of Michigan, and finally settled down here at Arnlngton. It is so good to have a home on land
again for all sunmer the Rambler was our home most of the

Sometimes we do not understand why things have to be a cer tain way, and we were left to wonder when and how would we move to Lincoln, unless it would be the week the boys start ed to school. But the Lord saw fit to lead the way to the folks at Armington, and now we are happy to have our home,

Bach cifM we left a camp, there was always a tearshsdding ion in 'the back seat, for the boys hated leav ing nM>(oun4 friands. They say, "But we probably won't ever
chcm again," and while we know in some instances that is crua, wa know also chat even if we nover meet again hera on

rh, chr# Will IM tn even greeer Honvcoming in Hoavn tnd

Please address all correspondence to us at Amington, Illinois. All funds, both mission and Gideon Band funds, should still ba sent to Mrs Myrtle Coile, S&ybrook, Illinois (Incidentally, the new arrival turned out to be a grandson for the Coiles and will be known as Randy.) Mail sent to us at Saybrook will still rosoh us, but a day or two laeer.

etn look foiMrd eo ehaCi wa le nmy joyous oiiporiinfitt luffini ihi iinfr ihtt m wUh it voro poiiiblt eo shiva ehin all vicli Mv lul M in only gLvo ,yeu glimpio . i ecap' ClM olrolof ai Lictlo Oallloo . t i maoeing old and naw
frianda at eha KoreK Amariean . . . a v^k of erallar Ufa

and aaatlng aona voqdarful folks in Missouri ehanka eo Oaan and tfinnia 4onaa . . ranawing old aequaineanoas afear a ean yaar absanea frea aoueham tllinoia caap ae w^ae Frankfore .

. faeuicy gae eogoehara afear vaapra ae Prairia Seaea .

waearmalon faad ae Hisaisaippi Vallay . aoma "una^asonabla" cold waaehar ae Rock Laka, Michigan . . . adule waak at Lieela Oalilaa (wieh tha boys and X rsmaining ae Armingeon

Koi# Chat tha boya ara in aehool, our lattara eo our autRRor eoneribueora will loon ba on ehair wayi Mra Coila haa baan anding our raeaipea all along, and ie has baan our ineaneion eo wriea yeu a paraonal noea of ehanka also, but duf eo our buay aehadula wa hava noe kapt up<*eoodae on ehoaa laee^ra. Bue w^ hop^ ehae aoon wa ahall ba caught up on our corrospend^nca and ehae you will ba haarjlng |gularly from ua again. Wa do appraciaea ao vary nueh your

eo "aaeela**) . . and cliraaxing eha ummar wieh a gloriou*

weokis maaeing ae cur firae paaeoraea in Saaaar, Illinoia.
Many of you parhapa do noe know ehae during Auguae we moved to Armingeon, Illinoia. Our previous schedule eo move eo Lincoln waa eaneellsd dua eo a fall I received raeuming froffl eha Noreh American . . inseaad of spending ehe week mov

t^e ua ranambar ehae goa^ip of ah avil natura huree all eoneamcd. But lat ua goaaip eha Bajcn way* by "aeiek*

ing God in eha aar" of a ainnar. And eheugh Barbadoa may

ba far away mile-wiaa, eha paopla ehera ara vary near eo our haarea and we ara ehankful for the opportuniey we have

of helping then to know our Lord.

--- Esther

ing, I apane moae of it in bed,' racuporating from tha fall.



X wftnt to bt * soldier in the Gideon Band.

A recent ruling of eha Ineamal Revenue Service aaya ehat gifea eo a piaaion earmarked for a particular miasionary or "paraonaliaed gifea" are noe daduceibU for tax

Please accept this check($50) made payable to

"Barbados Mission Churches of Christ** as my enrolInent fee.

Organisation or Individual

( The above ia a poreion of an areiela by Harrold MeFarland which appeared in a recene iasue of HORIZONS, Jbliee, Illinois)
To claim deduceiona, please make all cheeks payable eo


eo us peraonally.

Forwarding aacreeary: Mrs. Myreia Coile Saybrook, Illinoia

Oages' addreaa Bill Gage Ainingeen, Illinoia

1 shall endeavor to send $5.00 each month

for the next ten months for tsy enrollment in

the *!GidMn Band.'*


Organization or Individual
. Gidaon Band carda may aeill b aecured from eieher eh Gagaa or Rta. Coila. Paae iaauaa of CARIB LIGHT ar alao


Christian Church

Saybropk, Illinois
for BUI ani Calhfff Cage


Men-Piofit OrgaaiBotlen U. S. Pottage PAID Soybiobk, lllioola PERMIT NO. 1

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