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When we speak with other person speech act is very simple.

Although language is complex because it involves mental activities we dont notice it because for us speech act is part of our daily routing. When someone tell something to us first we recognize the words then we determine the meaning of every word in context of the sentence and then you answer thus humans use speech act to several purposes like ask things, know people express feeling, etc. Thats what make a difference bot wean humans and animals. Social Context This is a very important factor that affect second language learning the best social context is being in the place where the you want to learn is spoken thus you will be expose every day to the language that you want to learn like for example immigrants they are (inmersos) in the context of forcing language thus the second language will get in to the learner, for the learner will be necessary to learn the second language because for example if he want to buy something he will have to learn the second language to express what he want first days the learner speak just a little mostly he just receive oral and written messages in that process he is accumulating words, phrases small structures and expressions that later he may use to express his ideas. On the other hand example if the learner lives for from the place where second language is a spoken he wont be able to leer second language. Another o sot the second language is very different to the first language it will be difficult to the leer ne to learn second language for example of a Peruvian student want to learn Chinese its going to be very difficult. Levels of second language acquisition Physical level I every human own the some speech organs which are controlled for brain motrocidad fine is develop. Until 12 years it means until 12 years speech muscles (aparato, fonedor) have adapted to mother tongue thats the reason that explain that mostly second language learners have a accent because of his first language. 7.- Cognitive level: Language is part of the cognition (cognicion) Piaget use the word (equilibrio) saying that intellectual development is a process on it at first there is (incertidumbre and tension). For the child (desequilibrios not a tension que debe evitarse. If not (sino a motivation but with adults it is the opposite case. Adults want to avoid every kind of tensiones for that he is not (dispuesto) to learn a new language or get in a un know environment go to learn a second language people should second language like children curious and confidents (confiados)

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